Built motion from commit 87cd5f02.|2.5.48
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / staff / i18n / en.json
1 {
2   "STAFF": {
3     "MANAGE_API_KEY": "API Key Manager",
4     "GENERATE": "Generate",
5     "REGENERATE": "Regenerate",
6     "REMOVE": "Remove",
7     "APIKEYMANAGER_USER": "API Key Manager",
8     "APIKEY": "API Key",
9     "VIDEOSUPPORT": "Video support",
10     "HOTDESK": "Hot desk",
11     "ENABLEVIDEOECORDING": "Enable Video Recording",
12     "ENABLESCREENRECORDINGBYAGENT": "Enable Screen Recording by Agent",
13     "ENABLEAUTOMATICSCREENRECORDING": "Enable Automatic Screen Recording",
14     "OLD_PASSWORD": "Old Password",
15     "ENABLEJAWSINTEGRATION": "Enable Jaws Integration",
16     "ALIAS": "Alias",
17     "NO_PASSWORD_CHANGE": "No Password Change",
18     "SECURITY_SUITE": "Security Suite",
19     "LAST_PASSWORD_RESET_AT": "Last Password Reset At",
20     "SIP_WEBRTC": "Sip",
21     "SETTINGS_WEBRTC": "Settings",
22     "WEBRTC": "WebRTC",
23     "DTLSCERTFILE": "TLS certificate",
24     "DTLSPRIVATEKEY": "TLS certificate's private key",
25     "CONTEXT": "Context",
26     "RINGINUSE": "Ring In Use",
27     "USERS": "Users",
28     "AGENTS": "Agents",
29     "TOGGLE_SIDENAV": "Toggle sidenav",
30     "SEARCH_FOR_ANYONE": "Search",
31     "BACK": "Back",
32     "MULTI_SELECT_TOGGLE": "multi select toggle",
33     "SELECT_ALL": "Select all",
34     "SELECT_NONE": "Select None",
35     "SELECTED": "Selected",
36     "DELETE_SELECTED": "Delete selected",
37     "EXPORT_SELECTED": "Export selected",
38     "ALL_USERS": "All users",
39     "ALL_AGENTS": "All agents",
40     "SORT": "sort",
41     "NAME": "Name",
42     "FULLNAME": "Full Name",
43     "A_TO_Z": "(A to Z)",
44     "Z_TO_A": "(Z to A)",
45     "MORE": "More",
46     "DELETE_USER": "Delete User",
47     "EDIT_USER": "Edit User",
48     "DELETE_AGENT": "Delete Agent",
49     "EDIT_AGENT": "Edit Agent",
50     "DELETE": "Delete",
51     "SAVE": "SAVE",
52     "ADD_USER": "ADD USER",
53     "ADD_AGENT": "ADD AGENT",
54     "NO_RESULTS": "No results..",
55     "CLOSE_DIALOG": "Close dialog",
56     "NAME_REQUIRED": "Name (required)",
57     "USERNAME": "Username",
58     "SHOW_ALL_FIELDS": "Show All Fields",
59     "PHONE_NUMBER": "Phone number",
60     "EMAIL": "Email",
61     "PASSWORD": "Password",
62     "ERRORS": {
63       "CONFIRM_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
64       "ALLOWCODECS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
65       "ENCRYPTION": "SRTP (Secure Realtime Protocol) Encryption",
66       "DTLSCERTFILE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
67       "DTLSPRIVATEKEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
68       "FULLNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
69       "USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
70       "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
71       "PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
72       "CONFIRM_NOT_MATCH": "The passwords don't match",
73       "EMAIL_MUST_VALID": "Wrong format",
74       "ACCOUNTNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
75       "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
76       "HOST_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
77       "CHATCAPACITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
78       "MAILCAPACITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
79       "FAXCAPACITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
80       "SMSCAPACITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
81       "WHATSAPPCAPACITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
82       "OPENCHANNELCAPACITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
83       "SIPEXPIRES_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
84       "SIPPORT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
85       "UNCONDITIONALNUMBER_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
86       "NOREPLYNUMBER_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
87       "BUSYNUMBER_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
88       "USERNAME_MUST_VALID_PATTERN": "Wrong format {{regex}}",
89       "REMOTECONTROLPORT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
90       "CHATCAPACITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
91       "MAILCAPACITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
92       "FAXCAPACITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
93       "OPENCHANNELCAPACITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
94       "AUTOANSWERDELAY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
95       "AUTOANSWERDELAY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
96       "MONITOREXTENSION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
97       "SECURE_PASSWORD_PATTERN": "The password must be at least 8 characters long and have 1 lowercase character, 1 uppercase character, 1 number and 1 special character ~!@#$%^&-_=+[{]}.",
98       "CRUDPERMISSIONS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
99       "USERPROFILE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
100       "PASSWORD_OLDPASSWORD_MATCH": "New password must be different from previous one"
101     },
102     "ACCOUNT": "Account",
103     "VOICE": "Voice",
104     "CREATED_AT": "Created At",
105     "ROLE": "Role",
106     "PERSONAL_INFO": "Personal Info",
107     "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
108     "CHANGE_AVATAR": "Change Avatar",
109     "GENERAL": "General",
110     "INTERNAL": "Internal",
111     "TRANSPORT": "Transport",
112     "ALLOWCODECS": "Allowed Codecs",
113     "DISABLED": "Deactivated",
114     "BLOCKED": "Locked",
115     "AD_SSO_ENABLED": "Active Directory SSO",
116     "AUTHENTICATION": "Authentication",
117     "HELP": {
118       "DISABLED": "select to deactivate / unselect to reactivate",
119       "BLOCKED": "Lock / Unlock access",
120       "APIKEY": "Please use 'API key manager' button on toolbar to manage this key",
121       "LAST_PASSWORD_RESET_AT": "Last date and time the password has been changed. If Secure Suite General Setting is enabled, the password will expire after 90 days.",
122       "DTLSCERTFILE": "Link to the valid TLS certificate(.crt file). Default value: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/motion.crt'.",
123       "DTLSPRIVATEKEY": "Link to the certificate's private key(.key file). Default value: '/etc/pki/tls/private/motion.key'.",
124       "ALLOWCODECS": "Allowed Codecs in order of preference",
125       "TRANSPORT": "Set the default transports in order of preference",
126       "HOST": "How to find the client - IP or host name. If you want the phone to register itself, use the keyword dynamic instead of Host IP",
127       "NAT": "Changes the behaviour of Asterisk for clients behind a firewall. If any of the comma-separated options is 'no', Asterisk will ignore other settings and set nat=no",
128       "SIPEXPIRES": "Default: 160",
129       "SIPPORT": "Default: 5160",
130       "TYPE": "Determines the SIP role within asterisk. User: used to authenticate incoming - Peer: for outgoing calls - Friend: covers both characteristics of the above",
131       "CHATCAPACITY": "Maximum number of concurrent channel interactions per agent (0=unlimited)",
132       "MAILCAPACITY": "Maximum number of concurrent channel interactions per agent (0=unlimited)",
133       "FAXCAPACITY": "Maximum number of concurrent channel interactions per agent (0=unlimited)",
134       "SMSCAPACITY": "Maximum number of concurrent channel interactions per agent (0=unlimited)",
135       "WHATSAPPCAPACITY": "Maximum number of concurrent channel interactions per agent (0=unlimited)",
136       "OPENCHANNELCAPACITY": "Maximum number of concurrent channel interactions per agent (0=unlimited)",
137       "CALLGROUP": "The agent's callgroup",
138       "PICKUPGROUP": "The groups in which the agent can answer calls",
139       "USERNAME": "Only numbers, letters and specific characters (._) are supported",
140       "ENCRYPTION": "SRTP (Secure Realtime Protocol) Encryption",
141       "SAVE_PERMISSIONS": "Every section containing any pending changes will be saved",
142       "CUSTOM_DASHBOARDS_PERMISSIONS": "Custom Dashboards permissions are managed in the Tools module",
143       "ENABLEAUTOMATICSCREENRECORDING": "The functionality is available only for voice channel",
144       "MASK_SENSITIVE_DATA": "Mask any sensitive data throughout the application (e.g. phone numbers and email addresses)",
145       "WSS_PORT": "Default: 8089",
146       "AD_SSO_ENABLED": "Login in with your Active Directory credentials"
147     },
148     "NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password",
149     "CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password",
150     "CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change Password",
151     "CHANGEPASSWORD_AGENT": "Change Password",
152     "CHANGEPASSWORD_USER": "Change Password",
153     "CHANGEPASSWORD_TELEPHONE": "Change Password",
154     "LOGININPAUSE": "Login In Pause",
155     "HOST": "Host",
156     "NAT": "NAT",
157     "CHANSPY": "ChanSpy",
158     "OTHER_CHANNELS": "Other Channels",
159     "CHATCAPACITY": "Chat Capacity",
160     "MAILCAPACITY": "Email Capacity",
161     "FAXCAPACITY": "Fax Capacity",
162     "SMSCAPACITY": "Sms Capacity",
163     "WHATSAPPCAPACITY": "WhatsApp Connector Capacity",
164     "OPENCHANNELCAPACITY": "Open Channel Capacity",
165     "MOTIONBAR": "Motion Bar",
166     "SETTINGS": "Settings",
167     "AUTOANSWER": "Auto Answer",
168     "ENABLESETTINGS": "Enable Settings",
169     "CALL_FORWARDING": "Call Forwarding",
170     "UNCONDITIONAL": "Unconditional",
171     "UNCONDITIONALNUMBER": "Unconditional Number",
172     "NOREPLY": "No Reply",
173     "NOREPLYNUMBER": "No Reply Number",
174     "BUSY": "Busy",
175     "BUSYNUMBER": "Busy Number",
176     "REMOTE_CONTROL": "Remote Control",
177     "REMOTECONTROL": "Remote Control",
178     "REMOTECONTROLPORT": "Remote Control Port",
179     "SIP": "SIP",
180     "SIPEXPIRES": "SIP Expires [sec]",
181     "SIPPORT": "SIP Port",
182     "PENALTY": "Penalty",
183     "ACCOUNTNAME": "Account Name",
184     "ADD_TELEPHONE": "Add Telephone",
185     "EDIT_TELEPHONE": "Edit Telephone",
186     "DELETE_TELEPHONE": "Delete Telephone",
187     "TEAMS": "Teams",
188     "DELETE_TEAM": "Delete Team",
189     "AGENTADD_TEAM": "Add Agents to Team",
190     "EDIT_TEAM": "Edit Team",
191     "TYPE": "Type",
192     "TELEPHONES": "Telephones",
193     "CALLERID": "Caller ID",
194     "ENABLERECORDING": "Enable Recording",
195     "STAFF": "Staff",
196     "ID": "Id",
197     "NEW_USER": "New User",
198     "NEW_AGENT": "New Agent",
199     "NEW_TELEPHONE": "New Telephone",
200     "NEW_TEAM": "New Team",
201     "ADD_TEAM": "Add Team",
202     "JOIN_QUEUE": "Join Queue",
203     "CAPACITY": "Capacity",
204     "AUTOINTERNAL": "Auto generate internal number",
205     "ADD_AGENT_TO_TEAM": "Add Agent to Team",
206     "TEAMADD_AGENT": "Add Agent to Team",
207     "NO_AVAILABLE_INFO": "No available info",
208     "PERMISSIONS": "Permissions",
209     "ADD_AGENT_TO_QUEUE": "Add Agent to Queue",
210     "ALL_MODULES_AVAILABLE": "All modules available",
211     "CALLGROUP": "Call Group",
212     "PICKUPGROUP": "Pickup Group",
213     "ADD_AGENT_TO_QUEUE_CAMPAIGNS": "Add Agent to Queue Campaigns",
214     "ADD_AGENT_TO_VOICE_QUEUES": "Add Agent to Voice Queues",
215     "ADD_AGENT_TO_CHAT_QUEUES": "Add Agent to Chat Queues",
216     "ADD_AGENT_TO_MAIL_QUEUES": "Add Agent to Email Queues",
217     "ADD_AGENT_TO_SMS_QUEUES": "Add Agent to SMS Queues",
218     "ADD_AGENT_TO_WHATSAPP_QUEUES": "Add Agent to WhatsApp Queues",
219     "ADD_AGENT_TO_OPENCHANNEL_QUEUES": "Add Agent to Open Channel Queues",
220     "ADD_AGENT_TO_FAX_QUEUES": "Add Agent to Fax Queues",
221     "QUEUEADD_USER_VOICE_INBOUND": "Add User to Voice Queues",
222     "QUEUEADD_USER_CHAT_INBOUND": "Add User to Chat Queues",
223     "QUEUEADD_USER_MAIL_INBOUND": "Add User to Email Queues",
224     "QUEUEADD_USER_SMS_INBOUND": "Add User to SMS Queues",
225     "QUEUEADD_USER_WHATSAPP_INBOUND": "Add User to WhatsApp Queues",
226     "QUEUEADD_USER_OPENCHANNEL_INBOUND": "Add User to Open Channel Queues",
227     "QUEUEADD_USER_FAX_INBOUND": "Add User to Fax Queues",
228     "ALL_TEAMS": "All Teams",
229     "SELECTED_TEAMS": "Selected Teams",
230     "SELECTED_AGENTS": "Selected Agents",
231     "ALL_QUEUE_CAMPAIGNS": "All Queue Campaigns",
232     "SELECTED_QUEUE_CAMPAIGNS": "Selected Queue Campaigns",
233     "ALL_VOICE_QUEUES": "All Voice Queues",
234     "SELECTED_VOICE_QUEUES": "Selected Voice Queues",
235     "ALL_CHAT_QUEUES": "All Chat Queues",
236     "SELECTED_CHAT_QUEUES": "Selected Chat Queues",
237     "ALL_MAIL_QUEUES": "All Email Queues",
238     "SELECTED_MAIL_QUEUES": "Selected Email Queues",
239     "ALL_SMS_QUEUES": "All SMS Queues",
240     "SELECTED_SMS_QUEUES": "Selected SMS Queues",
241     "ALL_WHATSAPP_QUEUES": "All WhatsApp Queues",
242     "SELECTED_WHATSAPP_QUEUES": "Selected WhatsApp Queues",
243     "ALL_OPENCHANNEL_QUEUES": "All Open Channel Queues",
244     "SELECTED_OPENCHANNEL_QUEUES": "Selected Open Channel Queues",
245     "ALL_FAX_QUEUES": "All Fax Queues",
246     "SELECTED_FAX_QUEUES": "Selected Fax Queues",
247     "VOICEMAIL": "Voicemail",
248     "SHOWWEBCONTROL": "Typology",
249     "PAGE": "Page",
250     "ROWSPERPAGE": "Rows per page",
251     "OF": "of",
252     "CALLFORWARDING": "Call Forwarding",
253     "DND": "Do not disturb during pause",
254     "UNANSWEREDCALLBADGE": "Show unanswered call badge",
255     "ENABLEDTMFTONE": "Enable Dtmf tones",
256     "AUTOANSWERDELAY": "Auto Answer Delay [s]",
257     "ENCRYPTION": "Encryption",
258     "CHANNELS": "Channels",
259     "CHAT": "Chat",
260     "SMS": "Sms",
261     "WHATSAPP": "WhatsApp Connector",
262     "OPENCHANNEL": "Open Channel",
263     "FAX": "Fax",
264     "QUEUEADD_USER_VOICE_OUTBOUND": "Add User to Queue Campaigns",
265     "MONITOREXTENSION": "Record calls to user extension",
266     "EDITPERMISSIONS": "Editing Permissions",
267     "READ_PERMISSION": "Read",
268     "EDIT_PERMISSION": "Edit",
269     "DELETE_PERMISSION": "Delete",
270     "GENERAL_PERMISSIONS": "General",
271     "ENABLEMESSENGER": "Enable Internal Messenger",
272     "OUTBOUNDPROXY": "Oubound Proxy",
273     "PHONE": "Phone",
274     "MOBILE": "Mobile",
275     "PREFIXREQUIRED": "Prefix Required",
276     "MANAGE_PERMISSIONS": "Manage Permissions",
277     "USERADD_VOICEQUEUES": "Add Voice Queue to User",
278     "ALL_VOICEQUEUES": "All Voice Queues",
279     "SELECTED_VOICEQUEUES": "Selected Voice Queues",
280     "USERADD_CHATQUEUES": "Add Chat Queue to User",
281     "ALL_CHATQUEUES": "All Chat Queues",
282     "SELECTED_CHATQUEUES": "Selected Email Queues",
283     "USERADD_MAILQUEUES": "Add Email Queue to User",
284     "ALL_MAILQUEUES": "All Email Queues",
285     "SELECTED_MAILQUEUES": "Selected Chat Queues",
286     "USERADD_SMSQUEUES": "Add SMS Queue to User",
287     "ALL_SMSQUEUES": "All SMS Queues",
288     "SELECTED_SMSQUEUES": "Selected SMS Queues",
289     "USERADD_WHATSAPPQUEUES": "Add Whataspp Queue to User",
290     "ALL_WHATSAPPQUEUES": "All Whataspp Queues",
291     "SELECTED_WHATSAPPQUEUES": "Selected WhatsApp Queues",
292     "USERADD_FAXQUEUES": "Add Fax Queue to User",
293     "ALL_FAXQUEUES": "All Fax Queues",
294     "SELECTED_FAXQUEUES": "Selected Fax Queues",
295     "USERADD_OPENCHANNELQUEUES": "Add Open Channel Queue to User",
296     "ALL_OPENCHANNELQUEUES": "All Open Channel Queues",
297     "SELECTED_OPENCHANNELQUEUES": "Selected Open Channel Queues",
298     "USERADD_PROJECTS": "Add Cally Square Project to User",
299     "ALL_PROJECTS": "All Cally Square Projects",
300     "SELECTED_PROJECTS": "Selected Cally Square Projects",
301     "USERADD_CHATWEBSITES": "Add Chat Website to User",
302     "ALL_CHATWEBSITES": "All Chat Websites",
303     "SELECTED_CHATWEBSITES": "Selected Chat Websites",
304     "USERADD_QUEUECAMPAIGNS": "Add Queue Campaign to User",
305     "ALL_QUEUECAMPAIGNS": "All Queue Campaigns",
306     "SELECTED_QUEUECAMPAIGNS": "Selected Queue Campaigns",
307     "USERADD_MAILACCOUNTS": "Add Email Account to User",
308     "ALL_MAILACCOUNTS": "All Email Accounts",
309     "SELECTED_MAILACCOUNTS": "Selected Email Accounts",
310     "USERADD_FAXACCOUNTS": "Add Fax Account to User",
311     "ALL_FAXACCOUNTS": "All Fax Accounts",
312     "SELECTED_FAXACCOUNTS": "Selected Fax Accounts",
313     "USERADD_SMSACCOUNTS": "Add SMS Account to User",
314     "ALL_SMSACCOUNTS": "All SMS Accounts",
315     "SELECTED_SMSACCOUNTS": "Selected SMS Accounts",
316     "USERADD_WHATSAPPACCOUNTS": "Add WhatsApp Account to User",
317     "ALL_WHATSAPPACCOUNTS": "All WhatsApp Accounts",
318     "SELECTED_WHATSAPPACCOUNTS": "Selected WhatsApp Accounts",
319     "USERADD_OPENCHANNELACCOUNTS": "Add Open Channel Account to User",
320     "ALL_OPENCHANNELACCOUNTS": "All Open Channel Accounts",
321     "SELECTED_OPENCHANNELACCOUNTS": "Selected Open Channel Accounts",
322     "USERPROFILES": "User Profiles",
323     "USERPROFILE": "User Profile",
324     "NEW_USERPROFILE": "New User Profile",
325     "ADD_USERPROFILE": "Add User Profile",
326     "EDIT_USERPROFILE": "Edit User Profile",
327     "CLONE_USERPROFILE": "Clone User Profile",
328     "DELETE_USERPROFILE": "Delete User Profile",
329     "CRUDPERMISSIONS": "Permission Type",
330     "SECTIONS": "Sections",
331     "MODULES": "Modules",
332     "SUMMARY": "Summary",
333     "REPORT_TYPE": "Report Type",
334     "PERMISSIONS_MANAGE": "Manage",
335     "PERMISSIONS_SECTION_TITLE": "{{sectionName}} Permissions",
336     "PERMISSIONS_AUTO_ASSOCIATION_INFO": "Automatically associate every current and future resource of this section to the User Profile",
338     "PERMISSIONS_SELECT_SECTION": "Select a section",
339     "PERMISSIONS_SELECT_REPORT_TYPE": "Select report type",
340     "PERMISSIONS_ALL_RESOURCES": "All resources",
341     "PERMISSIONS_SELECTED_RESOURCES": "Selected resources",
342     "PERMISSIONS_SECTION_HIDE": "Hide section to the User",
343     "PERMISSIONS_SECTION_SHOW": "Show section to the User",
344     "PERMISSIONS_WARNING_ENABLE_ALL": "All {{sectionName}} subsections and their resources will be enabled. Are you sure you want to continue?",
345     "PERMISSIONS_WARNING_CLOSE": "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to exit without saving?",
346     "NOTIFICATIONS": {
347       "PERMISSIONS_ENABLED_ALL_SUCCESS_TITLE": "{{sectionName}} section enabled",
348       "PERMISSIONS_ENABLED_ALL_SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "All {{sectionName}} resources have been added to {{userProfileName}} User Profile",
349       "PERMISSIONS_ENABLED_ALL_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_NO_RESOURCES": "{{sectionName}} has been added to {{userProfileName}} User Profile",
350       "PERMISSIONS_DISABLED_ALL_SUCCESS_TITLE": "{{sectionName}} section disabled",
351       "PERMISSIONS_DISABLED_ALL_SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "All {{sectionName}} resources have been removed from {{userProfileName}} User Profile",
352       "PERMISSIONS_DISABLED_ALL_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_NO_RESOURCES": "{{sectionName}} has been removed from {{userProfileName}} User Profile",
353       "PERMISSIONS_SAVED_SUCCESS_TITLE": "{{sectionName}} section saved",
354       "PERMISSIONS_SAVED_SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Permissions successfully updated!"
355     },
356     "CONFIRM": "Confirm",
357     "CANCEL": "Cancel",
358     "CLOSE": "Close",
359     "QUEUES_ASSOCIATION": "{{channel}} Queues Association",
360     "TEAMS_ASSOCIATION": "Teams Association",
362     "PERMISSIONS_UNAUTHORIZED_REDIRECT_MESSAGE": "You are not allowed to access the selected section",
363     "PERMISSIONS_UNAUTHORIZED_CREATION_MESSAGE": "You are not allowed to create the resource",
364     "MASK_SENSITIVE_DATA": "Mask Sensitive Data",
365     "WSS_PORT": "WSS Port",
366     "DOWNLOADS": "Downloads",
367     "DOWNLOAD_PERMISSIONS": "Download Permissions",
368     "VOICE_RECORDINGS": "Voice Recordings",
369     "OMNICHANNEL_INTERACTIONS": "Omnichannel Interactions",
370     "ATTACHMENTS": "Attachments",
371     "SCREEN_RECORDINGS": "Screen Recordings",
372     "JSCRIPTY_SESSIONS": "Jscripty Sessions",
373     "CONTACT_MANAGER_LISTS": "Contact Manager Lists",
374     "CALLYSQUARE_RECORDINGS": "Cally Square Recordings",
375     "IGNORE_AGENT_BREAK_STATUS_FOR_PREVIEW_CALLS": "Ignore agent break status for preview calls",
376     "SELECT_RECALLME_CAMPAIGN": "Select Recall Me Campaign",
377     "CLIENT_LOGS": "Client Logs",
378     "CLIENT_LOGS_DISABLED": "Client logs are disabled",
379     "CLIENT_LOGS_ENABLED": "Client logs are enabled",
380     "CLIENT_LOGS_LOGLEVEL_SELECT": "Select min logging level (severity)",
381     "CLIENT_LOGS_LOGLEVEL": "Log level: {{logLevel}}",
382     "CLIENT_LOGS_ENABLED_SINCE": "Enabled since: {{enabledSince}}",
383     "CLIENT_LOGS_ENABLED_MSG": "Client logs have been enabled by the administrator for your user",
384     "CLIENT_LOGS_DISABLED_MSG": "Client logs have been disabled by the administrator for your user",
385     "CLIENT_LOGS_ALL_ENABLED_WARNING": "Warning: this could severely affect server performances if many agents are logged in at the same time!",
386     "QUEUEADD_AGENT_VOICE_OUTBOUND": "Add Agent to Queue Campaigns",
387     "QUEUEADD_AGENT_VOICE_INBOUND": "Add Agent to Voice Queues",
388     "QUEUEADD_AGENT_CHAT_INBOUND": "Add Agent to Chat Queues",
389     "QUEUEADD_AGENT_MAIL_INBOUND": "Add Agent to Email Queues",
390     "QUEUEADD_AGENT_SMS_INBOUND": "Add Agent to SMS Queues",
391     "QUEUEADD_AGENT_WHATSAPP_INBOUND": "Add Agent to WhatsApp Queues",
392     "QUEUEADD_AGENT_OPENCHANNEL_INBOUND": "Add Agent to Open Channel Queues",
393     "QUEUEADD_AGENT_FAX_INBOUND": "Add Agent to Fax Queues",
394     "ALL_QUEUES_VOICE_OUTBOUND": "All Queue Campaigns",
395     "SELECTED_QUEUES_VOICE_OUTBOUND": "Selected Queue Campaigns",
396     "ALL_QUEUES_VOICE_INBOUND": "All Voice Queues",
397     "SELECTED_QUEUES_VOICE_INBOUND": "Selected Voice Queues",
398     "ALL_QUEUES_CHAT_INBOUND": "All Chat Queues",
399     "SELECTED_QUEUES_CHAT_INBOUND": "Selected Chat Queues",
400     "ALL_QUEUES_MAIL_INBOUND": "All Email Queues",
401     "SELECTED_QUEUES_MAIL_INBOUND": "Selected Email Queues",
402     "ALL_QUEUES_SMS_INBOUND": "All SMS Queues",
403     "SELECTED_QUEUES_SMS_INBOUND": "Selected SMS Queues",
404     "ALL_QUEUES_WHATSAPP_INBOUND": "All WhatsApp Queues",
405     "SELECTED_QUEUES_WHATSAPP_INBOUND": "Selected WhatsApp Queues",
406     "ALL_QUEUES_OPENCHANNEL_INBOUND": "All Open Channel Queues",
407     "SELECTED_QUEUES_OPENCHANNEL_INBOUND": "Selected Open Channel Queues",
408     "ALL_QUEUES_FAX_INBOUND": "All Fax Queues",
409     "SELECTED_QUEUES_FAX_INBOUND": "Selected Fax Queues"
410   }
411 }