# xCALLY MOTION Changelog - * ab2cbc7 - 2016-05-17: client components header components - * 5c7cc4d - 2016-05-17: server side api report_chat - * b95ea96 - 2016-05-17: client side assets languages - * 3b07deb - 2016-05-17: server side models - * c0beb5b - 2016-05-17: Fixed delete for custom metrics - * 5bf2815 - 2016-05-17: server side config smtp - * 3d5e97c - 2016-05-17: server side api - * e920bbb - 2016-05-17: client side app online/offline - * 11af5b4 - 2016-05-17: client side assets css - * 56e462f - 2016-05-17: client channel mail inbox - * d100a61 - 2016-05-17: fixed xchatty images - * 2198814 - 2016-05-17: Fixed undefined label for square - * 4eb0618 - 2016-05-17: Fixed agi models synchronization - * 14c413a - 2016-05-17: Added API and report table for report_square_details - * 6c6c9b2 - 2016-05-17: update xchatty images - * 6cace3e - 2016-05-17: add languages - * bd9966a - 2016-05-17: fixed recordings error - * 97819f6 - 2016-05-17: fixed last commit - * a799479 - 2016-05-16: add rating on agent complete (chat) - * 138bba4 - 2016-05-16: check jscripty license in license service - * 3c0d5e9 - 2016-05-16: add motion logo in xchatty - * ef0646a - 2016-05-16: fixed bug on xchatty - * d8da045 - 2016-05-16: Kue commented! - * 2667e73 - 2016-05-16: server side config license - * 91d7a6b - 2016-05-16: server side api chat room - * 7749438 - 2016-05-16: client side channels chat room - * db786d9 - 2016-05-16: Fixed recording type - * d5094cb - 2016-05-16: license darwin case added - * 7e2937b - 2016-05-16: Fixed recordings rating - * ea0388c - 2016-05-16: Fixed app reset after route update - * 58e51d2 - 2016-05-16: server side api mail_room - * 3dddc8c - 2016-05-16: client app channels chat/mail update - * 6317b95 - 2016-05-16: Fixed async agiPort set - * 1279fa3 - 2016-05-16: Fixed windows license check - * 305cc0c - 2016-05-16: server side api setting - * cb0fd4a - 2016-05-16: server side smtp - * e9b1b5e - 2016-05-16: client app setting smtp - * e7ee060 - 2016-05-16: jscripty updates - * 141fee1 - 2016-05-16: grunt fixed - * 1f30e5e - 2016-05-16: fixed xchatty status api - * c9348f2 - 2016-05-16: new release - * adb6a41 - 2016-05-16: bower.json - * f77df0d - 2016-05-16: server side api - * dddc64b - 2016-05-16: client side app.js - * 1e8ad92 - 2016-05-16: client side assets css - * b7dbf9f - 2016-05-16: client side mail inbox room - * e4d08ae - 2016-05-16: client side chat room avatar improvements - * 13a1c37 - 2016-05-16: sms realtime user permission - * 958f553 - 2016-05-15: fixed page-breadcrumb - * 266c5fe - 2016-05-15: add fax realtime application - * ec17c5c - 2016-05-15: update http log format - * 1ae1536 - 2016-05-15: fixed voice extension creation for fax account - * a7bbdc4 - 2016-05-15: add fax attachment - * e9c3cfe - 2016-05-15: update report call type + migration - * 7cb5892 - 2016-05-14: add new reports (chat) - * ab1d966 - 2016-05-14: jscripty directory update - * 50b28dc - 2016-05-13: Removed timer from expired applications - * aa94936 - 2016-05-13: fixed error in xchatty (abandon chat session) - * 1467169 - 2016-05-13: add individual hooks for report session update in all channels - * 9b48c84 - 2016-05-13: jscripty session model , projects api update - * 9f43605 - 2016-05-13: jscripty mxgraph library update - * c7e016d - 2016-05-13: mxgraph jacripty language update - * bfcccb6 - 2016-05-13: jscripty directive update - * f797851 - 2016-05-13: jscripty report cient side update - * 64f17bd - 2016-05-13: Fixed realtime applications socket - * cf3d669 - 2016-05-13: Added filtered agents applications in dashboards for chat, mail and sms - * e496c9f - 2016-05-13: jscripty report client side update - * 267a374 - 2016-05-13: handle penalty in fax, mail and sms channels (routing) - * 5540e97 - 2016-05-13: Filtered applications realtime for mail, chat and sms - * 8b334e9 - 2016-05-13: client side inbox mail list uncheckable fixed - * 94f5424 - 2016-05-13: client side mail inbox account mail - * 9d84a7a - 2016-05-13: client side app login - * ab37c0b - 2016-05-13: client side mail inbox - * be7824f - 2016-05-13: client side assets languages - * dc54ee4 - 2016-05-13: handle penalty in chat routing - * 1f647c4 - 2016-05-13: Added channels dashboards for the agents - * 80f571d - 2016-05-13: jscript project server side update - * 014fae9 - 2016-05-13: jscript questions and session model update - * 2bb1708 - 2016-05-13: jscripty report client side update - * c2e1e95 - 2016-05-13: handle NEW,OPEN and UNMANAGED status in report fax room - * 090375f - 2016-05-13: new release - * bed40f3 - 2016-05-13: client side header components bugxif socket agent:save event - * c481fb6 - 2016-05-13: jscripty directive and closeediteb tab controller update - * 69dfe5a - 2016-05-13: language update - * 7a078df - 2016-05-13: Fixed dashboard service - * 4a97725 - 2016-05-13: Updated routes and sockets - * 1d51b0c - 2016-05-13: Added api and service for fax and sms dashboards - * 406da78 - 2016-05-12: server side api mail_account, mail_room - * e8f9907 - 2016-05-12: client side mail inbox room + view - * 89fd409 - 2016-05-12: Added first fax and sms dashboards - * 438db3d - 2016-05-12: channels mail inbox - * 07e3ce9 - 2016-05-12: Restored branch chars for modules - * 8eb8a9b - 2016-05-12: add fax notification (routing) - * 98e9e89 - 2016-05-12: Blocked dashboards by user permissions - * 6f2f0d3 - 2016-05-12: Added realtime update for fax and mail dashboard; Added user filter for voice,fax and chat dashboard. - * c77eedc - 2016-05-12: handle status NEW,OPEN and UNMANAGED status in report mail room - * 2f6d040 - 2016-05-12: Fixed queue parameters realtime - * f9d73e2 - 2016-05-12: fixed error in chat application update - * 5f2c0ef - 2016-05-12: Fixed dashboard api filters - * 3f4b447 - 2016-05-12: Fixed dashboard api - * 664662a - 2016-05-12: Added api for mail and chat dashboards - * c9220ac - 2016-05-12: manage new status in report chat room - * fa1b3a8 - 2016-05-12: Added first chat dashboard - * d29dc02 - 2016-05-12: First Mail dashboard - * ead409e - 2016-05-12: add state NEW to chat room - * ba1e1e8 - 2016-05-12: Added status to room tables - * c0681ff - 2016-05-12: add report history table and history move - * 8807d44 - 2016-05-12: Added table filter check on square realtime - * dc3aa9d - 2016-05-12: update fax message model - * daffc54 - 2016-05-12: angular ui bootstrap buttons - * 87eb248 - 2016-05-12: client side app channels mail inbox tags - * b40716c - 2016-05-11: server side models - * ade91d0 - 2016-05-11: server side migrations - * 92f2227 - 2016-05-11: server side api mail_account, mail_room - * 1c56a42 - 2016-05-11: client side components sidebar - * 7284822 - 2016-05-11: client side assets css - * 31f1fe0 - 2016-05-11: client side app channel mail states + tags - * 8348b6e - 2016-05-11: update fax room model - * 203b4bf - 2016-05-11: update user model - * 98ab26c - 2016-05-11: update fax channel (server) - * b237f3d - 2016-05-11: update fax channel (client): inbox, room - * b3a4b02 - 2016-05-11: add class for jscripty tab - * 343dcac - 2016-05-11: Added square general realtime; Added square report table in report service. - * ebe0acd - 2016-05-11: remove authentication to export chat transcript api - * 6580bbb - 2016-05-11: Fixed Header - * 80403d4 - 2016-05-11: Fixed acw - * aa814a5 - 2016-05-11: Fixed header - * 2dc4b65 - 2016-05-11: Fixed recordings - * a9a552f - 2016-05-11: Add advance parameters motion bar - * 633473e - 2016-05-11: Migration phonebar remote control port - * 73c324e - 2016-05-11: server models mail_room - * 78e4975 - 2016-05-11: server side api mail room - * 3a51197 - 2016-05-11: client side app channels - * de83e3b - 2016-05-11: bower.json - * 9304109 - 2016-05-11: serve side app.js - * 2f4429f - 2016-05-11: server side config smtp - * 0e819b0 - 2016-05-11: server side config routing mail - * ea2090a - 2016-05-11: client side config imap - * dee102f - 2016-05-11: server side api mail message, room, report - * 55da00a - 2016-05-11: client side app main - * 5c9af30 - 2016-05-11: client side mail new tab inbox - * 41fc227 - 2016-05-11: client side header components - * 38e718d - 2016-05-11: Fixed acw report_member queue - * 518e4cd - 2016-05-11: server side app.js - * a297244 - 2016-05-11: server side config smtp - * 95a5013 - 2016-05-10: Fixed header pause bar layout - * ad3a0ff - 2016-05-10: Fixed recordings list; Added pause managing for agents. Changed some icons. - * 1f802fd - 2016-05-10: fixed outgoing mail for system smtp