Built motion from commit f7863d46.|2.5.41
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / settings / i18n / en.json
1 {
2   "SETTINGS": {
3     "RTLSUPPORT": "RTL Support",
4     "PREFERRED": "Preferred Logo",
5     "DEFAULT_PREFERRED": "Default Preferred Logo",
6     "FAVICON": "Favicon",
7     "DEFAULT_FAVICON": "Default Favicon",
8     "MOTIONBARREMEMBERME": "Remember Me",
9     "CHATTIMEOUT": "Chat closing interaction timeout",
10     "VIRTUAL": "Chat",
11     "VOICE": "Voice",
12     "SESSIONS": "Sessions",
13     "ADDONS": "Add-ons",
14     "REPORT": "Report",
15     "SPLIT": "Split report",
16     "SPLITSIZECSV": "Split report size [CSV records]",
17     "SPLITSIZEPDF": "Split report size [PDF records]",
18     "SPLITSIZEXLSX": "Split report size [XLSX records]",
19     "ENABLEEMAILPREVIEW": "Enable Email Preview",
20     "COPY_LICENSE": "Copy token to clipboard",
21     "DOWNLOAD_LICENSE_LOG_FILE": "Download license log file",
22     "LICENSE_LOG_FILE": "License log file",
23     "LICENSE_LOG_FILE_DOWNLOADED": "License log file downloaded!",
24     "CLIPBOARD": "Clipboard",
25     "COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Token copied to clipboard",
26     "JAWS": "Jaws",
27     "MOTIONBAR": "Motionbar",
28     "MOTIONBARAUTOUPDATER": "Auto Updater",
30     "SMTP_SSL": "SMTP SSL",
31     "CALL_RECORDING_ENCRYPTION": "Voice Recording Encryption",
32     "TURNADDR": "TURN Address",
33     "TURN_USERNAME": "TURN Username",
34     "TURN_PASSWORD": "TURN Password",
35     "WEBRTC": "WebRTC",
36     "CALLYSQUARE": "Cally Square",
37     "PREVIEW_RECALLME_REMINDER_INTERVAL": "Preview Recallme Reminder Interval",
38     "ENABLED": "Enabled",
39     "DISABLED": "Disabled",
40     "UNLIMITED_CHANNELS": "Unlimited Channels",
41     "RELOAD": "Reload",
42     "VERIFY": "Verify",
43     "INTERFACE": "Interface",
44     "UPDATING": "Updating",
45     "REMOTE_VERSION": "Remote Version",
46     "NO_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE": "No new version available",
47     "TOP_N_PROCESSES": "Top {{value}} processes",
48     "SYSTEM": "System",
49     "FILE_SYSTEM": "File System",
50     "PROCESSES": "Processes",
51     "MOUNT_POINT": "Mount",
52     "AVG_LOAD": "AVG Load",
53     "TOTAL": "Total",
54     "USED": "Used",
55     "FREE": "Free",
56     "NAME": "Name",
57     "STATE": "State",
58     "CHAT": "Chat",
59     "MAIL": "Email",
60     "MESSAGING": "Sms",
61     "WHATSAPP": "WhatsApp Connector",
62     "FAX": "Fax",
63     "OPENCHANNEL": "Open Channel",
64     "AGENTS": "Agents",
65     "USERS": "Users",
66     "TELEPHONES": "Telephones",
67     "STAFF": "Staff",
68     "CHANNELS": "Channels",
69     "MODULES": "Modules",
70     "CM": "Contacts Manager",
71     "DIALER": "Dialer",
72     "JSCRIPTY": "Jscripty",
73     "CUSTOM": "Customization",
74     "VIDEO": "Video",
75     "SCREENRECORDING": "Screen Recording",
76     "UPDATE": "Update",
77     "OTHERS": "Others",
78     "SETTINGS": "Settings",
79     "GENERAL": "General",
80     "SMTP": "SMTP",
81     "NETWORKS": "Networks",
82     "UPDATES": "Updates",
83     "LICENSE": "License",
84     "ID": "Id",
85     "MIN_INTERNAL": "Min Internal",
86     "MIN_MAILBOX": "Min Mailbox",
87     "INSTALLED_AT": "Installed At",
88     "SEARCH_FOR_ANYONE": "Search",
89     "EDIT_GENERAL": "Edit General",
90     "SECURE_PASSWORD": "Secure Password",
91     "LOGO": "Logo",
92     "DEFAULT_LOGO": "Default Logo",
93     "DEFAULT_LOGIN_LOGO": "Default Login Logo",
94     "WHITELABEL": "White Label",
95     "DEFAULT_HEADER_WHITELABEL": "Default Header White Label",
96     "HEADER_WHITELABEL": "Header White Label",
97     "CREATED_AT": "Created At",
98     "SAVE": "Save",
99     "SMTP_SERVICE": "Service",
100     "SMTP_HOST": "Host",
101     "SMTP_USERNAME": "Username",
102     "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
103     "SMTP_PASSWORD": "Password",
104     "SMTP_PORT": "Port",
105     "SMTP_SECURE": "Secure",
106     "TYPE": "Type",
107     "ADDRESS": "Address",
108     "USERNAME": "Username",
109     "NEW_NETWORK": "New Network",
110     "ADD_NETWORK": "Add Network",
112     "LOGINMAILFREQUENCY": "Login Mail Frequency (sec)",
113     "DEFAULTSCREENRECORDINGPATH": "Screen Recording path",
114     "APPZONE": "App Zone",
115     "EDIT_NETWORK": "Edit Network",
116     "DELETE_NETWORK": "Delete Network",
117     "BACK": "Back",
118     "SELECTED": "Selected",
119     "SELECT_ALL": "Select All",
120     "SELECT_NONE": "Select None",
121     "EXPIRATION_DATE": "Expiration Date",
122     "REQUEST_LICENSE": "Request License",
123     "EMAIL": "Email",
124     "SEND": "Send",
125     "PLAN": "Plan",
126     "MONTH_TO_MONTH": "Month to month",
127     "MOTION_PROCESS_MANAGEMENT": "Motion Process Management",
128     "USEFUL_COMMANDS": "Useful Commands",
129     "COMMAND": "Command",
130     "PM2_LIST": "List all processes",
131     "PM2_START": "Start a process by id or name",
132     "PM2_STOP": "Stop a process by id or name or insert 'all' to stop all the active processes",
133     "PM2_RESTART": "Restart a process by id or name",
134     "PM2_LOGS": "Stream all processes log files, unless a specific process id or name is provided",
135     "PASSWORD": "Password",
136     "NO_AVAILABLE_INFO": "No available info",
137     "STUNADDR": "STUN Address",
138     "CHANGELOG": "Changelog",
139     "CURRENT_VERSION": "Current version",
140     "CUSTOMIZATIONS": "Customizations",
141     "LOCALNETADDRESS": "Localnet Address",
142     "NEW_VERSION": "New Version",
143     "TRIAL_VERSION": "Trial Version",
144     "TOKEN": "Token",
145     "NEW_TOKEN_DETECTED": "New Token Detected",
146     "EXPIRATION_GRAY_PERIOD": "Gray Period Expiration",
147     "NEW_TOKEN": "New Token",
148     "PRICES": "Prices",
149     "UPDATE_LICENSE": "Update License",
150     "LOGOLOGIN": "Login Logo",
151     "EXPIRATION_REASON": "Expiration Reason",
152     "GLOBAL": "Global",
153     "SMTP_AUTHENTICATION": "Authentication",
154     "LICENSE_REQUEST_SENT": "Thank you! The Licensing Team will check your account asap in order to approve your request: you will receive an email when the changes become effective. Please refer to license@xcally.com for further informations.",
155     "ACCOUNTNAME": "Account Name",
156     "EMAILADDRESS": "Email Address",
157     "EXPIRATION_REASON_MESSAGE_DISABLED": "Your license has been disabled.",
158     "EXPIRATION_REASON_MESSAGE_CHANGED": "Your machine unique id has been updated due to a change to your system.",
159     "EXPIRATION_CHANGED_ADVISE": "Contact xCALLY Motion License Team sending both your old and your new uuid.",
160     "OLD_TOKEN": "Old Token",
161     "SEND_EMAIL_TO": "Send Email to",
162     "JIRA_ERROR_MESSAGE": "Error during license request. Please contact our license team at license@xcally.com with your request",
163     "PAGE": "Page",
164     "ROWSPERPAGE": "Rows per page",
165     "OF": "of",
166     "PAGE_TITLE": "Page Title",
167     "DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE": "Default Page Title",
168     "PERPETUAL": "Perpetual",
169     "SECURITY_SUITE": "Security Suite",
170     "ANNUALLY": "Annually",
171     "AGENTOMNIDESKTOPINTERFACE": "Agent Omni Desktop Interface",
172     "MESSAGESALIGNMENT": "Messages Alignment",
173     "ENTER_LICENSE": "Enter your license",
174     "UPDATE_LICENSE_MANUALLY": "Do you want to update your license manually?",
175     "SECURITY": "Security",
176     "ALLOWEDLOGINATTEMPTS": "Allowed login attempts before locking the user/agent",
177     "BLOCKDURATION": "Minutes to wait before automatic unlock",
178     "AI": "A.I. Tools",
179     "AITOOLS": "A.I. Tools",
180     "SERVICE": "Service",
181     "NEW_CLOUDPROVIDER": "New Account",
182     "ADD_CLOUDPROVIDER": "Add Account",
183     "DELETE": "Delete",
184     "SECRETACCESSKEY": "Secret Access Key",
185     "ACCESSKEY": "Access Key ID",
186     "EDIT_CLOUDPROVIDER": "Edit Account",
187     "DELETE_CLOUDPROVIDER": "Delete Account",
188     "LANGUAGE": "Language",
189     "BUCKET": "Bucket",
190     "TRANSCRIBE": "Transcribe",
191     "TRANSCRIBEREGION": "Transcribe Region",
192     "TRANSCRIBEACCOUNT": "Transcribe Account",
193     "SENTIMENTANALYSIS": "Sentiment Analysis",
194     "SENTIMENTREGION": "Sentiment Analysis Region",
195     "SENTIMENTACCOUNT": "Sentiment Analysis Account",
196     "SSO": "SSO",
197     "GOOGLE_SSO_ENABLED": "Google SSO Enabled",
198     "ENFORCE_PASSWORD_HISTORY": "Enforce Password History",
199     "PASSWORD_HISTORY_LIMIT": "Password History Limit",
200     "PRIVACY_POLICY_EMAIL": "Privacy Policy for Email Addresses",
201     "PRIVACY_POLICY_NAME": "Privacy Policy for Names",
202     "PRIVACY_POLICY_NUMBER": "Privacy Policy for Numbers",
203     "SEARCH_ON_ENTER_KEY": "Search on Enter key",
204     "CHAT_INTERACTIONS_RELOAD_TIMEOUT": "Chat interactions reload timeout",
205     "MAIL_INTERACTIONS_RELOAD_TIMEOUT": "Email interactions reload timeout",
206     "OPENCHANNEL_INTERACTIONS_RELOAD_TIMEOUT": "Open Channel interactions reload timeout",
207     "SMS_INTERACTIONS_RELOAD_TIMEOUT": "SMS interactions reload timeout",
208     "WHATSAPP_INTERACTIONS_RELOAD_TIMEOUT": "WhatsApp Connector interactions reload timeout",
209     "STOP_RECORDING_ON_VOICE_CALL_TRANSFER": "Stop recording on voice call transfer",
210     "DISABLED_COOKIE": "Cookies banner",
211     "AD_SSO_ENABLED": "Active Directory SSO Enabled",
212     "CLOUD_PROVIDERS": "Cloud Providers",
213     "APPLICATION_ID": "Application Id",
214     "TENANT_ID": "Tenant Id",
215     "CLIENT_SECRET": "Client Secret",
216     "NEW_CLIENT_SECRET": "New Client Secret",
217     "REDIRECT_URI": "Redirect URI",
218     "REMOTE_URI": "Remote URI",
219     "AUTHENTICATE": "Authenticate",
220     "AUTHENTICATE_TO_MICROSOFT_IDENTITY_PLATFORM": "Authenticate to Microsoft Identity Platform",
221     "MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS": "Authentication to the Microsoft Identity Platform completed successfully",
222     "MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_FAIL": "Something went wrong while authenticating to the Microsoft Identity Platform",
223     "UPDATE_CLIENT_SECRET": "Update Client Secret",
224     "HELP": {
225       "DEFAULTSCREENRECORDINGPATH": "Enter the path where to store screen recording files on the Agent computer (leave empty for default Video Folder path)",
226       "RTLSUPPORT": "Enables the RTL Support for Arabic, Persian and Hebrew languages",
227       "ADDRESS": "External (public) ip address",
228       "LOCALNETADDRESS": "Local ip address/subnet",
229       "SMTP_SECURE": "If true, the connection to the server will use TLS",
230       "SMTP_USERNAME": "Username used for authentication",
231       "SMTP_PASSWORD": "Password used for authentication",
232       "EMAILADDRESS": "The message origin Email address (from)",
233       "SECURITY_SUITE": "Enables the secure password format, the mandatory password reset after the first login and the password expiration after 90 days",
234       "MOTIONBARREMEMBERME": "Enable/Disable the Remember Me feature in Motion Phonebar",
235       "LOGINMAILFREQUENCY": "Please remember to restart the EMAIL service each time this parameter has been changed",
236       "USERNAME": "Username",
237       "PASSWORD": "Password",
238       "PREVIEW_RECALLME_REMINDER_INTERVAL": "Time interval in minutes before which notification will be sent to agent informing him about preview recall to be made",
239       "ENFORCE_PASSWORD_HISTORY": "Enables the validation against previously used passwords",
240       "PASSWORD_HISTORY_LIMIT": "Number of last used unique passwords to check",
241       "PRIVACY_POLICY": "Number of characters that will be replaced with an asterisk (*) (0 = all characters)",
242       "SEARCH_ON_ENTER_KEY": "Start searching only after the agent hits the Enter key",
243       "INTERACTIONS_RELOAD_TIMEOUT": "Time interval in seconds after which interactions are reloaded (0 = real-time update)",
244       "CLIENT_SECRET": "The secret will no longer be visible once the configuration is saved. Store it safely if you want to use it elsewhere.",
245       "LIMIT_TABS": "Maximum number of open tabs reached"
246     },
247     "ERRORS": {
248       "CHATTIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
249       "CHATTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
251       "MOTIONBARAUTOUPDATERURL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
252       "ADDRESS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
253       "MIN_INTERNAL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
254       "MIN_MAILBOX_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
255       "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
256       "HEADER_WHITELABEL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
257       "LOCALNETADDRESS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
259       "ADDRESS_MUST_VALID_PATTERN": "Wrong format",
260       "ACCOUNTNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
261       "EMAIL_MUST_VALID": "Wrong format",
262       "SMTP_USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
263       "PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
264       "SMTP_HOST_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
265       "SMTP_PORT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
267       "MIN_INTERNAL_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
268       "MIN_MAILBOX_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
269       "PAGE_TITLE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
270       "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
271       "PLAN_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
272       "LICENSE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
273       "LOGINMAILFREQUENCY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
274       "LOGINMAILFREQUENCY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
275       "ALLOWEDLOGINATTEMPTS_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
276       "BLOCKDURATION_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
277       "ALLOWEDLOGINATTEMPTS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
278       "BLOCKDURATION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
279       "SERVICE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
280       "SECRETACCESSKEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
281       "ACCESSKEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
282       "LANGUAGE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
283       "BUCKET_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
284       "TRANSCRIBEREGION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
285       "TRANSCRIBEACCOUNT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
286       "SENTIMENTREGION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
287       "SENTIMENTACCOUNT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
288       "USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
289       "FIELD_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
290       "WRONG_FORMAT": "Wrong format"
291     },
292     "NOTIFICATIONS": {
293       "MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS": "Authentication to the Microsoft Identity Platform completed successfully",
294       "MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_FAIL": "Something went wrong while authenticating to the Microsoft Identity Platform",
295       "CLOUD_PROVIDER_CREATED_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Cloud Provider successfully created",
296       "CLOUD_PROVIDER_SAVED_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Cloud Provider successfully saved",
297       "CLOUD_PROVIDER_DELETE_TITLE": "Are you sure want to delete the cloud provider?",
298       "CLOUD_PROVIDER_DELETE_MESSAGE": "{{ name }} will be deleted",
299       "CLOUD_PROVIDER_DELETED_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Cloud Provider successfully deleted",
300       "CLOUD_PROVIDERS_DELETE_TITLE": "Are you sure want to delete the selected cloud providers?",
301       "CLOUD_PROVIDERS_DELETE_MESSAGE": "{{ total }} cloud providers will be deleted",
302       "CLOUD_PROVIDERS_DELETED_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Cloud Providers successfully deleted",
303       "SMTP_SAVED_SUCCESS_TITLE": "SMTP configuration successfully saved",
304       "CLOUD_PROVIDER_SECRET_UPDATE_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Client Secret successfully updated"
305     }
306   }
307 }