Built motion from commit (unavailable).|2.5.7
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / openchannel / i18n / en.json
1 {
2         "OPENCHANNEL": {
3                 "EDIT_DIALOGFLOWV2": "Edit Dialogflow V2",
4                 "DIALOGFLOWV2": "Dialogflow V2",
5                 "PRIVATEKEY": "Private Key",
6                 "CLIENTEMAIL": "Client Email",
7                 "PROJECTID": "Project ID",
8                 "AMAZONLEX": "AmazonLex",
9                 "EDIT_AMAZONLEX": "Edit Lex configuration",
10                 "ACCESSKEYID": "Access key ID",
11                 "SECRETACCESSKEY": "Access key secret",
12                 "LEXREGION": "Region",
13                 "BOTNAME": "Bot name",
14                 "WELCOMEMESSAGE": "Welcome message",
15                 "DIALOGFLOW": "Dialogflow",
16                 "EDIT_DIALOGFLOW": "Edit Dialogflow configuration",
17                 "LANGUAGE": "Language",
18                 "LOGIN_TIME": "Login time",
19                 "PAUSE_TIME": "Pause time",
20                 "DOWNLOAD_INTERACTION": "Download",
21                 "TRANSFER": "Transfer",
22                 "QUEUETRANSFER": "Queue Transfer",
23                 "QUEUETRANSFERTIMEOUT": "Queue Transfer Timeout",
24                 "AGENTTRANSFER": "Agent Transfer",
25                 "AGENTTRANSFERTIMEOUT": "Agent Transfer Timeout",
26                 "TAG": "Tag",
27                 "EDIT_TAG": "Edit Tag",
28                 "ADVANCED": "Advanced",
29                 "PROXY": "Proxy",
30                 "TOKEN": "Token",
31                 "WAITFORTHEASSIGNEDAGENT": "Wait for the assigned agent",
32                 "INSERT_MESSAGE_HERE": "Insert your text message here",
33                 "NOTIFICATION": "Notification",
34                 "NOTIFICATIONSOUND": "Sound",
35                 "NOTIFICATIONSHAKE": "Shake",
36                 "NOTIFICATIONTEMPLATE": "Template",
37                 "SYSTEM": "System",
38                 "EDIT_SYSTEM": "Edit System",
39                 "COMMAND": "Command",
40                 "VARIABLE": "Variable",
41                 "DELETE": "Delete",
42                 "CANNEDANSWERS": "Canned Answers",
43                 "OPENCHANNELCANNEDANSWERS": "Canned Answers",
44                 "NO_OPENCHANNELCANNEDANSWER_AVAILABLE": "No Canned Answers Available",
45                 "NEW_OPENCHANNELCANNEDANSWER": "New Canned Answer",
46                 "ADD_OPENCHANNELCANNEDANSWER": "Add Canned Answer",
47                 "EDIT_OPENCHANNELCANNEDANSWER": "Edit",
48                 "DELETE_OPENCHANNELCANNEDANSWER": "Delete",
49                 "DELIVERYREPORTURL": "Delivery Report URL",
50                 "TAGS": "Tags",
51                 "SPYINTERACTION": "Spy",
52                 "NO_AGENT_ONLINE": "No Agent Online",
53                 "GOTOREALTIME_OPENCHANNELQUEUE": "Go To Realtime Open Channel Queue",
54                 "PARTIALPAUSE": "Parital Pause",
55                 "BUSY": "Busy",
56                 "TIMER": "Timer",
57                 "IDLE": "Idle",
58                 "CAPACITY": "Capacity",
59                 "REALTIME": "Realtime",
60                 "TEXT": "Text",
61                 "TIMES": "Number of times per interaction",
62                 "EDIT_AUTOREPLY": "Edit Auto Reply",
63                 "AUTOREPLY": "Auto Reply",
64                 "NAME": "Name",
65                 "OPENCHANNELQUEUES": "Open Channel Queues",
66                 "SEARCH_FOR_ANYONE": "Search",
67                 "MANDATORYDISPOSITION": "Mandatory disposition",
68                 "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID": "Pause to use if mandatory disposition is enabled",
69                 "ERRORS": {
70                         "PROJECTID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
71                         "CLIENTEMAIL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
72                         "PRIVATEKEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
73                         "ACCESSKEYID_REQUIRED": "Access key ID is required",
74                         "SECRETACCESSKEY_REQUIRED": "Access key secret is required",
75                         "BOTNAME_REQUIRED": "Bot name is required",
76                         "QUEUETRANSFERTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
77                         "QUEUETRANSFERTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
78                         "QUEUETRANSFERTIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
79                         "AGENTTRANSFERTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
80                         "AGENTTRANSFERTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
81                         "AGENTTRANSFERTIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
82                         "TAG_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
83                         "WAITFORTHEASSIGNEDAGENT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
84                         "WAITFORTHEASSIGNEDAGENT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
85                         "WAITFORTHEASSIGNEDAGENT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
86                         "AGENT_TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
87                         "TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
88                         "AGENT_TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
89                         "NAME_MUST_VALID_PATTERN": "Wrong format",
90                         "KEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
91                         "LIST_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
92                         "COMMAND_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
93                         "TEXT_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
94                         "VALUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
95                         "TEXT_REQUIRED": "The field text is required",
96                         "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
97                         "AGENT_TIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
98                         "MOTIONADDRESS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
99                         "MOTIONADDRESS_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
100                         "ACCEPTURL_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
101                         "TIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
102                         "REJECTURL_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
103                         "CLOSEURL_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
104                         "REPLYURI_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
105                         "REPLYURI_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
106                         "PRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
107                         "CONDITION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
108                         "TRUEPRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
109                         "FALSEPRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
110                         "AGENT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
111                         "TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
112                         "PRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
113                         "TRUEPRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
114                         "FALSEPRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
115                         "DISPOSITION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
116                         "QUEUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
117                         "KEY_MAX_LENGTH": "Key must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
118                         "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field"
119                 },
120                 "STRATEGY": "Strategy",
121                 "AGENT": "Agent",
122                 "GOTO": "Goto",
123                 "GOTOIF": "Gotoif",
124                 "NOOP": "Noop",
125                 "QUEUE": "Queue",
126                 "EDIT_AGENT": "Edit Agent",
127                 "EDIT_GOTO": "Edit Goto",
128                 "EDIT_NOOP": "Edit Noop",
129                 "EDIT_GOTOIF": "Edit Gotoif",
130                 "EDIT_QUEUE": "Edit Queue",
131                 "CONDITION": "Condition",
132                 "TRUEPRIORITY": "True Priority",
133                 "FALSEPRIORITY": "False Priority",
134                 "VALUE": "Value",
135                 "PRIORITY": "Priority",
136                 "AGENT_TIMEOUT": "Agent Timeout",
137                 "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
138                 "ADD_OPENCHANNELQUEUE": "Add Open Channel Queue",
139                 "EDIT_OPENCHANNELQUEUE": "Edit Open Channel Queue",
140                 "DELETE_OPENCHANNELQUEUE": "Delete Open Channel Queue",
141                 "PENALTY": "Penalty",
142                 "TEAMADD_OPENCHANNELQUEUE": "Add Team To Open Channel Queue",
143                 "AGENTADD_OPENCHANNELQUEUE": "Add Agent To Open Channel Queue",
144                 "ALL_AGENTS": "All Agents",
145                 "SELECTED_AGENTS": "Selected Agents",
146                 "CREATED_AT": "Created At",
147                 "SAVE": "Save",
148                 "SETTINGS": "Settings",
149                 "GENERAL": "General",
150                 "OPENCHANNELACCOUNTS": "Open Channel Accounts",
151                 "MOTIONADDRESS": "Motion Address",
152                 "ADD_OPENCHANNELACCOUNT": "Add Open Channel Account",
153                 "EDIT_OPENCHANNELACCOUNT": "Edit Open Channel Account",
154                 "DELETE_OPENCHANNELACCOUNT": "Delete Open Channel Account",
155                 "API": "API",
156                 "DISPOSITIONS": "Dispositions",
157                 "WEBHOOKS": "WebHooks",
158                 "ACTIONS": "Actions",
159                 "LIST": "List",
160                 "FIDELITY": "Fidelity",
161                 "ACCEPT": "Accept",
162                 "ACCEPTMETHOD": "Accept Method",
163                 "ACCEPTURL": "Accept URL",
164                 "REJECT": "Reject",
165                 "REJECTMETHOD": "Reject Method",
166                 "REJECTURL": "Reject URL",
167                 "CLOSE": "Close",
168                 "CLOSEMETHOD": "Close Method",
169                 "CLOSEURL": "Close URL",
170                 "SELECTED": "Selected",
171                 "SELECT_ALL": "Select All",
172                 "SELECT_NONE": "Select None",
173                 "BACK": "Back",
174                 "OPENCHANNEL": "Open Channel",
175                 "ID": "Id",
176                 "TIMEOUT": "Timeout",
177                 "OPENCHANNELDISPOSITIONS": "Open Channel Dispositions",
178                 "NO_OPENCHANNELDISPOSITION_AVAILABLE": "No Open Channel Dispositions available",
179                 "NEW_OPENCHANNELDISPOSITION": "New Open Channel Disposition",
180                 "ADD_OPENCHANNELDISPOSITION": "Add Open Channel Disposition",
181                 "EDIT_OPENCHANNELDISPOSITION": "Edit Open Channel Disposition",
182                 "DELETE_OPENCHANNELDISPOSITION": "Delete Open Channel Disposition",
183                 "NEW_OPENCHANNELQUEUE": "New Open channel Queue",
184                 "NEW_OPENCHANNELACCOUNT": "New Open channel Account",
185                 "NO_AVAILABLE_INFO": "No available info",
186                 "ALL_TEAMS": "All Teams",
187                 "SELECTED_TEAMS": "Selected Teams",
188                 "REPLYURI": "Reply URL",
189                 "RECEIVEURI": "Receive URL",
190                 "HELP": {
191                         "WELCOMEMESSAGE": "This is the first response message sent to new interactions.",
192                         "TOKEN": "Add this property as query string in your Web Service URL. For more details see the doc <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://wiki.xcallymotion.com/display/XMV/New+Channels+Configuration+Steps#NewChannelsConfigurationSteps-BuildyourownChannelservice\">here</a>",
193                         "RECEIVEURI": "Auto-generated API string to be used in order to receive messages inside your open channel from the external application (using POST method). Click the clipboard button to copy it ",
194                         "REPLYURI": "The URL the open channel will call when sending or replying to a message. For more details see the doc <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://wiki.xcallymotion.com/display/XMV/New+Channels+Configuration+Steps#NewChannelsConfigurationSteps-BuildyourownChannelservice\">here</a>",
195                         "NAME": "Only numbers, letters and specific characters (._) are supported",
196                         "LIST": "Contact Manager List used to associate contacts",
197                         "MANDATORYDISPOSITION": "Mandatory disposition",
198                         "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID": "Pause to use if mandatory disposition is enabled"
199                 },
200                 "PAGE": "Page",
201                 "ROWSPERPAGE": "Rows per page",
202                 "OF": "of",
203                 "CONTACT": "Contact",
204                 "STARTEDAT": "Started At",
205                 "LASTMESSAGE": "Last message",
206                 "STATUS": "Status",
207                 "CLOSED": "Closed",
208                 "OPENED": "Open",
209                 "OPEN": "Open",
210                 "ACCOUNT": "Account",
211                 "INTERACTION": "Interaction",
212                 "INTERACTIONS": "Interactions",
213                 "ALL": "All",
214                 "SELECT_STATUS": "Select a status",
215                 "FILTER": "Filter",
216                 "FILTERS": "Filters",
217                 "CLOSEDAT": "Closed At",
218                 "DISPOSITION": "Disposition",
219                 "NOTES": "Notes",
220                 "NO_INTERACTION_AVAILABLE": "No interactions available",
221                 "SELECT_ACCOUNT": "Select an account",
222                 "GOTOP": "Gotop",
223                 "EDIT_GOTOP": "Edit Gotop",
224                 "EDIT_CLOSE": "Edit Close",
225                 "INFO": "Info",
226                 "KEY": "Key",
227                 "UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
228                 "UNREGISTERED": "Unregistered",
229                 "UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
230                 "NOT_INUSE": "Not in use",
231                 "REACHABLE": "Reachable",
232                 "IN_USE": "In use",
233                 "AGENTS": "Agents",
234                 "QUEUES": "Queues",
235                 "FULLNAME": "Fullname",
236                 "INTERNAL": "Internal",
237                 "PHONE_STATE": "Phone State",
238                 "PHONE_STATUS": "Phone Status",
239                 "PAUSE": "Pause",
240                 "LOGOUT": "Logout",
241                 "AGENTADD_QUEUE": "Add agent to Open Channel queue",
242                 "UNPAUSE": "End Pause",
243                 "DEFAULT_PAUSE": "Default pause",
244                 "LOGGED_IN": "Logged in",
245                 "PAUSED": "Paused",
246                 "READY": "Ready",
247                 "WAITING": "Waiting",
248                 "VOICE": "Voice",
249                 "CHAT": "Chat",
250                 "MAIL": "Email",
251                 "SMS": "SMS",
252                 "FAX": "Fax",
253                 "AGENTSADD_QUEUE": "Add agents to Open Channel queue",
254                 "INTERACTIONS_OPENCHANNELACCOUNT": "Go to Interactions",
255                 "REFRESH_INTERACTIONS": "Refresh Interactions",
256                 "DELETE_INTERACTION": "Delete Interaction",
257                 "AGENTADD_OPENCHANNELACCOUNT": "Add Agent to Openchannel Account",
258                 "CANNED_ANSWER_SEARCH": "Enter a text to seach a Canned Answer",
259                 "CANNED_ANSWER_NOT_FOUND": "No Canned Answer were found",
260                 "SEND": "Send",
261                 "TO": "To",
262                 "MAPKEY": "Map Key",
263                 "TEAMS_ASSOCIATION": "Teams Association",
264                 "TOOLTIP_SCREENRECORDING_ON": "Screen Recording in progress",
265                 "TOOLTIP_SCREENRECORDING_OFF": "Screen Recording available",
266                 "DOWNLOAD_WITH_ATTACHMENTS": "Download with attachments",
267                 "DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_ATTACHMENTS": "Download without attachments"
268         }
269 }