// Copyright 2019 Google LLC. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // syntax = "proto3"; package google.ads.googleads.v1.errors; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; option csharp_namespace = "Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V1.Errors"; option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ads/googleads/v1/errors;errors"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "CriterionErrorProto"; option java_package = "com.google.ads.googleads.v1.errors"; option objc_class_prefix = "GAA"; option php_namespace = "Google\\Ads\\GoogleAds\\V1\\Errors"; option ruby_package = "Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V1::Errors"; // Proto file describing criterion errors. // Container for enum describing possible criterion errors. message CriterionErrorEnum { // Enum describing possible criterion errors. enum CriterionError { // Enum unspecified. UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The received error code is not known in this version. UNKNOWN = 1; // Concrete type of criterion is required for CREATE and UPDATE operations. CONCRETE_TYPE_REQUIRED = 2; // The category requested for exclusion is invalid. INVALID_EXCLUDED_CATEGORY = 3; // Invalid keyword criteria text. INVALID_KEYWORD_TEXT = 4; // Keyword text should be less than 80 chars. KEYWORD_TEXT_TOO_LONG = 5; // Keyword text has too many words. KEYWORD_HAS_TOO_MANY_WORDS = 6; // Keyword text has invalid characters or symbols. KEYWORD_HAS_INVALID_CHARS = 7; // Invalid placement URL. INVALID_PLACEMENT_URL = 8; // Invalid user list criterion. INVALID_USER_LIST = 9; // Invalid user interest criterion. INVALID_USER_INTEREST = 10; // Placement URL has wrong format. INVALID_FORMAT_FOR_PLACEMENT_URL = 11; // Placement URL is too long. PLACEMENT_URL_IS_TOO_LONG = 12; // Indicates the URL contains an illegal character. PLACEMENT_URL_HAS_ILLEGAL_CHAR = 13; // Indicates the URL contains multiple comma separated URLs. PLACEMENT_URL_HAS_MULTIPLE_SITES_IN_LINE = 14; // Indicates the domain is blacklisted. PLACEMENT_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TARGETING_OR_EXCLUSION = 15; // Invalid topic path. INVALID_TOPIC_PATH = 16; // The YouTube Channel Id is invalid. INVALID_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID = 17; // The YouTube Video Id is invalid. INVALID_YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID = 18; // Indicates the placement is a YouTube vertical channel, which is no longer // supported. YOUTUBE_VERTICAL_CHANNEL_DEPRECATED = 19; // Indicates the placement is a YouTube demographic channel, which is no // longer supported. YOUTUBE_DEMOGRAPHIC_CHANNEL_DEPRECATED = 20; // YouTube urls are not supported in Placement criterion. Use YouTubeChannel // and YouTubeVideo criterion instead. YOUTUBE_URL_UNSUPPORTED = 21; // Criteria type can not be excluded by the customer, like AOL account type // cannot target site type criteria. CANNOT_EXCLUDE_CRITERIA_TYPE = 22; // Criteria type can not be targeted. CANNOT_ADD_CRITERIA_TYPE = 23; // Product filter in the product criteria has invalid characters. Operand // and the argument in the filter can not have "==" or "&+". INVALID_PRODUCT_FILTER = 24; // Product filter in the product criteria is translated to a string as // operand1==argument1&+operand2==argument2, maximum allowed length for the // string is 255 chars. PRODUCT_FILTER_TOO_LONG = 25; // Not allowed to exclude similar user list. CANNOT_EXCLUDE_SIMILAR_USER_LIST = 26; // Not allowed to target a closed user list. CANNOT_ADD_CLOSED_USER_LIST = 27; // Not allowed to add display only UserLists to search only campaigns. CANNOT_ADD_DISPLAY_ONLY_LISTS_TO_SEARCH_ONLY_CAMPAIGNS = 28; // Not allowed to add display only UserLists to search plus campaigns. CANNOT_ADD_DISPLAY_ONLY_LISTS_TO_SEARCH_CAMPAIGNS = 29; // Not allowed to add display only UserLists to shopping campaigns. CANNOT_ADD_DISPLAY_ONLY_LISTS_TO_SHOPPING_CAMPAIGNS = 30; // Not allowed to add User interests to search only campaigns. CANNOT_ADD_USER_INTERESTS_TO_SEARCH_CAMPAIGNS = 31; // Not allowed to set bids for this criterion type in search campaigns CANNOT_SET_BIDS_ON_CRITERION_TYPE_IN_SEARCH_CAMPAIGNS = 32; // Final URLs, URL Templates and CustomParameters cannot be set for the // criterion types of Gender, AgeRange, UserList, Placement, MobileApp, and // MobileAppCategory in search campaigns and shopping campaigns. CANNOT_ADD_URLS_TO_CRITERION_TYPE_FOR_CAMPAIGN_TYPE = 33; // IP address is not valid. INVALID_IP_ADDRESS = 34; // IP format is not valid. INVALID_IP_FORMAT = 35; // Mobile application is not valid. INVALID_MOBILE_APP = 36; // Mobile application category is not valid. INVALID_MOBILE_APP_CATEGORY = 37; // The CriterionId does not exist or is of the incorrect type. INVALID_CRITERION_ID = 38; // The Criterion is not allowed to be targeted. CANNOT_TARGET_CRITERION = 39; // The criterion is not allowed to be targeted as it is deprecated. CANNOT_TARGET_OBSOLETE_CRITERION = 40; // The CriterionId is not valid for the type. CRITERION_ID_AND_TYPE_MISMATCH = 41; // Distance for the radius for the proximity criterion is invalid. INVALID_PROXIMITY_RADIUS = 42; // Units for the distance for the radius for the proximity criterion is // invalid. INVALID_PROXIMITY_RADIUS_UNITS = 43; // Street address in the address is not valid. INVALID_STREETADDRESS_LENGTH = 44; // City name in the address is not valid. INVALID_CITYNAME_LENGTH = 45; // Region code in the address is not valid. INVALID_REGIONCODE_LENGTH = 46; // Region name in the address is not valid. INVALID_REGIONNAME_LENGTH = 47; // Postal code in the address is not valid. INVALID_POSTALCODE_LENGTH = 48; // Country code in the address is not valid. INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE = 49; // Latitude for the GeoPoint is not valid. INVALID_LATITUDE = 50; // Longitude for the GeoPoint is not valid. INVALID_LONGITUDE = 51; // The Proximity input is not valid. Both address and geoPoint cannot be // null. PROXIMITY_GEOPOINT_AND_ADDRESS_BOTH_CANNOT_BE_NULL = 52; // The Proximity address cannot be geocoded to a valid lat/long. INVALID_PROXIMITY_ADDRESS = 53; // User domain name is not valid. INVALID_USER_DOMAIN_NAME = 54; // Length of serialized criterion parameter exceeded size limit. CRITERION_PARAMETER_TOO_LONG = 55; // Time interval in the AdSchedule overlaps with another AdSchedule. AD_SCHEDULE_TIME_INTERVALS_OVERLAP = 56; // AdSchedule time interval cannot span multiple days. AD_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_CANNOT_SPAN_MULTIPLE_DAYS = 57; // AdSchedule time interval specified is invalid, endTime cannot be earlier // than startTime. AD_SCHEDULE_INVALID_TIME_INTERVAL = 58; // The number of AdSchedule entries in a day exceeds the limit. AD_SCHEDULE_EXCEEDED_INTERVALS_PER_DAY_LIMIT = 59; // CriteriaId does not match the interval of the AdSchedule specified. AD_SCHEDULE_CRITERION_ID_MISMATCHING_FIELDS = 60; // Cannot set bid modifier for this criterion type. CANNOT_BID_MODIFY_CRITERION_TYPE = 61; // Cannot bid modify criterion, since it is opted out of the campaign. CANNOT_BID_MODIFY_CRITERION_CAMPAIGN_OPTED_OUT = 62; // Cannot set bid modifier for a negative criterion. CANNOT_BID_MODIFY_NEGATIVE_CRITERION = 63; // Bid Modifier already exists. Use SET operation to update. BID_MODIFIER_ALREADY_EXISTS = 64; // Feed Id is not allowed in these Location Groups. FEED_ID_NOT_ALLOWED = 65; // The account may not use the requested criteria type. For example, some // accounts are restricted to keywords only. ACCOUNT_INELIGIBLE_FOR_CRITERIA_TYPE = 66; // The requested criteria type cannot be used with campaign or ad group // bidding strategy. CRITERIA_TYPE_INVALID_FOR_BIDDING_STRATEGY = 67; // The Criterion is not allowed to be excluded. CANNOT_EXCLUDE_CRITERION = 68; // The criterion is not allowed to be removed. For example, we cannot remove // any of the device criterion. CANNOT_REMOVE_CRITERION = 69; // The combined length of product dimension values of the product scope // criterion is too long. PRODUCT_SCOPE_TOO_LONG = 70; // Product scope contains too many dimensions. PRODUCT_SCOPE_TOO_MANY_DIMENSIONS = 71; // The combined length of product dimension values of the product partition // criterion is too long. PRODUCT_PARTITION_TOO_LONG = 72; // Product partition contains too many dimensions. PRODUCT_PARTITION_TOO_MANY_DIMENSIONS = 73; // The product dimension is invalid (e.g. dimension contains illegal value, // dimension type is represented with wrong class, etc). Product dimension // value can not contain "==" or "&+". INVALID_PRODUCT_DIMENSION = 74; // Product dimension type is either invalid for campaigns of this type or // cannot be used in the current context. BIDDING_CATEGORY_Lx and // PRODUCT_TYPE_Lx product dimensions must be used in ascending order of // their levels: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5... The levels must be specified // sequentially and start from L1. Furthermore, an "others" product // partition cannot be subdivided with a dimension of the same type but of a // higher level ("others" BIDDING_CATEGORY_L3 can be subdivided with BRAND // but not with BIDDING_CATEGORY_L4). INVALID_PRODUCT_DIMENSION_TYPE = 75; // Bidding categories do not form a valid path in the Shopping bidding // category taxonomy. INVALID_PRODUCT_BIDDING_CATEGORY = 76; // ShoppingSetting must be added to the campaign before ProductScope // criteria can be added. MISSING_SHOPPING_SETTING = 77; // Matching function is invalid. INVALID_MATCHING_FUNCTION = 78; // Filter parameters not allowed for location groups targeting. LOCATION_FILTER_NOT_ALLOWED = 79; // Given location filter parameter is invalid for location groups targeting. LOCATION_FILTER_INVALID = 80; // Criteria type cannot be associated with a campaign and its ad group(s) // simultaneously. CANNOT_ATTACH_CRITERIA_AT_CAMPAIGN_AND_ADGROUP = 81; // Range represented by hotel length of stay's min nights and max nights // overlaps with an existing criterion. HOTEL_LENGTH_OF_STAY_OVERLAPS_WITH_EXISTING_CRITERION = 82; // Range represented by hotel advance booking window's min days and max days // overlaps with an existing criterion. HOTEL_ADVANCE_BOOKING_WINDOW_OVERLAPS_WITH_EXISTING_CRITERION = 83; // The field is not allowed to be set when the negative field is set to // true, e.g. we don't allow bids in negative ad group or campaign criteria. FIELD_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_NEGATIVE_TARGETING = 84; // The combination of operand and operator in webpage condition is invalid. INVALID_WEBPAGE_CONDITION = 85; // The URL of webpage condition is invalid. INVALID_WEBPAGE_CONDITION_URL = 86; // The URL of webpage condition cannot be empty or contain white space. WEBPAGE_CONDITION_URL_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = 87; // The URL of webpage condition contains an unsupported protocol. WEBPAGE_CONDITION_URL_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL = 88; // The URL of webpage condition cannot be an IP address. WEBPAGE_CONDITION_URL_CANNOT_BE_IP_ADDRESS = 89; // The domain of the URL is not consistent with the domain in campaign // setting. WEBPAGE_CONDITION_URL_DOMAIN_NOT_CONSISTENT_WITH_CAMPAIGN_SETTING = 90; // The URL of webpage condition cannot be a public suffix itself. WEBPAGE_CONDITION_URL_CANNOT_BE_PUBLIC_SUFFIX = 91; // The URL of webpage condition has an invalid public suffix. WEBPAGE_CONDITION_URL_INVALID_PUBLIC_SUFFIX = 92; // Value track parameter is not supported in webpage condition URL. WEBPAGE_CONDITION_URL_VALUE_TRACK_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 93; // Only one URL-EQUALS webpage condition is allowed in a webpage // criterion and it cannot be combined with other conditions. WEBPAGE_CRITERION_URL_EQUALS_CAN_HAVE_ONLY_ONE_CONDITION = 94; // A webpage criterion cannot be added to a non-DSA ad group. WEBPAGE_CRITERION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_NON_DSA_AD_GROUP = 95; } }