Free Params Plugin for CKEditor 4 ================================= This plugin allow you to insert params from multiples grouped richcombos. These parameters can be used later as template variables. ## Installation Extract the downloaded file into the CKEditor's **plugins** folder or use another path like: ```javascript CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('freeparams', '/bower_components/ckeditor-freeparams-plugin/freeparams/'); ``` ## Configuration Define multipe rich combos in config.freeparams array: ```javascript var config = { extraPlugins: 'freeparams', freeparams: [ { label: 'mylabel1', title: 'mytitle1', groups: [ { label: 'group11', values: [ { value: '[value111]', label: 'text111' }, { value: '[value112]', label: 'text112' }] }, { label: 'group12', values: [ { value: '[value121]', label: 'text121' }, { value: '[value122]', label: 'text122' }] }] }, { label: 'mylabel2', title: 'mytitle2', groups: [ { label: 'group21', values: [ { value: '[value211]', label: 'text211' }, { value: '[value212]', label: 'text212' }] }, { label: 'group22', values: [ { value: '[value221]', label: 'text221' }, { value: '[value222]', label: 'text222' }] }] }] }; ```