Built motion from commit (unavailable).|2.5.1
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / integrations / i18n / lt.json
1 {
2         "INTEGRATIONS": {
3                 "ZONE": "Zone",
4                 "ADVANCED": "Advanced",
5                 "MODULE_SEARCH": "Module Search",
6                 "MODULE_CREATE": "Module Create",
7                 "LEADS": "Lead",
8                 "CONTACTS": "Contact",
9                 "INTEGRATIONS": "Integrations",
10                 "ZENDESKACCOUNTS": "Zendesk Accounts",
11                 "ID": "Id",
12                 "NAME": "Name",
13                 "USERNAME": "Username",
14                 "URI": "URL",
15                 "BACK": "Back",
16                 "SELECTED": "Selected",
17                 "SELECT_ALL": "Select All",
18                 "SELECT_NONE": "Select None",
19                 "EDIT_ZENDESKACCOUNT": "Edit Zendesk Account",
20                 "DELETE_ZENDESKACCOUNT": "Delete Zendesk Account",
21                 "NEW_ZENDESKACCOUNT": "New Zendesk Account",
22                 "AUTHTYPE": "Authentication Type",
23                 "PASSWORD": "Password",
24                 "CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password",
25                 "EMAIL": "Email",
26                 "TOKEN": "Token",
27                 "MOTIONPROXYADDRESS": "Motion or Proxy IP Address",
28                 "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
29                 "ADD_ZENDESKACCOUNT": "Add Zendesk Account",
30                 "ERRORS": {
31                         "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
32                         "USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
33                         "URI_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
34                         "URI_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
35                         "PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
36                         "CONFIRM_NOT_MATCH": "The passwords don't match",
37                         "TOKEN_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
38                         "MOTIONPROXYADDRESS_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
39                         "CLIENTID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
40                         "CLIENTSECRET_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
41                         "SECURITYTOKEN_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
42                         "APIKEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
43                         "CONTENT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
44                         "VARIABLENAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
45                         "KEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
46                         "TYPE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
47                         "VALUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
48                         "FIELD_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
49                         "CONSUMERKEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
50                         "CONSUMERSECRET_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
51                         "TOKENSECRET_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
52                         "HOST_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
53                         "AUTHTOKEN_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
54                         "VTIGER_USER_NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
55                         "ACCESS_KEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
56                         "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
57                         "TENANTID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
58                         "CODE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field"
59                 },
60                 "HELP": {
61                         "MOTIONPROXYADDRESS": "Motion (Proxy) Address: it is reqired if you want to fill the ticket body with Recording URL. Enter the address in the following format: <protocol> : //<ipaddress>[:<port>]. Example: https://X.Y.Z.W",
62                         "TICKETTYPE": "Ticket Type",
63                         "ZONE": "Choose your geographic zone (US, AU, EU, IN, CN) to activate the domain-specific Zoho Accounts",
64                         "CLIENTID": "The specific CLient Id of your application",
65                         "CLIENTSECRET": "The specific CLientSecret of your application",
66                         "CODE": "The specific code generated through Developer Console",
67                         "REFRESHTOKEN": "The automatically generated refresh token used to refresh expired access tokens. Also the access token are automatically generated each time an api is launched."
68                 },
69                 "CODE": "Developer Console Code",
70                 "REFRESHTOKEN": "Refresh Token (generated)",
71                 "ACCOUNT": "Account",
72                 "ZENDESKCONFIGURATIONS": "Zendesk Configurations",
73                 "SALESFORCECONFIGURATIONS": "Salesforce Configurations",
74                 "SUGARCRMCONFIGURATIONS": "SugarCRM Configurations",
75                 "FRESHDESKCONFIGURATIONS": "Freshdesk Configurations",
76                 "GENERAL": "General",
77                 "CREATED_AT": "Created At",
78                 "SAVE": "Save",
79                 "NO_ZENDESKCONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE": "No Zendesk Configurations available",
80                 "NEW_ZENDESKCONFIGURATION": "New Zendesk Configuration",
81                 "ADD_ZENDESKCONFIGURATION": "Add Zendesk Configuration",
82                 "EDIT_ZENDESKCONFIGURATION": "Edit Zendesk Configuration",
83                 "DELETE_ZENDESKCONFIGURATION": "Delete Zendesk Configuration",
84                 "NO_SALESFORCECONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE": "No Salesforce Configurations available",
85                 "NEW_SALESFORCECONFIGURATION": "New Salesforce Configuration",
86                 "ADD_SALESFORCECONFIGURATION": "Add Salesforce Configuration",
87                 "EDIT_SALESFORCECONFIGURATION": "Edit Salesforce Configuration",
88                 "DELETE_SALESFORCECONFIGURATION": "Delete Salesforce Configuration",
89                 "NO_SUGARCRMCONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE": "No SugarCRM Configurations available",
90                 "NEW_SUGARCRMCONFIGURATION": "New SugarCRM Configuration",
91                 "ADD_SUGARCRMCONFIGURATION": "Add SugarCRM Configuration",
92                 "EDIT_SUGARCRMCONFIGURATION": "Edit SugarCRM Configuration",
93                 "DELETE_SUGARCRMCONFIGURATION": "Delete SugarCRM Configuration",
94                 "NO_FRESHDESKCONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE": "No Freshdesk Configurations available",
95                 "NEW_FRESHDESKCONFIGURATION": "New Freshdesk Configuration",
96                 "ADD_FRESHDESKCONFIGURATION": "Add Freshdesk Configuration",
97                 "EDIT_FRESHDESKCONFIGURATION": "Edit Freshdesk Configuration",
98                 "DELETE_FRESHDESKCONFIGURATION": "Delete Freshdesk Configuration",
99                 "SALESFORCEACCOUNTS": "Salesforce Accounts",
100                 "EDIT_SALESFORCEACCOUNT": "Edit Salesforce Account",
101                 "DELETE_SALESFORCEACCOUNT": "Delete Salesforce Account",
102                 "NEW_SALESFORCEACCOUNT": "New Salesforce Account",
103                 "ADD_SALESFORCEACCOUNT": "Add Salesforce Account",
104                 "CLIENTID": "Client ID",
105                 "CLIENTSECRET": "Client Secret",
106                 "SECURITYTOKEN": "Security Token",
107                 "SEARCH_FOR_ANYONE": "Search",
108                 "APIKEY": "Api Key",
109                 "FRESHDESKACCOUNTS": "Freshdesk Accounts",
110                 "EDIT_FRESHDESKACCOUNT": "Edit Freshdesk Account",
111                 "DELETE_FRESHDESKACCOUNT": "Delete Freshdesk Account",
112                 "NEW_FRESHDESKACCOUNT": "New Freshdesk Account",
113                 "ADD_FRESHDESKACCOUNT": "Add Freshdesk Account",
114                 "SUGARCRMACCOUNTS": "SugarCRM Accounts",
115                 "EDIT_SUGARCRMACCOUNT": "Edit SugarCRM Account",
116                 "DELETE_SUGARCRMACCOUNT": "Delete SugarCRM Account",
117                 "NEW_SUGARCRMACCOUNT": "New SugarCRM Account",
118                 "ADD_SUGARCRMACCOUNT": "Add SugarCRM Account",
119                 "CONFIGURATIONS": "Configurations",
120                 "NO_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE": "No Configurations available",
121                 "NEW_CONFIGURATION": "New Configuration",
122                 "ADD_CONFIGURATION": "Add Configuration",
123                 "EDIT_CONFIGURATION": "Edit Configuration",
124                 "DELETE_CONFIGURATION": "Delete Configuration",
125                 "SUBJECTS": "Subjects",
126                 "DESCRIPTIONS": "Descriptions",
127                 "FIELDS": "Fields",
128                 "TAGS": "Tags",
129                 "TYPE": "Type",
130                 "CONTENT": "Content",
131                 "EDIT_SUBJECT": "Edit Subject",
132                 "DELETE_SUBJECT": "Delete Subject",
133                 "NEW_SUBJECT": "New Subject",
134                 "ADD_SUBJECT": "Add Subject",
135                 "EDIT_DESCRIPTION": "Edit Description",
136                 "DELETE_DESCRIPTION": "Delete Description",
137                 "NEW_DESCRIPTION": "New Description",
138                 "ADD_DESCRIPTION": "Add Description",
139                 "EDIT_FIELD": "Edit Field",
140                 "DELETE_FIELD": "Delete Field",
141                 "NEW_FIELD": "New Field",
142                 "ADD_FIELD": "Add Field",
143                 "ADD": "Add",
144                 "VOICE": "Voice",
145                 "MAIL": "Email",
146                 "CHAT": "Chat",
147                 "SMS": "SMS",
148                 "OPENCHANNEL": "Open Channel",
149                 "INBOUND_IN_QUEUE": "Inbound in Queue",
150                 "OUTBOUND_CALL": "Outbound Call",
151                 "VALUE": "Value",
152                 "FIELD": "Field",
153                 "KEY": "Key",
154                 "CHANNEL": "Channel",
155                 "DELETE": "Delete",
156                 "NO_AVAILABLE_INFO": "No available info",
157                 "TEST_ZENDESKACCOUNT": "Test Zendesk Account",
158                 "TEST_FRESHDESKACCOUNT": "Test Freshdesk Account",
159                 "TEST_SUGARCRMACCOUNT": "Test SugerCRM Account",
160                 "TEST_SALESFORCEACCOUNT": "Test Salesforce Account",
161                 "INTEGRATION_TAB": "Integration Tab",
162                 "NEW_TAB": "New Tab",
163                 "DESKACCOUNTS": "Desk Accounts",
164                 "EDIT_DESKACCOUNT": "Edit Desk Account",
165                 "TEST_DESKACCOUNT": "Test Desk Account",
166                 "DELETE_DESKACCOUNT": "Delete Desk Account",
167                 "CONSUMERKEY": "Consumer Key",
168                 "CONSUMERSECRET": "Consumer Secret",
169                 "TOKENSECRET": "Token Secret",
170                 "ADD_DESKACCOUNT": "Add Desk Account",
171                 "NEW_DESKACCOUNT": "New Desk Account",
172                 "ADD_DESKCONFIGURATION": "Add Desk Configuration",
173                 "NEW_DESKCONFIGURATION": "New Desk Configuration",
174                 "DELETE_DESKCONFIGURATION": "Delete Desk Configuration",
175                 "ZOHOACCOUNTS": "Zoho Accounts",
176                 "EDIT_ZOHOACCOUNT": "Edit Zoho Account",
177                 "TEST_ZOHOACCOUNT": "Test Zoho Account",
178                 "DELETE_ZOHOACCOUNT": "Delete Zoho Account",
179                 "ADD_ZOHOACCOUNT": "Add Zoho Account",
180                 "NEW_ZOHOACCOUNT": "New Zoho Account",
181                 "ADD_ZOHOCONFIGURATION": "Add Zoho Configuration",
182                 "NEW_ZOHOCONFIGURATION": "New Zoho Configuration",
183                 "AUTHTOKEN": "Authorization Token",
184                 "HOST": "Host",
185                 "DELETE_ZOHOCONFIGURATION": "Delete Zoho Configuration",
186                 "PAGE": "Page",
187                 "ROWSPERPAGE": "Rows per page",
188                 "OF": "of",
189                 "VTIGERACCOUNTS": "vTiger Accounts",
190                 "VTIGER_USER_NAME": "vTiger User Name",
191                 "MODULE_NAME": "vTiger Module Name",
192                 "ACCESS_KEY": "vTiger Access Key",
193                 "ADD_VTIGERACCOUNT": "Add new vTiger Account",
194                 "EDIT_VTIGERACCOUNT": "Edit vTiger Account",
195                 "TEST_VTIGERACCOUNT": "Test vTiger Account",
196                 "DELETE_VTIGERACCOUNT": "Delete vTiger Account",
197                 "NEW_VTIGERACCOUNT": "New vTiger Account",
198                 "NEW_VTIGERCONFIGURATION": "Create vTiger Configuration",
199                 "DELETE_VTIGERCONFIGURATION": "Delete vTiger Configuration",
200                 "ADD_VTIGERCONFIGURATION": "Add vTiger Configuration",
201                 "FRESHSALESACCOUNTS": "Freshsales Accounts",
202                 "EDIT_FRESHSALESACCOUNT": "Edit Freshsales Account",
203                 "DELETE_FRESHSALESACCOUNT": "Delete Freshsales Account",
204                 "NEW_FRESHSALESACCOUNT": "New Freshsales Account",
205                 "ADD_FRESHSALESACCOUNT": "Add Freshsales Account",
206                 "NO_FRESHSALESCONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE": "No Freshsales Configurations available",
207                 "NEW_FRESHSALESCONFIGURATION": "New Freshsales Configuration",
208                 "ADD_FRESHSALESCONFIGURATION": "Add Freshsales Configuration",
209                 "EDIT_FRESHSALESCONFIGURATION": "Edit Freshsales Configuration",
210                 "DELETE_FRESHSALESCONFIGURATION": "Delete Freshsales Configuration",
211                 "TEST_FRESHSALESACCOUNT": "Test Freshsales Account",
212                 "SERVICENOWACCOUNTS": "ServiceNow Accounts",
213                 "ADD_SERVICENOWACCOUNT": "Add new ServiceNow Account",
214                 "EDIT_SERVICENOWACCOUNT": "Edit ServiceNow Account",
215                 "TEST_SERVICENOWACCOUNT": "Test ServiceNow Account",
216                 "DELETE_SERVICENOWACCOUNT": "Delete ServiceNow Account",
217                 "NEW_SERVICENOWACCOUNT": "New ServiceNow Account",
218                 "NEW_SERVICENOWCONFIGURATION": "Create ServiceNow Configuration",
219                 "DELETE_SERVICENOWCONFIGURATION": "Delete ServiceNow Configuration",
220                 "ADD_SERVICENOWCONFIGURATION": "Add ServiceNow Configuration",
221                 "DYNAMICS365ACCOUNTS": "Dynamics365 Accounts",
222                 "TENANTID": "Tenant Id",
223                 "ADD_DYNAMICS365ACCOUNT": "Add new Dynamics365 Account",
224                 "EDIT_DYNAMICS365ACCOUNT": "Edit Dynamics365 Account",
225                 "TEST_DYNAMICS365ACCOUNT": "Test Dynamics365 Account",
226                 "DELETE_DYNAMICS365ACCOUNT": "Delete Dynamics365 Account",
227                 "NEW_DYNAMICS365ACCOUNT": "New Dynamics365 Account",
228                 "NEW_DYNAMICS365CONFIGURATION": "Create Dynamics365 Configuration",
229                 "DELETE_DYNAMICS365CONFIGURATION": "Delete Dynamics365 Configuration",
230                 "ADD_DYNAMICS365CONFIGURATION": "Add Dynamics365 Configuration",
231                 "TICKETTYPE": "Ticket Type",
232                 "CASE": "Case",
233                 "PHONECALL": "Phonecall",
234                 "TASK": "Task",
235                 "MODULECREATE": "Module Create"
236         }
237 }