[motion.git] / public / assets / plugins / jscripty / resources / dia.txt
2 # https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmQEO36liL4FdDJLWVNMaVV2UmRKSnpXU09MYkdGbEE
3 #Applications
4 application=Applications
5 start=Start
6 end=End
7 input=Input
8 question=Question
9 email=Email
10 id=ID
11 Type=Type
12 Host=Host
13 Username=Username
14 Password=Password
15 To=To
16 Subject=Subject
17 Body=Body
18 Zendesk=Zendesk
19 Summary=Summary
20 text=Text
21 Text=Text
22 state=State
23 label=Label
24 saveAs=save As
25 publish=Publish
26 variable=Variable
27 name=Name
28 sms=SMS
29 account_id=Account
30 to=To
31 sms_text=Text
32 other=Other
33 add=Add Input
34 other=Other option
35 #
36 aboutDrawio=About draw.io
37 access_denied=Access denied
38 actualSize=Actual Size
39 addToExistingDrawing=Add to existing drawing
40 addWaypoint=Add waypoint
41 align=Align
42 alignment=Alignment
43 allChangesLost=All changes will be lost!
44 alreadyConnected=Nodes already connected
45 apply=Apply
46 arrange=Arrange
47 appNotInstalledAlert=App not installed. Please install draw.io in Chrome Web Store and try again.
48 appNotInstalledStatus=App not installed.
49 arrow=Arrow
50 arrows=Arrows
51 automatic=Automatic
52 autosize=Autosize
53 backgroundColor=Background color
54 basic=Basic
55 blankDrawing=Blank Drawing
56 block=Block
57 bold=Bold
58 borderColor=Border color
59 borderWidth=Borderwidth
60 bottom=Bottom
61 bottomAlign=Bottom Align
62 cancel=Cancel
63 center=Center
64 cannotLoad=Load attempts failed. Please try again later.
65 cannotLogin=Log in attempts failed. Please try again later.
66 changeOrientation=Change Orientation
67 chatJoined={1} has joined
68 chatLeft={1} has left
69 chatWindowTitle=Chat
70 circle=Circle
71 classic=Classic
72 clipart=Clipart
73 close=Close
74 collapse=Collapse
75 collapse-expand=Collapse/Expand
76 connect=Connect
77 connecting=Connecting
78 connectWithDrive=Connect with Google Drive
79 connection=Connection
80 containsValidationErrors=Contains validation errors
81 copy=Copy
82 copyConnect=Copy on connect
83 copyOfDrawing=Copy of Drawing
84 curved=Curved
85 custom=Custom
86 cut=Cut
87 dashed=Dashed
88 delete=Delete
89 diamond=Diamond
90 diamondThin=Diamond (Thin)
91 didYouKnow=Did you know...
92 direction=Direction
93 done=Done
94 doubleClickOrientation=Doubleclick to change orientation
95 drawing=Drawing{1}
96 drawingEmpty=Drawing is empty
97 drawingTooLarge=Drawing is too large
98 duplicate=Duplicate
99 east=East
100 edit=Edit
101 editLink=Edit link
102 embed=Embed
103 embedNotice=Add this once at the end of the page
104 enterGroup=Enter group
105 enterValue=Enter value
106 entityRelation=Entity Relation
107 error=Error
108 errorLoadingFile=Error loading file
109 errorRenamingFile=Error renaming file.
110 errorRenamingFileNotFound=Error renaming file. File was not found.
111 errorRenamingFileForbidden=Error renaming file. Insufficient access rights.
112 errorSavingFile=Error saving file
113 errorSavingFileForbidden=Error saving file. Insufficient access rights.
114 errorSavingFileNotFound=Error saving file. File was not found.
115 exitGroup=Exit Group
116 expand=Expand
117 export=Export
118 failedToSaveTryReconnect=Failed to save, trying to reconnect
119 featureRequest=Feature Request
120 feedback=Feedback
121 file=File
122 filename=Filename
123 fileNotFound=File not found
124 fileNotLoaded=File not loaded
125 fileNotSaved=File not saved
126 fileOpenLocation=How would you like to open these file(s)?
127 fillColor=Fill color
128 fit=Fit
129 fitPage=Fit page
130 fitPageWidth=Fit Page width
131 fitWindow=Fit Window
132 flipH=Flip Horizontal
133 flipV=Flip Vertical
134 fontColor=Font color
135 fontFamily=Font family
136 fontSize=Font size
137 format=Format
138 forum=Discussion/Help Forums
139 fromTemplate=From Template
140 fromText=From Text
141 general=General
142 global=Global
143 gradient=Gradient
144 gradientColor=Color
145 grid=Grid
146 group=Group
147 guides=Guides
148 hateApp=I hate draw.io
149 height=Height
150 help=Help
151 helpTranslate=Help us translate this application
152 hide=Hide
153 home=Home
154 horizontal=Horizontal
155 horizontalFlow=Horizontal Flow
156 horizontalTree=Horizontal tree
157 image=Image
158 images=Images
159 inline=Inline
160 import=Import
161 invalidOrMissingFile=Invalid or missing file
162 italic=Italic
163 landscape=Landscape
164 layout=Layout
165 left=Left
166 leftAlign=Left Align
167 line=Line
168 lineend=Line End
169 linestart=Line Start
170 linewidth=Linewidth
171 loading=Loading
172 loveApp=I love draw.io
173 manual=Manual
174 middle=Middle
175 moreResults=More Results
176 moreShapes=More Shapes
177 move=Move
178 navigation=Navigation
179 new=New
180 noColor=No color
181 noFiles=No files
182 noMoreResults=No More Results
183 none=None
184 noResultsFor=No results for '{1}'
185 north=North
186 notConnected=Not connected
187 ok=OK
188 opacity=Opacity
189 open=Open
190 openArrow=Open Arrow
191 openFile=Open file
192 openLink=Open link
193 openInNewWindow=Open in new window
194 openSupported=Supported format is .XML files saved from this software
195 options=Options
196 organic=Organic
197 orthogonal=Orthogonal
198 oval=Oval
199 pages=Pages
200 pageView=Page View
201 pageSetup=Page Setup
202 pageScale=Page Scale
203 pan=Pan
204 paperSize=Paper Size
205 paste=Paste
206 perimeter=Perimeter
207 plain=Plain
208 position=Position
209 posterPrint=Poster Print
210 preview=Preview
211 print=Print
212 readOnly=Read-only
213 reconnecting=Reconnecting
214 redo=Redo
215 removeFromGroup=Remove from group
216 removeWaypoint=Remove waypoint
217 rename=Rename
218 renamed=Renamed
219 renaming=Renaming
220 replace={1} already exists. Do you want to replace it?
221 replaceExistingDrawing=Replace existing drawing
222 reset=Reset
223 resize=Resize
224 retryingIn=Retrying in {1} second(s)
225 retryingLoad=Load failed. Retrying...
226 retryingLogin=Login time out. Retrying...
227 right=Right
228 rightAlign=Right Align
229 rotate=Rotate
230 rotation=Rotation
231 rounded=Rounded
232 save=Save
233 saveAs=Save As
234 saved=Saved
235 saving=Saving
236 scrollbars=Scrollbars
237 search=Search
238 selectAll=Select All
239 selectEdges=Select Edges
240 selectFont=Select a font
241 selectVertices=Select Vertices
242 sendMessage=Send
243 sessionTimeoutOnSave=Your session has timed out and you have been disconnected from the Google Drive. Press OK to login and save.
244 setAsDefaultEdge=Set as default edge
245 shadow=Shadow
246 shape=Shape
247 share=Share
248 shareLink=Link for shared editing
249 sharingServerNotice=Note: Experimental feature. Use at own risk!
250 sharingServerReady=Sharing server is ready.
251 sharingServerUnavailable=Sharing server is unavailable.
252 signOut=Sign Out
253 size=Size
254 sourceSpacing=Source Spacing
255 south=South
256 spacing=Spacing
257 straight=Straight
258 strokeColor=Line color
259 style=Style
260 support=Support
261 targetSpacing=Target Spacing
262 text=Text
263 textAlignment=Text Alignment
264 textOpacity=Text Opacity
265 tilt=Tilt
266 toBack=To Back
267 toFront=To Front
268 tooltips=Tooltips
269 top=Top
270 topAlign=Top Align
271 transparent=Transparent
272 underline=Underline
273 undo=Undo
274 ungroup=Ungroup
275 updatingDocument=Updating Document. Please wait...
276 updatingSelection=Updating Selection. Please wait...
277 url=URL
278 userLoggedOut=Your session has ended. To save any unsaved work you have to log in to your Google account as
279 vertical=Vertical
280 verticalFlow=Vertical Flow
281 verticalTree=Vertical tree
282 view=View
283 west=West
284 width=Width
285 wordWrap=Word wrap
286 zoom=Zoom
287 zoomIn=Zoom In
288 zoomOut=Zoom Out