Built motion from commit (unavailable).|2.5.1
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / motiondialer / i18n / lt.json
1 {
2         "MOTIONDIALER": {
3                 "ONE_CALL_EVERY": "One call every",
4                 "CURRENT_INTERVAL": "Current Interval",
5                 "PREVIOUS_INTERVAL": "Previous Interval",
6                 "PREDICTIVE_IS_RUNNING": "Predictive is running",
7                 "PREDICTIVE_IS_NOT_RUNNING": "Predictive is not running",
8                 "DATA_COLLECTION_IN_PROGRESSIVE": "Data collection in Progressive",
9                 "SHOW_PREDICTIVE_QUEUE_CAMPAIGN_INFO": "Show Predictive Info",
10                 "AVG_TALK_TIME": "Avg Talk Time",
11                 "ANSWERED_CALLS": "Answered Calls",
12                 "TOTAL_CALLS": "Total Calls",
13                 "THRESHOLDS": "Thresholds",
14                 "PREDICTIVEMAXTHRESHOLD": "Predictive Max Threshold [%]",
15                 "PREDICTIVEMINTHRESHOLD": "Predictive Min Threshold [%]",
16                 "REFRESH_SCHEDULED_CALLS": "Refresh Scheduled Calls",
17                 "RECALLINQUEUE": "Recall in queue",
18                 "SELECT_DATE": "Select Date",
19                 "SELECT_TYPE": "Select Type",
20                 "SELECT_CAMPAIGN": "Select Campaign",
21                 "SCHEDULED_CALLS": "Scheduled Calls",
22                 "LOGIN_TIME": "Login time",
23                 "PAUSE_TIME": "Pause time",
24                 "CUTDIGIT": "Cut Digits",
25                 "RANDOMLASTDIGITCALLERIDNUMBER": "Random Outgoing CallerId Number",
26                 "CLONE_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Clone Campaign",
27                 "CLONE_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Clone Queue Campaign",
28                 "ABANDONEDCALLS": "Abandoned Queue Calls",
29                 "HOPPERWIDGET": "Summary",
30                 "RESETLIST_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Reset Lists",
31                 "RESETLIST_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Reset Lists",
32                 "RESET": "Reset",
33                 "RESETLIST": "Reset Lists",
34                 "SELECTALL": "Select All",
35                 "UNSELECTALL": "Un-Select All",
36                 "NO_AVAILABLE_INFO": "No available info",
37                 "TIMEOUT": "Timeout",
38                 "CALLYSQUAREPROJECTPREVIEW": "Cally Square Project Preview",
39                 "CALLYSQUAREPROJECTPREVIEW2": "Cally Square Project After Preview",
40                 "RUNIFHANGUPAGENT": "Run Cally Square Project After even if the agent hangs up the call",
41                 "CALLYSQUAREPROJECT2": "Cally Square Project After Queue",
42                 "NO_AGENT_ONLINE": "No Agent Online",
43                 "PARTIALPAUSE": "Parital Pause",
44                 "ALL": "All",
45                 "IDLE": "Idle",
46                 "TIMER": "Timer",
47                 "MOVE_HOPPERFINAL": "Restore contact",
48                 "RESTORECONTACTS": "Restore Contacts",
49                 "NO_SUCH_NUMBER": "No Such Number",
50                 "ANSWERING_MACHINE": "Answering machine",
51                 "DIALORDERBYSCHEDULEDAT": "Order By scheduledat",
52                 "ASC": "ASC",
53                 "DESC": "DESC",
54                 "RECALLAGENT": "Recall Agent",
55                 "DIALRECALLINQUEUE": "Recall In Queue",
56                 "DIALRECALLMETIMEOUT": "Recall Me Timeout [min]",
57                 "RECALLME": "Recall Me",
58                 "RECALLFAILEDTIMEOUT": "Recall Failed",
59                 "PREVIEW_CAMPAIGN": "Preview Campaigns",
60                 "PREVIEW_CAMPAIGNS": "Preview Campaigns",
61                 "AMD": "Asterisk Answering Machine Detection (AMD)",
62                 "AMDTOTALANALYSISTIME": "Total Analysis Time",
63                 "AMDACTIVE": "AMD",
64                 "AMDINITIALSILENCE": "Initial Silence",
65                 "AMDGREETING": "Greeting",
66                 "AMDAFTERGREETINGSILENCE": "Silence after Greeting",
67                 "AMDSILENCETHRESHOLD": "Silence Threshold",
68                 "AMDMINWORDLENGTH": "Min Word Length",
69                 "AMDBETWEENWORDSSILENCE": "Silence Between Words",
70                 "AMDMAXIMUMWORDLENGTH": "Maximum Word Length",
71                 "AMDMAXIMUMNUMBEROFWORDS": "Maximum Number Of Words",
72                 "GOTO_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Go To Realtime Queue Campaigns",
73                 "GOTOREALTIME_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Go To Realtime Queue Campaigns",
74                 "GOTO_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Go To Realtime IVR Campaigns",
75                 "GOTOREALTIME_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Go To Realtime IVR Campaigns",
76                 "LOGOUT": "Logout",
77                 "EDIT_CAMPAIGN": "Edit Campaign",
78                 "LIMITED": "Limited",
79                 "IVR_CAMPAIGNS": "IVR Campaigns",
80                 "MOTIONDIALER": "Motion Bull",
81                 "QUEUECAMPAIGNS": "Queue Campaigns",
82                 "IVRCAMPAIGNS": "IVR Campaigns",
83                 "MANAGED": "Managed",
84                 "AVAILABLE_CONTACTS_FINISHED": "Available contacts finished",
85                 "HISTORY": "History",
86                 "SCHEDULEDAT": "Scheduled At",
87                 "HOPPERBLACKS": "Hopper Blacklist",
88                 "NO_HOPPERBLACK_AVAILABLE": "No items available",
89                 "HOPPERFINALS": "Hopper Final",
90                 "NO_HOPPERFINAL_AVAILABLE": "No items available",
91                 "HOPPERHISTORIES": "Call history",
92                 "NO_HOPPERHISTORY_AVAILABLE": "No items available",
93                 "DELETE_HOPPERHISTORY": "Delete",
94                 "DELETE_HOPPERFINAL": "Delete",
95                 "CONTACTID": "Contact ID",
96                 "STARTTIME": "Start Time",
97                 "RESPONSETIME": "Response Time",
98                 "ENDTIME": "End Time",
99                 "STATUS": "Status",
100                 "HOPPERS": "Hopper",
101                 "NO_HOPPER_AVAILABLE": "No items available",
102                 "EDIT_HOPPER": "Edit Hopper",
103                 "DELETE_HOPPER": "Delete Hopper",
104                 "FINAL": "Final",
105                 "BLACKLIST": "Blacklist",
106                 "NAME": "Name",
107                 "VOICEQUEUES": "Voice Queues",
108                 "SEARCH_FOR_ANYONE": "Search",
109                 "BACK": "Back",
110                 "SELECTED": "Selected",
111                 "SELECT_ALL": "Select All",
112                 "SELECT_NONE": "Select None",
113                 "DELETE_VOICEDISPOSITION": "Delete Voice Disposition",
114                 "EDIT_VOICEDISPOSITION": "Edit Voice Disposition",
115                 "EDIT_VOICEQUEUE": "Edit Voice Queue",
116                 "DELETE_VOICEQUEUE": "Delete Voice Queue",
117                 "MOHSOUNDS": "Moh Sounds",
118                 "STRATEGY": "Strategy",
119                 "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
120                 "INTERVAL": "Time Interval",
121                 "ADD_VOICEQUEUE": "Add Voice Queue",
122                 "NEW_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "New Queue Campaign",
123                 "ACTIVE": "Active",
124                 "METHOD": "Method",
125                 "POWERLEVEL": "Power Level",
126                 "DROPRATE": "Drop Rate",
127                 "AGENTBUSYFACTOR": "Agent Busy Factor",
128                 "PREDICTIVEOPTIMIZATION": "Predictive Optimization",
129                 "PREDICTIVEOPTIMIZATIONPERCENTAGE": "Predictive Optimization Percentage",
130                 "PREDICTIVEINTERVAL": "Predictive Interval",
131                 "ADD_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Add Queue Campaign",
132                 "CAMPAIGN": "Campaign",
133                 "MAXCONCURRENTCALLS": "Max Concurrent Calls",
134                 "CONCURRENTCALLS": "Max Concurrent Calls",
135                 "ORIGINATE": "Originate",
136                 "ORIGINATECALLERIDNAME": "Caller ID Name",
137                 "ORIGINATECALLERIDNUMBER": "Caller ID Number",
138                 "ORIGINATETIMEOUT": "Originate Timeout",
139                 "QUEUEOPTIONS": "Queue Options",
140                 "QUEUETIMEOUT": "Queue Timeout",
141                 "CALLYSQUAREPROJECT": "Cally Square Project",
142                 "RETRYANDFREQUENCY": "Retry Settings",
143                 "GLOBAL": "Global",
144                 "GLOBALMAXRETRY": "Max Retries",
145                 "CONGESTION": "Congestion",
146                 "CONGESTIONMAXRETRY": "Max Retries",
147                 "CONGESTIONRETRYTIME": "Retry Time [min]",
148                 "BUSYMAXRETRY": "Max Retries",
149                 "BUSYRETRYTIME": "Retry Time [min]",
150                 "NOANSWER": "No Answer",
151                 "NOANSWERMAXRETRY": "Max Retries",
152                 "NOANSWERRETRYTIME": "Retry Time [min]",
153                 "QUEUE_PARAMS": "Queue Parameters",
154                 "ORIGINATED": "Originated",
155                 "MESSAGE": "Message",
156                 "DROPPED": "Dropped",
157                 "CREATED_AT": "Created At",
158                 "LEGEND": {
159                         "CUSTOM_APPLICATION": "(*) - Custom application."
160                 },
161                 "ERRORS": {
162                         "AGENT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
163                         "CUTDIGIT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
164                         "CUTDIGIT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
165                         "CUTDIGIT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
166                         "RANDOMLASTDIGITCALLERIDNUMBER_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
167                         "RANDOMLASTDIGITCALLERIDNUMBER_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
168                         "RANDOMLASTDIGITCALLERIDNUMBER_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
169                         "AGENTTIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
170                         "INTERVAL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
171                         "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
172                         "DIALRECALLMETIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
173                         "DIALRECALLMETIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
174                         "NAME_MUST_VALID_PATTERN": "Wrong format",
175                         "PREFIX_MUST_VALID_PATTERN": "Wrong format",
176                         "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
177                         "TIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
178                         "PHONENUMBER_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
179                         "CONTEXT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
180                         "DESTINATIONPATTERN_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
181                         "FULLNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
182                         "EMAIL_REQUUIRED": "Mandatory field",
183                         "EMAIL_MUST_VALID": "Wrong format",
184                         "MAILBOX_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
185                         "PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
186                         "CONFIRM_NOT_MATCH": "The passwords don't match",
187                         "TIMEZONE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
188                         "PREFIX_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
189                         "OPTIONS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
190                         "AFTERCALLWORKDURATION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
191                         "TECHNOLOGY/RESOURCE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
192                         "PHONE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
193                         "VALUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
194                         "EXTENSION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
195                         "PRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
196                         "GLOBALMAXRETRY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
197                         "CONGESTIONMAXRETRY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
198                         "CONGESTIONRETRYTIME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
199                         "BUSYMAXRETRY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
200                         "BUSYRETRYTIME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
201                         "NOANSWERMAXRETRY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
202                         "NOANSWERRETRYTIME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
203                         "QUEUETIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
204                         "ORIGINATETIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
205                         "GLOBALINTERVAL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
206                         "MAXCONCURRENTCALLS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
207                         "CONCURRENTCALLS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
208                         "POWERLEVEL_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
209                         "PREDICTIVEOPTIMIZATIONPERCENTAGE_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
210                         "PREDICTIVEINTERVAL_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
211                         "MAXCONCURRENTCALLS_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
212                         "ORIGINATETIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
213                         "QUEUETIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
214                         "AGENTTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
215                         "RETRY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
216                         "WRAPUPTIME_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
217                         "WEIGHT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
218                         "GLOBALMAXRETRY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
219                         "CONGESTIONMAXRETRY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
220                         "CONGESTIONRETRYTIME_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
221                         "BUSYMAXRETRY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
222                         "BUSYRETRYTIME_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
223                         "NOANSWERMAXRETRY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
224                         "NOANSWERRETRYTIME_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
225                         "CONCURRENTCALLS_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
226                         "POWERLEVEL_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
227                         "PREDICTIVEOPTIMIZATIONPERCENTAGE_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
228                         "PREDICTIVEINTERVAL_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
229                         "MAXCONCURRENTCALLS_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
230                         "ORIGINATETIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
231                         "QUEUETIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
232                         "GLOBALMAXRETRY_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
233                         "CONGESTIONMAXRETRY_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
234                         "CONGESTIONRETRYTIME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
235                         "BUSYMAXRETRY_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
236                         "BUSYRETRYTIME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
237                         "NOANSWERMAXRETRY_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
238                         "NOANSWERRETRYTIME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
239                         "CONCURRENTCALLS_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
240                         "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
241                         "CALLYSQUAREPROJECT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
242                         "TRUNK_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field"
243                 },
244                 "GENERAL": "General",
245                 "AGENTTIMEOUT": "Agent Timeout",
246                 "MAXLENGTH": "Maximum Length",
247                 "RETRY": "Retry",
248                 "WRAPUPTIME": "Wrapup Time",
249                 "WEIGHT": "Weight",
250                 "JOINWHENEMPTY": "Join when empty",
251                 "LEAVEWHENEMPTY": "Leave when empty",
252                 "HELP": {
253                         "PREDICTIVEMAXTHRESHOLD": "If the percentage of agents available in the time window, compared to the agents available at the time of prediction, exceeds the configured maximum limit, the predictive recalculates the prediction. ",
254                         "PREDICTIVEMINTHRESHOLD": "If the percentage of agents available in the time window, compared to the agents available at the time of prediction, exceeds the configured minimum limit, the predictive recalculates the prediction.",
255                         "RANDOMLASTDIGITCALLERIDNUMBER": "If greater than 0, it generates randomly the corresponding last digits of the Outgoing Caller Id Number",
256                         "TIMEOUT": "Number of seconds to ring agent in queue",
257                         "CALLYSQUAREPROJECTPREVIEW": "Selecting an IVR project, the dialer will forward the call to the IVR when an agent answers (the IVR will be directed to the agent)",
258                         "CALLYSQUAREPROJECTPREVIEW2": "Selecting an IVR project, the dialer will forward the call to the IVR when an client hangup or unreachable (the IVR will be directed to the agent)",
259                         "RUNIFHANGUPAGENT": "Run Cally Square Project After even if the agent hangs up the call",
260                         "CALLYSQUAREPROJECT2": "iSelecting an IVR project, the dialer will forward the call to the IVR after the queue (if the queue ends by timeout)",
261                         "DIALORDERBYSCHEDULEDAT": "Get contacts from hopper (descending or ascending).",
262                         "DIALRECALLINQUEUE": "Reschedule call for agents in the Queue",
263                         "DIALRECALLMETIMEOUT": "Time interval (in minutes) for Recall Me period of validity",
264                         "PRIORITY": "Priority in the list",
265                         "AMDMAXIMUMWORDLENGTH": "Maximum duration allowed of a single Voice utterance",
266                         "AMDMINWORDLENGTH": "Minimum duration of a Voice to be considered a word",
267                         "AMDSILENCETHRESHOLD": "If the average level of noise in a sample does not reach this value, from a scale of 0 to 32767, then we will consider it as silence",
268                         "AMDTOTALANALYSISTIME": "Maximum time allowed for the algorithm to decide on whether the audio represents a HUMAN or a MACHINE",
269                         "AMDAFTERGREETINGSILENCE": "Silence after detecting a greeting. If exceeded, then the result is detection as a HUMAN",
270                         "AMDGREETING": "Maximum length of a greeting. If exceeded, then the result is detection as a MACHINE",
271                         "AMDINITIALSILENCE": "Maximum silence duration before the greeting. If exceeded, then the result is detection as a MACHINE",
272                         "AMDACTIVE": "Activate or disactivate answering machines detection attempts",
273                         "AMDBETWEENWORDSSILENCE": "Minimum duration of silence after a word to consider the audio that follows as a new word",
274                         "AMDMAXIMUMNUMBEROFWORDS": "Maximum number of words in the greeting. If REACHED, then the result is detection as a MACHINE",
275                         "CALLYSQUAREPROJECT": "Selecting an IVR project, the dialer will forward the call to the IVR before the queue",
276                         "PREFIX": "Telephone prefix",
277                         "ACTIVE": "Active",
278                         "AGENTTIMEOUT": "How long (in seconds) to ring an agent’s device",
279                         "MAXLENGTH": "Maximum number of callers allowed to be waiting in a queue (0=unlimited)",
280                         "RETRY": "How long (in seconds) to wait before calling the next agent in the queue when the agent timeout is expired",
281                         "WRAPUPTIME": "How long (in seconds) to keep an agent unavailable in a queue after completing a call",
282                         "WEIGHT": "Used to determine priority if the agents are associated with more than one queue",
283                         "JOINWHENEMPTY": "If a caller is added to the queue, when no agents are available",
284                         "LEAVEWHENEMPTY": "If a caller is expelled from the queue when no agents are available",
285                         "ANNOUNCEFREQUENCY": "How often to announce the caller’s position and/or estimated hold time in the queue (0=disable)",
286                         "MINANNOUNCEFREQUENCY": "Minimum announcement frequency (useful when the caller’s position changes frequently)",
287                         "PERIODICANNOUNCEFREQUENCY": "Frequency of periodic announcements to the caller",
288                         "ANNOUNCEPOSITIONLIMIT": "Used if you’ve defined announce-position as either 'limit' or 'more'",
289                         "AFTERCALLWORKDURATION": "Pause length triggered by the After Call Work option",
290                         "MEMBERDELAY": "Inserts a delay prior to the caller and agent in queue get connected",
291                         "MUSICONHOLD": "Sets the music class to use for a particular queue",
292                         "ANNOUNCETOAGENT": "Plays an announcement to the agent answering the call (e.g. to let him know which queue the caller is coming from)",
293                         "RANDOMPERIODICANNOUNCE": "If yes, it plays the periodic announcements in random order",
294                         "ANNOUNCEHOLDTIME": "Plays the estimated hold time along with the periodic announcements (Yes/No/Once)",
295                         "ANNOUNCECALLERPOSITION": "Used to define if the caller’s position in the queue should be announced: No=never; Yes=always; Limit=only if it is within the limit defined by announce-position-limit; More= only if it is beyond the value defined by announce-position-limit",
296                         "REPORTHOLDTIMEAGENT": "Enables reporting caller’s hold time to the agent in queue prior to connection",
297                         "PERIODICANNOUNCE": "Set of periodic announcements to be played (in the order)",
298                         "HOLDTIMEANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“Hold time”. Undefined=no announcement",
299                         "YOUARENEXTANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“You are now first in line”. Undefined=no announcement",
300                         "THEREAREANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“There are”. Undefined=no announcement",
301                         "WAITINGCALLSANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“calls waiting”. Undefined=no announcement",
302                         "ESTIMATEDHOLDTIMEANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“The current estimated hold time is”. Undefined=no announcement",
303                         "MINUTESANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“minutes”. Undefined=no announcement",
304                         "MINUTEANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“minute”. Undefined=no announcement",
305                         "SECONDSANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“seconds”. Undefined=no announcement",
306                         "THANKYOUANNOUNCE": "Choose a Sound defined in Tools. Default=“Thank you for your patience”. Undefined=no announcement",
307                         "AFTERCALLWORK": "If enabled, the agent will be set on Pause after completing a call",
308                         "AUTOPAUSE": "Enables/disables the automatic pause of agents who fail to answer a call. If enabled, it causes the agent to be paused in all queues he belongs to",
309                         "RINGINUSE": "To avoid/allow sending calls to members whose status is In Use",
310                         "TIMEOUTRESTART": "If yes, this resets the timeout for an agent to answer when either a BUSY or CONGESTION status is received from the channel",
311                         "MONITORFORMAT": "Specifies the file format to use when recording. If monitor-format is inactive, calls will not be recorded",
312                         "CONTEXT": "Allows a caller to exit the queue by pressing a single DTMF digit. If a context is specified and the caller enters a number, that digit will attempt to be matched in the context specified, and dialplan execution will continue there",
313                         "SETINTERFACEVARIABLES": "If set to yes, just prior to the caller being connected with a queue agent some variables will be set (for more information see wiki docs:<a target=\"_blank\"href=\"https://wiki.xcallymotion.com/display/XMV/Queue+Campaigns#QueueCampaigns-Advanced\">click here</a>)",
314                         "SETQUEUEVARIABLES": "If set to yes, just prior to the caller being connected with a queue agent and leaving the queue, some variables will be set (for more information, see wiki docs:<a target=\"_blank\"href=\"https://wiki.xcallymotion.com/display/XMV/Queue+Campaigns#QueueCampaigns-Advanced\">click here</a>)",
315                         "SETQUEUEENTRYVARIABLES": "If set to yes, just prior to the caller being connected with a queue agent some variables will be set (for more information, see wiki docs:<a target=\"_blank\"href=\"https://wiki.xcallymotion.com/display/XMV/Queue+Campaigns#QueueCampaigns-Advanced\">click here</a>)",
316                         "RECORDING": "Enable call recording",
317                         "VOICEMAIL_CONTEXT": "The context of the relative extension",
318                         "METHOD": "Outbound dialer method",
319                         "POWERLEVEL": "Number of contacts to call for any available agent",
320                         "PREDICTIVEOPTIMIZATION": "A factor to optimize in the predictive algorithm",
321                         "PREDICTIVEOPTIMIZATIONPERCENTAGE": "Percentage based on the selected predictive optimization factor",
322                         "PREDICTIVEINTERVAL": "Time interval (in minutes) considered by the predictive algorithm to calculate the amount of calls to generate to optimize the result",
323                         "MAXCONCURRENTCALLS": "Maximum number of concurrent calls that will be originated by the outbound dialer for this campaign (0=unlimited)",
324                         "CONCURRENTCALLS": "Maximum number of concurrent calls that will be originated by the outbound dialer for this campaign",
325                         "ORIGINATECALLERIDNAME": "Outgoing Caller Id Name",
326                         "ORIGINATECALLERIDNUMBER": "Outgoing Caller Id Number",
327                         "ORIGINATETIMEOUT": "Time (in seconds) for the outbound call to establish a connection, otherwise the status is set to No Answer ",
328                         "QUEUETIMEOUT": "Time (in seconds) a call will wait in the queue before it is dropped (Min 1 and Max 999)",
329                         "GLOBALMAXRETRY": "Maximum number of times a contact is called before considering it closed",
330                         "CONGESTIONMAXRETRY": "Maximum number of times a contact is called before considering it closed, when the call failed for congestion",
331                         "CONGESTIONRETRYTIME": "Time in minutes before trying to call again a failed contact due to congestion",
332                         "BUSYMAXRETRY": "Maximum number of times a contact is called before considering it closed, when the call failed for busy",
333                         "BUSYRETRYTIME": "Time in minutes before trying to call again a failed contact due to busy",
334                         "NOANSWERMAXRETRY": "Maximum number of times a contact is called before considering it closed, when the call failed for no answer",
335                         "NOANSWERRETRYTIME": "Time in minutes before trying to call again a failed contact due to no answer",
336                         "GLOBALINTERVAL": "Global time interval during which the dialer is allowed to call contacts. We decline responsibility: pay attention when you modify this field, because you may fail to comply with the national Autodialer Laws and Regulations",
337                         "NAME": "Only numbers, letters and specific characters (._) are supported",
338                         "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID": "Pause status to set during mandatory disposition"
339                 },
340                 "MUSICONHOLD": "Music On Hold",
341                 "ANNOUNCETOAGENT": "Announce To Agent",
342                 "ANNOUNCEMENTS": "Announcements",
343                 "ADVANCEDPREVIEW": "Advanced",
344                 "ADVANCED": "Advanced",
345                 "ADVANCE": "Advanced",
346                 "ANNOUNCEFREQUENCY": "Announce Frequency",
347                 "MINANNOUNCEFREQUENCY": "Minimum Announce Frequency",
348                 "PERIODICANNOUNCEFREQUENCY": "Periodic Announce Frequency",
349                 "RANDOMPERIODICANNOUNCE": "Random Periodic Announce",
350                 "ANNOUNCEHOLDTIME": "Announce Hold Time",
351                 "ANNOUNCECALLERPOSITION": "Announce Caller Position",
352                 "ANNOUNCEPOSITIONLIMIT": "Announce Position Limit",
353                 "REPORTHOLDTIMEAGENT": "Report Agent Hold Time",
354                 "PERIODICANNOUNCE": "Periodic Announce",
355                 "HOLDTIMEANNOUNCE": "Hold Time Announce",
356                 "YOUARENEXTANNOUNCE": "'You are next' Announce",
357                 "THEREAREANNOUNCE": "'There are' Announce",
358                 "WAITINGCALLSANNOUNCE": "Waiting Calls Announce",
359                 "ESTIMATEDHOLDTIMEANNOUNCE": "Estimated Hold Time Announce",
360                 "MINUTESANNOUNCE": "Minutes Announce",
361                 "MINUTEANNOUNCE": "Minute Announce",
362                 "SECONDSANNOUNCE": "Seconds Announce",
363                 "THANKYOUANNOUNCE": "'Thank You' Announce",
364                 "AUTOPAUSE": "Auto Pause",
365                 "AFTERCALLWORK": "After Call Work",
366                 "AFTERCALLWORKDURATION": "After Call Work Duration",
367                 "RINGINUSE": "Ring In Use",
368                 "MEMBERDELAY": "Member Delay",
369                 "TIMEOUTRESTART": "Timeout Restart",
370                 "MONITORFORMAT": "Recording Format",
371                 "SETINTERFACEVARIABLES": "Set Interface Variables",
372                 "SETQUEUEVARIABLES": "Set Queue Variables",
373                 "SETQUEUEENTRYVARIABLES": "Set Queue Entry Variables",
374                 "CONTEXT": "Context",
375                 "SAVE": "Save",
376                 "SETTINGS": "Settings",
377                 "INBOUNDROUTES": "Inbound Routes",
378                 "PHONENUMBER": "Phone Number",
379                 "ADD_INBOUNDROUTE": "Add Inbound Route",
380                 "EDIT_INBOUNDROUTE": "Edit Inbound Route",
381                 "DELETE_INBOUNDROUTE": "Delete Inbound Route",
382                 "ACTIONS": "Actions",
383                 "OUTBOUNDROUTES": "Outbound Routes",
384                 "DESTINATIONPATTERN": "Destination Pattern",
385                 "ADD_OUTBOUNDROUTE": "Add Outbound Route",
386                 "EDIT_OUTBOUNDROUTE": "Edit Outbound Route",
387                 "DELETE_OUTBOUNDROUTE": "Delete Outbound Route",
388                 "CUTDIGITS": "Cut Digits",
389                 "RECORDING": "Recording",
390                 "RECORDINGFORMAT": "Recording format",
391                 "INTERNALROUTES": "Internal Routes",
392                 "ADD_INTERNALROUTE": "Add Internal Route",
393                 "EDIT_INTERNALROUTE": "Edit Internal Route",
394                 "DELETE_INTERNALROUTE": "Delete Internal Route",
395                 "CONTEXTS": "Contexts",
396                 "ADD_CONTEXT": "Add Context",
397                 "EDIT_CONTEXT": "Edit Context",
398                 "DELETE_CONTEXT": "Delete Context",
399                 "VOICEMAILS": "Voicemails",
400                 "ADD_VOICEMAIL": "Add Voicemail",
401                 "EDIT_VOICEMAIL": "Edit Voicemail",
402                 "DELETE_VOICEMAIL": "Delete Voicemail",
403                 "FULLNAME": "Full Name",
404                 "EMAIL": "Email",
405                 "MAILBOX": "Mailbox",
406                 "PASSWORD": "Password",
407                 "CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password",
408                 "TIMEZONE": "Timezone",
409                 "ATTACH": "Attach",
410                 "ENVELOPE": "Envelope",
411                 "DELETE": "Delete",
412                 "EMAILBODY": "Email Body",
413                 "EMAILSUBJECT": "Email Subject",
414                 "MAXSECONDS": "Max Seconds",
415                 "MAXMESSAGES": "Max Messages",
416                 "MESSAGES": "Messages",
417                 "SORT": "Sort",
418                 "ADD_MUSICONHOLD": "Add Music On Hold",
419                 "MUSICONHOLDS": "Music On Hold",
420                 "EDIT_MUSICONHOLD": "Edit Music On Hold",
421                 "DELETE_MUSICONHOLD": "Delete Music On Hold",
422                 "DIRECTORY": "Directory",
423                 "AUDIOFILES": "Audio Files",
424                 "RECORDINGS": "Recordings",
425                 "CHANSPY": "ChanSpy",
426                 "PREFIX": "Prefix",
427                 "OPTIONS": "Options",
428                 "AUTH": "Auth",
429                 "ADD_CHANSPY": "Add ChanSpy",
430                 "EDIT_CHANSPY": "Edit ChanSpy",
431                 "DELETE_CHANSPY": "Delete ChanSpy",
432                 "AGENTS": "Agents",
433                 "TELEPHONES": "Telephones",
434                 "QUEUES": "Queues",
435                 "QUEUE_CALLS": "Queue Calls",
436                 "QUEUE_PARAMETERS": "Queue Parameters",
437                 "ABANDONED_CALLS": "Abandoned Calls",
438                 "OUTBOUND_CALLS": "Outbound Calls",
439                 "AGI": "AGI",
440                 "DIAL": "Dial",
441                 "INTERNALDIAL": "Internal Dial",
442                 "EXTERNALDIAL": "External Dial",
443                 "RINGGROUP": "Ring Group",
444                 "PLAYBACK": "Playback",
445                 "QUEUE": "Queue",
446                 "SET": "Set",
447                 "VOICEMAIL": "Voicemail",
448                 "GOTO": "GoTo",
449                 "HANGUP": "Hangup",
450                 "CUSTOM": "Custom",
451                 "PROJECT": "Cally-Square Project",
452                 "TECHNOLOGY/RESOURCE": "Technology/Resource",
453                 "URL": "URL",
454                 "EDIT_APP": "Edit Application",
455                 "EDIT_INTERVAL": "Edit Interval",
456                 "DELETE_APP": "Delete Application",
457                 "INTERVALS": "Intervals",
458                 "USER": "User",
459                 "TRUNK": "Trunk",
460                 "PHONE": "Phone",
461                 "AUDIO_FILES": "Audio Files",
462                 "ANNOUNCE_OVERRIDES": "Announce Overrides",
463                 "MACRO": "Macro",
464                 "GOSUB": "GoSub",
465                 "RULE": "Rule",
466                 "POSITION": "Position",
467                 "ANSWER": "Answer",
468                 "VALUE": "Value",
469                 "MAILBOX@CONTEXT": "Mailbox@Context",
470                 "EXTENSION": "Extension",
471                 "PRIORITY": "Priority",
472                 "HANGUP_CAUSE": "Hangup Cause",
473                 "OUTBOUNDDIAL": "Outbound Dial",
474                 "CALLER_ID": "Caller ID",
475                 "NO_MESSAGE_AVAILABLE": "No messages available",
476                 "NO_SOUND_AVAILABLE": "No sounds available",
477                 "VOICERECORDINGS": "Voice Recordings",
478                 "CHANSPIES": "ChanSpy",
479                 "VOICE": "Voice",
480                 "REALTIME": "Realtime",
481                 "ID": "Id",
482                 "VOICEMAIL_CONTEXT": "Context",
483                 "NO_MOHSOUND_AVAILABLE": "No Music On Hold available",
484                 "FILE": "File",
485                 "ADD_MOHSOUND": "Add Music On Hold sound",
486                 "DOWNLOAD_MOHSOUND": "Download Music On Hold sound",
487                 "DELETE_MOHSOUND": "Delete Music On Hold sound",
488                 "UNIQUEID": "Unique ID",
489                 "AGENT": "Agent",
490                 "TYPE": "Type",
491                 "RATING": "Rating",
492                 "AUDIO": "Audio",
493                 "DATE": "Date",
494                 "NEW_VOICEQUEUE": "New Voice Queue",
495                 "NEW_INBOUNDROUTE": "New Inbound Route",
496                 "NEW_OUTBOUNDROUTE": "New Outbound Route",
497                 "NEW_INTERNALROUTE": "New Internal Route",
498                 "NEW_CONTEXT": "New Context",
499                 "NEW_VOICEMAIL": "New Voicemail",
500                 "NEW_MUSICONHOLD": "New Music On Hold",
501                 "NEW_CHANSPY": "New ChanSpy",
502                 "PENALTY": "Penalty",
503                 "ADD_TEAM_TO_VOICEQUEUE": "Add Team to Voice Queue",
504                 "ADD_AGENT_TO_VOICEQUEUE": "Add Agent to Voice Queue",
505                 "EDIT_DIAL": "Edit Dial",
506                 "EDIT_AGI": "Edit AGI",
507                 "EDIT_INTERNALDIAL": "Edit Internal Dial",
508                 "EDIT_EXTERNALDIAL": "Edit External Dial",
509                 "EDIT_RINGGROUP": "Edit Ring Group",
510                 "EDIT_PLAYBACK": "Edit Playback",
511                 "EDIT_QUEUE": "Edit Queue",
512                 "EDIT_SET": "Edit Set",
513                 "EDIT_GOTO": "Edit GoTo",
514                 "EDIT_HANGUP": "Edit Hangup",
515                 "EDIT_CUSTOM": "Edit Custom",
516                 "DURATION": "Duration",
517                 "RECEIVED_AT": "Received At",
518                 "YES": "Yes",
519                 "NO": "No",
520                 "HANGUPCAUSE_1": "1 = Unallocated number",
521                 "HANGUPCAUSE_16": "16 = Normal call clearing",
522                 "HANGUPCAUSE_17": "17 = User busy",
523                 "HANGUPCAUSE_18": "18 = No user responding (telehone device not connected)",
524                 "HANGUPCAUSE_21": "21 = Call rejected",
525                 "HANGUPCAUSE_22": "22 = Number changed",
526                 "HANGUPCAUSE_27": "27 = Destination out of order",
527                 "HANGUPCAUSE_38": "38 = Network out of order",
528                 "HANGUPCAUSE_41": "41 = Temporary failure",
529                 "RANDOM": "Random",
530                 "ALPHABETICAL": "Alphabetical",
531                 "NO_APPS_AVAILABLE": "No applications available",
532                 "DOWNLOAD_VOICERECORDING": "Download Voice Recording",
533                 "DELETE_VOICERECORDING": "Delete Voice Recording",
534                 "INTERNAL": "Internal",
535                 "PHONE_STATE": "Phone State",
536                 "PHONE_STATUS": "Phone Status",
537                 "REGISTERED": "Registered",
538                 "UNREGISTERED": "Unregistered",
539                 "LAGGED": "Lagged",
540                 "REACHABLE": "Reachable",
541                 "UNREACHABLE": "Unreachable",
542                 "UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
543                 "NOT_INUSE": "Not in use",
544                 "INUSE": "In Use",
545                 "BUSY": "Busy",
546                 "INVALID": "Invalid",
547                 "UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
548                 "RINGING": "Ringing",
549                 "ONHOLD": "On Hold",
550                 "RING": "Ring",
551                 "UP": "Up",
552                 "INFO": "Info",
553                 "TRUNKS": "Trunks",
554                 "REGISTRY": "Registry",
555                 "NO_REGISTRY": "No registry",
556                 "LOGGED_IN": "Logged in (SIP connected)",
557                 "PAUSED": "Paused",
558                 "DISPOSITION": "Disposition",
559                 "WAITING": "Waiting",
560                 "TALKING": "Talking",
561                 "DID": "DID",
562                 "CALLER": "Caller",
563                 "TOTAL": "Total",
564                 "ANSWERED": "Answered",
565                 "ABANDONED": "Abandoned",
566                 "UNMANAGED": "Unmanaged",
567                 "REDIRECT_TO_NUMBER": "Redirect to a number",
568                 "REDIRECT_TO_AGENT": "Redirect to an agent",
569                 "CLOSING": "Closing",
570                 "AVG_HOLD_TIME": "Avg Hold Time",
571                 "AVG_DURATION": "Avg Duration",
572                 "AVG_BILLABLE": "Avg Billable",
573                 "SOURCE": "Source",
574                 "DESTINATION": "Destination",
575                 "REJECTED": "Rejected",
576                 "FAILED": "Failed",
577                 "CALLED": "Called",
578                 "CONNECTED": "Connected",
579                 "NO_RATING": "No rating",
580                 "EDIT_VOICERECORDING": "Edit Voice Recording",
581                 "APPLICATION_NAME": "Application Name",
582                 "ARGUMENTS": "Arguments",
583                 "EDIT_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Edit Campaign",
584                 "LISTADD_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Add List",
585                 "BLACKLISTADD_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Add Blacklist",
586                 "TEAMADD_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Add Team",
587                 "AGENTADD_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Add Agent",
588                 "DELETE_QUEUECAMPAIGN": "Delete Campaign",
589                 "DELETE_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Delete Campaign",
590                 "EDIT_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Edit Campaign",
591                 "NEW_IVRCAMPAIGN": "New IVR Campaign",
592                 "ADD_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Add IVR Campaign",
593                 "LISTADD_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Add List",
594                 "BLACKLISTADD_IVRCAMPAIGN": "Add Blacklist",
595                 "ENABLED": "Enabled",
596                 "READY": "Ready",
597                 "PAUSE": "Pause",
598                 "UNPAUSE": "End Pause",
599                 "DEFAULT_PAUSE": "Default Pause",
600                 "AGENTADD_QUEUE": "Add Agent to queue campaign",
601                 "AGENTSADD_QUEUE": "Add Agents to queue campaign",
602                 "ALL_TEAMS": "All Teams",
603                 "SELECTED_TEAMS": "Selected Teams",
604                 "ALL_LISTS": "All Lists",
605                 "SELECTED_LISTS": "Selected Lists",
606                 "ALL_AGENTS": "All Agents",
607                 "SELECTED_AGENTS": "Selected Agents",
608                 "WAITING_FOR_AGENT": "Waiting for Agent",
609                 "TOTAL_OFFERED": "Total Offered",
610                 "RUNNING": "Running",
611                 "TRUNK_IS_NOT_REACHABLE": "Trunk is Not Reachable",
612                 "AGENTS_NOT_LOGGED": "Agent not logged",
613                 "NOT_ACTIVE": "Not Active",
614                 "IS_DISACTIVED": "Deactivated",
615                 "BACKUPTRUNK": "Backup Trunk",
616                 "GLOBALINTERVAL": "Global Interval",
617                 "RESCHEDULED_CONTACTS": "Rescheduled contacts",
618                 "INTERVAL_IS_OVERTIME": "Out of Interval",
619                 "GLOBAL_INTERVAL_IS_OVERTIME": "Out of Interval (Global)",
620                 "INTERVAL_IS_NULL": "Interval is Null",
621                 "TIMEZONE_UNKNOW": "Timezone Unknow",
622                 "INTERVAL_IS_EMPTY": "Interval is Empty",
623                 "TOTAL_MANAGED": "Total Managed",
624                 "OPEN": "Open",
625                 "FRESH": "Fresh",
626                 "CLOSED": "Closed",
627                 "ALWAYS": "Always",
628                 "NEVER": "Never",
629                 "ONLY_IF_OPEN": "Only If Open",
630                 "CHECKDUPLICATE": "Check Duplicate",
631                 "PAGE": "Page",
632                 "ROWSPERPAGE": "Rows per page",
633                 "OF": "of",
634                 "CHAT": "Chat",
635                 "MAIL": "Email",
636                 "SMS": "SMS",
637                 "OPENCHANNEL": "Open Channel",
638                 "FAX": "Fax",
639                 "TEAMS_ASSOCIATION": "Teams Association",
640                 "MANDATORYDISPOSITION": "Mandatory disposition",
641                 "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID": "Mandatory disposition pause status",
642                 "TOOLTIP_SCREENRECORDING_ON": "Screen Recording in progress",
643                 "TOOLTIP_SCREENRECORDING_OFF": "Screen Recording available"
644         }
645 }