Built motion from commit 3b7b4c11.|2.0.47
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / chat / i18n / en.json
1 {
2     "CHAT": {
3         "FORMSUBMITSUCCESSMESSAGE": "Form submit success message",
4         "FORMSUBMITFAILUREMESSAGE": "Form submit failure message",
5         "PLACEHOLDERMESSAGE": "Message placeholder",
6         "NOTETITLE": "Note's title",
7         "CLOSINGQUESTION": "Closing question",
8         "TAGS": "Tags",
9         "SHOWAGENTAVATAR": "Show personal agent avatar",
10         "AGENTAVATAR": "Agent Avatar",
11         "SPYINTERACTION": "Spy",
12         "NO_AGENT_ONLINE": "No Agent Online",
13         "GOTOREALTIME_CHATQUEUE": "Go To Realtime Chat Queue",
14         "PARTIALPAUSE": "Partial Pause",
15         "BUSY": "Busy",
16         "TIMER": "Timer",
17         "IDLE": "Idle",
18         "CAPACITY": "Capacity",
19         "AGENTSADD_QUEUE": "Add Agent to Chat Queue",
20         "QUEUES": "Queues",
21         "LOGGED_IN": "Logged in",
22         "PAUSED": "Paused",
23         "READY": "Ready",
24         "WAITING": "Waiting",
25         "WRITING": "Writing",
26         "CHAT": "Chat",
27         "MAIL": "Email",
28         "SMS": "SMS",
29         "OPENCHANNEL": "Openchannel",
30         "FAX": "Fax",
31         "PAUSE": "Pause",
32         "REALTIME": "Realtime",
33         "AGENTS": "Agents",
34         "FULLNAME": "Full Name",
35         "INTERNAL": "Internal",
36         "PHONE_STATE": "Phone State",
37         "PHONE_STATUS": "Phone Status",
38         "LOGOUT": "Logout",
39         "UNPAUSE": "End Pause",
40         "AGENTADD_QUEUE": "Add Agent to Chat Queue",
41         "TEXT": "Text",
42         "TIMES": "Number of times per interaction",
43         "EDIT_AUTOREPLY": "Edit Auto Reply",
44         "AUTOREPLY": "Auto Reply",
45         "NEW_CHATDISPOSITION": "New Chat Disposition",
46         "ENABLECUSTOMERATTACHMENT": "Enable Customer Attachments",
47         "OFFLINE_CHAT_BUTTON": "'Offline Chat' Button",
48         "OFFLINESTATUS": "Offline Status",
49         "NAME": "Name",
50         "CHATQUEUES": "Chat Queues",
51         "SEARCH_FOR_ANYONE": "Search for anyone",
52         "STRATEGY": "Strategy",
53         "AGENT_TIMEOUT": "Agent Timeout",
54         "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
55         "KEY": "Key",
56         "ALIAS": "Alias",
57         "VARIABLE": "Variable",
58         "INTERVAL": "Interval",
59         "EDIT_CLOSE": "Edit Close",
60         "TIMEZONE": "Timezone",
61         "MESSAGE": "Message",
62         "ADVANCED": "Advanced",
63         "FORWARDTRANSCRIPT": "Forward Transcript",
64         "FORWARDTRANSCRIPTMESSAGE": "Forward Transcript Message",
65         "SKIPMESSAGEBUTTON": "Skip Message Button",
66         "EDIT_MESSAGE": "Edit Message",
67         "CONDITION_AGREEMENT": "Condition Agreement",
68         "NONE": "None",
69         "PRIORITY": "Priority",
70         "ONLINESTATUS": "Online Status",
71         "UNMANAGEDSTATUS": "Unmanaged Status",
72         "AUTOCLOSE": "Enable Autoclose",
73         "ENABLEUNMANAGEDNOTE": "Enable Unmanaged Message",
74         "UNMANAGEDMESSAGE": "Message",
75         "SKIPUNMANAGED": "Skip Message",
76         "SENDUNMANAGED": "Send Message",
77         "WEBSITESCRIPT": "Website Script",
78         "DELETE_OFFLINEMESSAGE": "Delete",
79         "OFFLINEMESSAGES": "Offline Messages",
80         "FORWARD_OFFLINE": "Forward Offline",
81         "SHOW_OFFLINEMESSAGE": "Show",
82         "FORWARD_OFFLINE_ADDRESS": "Forward Offline Address",
83         "CLOSINGFORM": "Closing Form",
84         "ENABLERATING": "Enable Rating",
85         "ENABLECUSTOMERWRITING": "Allow customer writing before agent accepting",
86         "ENABLEFEEDBACK": "Enable Feedback",
87         "RATINGTYPE": "Rating Type",
88         "CLOSINGMESSAGE": "Closing Message",
89         "CLOSINGMESSAGEBUTTON": "Closing Message Button",
90         "RATINGSTARSNUMBER": "Rating Stars Number",
91         "EDIT_GOTOIF": "Edit GotoIf",
92         "CONDITION": "Condition",
93         "TRUEPRIORITY": "True Priority",
94         "FALSEPRIORITY": "False Priority",
95         "VALUE": "Value",
96         "WEBSITEALIAS": "Website Alias",
97         "ERRORS": {
98             "PLACEHOLDERMESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
99             "NOTETITLE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
100             "FORMSUBMITSUCCESSMESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
101             "FORMSUBMITFAILUREMESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
102             "CLOSINGQUESTION_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
103             "HEADER_OFFLINE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
104             "OFFLINE_CHAT_BUTTON_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
105             "TEXT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
106             "SENDUNMANAGED_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
107             "SENDUNMANAGED_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
108             "SKIPUNMANAGED_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
109             "UNMANAGEDMESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
110             "WEBSITEALIAS_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
111             "AGENT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
112             "QUEUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
113             "CONDITION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
114             "PRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
115             "TRUEPRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
116             "FALSEPRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
117             "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
118             "LIST_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
119             "AGENT_TIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
120             "MOTIONADDRESS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
121             "DISPOSITION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
122             "MOTIONADDRESS_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
123             "EMAIL_MUST_BE_VALID": "Wrong format",
124             "ADDRESS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
125             "ADDRESS_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
126             "ENQUIRY_FORWARDING_ADDRESS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
127             "ACCEPTURL_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
128             "TIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
129             "REJECTURL_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
130             "CLOSEURL_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
131             "PRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": " The value must be greater than or equal to",
132             "TRUEPRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": " The value must be greater than or equal to",
133             "FALSEPRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": " The value must be greater than or equal to",
134             "TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": " The value must be greater than or equal to",
135             "POLLING_INTERVAL_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": " The value must be greater than or equal to",
136             "WAITINGMESSAGE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
137             "WAITINGTITLE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
138             "KEY_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
139             "KEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
140             "WAITINGMESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
141             "WAITINGTITLE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
142             "RATINGSTARSNUMBER_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to"
143         },
144         "CM_FIELD": "Contact Manager Field",
145         "CHATPROACTIVEACTIONS": "Proactive Actions",
146         "NEW_CHATPROACTIVEACTION": "New Proactive Action",
147         "EDIT_CHATPROACTIVEACTION": "Edit Proactive Action",
148         "DELETE_CHATPROACTIVEACTION": "Delete Proactive Action",
149         "ADD_CHATPROACTIVEACTION": "Add Proactive Action",
150         "NO_CHATPROACTIVEACTION_AVAILABLE": "No Proactive Actions Available",
151         "NO_OFFLINEMESSAGE_AVAILABLE": "No Offline Messages Available",
152         "MOUSEOVER": "Mouse Over",
153         "TIMEOUT": "Timeout",
154         "TYPE": "Type",
155         "SELECTOR": "Selector",
156         "AGENT": "Agent",
157         "GOTO": "Goto",
158         "GOTOIF": "GotoIf",
159         "NOOP": "Noop",
160         "QUEUE": "Queue",
161         "BUILDER": "Builder",
162         "PREVIEW": "Preview",
163         "EDIT_AGENT": "Edit Agent",
164         "EDIT_QUEUE": "Edit Queue",
165         "EDIT_GOTO": "Edit Goto",
166         "EDIT_GOTOIf": "Edit GotoIf",
167         "EDIT_NOOP": "Edit Noop",
168         "ADD_CHATQUEUE": "Add Chat Queue",
169         "EDIT_CHATQUEUE": "Edit Chat Queue",
170         "DELETE_CHATQUEUE": "Delete Chat Queue",
171         "SETTINGS": "Settings",
172         "SAVE": "Save",
173         "SCRIPT": "Script",
174         "TOKEN": "Token",
175         "CREATED_AT": "Created At",
176         "CHATWEBSITES": "Chat Websites",
177         "MOTIONADDRESS": "Website Domain",
178         "MOTIONPROXY": "Proxy Or Motion Domain",
179         "ADD_CHATWEBSITE": "Add Chat Website",
180         "EDIT_CHATWEBSITE": "Edit Chat Website",
181         "DELETE_CHATWEBSITE": "Delete Chat Website",
182         "LIST": "List",
183         "SNIPPET": "Snippet",
184         "FORMS": "Forms",
185         "UP": "Up",
186         "DOWN": "Down",
187         "COLLAPSE": "Collapse",
188         "PROACTIVEACTIONS": "Proactive Actions",
189         "DISPOSITIONS": "Dispositions",
190         "WEBHOOKS": "WebHooks",
191         "ACTIONS": "Actions",
192         "FIDELITY": "Fidelity",
193         "APPEARANCE": "Appearance",
194         "MAINCOLOR": "Main Color",
195         "FOCUSCOLOR": "Focus Color",
196         "BUTTONCOLOR": "Button Color",
197         "HEADERSHAPE": "Header Shape",
198         "ANIMATION": "Animation",
199         "DEFAULT": "Default",
200         "WHITELABEL": "White Label",
201         "LOGO": "Logo",
202         "DOWNLOADTRANSCRIPT": "Download Transcript",
203         "ENQUIRY_ENABLE": "Enquiry Enable",
204         "ENQUIRY_FORWARDING": "Enquiry Forwarding",
205         "ENQUIRY_FORWARDING_ADDRESS": "Enquiry Forwarding Address",
206         "LABELS": "Labels",
207         "HEADER_ONLINE": "Online Header",
208         "ONLINE_MESSAGE": "Online Message",
209         "NAME_TITLE": "Name Input Label",
210         "USERNAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Username Input Placeholder",
211         "EMAIL_TITLE": "Email Input Label",
212         "EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER": "Email Input Placeholder",
213         "START_CHAT_BUTTON": "'Start Chat' Button",
214         "AGENTS_BUSY": "Busy Agents Message",
215         "HEADER_OFFLINE": "Offline Header",
216         "OFFLINE_MESSAGE": "Offline Message",
217         "MESSAGE_TITLE": "Message Label",
218         "ENQUIRY_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER": "Enquiry Message Input Placeholder",
219         "ENQUIRY_BUTTON": "Enquiry Button Text",
220         "RATING_MESSAGE": "Rating Message",
221         "RATING_SEND": "Rating Send Button Text",
222         "RATING_SKIP": "Rating Skip Button Text",
223         "ONLINE": "Online",
224         "OFFLINE": "Offline",
225         "PROACTIVE": "Proactive",
226         "ACCEPT": "Accept",
227         "ACCEPTMETHOD": "Accept Method",
228         "ACCEPTURL": "Accept URL",
229         "REJECT": "Reject",
230         "REJECTMETHOD": "Reject Method",
231         "REJECTURL": "Reject URL",
232         "CLOSE": "Close",
233         "CLOSEMETHOD": "Close Method",
234         "CLOSEURL": "Close URL",
235         "EMBEDDING": "Embedding",
236         "GENERAL": "General",
237         "SELECTED": "Selected",
238         "SELECT_ALL": "Select All",
239         "SELECT_NONE": "Select None",
240         "BACK": "Back",
241         "HELP": {
242             "KEY": "Website short name (5 char) shown on the Agent Tab",
243             "TOKEN": "Automatically generated token used in the Script",
244             "INTEVAL": "To be selected from the list of the available intervals",
245             "TIMEZONE": "Select one from the list (default=local timezone)",
246             "ENABLERATING": "Enable it if you want the web visitor can rate the interaction at the end",
247             "ENABLEFEEDBACK": "Enable it if you want the web visitor can send a feedback (up to 150 char) at the end",
248             "FORWARDTRANSCRIPT": "Enable it if you want the web visitor is asked to receive a chat transcript via email",
249             "AUTOCLOSE": "Enable it if you want chat sessions to be closed as Unmanaged if no agent is available. Learn more about it at: https://wiki.xcallymotion.com/display/XMV/Chat+Websites#ChatWebsites-Snippet",
250             "ENABLEUNMANAGEDNOTE": "Enable it if you want the visitor is shown a message when all the agents are busy and the chat gets unmanaged",
251             "WEBSITEALIAS": "A prefix used to compose the agent name (prefix+Agent Id) shown to the web visitor during the chat session",
252             "ENABLECUSTOMERWRITING": " Enable it if you want the chat starts without waiting for an available agent (pay attention: if you enable it, your chats will never get unmanaged). Learn more at: https://wiki.xcallymotion.com/display/XMV/Chat+Websites#ChatWebsites-Snippet",
253             "MAPKEY": "The following Motion Contact Manager field:",
254             "FROMKEY": "Will be mapped in your Motion Chat Snippet as:",
255             "COPYSCRIPTTOCLIPBOARD": "Copy and paste the script text into your website",
256             "FORWARD_OFFLINE": "You can add multiple addresses separated by commas (e.g. john.doe@xcally.com, jane.miller@xcally.com)",
257             "MOTIONADDRESS": "The field must have the following format: <protocol>://<ipaddress>[:<port>]. Example: https://X.Y.Z.W",
258             "MOTIONPROXY": "The field must have the following format: <protocol>://<ipaddress>[:<port>]. Example: https://X.Y.Z.W",
259             "NAME": "Only numbers, letters and specific characters (._) are supported",
260             "LIST": "Contact Manager list used to associate Contacts",
261             "INTERVAL": "Select one from the list"
262         },
263         "ADDRESS": "Address",
264         "ONLINESTATE": "Online Status",
265         "OFFLINESTATE": "Offline Status",
266         "RATINGSTATE": "Rating State",
267         "ENQUIRY": "Enquiry",
268         "OFFLINETEMPLATE": "Offline Template",
269         "CHATDISPOSITIONS": "Chat Dispositions",
270         "NO_CHATDISPOSITION_AVAILABLE": "No Chat Dispositions available",
271         "ADD_CHATDISPOSITION": "Add Chat Disposition",
272         "DELETE": "Delete",
273         "EDIT_CHATDISPOSITION": "Edit Chat Disposition",
274         "DELETE_CHATDISPOSITION": "Delete Chat Disposition",
275         "ID": "Id",
276         "NEW_CHATQUEUE": "New Chat Queue",
277         "NEW_CHATWEBSITE": "New Chat Website",
278         "ROUNDED": "Rounded",
279         "SQUARED": "Squared",
280         "NO_AVAILABLE_INFO": "No available info",
281         "ALL_TEAMS": "All Teams",
282         "SELECTED_TEAMS": "Selected Teams",
283         "PAGE": "Page",
284         "ROWSPERPAGE": "Rows per page",
285         "OF": "of",
286         "CONTACT": "Contact",
287         "STARTEDAT": "Started At",
288         "STATUS": "Status",
289         "CLOSED": "Closed",
290         "OPENED": "Open",
291         "OPEN": "Open",
292         "ACCOUNT": "Account",
293         "INTERACTION": "Interaction",
294         "INTERACTIONS": "Interactions",
295         "WEBSITE": "Website",
296         "ALL": "All",
297         "SELECT_STATUS": "Select a status",
298         "FILTER": "Filter",
299         "FILTERS": "Filters",
300         "TEAMADD_CHATQUEUE": "Add Team to Chat Queue",
301         "AGENTADD_CHATQUEUE": "Add Agent to Chat Queue",
302         "ALL_AGENTS": "All Agents",
303         "SELECTED_AGENTS": "Selected Agents",
304         "CLOSEDAT": "Closed At",
305         "DISPOSITION": "Disposition",
306         "CREATEDAT": "Created At",
307         "NOTES": "Notes",
308         "NO_INTERACTION_AVAILABLE": "No interactions available",
309         "SELECTED_WEBSITE": "Select a website",
310         "GOTOP": "Gotop",
311         "EDIT_GOTOP": "Edit Gotop",
312         "SELECT_WEBSITE": "Select a website",
313         "INFO": "Info",
314         "OFFLINEMESSAGES_CHATWEBSITE": "Go to Offline Messages",
315         "WAITINGTITLE": "Waiting Title",
316         "WAITINGMESSAGE": "Waiting Message",
317         "RATING": "Rating",
318         "NO_RATINGVALUE": "No Rating",
319         "DEFAULT_PAUSE": "Default pause",
320         "UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
321         "UNREGISTERED": "Unregistered",
322         "UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
323         "NOT_INUSE": "Not in use",
324         "REACHABLE": "Reachable",
325         "IN_USE": "In use",
326         "VOICE": "Voice",
327         "INTERACTIONS_CHATWEBSITE": "Go to Interactions",
328         "REFRESH_INTERACTIONS": "Refresh Interactions",
329         "DELETE_INTERACTION": "Delete Interaction"
330     }
331 }