// Copyright 2018 Google LLC. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // syntax = "proto3"; package google.ads.googleads.v0.common; import "google/ads/googleads/v0/enums/call_conversion_reporting_state.proto"; import "google/ads/googleads/v0/enums/display_ad_format_setting.proto"; import "google/ads/googleads/v0/enums/mime_type.proto"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; option csharp_namespace = "Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V0.Common"; option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ads/googleads/v0/common;common"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "AdTypeInfosProto"; option java_package = "com.google.ads.googleads.v0.common"; option objc_class_prefix = "GAA"; option php_namespace = "Google\\Ads\\GoogleAds\\V0\\Common"; option ruby_package = "Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V0::Common"; // Proto file containing info messages for specific ad types. // A text ad. message TextAdInfo { // The headline of the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue headline = 1; // The first line of the ad's description. google.protobuf.StringValue description1 = 2; // The second line of the ad's description. google.protobuf.StringValue description2 = 3; } // An expanded text ad. message ExpandedTextAdInfo { // The first part of the ad's headline. google.protobuf.StringValue headline_part1 = 1; // The second part of the ad's headline. google.protobuf.StringValue headline_part2 = 2; // The third part of the ad's headline. google.protobuf.StringValue headline_part3 = 6; // The description of the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue description = 3; // The second description of the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue description2 = 7; // The text that can appear alongside the ad's displayed URL. google.protobuf.StringValue path1 = 4; // Additional text that can appear alongside the ad's displayed URL. google.protobuf.StringValue path2 = 5; } // A dynamic search ad. message DynamicSearchAdInfo { // The first line of the ad's description. google.protobuf.StringValue description1 = 1; // The second line of the ad's description. google.protobuf.StringValue description2 = 2; } // A responsive display ad. message ResponsiveDisplayAdInfo { // The short version of the ad's headline. google.protobuf.StringValue short_headline = 1; // The long version of the ad's headline. google.protobuf.StringValue long_headline = 2; // The description of the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue description = 3; // The business name in the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue business_name = 4; // Advertiser's consent to allow flexible color. When true, the ad may be // served with different color if necessary. When false, the ad will be served // with the specified colors or a neutral color. // The default value is true. // Must be true if main_color and accent_color are not set. google.protobuf.BoolValue allow_flexible_color = 5; // The accent color of the ad in hexadecimal, e.g. #ffffff for white. // If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as // well. google.protobuf.StringValue accent_color = 6; // The main color of the ad in hexadecimal, e.g. #ffffff for white. // If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as // well. google.protobuf.StringValue main_color = 7; // The call-to-action text for the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue call_to_action_text = 8; // The MediaFile resource name of the logo image used in the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue logo_image = 9; // The MediaFile resource name of the square logo image used in the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue square_logo_image = 10; // The MediaFile resource name of the marketing image used in the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue marketing_image = 11; // The MediaFile resource name of the square marketing image used in the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue square_marketing_image = 12; // Specifies which format the ad will be served in. Default is ALL_FORMATS. google.ads.googleads.v0.enums.DisplayAdFormatSettingEnum .DisplayAdFormatSetting format_setting = 13; // Prefix before price. E.g. 'as low as'. google.protobuf.StringValue price_prefix = 14; // Promotion text used for dyanmic formats of responsive ads. For example // 'Free two-day shipping'. google.protobuf.StringValue promo_text = 15; } // A call-only ad. message CallOnlyAdInfo { // The country code in the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue country_code = 1; // The phone number in the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue phone_number = 2; // The business name in the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue business_name = 3; // The first line of the ad's description. google.protobuf.StringValue description1 = 4; // The second line of the ad's description. google.protobuf.StringValue description2 = 5; // Whether to enable call tracking for the creative. Enabling call // tracking also enables call conversions. google.protobuf.BoolValue call_tracked = 6; // Whether to disable call conversion for the creative. // If set to `true`, disables call conversions even when `call_tracked` is // `true`. // If `call_tracked` is `false`, this field is ignored. google.protobuf.BoolValue disable_call_conversion = 7; // The URL to be used for phone number verification. google.protobuf.StringValue phone_number_verification_url = 8; // The conversion action to attribute a call conversion to. If not set a // default conversion action is used. This field only has effect if // call_tracked is set to true. Otherwise this field is ignored. google.protobuf.StringValue conversion_action = 9; // The call conversion behavior of this call only ad. It can use its own call // conversion setting, inherit the account level setting, or be disabled. google.ads.googleads.v0.enums.CallConversionReportingStateEnum .CallConversionReportingState conversion_reporting_state = 10; } // An expanded dynamic search ad. message ExpandedDynamicSearchAdInfo { // The description of the ad. google.protobuf.StringValue description = 1; } // A hotel ad. message HotelAdInfo {} // A Smart Shopping ad. message ShoppingSmartAdInfo {} // A standard Shopping ad. message ShoppingProductAdInfo {} // A Gmail ad. message GmailAdInfo { // The Gmail teaser. GmailTeaser teaser = 1; // The MediaFile resource name of the header image. Valid image types are GIF, // JPEG and PNG. The minimum size is 300x100 pixels and the aspect ratio must // be between 3:1 and 5:1 (+-1%). google.protobuf.StringValue header_image = 2; // The MediaFile resource name of the marketing image. Valid image types are // GIF, JPEG and PNG. The image must either be landscape with a minimum size // of 600x314 pixels and aspect ratio of 600:314 (+-1%) or square with a // minimum size of 300x300 pixels and aspect ratio of 1:1 (+-1%) google.protobuf.StringValue marketing_image = 3; // Headline of the marketing image. google.protobuf.StringValue marketing_image_headline = 4; // Description of the marketing image. google.protobuf.StringValue marketing_image_description = 5; // Display-call-to-action of the marketing image. DisplayCallToAction marketing_image_display_call_to_action = 6; } // Gmail teaser data. The teaser is a small header that acts as an invitation // to view the rest of the ad (the body). message GmailTeaser { // Headline of the teaser. google.protobuf.StringValue headline = 1; // Description of the teaser. google.protobuf.StringValue description = 2; // Business name of the advertiser. google.protobuf.StringValue business_name = 3; // The MediaFile resource name of the logo image. Valid image types are GIF, // JPEG and PNG. The minimum size is 144x144 pixels and the aspect ratio must // be 1:1 (+-1%). google.protobuf.StringValue logo_image = 4; } // Data for display call to action. The call to action is a piece of the ad // that prompts the user to do something. Like clicking a link or making a phone // call. message DisplayCallToAction { // Text for the display-call-to-action. google.protobuf.StringValue text = 1; // Text color for the display-call-to-action in hexadecimal, e.g. #ffffff for // white. google.protobuf.StringValue text_color = 2; } // An image ad. message ImageAdInfo { // Width in pixels of the full size image. google.protobuf.Int64Value pixel_width = 4; // Height in pixels of the full size image. google.protobuf.Int64Value pixel_height = 5; // URL of the full size image. google.protobuf.StringValue image_url = 6; // Width in pixels of the preview size image. google.protobuf.Int64Value preview_pixel_width = 7; // Height in pixels of the preview size image. google.protobuf.Int64Value preview_pixel_height = 8; // URL of the preview size image. google.protobuf.StringValue preview_image_url = 9; // The mime type of the image. google.ads.googleads.v0.enums.MimeTypeEnum.MimeType mime_type = 10; // The name of the image. If the image was created from a MediaFile, this is // the MediaFile's name. If the image was created from bytes, this is empty. google.protobuf.StringValue name = 11; // The image to create the ImageAd from. This can be specified in one of // two ways. // 1. An existing MediaFile resource. // 2. The raw image data as bytes. oneof image { // The MediaFile resource to use for the image. google.protobuf.StringValue media_file = 1; // Raw image data as bytes. google.protobuf.BytesValue data = 2; } } // Representation of video TrueView in-stream ad format (ad shown during video // playback, often at beginning, which displays a skip button a few seconds into // the video). message VideoTrueViewInStreamAdInfo { // Label on the CTA (call-to-action) button taking the user to the video ad's // final URL. // Required for TrueView for action campaigns, optional otherwise. google.protobuf.StringValue action_button_label = 1; // Additional text displayed with the CTA (call-to-action) button to give // context and encourage clicking on the button. google.protobuf.StringValue action_headline = 2; } // A video ad. message VideoAdInfo { // The MediaFile resource to use for the video. google.protobuf.StringValue media_file = 1; // Format-specific schema for the different video formats. oneof format { // Video TrueView in-stream format. VideoTrueViewInStreamAdInfo in_stream = 2; } }