Built motion from commit (unavailable).|2.5.7
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / whatsapp / i18n / en.json
1 {
2         "WHATSAPP": {
3                 "EDIT_DIALOGFLOWV2": "Edit Dialogflow V2",
4                 "DIALOGFLOWV2": "Dialogflow V2",
5                 "PRIVATEKEY": "Private Key",
6                 "CLIENTEMAIL": "Client Email",
7                 "PROJECTID": "Project ID",
8                 "ACCESSKEYID": "Access Key ID",
9                 "ACCOUNTSID": "Account SID",
10                 "ACTIONS": "Actions",
11                 "ADD_NOTE": "Add note",
12                 "ADD_WHATSAPPACCOUNT": "Add",
13                 "ADD_WHATSAPPCANNEDANSWER": "Add Canned Answer",
14                 "ADD_WHATSAPPDISPOSITION": "Add WhatsApp Disposition",
15                 "ADD_WHATSAPPQUEUE": "Add WhatsApp queue",
16                 "ADVANCED": "Advanced",
17                 "AGENT": "Agent",
18                 "AGENT_TIMEOUT": "Agent Timeout",
19                 "AGENTADD_QUEUE": "Add Agent To WhatsApp Queue",
20                 "AGENTADD_WHATSAPPACCOUNT": "Add Agent To WhatsApp Account",
21                 "AGENTADD_WHATSAPPQUEUE": "Add Agent To WhatsApp Queue",
22                 "AGENTS": "Agents",
23                 "AGENTSADD_QUEUE": "Add agents to WhatsApp queue",
24                 "AGENTTRANSFER": "Agent Transfer",
25                 "AGENTTRANSFERTIMEOUT": "Agent Transfer Timeout",
26                 "ALL": "All",
27                 "ALL_AGENTS": "All Agents",
28                 "ALL_TEAMS": "All Teams",
29                 "AMAZONLEX": "AmazonLex",
30                 "AUTHTOKEN": "Auth Token",
31                 "AUTOREPLY": "Auto Reply",
32                 "BACK": "Back",
33                 "BOTNAME": "Bot Name",
34                 "BUSY": "Busy",
35                 "CANNED_ANSWER_NOT_FOUND": "No Canned Answers were found",
36                 "CANNED_ANSWER_SEARCH": "Enter a text to search a Canned Answer",
37                 "CANNEDANSWERS": "Canned Answers",
38                 "CAPACITY": "Capacity",
39                 "CLOSE": "Close",
40                 "CLOSED": "Closed",
41                 "CLOSEMETHOD": "Close Method",
42                 "CLOSEURL": "Close URL",
43                 "COMMAND": "Command",
44                 "CONDITION": "Condition",
45                 "CONTACT": "Contact",
46                 "CREATED_AT": "Created at",
47                 "DEFAULT_PAUSE": "DEFAULT PAUSE",
48                 "DELETE": "Delete",
49                 "DELETE_INTERACTION": "Delete Interaction",
50                 "DELETE_SELECTED": "Delete selected",
51                 "DELETE_WHATSAPPACCOUNT": "Delete WhatsApp Account",
52                 "DELETE_WHATSAPPCANNEDANSWER": "Deleted",
53                 "DELETE_WHATSAPPDISPOSITION": "Delete WhatsApp Disposition",
54                 "DELETE_WHATSAPPQUEUE": "Delete WhatsApp Queue",
55                 "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
56                 "DIALOGFLOW": "DialogFlow",
57                 "DISPOSITION": "Disposition",
58                 "DISPOSITIONS": "Dispositions",
59                 "DOWNLOAD_INTERACTION": "Download",
60                 "DOWNLOAD_WITH_ATTACHMENTS": "Download With Attachments",
61                 "DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_ATTACHMENTS": "Download Without Attachments",
62                 "EDIT_AGENT": "Edit Agent",
63                 "EDIT_AMAZONLEX": "Edit Lex configuration",
64                 "EDIT_AUTOREPLY": "Edit Auto Reply",
65                 "EDIT_CLOSE": "Edit Close",
66                 "EDIT_DIALOGFLOW": "Edit DialogFlow configuration",
67                 "EDIT_GOTOIF": "Edit Gotoif",
68                 "EDIT_GOTOP": "Edit Gotop",
69                 "EDIT_NOOP": "Edit Noop",
70                 "EDIT_QUEUE": "Edit Queue",
71                 "EDIT_SYSTEM": "Edit System",
72                 "EDIT_TAG": "Edit Tag",
73                 "EDIT_WHATSAPPACCOUNT": "Edit WhatsApp Account",
74                 "EDIT_WHATSAPPCANNEDANSWER": "Edit",
75                 "EDIT_WHATSAPPDISPOSITION": "Edit WhatsApp Disposition",
76                 "EDIT_WHATSAPPQUEUE": "Edit WhatsApp Queue",
77                 "ERRORS": {
78                         "PROJECTID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
79                         "CLIENTEMAIL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
80                         "PRIVATEKEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
81                         "ACCESSKEYID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
82                         "ACCOUNTSID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
83                         "AGENT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
84                         "AGENT_TIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
85                         "AGENTTRANSFERTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater or equal than",
86                         "AGENTTRANSFERTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less or equal than",
87                         "AGENTTRANSFERTIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
88                         "AUTHTOKEN_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
89                         "BOTNAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
90                         "COMMAND_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
91                         "CONDITION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
92                         "DESCRIPTION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
93                         "DISPOSITION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
94                         "FALSEPRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater or equal than",
95                         "FALSEPRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
96                         "KEY_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
97                         "KEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
98                         "LANGUAGE_REQUIRED": "Mandtory Field",
99                         "LEXREGION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
100                         "LIST_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
101                         "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
102                         "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
103                         "PHONE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
104                         "PRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater or equal than",
105                         "PRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
106                         "QUEUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
107                         "QUEUETRANSFERTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater or equal than",
108                         "QUEUETRANSFERTIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less or equal than",
109                         "QUEUETRANSFERTIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
110                         "SECRETACCESSKEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
111                         "TAG_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
112                         "TEXT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
113                         "TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater or equal than",
114                         "TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less or equal than",
115                         "TIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
116                         "TIMES_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
117                         "TOKEN_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
118                         "TRUEPRIORITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater or equal than",
119                         "TRUEPRIORITY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
120                         "TYPE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
121                         "VALUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
122                         "VARIABLE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
123                         "WAITFORTHEASSIGNEDAGENT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater or equal than",
124                         "WAITFORTHEASSIGNEDAGENT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less or equal than",
125                         "WAITFORTHEASSIGNEDAGENT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field",
126                         "WELCOMEMESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
127                         "WELCOMEMESSAGE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field"
128                 },
129                 "FALSEPRIORITY": "False Priority",
130                 "GENERAL": "General",
131                 "GO_TO_WHATSAPPACCOUNTS": "Go To Account",
132                 "GOTOIF": "Gotoif",
133                 "GOTOP": "Gotop",
134                 "GOTOREALTIME_WHATSAPPQUEUE": "Go To Realtime WhatsApp Queue",
135                 "HELP": {
136                         "LIST": "Contact Manager list used to associate contacts",
137                         "MANDATORYDISPOSITION": "Mandatory disposition",
138                         "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID": "Pause to use when mandatory disposition is enabled",
139                         "MOTIONPROXY": "The field must have the following format: <protocol>://<ipaddress>[:<port>]. Example: https://X.Y.Z.W",
140                         "NAME": "Only numbers, letters and specific characters (._) are supported",
141                         "RECEIVEURL": "This is the auto-generated API string you need to use to receive the messages inside your account from your WhatsApp Connector provider (POST method must be used): click the clipboard button to copy it",
142                         "WELCOMEMESSAGE": "This is the first response message sent to new interactions"
143                 },
144                 "ID": "Id",
145                 "IDLE": "Idle",
146                 "INSERT_MESSAGE_HERE": "Insert message here",
147                 "INTERACTIONS": "Interactions",
148                 "INTERACTIONS_WHATSAPPACCOUNT": "Go to Interactions",
149                 "KEY": "Key",
150                 "LANGUAGE": "Language",
151                 "LASTMESSAGE": "Last Message",
152                 "LEXREGION": "Region",
153                 "LIST": "List",
154                 "LOGGED_IN": "Logged In (SIP Connected)",
155                 "LOGIN_TIME": "Login Time",
156                 "LOGOUT": "Logout",
157                 "MANDATORYDISPOSITION": "Mandatory Disposition",
158                 "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID": "Pause to use when mandatory disposition is enabled",
159                 "MORE": "More",
160                 "MOTIONPROXY": "Proxy Or Motion Domain",
161                 "MULTI_SELECT_TOGGLE": "Multi select toggle",
162                 "NAME": "Name",
163                 "NEW_WHATSAPPACCOUNT": "New WhatsApp Account",
164                 "NEW_WHATSAPPCANNEDANSWER": "New WhatsApp Canned Answer",
165                 "NEW_WHATSAPPDISPOSITION": "New WhatsApp Disposition",
166                 "NEW_WHATSAPPQUEUE": "New WhatsApp Queue",
167                 "NO_AGENT_ONLINE": "No Agent Online",
168                 "NO_AVAILABLE_INFO": "No Available Info",
169                 "NO_INTERACTION_AVAILABLE": "No Interactions Available",
170                 "NO_WHATSAPP_ACCOUNTS_AVAILABLE": "No WhatsApp Accounts available",
171                 "NO_WHATSAPPCANNEDANSWER_AVAILABLE": "No WhatsApp Canned Answers Available",
172                 "NO_WHATSAPPDISPOSITION_AVAILABLE": "No WhatsApp Dispositions Available",
173                 "NOOP": "Noop",
174                 "NOTE": "Note",
175                 "NOTIFICATION": "Notification",
176                 "NOTIFICATIONSHAKE": "Shake",
177                 "NOTIFICATIONSOUND": "Sound",
178                 "NOTIFICATIONTEMPLATE": "Template",
179                 "OF": "of",
180                 "OPENED": "Opened",
181                 "PAGE": "Page",
182                 "PARTIALPAUSE": "Partial Pause",
183                 "PAUSE": "Pause",
184                 "PAUSE_TIME": "Pause Time",
185                 "PAUSED": "Paused",
186                 "PHONE": "Phone",
187                 "PRIORITY": "Priority",
188                 "PROXY": "Proxy",
189                 "QUEUE": "Queue",
190                 "QUEUES": "Queues",
191                 "QUEUETRANSFER": "Queue Transfer",
192                 "QUEUETRANSFERTIMEOUT": "Queue Transfer Timeout",
193                 "READY": "Ready",
194                 "REALTIME": "Realtime",
195                 "RECEIVEURL": "Receive URL",
196                 "REFRESH_INTERACTIONS": "Refresh Interactions",
197                 "REMOTE": "Remote",
198                 "ROWSPERPAGE": "Rows per page",
199                 "SAVE": "Save",
200                 "SCREENRECORDING": "Manage Screen Recording",
201                 "SEARCH_FOR_ANYONE": "Search",
202                 "SECRETACCESSKEY": "Access key secret",
203                 "SELECT_ALL": "Select all",
204                 "SELECT_NONE": "Select none",
205                 "SELECTED": "Selected",
206                 "SELECTED_AGENTS": "Selected Agents",
207                 "SELECTED_TEAMS": "Selected Teams",
208                 "SEND": "Send",
209                 "SETTINGS": "Settings",
210                 "SPYINTERACTION": "Spy Interaction",
211                 "START_SCREENRECORDING": "Start Screen Recording",
212                 "STARTEDAT": "Started at",
213                 "STATUS": "Status",
214                 "STOP_SCREENRECORDING": "Stop Screen Recording",
215                 "STRATEGY": "Strategy",
216                 "SYSTEM": "System",
217                 "TAG": "Tag",
218                 "TAGS": "Tags",
219                 "TEAMADD_WHATSAPPQUEUE": "Add Team To WhatsApp Queue",
220                 "TEAMS_ASSOCIATION": "Teams Association",
221                 "TEXT": "Text",
222                 "TIMEOUT": "Timeout",
223                 "TIMER": "Timer",
224                 "TIMES": "Times",
225                 "TO": "To",
226                 "TOKEN": "Token",
227                 "TOOLTIP_SCREENRECORDING_OFF": "Screen Recording available",
228                 "TOOLTIP_SCREENRECORDING_ON": "Screen Recording in progress",
229                 "TRANSFER": "Transfer",
230                 "TRUEPRIORITY": "True Priority",
231                 "TYPE": "Type",
232                 "UNPAUSE": "End Pause",
233                 "VALUE": "Value",
234                 "VARIABLE": "Variable",
235                 "WAITFORTHEASSIGNEDAGENT": "Wait for the assigned agent",
236                 "WAITING": "Waiting",
237                 "WELCOMEMESSAGE": "Welcome Message",
238                 "WHATSAPP": "WhatsApp Connector",
239                 "WHATSAPPACCOUNTS": "WhatsApp Accounts",
240                 "WHATSAPPCANNEDANSWERS": "WhatsApp Canned Answers",
241                 "WHATSAPPDISPOSITIONS": "WhatsApp Dispositions",
242                 "WHATSAPPQUEUES": "WhatsApp Queues"
243         }
244 }