From: Andrea Amorese Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 15:41:40 +0000 (+0200) Subject: Built motion from commit 1742a442.|2.5.37 X-Git-Url:;h=2ad0e7e203a07f9cc8590085bbe3a138da859ad2;p=motion2.git Built motion from commit 1742a442.|2.5.37 --- diff --git a/apidoc/api_project.js b/apidoc/api_project.js index 5d61b94..2700636 100644 --- a/apidoc/api_project.js +++ b/apidoc/api_project.js @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ define({ "apidoc": "0.3.0", "generator": { "name": "apidoc", - "time": "2021-10-27T14:39:12.325Z", + "time": "2021-10-27T15:34:06.033Z", "url": "", "version": "0.24.0" } diff --git a/apidoc/api_project.json b/apidoc/api_project.json index eeb5f44..b03a9b3 100644 --- a/apidoc/api_project.json +++ b/apidoc/api_project.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "apidoc": "0.3.0", "generator": { "name": "apidoc", - "time": "2021-10-27T14:39:12.325Z", + "time": "2021-10-27T15:34:06.033Z", "url": "", "version": "0.24.0" } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/ar.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/ar.json index 933897b..9ff6d56 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/ar.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/ar.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "ملحوظة", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "البيانات الوصفية Vidaoo", "VIDAOONOTE": "ملاحظة فيداو", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "موضوع فيداو", - "CHANNELID": "معرف القناة", - "EDIT_TVOX": "تحرير TVox", - "MOTIONTITLE": "عنوان الحركة", - "MOTIONURL": "عنوان URL للحركة", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "عنوان URL للحركة عند الإجابة", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "رابط الحركة على الحلقة", - "SERVICEID": "معرف الخدمة", - "SERVICENAME": "اسم الخدمة", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "عنوان IP TVox", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "رابط تسجيل الدخول إلى TVox REST", - "TVOXPASSWD": "كلمة مرور TVox", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "عنوان REST الخاص بجلسة TVox", - "TVOXURL": "عنوان URL IP الخاص بـ TVox", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "اسم مستخدم TVox" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "موضوع فيداو" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/cs.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/cs.json index 7a1c47d..f8c1d39 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/cs.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/cs.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "Poznámka", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Vidaoo metadata", "VIDAOONOTE": "Vidaoo Note", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Téma Vidaoo", - "CHANNELID": "ID kanálu", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Upravit TVox", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Název pohybu", - "MOTIONURL": "Pohybová URL", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "Pohybovat URL při odpovědi", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "Pohybová URL na prstenu", - "SERVICEID": "ID služby", - "SERVICENAME": "Název služby", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "IP adresa TVox", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox Přihlášení REST Url", - "TVOXPASSWD": "Heslo TVox", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "Adresa URL REST TVox Session", - "TVOXURL": "IP adresa TVoxu", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "Uživatelské jméno TVox" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Téma Vidaoo" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/da.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/da.json index cf70b57..e83df14 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/da.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/da.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "Bemærk", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Vidaoo Metadata", "VIDAOONOTE": "Vidaoo-note", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo Emne", - "CHANNELID": "Kanal -id", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Rediger TVox", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Motion Titel", - "MOTIONURL": "Bevægelses -URL", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "Bevægelses -URL ved svar", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "Bevægelses -URL på ring", - "SERVICEID": "Service -id", - "SERVICENAME": "Servicenavn", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "TVox IP -adresse", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox Login REST Url", - "TVOXPASSWD": "TVox -adgangskode", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "TVox Session REST Url", - "TVOXURL": "TVox IP -URL", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "TVox brugernavn" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo Emne" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/de.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/de.json index 34fdf73..02f4f10 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/de.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/de.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "Notiz", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Vidaoo-Metadaten", "VIDAOONOTE": "Vidaoo-Hinweis", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo-Thema", - "CHANNELID": "Kanal ID", - "EDIT_TVOX": "TVox bearbeiten", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Bewegungstitel", - "MOTIONURL": "Bewegungs-URL", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "Bewegungs-URL bei Antwort", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "Bewegungs-URL auf Ring", - "SERVICEID": "Service-ID", - "SERVICENAME": "Dienstname", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "TVox IP-Adresse", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox-Login-REST-URL", - "TVOXPASSWD": "TVox-Passwort", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "TVox-Sitzungs-REST-URL", - "TVOXURL": "TVox-IP-URL", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "TVox-Benutzername" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo-Thema" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/en.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/en.json index 13cbf3f..6e714eb 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/en.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/en.json @@ -182,21 +182,6 @@ "VALUE": "Value", "MANDATORYDISPOSITION": "Mandatory disposition", "MANDATORYDISPOSITIONPAUSEID": "Pause to use if mandatory disposition is enabled", - "SERVICEID": "Service ID", - "CHANNELID": "Channel ID", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Edit TVox", - "SERVICENAME": "Service name", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXURL": "TVox IP URL", - "TVOXIP": "TVox IP Address", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "TVox Username", - "TVOXPASSWD": "TVox Password", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox Login REST Url", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "TVox Session REST Url", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "Motion URL On Ring", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "Motion URL On Answer", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Motion Title", - "MOTIONURL": "Motion URL", "ERRORS": { "PROJECTID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field", "CLIENTEMAIL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory Field", diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/es.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/es.json index 9dd4073..7cc2bcd 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/es.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/es.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "Nota", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Metadatos de Vidaoo", "VIDAOONOTE": "Nota de Vidaoo", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Tema Vidaoo", - "CHANNELID": "Canal ID", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Editar TVox", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Título de movimiento", - "MOTIONURL": "URL de movimiento", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "URL de movimiento en respuesta", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "URL de movimiento en el anillo", - "SERVICEID": "ID de servicio", - "SERVICENAME": "Nombre del Servicio", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "Dirección IP de TVox", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "URL de REST de inicio de sesión de TVox", - "TVOXPASSWD": "Contraseña de TVox", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "URL de REST de la sesión de TVox", - "TVOXURL": "URL de IP de TVox", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "Nombre de usuario de TVox" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Tema Vidaoo" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/et.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/et.json index 58fbdb3..ab28b0f 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/et.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/et.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "Märge", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Vidaoo metaandmed", "VIDAOONOTE": "Vidaoo märkus", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo teema", - "CHANNELID": "Kanali ID", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Muutke TVoxi", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Liikumise pealkiri", - "MOTIONURL": "Liikumise URL", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "Liikumise URL vastuses", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "Liikumise URL helinal", - "SERVICEID": "Teenuse ID", - "SERVICENAME": "Teenuse nimi", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "TVoxi IP -aadress", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox Logi sisse REST Url", - "TVOXPASSWD": "TVoxi parool", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "TVoxi seansi REST Url", - "TVOXURL": "TVoxi IP -aadress", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "TVoxi kasutajanimi" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo teema" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fa.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fa.json index 2c483e3..7d2cca2 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fa.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fa.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "توجه داشته باشید", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "فراداده Vidaoo", "VIDAOONOTE": "Vidaoo Note", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "مبحث Vidaoo", - "CHANNELID": "شناسه کانال", - "EDIT_TVOX": "TVox را ویرایش کنید", - "MOTIONTITLE": "عنوان حرکت", - "MOTIONURL": "نشانی وب حرکت", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "URL حرکت در پاسخ", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "URL حرکت روی حلقه", - "SERVICEID": "شناسه خدمات", - "SERVICENAME": "نام سرویس", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "آدرس IP TVox", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "آدرس TVEST ورود به سیستم TVox", - "TVOXPASSWD": "رمز TVox", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "نشانی اینترنتی TVox Session REST", - "TVOXURL": "آدرس IP TVox", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "نام کاربری TVox" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "مبحث Vidaoo" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fi.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fi.json index 46c4cfe..a51d7db 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fi.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fi.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "Merkintä", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Vidaoo-metatiedot", "VIDAOONOTE": "Vidaoo-huomautus", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo-aihe", - "CHANNELID": "Kanavan tunnus", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Muokkaa TVoxia", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Liikkeen otsikko", - "MOTIONURL": "Liike -URL", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "Liike -URL -osoite vastauksessa", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "Liike -URL soitossa", - "SERVICEID": "Palvelun tunnus", - "SERVICENAME": "Palvelun nimi", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "TVoxin IP -osoite", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox Login REST Url", - "TVOXPASSWD": "TVox -salasana", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "TVox -istunnon REST -URL -osoite", - "TVOXURL": "TVoxin IP -osoite", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "TVox -käyttäjänimi" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo-aihe" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fr.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fr.json index 704d2ff..4f23aa0 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fr.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/fr.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "Noter", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Métadonnées Vidaoo", "VIDAOONOTE": "Note Vidaoo", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Sujet Vidaoo", - "CHANNELID": "Identifiant de la chaine", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Modifier TVox", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Titre du mouvement", - "MOTIONURL": "URL de mouvement", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "URL de mouvement sur réponse", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "URL de mouvement sur sonnerie", - "SERVICEID": "Identifiant de service", - "SERVICENAME": "Nom du service", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "Adresse IP TVox", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "URL REST de connexion TVox", - "TVOXPASSWD": "Mot de passe TVox", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "URL REST de la session TVox", - "TVOXURL": "URL IP TVox", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "Nom d'utilisateur TVox" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Sujet Vidaoo" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/he.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/he.json index fc198a2..a8a8e5f 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/he.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/he.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "הערה", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "מטא נתונים של Vidaoo", "VIDAOONOTE": "הערה Vidaoo", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "נושא Vidaoo", - "CHANNELID": "מזהה ערוץ", - "EDIT_TVOX": "ערוך TVox", - "MOTIONTITLE": "כותרת התנועה", - "MOTIONURL": "כתובת URL לתנועה", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "כתובת URL לתנועה בתשובה", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "כתובת URL לתנועה על הטבעת", - "SERVICEID": "מזהה שירות", - "SERVICENAME": "שם השירות", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "כתובת IP של TVox", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "כתובת אתר REST כניסה ל- TVox", - "TVOXPASSWD": "סיסמת TVox", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "כתובת אתר מנוחה ל- TVox Session", - "TVOXURL": "כתובת ה- IP של TVox", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "שם המשתמש של TVox" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "נושא Vidaoo" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/hi.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/hi.json index 79cadf3..22c60cb 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/hi.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/hi.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "ध्यान दें", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "वीडियो मेटाडेटा", "VIDAOONOTE": "वीडियो नोटoo", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo विषय", - "CHANNELID": "चैनल आईडी", - "EDIT_TVOX": "टीवीओक्स संपादित करें", - "MOTIONTITLE": "मोशन शीर्षक", - "MOTIONURL": "मोशन यूआरएल", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "उत्तर पर मोशन यूआरएल", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "मोशन यूआरएल ऑन रिंग", - "SERVICEID": "सेवा आईडी", - "SERVICENAME": "सेवा का नाम", - "TVOX": "टीवीओक्स", - "TVOXIP": "टीवीओक्स आईपी पता", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox लॉगिन REST Url", - "TVOXPASSWD": "टीवीओक्स पासवर्ड", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "TVox सत्र REST Url", - "TVOXURL": "टीवीओक्स आईपी यूआरएल", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "TVox उपयोगकर्ता नाम" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaoo विषय" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/id.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/id.json index 3292982..1823857 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/id.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/id.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "Catatan", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Metadata Vidaoo", "VIDAOONOTE": "Catatan Vidaoo", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Topik Vidaoo", - "CHANNELID": "ID Saluran", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Edit TVox", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Judul Gerakan", - "MOTIONURL": "URL gerak", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "URL Gerakan Pada Jawaban", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "URL Gerakan Pada Dering", - "SERVICEID": "ID Layanan", - "SERVICENAME": "Nama layanan", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "Alamat IP TVox", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox Login REST Url", - "TVOXPASSWD": "Kata Sandi TVox", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "Url Istirahat Sesi TVox", - "TVOXURL": "URL IP TVox", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "Nama Pengguna TVox" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Topik Vidaoo" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/it.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/it.json index 993edcb..8a17ef3 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/it.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/it.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "PROJECTID": "ID progetto", "EMAIL_ACCOUNT": "Account email", "SUBJECT": "Oggetto", - "OPEN_NEW_INTERACTION": "Apri una nuova interazione", - "CHANNELID": "Canale ID", - "EDIT_TVOX": "Modifica TVox", - "MOTIONTITLE": "Titolo del movimento", - "MOTIONURL": "URL movimento", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "URL di movimento alla risposta", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "URL di movimento su anello", - "SERVICEID": "ID servizio", - "SERVICENAME": "Nome di Servizio", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "Indirizzo IP TVox", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVox Login REST Url", - "TVOXPASSWD": "Password TVox", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "URL REST della sessione TVox", - "TVOXURL": "URL IP TVox", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "Nome utente TVox" + "OPEN_NEW_INTERACTION": "Apri una nuova interazione" } } diff --git a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/ja.json b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/ja.json index b0f6760..e371a97 100644 --- a/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/ja.json +++ b/public/app/main/apps/chat/i18n/ja.json @@ -468,21 +468,6 @@ "NOTE": "注意", "VIDAOOMETADATA": "Vidaooメタデータ", "VIDAOONOTE": "Vidaooノート", - "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaooトピック", - "CHANNELID": "チャネルID", - "EDIT_TVOX": "TVoxを編集する", - "MOTIONTITLE": "モーションタイトル", - "MOTIONURL": "モーションURL", - "MOTIONURLONANSWER": "回答時のモーションURL", - "MOTIONURLONRING": "リング上のモーションURL", - "SERVICEID": "サービスID", - "SERVICENAME": "サービス名", - "TVOX": "TVox", - "TVOXIP": "TVoxIPアドレス", - "TVOXLOGINURL": "TVoxログインRESTUrl", - "TVOXPASSWD": "TVoxパスワード", - "TVOXSESSIONURL": "TVoxセッションRESTUrl", - "TVOXURL": "TVox IP URL", - "TVOXUSERNAME": "TVoxユーザー名" + "VIDAOOTOPIC": "Vidaooトピック" } } diff 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o.node.hidden();return!1},function(){o.hasChildren=0 target, inbound, fullname",e,n,t),E.calls.unshift({target:e,fullname:t||e,inbound:n,time:moment().format("HH:mm")}),50 session",e),e.notification&&(e.notification.close(),e.notification=null),E.conf.microphoneId?{deviceId:E.conf.microphoneId}!0,e.answer(E.sessionConf),E.isJabraEnabled&&(jabra.offHook(),E.jabraSession=e)}function I(e,n){console.debug("terminate -> session",e),e.notification&&(e.notification.close(),e.notification=null);var t={};if(n?t.status_code=n:e.isEstablished()||(t.status_code=603),e.terminate(t),E.isJabraEnabled)if(0===E.sessions.length)e.localHold&&jabra.resume(),jabra.onHook(),E.jabraSession=null;else{var a=_.last(E.sessions);a.localHold?(jabra.onHook(),jabra.hold(),E.jabraSession=a):jabra.offHook()}}function C(t){return console.debug("getVoiceChannels -> session",t),h.rpc.getVoiceChannels().$promise.then(function(e){var n=_.find(e.rows,function(e){return e.sipcalllinkedid===t.call_id?e:e.sipcalluniqueid===t.call_id?e:null});n&&(t.monitor=n.monitor,t.uniqueid=n.uniqueid,t.monitors=n.monitors)})}function O(e){console.debug("onAddstream -> data",e),,}function w(){E.canGoInConference=!1,E.isInConference=!1,E.currentconferenceSessions=[]}function R(e,n){switch(e){case"ringing":E.soundPlayer.muted=E.conf.ringingMute,E.conf.ringingId&&E.soundPlayer.setSinkId(E.conf.ringingId).then(function(){E.soundPlayer.volume=E.conf.ringingVolume}).then(function(){n&&y()}).catch(function(e){,E.conf.ringingId)});break;case"speaker":E.remotePlayer.muted=E.conf.speakerMute,E.conf.speakerId&&E.remotePlayer.setSinkId(E.conf.speakerId).then(function(){E.remotePlayer.volume=E.conf.speakerVolume}).then(function(){n&&y()}).catch(function(e){,E.conf.speakerId)});break;case"microphone":for(var t=0;t session, textContent, position, delay",e,n,t,a),function(){,I(e)}}function P(n){return console.debug("findSessionBySessionId -> sessionId, vm_pb.sessions",n,E.sessions),_.find(E.sessions,function(e){return e.call_id==n})}function L(e,n){return console.debug("callCallback -> url, params",e,n),s({url:e,method:"GET",params:n})}e(function(){},999),E.currentUser=b.getCurrentUser(),E.direction="right",E.selectedMode="md-scale","",E.showDialpad=!1,E.soundPlayer=document.getElementById(E.conf.soundPlayerId),E.remotePlayer=document.getElementById(E.conf.remotePlayerId),E.soundPlayer.volume=1,E.sessionConf={mediaConstraints:{audio:!0,video:!1},pcConfig:{iceServers:[]}},E.sessions=[],E.calls=[],E.callbackQueue=[],E.canGoInConference=!1,E.isInConference=!1,E.currentConferenceSessions=[], JsSIP.UA({sockets:[new JsSIP.WebSocketInterface("wss://"":"+E.conf.wssPort+"/ws")],uri:new JsSIP.URI("sip",,,5060,null,null).toString(),,ha1:E.conf.ha1,realm:E.conf.realm,,session_timers_refresh_method:"invite",register_expires:E.conf.phoneBarExpires||60,register:!0}),E.conf=_.merge(d.webrtc,E.conf),E.initDeviceInProgress=!1,E.isJabraEnabled=!1,E.isJabraInitialized=!1,E.jabraSession=null,E.jabraClicked=!1,E.buttonClicked=!1,E.originateInProgress=!1,t.bind("keyup",function(e){switch(e.keyCode){case 27:g(function(){E.showDialpad=!1})}}),E.$onInit=function(){c(!1),navigator.mediaDevices.ondevicechange=function(){E.initDeviceInProgress||(E.initDeviceInProgress=!0,jabra&&E.isJabraInitialized?jabra.shutdown().then(function(){E.isJabraInitialized=!1,c(!(E.isJabraEnabled=!1))}).catch(function(e){console.error("Unable to shutdown Jabra library",e)}):c(!0))};var e=[{type:"turn",nolimit:!0}).$promise,{type:"stun",nolimit:!0}).$promise];o.all(e).then(function(e){var n=e[0].rows,t=e[1].rows,a=[],i=[];t.forEach(function(e){i.push("stun:"+e.value)}),a.push({urls:i}),n.forEach(function(e){var n={urls:"turn:"+e.value};e.username&&(n.username=e.username),e.password&&(n.credential=e.password),a.push(n)}),E.sessionConf.pcConfig={iceServers:a}}),"registered",function(){this.registered=!0}.bind(this)),"unregistered",function(){this.registered=!1}.bind(this)),"newRTCSession",function(e){console.debug("onNewRTCSession -> data",e);var n,t,a,i,s,o=e.session,r=!0,l="",d=0;switch(e.originator){case"local":o.outgoing=!0,,o.user=e.request.ruri.user,S(o.user,!1),t=e.request.extraHeaders,a="X-callback-url",s=_.find(t,function(e){return _.startsWith(e,a)}),n=!!s&&_.trim(s.replace(a,"").replace(i||":","")),E.isJabraEnabled&&(E.jabraSession&&jabra.resume(),E.jabraSession=o,jabra.offHook());break;case"remote":var c=b.getCurrentUser();c.voicePause&&c.phoneBarDnd&&(r=!1);var m=e.request.getHeader("Call-Type")||"";if(c.ignorePauseForPreviewCalls&&"PREVIEW"===m&&(r=!0),E.originateInProgress&&(r=!1),r&&(o.incoming=!0,,o.user=e.request.from.uri.user,l=e.request.getHeader("X-Answer-Mode")||"",d=e.request.getHeader("X-Answer-After")||0,function(n){console.debug("getNotification -> session",n);var" <"+n.user+">":n.user;E.currentUser.privacyEnabled&&(e=A.mask(e)),f.create("Incoming call from: ",e,null,function(){T(n)},function(){I(n)},E.conf.autoAnswer).then(function(e){n.notification=e}).catch(function(e){console.error("Error creating notification for incoming call",e)})}(e.session),S(e.session.user,!0),E.isJabraEnabled&&jabra.ring(),E.conf.autoAnswer&&g(function(){o.isInProgress()&&(o.autoAnswer=!0,T(o))},E.conf.autoAnswerDelay?1e3*E.conf.autoAnswerDelay:0),console.debug("xAnswerMode",l),console.debug("xAnswerAfterSec",d),"auto"==l.toLowerCase())){var u=0==d?500:1e3*d;console.debug("auto answer enabled after:"+u+" ms"),g(function(){o.isInProgress()&&(o.autoAnswer=!0,T(o))},u)}}r?(o.call_id=e.request.call_id,n&&L(E.callbackQueue[o.call_id]=n,{call_id:o.call_id}).then(function(){console.log('callbackurl:"'+n+'" called successfully')}).catch(function(e){console.log('fail callbackurl:"'+n+'" err:',e)}),o.connection&&(o.connection.onaddstream=O.bind(this)),o.iceCandidateTimeout=null,o.on("progress",function(e,n){console.debug("onProgress -> session, data",e,n);var t=!1;switch(n.originator){case"local":this.conf.ringingMute||(this.soundPlayer.setAttribute("src","assets/ms-phonebar/sounds/incoming-call.ogg"),t=!0);break;case"remote":this.putOtherCallsOnHold(e),this.soundPlayer.setAttribute("src","assets/ms-phonebar/sounds/outgoing-call.ogg"),t=!0}E.originateInProgress&&(E.originateInProgress=!1),t&&(this.soundPlayer.loop="loop",{console.log(e.message)})),C(e).then(function(){var n=E.callbackQueue[e.call_id];n&&L(n,{uniqueid:e.uniqueid,call_id:e.call_id,number_called:e.user}).then(function(){console.log('callbackurl:"'+n+'" called successfully')}).catch(function(e){console.log('fail callbackurl:"'+n+'" err:',e)}).finally(function(){delete E.callbackQueue[e.call_id]})}).catch(function(e){console.error("Unable to retrieve voice channels",e)})}.bind(this,o)),o.on("confirmed",function(e,n){console.debug("onConfirmed -> session, data",e,n);var t=document.getElementById("div_session_",32));t&&$(t).scope().$broadcast("timer-start"),e.confirmed=!0,"remote"===n.originator&&e.connection&&(e.connection.onaddstream=O.bind(this),_.head(e.connection.getRemoteStreams())&&(this.remotePlayer.srcObject=_.head(e.connection.getRemoteStreams()),,this.soundPlayer.pause(),this.soundPlayer.loop=null,this.putOtherCallsOnHold(e),e.autoAnswer&&(this.soundPlayer.setAttribute("src","assets/ms-phonebar/sounds/beep.ogg"),{console.log("Unable to play autoAnswer notification",e)})),E.canGoInConference=2==E.sessions.length,C(e).catch(function(e){console.error("Unable to retrieve voice channels",e)})}.bind(this,o)),o.on("hold",function(e,n){console.debug("onHold -> session, data",e,n),"local"===n.originator&&(e.localHold=!0)}.bind(this,o)),o.on("unhold",function(e,n){console.debug("onUnhold -> session, data",e,n),"local"===n.originator&&(e.localHold=!1)}.bind(this,o)),o.on("ended",function(e,n){if(console.debug("onEnded -> session, data",e,n),E.isInConference&&_.includes(E.currentConferenceSessions,,E.buttonClicked=!0),_.remove(this.sessions,{}),2!==E.sessions.length&&(E.canGoInConference=!1),E.isJabraEnabled)if(0===E.sessions.length)e.localHold&&jabra.resume(),jabra.onHook(),E.jabraSession=null;else{var t=_.last(E.sessions);t.localHold?(jabra.onHook(),jabra.hold(),E.jabraSession=t):jabra.offHook()}0===E.sessions.length&&E.currentUser.voicePause&&h.user.pause({,type:_.startsWith(E.currentUser.pauseType,"#")?E.currentUser.pauseType.substring(1):E.currentUser.pauseType}).$promise.catch(function(e){v.error({title:e.status?"API:"+e.status+" - "+e.statusText:"SYSTEM:PAUSEUSER",msg:e.status?JSON.stringify(})}),E.conf.microphoneMute=!1,E.initDevice("microphone",!0)}.bind(this,o)),o.on("failed",function(e,n){if(console.debug("onFailed -> session, data",e,n),this.soundPlayer.pause(),this.soundPlayer.loop=null,e.notification&&e.notification.close(),E.isInConference&&_.includes(E.currentConferenceSessions,,E.originateInProgress&&(E.originateInProgress=!1),_.remove(this.sessions,{}),2!==E.sessions.length&&(E.canGoInConference=!1),E.isJabraEnabled)if(0===E.sessions.length)e.localHold&&jabra.resume(),jabra.onHook(),E.jabraSession=null;else{var t=_.last(E.sessions);t.localHold?(jabra.onHook(),jabra.hold(),E.jabraSession=t):jabra.offHook()}}.bind(this,o)),o.on("icecandidate",function(e,n){console.debug("onIcecandidate -> session, data",e,n),null!==e.iceCandidateTimeout&&clearTimeout(e.iceCandidateTimeout),e.iceCandidateTimeout=setTimeout(n.ready,1e3)}.bind(this,o)),E.sessions.push(o),g(function(){p.$apply(),console.debug("onNewRTCSession -> vm_pb.sessions",E.sessions)})):I(o,486)}.bind(this)),r.on("webbar:originate",function(e){console.debug("originateHook -> payload",e);var n=e.callNumber,t=e.callerId,a=e.callbackUrl;E.conf.microphoneId?{deviceId:E.conf.microphoneId}!0;var i=n.replace(/ /g,"");if(i=(i=i.replace(/\(/g,"")).replace(/\)/g,"")){var s=angular.copy(E.sessionConf);s.extraHeaders=[],t&&s.extraHeaders.push("X-CID: "+t),a&&s.extraHeaders.push("X-callback-url: "+a),E.originateInProgress=!0,,s)}}.bind(this)),r.on("webbar:hangup",function(e){console.debug("hangupHook -> payload",e);var 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session",e),e.hold({useUpdate:!1}),E.isJabraEnabled&&(jabra.hold(),jabra.onHook())},E.refer=function(n){console.debug("refer -> session",n);var e=a.prompt().title("Transfer").textContent("Type the target").placeholder("Target").ariaLabel("Target").ok("Transfer").cancel("Cancel");{return x(e.replace(/ /g,"").replace(/\(/g,"").replace(/\)/g,""))}).then(function(e){n.refer(e,{eventHandlers:{requestSucceeded:D(n,"requestSucceeded","top right",3e3),requestFailed:D(n,"requestFailed","top right",3e3)}})})},E.record=function(e){console.debug("record -> session",e),{controller:"RecordDialogController",controllerAs:"vm",templateUrl:"assets/ms-phonebar/record/dialog.html",parent:angular.element(t.body),clickOutsideToClose:!0,locals:{session:e,sessions:E.sessions}})},E.unhold=function(e){console.debug("unhold -> session",e),e.unhold({useUpdate:!1}),E.putOtherCallsOnHold(e),E.isJabraEnabled&&(jabra.offHook(),jabra.resume())},E.answer=T,E.terminate=I,E.selectSession=function(e){console.debug("selectSession -> session",e),E.unhold(e)},E.typeWrapper=function(e){switch(e.key.toLowerCase()){case"0":case"1":case"2":case"3":case"4":case"5":case"6":case"7":case"8":case"9":case"*":case"#":E.type(e.key);break;case"enter"}},E.toggleDialpad=function(){E.showDialpad=!E.showDialpad},E.referAttended=function(e){console.debug("referAttended -> session",e),{controller:"ReferAttendedDialogController",controllerAs:"vm",templateUrl:"assets/ms-phonebar/referAttended/dialog.html",parent:angular.element(t.body),clickOutsideToClose:!0,locals:{session:e,sessions:_.reject(E.sessions,{}),isJabraEnabled:E.isJabraEnabled}})},E.closeDialpad=function(){E.showDialpad=!1},E.initDevice=R,E.putOtherCallsOnHold=function(e){if(console.debug("putOtherCallsOnHold -> session",e),1 evt, data",e,n),,}),p.$on("webrtc::transfer",function(e,n){if(console.debug("onRemoteTransfer -> evt, data",e,n), t=0;t session, textContent, position, delay",e,n,t,a),function(){,e.terminate(),jabra&&i&&jabra.onHook(),l()}}function l(e){n.hide(e)}o.title="Refer Attended",o.sessions=a,o.session=i,o.isJabraEnabled=e,o.sessionTarget=null,a.length&&([0].user),o.closeDialog=l,o.transfer=function(){var e,n,t=_.find(a,function(e){if( e});n=t.outgoing?(e=t,o.session):(e=o.session,t);n.refer(e.user,{replaces:e,eventHandlers:{requestSucceeded:r(i,"requestSucceeded","top right",3e3,o.isJabraEnabled),requestFailed:r(i,"requestFailed","top right",3e3,o.isJabraEnabled)}})}}e.$inject=["$mdDialog","$mdToast","sessions","session","isJabraEnabled"],angular.module("app.core").controller("ReferAttendedDialogController",e)}(),function(){"use strict";function e(e,s,n,t){var a=this;function i(e,n,t){var a;if(s[t]){if(a=_.find(e,function(e){return e.deviceId===s[t]}))return a.deviceId;var i=_.findIndex(e,function(e){return e.kind===n});if(0<=i)return e[i].deviceId}else(a=_.find(e,function(e){return e.kind===n}))&&(s[t]=a.deviceId);return 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n=e.key;i.pickerModels[n].dateStart?!0===e.useFromToKeys?i.query[n]={from:moment(i.pickerModels[n].dateStart).utcOffset(0,!0).format(),to:moment(i.pickerModels[n].dateEnd).utcOffset(0,!0).add(23,"hours").add(59,"minutes").add(59,"seconds").format()}:i.query[n]={$gte:moment(i.pickerModels[n].dateStart).utcOffset(0,!0).format(),$lte:moment(i.pickerModels[n].dateEnd).utcOffset(0,!0).add(23,"hours").add(59,"minutes").add(59,"seconds").format()}:i.query[n]=void 0;},i.clearDate=function(e){var n=e.key;i.pickerModels[n]={dateStart:null},delete i.query[n],},i.clearSelection=function(e){var n=e.key,t=e.ngValue||"id";i.query[n]=!1===e.clearAll?[_.head(e.options)[t]]:[],s(e),},i.selectAll=function(e){var n=e.key,t=e.ngValue||"id";i.query[n],t),s(e),}}function n(p,e){var g={localizationMap:e,setSelectedDate:function(e){var n=e.$gte?new Date(moment.utc(e.$gte).format("YYYY-MM-DD")):new Date(moment.utc(e.from).format("YYYY-MM-DD")),t=e.$lte?new Date(moment.utc(e.$lte).format("YYYY-MM-DD")):new 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- display: block; - position: absolute; - background-color: #fafafa; - right: 0; - top: 0; - bottom: 0; - z-index: 65; - box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); -} { - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto; -} { - -webkit-filter: blur(0); -} -@media (min-width: 960px) { - .md-padding { - padding: 16px; - } -} -body[dir='ltr'], -body[dir='rtl'], -html[dir='ltr'], -html[dir='rtl'] { - unicode-bidi: embed; -} -bdo[dir='rtl'] { - direction: rtl; - unicode-bidi: bidi-override; -} -bdo[dir='ltr'] { - direction: ltr; - unicode-bidi: bidi-override; -} -@media (max-width: 599px) { - .layout-row:not(.layout-xs-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - .layout-xs-row > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child) { - margin-left: 16px; - } - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-row:not(.layout-xs-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] .layout-xs-row > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child) { - margin-left: 0; - margin-right: 16px; - } -} -@media 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.md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - .layout-md-row:not(.layout-md-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-md-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child) { - margin-left: 16px; - } - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-md-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-md-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-md-row:not(.layout-md-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-md-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child) { - margin-left: 0; - margin-right: 16px; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px) { - .layout-gt-md-row:not(.layout-lg-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - 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.md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-lg-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child) { - margin-left: 0; - margin-right: 16px; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1920px) { - .layout-gt-lg-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - .layout-gt-md-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - .layout-xl-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child) { - margin-left: 16px; - } - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-gt-lg-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-gt-md-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child), - [dir='rtl'] - .layout-xl-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > .md-auto-horizontal-margin:not(:first-child) { - margin-left: 0; - margin-right: 16px; - } -} -body, -html { - -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); - -webkit-touch-callout: default; - min-height: 100%; - -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; - -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -} { - font-size: 112px; - font-weight: 300; - letter-spacing: -0.01em; - line-height: 112px; -} { - font-size: 56px; - font-weight: 400; - letter-spacing: -0.005em; - line-height: 56px; -} { - font-size: 45px; - font-weight: 400; - line-height: 64px; -} { - font-size: 34px; - font-weight: 400; - line-height: 40px; -} { - font-size: 24px; - font-weight: 400; - line-height: 32px; -} { - font-size: 20px; - font-weight: 500; - letter-spacing: 0.005em; -} { - font-size: 16px; - line-height: 24px; -}, { - 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transition: opacity 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1); -} { - transition: opacity 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1); -} -._md-panel-fullscreen { - border-radius: 0; - left: 0; - min-height: 100%; - min-width: 100%; - position: fixed; - top: 0; -} -md-autocomplete { - border-radius: 2px; - display: block; - height: 40px; - position: relative; - overflow: visible; - min-width: 190px; -} -md-autocomplete[disabled] input { - cursor: default; -} -md-autocomplete[md-floating-label] { - border-radius: 0; - background: transparent; - height: auto; -} -md-autocomplete[md-floating-label] md-input-container { - padding-bottom: 0; -} -md-autocomplete[md-floating-label] md-autocomplete-wrap { - height: auto; -} -md-autocomplete[md-floating-label] .md-show-clear-button button { - display: block; - position: absolute; - right: 0; - top: 20px; - width: 30px; - height: 30px; -} -md-autocomplete[md-floating-label] .md-show-clear-button input { - padding-right: 30px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-autocomplete[md-floating-label] .md-show-clear-button input { - padding-right: 0; - padding-left: 30px; -} -md-autocomplete md-autocomplete-wrap { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - box-sizing: border-box; - position: relative; - overflow: visible; - height: 40px; -} -md-autocomplete { - z-index: 51; -} -md-autocomplete md-autocomplete-wrap input, -md-autocomplete md-autocomplete-wrap md-input-container { - flex: 1 1 0; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; -} -md-autocomplete md-autocomplete-wrap md-progress-linear { - position: absolute; - bottom: -2px; - left: 0; -} -md-autocomplete md-autocomplete-wrap { - bottom: 40px; - right: 2px; - left: 2px; - width: auto; -} -md-autocomplete md-autocomplete-wrap md-progress-linear .md-mode-indeterminate { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 100%; - height: 3px; - transition: none; -} -md-autocomplete - md-autocomplete-wrap - md-progress-linear - .md-mode-indeterminate - .md-container { - transition: none; - height: 3px; -} -md-autocomplete - md-autocomplete-wrap - md-progress-linear - { - transition: opacity 0.15s linear; -} -md-autocomplete - md-autocomplete-wrap - md-progress-linear - { - opacity: 1; -} -md-autocomplete - md-autocomplete-wrap - md-progress-linear - { - transition: opacity 0.15s linear; -} -md-autocomplete - md-autocomplete-wrap - md-progress-linear - { - opacity: 0; -} -md-autocomplete input:not(.md-input) { - font-size: 14px; - box-sizing: border-box; - border: none; - box-shadow: none; - outline: none; - background: transparent; - width: 100%; - padding: 0 15px; - line-height: 40px; - height: 40px; -} -md-autocomplete input:not(.md-input)::-ms-clear { - display: none; -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button button { - position: relative; - line-height: 20px; - text-align: center; - width: 30px; - height: 30px; - cursor: pointer; - border: none; - border-radius: 50%; - padding: 0; - font-size: 12px; - background: transparent; - margin: auto 5px; -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button button:after { - content: ''; - position: absolute; - top: -6px; - right: -6px; - bottom: -6px; - left: -6px; - border-radius: 50%; - transform: scale(0); - opacity: 0; - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button button:focus { - outline: none; -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button button:focus:after { - transform: scale(1); - opacity: 1; -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button button md-icon { - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - left: 50%; - transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) scale(0.9); -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button button md-icon path { - stroke-width: 0; -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button { - transform: scale(0); - transition: transform 0.15s ease-out; -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button { - transform: scale(1); -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button { - transition: transform 0.15s ease-out; -} -md-autocomplete .md-show-clear-button { - transform: scale(0); -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - md-autocomplete input { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } - md-autocomplete .md-autocomplete-suggestion:focus { - color: #fff; - } -}, { - position: absolute; - box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); - z-index: 100; - height: 100%; -} .highlight, .highlight { - font-weight: 700; -} { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: block; - margin: 0; - overflow: hidden; - overflow-y: auto; - padding: 0; -}, { - height: 48px; -} { - margin: 0; - list-style: none; - padding: 0; -} .md-autocomplete-suggestion { - font-size: 14px; - overflow: hidden; - padding: 0 15px; - line-height: 48px; - height: 48px; - transition: background 0.15s linear; - margin: 0; - white-space: nowrap; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} .md-autocomplete-suggestion:focus { - outline: none; -} - .md-autocomplete-suggestion:not(.md-not-found-wrapper) { - cursor: pointer; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - .md-autocomplete-suggestions, - md-autocomplete { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } -} -md-backdrop { - transition: opacity 0.45s; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - z-index: 50; -} { - position: fixed !important; - z-index: 99; -} { - z-index: 81; - transition-duration: 0; -} { - z-index: 79; -} { - z-index: 69; -} { - z-index: 59; -} { - position: absolute; -} { - opacity: 0.48; -} { - opacity: 0; -} { - opacity: 0.48; -} { - opacity: 0.48; - transition: opacity 0.4s; -} { - opacity: 0; -} -md-bottom-sheet { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - padding: 8px 16px 88px; - z-index: 70; - border-top-width: 1px; - border-top-style: solid; - transform: translate3d(0, 80px, 0); - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transition-property: transform; -} { - padding-top: 0; -} { - opacity: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); -} { - opacity: 1; - display: block; - transform: translate3d(0, 80px, 0) !important; -} { - transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0) !important; - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); -} -md-bottom-sheet .md-subheader { - background-color: transparent; - font-family: Roboto, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif; - line-height: 56px; - padding: 0; - white-space: nowrap; -} -md-bottom-sheet md-inline-icon { - display: inline-block; - height: 24px; - width: 24px; - fill: #444; -} -md-bottom-sheet md-list-item { - display: flex; - outline: none; -} -md-bottom-sheet md-list-item:hover { - cursor: pointer; -} md-list-item { - padding: 0; - align-items: center; - height: 48px; -} { - padding-left: 24px; - padding-right: 24px; - padding-top: 0; -} md-list { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - flex-wrap: wrap; - transition: all 0.5s; - align-items: center; -} md-list-item { - flex-direction: column; - align-items: center; - transition: all 0.5s; - height: 96px; - margin-top: 8px; - margin-bottom: 8px; -} -@media (max-width: 960px) { - md-list-item { - flex: 1 1 33.33333%; - max-width: 33.33333%; - } - md-list-item:nth-of-type(3n + 1) { - align-items: flex-start; - } - md-list-item:nth-of-type(3n) { - align-items: flex-end; - } -} -@media (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px) { - md-list-item { - flex: 1 1 25%; - max-width: 25%; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px) { - md-list-item { - flex: 1 1 16.66667%; - max-width: 16.66667%; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1920px) { - md-list-item { - flex: 1 1 14.28571%; - max-width: 14.28571%; - } -} md-list-item:before { - display: none; -} md-list-item .md-list-item-content { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - align-items: center; - width: 48px; - padding-bottom: 16px; -} md-list-item .md-grid-item-content { - border: 1px solid transparent; - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - align-items: center; - width: 80px; -} md-list-item .md-grid-text { - font-weight: 400; - line-height: 16px; - font-size: 13px; - margin: 0; - white-space: nowrap; - width: 64px; - text-align: center; - text-transform: none; - padding-top: 8px; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - md-bottom-sheet { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } -} { - border: 0; -} { - display: inline-block; - position: relative; - cursor: pointer; - min-height: 36px; - min-width: 88px; - line-height: 36px; - vertical-align: middle; - align-items: center; - text-align: center; - border-radius: 2px; - box-sizing: border-box; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; - outline: none; - border: 0; - padding: 0 8px; - margin: 6px 8px; - background: transparent; - color: currentColor; - white-space: nowrap; - text-transform: uppercase; - font-weight: 500; - font-size: 14px; - font-style: inherit; - font-variant: inherit; - font-family: inherit; - text-decoration: none; - overflow: hidden; - transition: box-shadow 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1), - background-color 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -} :not(.md-dense-disabled) .md-button:not(.md-dense-disabled), > .md-button:not(.md-dense-disabled) { - min-height: 32px; -} :not(.md-dense-disabled) .md-button:not(.md-dense-disabled), > .md-button:not(.md-dense-disabled) { - line-height: 32px; -} :not(.md-dense-disabled) .md-button:not(.md-dense-disabled), > .md-button:not(.md-dense-disabled) { - font-size: 13px; -} { - outline: none; -}, { - text-decoration: none; -}, { - transition: none; -} { - border-radius: 0; -} { - padding: 0; - background: none; -}[disabled]) { - box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); -} { - margin: 0 6px; - height: 40px; - min-width: 0; - line-height: 24px; - padding: 8px; - width: 40px; - border-radius: 50%; -} { - z-index: 20; - line-height: 56px; - min-width: 0; - width: 56px; - height: 56px; - vertical-align: middle; - box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); - border-radius: 50%; - background-clip: padding-box; - overflow: hidden; - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - transition-property: background-color, box-shadow, transform; -} { - top: auto; - right: 20px; - bottom: 20px; - left: auto; - position: absolute; -} { - top: auto; - right: auto; - bottom: 20px; - left: 20px; - position: absolute; -} { - top: 20px; - right: 20px; - bottom: auto; - left: auto; - position: absolute; -} { - top: 20px; - right: auto; - bottom: auto; - left: 20px; - position: absolute; -} { - line-height: 40px; - width: 40px; - height: 40px; -}, { - transition: none; -}[disabled] { - box-shadow: none; -}[disabled]),[disabled]) { - box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); -}[disabled]).md-fab:active,[disabled]).md-raised:active { - box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); -} .md-ripple-container { - border-radius: inherit; - background-clip: padding-box; - overflow: hidden; - -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); -} md-icon, md-icon { - display: block; -}, { - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transform: translate3d(0, 42px, 0); -}[disabled]).md-focused,[disabled]):hover,[disabled]).md-focused,[disabled]):hover { - transform: translate3d(0, 41px, 0); -}, { - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transform: translate3d(0, -42px, 0); -}[disabled]).md-focused,[disabled]):hover,[disabled]).md-focused,[disabled]):hover { - transform: translate3d(0, -43px, 0); -} { - display: flex; - flex: 1; - width: 100%; -} > .md-button { - flex: 1; - display: block; - overflow: hidden; - width: 0; - border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px; - border-radius: 0; - text-align: center; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - white-space: nowrap; -} > .md-button:first-child { - border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px; -} > .md-button:last-child { - border-right-width: 1px; - border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { -, - { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } -} -md-card { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - margin: 8px; - box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), - 0 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} -md-card md-card-header { - padding: 16px; - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; -} -md-card md-card-header:first-child md-card-avatar { - margin-right: 12px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-card md-card-header:first-child md-card-avatar { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 12px; -} -md-card md-card-header:last-child md-card-avatar { - margin-left: 12px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-card md-card-header:last-child md-card-avatar { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 12px; -} -md-card md-card-header md-card-avatar { - width: 40px; - height: 40px; -} -md-card md-card-header md-card-avatar .md-user-avatar, -md-card md-card-header md-card-avatar md-icon { - border-radius: 50%; -} -md-card md-card-header md-card-avatar md-icon { - padding: 8px; -} -md-card md-card-header md-card-avatar md-icon > svg { - height: inherit; - width: inherit; -} -md-card md-card-header md-card-avatar + md-card-header-text { - max-height: 40px; -} -md-card md-card-header md-card-avatar + md-card-header-text .md-title { - font-size: 14px; -} -md-card md-card-header md-card-header-text { - display: flex; - flex: 1; - flex-direction: column; -} -md-card md-card-header md-card-header-text .md-subhead { - font-size: 14px; -} -md-card > img, -md-card > md-card-header img, -md-card md-card-title-media img { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - flex: 0 0 auto; - width: 100%; - height: auto; -} -md-card md-card-title { - padding: 24px 16px 16px; - display: flex; - flex: 1 1 auto; - flex-direction: row; -} -md-card md-card-title + md-card-content { - padding-top: 0; -} -md-card md-card-title md-card-title-text { - flex: 1; - flex-direction: column; - display: flex; -} -md-card md-card-title md-card-title-text .md-subhead { - padding-top: 0; - font-size: 14px; -} -md-card md-card-title md-card-title-text:only-child .md-subhead { - padding-top: 12px; -} -md-card md-card-title md-card-title-media { - margin-top: -8px; -} -md-card md-card-title md-card-title-media .md-media-sm { - height: 80px; - width: 80px; -} -md-card md-card-title md-card-title-media .md-media-md { - height: 112px; - width: 112px; -} -md-card md-card-title md-card-title-media .md-media-lg { - height: 152px; - width: 152px; -} -md-card md-card-content { - display: block; - padding: 16px; -} -md-card md-card-content > p:first-child { - margin-top: 0; -} -md-card md-card-content > p:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; -} -md-card md-card-content .md-media-xl { - height: 240px; - width: 240px; -} -md-card md-card-actions { - margin: 8px; -} -md-card md-card-actions.layout-column .md-button:not(.md-icon-button) { - margin: 2px 0; -} -md-card - md-card-actions.layout-column - .md-button:not(.md-icon-button):first-of-type { - margin-top: 0; -} -md-card - md-card-actions.layout-column - .md-button:not(.md-icon-button):last-of-type { - margin-bottom: 0; -} -md-card md-card-actions.layout-column { - margin-top: 6px; - margin-bottom: 6px; -} -md-card md-card-actions md-card-icon-actions { - flex: 1; - justify-content: flex-start; - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; -} -md-card md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) .md-button:not(.md-icon-button) { - margin: 0 4px; -} -md-card - md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) - .md-button:not(.md-icon-button):first-of-type { - margin-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-card - md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) - .md-button:not(.md-icon-button):first-of-type { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 0; -} -md-card - md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) - .md-button:not(.md-icon-button):last-of-type { - margin-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-card - md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) - .md-button:not(.md-icon-button):last-of-type { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 0; -} -md-card md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) { - margin-left: 6px; - margin-right: 6px; -} -md-card - md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) - { - margin-left: 12px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-card - md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) - { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 12px; -} -md-card - md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) - { - margin-right: 12px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-card - md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) - { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 12px; -} -md-card md-card-actions:not(.layout-column) .md-button + md-card-icon-actions { - flex: 1; - justify-content: flex-end; - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; -} -md-card md-card-footer { - margin-top: auto; - padding: 16px; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - md-card { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } -} > img { - width: auto; - height: auto; -} md-checkbox { - margin-top: 14px; - margin-bottom: auto; -} -md-checkbox { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: inline-block; - white-space: nowrap; - cursor: pointer; - outline: none; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; - position: relative; - min-width: 18px; - min-height: 48px; -} :not(.md-dense-disabled) md-checkbox:not(.md-dense-disabled), > md-checkbox:not(.md-dense-disabled) { - min-height: 36px; -}[disabled]) .md-container:before { - left: -8px; - top: -8px; - right: -8px; - bottom: -8px; -}[disabled]):not(.md-checked) .md-container:before { - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} -md-checkbox .md-container { - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - transform: translateY(-50%); - box-sizing: border-box; - display: inline-block; - width: 18px; - height: 18px; - left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-checkbox .md-container { - left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-checkbox .md-container { - right: 0; -} -md-checkbox .md-container:before { - box-sizing: border-box; - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 50%; - content: ''; - position: absolute; - display: block; - height: auto; - left: 0; - top: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - transition: all 0.5s; - width: auto; -} -md-checkbox .md-container:after { - box-sizing: border-box; - content: ''; - position: absolute; - top: -10px; - right: -10px; - bottom: -10px; - left: -10px; -} -md-checkbox .md-container .md-ripple-container { - position: absolute; - display: block; - width: auto; - height: auto; - left: -15px; - top: -15px; - right: -15px; - bottom: -15px; -} -md-checkbox .md-icon { - box-sizing: border-box; - transition: 0.24s; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 18px; - height: 18px; - border-width: 2px; - border-style: solid; - border-radius: 2px; -} .md-icon { - border-color: transparent; -} .md-icon:after { - box-sizing: border-box; - transform: rotate(45deg); - position: absolute; - left: 4px; - top: 0; - display: table; - width: 6px; - height: 12px; - border-width: 2px; - border-style: solid; - border-top: 0; - border-left: 0; - content: ''; -} -md-checkbox[disabled] { - cursor: default; -} .md-icon:after { - box-sizing: border-box; - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - left: 50%; - transform: translate(-50%, -50%); - display: table; - width: 10.8px; - height: 2px; - border-width: 2px; - border-style: solid; - border-top: 0; - border-left: 0; - content: ''; -} -md-checkbox .md-container { - top: auto; - left: auto; - right: auto; - margin: 21px 3px 3px; -} -md-checkbox .md-label { - box-sizing: border-box; - position: relative; - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - white-space: normal; - -webkit-user-select: text; - -moz-user-select: text; - -ms-user-select: text; - user-select: text; - margin-top: 10px; - margin-bottom: auto; - margin-left: 36px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-checkbox .md-label { - margin-left: 0; - margin-right: 36px; -} -md-checkbox .md-label:empty { - margin-left: 24px; - margin-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-checkbox .md-label:empty { - margin-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-checkbox .md-label:empty { - margin-right: 24px; -} -md-input-container .md-checkbox-link-label { - box-sizing: border-box; - position: relative; - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - white-space: normal; - -webkit-user-select: text; - -moz-user-select: text; - -ms-user-select: text; - user-select: text; - cursor: pointer; - top: -21px; - margin-left: 18px; - margin-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-checkbox-link-label { - margin-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-checkbox-link-label { - margin-right: 18px; -} .md-chips md-chip { - padding: 0 25px 0 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-contact-chips .md-chips md-chip { - padding: 0 0 0 25px; -} .md-chips md-chip .md-contact-avatar { - float: left; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-contact-chips .md-chips md-chip .md-contact-avatar { - float: right; -} .md-chips md-chip .md-contact-avatar img { - height: 32px; - border-radius: 16px; -} .md-chips md-chip .md-contact-name { - display: inline-block; - height: 32px; - margin-left: 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-contact-chips .md-chips md-chip .md-contact-name { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 8px; -} { - height: 56px; -} img { - height: 40px; - border-radius: 20px; - margin-top: 8px; -} .md-contact-name { - margin-left: 8px; - width: 120px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-contact-suggestion .md-contact-name { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 8px; -} .md-contact-email, .md-contact-name { - display: inline-block; - overflow: hidden; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} li { - height: 100%; -}, -md-chips { - display: flex; -} { - flex-wrap: wrap; - flex-grow: 1; - font-family: Roboto, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif; - font-size: 13px; - padding: 0 0 8px 3px; - vertical-align: middle; -} { - content: ''; - display: table; - clear: both; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-chips { - padding: 0 3px 8px 0; -} .md-chip-input-container { - min-height: 32px; -} { - cursor: text; -} md-chip { - padding-right: 28px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-chip { - padding-right: 0; - padding-left: 28px; -} md-chip .md-chip-content { - padding-right: 4px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-chip .md-chip-content { - padding-right: 0; - padding-left: 4px; -} md-chip { - cursor: default; - border-radius: 16px; - display: block; - height: 32px; - line-height: 32px; - margin: 8px 8px 0 0; - padding: 0 12px; - float: left; - box-sizing: border-box; - max-width: 100%; - position: relative; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-chips md-chip { - margin: 8px 0 0 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-chips md-chip { - float: right; -} md-chip .md-chip-content { - display: block; - float: left; - white-space: nowrap; - max-width: 100%; - overflow: hidden; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-chips md-chip .md-chip-content { - float: right; -} md-chip .md-chip-content:focus { - outline: none; -} md-chip._md-chip-content-edit-is-enabled { - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -khtml-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; -} md-chip .md-chip-remove-container { - position: absolute; - right: 0; - line-height: 22px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-chips md-chip .md-chip-remove-container { - right: auto; - left: 0; -} md-chip .md-chip-remove { - text-align: center; - width: 32px; - height: 32px; - min-width: 0; - padding: 0; - background: transparent; - border: none; - box-shadow: none; - margin: 0; - position: relative; -} md-chip .md-chip-remove md-icon { - height: 18px; - width: 18px; - min-height: 18px; - min-width: 18px; - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - left: 50%; - transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); -} .md-chip-input-container { - display: block; - line-height: 32px; - margin: 8px 8px 0 0; - padding: 0; - flex-grow: 1; - float: left; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-chips .md-chip-input-container { - margin: 8px 0 0 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-chips .md-chip-input-container { - float: right; -} .md-chip-input-container input { - width: 100%; -} .md-chip-input-container input:not([type]), .md-chip-input-container input[type='email'], .md-chip-input-container input[type='number'], .md-chip-input-container input[type='tel'], .md-chip-input-container input[type='text'], .md-chip-input-container input[type='url'] { - border: 0; - height: 32px; - line-height: 32px; - padding: 0; -} .md-chip-input-container input:not([type]):focus, .md-chip-input-container input[type='email']:focus, .md-chip-input-container input[type='number']:focus, .md-chip-input-container input[type='tel']:focus, .md-chip-input-container input[type='text']:focus, .md-chip-input-container input[type='url']:focus { - outline: none; -} .md-chip-input-container md-autocomplete, .md-chip-input-container md-autocomplete-wrap { - background: transparent; -} .md-chip-input-container md-autocomplete md-autocomplete-wrap { - box-shadow: none; -} .md-chip-input-container input { - border: 0; - height: 32px; - line-height: 32px; - padding: 0; -} .md-chip-input-container input:focus { - outline: none; -} .md-chip-input-container md-autocomplete, .md-chip-input-container md-autocomplete-wrap { - height: 32px; -} .md-chip-input-container md-autocomplete { - box-shadow: none; -} .md-chip-input-container md-autocomplete input { - position: relative; -} .md-chip-input-container:not(:first-child) { - margin: 8px 8px 0 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-chips .md-chip-input-container:not(:first-child) { - margin: 8px 0 0 8px; -} .md-chip-input-container input { - background: transparent; - border-width: 0; -} md-autocomplete button { - display: none; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - .md-chip-input-container, - md-chip { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } - .md-chip-input-container md-autocomplete { - border: none; - } -} -md-content { - display: block; - position: relative; - overflow: auto; - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -} -md-content[md-scroll-y] { - overflow-y: auto; - overflow-x: hidden; -} -md-content[md-scroll-x] { - overflow-x: auto; - overflow-y: hidden; -} -@media print { - md-content { - overflow: visible !important; - } -} -md-calendar { - font-size: 13px; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; -} { - display: inline-block; - overflow: hidden; - height: 308px; -} .md-virtual-repeat-scroller { - overflow-y: scroll; - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -} .md-virtual-repeat-scroller::-webkit-scrollbar { - display: none; -} .md-virtual-repeat-offsetter { - width: 100%; -} { - box-shadow: inset -3px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); - display: inline-block; - height: 308px; - width: 346px; -} { - height: 44px; - width: 44px; - text-align: center; - padding: 0; - border: none; - box-sizing: content-box; -} { - padding-left: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-calendar-date:first-child { - padding-left: 0; - padding-right: 16px; -} { - padding-right: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-calendar-date:last-child { - padding-right: 0; - padding-left: 16px; -} { - cursor: default; -} { - transition: background-color, color 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - border-radius: 50%; - display: inline-block; - width: 40px; - height: 40px; - line-height: 40px; -} .md-calendar-date-selection-indicator { - cursor: pointer; -} { - height: 44px; - font-size: 14px; - font-weight: 500; - padding: 0 0 0 24px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-calendar-month-label { - padding: 0 24px 0 0; -} { - cursor: pointer; -} md-icon { - transform: rotate(180deg); -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-calendar-month-label md-icon { - transform: none; -} span { - vertical-align: middle; -} { - table-layout: fixed; - border-spacing: 0; - border-collapse: collapse; -} th { - height: 40px; - width: 44px; - text-align: center; - padding: 0; - border: none; - box-sizing: content-box; - font-weight: 400; -} th:first-child { - padding-left: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-calendar-day-header th:first-child { - padding-left: 0; - padding-right: 16px; -} th:last-child { - padding-right: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-calendar-day-header th:last-child { - padding-right: 0; - padding-left: 16px; -} { - table-layout: fixed; - border-spacing: 0; - border-collapse: collapse; -} tr:last-child td { - border-bottom-width: 1px; - border-bottom-style: solid; -} { - border-top: 1px solid transparent; -} tbody, td, tr { - vertical-align: middle; - box-sizing: content-box; -} -md-datepicker { - white-space: nowrap; - overflow: hidden; - vertical-align: middle; -} md-datepicker { - margin-top: 12px; -} { - display: inline-block; - box-sizing: border-box; - background: none; - vertical-align: middle; - position: relative; -} { - top: 0; - left: 0; - bottom: 0; - right: 0; - position: absolute; - content: ''; - speak: none; -} { - font-size: 14px; - box-sizing: border-box; - border: none; - box-shadow: none; - outline: none; - background: transparent; - min-width: 120px; - max-width: 328px; - padding: 0 0 5px; -} { - display: none; -} -._md-datepicker-floating-label > md-datepicker { - overflow: visible; -} -._md-datepicker-floating-label > md-datepicker .md-datepicker-input-container { - border: none; -} -._md-datepicker-floating-label > md-datepicker .md-datepicker-button { - float: left; - margin-top: -16px; - top: 13.5px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - ._md-datepicker-floating-label - > md-datepicker - .md-datepicker-button { - float: right; -} -._md-datepicker-floating-label .md-input { - float: none; -} -._md-datepicker-floating-label._md-datepicker-has-calendar-icon - > label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - right: 18px; - left: auto; - width: calc(100% - 84px); -} -[dir='rtl'] - ._md-datepicker-floating-label._md-datepicker-has-calendar-icon - > label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] - ._md-datepicker-floating-label._md-datepicker-has-calendar-icon - > label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - left: 18px; -} -._md-datepicker-floating-label._md-datepicker-has-calendar-icon - .md-input-message-animation { - margin-left: 64px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - ._md-datepicker-floating-label._md-datepicker-has-calendar-icon - .md-input-message-animation { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 64px; -} -._md-datepicker-has-triangle-icon { - padding-right: 18px; - margin-right: -18px; -} -[dir='rtl'] ._md-datepicker-has-triangle-icon { - padding-right: 0; - padding-left: 18px; -} -[dir='rtl'] ._md-datepicker-has-triangle-icon { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: -18px; -} { - position: relative; - border-bottom-width: 1px; - border-bottom-style: solid; - display: inline-block; - width: auto; -} + .md-datepicker-input-container { - margin-left: 12px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-icon-button + .md-datepicker-input-container { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 12px; -} { - border-bottom-width: 2px; -} .md-scroll-mask { - z-index: 99; -} { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: -100%; - z-index: 100; - border-width: 1px; - border-style: solid; - background: transparent; - transform: scale(0); - transform-origin: 0 0; - transition: transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -} { - transform: scale(1); -} { - height: 40px; - width: 340px; - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - background: transparent; - pointer-events: none; - cursor: text; -} { - opacity: 0; - transition: opacity 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.25, 1); -} .md-datepicker-calendar { - opacity: 1; -} md-calendar:focus { - outline: none; -} { - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - left: 50%; - transform: translate(-50%, -50%); - width: 0; - height: 0; - border-left: 5px solid transparent; - border-right: 5px solid transparent; - border-top: 5px solid; -} { - position: absolute; - right: 0; - bottom: -2.5px; - transform: translateX(45%); -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-datepicker-triangle-button { - right: auto; - left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-datepicker-triangle-button { - transform: translateX(-45%); -} { - height: 36px; - width: 36px; - position: absolute; - padding: 8px; -} -md-datepicker[disabled] .md-datepicker-input-container { - border-bottom-color: transparent; -} -md-datepicker[disabled] .md-datepicker-triangle-button { - display: none; -} { - overflow: hidden; -} .md-datepicker-input-container, { - border-bottom-color: transparent; -} .md-datepicker-triangle-button, > label, > label { - display: none; -} .md-datepicker-input-mask { - display: none; -} .md-calendar { - transform: translateY(-85px); - transition: transform 0.65s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transition-delay: 0.125s; -} .md-calendar { - transform: translateY(0); -} { - max-height: 100%; -} { - display: flex; - justify-content: center; - align-items: center; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - z-index: 80; - overflow: hidden; -} -md-dialog { - opacity: 0; - min-width: 240px; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 80%; - position: relative; - overflow: auto; - box-shadow: 0 7px 8px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 13px 19px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 5px 24px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; -} { - opacity: 1; - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transform: translate(0, 0) scale(1); -} { - opacity: 0; - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transform: translate(0, 100%) scale(0.2); -} -md-dialog > form { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - overflow: auto; -} -md-dialog .md-dialog-content { - padding: 24px; -} -md-dialog md-dialog-content { - order: 1; - flex-direction: column; - overflow: auto; - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -} -md-dialog - md-dialog-content:not([layout='row']) - > :first-child:not(.md-subheader) { - margin-top: 0; -} -md-dialog md-dialog-content:focus { - outline: none; -} -md-dialog md-dialog-content .md-subheader { - margin: 0; -} -md-dialog md-dialog-content .md-dialog-content-body { - width: 100%; -} -md-dialog md-dialog-content .md-prompt-input-container { - width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -md-dialog md-dialog-actions { - display: flex; - order: 2; - box-sizing: border-box; - align-items: center; - justify-content: flex-end; - margin-bottom: 0; - padding-right: 8px; - padding-left: 16px; - min-height: 52px; - overflow: hidden; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-dialog md-dialog-actions { - padding-right: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-dialog md-dialog-actions { - padding-left: 8px; -} -md-dialog md-dialog-actions .md-button { - margin: 8px 0 8px 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-dialog md-dialog-actions .md-button { - margin-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-dialog md-dialog-actions .md-button { - margin-right: 8px; -} md-dialog-actions { - border-top-width: 1px; - border-top-style: solid; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - md-dialog { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } -} -@media (max-width: 959px) { - { - min-height: 100%; - min-width: 100%; - border-radius: 0; - } -} -md-divider { - display: block; - border-top-width: 1px; - border-top-style: solid; - margin: 0; -} -md-divider[md-inset] { - margin-left: 80px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-divider[md-inset] { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 80px; -} -@media (max-width: 599px) { - .layout-row:not(.layout-xs-column) > md-divider, - .layout-xs-row > md-divider { - border-top-width: 0; - border-right-width: 1px; - border-right-style: solid; - } -} -@media (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px) { - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-sm-column) > md-divider, - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-sm-column) > md-divider, - .layout-sm-row:not(.layout-sm-column) > md-divider { - border-top-width: 0; - border-right-width: 1px; - border-right-style: solid; - } -} -@media (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px) { - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-md-column) > md-divider, - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-md-column) - > md-divider, - .layout-md-row:not(.layout-md-column) > md-divider, - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-md-column) - > md-divider { - border-top-width: 0; - border-right-width: 1px; - border-right-style: solid; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px) { - .layout-gt-md-row:not(.layout-lg-column) > md-divider, - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-lg-column) - > md-divider, - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-lg-column) - > md-divider, - .layout-lg-row:not(.layout-lg-column) > md-divider, - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-lg-column) - > md-divider { - border-top-width: 0; - border-right-width: 1px; - border-right-style: solid; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1920px) { - .layout-gt-lg-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-divider, - .layout-gt-md-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-divider, - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-divider, - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-divider, - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-divider, - .layout-xl-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) > md-divider { - border-top-width: 0; - border-right-width: 1px; - border-right-style: solid; - } -} -md-fab-speed-dial { - position: relative; - display: flex; - align-items: center; - z-index: 20; -} { - top: auto; - right: 20px; - bottom: 20px; - left: auto; - position: absolute; -} { - top: auto; - right: auto; - bottom: 20px; - left: 20px; - position: absolute; -} { - top: 20px; - right: 20px; - bottom: auto; - left: auto; - position: absolute; -} { - top: 20px; - right: auto; - bottom: auto; - left: 20px; - position: absolute; -} -md-fab-speed-dial:not(.md-hover-full) { - pointer-events: none; -} -md-fab-speed-dial:not(.md-hover-full) .md-fab-action-item, -md-fab-speed-dial:not(.md-hover-full) md-fab-trigger { - pointer-events: auto; -} -md-fab-speed-dial:not(.md-hover-full).md-is-open { - pointer-events: auto; -} -md-fab-speed-dial ._md-css-variables { - z-index: 20; -} .md-fab-action-item { - align-items: center; -} -md-fab-speed-dial md-fab-actions { - display: flex; - height: auto; -} -md-fab-speed-dial md-fab-actions .md-fab-action-item { - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); -} { - flex-direction: column; -} md-fab-trigger { - order: 1; -} md-fab-actions { - flex-direction: column; - order: 2; -} { - flex-direction: column; -} md-fab-trigger { - order: 2; -} md-fab-actions { - flex-direction: column-reverse; - order: 1; -} { - flex-direction: row; -} md-fab-trigger { - order: 2; -} md-fab-actions { - flex-direction: row-reverse; - order: 1; -} md-fab-actions .md-fab-action-item { - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); -} { - flex-direction: row; -} md-fab-trigger { - order: 1; -} md-fab-actions { - flex-direction: row; - order: 2; -} md-fab-actions .md-fab-action-item { - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); -} .md-fab-action-item > *, .md-fab-action-item > * { - visibility: hidden; -} .md-fab-action-item { - opacity: 1; -} .md-fab-action-item { - opacity: 0; - transition-duration: 0s; -} .md-fab-action-item { - transform: scale(0); - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - transition-duration: 0.14286s; -} -md-fab-toolbar { - display: block; -} { - top: auto; - right: 20px; - bottom: 20px; - left: auto; - position: absolute; -} { - top: auto; - right: auto; - bottom: 20px; - left: 20px; - position: absolute; -} { - top: 20px; - right: 20px; - bottom: auto; - left: auto; - position: absolute; -} { - top: 20px; - right: auto; - bottom: auto; - left: 20px; - position: absolute; -} -md-fab-toolbar .md-fab-toolbar-wrapper { - display: block; - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - height: 68px; -} -md-fab-toolbar md-fab-trigger { - position: absolute; - z-index: 20; -} -md-fab-toolbar md-fab-trigger button { - overflow: visible !important; -} -md-fab-toolbar md-fab-trigger .md-fab-toolbar-background { - display: block; - position: absolute; - z-index: 21; - opacity: 1; - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); -} -md-fab-toolbar md-fab-trigger md-icon { - position: relative; - z-index: 22; - opacity: 1; - transition: all 0.2s ease-in; -} md-fab-trigger { - right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-fab-trigger { - right: auto; - left: 0; -} .md-toolbar-tools { - flex-direction: row-reverse; -} .md-toolbar-tools > .md-button:first-child { - margin-right: 0.6rem; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-toolbar-tools > .md-button:first-child { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 0.6rem; -} .md-toolbar-tools > .md-button:first-child { - margin-left: -0.8rem; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-toolbar-tools > .md-button:first-child { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: -0.8rem; -} .md-toolbar-tools > .md-button:last-child { - margin-right: 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-toolbar-tools > .md-button:last-child { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 8px; -} md-fab-trigger { - left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-fab-trigger { - left: auto; - right: 0; -} .md-toolbar-tools { - flex-direction: row; -} -md-fab-toolbar md-toolbar { - background-color: transparent !important; - pointer-events: none; - z-index: 23; -} -md-fab-toolbar md-toolbar .md-toolbar-tools { - padding: 0 20px; - margin-top: 3px; -} -md-fab-toolbar md-toolbar .md-fab-action-item { - opacity: 0; - transform: scale(0); - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - transition-duration: 0.15s; -} md-fab-trigger > button { - box-shadow: none; -} md-fab-trigger > button md-icon { - opacity: 0; -} .md-fab-action-item { - opacity: 1; - transform: scale(1); -} -md-grid-list { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: block; - position: relative; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile-footer, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile-header, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile > figure { - box-sizing: border-box; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile { - display: block; - position: absolute; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile figure { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - height: 100%; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - padding: 0; - margin: 0; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-footer, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-header { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - align-items: center; - height: 48px; - color: #fff; - background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18); - overflow: hidden; - position: absolute; - left: 0; - right: 0; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-footer h3, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-footer h4, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-header h3, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-header h4 { - font-weight: 400; - margin: 0 0 0 16px; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-footer h3, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-header h3 { - font-size: 14px; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-footer h4, -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-header h4 { - font-size: 12px; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-header { - top: 0; -} -md-grid-list md-grid-tile md-grid-tile-footer { - bottom: 0; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - md-grid-tile { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } - md-grid-tile-footer { - border-top: 1px solid #fff; - } -} -md-icon { - margin: auto; - background-repeat: no-repeat; - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - fill: currentColor; - height: 24px; - width: 24px; - min-height: 24px; - min-width: 24px; -} -md-icon svg { - pointer-events: none; - display: block; -} -md-icon[md-font-icon] { - line-height: 24px; - width: auto; -} -md-input-container { - display: inline-block; - position: relative; - padding: 2px; - margin: 18px 0; - vertical-align: middle; -} -md-input-container:after { - content: ''; - display: table; - clear: both; -} { - display: block; -} -md-input-container .md-errors-spacer { - float: right; - min-height: 24px; - min-width: 1px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-errors-spacer { - float: left; -} -md-input-container > md-icon { - position: absolute; - top: 8px; - left: 2px; - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container > md-icon { - left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container > md-icon { - right: 2px; -} -md-input-container input[type='color'], -md-input-container input[type='date'], -md-input-container input[type='datetime-local'], -md-input-container input[type='datetime'], -md-input-container input[type='email'], -md-input-container input[type='month'], -md-input-container input[type='number'], -md-input-container input[type='password'], -md-input-container input[type='search'], -md-input-container input[type='tel'], -md-input-container input[type='text'], -md-input-container input[type='time'], -md-input-container input[type='url'], -md-input-container input[type='week'], -md-input-container textarea { - -moz-appearance: none; - -webkit-appearance: none; -} -md-input-container input[type='date'], -md-input-container input[type='datetime-local'], -md-input-container input[type='month'], -md-input-container input[type='time'], -md-input-container input[type='week'] { - min-height: 30px; -} -md-input-container textarea { - resize: none; - overflow: hidden; -} -md-input-container { - min-height: 30px; - -ms-flex-preferred-size: auto; -} -md-input-container textarea[md-no-autogrow] { - height: auto; - overflow: auto; -} -md-input-container label:not(.md-container-ignore) { - position: absolute; - bottom: 100%; - left: 0; - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container label:not(.md-container-ignore) { - left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container label:not(.md-container-ignore) { - right: 0; -} -md-input-container label:not(.md-container-ignore).md-required:after { - content: ' *'; - font-size: 13px; - vertical-align: top; -} -md-input-container .md-placeholder, -md-input-container label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - overflow: hidden; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - white-space: nowrap; - width: 100%; - order: 1; - pointer-events: none; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - padding-left: 2px; - padding-right: 0; - z-index: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 28px, 0) scale(1); - transition: transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - max-width: 100%; - transform-origin: left top; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-placeholder, -[dir='rtl'] - md-input-container - label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - padding-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-placeholder, -[dir='rtl'] - md-input-container - label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - padding-right: 2px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-placeholder, -[dir='rtl'] - md-input-container - label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - transform-origin: right top; -} .md-placeholder, - label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - padding-left: 3px; - padding-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-placeholder, -[dir='rtl'] - - label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - padding-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-placeholder, -[dir='rtl'] - - label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - padding-right: 3px; -} -md-input-container .md-placeholder { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - opacity: 0; - transition-property: opacity, transform; - transform: translate3d(0, 30px, 0); -} .md-placeholder { - opacity: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 24px, 0); -} .md-placeholder { - transition: none; - opacity: 0; -} -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value):not(.md-input-has-placeholder) - input:not(:focus) { - color: transparent; -} -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-ampm-field, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-day-field, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-hour-field, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-millisecond-field, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-minute-field, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-month-field, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-second-field, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-text, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-week-field, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - input:not(:focus)::-webkit-datetime-edit-year-field { - color: transparent; -} -md-input-container .md-input { - order: 2; - display: block; - margin-top: 0; - background: none; - padding: 2px 2px 1px 0; - border-width: 0 0 1px; - line-height: 26px; - height: 30px; - -ms-flex-preferred-size: 26px; - border-radius: 0; - border-style: solid; - transition: border-color 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - float: left; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-input { - padding-left: 2px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-input { - padding-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-input { - float: right; -} -md-input-container .md-input:focus { - outline: none; -} -md-input-container .md-input:invalid { - outline: none; - box-shadow: none; -} -md-input-container { - flex: none !important; -} -md-input-container .md-char-counter { - text-align: right; - padding-right: 2px; - padding-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-char-counter { - text-align: left; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-char-counter { - padding-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-char-counter { - padding-left: 2px; -} -md-input-container .md-input-messages-animation { - position: relative; - order: 4; - overflow: hidden; - clear: left; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-input-messages-animation { - clear: right; -} -md-input-container .md-char-counter, -md-input-container .md-input-message-animation { - font-size: 12px; - line-height: 14px; - overflow: hidden; - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - opacity: 1; - margin-top: 0; - padding-top: 8px; -} -md-input-container .md-char-counter:not(.md-char-counter), -md-input-container .md-input-message-animation:not(.md-char-counter) { - padding-right: 5px; - padding-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-char-counter:not(.md-char-counter), -[dir='rtl'] - md-input-container - .md-input-message-animation:not(.md-char-counter) { - padding-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-input-container .md-char-counter:not(.md-char-counter), -[dir='rtl'] - md-input-container - .md-input-message-animation:not(.md-char-counter) { - padding-left: 5px; -} -md-input-container:not(.md-input-invalid) - .md-auto-hide - .md-input-message-animation { - opacity: 0; - margin-top: -100px; -} -md-input-container { - opacity: 0; - margin-top: -100px; -} -md-input-container { - opacity: 0; - margin-top: -100px; -} label:not(.md-no-float), label:not(.md-no-float), label:not(.md-no-float) { - transform: translate3d(0, 6px, 0) scale(0.75); - transition: transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1), - width 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -} label { - transition: none; -} .md-input, .md-input, -md-input-container { - padding-bottom: 0; - border-width: 0 0 2px; -} -[disabled] md-input-container .md-input, -md-input-container .md-input[disabled] { - background-position: bottom -1px left 0; - background-size: 4px 1px; - background-repeat: repeat-x; -} { - transition: margin-top 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -} > label { - pointer-events: none; - position: absolute; -} > md-icon { - top: 8px; - left: 2px; - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] > md-icon { - left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] > md-icon { - right: 2px; -} > label .md-placeholder, - > label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore), > label .md-placeholder, - > label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - width: calc(100% - 36px); - padding: 0; -} { - padding-left: 36px; - padding-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] { - padding-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] { - padding-right: 36px; -} > label { - left: 36px; - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] > label { - left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] > label { - right: 36px; -} { - padding-left: 0; - padding-right: 36px; -} -[dir='rtl'] { - padding-left: 36px; -} -[dir='rtl'] { - padding-right: 0; -} > md-icon:last-of-type { - margin: 0; - right: 2px; - left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] > md-icon:last-of-type { - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] > md-icon:last-of-type { - left: 2px; -} { - padding-left: 36px; - padding-right: 36px; -} > label .md-placeholder, - > label:not(.md-no-float):not(.md-container-ignore) { - width: calc(100% - 72px); -} { - position: relative; -} { - content: ''; - display: table; - clear: both; -} { - position: absolute; - bottom: -5px; - left: 0; - height: 10px; - background: transparent; - width: 100%; - cursor: ns-resize; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - > md-icon { - fill: #fff; - } -} -md-list { - display: block; - padding: 8px 0; -} -md-list .md-subheader { - font-size: 14px; - font-weight: 500; - letter-spacing: 0.01em; - line-height: 1.2em; -} md-list-item, md-list-item .md-list-item-inner { - min-height: 40px; -} - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner:before, md-list-item:before { - content: ''; - min-height: 40px; - visibility: hidden; - display: inline-block; -} - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - md-icon:first-child, md-list-item md-icon:first-child { - width: 20px; - height: 20px; -} - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon), - md-list-item - > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon) { - margin-right: 36px; - margin-top: 4px; - margin-bottom: 4px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon), -[dir='rtl'] - - md-list-item - > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon) { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 36px; -} md-list-item .md-avatar, md-list-item .md-avatar-icon, - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-avatar, - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-avatar-icon { - margin-right: 20px; - margin-top: 6px; - margin-bottom: 6px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-avatar, -[dir='rtl'] - - md-list-item - .md-avatar-icon, -[dir='rtl'] - - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-avatar, -[dir='rtl'] - - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-avatar-icon { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 20px; -} md-list-item .md-avatar, - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-avatar { - flex: none; - width: 36px; - height: 36px; -} - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-secondary-container -, - md-list-item - .md-secondary-container - { - margin-top: 4px; - margin-bottom: 4px; -} - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-secondary-container - md-checkbox:not(.md-dense-disabled), - md-list-item - .md-secondary-container - md-checkbox:not(.md-dense-disabled) { - min-height: 40px; -} - -, - - > .md-no-style -, - -, - - > .md-no-style - { - margin-left: 56px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - - -, -[dir='rtl'] - - - > .md-no-style -, -[dir='rtl'] - - -, -[dir='rtl'] - - - > .md-no-style - { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 56px; -} - - .md-list-item-text - h3, - - .md-list-item-text - h4, - - .md-list-item-text - p, - - > .md-no-style - .md-list-item-text - h3, - - > .md-no-style - .md-list-item-text - h4, - - > .md-no-style - .md-list-item-text - p, - - .md-list-item-text - h3, - - .md-list-item-text - h4, - - .md-list-item-text - p, - - > .md-no-style - .md-list-item-text - h3, - - > .md-no-style - .md-list-item-text - h4, - - > .md-no-style - .md-list-item-text - p { - line-height: 1.05; - font-size: 12px; - padding-bottom: 4px; -} - - .md-list-item-text - h3, - - > .md-no-style - .md-list-item-text - h3, - - .md-list-item-text - h3, - - > .md-no-style - .md-list-item-text - h3 { - font-size: 13px; -}, > .md-no-style { - min-height: 60px; -}, - - > .md-no-style:before { - content: ''; - min-height: 60px; - visibility: hidden; - display: inline-block; -} .md-avatar-icon, > .md-avatar, - - > .md-no-style - .md-avatar-icon, - - > .md-no-style - > .md-avatar { - margin-top: 12px; -}, > .md-no-style { - min-height: 76px; -}, - - > .md-no-style:before { - content: ''; - min-height: 76px; - visibility: hidden; - display: inline-block; -} > .md-avatar, - - > .md-no-style - > .md-avatar, - - > .md-no-style - > md-icon:first-child, - - > md-icon:first-child { - margin-top: 16px; -} .md-subheader-inner { - padding-top: 12px; - padding-bottom: 12px; -} -md-list-item { - position: relative; -} .md-no-style { - transition: background-color 0.15s linear; -} -md-list-item._md-button-wrap { - position: relative; -} -md-list-item._md-button-wrap > { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: flex-start; - padding: 0 16px; - margin: 0; - font-weight: 400; - text-align: left; - border: none; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item._md-button-wrap > { - text-align: right; -} -md-list-item._md-button-wrap - > - > .md-button:first-child { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - height: 100%; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; -} -md-list-item._md-button-wrap > .md-list-item-inner { - width: 100%; -} -md-list-item._md-button-wrap - > - .md-list-item-inner:before { - content: ''; - min-height: inherit; - visibility: hidden; - display: inline-block; -}, -md-list-item .md-no-style { - position: relative; - padding: 0 16px; - flex: 1 1 auto; -}, -md-list-item { - font-size: inherit; - height: inherit; - text-align: left; - text-transform: none; - width: 100%; - white-space: normal; - flex-direction: inherit; - align-items: inherit; - border-radius: 0; - margin: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'], -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item { - text-align: right; -} > .md-ripple-container, -md-list-item > .md-ripple-container { - border-radius: 0; -}, -md-list-item .md-no-style:focus { - outline: none; -} { - cursor: pointer; -} -md-list-item md-divider { - position: absolute; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - width: 100%; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item md-divider { - left: auto; - right: 0; -} -md-list-item md-divider[md-inset] { - left: 72px; - width: calc(100% - 72px); - margin: 0 !important; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item md-divider[md-inset] { - left: auto; - right: 72px; -} -md-list-item, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner { - display: flex; - justify-content: flex-start; - align-items: center; - min-height: 48px; - height: auto; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner:before, -md-list-item:before { - content: ''; - min-height: 48px; - visibility: hidden; - display: inline-block; -} -md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - > - > md-icon:not(.md-avatar-icon), -md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - > - > md-icon:not(.md-avatar-icon), -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner >, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon), -md-list-item > > md-icon:not(.md-avatar-icon), -md-list-item > > md-icon:not(.md-avatar-icon), -md-list-item >, -md-list-item > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon) { - width: 24px; - margin-top: 16px; - margin-bottom: 12px; - box-sizing: content-box; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > > md-checkbox, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > > md-checkbox, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > md-checkbox, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner, -md-list-item > > md-checkbox, -md-list-item > > md-checkbox, -md-list-item > md-checkbox, -md-list-item { - align-self: center; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > > md-checkbox .md-label, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > > md-checkbox .md-label, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > md-checkbox .md-label, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-label, -md-list-item > > md-checkbox .md-label, -md-list-item > > md-checkbox .md-label, -md-list-item > md-checkbox .md-label, -md-list-item .md-label { - display: none; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon), -md-list-item > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon) { - margin-right: 32px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon), -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item > md-icon:first-child:not(.md-avatar-icon) { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 32px; -} -md-list-item .md-avatar, -md-list-item .md-avatar-icon, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-avatar, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-avatar-icon { - margin-top: 8px; - margin-bottom: 8px; - margin-right: 16px; - border-radius: 50%; - box-sizing: content-box; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-avatar, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-avatar-icon, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-avatar, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-avatar-icon { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 16px; -} -md-list-item .md-avatar, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-avatar { - flex: none; - width: 40px; - height: 40px; -} -md-list-item .md-avatar-icon, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-avatar-icon { - padding: 8px; -} -md-list-item .md-avatar-icon svg, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-avatar-icon svg { - width: 24px; - height: 24px; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > md-checkbox, -md-list-item > md-checkbox { - width: 24px; - min-height: 40px; - margin-left: 0; - margin-right: 29px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > md-checkbox, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item > md-checkbox { - margin-left: 29px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > md-checkbox, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item > md-checkbox { - margin-right: 0; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-secondary-container, -md-list-item .md-secondary-container { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - position: relative; - flex-shrink: 0; - margin: auto 0 auto auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-secondary-container, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-secondary-container { - margin-right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-secondary-container, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-secondary-container { - margin-left: 0; -} -md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-secondary-container - .md-button:last-of-type, -md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-secondary-container - .md-icon-button:last-of-type, -md-list-item .md-secondary-container .md-button:last-of-type, -md-list-item .md-secondary-container .md-icon-button:last-of-type { - margin-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-secondary-container - .md-button:last-of-type, -[dir='rtl'] - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-secondary-container - .md-icon-button:last-of-type, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-secondary-container .md-button:last-of-type, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-secondary-container .md-icon-button:last-of-type { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 0; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-secondary-container md-checkbox, -md-list-item .md-secondary-container md-checkbox { - margin: 0 6px; - padding: 0 8px; - min-height: 40px; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-secondary-container md-checkbox:last-child, -md-list-item .md-secondary-container md-checkbox:last-child { - width: 40px; - margin-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-list-item - .md-list-item-inner - .md-secondary-container - md-checkbox:last-child, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-secondary-container md-checkbox:last-child { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 0; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-secondary-container md-switch, -md-list-item .md-secondary-container md-switch { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; - margin-right: -6px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-list-item-inner .md-secondary-container md-switch, -[dir='rtl'] md-list-item .md-secondary-container md-switch { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: -6px; -} -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > .md-list-item-inner > p, -md-list-item .md-list-item-inner > p, -md-list-item > .md-list-item-inner > p, -md-list-item > p { - flex: 1 1 auto; - margin: 0; -}, > .md-no-style,, > .md-no-style { - align-items: flex-start; - justify-content: center; -}, >,, > { - margin-top: 8px; - margin-bottom: 8px; -} .md-list-item-text, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text, .md-list-item-text, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text { - flex: 1 1 auto; - margin: auto; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - overflow: hidden; -}, > .md-no-style,, > .md-no-style { - margin-left: 56px; -} -[dir='rtl'], -[dir='rtl'] > .md-no-style, -[dir='rtl'], -[dir='rtl'] > .md-no-style { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 56px; -} .md-list-item-text h3, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text h3, .md-list-item-text h3, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text h3 { - font-size: 16px; - font-weight: 400; - letter-spacing: 0.01em; - margin: 0; - line-height: 1.2em; - overflow: hidden; - white-space: nowrap; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} .md-list-item-text h4, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text h4, .md-list-item-text h4, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text h4 { - font-size: 14px; - letter-spacing: 0.01em; - margin: 3px 0 1px; - font-weight: 400; - line-height: 1.2em; - overflow: hidden; - white-space: nowrap; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} .md-list-item-text p, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text p, .md-list-item-text p, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text p { - font-size: 14px; - font-weight: 500; - letter-spacing: 0.01em; - margin: 0; - line-height: 1.6em; -}, > .md-no-style { - height: auto; - min-height: 72px; -}, > .md-no-style:before { - content: ''; - min-height: 72px; - visibility: hidden; - display: inline-block; -} .md-avatar-icon, > .md-avatar, > .md-no-style .md-avatar-icon, > .md-no-style > .md-avatar { - margin-top: 12px; -} > .md-no-style > md-icon:first-child, > md-icon:first-child { - align-self: flex-start; -} .md-list-item-text, > .md-no-style .md-list-item-text { - flex: 1 1 auto; -}, > .md-no-style { - height: auto; - min-height: 88px; -}, > .md-no-style:before { - content: ''; - min-height: 88px; - visibility: hidden; - display: inline-block; -} > .md-avatar, > .md-no-style > .md-avatar, > .md-no-style > md-icon:first-child, > md-icon:first-child { - margin-top: 16px; -} { - position: fixed; - left: 0; - top: 0; - z-index: 100; - opacity: 0; - border-radius: 2px; - max-height: calc(100vh - 10px); - overflow: auto; -} md-menu-divider { - margin-top: 4px; - margin-bottom: 4px; - height: 1px; - min-height: 1px; - max-height: 1px; - width: 100%; -} md-menu-content > * { - opacity: 0; -} { - pointer-events: none; -} { - opacity: 1; - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transition-duration: 0.2s; -} > md-menu-content > * { - opacity: 1; - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - transition-duration: 0.2s; - transition-delay: 0.1s; -} { - opacity: 0; - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - transition-duration: 0.25s; -} -md-menu-content { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - padding: 8px 0; - max-height: 304px; - overflow-y: auto; -} { - max-height: 208px; -} md-menu-item { - height: 32px; - min-height: 32px; -} -md-menu-item { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - min-height: 48px; - height: 48px; - align-content: center; - justify-content: flex-start; -} -md-menu-item > * { - width: 100%; - margin: auto 0; - padding-left: 16px; - padding-right: 16px; -} -md-menu-item > { - padding-top: 5px; -} -md-menu-item > .md-button { - text-align: left; - display: inline-block; - border-radius: 0; - margin: auto 0; - font-size: 15px; - text-transform: none; - font-weight: 400; - height: 100%; - padding-left: 16px; - padding-right: 16px; - width: 100%; -} -md-menu-item > .md-button::-moz-focus-inner { - padding: 0; - border: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-menu-item > .md-button { - text-align: right; -} -md-menu-item > .md-button md-icon { - margin: auto 16px auto 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-menu-item > .md-button md-icon { - margin: auto 0 auto 16px; -} -md-menu-item > .md-button p { - display: inline-block; - margin: auto; -} -md-menu-item > .md-button span { - margin-top: auto; - margin-bottom: auto; -} -md-menu-item > .md-button .md-ripple-container { - border-radius: inherit; -} -md-toolbar .md-menu { - height: auto; - margin: auto; - padding: 0; -} -@media (max-width: 959px) { - md-menu-content { - min-width: 112px; - } - md-menu-content[width='3'] { - min-width: 168px; - } - md-menu-content[width='4'] { - min-width: 224px; - } - md-menu-content[width='5'] { - min-width: 280px; - } - md-menu-content[width='6'] { - min-width: 336px; - } - md-menu-content[width='7'] { - min-width: 392px; - } -} -@media (min-width: 960px) { - md-menu-content { - min-width: 96px; - } - md-menu-content[width='3'] { - min-width: 192px; - } - md-menu-content[width='4'] { - min-width: 256px; - } - md-menu-content[width='5'] { - min-width: 320px; - } - md-menu-content[width='6'] { - min-width: 384px; - } - md-menu-content[width='7'] { - min-width: 448px; - } -} { - line-height: 1rem; - height: auto; - padding: 28px 28px 12px; -} { - position: relative; - z-index: 100; -} -md-menu-bar { - padding: 0 20px; - display: block; - position: relative; - z-index: 2; -} -md-menu-bar .md-menu { - display: inline-block; - padding: 0; - position: relative; -} -md-menu-bar button { - font-size: 14px; - padding: 0 10px; - margin: 0; - border: 0; - background-color: transparent; - height: 40px; -} -md-menu-bar { - z-index: -2; -} { - max-height: none; - padding: 16px 0; -} { - position: relative; -} > md-icon { - position: absolute; - padding: 0; - width: 24px; - top: 6px; - left: 24px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - - - > md-icon { - left: auto; - right: 24px; -} - - .md-menu - > .md-button, > .md-button { - padding: 0 32px 0 64px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - - - .md-menu - > .md-button, -[dir='rtl'] - - - > .md-button { - padding: 0 64px 0 32px; -} .md-button { - min-height: 0; - height: 32px; -} .md-button span { - float: left; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-button span { - float: right; -} .md-button { - float: right; - margin: 0 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - - .md-button - { - float: left; -} md-menu-divider { - margin: 8px 0; -} .md-menu > .md-button, md-menu-item > .md-button { - text-align: left; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-menu > .md-button, -[dir='rtl'] - - md-menu-item - > .md-button { - text-align: right; -} .md-menu { - padding: 0; -} .md-menu > .md-button { - position: relative; - margin: 0; - width: 100%; - text-transform: none; - font-weight: 400; - border-radius: 0; - padding-left: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-menu > .md-button { - padding-left: 0; - padding-right: 16px; -} .md-menu > .md-button:after { - display: block; - content: '\25BC'; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - speak: none; - transform: rotate(270deg) scaleY(0.45) scaleX(0.9); - right: 28px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - - .md-menu - > .md-button:after { - transform: rotate(90deg) scaleY(0.45) scaleX(0.9); -} -[dir='rtl'] - - .md-menu - > .md-button:after { - right: auto; - left: 28px; -} { - border-style: solid; - border-width: 0 0 1px; - height: 48px; - position: relative; -} -._md-nav-bar-list { - outline: none; - list-style: none; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; -} { - margin-left: 8px; -} { - line-height: 24px; - margin: 0 4px; - padding: 12px 16px; - transition: background-color 0.35s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} { - outline: none; -} -md-nav-ink-bar { - background-color: #000; - position: absolute; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - width: 100%; - height: 2px; - transform-origin: left top; - will-change: transform; - transition: transform 0.125s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} { - transition: none; -} -md-nav-extra-content { - min-height: 48px; - padding-right: 12px; -} -@-webkit-keyframes indeterminate-rotate { - 0% { - transform: rotate(0deg); - } - to { - transform: rotate(1turn); - } -} -@keyframes indeterminate-rotate { - 0% { - transform: rotate(0deg); - } - to { - transform: rotate(1turn); - } -} -md-progress-circular { - position: relative; - display: block; - transform: scale(1, 1); -} -[dir='rtl'] md-progress-circular { - transform: scale(-1, 1); -} -md-progress-circular._md-progress-circular-disabled { - visibility: hidden; -} svg { - -webkit-animation: indeterminate-rotate 1568.63ms linear infinite; - animation: indeterminate-rotate 1568.63ms linear infinite; -} -md-progress-circular svg { - position: absolute; - overflow: visible; - top: 0; - left: 0; -} -md-progress-linear { - display: block; - position: relative; - width: 100%; - height: 5px; - padding-top: 0 !important; - margin-bottom: 0 !important; - transform: scale(1, 1); -} -[dir='rtl'] md-progress-linear { - transform: scale(-1, 1); -} -md-progress-linear._md-progress-linear-disabled { - visibility: hidden; -} -md-progress-linear .md-container { - display: block; - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - width: 100%; - height: 5px; - transform: translate(0, 0) scale(1, 1); -} -md-progress-linear .md-container .md-bar { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - top: 0; - bottom: 0; - width: 100%; - height: 5px; -} -md-progress-linear .md-container .md-dashed:before { - content: ''; - display: none; - position: absolute; - margin-top: 0; - height: 5px; - width: 100%; - background-color: transparent; - background-size: 10px 10px !important; - background-position: 0 -23px; -} -md-progress-linear .md-container .md-bar1, -md-progress-linear .md-container .md-bar2 { - transition: transform 0.2s linear; -} -md-progress-linear .md-bar1 { - display: none; -} -md-progress-linear .md-bar2 { - transition: all 0.2s linear; - -webkit-animation: query 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1) infinite; - animation: query 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1) infinite; -} -md-progress-linear .md-bar1 { - display: none; -} -md-progress-linear .md-bar1 { - -webkit-animation: md-progress-linear-indeterminate-scale-1 4s infinite, - md-progress-linear-indeterminate-1 4s infinite; - animation: md-progress-linear-indeterminate-scale-1 4s infinite, - md-progress-linear-indeterminate-1 4s infinite; -} -md-progress-linear .md-bar2 { - -webkit-animation: md-progress-linear-indeterminate-scale-2 4s infinite, - md-progress-linear-indeterminate-2 4s infinite; - animation: md-progress-linear-indeterminate-scale-2 4s infinite, - md-progress-linear-indeterminate-2 4s infinite; -} -md-progress-linear - - ._md-progress-linear-disabled - md-progress-linear - .md-container { - -webkit-animation: none; - animation: none; -} -md-progress-linear - - ._md-progress-linear-disabled - md-progress-linear - .md-container - .md-bar1, -md-progress-linear - - ._md-progress-linear-disabled - md-progress-linear - .md-container - .md-bar2 { - -webkit-animation-name: none; - animation-name: none; -} -md-progress-linear { - background-color: transparent !important; - transition: all 0.2s linear; -} -md-progress-linear .md-dashed:before { - display: block; - -webkit-animation: buffer 3s linear infinite; - animation: buffer 3s linear infinite; -} -@-webkit-keyframes query { - 0% { - opacity: 1; - transform: translateX(35%) scale(0.3, 1); - } - to { - opacity: 0; - transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0, 1); - } -} -@keyframes query { - 0% { - opacity: 1; - transform: translateX(35%) scale(0.3, 1); - } - to { - opacity: 0; - transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0, 1); - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes buffer { - 0% { - opacity: 1; - background-position: 0 -23px; - } - 50% { - opacity: 0; - } - to { - opacity: 1; - background-position: -200px -23px; - } -} -@keyframes buffer { - 0% { - opacity: 1; - background-position: 0 -23px; - } - 50% { - opacity: 0; - } - to { - opacity: 1; - background-position: -200px -23px; - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes md-progress-linear-indeterminate-scale-1 { - 0% { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; - animation-timing-function: linear; - } - 36.6% { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.33473, - 0.12482, - 0.78584, - 1 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.33473, 0.12482, 0.78584, 1); - } - 69.15% { - transform: scaleX(0.83); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.22573, - 0, - 0.23365, - 1.37098 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.22573, 0, 0.23365, 1.37098); - } - to { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - } -} -@keyframes md-progress-linear-indeterminate-scale-1 { - 0% { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; - animation-timing-function: linear; - } - 36.6% { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.33473, - 0.12482, - 0.78584, - 1 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.33473, 0.12482, 0.78584, 1); - } - 69.15% { - transform: scaleX(0.83); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.22573, - 0, - 0.23365, - 1.37098 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.22573, 0, 0.23365, 1.37098); - } - to { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes md-progress-linear-indeterminate-1 { - 0% { - left: -105.16667%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; - animation-timing-function: linear; - } - 20% { - left: -105.16667%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.70173, 0.49582); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.70173, 0.49582); - } - 69.15% { - left: 21.5%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.30244, - 0.38135, - 0.55, - 0.95635 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.30244, 0.38135, 0.55, 0.95635); - } - to { - left: 95.44444%; - } -} -@keyframes md-progress-linear-indeterminate-1 { - 0% { - left: -105.16667%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; - animation-timing-function: linear; - } - 20% { - left: -105.16667%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.70173, 0.49582); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.70173, 0.49582); - } - 69.15% { - left: 21.5%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.30244, - 0.38135, - 0.55, - 0.95635 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.30244, 0.38135, 0.55, 0.95635); - } - to { - left: 95.44444%; - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes md-progress-linear-indeterminate-scale-2 { - 0% { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.20503, - 0.05705, - 0.57661, - 0.45397 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.20503, 0.05705, 0.57661, 0.45397); - } - 19.15% { - transform: scaleX(0.57); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.15231, - 0.19643, - 0.64837, - 1.00432 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15231, 0.19643, 0.64837, 1.00432); - } - 44.15% { - transform: scaleX(0.91); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.25776, - -0.00316, - 0.21176, - 1.38179 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.25776, - -0.00316, - 0.21176, - 1.38179 - ); - } - to { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - } -} -@keyframes md-progress-linear-indeterminate-scale-2 { - 0% { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.20503, - 0.05705, - 0.57661, - 0.45397 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.20503, 0.05705, 0.57661, 0.45397); - } - 19.15% { - transform: scaleX(0.57); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.15231, - 0.19643, - 0.64837, - 1.00432 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15231, 0.19643, 0.64837, 1.00432); - } - 44.15% { - transform: scaleX(0.91); - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.25776, - -0.00316, - 0.21176, - 1.38179 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.25776, - -0.00316, - 0.21176, - 1.38179 - ); - } - to { - transform: scaleX(0.1); - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes md-progress-linear-indeterminate-2 { - 0% { - left: -54.88889%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15, 0, 0.51506, 0.40968); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15, 0, 0.51506, 0.40968); - } - 25% { - left: -17.25%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.31033, - 0.28406, - 0.8, - 0.73372 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.31033, 0.28406, 0.8, 0.73372); - } - 48.35% { - left: 29.5%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.62703, 0.6, 0.90203); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.62703, 0.6, 0.90203); - } - to { - left: 117.38889%; - } -} -@keyframes md-progress-linear-indeterminate-2 { - 0% { - left: -54.88889%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15, 0, 0.51506, 0.40968); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.15, 0, 0.51506, 0.40968); - } - 25% { - left: -17.25%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier( - 0.31033, - 0.28406, - 0.8, - 0.73372 - ); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.31033, 0.28406, 0.8, 0.73372); - } - 48.35% { - left: 29.5%; - -webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.62703, 0.6, 0.90203); - animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.62703, 0.6, 0.90203); - } - to { - left: 117.38889%; - } -} -md-radio-button { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: block; - margin-bottom: 16px; - white-space: nowrap; - cursor: pointer; - position: relative; -} -md-radio-button[disabled] { - cursor: default; -} -md-radio-button[disabled] .md-container { - cursor: default; -} -md-radio-button .md-container { - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - transform: translateY(-50%); - box-sizing: border-box; - display: inline-block; - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - cursor: pointer; - left: 0; - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-radio-button .md-container { - left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-radio-button .md-container { - right: 0; -} -md-radio-button .md-container .md-ripple-container { - position: absolute; - display: block; - width: auto; - height: auto; - left: -15px; - top: -15px; - right: -15px; - bottom: -15px; -} -md-radio-button .md-container:before { - box-sizing: border-box; - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 50%; - content: ''; - position: absolute; - display: block; - height: auto; - left: 0; - top: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - transition: all 0.5s; - width: auto; -} > { - top: 12px; -} -md-radio-button .md-off { - border-style: solid; - border-width: 2px; - transition: border-color 0.28s ease; -} -md-radio-button .md-off, -md-radio-button .md-on { - box-sizing: border-box; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - border-radius: 50%; -} -md-radio-button .md-on { - transition: transform 0.28s ease; - transform: scale(0); -} .md-on { - transform: scale(0.5); -} -md-radio-button .md-label { - box-sizing: border-box; - position: relative; - display: inline-block; - margin-left: 30px; - margin-right: 0; - vertical-align: middle; - white-space: normal; - pointer-events: none; - width: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-radio-button .md-label { - margin-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-radio-button .md-label { - margin-right: 30px; -} -md-radio-group:focus { - outline: none; -} .md-checked .md-container:before { - left: -8px; - top: -8px; - right: -8px; - bottom: -8px; -} - > md-radio-button:first-child - .md-container:before { - left: -8px; - top: -8px; - right: -8px; - bottom: -8px; -} -md-radio-group[disabled] md-radio-button { - cursor: default; -} -md-radio-group[disabled] md-radio-button .md-container { - cursor: default; -} -@media (max-width: 599px) { - .layout-row:not(.layout-xs-column) > md-radio-button, - .layout-xs-row > md-radio-button { - margin-bottom: 0; - } -} -@media (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px) { - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-sm-column) > md-radio-button, - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-sm-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-sm-row:not(.layout-sm-column) > md-radio-button { - margin-bottom: 0; - } -} -@media (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px) { - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-md-column) > md-radio-button, - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-md-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-md-row:not(.layout-md-column) > md-radio-button, - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-md-column) - > md-radio-button { - margin-bottom: 0; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px) { - .layout-gt-md-row:not(.layout-lg-column) > md-radio-button, - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-lg-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-lg-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-lg-row:not(.layout-lg-column) > md-radio-button, - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-lg-column) - > md-radio-button { - margin-bottom: 0; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1920px) { - .layout-gt-lg-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-gt-md-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-gt-sm-row:not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-gt-xs-row:not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-row:not(.layout-gt-xs-column):not(.layout-gt-sm-column):not(.layout-gt-md-column):not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-radio-button, - .layout-xl-row:not(.layout-gt-lg-column):not(.layout-xl-column) - > md-radio-button { - margin-bottom: 0; - } -} md-radio-group { - margin: 18px 0 19px; -} md-radio-group md-radio-button { - display: inline-block; - height: 30px; - padding: 2px 10px 2px 6px; - box-sizing: border-box; - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; -} md-radio-group md-radio-button .md-label { - top: 4px; -} md-radio-group md-radio-button .md-container { - margin-top: 2px; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - .md-on { - background-color: #fff; - } -} -md-input-container:not([md-no-float]) .md-select-placeholder span:first-child { - transition: transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transform-origin: left top; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-input-container:not([md-no-float]) - .md-select-placeholder - span:first-child { - transform-origin: right top; -}[md-no-float]) - md-select:not([placeholder]) - .md-select-placeholder - span:first-child { - transform: translate(-2px, -22px) scale(0.75); -} { - position: fixed; - left: 0; - top: 0; - z-index: 90; - opacity: 0; - display: none; - transform: translateY(-1px); -} { - pointer-events: none; -} md-progress-circular { - display: table; - margin: 24px auto !important; -} { - display: block; - opacity: 1; -} md-select-menu { - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transition-duration: 0.15s; -} md-select-menu > * { - opacity: 1; - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - transition-duration: 0.15s; - transition-delay: 0.1s; -} { - opacity: 0; - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - transition-duration: 0.25s; -} md-select { - margin-top: 20px; -} md-input-container > md-select, -md-input-container > md-select { - margin-top: 0; -} -md-input-container > md-select { - order: 2; -} -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - - .md-select-value - span:first-child:after, -md-input-container:not(.md-input-has-value) - md-select[required]:not(.md-no-asterisk) - .md-select-value - span:first-child:after { - content: ' *'; - font-size: 13px; - vertical-align: top; -} md-select .md-select-value { - border-bottom-style: solid; - padding-bottom: 1px; -} -md-select { - display: flex; -} - .md-select-value - span:first-child:after, -md-select[required] - .md-select-value - span:first-child:after { - content: ' *'; - font-size: 13px; - vertical-align: top; -} -md-select[disabled] .md-select-value { - background-position: bottom -1px left 0; - background-size: 4px 1px; - background-repeat: repeat-x; - padding-bottom: 2px; - padding-top: 1px; - transform: translateY(1px); -} -md-select:focus { - outline: none; -} -md-select[disabled]:hover { - cursor: default; -} -md-select:not([disabled]):hover { - cursor: pointer; -} -md-select:not([disabled]):focus .md-select-value { - border-bottom-style: solid; - border-bottom-width: 2px; - padding-bottom: 0; -} -md-input-container md-select:not([disabled]):focus .md-select-value { - border-bottom-width: 2px; -} -md-input-container md-select[disabled] .md-select-value { - background-position: bottom -1px left 0; -} -md-input-container md-select .md-select-value { - min-height: 26px; - border-bottom-width: 1px; - padding-bottom: 1px; -} -md-input-container md-select { - padding-left: 0; - padding-right: 2px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-input-container - md-select - { - padding-left: 2px; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-input-container - md-select - { - padding-right: 0; -} { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - padding: 2px 2px 1px 0; - border-bottom-width: 1px; - border-bottom-style: solid; - background-color: transparent; - position: relative; - box-sizing: content-box; - min-width: 88px; - min-height: 26px; - margin-bottom: auto; - -ms-flex-item-align: start; - flex-grow: 1; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-select-value { - padding-left: 2px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-select-value { - padding-right: 0; -} > span:not(.md-select-icon) { - max-width: 100%; - flex: 1 1 auto; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - white-space: nowrap; - overflow: hidden; -} > span:not(.md-select-icon) .md-text { - display: inline; -} .md-select-icon { - display: block; - align-items: flex-end; - text-align: right; - width: 24px; - transform: translateY(-2px); - font-size: 1.2rem; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-select-value .md-select-icon { - align-items: flex-start; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-select-value .md-select-icon { - text-align: left; -} .md-select-icon:after { - display: block; - content: '\25BC'; - position: relative; - top: 2px; - right: -4px; - left: auto; - speak: none; - font-size: 13px; - transform: scaleY(0.5); -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-select-value .md-select-icon:after { - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-select-value .md-select-icon:after { - left: -4px; -} { - display: flex; - order: 1; - pointer-events: none; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - z-index: 1; -} -md-select-menu { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), - 0 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); - max-height: 256px; - min-height: 48px; - overflow-y: hidden; - transform-origin: left top; - transform: scale(1); -} { - flex-direction: column-reverse; -} -md-select-menu:not(.md-overflow) md-content { - padding-top: 8px; - padding-bottom: 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-select-menu { - transform-origin: right top; -} -md-select-menu md-content { - min-width: 136px; - min-height: 48px; - max-height: 256px; - overflow-y: auto; -} -md-select-menu > * { - opacity: 0; -} -md-option { - cursor: pointer; - position: relative; - display: flex; - align-items: center; - width: auto; - transition: background 0.15s linear; - padding: 0 16px; - height: 48px; -} -md-option[disabled] { - cursor: default; -} -md-option:focus { - outline: none; -} -md-option .md-text { - -webkit-touch-callout: none; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; - width: auto; - white-space: nowrap; - overflow: hidden; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} -md-optgroup { - display: block; -} -md-optgroup label { - display: block; - font-size: 14px; - text-transform: uppercase; - padding: 16px; - font-weight: 500; -} -md-optgroup md-option { - padding-left: 32px; - padding-right: 32px; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - .md-select-backdrop { - background-color: transparent; - } - md-select-menu { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } -} -md-select-menu[multiple] { - padding-left: 40px; - padding-right: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-select-menu[multiple] { - padding-left: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-select-menu[multiple] { - padding-right: 40px; -} -md-select-menu[multiple] .md-container { - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - transform: translateY(-50%); - box-sizing: border-box; - display: inline-block; - width: 18px; - height: 18px; - left: 0; - right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-select-menu[multiple] - - .md-container { - left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-select-menu[multiple] - - .md-container { - right: 0; -} -md-select-menu[multiple] .md-container:before { - box-sizing: border-box; - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 50%; - content: ''; - position: absolute; - display: block; - height: auto; - left: 0; - top: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - transition: all 0.5s; - width: auto; -} -md-select-menu[multiple] .md-container:after { - box-sizing: border-box; - content: ''; - position: absolute; - top: -10px; - right: -10px; - bottom: -10px; - left: -10px; -} -md-select-menu[multiple] - - .md-container - .md-ripple-container { - position: absolute; - display: block; - width: auto; - height: auto; - left: -15px; - top: -15px; - right: -15px; - bottom: -15px; -} -md-select-menu[multiple] .md-icon { - box-sizing: border-box; - transition: 0.24s; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 18px; - height: 18px; - border-width: 2px; - border-style: solid; - border-radius: 2px; -} -md-select-menu[multiple][selected] .md-icon { - border-color: transparent; -} -md-select-menu[multiple] -[selected] - .md-icon:after { - box-sizing: border-box; - transform: rotate(45deg); - position: absolute; - left: 4px; - top: 0; - display: table; - width: 6px; - height: 12px; - border-width: 2px; - border-style: solid; - border-top: 0; - border-left: 0; - content: ''; -} -md-select-menu[multiple][disabled] { - cursor: default; -} -md-select-menu[multiple] - - .md-icon:after { - box-sizing: border-box; - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - left: 50%; - transform: translate(-50%, -50%); - display: table; - width: 10.8px; - height: 2px; - border-width: 2px; - border-style: solid; - border-top: 0; - border-left: 0; - content: ''; -} -md-select-menu[multiple] .md-container { - margin-left: 10.66667px; - margin-right: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-select-menu[multiple] - - .md-container { - margin-left: auto; -} -[dir='rtl'] - md-select-menu[multiple] - - .md-container { - margin-right: 10.66667px; -} -md-sidenav { - box-sizing: border-box; - position: absolute; - flex-direction: column; - z-index: 60; - width: 320px; - max-width: 320px; - bottom: 0; - overflow: auto; - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -} -md-sidenav ul { - list-style: none; -} { - display: none; -}, { - display: flex; - transition: all 0.2s ease-in; -}, { - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -},,,,,,, { - position: static; - display: flex; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -} { - transition: width 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2), - min-width 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - width: 0 !important; - min-width: 0 !important; -}, { - transition: width 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2), - min-width 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); -} { - width: 0 !important; - min-width: 0 !important; -} { - display: none; -}, -md-sidenav { - left: 0; - top: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -}, { - transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0); -} { - left: 100%; - top: 0; - transform: translate(-100%, 0); -} { - transform: translate(0, 0); -} -@media (min-width: 600px) { - md-sidenav { - max-width: 400px; - } -} -@media (max-width: 456px) { - md-sidenav { - width: calc(100% - 56px); - min-width: calc(100% - 56px); - max-width: calc(100% - 56px); - } -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - .md-sidenav-left, - md-sidenav { - border-right: 1px solid #fff; - } - .md-sidenav-right { - border-left: 1px solid #fff; - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes sliderFocusThumb { - 0% { - transform: scale(0.7); - } - 30% { - transform: scale(1); - } - to { - transform: scale(0.7); - } -} -@keyframes sliderFocusThumb { - 0% { - transform: scale(0.7); - } - 30% { - transform: scale(1); - } - to { - transform: scale(0.7); - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes sliderDiscreteFocusThumb { - 0% { - transform: scale(0.7); - } - 50% { - transform: scale(0.8); - } - to { - transform: scale(0); - } -} -@keyframes sliderDiscreteFocusThumb { - 0% { - transform: scale(0.7); - } - 50% { - transform: scale(0.8); - } - to { - transform: scale(0); - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes sliderDiscreteFocusRing { - 0% { - transform: scale(0.7); - opacity: 0; - } - 50% { - transform: scale(1); - opacity: 1; - } - to { - transform: scale(0); - } -} -@keyframes sliderDiscreteFocusRing { - 0% { - transform: scale(0.7); - opacity: 0; - } - 50% { - transform: scale(1); - opacity: 1; - } - to { - transform: scale(0); - } -} -md-slider { - height: 48px; - min-width: 128px; - position: relative; - margin-left: 4px; - margin-right: 4px; - padding: 0; - display: block; - flex-direction: row; -} -md-slider *, -md-slider :after { - box-sizing: border-box; -} -md-slider .md-slider-wrapper { - outline: none; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} -md-slider .md-slider-content { - position: relative; -} -md-slider .md-track-container { - width: 100%; - position: absolute; - top: 23px; - height: 2px; -} -md-slider .md-track { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - right: 0; - height: 100%; -} -md-slider .md-track-fill { - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transition-property: width, height; -} -md-slider .md-track-ticks { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - right: 0; - height: 100%; -} -md-slider .md-track-ticks canvas { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} -md-slider .md-thumb-container { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - top: 50%; - transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transition-property: left, right, bottom; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider .md-thumb-container { - left: auto; - right: 0; -} -md-slider .md-thumb { - z-index: 1; - position: absolute; - left: -10px; - top: 14px; - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - border-radius: 20px; - transform: scale(0.7); - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider .md-thumb { - left: auto; - right: -10px; -} -md-slider .md-thumb:after { - content: ''; - position: absolute; - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - border-radius: 20px; - border-width: 3px; - border-style: solid; - transition: inherit; -} -md-slider .md-sign { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - position: absolute; - left: -14px; - top: -17px; - width: 28px; - height: 28px; - border-radius: 28px; - transform: scale(0.4) translate3d(0, 67.5px, 0); - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} -md-slider .md-sign:after { - position: absolute; - content: ''; - left: 0; - border-radius: 16px; - top: 19px; - border-left: 14px solid transparent; - border-right: 14px solid transparent; - border-top-width: 16px; - border-top-style: solid; - opacity: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, -8px, 0); - transition: all 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider .md-sign:after { - left: auto; - right: 0; -} -md-slider .md-sign .md-thumb-text { - z-index: 1; - font-size: 12px; - font-weight: 700; -} -md-slider .md-focus-ring { - position: absolute; - left: -17px; - top: 7px; - width: 34px; - height: 34px; - border-radius: 34px; - transform: scale(0.7); - opacity: 0; - transition: all 0.35s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider .md-focus-ring { - left: auto; - right: -17px; -} -md-slider .md-disabled-thumb { - position: absolute; - left: -14px; - top: 10px; - width: 28px; - height: 28px; - border-radius: 28px; - transform: scale(0.5); - border-width: 4px; - border-style: solid; - display: none; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider .md-disabled-thumb { - left: auto; - right: -14px; -} .md-sign { - opacity: 0; -} -md-slider:focus { - outline: none; -} .md-thumb-container, .md-track-fill { - transition: none; -} -md-slider:not([md-discrete]) .md-sign, -md-slider:not([md-discrete]) .md-track-ticks { - display: none; -} -md-slider:not([md-discrete]):not([disabled]) - .md-slider-wrapper - .md-thumb:hover { - transform: scale(0.8); -} -md-slider:not([md-discrete]):not([disabled]) - - .md-focus-ring { - transform: scale(1); - opacity: 1; -} -md-slider:not([md-discrete]):not([disabled]) - - .md-thumb { - -webkit-animation: sliderFocusThumb 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); - animation: sliderFocusThumb 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} -md-slider:not([md-discrete]):not([disabled]).md-active - .md-slider-wrapper - .md-thumb { - transform: scale(1); -} -md-slider[md-discrete]:not([disabled]) - - .md-focus-ring { - transform: scale(0); - -webkit-animation: sliderDiscreteFocusRing 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); - animation: sliderDiscreteFocusRing 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} -md-slider[md-discrete]:not([disabled]) .md-thumb { - -webkit-animation: sliderDiscreteFocusThumb 0.5s - cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); - animation: sliderDiscreteFocusThumb 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} -md-slider[md-discrete]:not([disabled]).md-active .md-thumb, -md-slider[md-discrete]:not([disabled]) .md-thumb { - transform: scale(0); -} -md-slider[md-discrete]:not([disabled]).md-active .md-sign, -md-slider[md-discrete]:not([disabled]).md-active .md-sign:after, -md-slider[md-discrete]:not([disabled]) .md-sign, -md-slider[md-discrete]:not([disabled]) - - .md-sign:after { - opacity: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale(1); -} -md-slider[md-discrete][disabled][readonly] .md-thumb { - transform: scale(0); -} -md-slider[md-discrete][disabled][readonly] .md-sign, -md-slider[md-discrete][disabled][readonly] .md-sign:after { - opacity: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale(1); -} -md-slider[disabled] .md-track-fill { - display: none; -} -md-slider[disabled] .md-track-ticks { - opacity: 0; -} -md-slider[disabled]:not([readonly]) .md-sign { - opacity: 0; -} -md-slider[disabled] .md-thumb { - transform: scale(0.5); -} -md-slider[disabled] .md-disabled-thumb { - display: block; -} -md-slider[md-vertical] { - flex-direction: column; - min-height: 128px; - min-width: 0; -} -md-slider[md-vertical] .md-slider-wrapper { - flex: 1; - padding-top: 12px; - padding-bottom: 12px; - width: 48px; - align-self: center; - display: flex; - justify-content: center; -} -md-slider[md-vertical] .md-track-container { - height: 100%; - width: 2px; - top: 0; - left: calc(50% - 1px); -} -md-slider[md-vertical] .md-thumb-container { - top: auto; - margin-bottom: 23px; - left: calc(50% - 1px); - bottom: 0; -} -md-slider[md-vertical] .md-thumb-container .md-thumb:after { - left: 1px; -} -md-slider[md-vertical] .md-thumb-container .md-focus-ring { - left: -16px; -} -md-slider[md-vertical] .md-track-fill { - bottom: 0; -} -md-slider[md-vertical][md-discrete] .md-sign { - left: -40px; - top: 9.5px; - transform: scale(0.4) translate3d(67.5px, 0, 0); -} -md-slider[md-vertical][md-discrete] .md-sign:after { - top: 9.5px; - left: 19px; - border-top: 14px solid transparent; - border-right: 0; - border-bottom: 14px solid transparent; - border-left-width: 16px; - border-left-style: solid; - opacity: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, -8px, 0); - transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; -} -md-slider[md-vertical][md-discrete] .md-sign .md-thumb-text { - z-index: 1; - font-size: 12px; - font-weight: 700; -} -md-slider[md-vertical][md-discrete].md-active .md-sign:after, -md-slider[md-vertical][md-discrete] .md-focused .md-sign:after, -md-slider[md-vertical][md-discrete][disabled][readonly] .md-sign:after { - top: 0; -} -md-slider[md-vertical][disabled][readonly] .md-thumb { - transform: scale(0); -} -md-slider[md-vertical][disabled][readonly] .md-sign, -md-slider[md-vertical][disabled][readonly] .md-sign:after { - opacity: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale(1); -} -md-slider[md-invert]:not([md-vertical]) .md-track-fill { - left: auto; - right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider[md-invert]:not([md-vertical]) .md-track-fill { - left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider[md-invert]:not([md-vertical]) .md-track-fill { - right: auto; -} -md-slider[md-invert][md-vertical] .md-track-fill { - bottom: auto; - top: 0; -} -md-slider-container { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - flex-direction: row; -} -md-slider-container > :first-child:not(md-slider), -md-slider-container > :last-child:not(md-slider) { - min-width: 25px; - max-width: 42px; - height: 25px; - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transition-property: color, max-width; -} -md-slider-container > :first-child:not(md-slider) { - margin-right: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider-container > :first-child:not(md-slider) { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 16px; -} -md-slider-container > :last-child:not(md-slider) { - margin-left: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider-container > :last-child:not(md-slider) { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 16px; -} -md-slider-container[md-vertical] { - flex-direction: column; -} -md-slider-container[md-vertical] > :first-child:not(md-slider), -md-slider-container[md-vertical] > :last-child:not(md-slider) { - margin-right: 0; - margin-left: 0; - text-align: center; -} -md-slider-container md-input-container input[type='number'] { - text-align: center; - padding-left: 15px; - height: 50px; - margin-top: -25px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-slider-container md-input-container input[type='number'] { - padding-left: 0; - padding-right: 15px; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - .md-track { - border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; - } -} { - z-index: 2; - top: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - position: absolute !important; - transform: translate3d(-9999px, -9999px, 0); -}[sticky-state='active'] { - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -}[sticky-state='active']:not(.md-sticky-no-effect) - .md-subheader-inner { - -webkit-animation: subheaderStickyHoverIn 0.3s ease-out both; - animation: subheaderStickyHoverIn 0.3s ease-out both; -} -@-webkit-keyframes subheaderStickyHoverIn { - 0% { - box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 transparent; - } - to { - box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16); - } -} -@keyframes subheaderStickyHoverIn { - 0% { - box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 transparent; - } - to { - box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16); - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes subheaderStickyHoverOut { - 0% { - box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16); - } - to { - box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 transparent; - } -} -@keyframes subheaderStickyHoverOut { - 0% { - box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16); - } - to { - box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 transparent; - } -} { - transition: margin 0.2s ease-out; -} .md-subheader { - margin: 0; -} { - z-index: 2; -}[sticky-state='active'] { - margin-top: -2px; -}[sticky-prev-state='active'] - .md-subheader-inner:after { - -webkit-animation: subheaderStickyHoverOut 0.3s ease-out both; - animation: subheaderStickyHoverOut 0.3s ease-out both; -} { - display: block; - font-size: 14px; - font-weight: 500; - line-height: 1em; - margin: 0; - position: relative; -} .md-subheader-inner { - display: block; - padding: 16px; -} .md-subheader-content { - display: block; - z-index: 1; - position: relative; -} -[md-swipe-left], -[md-swipe-right] { - touch-action: pan-y; -} -[md-swipe-down], -[md-swipe-up] { - touch-action: pan-x; -} md-switch { - margin-top: 18px; - margin-bottom: 19px; -} -md-switch { - margin: 16px 0; - white-space: nowrap; - cursor: pointer; - outline: none; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; - height: 30px; - line-height: 28px; - align-items: center; - display: flex; - margin-left: inherit; - margin-right: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-switch { - margin-left: 16px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-switch { - margin-right: inherit; -} -md-switch:last-of-type { - margin-left: inherit; - margin-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-switch:last-of-type { - margin-left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-switch:last-of-type { - margin-right: inherit; -} -md-switch[disabled] { - cursor: default; -} -md-switch[disabled] .md-container { - cursor: default; -} -md-switch .md-container { - cursor: -webkit-grab; - cursor: grab; - width: 36px; - height: 24px; - position: relative; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; - margin-right: 8px; - float: left; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-switch .md-container { - margin-right: 0; - margin-left: 8px; -} .md-container { - margin-right: 0; - margin-left: 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-container { - margin-right: 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-container { - margin-left: 0; -} -md-switch:not([disabled]) .md-dragging, -md-switch:not([disabled]).md-dragging .md-container { - cursor: -webkit-grabbing; - cursor: grabbing; -} .md-thumb:before { - left: -8px; - top: -8px; - right: -8px; - bottom: -8px; -} -md-switch .md-label { - border-color: transparent; - border-width: 0; - float: left; -} -md-switch .md-bar { - left: 1px; - width: 34px; - top: 5px; - height: 14px; - border-radius: 8px; - position: absolute; -} -md-switch .md-thumb-container { - top: 2px; - left: 0; - width: 16px; - position: absolute; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); - z-index: 1; -} .md-thumb-container { - transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0); -} -md-switch .md-thumb { - position: absolute; - margin: 0; - left: 0; - top: 0; - outline: none; - height: 20px; - width: 20px; - border-radius: 50%; - box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), - 0 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} -md-switch .md-thumb:before { - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 50%; - content: ''; - position: absolute; - display: block; - height: auto; - left: 0; - top: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - transition: all 0.5s; - width: auto; -} -md-switch .md-thumb .md-ripple-container { - position: absolute; - display: block; - width: auto; - height: auto; - left: -20px; - top: -20px; - right: -20px; - bottom: -20px; -} -md-switch:not(.md-dragging) .md-bar, -md-switch:not(.md-dragging) .md-thumb, -md-switch:not(.md-dragging) .md-thumb-container { - transition: all 0.08s linear; - transition-property: transform, background-color; -} -md-switch:not(.md-dragging) .md-bar, -md-switch:not(.md-dragging) .md-thumb { - transition-delay: 0.05s; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - .md-bar { - background-color: #666; - } - .md-bar { - background-color: #9e9e9e; - } - .md-thumb { - background-color: #fff; - } -} -@-webkit-keyframes md-tab-content-hide { - 0% { - opacity: 1; - } - 50% { - opacity: 1; - } - to { - opacity: 0; - } -} -@keyframes md-tab-content-hide { - 0% { - opacity: 1; - } - 50% { - opacity: 1; - } - to { - opacity: 0; - } -} -md-tab-data { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - z-index: -1; - opacity: 0; -} -md-tabs { - display: block; - margin: 0; - border-radius: 2px; - overflow: hidden; - position: relative; - flex-shrink: 0; -} -md-tabs:not(.md-no-tab-content):not(.md-dynamic-height) { - min-height: 248px; -} -md-tabs[md-align-tabs='bottom'] { - padding-bottom: 48px; -} -md-tabs[md-align-tabs='bottom'] > md-tabs-wrapper { - position: absolute; - bottom: 0; - left: 0; - right: 0; - height: 48px; - z-index: 2; -} -md-tabs[md-align-tabs='bottom'] > md-tabs-content-wrapper { - top: 0; - bottom: 48px; -} md-tabs-content-wrapper { - min-height: 0; - position: relative; - top: auto; - left: auto; - right: auto; - bottom: auto; - overflow: visible; -} { - position: relative; -} -md-tabs[md-border-bottom] md-tabs-wrapper { - border-width: 0 0 1px; - border-style: solid; -} -md-tabs[md-border-bottom]:not(.md-dynamic-height) md-tabs-content-wrapper { - top: 49px; -} -md-tabs-wrapper { - display: block; - position: relative; - transform: translate(0, 0); -} -md-tabs-wrapper md-next-button, -md-tabs-wrapper md-prev-button { - height: 100%; - width: 32px; - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - transform: translateY(-50%); - line-height: 1em; - z-index: 2; - cursor: pointer; - font-size: 16px; - background: transparent no-repeat 50%; - transition: all 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} -md-tabs-wrapper md-next-button:focus, -md-tabs-wrapper md-prev-button:focus { - outline: none; -} -md-tabs-wrapper, -md-tabs-wrapper { - opacity: 0.25; - cursor: default; -} -md-tabs-wrapper, -md-tabs-wrapper { - transition: none; -} -md-tabs-wrapper md-next-button md-icon, -md-tabs-wrapper md-prev-button md-icon { - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - left: 50%; - transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -} -[dir='rtl'] md-tabs-wrapper md-next-button, -[dir='rtl'] md-tabs-wrapper md-prev-button { - transform: rotateY(180deg) translateY(-50%); -} -md-tabs-wrapper md-prev-button { - left: 0; - background-image: url(''); -} -[dir='rtl'] md-tabs-wrapper md-prev-button { - left: auto; - right: 0; -} -md-tabs-wrapper md-next-button { - right: 0; - background-image: url(''); -} -[dir='rtl'] md-tabs-wrapper md-next-button { - right: auto; - left: 0; -} -md-tabs-wrapper md-next-button md-icon { - transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(180deg); -} md-pagination-wrapper { - width: 100%; - flex-direction: row; -} md-pagination-wrapper md-tab-item { - flex-grow: 1; -} -md-tabs-canvas { - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - display: block; - height: 48px; -} -md-tabs-canvas:after { - content: ''; - display: table; - clear: both; -} -md-tabs-canvas .md-dummy-wrapper { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-tabs-canvas .md-dummy-wrapper { - left: auto; - right: 0; -} { - margin: 0 32px; -} { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - text-align: center; -} .md-tab { - float: none; - display: inline-block; -} -md-pagination-wrapper { - height: 48px; - display: flex; - transition: transform 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); - position: absolute; - left: 0; - transform: translate(0, 0); -} -md-pagination-wrapper:after { - content: ''; - display: table; - clear: both; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-pagination-wrapper { - left: auto; - right: 0; -} { - position: relative; - justify-content: center; -} -md-pagination-wrapper md-tab-item { - min-width: 72px; -} -@media (min-width: 600px) { - md-pagination-wrapper md-tab-item { - min-width: 160px; - } -} -md-tabs-content-wrapper { - display: block; - top: 48px; - overflow: hidden; -} -md-tab-content, -md-tabs-content-wrapper { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; -} -md-tab-content { - display: flex; - top: 0; - transition: transform 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); - overflow: auto; - transform: translate(0, 0); -} { - bottom: auto; - overflow: hidden; -}, { - transition: none; -} { - transform: translateX(-100%); - -webkit-animation: md-tab-content-hide 1s; - animation: md-tab-content-hide 1s; - visibility: hidden; -} -[dir='rtl'] { - transform: translateX(100%); -} * { - transition: visibility 0s linear; - transition-delay: 0.5s; - visibility: hidden; -} { - transform: translateX(100%); - -webkit-animation: md-tab-content-hide 1s; - animation: md-tab-content-hide 1s; - visibility: hidden; -} -[dir='rtl'] { - transform: translateX(-100%); -} * { - transition: visibility 0s linear; - transition-delay: 0.5s; - visibility: hidden; -} -md-tab-content > div { - flex: 1 0 100%; - min-width: 0; -} -md-tab-content > { - -webkit-animation: md-tab-content-hide 1s; - animation: md-tab-content-hide 1s; -} -md-ink-bar { - position: absolute; - left: auto; - right: auto; - bottom: 0; - height: 2px; -} { - transition: left 0.125s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1), - right 0.25s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} { - transition: left 0.25s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1), - right 0.125s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); -} -md-tab { - position: absolute; - z-index: -1; - left: -9999px; -} { - font-size: 14px; - text-align: center; - line-height: 24px; - padding: 12px; - transition: background-color 0.35s cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); - cursor: pointer; - white-space: nowrap; - position: relative; - text-transform: uppercase; - float: left; - font-weight: 500; - box-sizing: border-box; - overflow: hidden; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-tab { - float: right; -}, { - box-shadow: none; - outline: none; -} { - cursor: default; -} { - pointer-events: none; - touch-action: pan-y; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; - -webkit-user-drag: none; - opacity: 0.5; - cursor: default; -} { - transition: none; -} -md-toolbar + md-dialog-content md-tabs, -md-toolbar + md-tabs { - border-top-left-radius: 0; - border-top-right-radius: 0; -} { - padding: 0 8px; -} -md-toast { - position: absolute; - z-index: 105; - box-sizing: border-box; - cursor: default; - padding: 8px; - opacity: 1; -} -md-toast, -md-toast .md-toast-content { - overflow: hidden; - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -} -md-toast .md-toast-content { - display: flex; - flex-direction: row; - align-items: center; - max-height: 168px; - max-width: 100%; - min-height: 48px; - padding: 0 16px; - box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); - border-radius: 2px; - font-size: 14px; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) rotateZ(0deg); - justify-content: flex-start; -} -md-toast .md-toast-content:before { - content: ''; - min-height: 48px; - visibility: hidden; - display: inline-block; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-toast .md-toast-content { - justify-content: flex-end; -} -md-toast .md-toast-content span { - flex: 1 1 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; -}, .md-toast-content { - border-radius: 24px; -} .md-toast-content { - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); -} .md-toast-content, .md-toast-content, .md-toast-content, .md-toast-content { - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); -} { - opacity: 0; -} .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); -} .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0); -} { - opacity: 1; -} .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -} .md-toast-content { - opacity: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); -} .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0); -} .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(0, 50%, 0); -} .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0); -} -md-toast .md-action { - line-height: 19px; - margin-left: 24px; - margin-right: 0; - cursor: pointer; - text-transform: uppercase; - float: right; -} -md-toast .md-button { - min-width: 0; - margin-right: 0; - margin-left: 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-toast .md-button { - margin-right: 8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-toast .md-button { - margin-left: 0; -} -@media (max-width: 959px) { - md-toast { - left: 0; - right: 0; - width: 100%; - max-width: 100%; - min-width: 0; - border-radius: 0; - bottom: 0; - padding: 0; - } - .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0); - } - .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(0, 50%, 0); - } -} -@media (min-width: 960px) { - md-toast { - min-width: 304px; - } - { - bottom: 0; - } - { - left: 0; - } - { - right: 0; - } - { - top: 0; - } - md-toast._md-start { - left: 0; - } - [dir='rtl'] md-toast._md-start { - left: auto; - right: 0; - } - md-toast._md-end { - right: 0; - } - [dir='rtl'] md-toast._md-end { - right: auto; - left: 0; - } - .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0); - } - .md-toast-content { - transform: translate3d(50%, 0, 0); - } -} -@media (min-width: 1920px) { - md-toast .md-toast-content { - max-width: 568px; - } -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - md-toast { - border: 1px solid #fff; - } -} { - overflow: hidden !important; -} -md-toolbar { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - position: relative; - z-index: 2; - font-size: 20px; - min-height: 64px; - width: 100%; -} -md-toolbar._md-toolbar-transitions { - transition-duration: 0.5s; - transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); - transition-property: background-color, fill, color; -}, { - transition: box-shadow 0.5s linear; -} -md-toolbar md-toolbar-filler { - width: 72px; -} -md-toolbar *, -md-toolbar :after, -md-toolbar :before { - box-sizing: border-box; -} { - transition: none; -} { - height: 128px; - min-height: 128px; - max-height: 128px; -} { - height: 88px; - min-height: 88px; - max-height: 88px; -} .md-toolbar-tools { - height: 48px; - min-height: 48px; - max-height: 48px; -} -md-toolbar > .md-indent { - margin-left: 64px; -} -[dir='rtl'] md-toolbar > .md-indent { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 64px; -} -md-toolbar ~ md-content > md-list { - padding: 0; -} -md-toolbar ~ md-content > md-list md-list-item:last-child md-divider { - display: none; -} { - font-size: 20px; - letter-spacing: 0.005em; - box-sizing: border-box; - font-weight: 400; - display: flex; - align-items: center; - flex-direction: row; - width: 100%; - height: 64px; - max-height: 64px; - padding: 0 16px; - margin: 0; -} h1, h2, h3 { - font-size: inherit; - font-weight: inherit; - margin: inherit; -} a { - color: inherit; - text-decoration: none; -} .fill-height { - display: flex; - align-items: center; -} md-checkbox { - margin: inherit; -} .md-button { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; -} .md-button, md-icon { - transition-duration: 0.5s; - transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1); - transition-property: background-color, fill, color; -}, { - transition: none; -} > .md-button:first-child { - margin-left: -8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-toolbar-tools > .md-button:first-child { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: -8px; -} > .md-button:last-child { - margin-right: -8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-toolbar-tools > .md-button:last-child { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: -8px; -} > md-menu:last-child { - margin-right: -8px; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-toolbar-tools > md-menu:last-child { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: -8px; -} > md-menu:last-child > .md-button { - margin-right: 0; -} -[dir='rtl'] .md-toolbar-tools > md-menu:last-child > .md-button { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: 0; -} -@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) { - .md-toolbar-tools { - border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; - } -} -@media (min-width: 0) and (max-width: 959px) and (orientation: portrait) { - md-toolbar { - min-height: 56px; - } - .md-toolbar-tools { - height: 56px; - max-height: 56px; - } -} -@media (min-width: 0) and (max-width: 959px) and (orientation: landscape) { - md-toolbar { - min-height: 48px; - } - .md-toolbar-tools { - height: 48px; - max-height: 48px; - } -} { - display: inline-block; - pointer-events: none; - border-radius: 4px; - overflow: hidden; - opacity: 0; - font-weight: 500; - font-size: 14px; - white-space: nowrap; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - height: 32px; - line-height: 32px; - padding-right: 16px; - padding-left: 16px; -} { - transform-origin: center bottom; - margin-top: -24px; -} { - transform-origin: left center; - margin-left: 24px; -} { - transform-origin: center top; - margin-top: 24px; -} { - transform-origin: right center; - margin-left: -24px; -} -@media (min-width: 960px) { - .md-tooltip { - font-size: 10px; - height: 22px; - line-height: 22px; - padding-right: 8px; - padding-left: 8px; - } - { - margin-top: -14px; - } - { - margin-left: 14px; - } - { - margin-top: 14px; - } - { - margin-left: -14px; - } -} { - transform: scale(0); -} { - transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1); - transition-duration: 0.15s; - transform: scale(1); - opacity: 0.9; -} { - transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2); - transition-duration: 0.15s; - transform: scale(0); - opacity: 0; -} { - overflow: hidden; - white-space: nowrap; - text-overflow: ellipsis; -} { - text-overflow: clip; -} { - width: 0; -} { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: block; - margin: 0; - overflow: hidden; - padding: 0; - position: relative; -} .md-virtual-repeat-scroller { - bottom: 0; - box-sizing: border-box; - left: 0; - margin: 0; - overflow-x: hidden; - padding: 0; - position: absolute; - right: 0; - top: 0; - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -} .md-virtual-repeat-sizer { - box-sizing: border-box; - height: 1px; - display: block; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - width: 1px; -} .md-virtual-repeat-offsetter { - box-sizing: border-box; - left: 0; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - position: absolute; - right: 0; - top: 0; -} .md-virtual-repeat-scroller { - overflow-x: auto; - overflow-y: hidden; -} .md-virtual-repeat-offsetter { - bottom: 16px; - right: auto; - white-space: nowrap; -} -[dir='rtl'] - - .md-virtual-repeat-offsetter { - right: auto; - left: auto; -}, { - box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), - 0 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), - 0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 1px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), - 0 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -}, { - box-shadow: 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 4px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), - 0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 3px 5px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), - 0 1px 14px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 3px 5px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 6px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 1px 18px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -}, { - box-shadow: 0 4px 5px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 7px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 2px 16px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 5px 5px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 8px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 3px 14px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 5px 6px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 9px 12px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 3px 16px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -}, { - box-shadow: 0 6px 6px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 10px 14px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 4px 18px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 6px 7px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 11px 15px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 4px 20px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 7px 8px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 12px 17px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 5px 22px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -}, { - box-shadow: 0 7px 8px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 13px 19px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 5px 24px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 7px 9px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 14px 21px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 5px 26px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 8px 9px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 15px 22px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 6px 28px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 16px 24px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 6px 30px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 8px 11px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 17px 26px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 6px 32px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 9px 11px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 18px 28px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 7px 34px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 9px 12px -6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), - 0 19px 29px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 7px 36px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); -} { - box-shadow: 0 10px 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-.flex-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -.layout-row > .flex-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -.layout-column > .flex-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -.flex-33 { - max-width: 33.33%; -} -.flex-33, -.flex-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -.flex-66 { - max-width: 66.66%; -} -.layout-row > .flex-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; -} -.layout-row > .flex-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; -} -.layout-column > .flex-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; -} -.layout-column > .flex-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; -} -.layout-row > .flex-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -.layout-row > .flex-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -.layout-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; -} -.layout-column > .flex-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -.layout-column > .flex-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -.layout-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; -} -.layout, -.layout-column, -.layout-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; -} -.layout-column { - flex-direction: column; -} -.layout-row { - flex-direction: row; -} -.layout-padding-sm > *, -.layout-padding > .flex-sm { - padding: 4px; -} -.layout-padding, -.layout-padding-gt-sm, -.layout-padding-gt-sm > *, -.layout-padding-md, -.layout-padding-md > *, -.layout-padding > *, -.layout-padding > .flex, -.layout-padding > .flex-gt-sm, -.layout-padding > .flex-md { - padding: 8px; -} -.layout-padding-gt-lg > *, -.layout-padding-gt-md > *, -.layout-padding-lg > *, -.layout-padding > .flex-gt-lg, -.layout-padding > .flex-gt-md, -.layout-padding > .flex-lg { - padding: 16px; -} -.layout-margin-sm > *, -.layout-margin > .flex-sm { - margin: 4px; -} -.layout-margin, -.layout-margin-gt-sm, -.layout-margin-gt-sm > *, -.layout-margin-md, -.layout-margin-md > *, -.layout-margin > *, -.layout-margin > .flex, -.layout-margin > .flex-gt-sm, -.layout-margin > .flex-md { - margin: 8px; -} -.layout-margin-gt-lg > *, -.layout-margin-gt-md > *, -.layout-margin-lg > *, -.layout-margin > .flex-gt-lg, -.layout-margin > .flex-gt-md, -.layout-margin > .flex-lg { - margin: 16px; -} -.layout-wrap { - flex-wrap: wrap; -} -.layout-nowrap { - flex-wrap: nowrap; -} -.layout-fill { - margin: 0; - width: 100%; - min-height: 100%; - height: 100%; -} -@media (max-width: 599px) { - .hide-xs:not(.show-xs):not(.show), - .hide:not(.show-xs):not(.show) { - display: none; - } - .flex-order-xs--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-xs--19 { - order: -19; - } - .flex-order-xs--18 { - order: -18; - } - .flex-order-xs--17 { - order: -17; - } - .flex-order-xs--16 { - order: -16; - } - .flex-order-xs--15 { - order: -15; - } - .flex-order-xs--14 { - order: -14; - } - 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.layout-align-xs-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-xs-end, - .layout-align-xs-end-center, - .layout-align-xs-end-end, - .layout-align-xs-end-start, - .layout-align-xs-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-xs-space-around, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-center, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-end, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-start, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-xs-space-between, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-center, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-end, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-start, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-xs-center-start, - .layout-align-xs-end-start, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-start, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-start, - .layout-align-xs-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-xs-center-center, - .layout-align-xs-end-center, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-center, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-center, - .layout-align-xs-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-xs-center-center > *, - .layout-align-xs-end-center > *, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-xs-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-xs-center-end, - .layout-align-xs-end-end, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-end, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-end, - .layout-align-xs-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-xs-center-stretch, - .layout-align-xs-end-stretch, - .layout-align-xs-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-xs-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-xs-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-xs { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xs-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xs-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex-xs-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex-xs-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xs-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-xs, - .layout-xs-column, - .layout-xs-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-xs-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-xs-row { - flex-direction: row; - } -} -@media (min-width: 600px) { - .flex-order-gt-xs--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-gt-xs--19 { - order: -19; - } - 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.flex-offset-gt-xs-60, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-60, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-60, - .offset-gt-xs-60 { - margin-left: 60%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-60, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-60, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-60, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-60 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 60%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-65, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-65, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-65, - .offset-gt-xs-65 { - margin-left: 65%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-65, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-65, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-65, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-65 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 65%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-70, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-70, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-70, - .offset-gt-xs-70 { - margin-left: 70%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-70, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-70, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-70, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-70 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 70%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-75, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-75, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-75, - .offset-gt-xs-75 { - margin-left: 75%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-75, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-75, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-75, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-75 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 75%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-80, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-80, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-80, - .offset-gt-xs-80 { - margin-left: 80%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-80, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-80, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-80, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-80 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 80%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-85, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-85, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-85, - .offset-gt-xs-85 { - margin-left: 85%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-85, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-85 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 85%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-90, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-90, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-90, - .offset-gt-xs-90 { - margin-left: 90%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-90, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-90 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 90%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-95, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-95, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-95, - .offset-gt-xs-95 { - margin-left: 95%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-95, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-95 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 95%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-33, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-33, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-33, - .offset-gt-xs-33 { - margin-left: 33.33333%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-xs-66, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-66, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-66, - .offset-gt-xs-66 { - margin-left: 66.66667%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-xs-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-xs-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-xs-66, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-xs-66 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 66.66667%; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - align-content: stretch; - align-items: stretch; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-start, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-center, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-end, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-gt-xs-center-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-xs-end-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-xs-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-xs-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-gt-xs { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-gt-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-xs-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-xs-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex-gt-xs-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex-gt-xs-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-gt-xs, - .layout-gt-xs-column, - .layout-gt-xs-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-gt-xs-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-gt-xs-row { - flex-direction: row; - } -} -@media (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px) { - .hide-gt-xs:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-sm):not(.show), - .hide:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-sm):not(.show) { - display: none; - } - .hide-sm:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-sm):not(.show) { - display: none; - } - .flex-order-sm--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-sm--19 { - order: -19; - } - .flex-order-sm--18 { - order: -18; - } - .flex-order-sm--17 { - order: -17; - } - .flex-order-sm--16 { - order: -16; - } - .flex-order-sm--15 { - order: -15; - } - .flex-order-sm--14 { - order: -14; - } - .flex-order-sm--13 { - order: -13; - } - .flex-order-sm--12 { - order: -12; - } - .flex-order-sm--11 { - order: -11; - } - .flex-order-sm--10 { - order: -10; - } - .flex-order-sm--9 { - order: -9; - } - .flex-order-sm--8 { - order: -8; - } - .flex-order-sm--7 { - order: -7; - } - .flex-order-sm--6 { - order: -6; - } - .flex-order-sm--5 { - order: -5; - } - .flex-order-sm--4 { - order: -4; - } - .flex-order-sm--3 { - order: -3; - } - .flex-order-sm--2 { - order: -2; - } - .flex-order-sm--1 { - order: -1; - } - .flex-order-sm-0 { - order: 0; - } - .flex-order-sm-1 { - order: 1; - } - .flex-order-sm-2 { - order: 2; - } - .flex-order-sm-3 { - order: 3; - } - .flex-order-sm-4 { - order: 4; - } - .flex-order-sm-5 { - order: 5; - } - .flex-order-sm-6 { - order: 6; - } - .flex-order-sm-7 { - order: 7; - } - .flex-order-sm-8 { - order: 8; - } - .flex-order-sm-9 { - order: 9; - } - .flex-order-sm-10 { - order: 10; - } - .flex-order-sm-11 { - order: 11; - } - .flex-order-sm-12 { - order: 12; - } 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margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 95%; - } - .flex-offset-sm-33, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-sm-33, - .layout-margin .offset-sm-33, - .offset-sm-33 { - margin-left: 33.33333%; - } - .flex-offset-sm-66, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-sm-66, - .layout-margin .offset-sm-66, - .offset-sm-66 { - margin-left: 66.66667%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-sm-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-sm-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-sm-66, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-sm-66 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 66.66667%; - } - .layout-align-sm, - .layout-align-sm-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - align-content: stretch; - align-items: stretch; - } - .layout-align-sm-start, - .layout-align-sm-start-center, - .layout-align-sm-start-end, - .layout-align-sm-start-start, - .layout-align-sm-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-sm-center, - .layout-align-sm-center-center, - .layout-align-sm-center-end, - .layout-align-sm-center-start, - .layout-align-sm-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-sm-end, - .layout-align-sm-end-center, - .layout-align-sm-end-end, - .layout-align-sm-end-start, - .layout-align-sm-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-sm-space-around, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-center, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-end, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-start, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-sm-space-between, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-center, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-end, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-start, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-sm-center-start, - .layout-align-sm-end-start, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-start, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-start, - .layout-align-sm-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-sm-center-center, - .layout-align-sm-end-center, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-center, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-center, - .layout-align-sm-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-sm-center-center > *, - .layout-align-sm-end-center > *, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-sm-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-sm-center-end, - .layout-align-sm-end-end, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-end, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-end, - .layout-align-sm-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-sm-center-stretch, - .layout-align-sm-end-stretch, - .layout-align-sm-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-sm-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-sm-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-sm { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-sm-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-sm-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex-sm-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex-sm-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-sm-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-sm, - .layout-sm-column, - .layout-sm-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-sm-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-sm-row { - flex-direction: row; - } -} -@media (min-width: 960px) { - .flex-order-gt-sm--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm--19 { - order: -19; - } - 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order: 5; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-6 { - order: 6; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-7 { - order: 7; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-8 { - order: 8; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-9 { - order: 9; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-10 { - order: 10; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-11 { - order: 11; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-12 { - order: 12; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-13 { - order: 13; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-14 { - order: 14; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-15 { - order: 15; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-16 { - order: 16; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-17 { - order: 17; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-18 { - order: 18; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-19 { - order: 19; - } - .flex-order-gt-sm-20 { - order: 20; - } - .flex-offset-gt-sm-0, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-0, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-0, - .offset-gt-sm-0 { - margin-left: 0; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-sm-0, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-0, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-0, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-sm-0 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 0; - } - .flex-offset-gt-sm-5, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-5, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-5, - .offset-gt-sm-5 { - margin-left: 5%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-sm-5, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-5, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-5, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-sm-5 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 5%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-sm-10, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-10, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-10, - .offset-gt-sm-10 { - margin-left: 10%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-sm-10, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-10, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-10, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-sm-10 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 10%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-sm-15, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-15, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-15, - .offset-gt-sm-15 { - margin-left: 15%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-sm-15, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-15, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-15, - 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.layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-85, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-sm-85 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 85%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-sm-90, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-90, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-90, - .offset-gt-sm-90 { - margin-left: 90%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-sm-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-90, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-sm-90 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 90%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-sm-95, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-95, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-95, - .offset-gt-sm-95 { - margin-left: 95%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-sm-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-95, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-sm-95 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 95%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-sm-33, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-33, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-33, - .offset-gt-sm-33 { - margin-left: 33.33333%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-sm-66, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-66, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-66, - .offset-gt-sm-66 { - margin-left: 66.66667%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-sm-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-sm-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-sm-66, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-sm-66 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 66.66667%; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - align-content: stretch; - align-items: stretch; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-start, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-center, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-end, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-gt-sm-center-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-sm-end-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-sm-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-sm-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-gt-sm { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-gt-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-sm-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-sm-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex-gt-sm-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex-gt-sm-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-gt-sm, - .layout-gt-sm-column, - .layout-gt-sm-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-gt-sm-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-gt-sm-row { - flex-direction: row; - } -} -@media (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px) { - .hide-gt-sm:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-md):not(.show), - .hide-gt-xs:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-md):not(.show), - .hide:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-md):not(.show) { - display: none; - } - .hide-md:not(.show-md):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show) { - display: none; - } - .flex-order-md--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-md--19 { - order: -19; - } - .flex-order-md--18 { - order: -18; - } - .flex-order-md--17 { - order: -17; - } - .flex-order-md--16 { - order: -16; - } - .flex-order-md--15 { - order: -15; - } - .flex-order-md--14 { - order: -14; - } - .flex-order-md--13 { - order: -13; - } - .flex-order-md--12 { - order: -12; - } - .flex-order-md--11 { - order: -11; - } - .flex-order-md--10 { - order: -10; - } - .flex-order-md--9 { - order: -9; - } - .flex-order-md--8 { - order: -8; - } - .flex-order-md--7 { - order: -7; - } - .flex-order-md--6 { - order: -6; - } - .flex-order-md--5 { - order: -5; - } - .flex-order-md--4 { - order: -4; - } - .flex-order-md--3 { - order: -3; - } - .flex-order-md--2 { - order: -2; - } - .flex-order-md--1 { - order: -1; - } - .flex-order-md-0 { - order: 0; - } - .flex-order-md-1 { - order: 1; - } - .flex-order-md-2 { - order: 2; - } - .flex-order-md-3 { - order: 3; - } - .flex-order-md-4 { - order: 4; - } - .flex-order-md-5 { - order: 5; - } - .flex-order-md-6 { - order: 6; - } - .flex-order-md-7 { - order: 7; - } - .flex-order-md-8 { - order: 8; - } - .flex-order-md-9 { - order: 9; - } - .flex-order-md-10 { - order: 10; - } - .flex-order-md-11 { - order: 11; - } - .flex-order-md-12 { - order: 12; - } - .flex-order-md-13 { - order: 13; - } - .flex-order-md-14 { - order: 14; - } - .flex-order-md-15 { - order: 15; - } - .flex-order-md-16 { - order: 16; - } - .flex-order-md-17 { - order: 17; - } - .flex-order-md-18 { - order: 18; - } - .flex-order-md-19 { - order: 19; - } - .flex-order-md-20 { - order: 20; - } - .flex-offset-md-0, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-md-0, - .layout-margin .offset-md-0, - .offset-md-0 { - margin-left: 0; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-md-0, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-md-0, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-md-0, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-md-0 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 0; - } - .flex-offset-md-5, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-md-5, - .layout-margin .offset-md-5, - .offset-md-5 { - margin-left: 5%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-md-5, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-md-5, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin 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.flex-offset-md-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-md-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-md-95, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-md-95 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 95%; - } - .flex-offset-md-33, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-md-33, - .layout-margin .offset-md-33, - .offset-md-33 { - margin-left: 33.33333%; - } - .flex-offset-md-66, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-md-66, - .layout-margin .offset-md-66, - .offset-md-66 { - margin-left: 66.66667%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-md-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-md-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-md-66, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-md-66 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 66.66667%; - } - .layout-align-md, - .layout-align-md-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - align-content: stretch; - align-items: stretch; - } - .layout-align-md-start, - .layout-align-md-start-center, - .layout-align-md-start-end, - .layout-align-md-start-start, - .layout-align-md-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-md-center, - .layout-align-md-center-center, - .layout-align-md-center-end, - .layout-align-md-center-start, - .layout-align-md-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-md-end, - .layout-align-md-end-center, - .layout-align-md-end-end, - .layout-align-md-end-start, - .layout-align-md-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-md-space-around, - .layout-align-md-space-around-center, - .layout-align-md-space-around-end, - .layout-align-md-space-around-start, - .layout-align-md-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-md-space-between, - .layout-align-md-space-between-center, - .layout-align-md-space-between-end, - .layout-align-md-space-between-start, - .layout-align-md-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-md-center-start, - .layout-align-md-end-start, - .layout-align-md-space-around-start, - .layout-align-md-space-between-start, - .layout-align-md-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-md-center-center, - .layout-align-md-end-center, - .layout-align-md-space-around-center, - .layout-align-md-space-between-center, - .layout-align-md-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-md-center-center > *, - .layout-align-md-end-center > *, - .layout-align-md-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-md-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-md-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-md-center-end, - .layout-align-md-end-end, - .layout-align-md-space-around-end, - .layout-align-md-space-between-end, - .layout-align-md-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-md-center-stretch, - .layout-align-md-end-stretch, - .layout-align-md-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-md-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-md-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-md { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-md-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-md-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex-md-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex-md-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-md-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-md, - .layout-md-column, - .layout-md-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-md-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-md-row { - flex-direction: row; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1280px) { - .flex-order-gt-md--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--19 { - order: -19; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--18 { - order: -18; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--17 { - order: -17; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--16 { - order: -16; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--15 { - order: -15; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--14 { - order: -14; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--13 { - order: -13; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--12 { - order: -12; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--11 { - order: -11; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--10 { - order: -10; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--9 { - order: -9; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--8 { - order: -8; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--7 { - order: -7; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--6 { - order: -6; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--5 { - order: -5; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--4 { - order: -4; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--3 { - order: -3; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--2 { - order: -2; - } - .flex-order-gt-md--1 { - order: -1; - } - .flex-order-gt-md-0 { - order: 0; - } - .flex-order-gt-md-1 { - order: 1; - } - 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margin-right: 95%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-md-33, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-md-33, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-md-33, - .offset-gt-md-33 { - margin-left: 33.33333%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-md-66, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-md-66, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-md-66, - .offset-gt-md-66 { - margin-left: 66.66667%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-md-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-md-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-md-66, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-md-66 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 66.66667%; - } - .layout-align-gt-md, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - align-content: stretch; - align-items: stretch; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-center-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-center-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-center-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-center-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-start, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-center-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-center, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-center-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-center-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-end, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-gt-md-center-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-md-end-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-md-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-md-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-gt-md { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-gt-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-md-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-md-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex-gt-md-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex-gt-md-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-md-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-gt-md, - .layout-gt-md-column, - .layout-gt-md-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-gt-md-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-gt-md-row { - flex-direction: row; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px) { - .hide-gt-md:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-lg):not(.show), - .hide-gt-sm:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-lg):not(.show), - .hide-gt-xs:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-lg):not(.show), - .hide:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-lg):not(.show) { - display: none; - } - .hide-lg:not(.show-lg):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show) { - display: none; - } - .flex-order-lg--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-lg--19 { - order: -19; - } - .flex-order-lg--18 { - order: -18; - } - .flex-order-lg--17 { - order: -17; - } - .flex-order-lg--16 { - order: -16; - } - .flex-order-lg--15 { - order: -15; - } - .flex-order-lg--14 { - order: -14; - } - .flex-order-lg--13 { - order: -13; - } - .flex-order-lg--12 { - order: -12; - } - .flex-order-lg--11 { - order: -11; - } - .flex-order-lg--10 { - order: -10; - } - .flex-order-lg--9 { - order: -9; - } - .flex-order-lg--8 { - order: -8; - } - .flex-order-lg--7 { - order: -7; - } - .flex-order-lg--6 { - order: -6; - } - .flex-order-lg--5 { - order: -5; - } - .flex-order-lg--4 { - order: -4; - } - .flex-order-lg--3 { - order: -3; - } - .flex-order-lg--2 { - order: -2; - } - .flex-order-lg--1 { - order: -1; - } - .flex-order-lg-0 { - order: 0; - } - .flex-order-lg-1 { - order: 1; - } - 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{ - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 0; - } - .flex-offset-lg-5, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-5, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-5, - .offset-lg-5 { - margin-left: 5%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-5, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-5, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-5, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-5 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 5%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-10, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-10, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-10, - .offset-lg-10 { - margin-left: 10%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-10, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-10, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-10, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-10 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 10%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-15, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-15, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-15, - .offset-lg-15 { - margin-left: 15%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-15, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-15, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-15, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-15 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 15%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-20, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-20, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-20, - .offset-lg-20 { - margin-left: 20%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-20, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-20, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-20, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-20 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 20%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-25, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-25, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-25, - .offset-lg-25 { - margin-left: 25%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-25, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-25, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-25, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-25 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 25%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-30, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-30, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-30, - .offset-lg-30 { - margin-left: 30%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-30, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-30, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-30, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-30 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 30%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-35, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-35, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-35, - .offset-lg-35 { - margin-left: 35%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-35, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-35, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-35, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-35 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 35%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-40, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-40, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-40, - .offset-lg-40 { - margin-left: 40%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-40, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-40, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-40, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-40 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 40%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-45, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-45, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-45, - .offset-lg-45 { - margin-left: 45%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-45, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-45, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-45, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-45 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 45%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-50, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-50, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-50, - .offset-lg-50 { - margin-left: 50%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-50, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-50, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-50, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-50 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 50%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-55, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-55, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-55, - .offset-lg-55 { - margin-left: 55%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-55, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-55, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-55, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-55 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 55%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-60, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-60, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-60, - .offset-lg-60 { - margin-left: 60%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-60, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-60, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-60, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-60 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 60%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-65, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-65, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-65, - .offset-lg-65 { - margin-left: 65%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-65, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-65, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-65, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-65 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 65%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-70, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-70, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-70, - .offset-lg-70 { - margin-left: 70%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-70, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-70, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-70, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-70 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 70%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-75, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-75, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-75, - .offset-lg-75 { - margin-left: 75%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-75, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-75, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-75, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-75 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 75%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-80, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-80, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-80, - .offset-lg-80 { - margin-left: 80%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-80, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-80, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-80, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-80 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 80%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-85, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-85, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-85, - .offset-lg-85 { - margin-left: 85%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-85, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-85 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 85%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-90, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-90, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-90, - .offset-lg-90 { - margin-left: 90%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-90, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-90 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 90%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-95, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-95, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-95, - .offset-lg-95 { - margin-left: 95%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-95, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-95 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 95%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-33, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-33, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-33, - .offset-lg-33 { - margin-left: 33.33333%; - } - .flex-offset-lg-66, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-66, - .layout-margin .offset-lg-66, - .offset-lg-66 { - margin-left: 66.66667%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-lg-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-lg-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-lg-66, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-lg-66 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 66.66667%; - } - .layout-align-lg, - .layout-align-lg-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - align-content: stretch; - align-items: stretch; - } - .layout-align-lg-start, - .layout-align-lg-start-center, - .layout-align-lg-start-end, - .layout-align-lg-start-start, - .layout-align-lg-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-lg-center, - .layout-align-lg-center-center, - .layout-align-lg-center-end, - .layout-align-lg-center-start, - .layout-align-lg-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-lg-end, - .layout-align-lg-end-center, - .layout-align-lg-end-end, - .layout-align-lg-end-start, - .layout-align-lg-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-lg-space-around, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-center, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-end, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-start, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-lg-space-between, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-center, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-end, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-start, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-lg-center-start, - .layout-align-lg-end-start, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-start, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-start, - .layout-align-lg-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-lg-center-center, - .layout-align-lg-end-center, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-center, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-center, - .layout-align-lg-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-lg-center-center > *, - .layout-align-lg-end-center > *, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-lg-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-lg-center-end, - .layout-align-lg-end-end, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-end, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-end, - .layout-align-lg-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-lg-center-stretch, - .layout-align-lg-end-stretch, - .layout-align-lg-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-lg-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-lg-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-lg { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-lg-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-lg-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex-lg-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex-lg-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-lg-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-lg, - .layout-lg-column, - .layout-lg-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-lg-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-lg-row { - flex-direction: row; - } -} -@media (min-width: 1920px) { - .flex-order-gt-lg--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--19 { - order: -19; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--18 { - order: -18; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--17 { - order: -17; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--16 { - order: -16; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--15 { - order: -15; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--14 { - order: -14; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--13 { - order: -13; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--12 { - order: -12; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--11 { - order: -11; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--10 { - order: -10; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--9 { - order: -9; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--8 { - order: -8; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--7 { - order: -7; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--6 { - order: -6; - } - .flex-order-gt-lg--5 { - 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.flex-offset-gt-lg-25, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-25, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-25, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-25 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 25%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-30, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-30, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-30, - .offset-gt-lg-30 { - margin-left: 30%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-30, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-30, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-30, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-30 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 30%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-35, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-35, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-35, - .offset-gt-lg-35 { - margin-left: 35%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-35, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-35, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-35, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-35 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 35%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-40, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-40, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-40, - .offset-gt-lg-40 { - margin-left: 40%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-40, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-40, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-40, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-40 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 40%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-45, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-45, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-45, - .offset-gt-lg-45 { - margin-left: 45%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-45, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-45, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-45, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-45 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 45%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-50, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-50, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-50, - .offset-gt-lg-50 { - margin-left: 50%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-50, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-50, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-50, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-50 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 50%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-55, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-55, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-55, - .offset-gt-lg-55 { - margin-left: 55%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-55, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-55, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-55, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-55 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 55%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-60, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-60, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-60, - .offset-gt-lg-60 { - margin-left: 60%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-60, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-60, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-60, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-60 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 60%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-65, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-65, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-65, - .offset-gt-lg-65 { - margin-left: 65%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-65, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-65, - [dir='rtl'] 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.flex-offset-gt-lg-80, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-80, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-80, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-80 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 80%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-85, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-85, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-85, - .offset-gt-lg-85 { - margin-left: 85%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-85, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-85 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 85%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-90, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-90, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-90, - .offset-gt-lg-90 { - margin-left: 90%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-90, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-90 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 90%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-95, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-95, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-95, - .offset-gt-lg-95 { - margin-left: 95%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-95, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-95 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 95%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-33, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-33, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-33, - .offset-gt-lg-33 { - margin-left: 33.33333%; - } - .flex-offset-gt-lg-66, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-66, - .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-66, - .offset-gt-lg-66 { - margin-left: 66.66667%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-gt-lg-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-gt-lg-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-gt-lg-66, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-gt-lg-66 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 66.66667%; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - align-content: stretch; - align-items: stretch; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-start, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-center, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-end, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-gt-lg-center-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-lg-end-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-lg-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-gt-lg-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-gt-lg { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-gt-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-gt-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-gt-lg-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-gt-lg-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex-gt-lg-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex-gt-lg-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-gt-lg, - .layout-gt-lg-column, - .layout-gt-lg-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-gt-lg-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-gt-lg-row { - flex-direction: row; - } - .flex-order-xl--20 { - order: -20; - } - .flex-order-xl--19 { - order: -19; - } - .flex-order-xl--18 { - order: -18; - } - .flex-order-xl--17 { - order: -17; - } - .flex-order-xl--16 { - order: -16; - } - .flex-order-xl--15 { - order: -15; - } - .flex-order-xl--14 { - order: -14; - } - .flex-order-xl--13 { - order: -13; - } - .flex-order-xl--12 { - order: -12; - } - .flex-order-xl--11 { - order: -11; - } - .flex-order-xl--10 { - order: -10; - } - .flex-order-xl--9 { - order: -9; - } - .flex-order-xl--8 { - order: -8; - } - .flex-order-xl--7 { - order: -7; - } - .flex-order-xl--6 { - order: -6; - } - .flex-order-xl--5 { - order: -5; - } - .flex-order-xl--4 { - order: -4; - } - .flex-order-xl--3 { - order: -3; - } - .flex-order-xl--2 { - order: -2; - } - .flex-order-xl--1 { - order: -1; - } - .flex-order-xl-0 { - order: 0; - } - .flex-order-xl-1 { - order: 1; - } - .flex-order-xl-2 { - order: 2; - } - .flex-order-xl-3 { - order: 3; - } - .flex-order-xl-4 { - order: 4; - } - .flex-order-xl-5 { - order: 5; - } - .flex-order-xl-6 { - order: 6; - } - .flex-order-xl-7 { - order: 7; - } - .flex-order-xl-8 { - order: 8; - } - .flex-order-xl-9 { - order: 9; - } - .flex-order-xl-10 { - order: 10; - } - .flex-order-xl-11 { - order: 11; - } - .flex-order-xl-12 { - order: 12; - } - .flex-order-xl-13 { - order: 13; - } - .flex-order-xl-14 { - order: 14; - } - .flex-order-xl-15 { - order: 15; - } - .flex-order-xl-16 { - order: 16; - } - .flex-order-xl-17 { - order: 17; - } - .flex-order-xl-18 { - order: 18; - } - .flex-order-xl-19 { - order: 19; - } - .flex-order-xl-20 { - order: 20; - } - .flex-offset-xl-0, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-0, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-0, - .offset-xl-0 { - margin-left: 0; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-0, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-0, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-0, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-0 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 0; - } - .flex-offset-xl-5, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-5, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-5, - .offset-xl-5 { - margin-left: 5%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-5, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-5, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-5, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-5 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 5%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-10, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-10, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-10, - .offset-xl-10 { - margin-left: 10%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-10, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-10, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-10, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-10 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 10%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-15, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-15, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-15, - .offset-xl-15 { - margin-left: 15%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-15, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-15, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-15, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-15 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 15%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-20, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-20, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-20, - .offset-xl-20 { - margin-left: 20%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-20, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-20, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-20, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-20 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 20%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-25, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-25, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-25, - .offset-xl-25 { - margin-left: 25%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-25, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-25, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-25, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-25 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 25%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-30, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-30, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-30, - .offset-xl-30 { - margin-left: 30%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-30, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-30, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-30, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-30 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 30%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-35, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-35, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-35, - .offset-xl-35 { - margin-left: 35%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-35, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-35, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-35, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-35 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 35%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-40, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-40, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-40, - .offset-xl-40 { - margin-left: 40%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-40, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-40, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-40, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-40 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 40%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-45, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-45, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-45, - .offset-xl-45 { - margin-left: 45%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-45, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-45, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-45, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-45 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 45%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-50, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-50, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-50, - .offset-xl-50 { - margin-left: 50%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-50, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-50, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-50, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-50 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 50%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-55, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-55, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-55, - .offset-xl-55 { - margin-left: 55%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-55, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-55, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-55, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-55 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 55%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-60, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-60, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-60, - .offset-xl-60 { - margin-left: 60%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-60, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-60, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-60, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-60 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 60%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-65, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-65, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-65, - .offset-xl-65 { - margin-left: 65%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-65, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-65, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-65, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-65 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 65%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-70, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-70, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-70, - .offset-xl-70 { - margin-left: 70%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-70, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-70, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-70, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-70 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 70%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-75, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-75, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-75, - .offset-xl-75 { - margin-left: 75%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-75, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-75, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-75, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-75 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 75%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-80, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-80, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-80, - .offset-xl-80 { - margin-left: 80%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-80, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-80, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-80, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-80 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 80%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-85, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-85, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-85, - .offset-xl-85 { - margin-left: 85%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-85, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-85, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-85 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 85%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-90, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-90, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-90, - .offset-xl-90 { - margin-left: 90%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-90, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-90, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-90 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 90%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-95, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-95, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-95, - .offset-xl-95 { - margin-left: 95%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-95, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-95, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-95 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 95%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-33, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-33, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-33, - .offset-xl-33 { - margin-left: 33.33333%; - } - .flex-offset-xl-66, - .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-66, - .layout-margin .offset-xl-66, - .offset-xl-66 { - margin-left: 66.66667%; - } - [dir='rtl'] .flex-offset-xl-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .flex-offset-xl-66, - [dir='rtl'] .layout-margin .offset-xl-66, - [dir='rtl'] .offset-xl-66 { - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 66.66667%; - } - .layout-align-xl, - .layout-align-xl-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - align-content: stretch; - align-items: stretch; - } - .layout-align-xl-start, - .layout-align-xl-start-center, - .layout-align-xl-start-end, - .layout-align-xl-start-start, - .layout-align-xl-start-stretch { - justify-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-xl-center, - .layout-align-xl-center-center, - .layout-align-xl-center-end, - .layout-align-xl-center-start, - .layout-align-xl-center-stretch { - justify-content: center; - } - .layout-align-xl-end, - .layout-align-xl-end-center, - .layout-align-xl-end-end, - .layout-align-xl-end-start, - .layout-align-xl-end-stretch { - justify-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-xl-space-around, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-center, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-end, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-start, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-stretch { - justify-content: space-around; - } - .layout-align-xl-space-between, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-center, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-end, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-start, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-stretch { - justify-content: space-between; - } - .layout-align-xl-center-start, - .layout-align-xl-end-start, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-start, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-start, - .layout-align-xl-start-start { - align-items: flex-start; - align-content: flex-start; - } - .layout-align-xl-center-center, - .layout-align-xl-end-center, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-center, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-center, - .layout-align-xl-start-center { - align-items: center; - align-content: center; - max-width: 100%; - } - .layout-align-xl-center-center > *, - .layout-align-xl-end-center > *, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-center > *, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-center > *, - .layout-align-xl-start-center > * { - max-width: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-align-xl-center-end, - .layout-align-xl-end-end, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-end, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-end, - .layout-align-xl-start-end { - align-items: flex-end; - align-content: flex-end; - } - .layout-align-xl-center-stretch, - .layout-align-xl-end-stretch, - .layout-align-xl-space-around-stretch, - .layout-align-xl-space-between-stretch, - .layout-align-xl-start-stretch { - align-items: stretch; - align-content: stretch; - } - .flex-xl { - flex: 1; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-grow { - flex: 1 1 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-initial { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-auto { - flex: 1 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-none { - flex: 0 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-noshrink { - flex: 1 0 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-nogrow { - flex: 0 1 auto; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 0; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-0 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 0%; - box-sizing: border-box; - min-height: 0; - } - .flex-xl-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 5%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-5 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 5%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 10%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-10 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 10%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 15%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-15 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 15%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 20%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-20 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 20%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 25%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-25 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 25%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 30%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-30 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 30%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 35%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-35 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 35%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 40%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-40 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 40%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 45%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-45 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 45%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 50%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-50 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 50%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 55%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-55 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 55%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 60%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-60 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 60%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 65%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-65 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 65%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 70%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-70 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 70%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 75%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-75 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 75%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 80%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-80 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 80%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 85%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-85 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 85%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 90%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-90 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 90%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 95%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-95 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 95%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .flex-xl-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-100 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-row > .flex-xl-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-33 { - flex: 1 1 33.33%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-column > .flex-xl-66 { - flex: 1 1 66.66%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 33.33%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex-xl-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 66.66%; - max-height: 100%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-row > .flex { - min-width: 0; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-33 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 33.33%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex-xl-66 { - flex: 1 1 100%; - max-width: 100%; - max-height: 66.66%; - box-sizing: border-box; - } - .layout-xl-column > .flex { - min-height: 0; - } - .layout-xl, - .layout-xl-column, - .layout-xl-row { - box-sizing: border-box; - display: flex; - } - .layout-xl-column { - flex-direction: column; - } - .layout-xl-row { - flex-direction: row; - } - .hide-gt-lg:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-gt-lg):not(.show-xl):not(.show), - .hide-gt-md:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-gt-lg):not(.show-xl):not(.show), - .hide-gt-sm:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-gt-lg):not(.show-xl):not(.show), - .hide-gt-xs:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-gt-lg):not(.show-xl):not(.show), - .hide:not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-gt-lg):not(.show-xl):not(.show) { - display: none; - } - .hide-xl:not(.show-xl):not(.show-gt-lg):not(.show-gt-md):not(.show-gt-sm):not(.show-gt-xs):not(.show) { - display: none; - } -} -@media print { - .hide-print:not(.show-print):not(.show) { - display: none !important; - } -} diff --git a/public/snippets/tvox/css/style.css b/public/snippets/tvox/css/style.css deleted file mode 100644 index 47be304..0000000 --- a/public/snippets/tvox/css/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -.btn-accept { - background-color: #5db75b !important; - color: #ffffff !important; -} -.btn-refuse { - background-color: red !important; -} - -.message-data-name { - font-size: 12px; - font-weight: bold; -} - -.message-data-time { - color: #a8aab1; - font-size: 12px; - padding-left: 6px; -} - -.user-message { - background-color: #86bb71; - color: #ffffff; - padding: 5px; - display: block; - font-size: 13px; -} -.agent-message { - background-color: #94c2ed; - color: #ffffff; - padding: 5px; - display: block; - font-size: 13px; -} -.message { - margin-bottom: 4px; -} - -.block-left { - float: left; -} -.block-right { - float: right; -} - -.footer { - position: fixed; - bottom: 10px; - width: 100%; -} - -main { - overflow-y: auto; -} - -.block-footer { - margin-bottom: 10px; -} - -.logo { - width: 80px; -} { - font-size: 12px; - color: gray; -} - -.legenda { - font-size: 13px; -} diff --git a/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-animate.min.js b/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-animate.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9a29e8c..0000000 --- a/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-animate.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1535 +0,0 @@ -/* - AngularJS v1.8.2 - (c) 2010-2020 Google LLC. - License: MIT -*/ -(function(Y, z) { - 'use strict'; - - function Fa(a, b, c) { - if (!a) throw Pa("areq", b || "?", c || "required"); - return a - } - - function Ga(a, b) { - if (!a && !b) return ""; - if (!a) return b; - if (!b) return a; - Z(a) && (a = a.join(" ")); - Z(b) && (b = b.join(" ")); - return a + " " + b - } - - function Qa(a) { - var b = {}; - a && ( || a.from) && ( =, b.from = a.from); - return b - } - - function $(a, b, c) { - var d = ""; - a = Z(a) ? a : a && G(a) && a.length ? a.split(/\s+/) : []; - s(a, function(a, k) { - a && 0 < a.length && (d += 0 < k ? " " : "", d += c ? b + a : a + b) - }); - return d - } - - function Ha(a) { - if (a instanceof A) switch (a.length) { - case 0: - return a; - case 1: - if (1 === a[0].nodeType) return a; - break; - default: - return A(va(a)) - } - if (1 === a.nodeType) return A(a) - } - - function va(a) { - if (!a[0]) return a; - for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { - var c = a[b]; - if (1 === c.nodeType) return c - } - } - - function Ra(a, b, c) { - s(b, function(b) { - a.addClass(b, c) - }) - } - - function Sa(a, b, c) { - s(b, function(b) { - a.removeClass(b, c) - }) - } - - function aa(a) { - return function(b, c) { - c.addClass && (Ra(a, b, c.addClass), c.addClass = null); - c.removeClass && (Sa(a, b, c.removeClass), c.removeClass = null) - } - } - - function pa(a) { - a = a || {}; - if (!a.$$prepared) { - var b = a.domOperation || - N; - a.domOperation = function() { - a.$$domOperationFired = !0; - b(); - b = N - }; - a.$$prepared = !0 - } - return a - } - - function ha(a, b) { - Ia(a, b); - Ja(a, b) - } - - function Ia(a, b) { - b.from && (a.css(b.from), b.from = null) - } - - function Ja(a, b) { - && (a.css(, = null) - } - - function T(a, b, c) { - var d = b.options || {}; - c = c.options || {}; - var f = (d.addClass || "") + " " + (c.addClass || ""), - k = (d.removeClass || "") + " " + (c.removeClass || ""); - a = Ta(a.attr("class"), f, k); - c.preparationClasses && (d.preparationClasses = ba(c.preparationClasses, d.preparationClasses), delete c.preparationClasses); - f = d.domOperation !== N ? d.domOperation : null; - wa(d, c); - f && (d.domOperation = f); - d.addClass = a.addClass ? a.addClass : null; - d.removeClass = a.removeClass ? a.removeClass : null; - b.addClass = d.addClass; - b.removeClass = d.removeClass; - return d - } - - function Ta(a, b, c) { - function d(a) { - G(a) && (a = a.split(" ")); - var c = {}; - s(a, function(a) { - a.length && (c[a] = !0) - }); - return c - } - var f = {}; - a = d(a); - b = d(b); - s(b, function(a, c) { - f[c] = 1 - }); - c = d(c); - s(c, function(a, c) { - f[c] = 1 === f[c] ? null : -1 - }); - var k = { - addClass: "", - removeClass: "" - }; - s(f, function(c, b) { - var d, f; - 1 === c ? (d = "addClass", - f = !a[b] || a[b + "-remove"]) : -1 === c && (d = "removeClass", f = a[b] || a[b + "-add"]); - f && (k[d].length && (k[d] += " "), k[d] += b) - }); - return k - } - - function K(a) { - return a instanceof A ? a[0] : a - } - - function Ua(a, b, c, d) { - a = ""; - c && (a = $(c, "ng-", !0)); - d.addClass && (a = ba(a, $(d.addClass, "-add"))); - d.removeClass && (a = ba(a, $(d.removeClass, "-remove"))); - a.length && (d.preparationClasses = a, b.addClass(a)) - } - - function xa(a, b) { - var c = b ? "paused" : "", - d = ca + "PlayState"; - ma(a, [d, c]); - return [d, c] - } - - function ma(a, b) { -[b[0]] = b[1] - } - - function ba(a, b) { - return a ? b ? a + " " + - b : a : b - } - - function Ka(a, b, c) { - var d = Object.create(null), - f = a.getComputedStyle(b) || {}; - s(c, function(a, c) { - var b = f[a]; - if (b) { - var L = b.charAt(0); - if ("-" === L || "+" === L || 0 <= L) b = Va(b); - 0 === b && (b = null); - d[c] = b - } - }); - return d - } - - function Va(a) { - var b = 0; - a = a.split(/\s*,\s*/); - s(a, function(a) { - "s" === a.charAt(a.length - 1) && (a = a.substring(0, a.length - 1)); - a = parseFloat(a) || 0; - b = b ? Math.max(a, b) : a - }); - return b - } - - function ya(a) { - return 0 === a || null != a - } - - function La(a, b) { - var c = M, - d = a + "s"; - b ? c += "Duration" : d += " linear all"; - return [c, d] - } - - function Ma(a, b, c) { - s(c, - function(c) { - a[c] = za(a[c]) ? a[c] : - }) - } - var M, Aa, ca, Ba; - void 0 === Y.ontransitionend && void 0 !== Y.onwebkittransitionend ? (M = "WebkitTransition", Aa = "webkitTransitionEnd transitionend") : (M = "transition", Aa = "transitionend"); - void 0 === Y.onanimationend && void 0 !== Y.onwebkitanimationend ? (ca = "WebkitAnimation", Ba = "webkitAnimationEnd animationend") : (ca = "animation", Ba = "animationend"); - var qa = ca + "Delay", - Ca = ca + "Duration", - na = M + "Delay", - Na = M + "Duration", - Pa = z.$$minErr("ng"), - ra = { - blockTransitions: function(a, - b) { - var c = b ? "-" + b + "s" : ""; - ma(a, [na, c]); - return [na, c] - } - }, - Wa = { - transitionDuration: Na, - transitionDelay: na, - transitionProperty: M + "Property", - animationDuration: Ca, - animationDelay: qa, - animationIterationCount: ca + "IterationCount" - }, - Xa = { - transitionDuration: Na, - transitionDelay: na, - animationDuration: Ca, - animationDelay: qa - }, - Da, wa, s, Z, za, sa, Ea, ta, G, R, A, N; - z.module("ngAnimate", [], function() { - N = z.noop; - Da = z.copy; - wa = z.extend; - A = z.element; - s = z.forEach; - Z = z.isArray; - G = z.isString; - ta = z.isObject; - R = z.isUndefined; - za = z.isDefined; - Ea = z.isFunction; - sa = z.isElement - }).info({ - angularVersion: "1.8.2" - }).directive("ngAnimateSwap", ["$animate", function(a) { - return { - restrict: "A", - transclude: "element", - terminal: !0, - priority: 550, - link: function(b, c, d, f, k) { - var e, Q; - b.$watchCollection(d.ngAnimateSwap || d["for"], function(b) { - e && a.leave(e); - Q && (Q.$destroy(), Q = null); - (b || 0 === b) && k(function(b, d) { - e = b; - Q = d; - a.enter(b, null, c) - }) - }) - } - } - }]).directive("ngAnimateChildren", ["$interpolate", function(a) { - return { - link: function(b, c, d) { - function f(a) { -"$$ngAnimateChildren", "on" === a || "true" === - a) - } - var k = d.ngAnimateChildren; - G(k) && 0 === k.length ?"$$ngAnimateChildren", !0) : (f(a(k)(b)), d.$observe("ngAnimateChildren", f)) - } - } - }]).factory("$$rAFScheduler", ["$$rAF", function(a) { - function b(a) { - d = d.concat(a); - c() - } - - function c() { - if (d.length) { - for (var b = d.shift(), e = 0; e < b.length; e++) b[e](); - f || a(function() { - f || c() - }) - } - } - var d, f; - d = b.queue = []; - b.waitUntilQuiet = function(b) { - f && f(); - f = a(function() { - f = null; - b(); - c() - }) - }; - return b - }]).provider("$$animateQueue", ["$animateProvider", function(a) { - function b(a) { - return { - addClass: a.addClass, - removeClass: a.removeClass, - from: a.from, - to: - } - } - - function c(a) { - if (!a) return null; - a = a.split(" "); - var b = Object.create(null); - s(a, function(a) { - b[a] = !0 - }); - return b - } - - function d(a, b) { - if (a && b) { - var d = c(b); - return a.split(" ").some(function(a) { - return d[a] - }) - } - } - - function f(a, b, c) { - return e[a].some(function(a) { - return a(b, c) - }) - } - - function k(a, b) { - var c = 0 < (a.addClass || "").length, - d = 0 < (a.removeClass || "").length; - return b ? c && d : c || d - } - var e = this.rules = { - skip: [], - cancel: [], - join: [] - }; - e.join.push(function(a, b) { - return !a.structural && k(a) - }); - e.skip.push(function(a, b) { - return !a.structural && !k(a) - }); - e.skip.push(function(a, b) { - return "leave" === b.event && a.structural - }); - e.skip.push(function(a, b) { - return b.structural && 2 === b.state && !a.structural - }); - e.cancel.push(function(a, b) { - return b.structural && a.structural - }); - e.cancel.push(function(a, b) { - return 2 === b.state && a.structural - }); - e.cancel.push(function(a, b) { - if (b.structural) return !1; - var c = a.addClass, - f = a.removeClass, - k = b.addClass, - e = b.removeClass; - return R(c) && R(f) || R(k) && R(e) ? !1 : d(c, e) || d(f, k) - }); - this.$get = ["$$rAF", - "$rootScope", "$rootElement", "$document", "$$Map", "$$animation", "$$AnimateRunner", "$templateRequest", "$$jqLite", "$$forceReflow", "$$isDocumentHidden", - function(c, d, e, C, U, oa, H, u, t, I, da) { - function ia(a) { - O.delete( - } - - function v() { - var a = !1; - return function(b) { - a ? b() : d.$$postDigest(function() { - a = !0; - b() - }) - } - } - - function ua(a, b, c) { - var g = [], - l = m[c]; - l && s(l, function(l) { -, b) ? g.push(l.callback) : "leave" === c &&, a) && g.push(l.callback) - }); - return g - } - - function h(a, b, c) { - var l = va(b); - return a.filter(function(a) { - return !(a.node === - l && (!c || a.callback === c)) - }) - } - - function q(a, J, w) { - function e(a, b, l, g) { - u(function() { - var a = ua(ia, m, b); - a.length ? c(function() { - s(a, function(a) { - a(h, l, g) - }); - "close" !== l || m.parentNode || - }) : "close" !== l || m.parentNode || - }); - a.progress(b, l, g) - } - - function I(a) { - var b = h, - c = n; - c.preparationClasses && (b.removeClass(c.preparationClasses), c.preparationClasses = null); - c.activeClasses && (b.removeClass(c.activeClasses), c.activeClasses = null); - W(h, n); - ha(h, n); - n.domOperation(); - q.complete(!a) - } - var n = Da(w), - h = Ha(a), - m = K(h), - ia = m && - m.parentNode, - n = pa(n), - q = new H, - u = v(); - Z(n.addClass) && (n.addClass = n.addClass.join(" ")); - n.addClass && !G(n.addClass) && (n.addClass = null); - Z(n.removeClass) && (n.removeClass = n.removeClass.join(" ")); - n.removeClass && !G(n.removeClass) && (n.removeClass = null); - n.from && !ta(n.from) && (n.from = null); - && !ta( && ( = null); - if (!(B && m && fa(m, J, w) && Ya(m, n))) return I(), q; - var x = 0 <= ["enter", "move", "leave"].indexOf(J), - r = da(), - P = r || O.get(m); - w = !P && y.get(m) || {}; - var p = !!w.state; - P || p && 1 === w.state || (P = !E(m, ia, J)); - if (P) return r && - e(q, J, "start", b(n)), I(), r && e(q, J, "close", b(n)), q; - x && F(m); - r = { - structural: x, - element: h, - event: J, - addClass: n.addClass, - removeClass: n.removeClass, - close: I, - options: n, - runner: q - }; - if (p) { - if (f("skip", r, w)) { - if (2 === w.state) return I(), q; - T(h, w, r); - return w.runner - } - if (f("cancel", r, w)) - if (2 === w.state) w.runner.end(); - else if (w.structural) w.close(); - else return T(h, w, r), w.runner; - else if (f("join", r, w)) - if (2 === w.state) T(h, r, {}); - else return Ua(t, h, x ? J : null, n), J = r.event = w.event, n = T(h, w, r), w.runner - } else T(h, r, {}); - (p = r.structural) || - (p = "animate" === r.event && 0 < Object.keys( || {}).length || k(r)); - if (!p) return I(), g(m), q; - var C = (w.counter || 0) + 1; - r.counter = C; - l(m, 1, r); - d.$$postDigest(function() { - h = Ha(a); - var c = y.get(m), - d = !c, - c = c || {}, - t = 0 < (h.parent() || []).length && ("animate" === c.event || c.structural || k(c)); - if (d || c.counter !== C || !t) { - d && (W(h, n), ha(h, n)); - if (d || x && c.event !== J) n.domOperation(), q.end(); - t || g(m) - } else J = !c.structural && k(c, !0) ? "setClass" : c.event, l(m, 2), c = oa(h, J, c.options), q.setHost(c), e(q, J, "start", b(n)), c.done(function(a) { - I(!a); - (a = y.get(m)) && a.counter === C && g(m); - e(q, J, "close", b(n)) - }) - }); - return q - } - - function F(a) { - a = a.querySelectorAll("[data-ng-animate]"); - s(a, function(a) { - var b = parseInt(a.getAttribute("data-ng-animate"), 10), - c = y.get(a); - if (c) switch (b) { - case 2: - c.runner.end(); - case 1: - y.delete(a) - } - }) - } - - function g(a) { - a.removeAttribute("data-ng-animate"); - y.delete(a) - } - - function E(a, b, c) { - c = C[0].body; - var l = K(e), - g = a === c || "HTML" === a.nodeName, - d = a === l, - t = !1, - m = O.get(a), - h; - for ((a =, "$ngAnimatePin")) && (b = K(a)); b;) { - d || (d = b === l); - if (1 !== b.nodeType) break; - a = y.get(b) || {}; - if (!t) { - var f = O.get(b); - if (!0 === f && !1 !== m) { - m = !0; - break - } else !1 === f && (m = !1); - t = a.structural - } - if (R(h) || !0 === h) a =, "$$ngAnimateChildren"), za(a) && (h = a); - if (t && !1 === h) break; - g || (g = b === c); - if (g && d) break; - if (!d && (a =, "$ngAnimatePin"))) { - b = K(a); - continue - } - b = b.parentNode - } - return (!t || h) && !0 !== m && d && g - } - - function l(a, b, c) { - c = c || {}; - c.state = b; - a.setAttribute("data-ng-animate", b); - c = (b = y.get(a)) ? wa(b, c) : c; - y.set(a, c) - } - var y = new U, - O = new U, - B = null, - P = d.$watch(function() { - return 0 === u.totalPendingRequests - }, function(a) { - a && - (P(), d.$$postDigest(function() { - d.$$postDigest(function() { - null === B && (B = !0) - }) - })) - }), - m = Object.create(null); - U = a.customFilter(); - var la = a.classNameFilter(); - I = function() { - return !0 - }; - var fa = U || I, - Ya = la ? function(a, b) { - var c = [a.getAttribute("class"), b.addClass, b.removeClass].join(" "); - return la.test(c) - } : I, - W = aa(t), - Oa = Y.Node.prototype.contains || function(a) { - return this === a || !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(a) & 16) - }, - D = { - on: function(a, b, c) { - var l = va(b); - m[a] = m[a] || []; - m[a].push({ - node: l, - callback: c - }); - A(b).on("$destroy", function() { - y.get(l) || -, b, c) - }) - }, - off: function(a, b, c) { - if (1 !== arguments.length || G(arguments[0])) { - var l = m[a]; - l && (m[a] = 1 === arguments.length ? null : h(l, b, c)) - } else - for (l in b = arguments[0], m) m[l] = h(m[l], b) - }, - pin: function(a, b) { - Fa(sa(a), "element", "not an element"); - Fa(sa(b), "parentElement", "not an element"); -"$ngAnimatePin", b) - }, - push: function(a, b, c, l) { - c = c || {}; - c.domOperation = l; - return q(a, b, c) - }, - enabled: function(a, b) { - var c = arguments.length; - if (0 === c) b = !!B; - else if (sa(a)) { - var l = K(a); - if (1 === c) b = !O.get(l); - else { - if (!O.has(l)) A(a).on("$destroy", - ia); - O.set(l, !b) - } - } else b = B = !!a; - return b - } - }; - return D - } - ] - }]).provider("$$animateCache", function() { - var a = 0, - b = Object.create(null); - this.$get = [function() { - return { - cacheKey: function(b, d, f, k) { - var e = b.parentNode; - b = [e.$$ngAnimateParentKey || (e.$$ngAnimateParentKey = ++a), d, b.getAttribute("class")]; - f && b.push(f); - k && b.push(k); - return b.join(" ") - }, - containsCachedAnimationWithoutDuration: function(a) { - return (a = b[a]) && !a.isValid || !1 - }, - flush: function() { - b = Object.create(null) - }, - count: function(a) { - return (a = b[a]) ? : 0 - }, - get: function(a) { - return (a = - b[a]) && a.value - }, - put: function(a, d, f) { - b[a] ? (b[a].total++, b[a].value = d) : b[a] = { - total: 1, - value: d, - isValid: f - } - } - } - }] - }).provider("$$animation", ["$animateProvider", function(a) { - var b = this.drivers = []; - this.$get = ["$$jqLite", "$rootScope", "$injector", "$$AnimateRunner", "$$Map", "$$rAFScheduler", "$$animateCache", function(a, d, f, k, e, Q, L) { - function x(a) { - function b(a) { - if (a.processed) return a; - a.processed = !0; - var d = a.domNode, - t = d.parentNode; - f.set(d, a); - for (var h; t;) { - if (h = f.get(t)) { - h.processed || (h = b(h)); - break - } - t = t.parentNode - }(h || - c).children.push(a); - return a - } - var c = { - children: [] - }, - d, f = new e; - for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) { - var da = a[d]; - f.set(da.domNode, a[d] = { - domNode: da.domNode, - element: da.element, - fn: da.fn, - children: [] - }) - } - for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b(a[d]); - return function(a) { - var b = [], - c = [], - d; - for (d = 0; d < a.children.length; d++) c.push(a.children[d]); - a = c.length; - var t = 0, - f = []; - for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { - var g = c[d]; - 0 >= a && (a = t, t = 0, b.push(f), f = []); - f.push(g); - g.children.forEach(function(a) { - t++; - c.push(a) - }); - a-- - } - f.length && b.push(f); - return b - }(c) - } - var C = [], - U = aa(a); - return function(e, - H, u) { - function t(a) { - a = a.hasAttribute("ng-animate-ref") ? [a] : a.querySelectorAll("[ng-animate-ref]"); - var b = []; - s(a, function(a) { - var c = a.getAttribute("ng-animate-ref"); - c && c.length && b.push(a) - }); - return b - } - - function I(a) { - var b = [], - c = {}; - s(a, function(a, d) { - var l = K(a.element), - g = 0 <= ["enter", "move"].indexOf(a.event), - l = a.structural ? t(l) : []; - if (l.length) { - var f = g ? "to" : "from"; - s(l, function(a) { - var b = a.getAttribute("ng-animate-ref"); - c[b] = c[b] || {}; - c[b][f] = { - animationID: d, - element: A(a) - } - }) - } else b.push(a) - }); - var d = {}, - g = {}; - s(c, function(c, - t) { - var f = c.from, - e =; - if (f && e) { - var h = a[f.animationID], - k = a[e.animationID], - E = f.animationID.toString(); - if (!g[E]) { - var I = g[E] = { - structural: !0, - beforeStart: function() { - h.beforeStart(); - k.beforeStart() - }, - close: function() { - h.close(); - k.close() - }, - classes: da(h.classes, k.classes), - from: h, - to: k, - anchors: [] - }; - I.classes.length ? b.push(I) : (b.push(h), b.push(k)) - } - g[E].anchors.push({ - out: f.element, - "in": e.element - }) - } else f = f ? f.animationID : e.animationID, e = f.toString(), d[e] || (d[e] = !0, b.push(a[f])) - }); - return b - } - - function da(a, b) { - a = a.split(" "); - b = b.split(" "); - for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) { - var g = a[d]; - if ("ng-" !== g.substring(0, 3)) - for (var t = 0; t < b.length; t++) - if (g === b[t]) { - c.push(g); - break - } - } - return c.join(" ") - } - - function ia(a) { - for (var c = b.length - 1; 0 <= c; c--) { - var d = f.get(b[c])(a); - if (d) return d - } - } - - function v(a, b) { - function c(a) { - (a ="$$animationRunner")) && a.setHost(b) - } - a.from && ? (c(a.from.element), c( : c(a.element) - } - - function ua() { - var a ="$$animationRunner"); - !a || "leave" === H && u.$$domOperationFired || a.end() - } - - function h(b) { -"$destroy", - ua); - e.removeData("$$animationRunner"); - U(e, u); - ha(e, u); - u.domOperation(); - E && a.removeClass(e, E); - F.complete(!b) - } - u = pa(u); - var q = 0 <= ["enter", "move", "leave"].indexOf(H), - F = new k({ - end: function() { - h() - }, - cancel: function() { - h(!0) - } - }); - if (!b.length) return h(), F; - var g = Ga(e.attr("class"), Ga(u.addClass, u.removeClass)), - E = u.tempClasses; - E && (g += " " + E, u.tempClasses = null); - q &&"$$animatePrepareClasses", "ng-" + H + "-prepare"); -"$$animationRunner", F); - C.push({ - element: e, - classes: g, - event: H, - structural: q, - options: u, - beforeStart: function() { - E = - (E ? E + " " : "") + "ng-animate"; - a.addClass(e, E); - var b ="$$animatePrepareClasses"); - b && a.removeClass(e, b) - }, - close: h - }); - e.on("$destroy", ua); - if (1 < C.length) return F; - d.$$postDigest(function() { - var b = []; - s(C, function(a) { -"$$animationRunner") ? b.push(a) : a.close() - }); - C.length = 0; - var d = I(b), - g = []; - s(d, function(a) { - var b = a.from ? a.from.element : a.element, - c = u.addClass, - d = L.cacheKey(b[0], a.event, (c ? c + " " : "") + "ng-animate", u.removeClass); - g.push({ - element: b, - domNode: K(b), - fn: function() { - var b, c = a.close; - if (L.containsCachedAnimationWithoutDuration(d)) c(); - else { - a.beforeStart(); - if ((a.anchors ? a.from.element || : a.element).data("$$animationRunner")) { - var g = ia(a); - g && (b = g.start) - } - b ? (b = b(), b.done(function(a) { - c(!a) - }), v(a, b)) : c() - } - } - }) - }); - for (var d = x(g), t = 0; t < d.length; t++) - for (var f = d[t], e = 0; e < f.length; e++) { - var h = f[e], - k = h.element; - d[t][e] = h.fn; - 0 === t ? k.removeData("$$animatePrepareClasses") : (h ="$$animatePrepareClasses")) && a.addClass(k, h) - } - Q(d) - }); - return F - } - }] - }]).provider("$animateCss", ["$animateProvider", function(a) { - this.$get = ["$window", "$$jqLite", "$$AnimateRunner", - "$timeout", "$$animateCache", "$$forceReflow", "$sniffer", "$$rAFScheduler", "$$animateQueue", - function(a, c, d, f, k, e, Q, L, x) { - function C(d, f, e, x) { - var v, s = "stagger-" + e; - 0 < k.count(e) && (v = k.get(s), v || (f = $(f, "-stagger"), c.addClass(d, f), v = Ka(a, d, x), v.animationDuration = Math.max(v.animationDuration, 0), v.transitionDuration = Math.max(v.transitionDuration, 0), c.removeClass(d, f), k.put(s, v, !0))); - return v || {} - } - - function U(a) { - u.push(a); - L.waitUntilQuiet(function() { - k.flush(); - for (var a = e(), b = 0; b < u.length; b++) u[b](a); - u.length = 0 - }) - } - - function z(c, d, f, e) { - d = k.get(f); - d || (d = Ka(a, c, Wa), "infinite" === d.animationIterationCount && (d.animationIterationCount = 1)); - k.put(f, d, e || 0 < d.transitionDuration || 0 < d.animationDuration); - c = d; - f = c.animationDelay; - e = c.transitionDelay; - c.maxDelay = f && e ? Math.max(f, e) : f || e; - c.maxDuration = Math.max(c.animationDuration * c.animationIterationCount, c.transitionDuration); - return c - } - var H = aa(c), - u = []; - return function(a, b) { - function e() { - v() - } - - function L() { - v(!0) - } - - function v(b) { - if (!(P || la && m)) { - P = !0; - m = !1; - V && !g.$$skipPreparationClasses && - c.removeClass(a, V); - ba && c.removeClass(a, ba); - xa(l, !1); - ra.blockTransitions(l, !1); - s(y, function(a) { -[a[0]] = "" - }); - H(a, g); - ha(a, g); - Object.keys(E).length && s(E, function(a, b) { - a ?, a) : - }); - if (g.onDone) g.onDone(); - w && w.length &&" "), q); - var d ="$$animateCss"); - d && (f.cancel(d[0].timer), a.removeData("$$animateCss")); - fa && fa.complete(!b) - } - } - - function u(a) { - p.blockTransition && ra.blockTransitions(l, a); - p.blockKeyframeAnimation && xa(l, !!a) - } - - function h() { - fa = new d({ - end: e, - cancel: L - }); - U(N); - v(); - return { - $$willAnimate: !1, - start: function() { - return fa - }, - end: e - } - } - - function q(a) { - a.stopPropagation(); - var b = a.originalEvent || a; - === l && (a = b.$manualTimeStamp ||, b = parseFloat(b.elapsedTime.toFixed(3)), Math.max(a - J, 0) >= G && b >= D && (la = !0, v())) - } - - function F() { - function b() { - if (!P) { - u(!1); - s(y, function(a) { -[a[0]] = a[1] - }); - H(a, g); - c.addClass(a, ba); - if (p.recalculateTimingStyles) { - T = l.getAttribute("class") + " " + V; - ka = k.cacheKey(l, ja, g.addClass, g.removeClass); - r = z(l, T, ka, !1); - ga = r.maxDelay; - W = - Math.max(ga, 0); - D = r.maxDuration; - if (0 === D) { - v(); - return - } - p.hasTransitions = 0 < r.transitionDuration; - p.hasAnimations = 0 < r.animationDuration - } - p.applyAnimationDelay && (ga = "boolean" !== typeof g.delay && ya(g.delay) ? parseFloat(g.delay) : ga, W = Math.max(ga, 0), r.animationDelay = ga, ea = [qa, ga + "s"], y.push(ea),[ea[0]] = ea[1]); - G = 1E3 * W; - R = 1E3 * D; - if (g.easing) { - var e, h = g.easing; - p.hasTransitions && (e = M + "TimingFunction", y.push([e, h]),[e] = h); - p.hasAnimations && (e = ca + "TimingFunction", y.push([e, h]),[e] = h) - } - r.transitionDuration && - w.push(Aa); - r.animationDuration && w.push(Ba); - J =; - var m = G + 1.5 * R; - e = J + m; - var h ="$$animateCss") || [], - F = !0; - if (h.length) { - var n = h[0]; - (F = e > n.expectedEndTime) ? f.cancel(n.timer): h.push(v) - } - F && (m = f(d, m, !1), h[0] = { - timer: m, - expectedEndTime: e - }, h.push(v),"$$animateCss", h)); - if (w.length) a.on(w.join(" "), q); - && (g.cleanupStyles && Ma(E, l, Object.keys(, Ja(a, g)) - } - } - - function d() { - var b ="$$animateCss"); - if (b) { - for (var c = 1; c < b.length; c++) b[c](); - a.removeData("$$animateCss") - } - } - if (!P) - if (l.parentNode) { - var e = - function(a) { - if (la) m && a && (m = !1, v()); - else if (m = !a, r.animationDuration) - if (a = xa(l, m), m) y.push(a); - else { - var b = y, - c = b.indexOf(a); - 0 <= a && b.splice(c, 1) - } - }, - h = 0 < aa && (r.transitionDuration && 0 === X.transitionDuration || r.animationDuration && 0 === X.animationDuration) && Math.max(X.animationDelay, X.transitionDelay); - h ? f(b, Math.floor(h * aa * 1E3), !1) : b(); - A.resume = function() { - e(!0) - }; - A.pause = function() { - e(!1) - } - } else v() - } - var g = b || {}; - g.$$prepared || (g = pa(Da(g))); - var E = {}, - l = K(a); - if (!l || !l.parentNode || !x.enabled()) return h(); - var y = [], - O = - a.attr("class"), - B = Qa(g), - P, m, la, fa, A, W, G, D, R, J, w = []; - if (0 === g.duration || !Q.animations && !Q.transitions) return h(); - var ja = g.event && Z(g.event) ? g.event.join(" ") : g.event, - Y = ja && g.structural, - n = "", - S = ""; - Y ? n = $(ja, "ng-", !0) : ja && (n = ja); - g.addClass && (S += $(g.addClass, "-add")); - g.removeClass && (S.length && (S += " "), S += $(g.removeClass, "-remove")); - g.applyClassesEarly && S.length && H(a, g); - var V = [n, S].join(" ").trim(), - T = O + " " + V, - O = && 0 < Object.keys(; - if (!(0 < (g.keyframeStyle || "").length || O || V)) return h(); - var X, ka = - k.cacheKey(l, ja, g.addClass, g.removeClass); - if (k.containsCachedAnimationWithoutDuration(ka)) return V = null, h(); - 0 < g.stagger ? (B = parseFloat(g.stagger), X = { - transitionDelay: B, - animationDelay: B, - transitionDuration: 0, - animationDuration: 0 - }) : X = C(l, V, ka, Xa); - g.$$skipPreparationClasses || c.addClass(a, V); - g.transitionStyle && (B = [M, g.transitionStyle], ma(l, B), y.push(B)); - 0 <= g.duration && (B = 0 <[M].length, B = La(g.duration, B), ma(l, B), y.push(B)); - g.keyframeStyle && (B = [ca, g.keyframeStyle], ma(l, B), y.push(B)); - var aa = X ? 0 <= g.staggerIndex ? - g.staggerIndex : k.count(ka) : 0; - (n = 0 === aa) && !g.skipBlocking && ra.blockTransitions(l, 9999); - var r = z(l, T, ka, !Y), - ga = r.maxDelay; - W = Math.max(ga, 0); - D = r.maxDuration; - var p = {}; - p.hasTransitions = 0 < r.transitionDuration; - p.hasAnimations = 0 < r.animationDuration; - p.hasTransitionAll = p.hasTransitions && "all" === r.transitionProperty; - p.applyTransitionDuration = O && (p.hasTransitions && !p.hasTransitionAll || p.hasAnimations && !p.hasTransitions); - p.applyAnimationDuration = g.duration && p.hasAnimations; - p.applyTransitionDelay = ya(g.delay) && (p.applyTransitionDuration || - p.hasTransitions); - p.applyAnimationDelay = ya(g.delay) && p.hasAnimations; - p.recalculateTimingStyles = 0 < S.length; - if (p.applyTransitionDuration || p.applyAnimationDuration) D = g.duration ? parseFloat(g.duration) : D, p.applyTransitionDuration && (p.hasTransitions = !0, r.transitionDuration = D, B = 0 <[M + "Property"].length, y.push(La(D, B))), p.applyAnimationDuration && (p.hasAnimations = !0, r.animationDuration = D, y.push([Ca, D + "s"])); - if (0 === D && !p.recalculateTimingStyles) return h(); - var ba = $(V, "-active"); - if (null != g.delay) { - var ea; - "boolean" !== typeof g.delay && (ea = parseFloat(g.delay), W = Math.max(ea, 0)); - p.applyTransitionDelay && y.push([na, ea + "s"]); - p.applyAnimationDelay && y.push([qa, ea + "s"]) - } - null == g.duration && 0 < r.transitionDuration && (p.recalculateTimingStyles = p.recalculateTimingStyles || n); - G = 1E3 * W; - R = 1E3 * D; - g.skipBlocking || (p.blockTransition = 0 < r.transitionDuration, p.blockKeyframeAnimation = 0 < r.animationDuration && 0 < X.animationDelay && 0 === X.animationDuration); - g.from && (g.cleanupStyles && Ma(E, l, Object.keys(g.from)), Ia(a, g)); - p.blockTransition || - p.blockKeyframeAnimation ? u(D) : g.skipBlocking || ra.blockTransitions(l, !1); - return { - $$willAnimate: !0, - end: e, - start: function() { - if (!P) return A = { - end: e, - cancel: L, - resume: null, - pause: null - }, fa = new d(A), U(F), fa - } - } - } - } - ] - }]).provider("$$animateCssDriver", ["$$animationProvider", function(a) { - a.drivers.push("$$animateCssDriver"); - this.$get = ["$animateCss", "$rootScope", "$$AnimateRunner", "$rootElement", "$sniffer", "$$jqLite", "$document", function(a, c, d, f, k, e, Q) { - function L(a) { - return a.replace(/\bng-\S+\b/g, "") - } - - function x(a, b) { - G(a) && - (a = a.split(" ")); - G(b) && (b = b.split(" ")); - return a.filter(function(a) { - return -1 === b.indexOf(a) - }).join(" ") - } - - function C(c, e, f) { - function k(a) { - var b = {}, - c = K(a).getBoundingClientRect(); - s(["width", "height", "top", "left"], function(a) { - var d = c[a]; - switch (a) { - case "top": - d += H.scrollTop; - break; - case "left": - d += H.scrollLeft - } - b[a] = Math.floor(d) + "px" - }); - return b - } - - function v() { - var c = L(f.attr("class") || ""), - d = x(c, q), - c = x(q, c), - d = a(h, { - to: k(f), - addClass: "ng-anchor-in " + d, - removeClass: "ng-anchor-out " + c, - delay: !0 - }); - return d.$$willAnimate ? - d : null - } - - function C() { - h.remove(); - e.removeClass("ng-animate-shim"); - f.removeClass("ng-animate-shim") - } - var h = A(K(e).cloneNode(!0)), - q = L(h.attr("class") || ""); - e.addClass("ng-animate-shim"); - f.addClass("ng-animate-shim"); - h.addClass("ng-anchor"); - u.append(h); - var F; - c = function() { - var c = a(h, { - addClass: "ng-anchor-out", - delay: !0, - from: k(e) - }); - return c.$$willAnimate ? c : null - }(); - if (!c && (F = v(), !F)) return C(); - var g = c || F; - return { - start: function() { - function a() { - c && c.end() - } - var b, c = g.start(); - c.done(function() { - c = null; - if (!F && (F = v())) return c = - F.start(), c.done(function() { - c = null; - C(); - b.complete() - }), c; - C(); - b.complete() - }); - return b = new d({ - end: a, - cancel: a - }) - } - } - } - - function z(a, b, c, e) { - var f = oa(a, N), - k = oa(b, N), - h = []; - s(e, function(a) { - (a = C(c, a.out, a["in"])) && h.push(a) - }); - if (f || k || 0 !== h.length) return { - start: function() { - function a() { - s(b, function(a) { - a.end() - }) - } - var b = []; - f && b.push(f.start()); - k && b.push(k.start()); - s(h, function(a) { - b.push(a.start()) - }); - var c = new d({ - end: a, - cancel: a - }); - d.all(b, function(a) { - c.complete(a) - }); - return c - } - } - } - - function oa(c) { - var d = c.element, - e = c.options || {}; - c.structural && (e.event = c.event, e.structural = !0, e.applyClassesEarly = !0, "leave" === c.event && (e.onDone = e.domOperation)); - e.preparationClasses && (e.event = ba(e.event, e.preparationClasses)); - c = a(d, e); - return c.$$willAnimate ? c : null - } - if (!k.animations && !k.transitions) return N; - var H = Q[0].body; - c = K(f); - var u = A(c.parentNode && 11 === c.parentNode.nodeType || H.contains(c) ? c : H); - return function(a) { - return a.from && ? z(a.from,, a.classes, a.anchors) : oa(a) - } - }] - }]).provider("$$animateJs", ["$animateProvider", function(a) { - this.$get = ["$injector", "$$AnimateRunner", "$$jqLite", function(b, c, d) { - function f(c) { - c = Z(c) ? c : c.split(" "); - for (var d = [], f = {}, k = 0; k < c.length; k++) { - var s = c[k], - z = a.$$registeredAnimations[s]; - z && !f[s] && (d.push(b.get(z)), f[s] = !0) - } - return d - } - var k = aa(d); - return function(a, b, d, x) { - function C() { - x.domOperation(); - k(a, x) - } - - function z(a, b, d, f, e) { - switch (d) { - case "animate": - b = [b, f.from,, e]; - break; - case "setClass": - b = [b, t, I, e]; - break; - case "addClass": - b = [b, t, e]; - break; - case "removeClass": - b = [b, I, e]; - break; - default: - b = [b, e] - } - b.push(f); - if (a = a.apply(a, - b)) - if (Ea(a.start) && (a = a.start()), a instanceof c) a.done(e); - else if (Ea(a)) return a; - return N - } - - function A(a, b, d, e, f) { - var h = []; - s(e, function(e) { - var l = e[f]; - l && h.push(function() { - var e, f, h = !1, - k = function(a) { - h || (h = !0, (f || N)(a), e.complete(!a)) - }; - e = new c({ - end: function() { - k() - }, - cancel: function() { - k(!0) - } - }); - f = z(l, a, b, d, function(a) { - k(!1 === a) - }); - return e - }) - }); - return h - } - - function H(a, b, d, e, f) { - var h = A(a, b, d, e, f); - if (0 === h.length) { - var k, q; - "beforeSetClass" === f ? (k = A(a, "removeClass", d, e, "beforeRemoveClass"), q = A(a, "addClass", d, e, "beforeAddClass")) : - "setClass" === f && (k = A(a, "removeClass", d, e, "removeClass"), q = A(a, "addClass", d, e, "addClass")); - k && (h = h.concat(k)); - q && (h = h.concat(q)) - } - if (0 !== h.length) return function(a) { - var b = []; - h.length && s(h, function(a) { - b.push(a()) - }); - b.length ? c.all(b, a) : a(); - return function(a) { - s(b, function(b) { - a ? b.cancel() : b.end() - }) - } - } - } - var u = !1; - 3 === arguments.length && ta(d) && (x = d, d = null); - x = pa(x); - d || (d = a.attr("class") || "", x.addClass && (d += " " + x.addClass), x.removeClass && (d += " " + x.removeClass)); - var t = x.addClass, - I = x.removeClass, - G = f(d), - K, v; - if (G.length) { - var M, - h; - "leave" === b ? (h = "leave", M = "afterLeave") : (h = "before" + b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.substr(1), M = b); - "enter" !== b && "move" !== b && (K = H(a, b, x, G, h)); - v = H(a, b, x, G, M) - } - if (K || v) { - var q; - return { - $$willAnimate: !0, - end: function() { - q ? q.end() : (u = !0, C(), ha(a, x), q = new c, q.complete(!0)); - return q - }, - start: function() { - function b(c) { - u = !0; - C(); - ha(a, x); - q.complete(c) - } - if (q) return q; - q = new c; - var d, f = []; - K && f.push(function(a) { - d = K(a) - }); - f.length ? f.push(function(a) { - C(); - a(!0) - }) : C(); - v && f.push(function(a) { - d = v(a) - }); - q.setHost({ - end: function() { - u || ((d || - N)(void 0), b(void 0)) - }, - cancel: function() { - u || ((d || N)(!0), b(!0)) - } - }); - c.chain(f, b); - return q - } - } - } - } - }] - }]).provider("$$animateJsDriver", ["$$animationProvider", function(a) { - a.drivers.push("$$animateJsDriver"); - this.$get = ["$$animateJs", "$$AnimateRunner", function(a, c) { - function d(c) { - return a(c.element, c.event, c.classes, c.options) - } - return function(a) { - if (a.from && { - var b = d(a.from), - e = d(; - if (b || e) return { - start: function() { - function a() { - return function() { - s(d, function(a) { - a.end() - }) - } - } - var d = []; - b && d.push(b.start()); - e && - d.push(e.start()); - c.all(d, function(a) { - f.complete(a) - }); - var f = new c({ - end: a(), - cancel: a() - }); - return f - } - } - } else return d(a) - } - }] - }]) -})(window, window.angular); -//# \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-aria.min.js b/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-aria.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7b818c7..0000000 --- a/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-aria.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ -/* - AngularJS v1.8.2 - (c) 2010-2020 Google LLC. - License: MIT -*/ -(function(t, l) { - 'use strict'; - var c = "BUTTON A INPUT TEXTAREA SELECT DETAILS SUMMARY".split(" "), - m = function(a, e) { - if (-1 !== e.indexOf(a[0].nodeName)) return !0 - }; - l.module("ngAria", ["ng"]).info({ - angularVersion: "1.8.2" - }).provider("$aria", function() { - function a(a, c, n, g) { - return function(d, f, b) { - if (!b.hasOwnProperty("ngAriaDisable")) { - var p = b.$normalize(c); - !e[p] || m(f, n) || b[p] || d.$watch(b[a], function(b) { - b = g ? !b : !!b; - f.attr(c, b) - }) - } - } - } - var e = { - ariaHidden: !0, - ariaChecked: !0, - ariaReadonly: !0, - ariaDisabled: !0, - ariaRequired: !0, - ariaInvalid: !0, - ariaValue: !0, - tabindex: !0, - bindKeydown: !0, - bindRoleForClick: !0 - }; - this.config = function(a) { - e = l.extend(e, a) - }; - this.$get = function() { - return { - config: function(a) { - return e[a] - }, - $$watchExpr: a - } - } - }).directive("ngShow", ["$aria", function(a) { - return a.$$watchExpr("ngShow", "aria-hidden", [], !0) - }]).directive("ngHide", ["$aria", function(a) { - return a.$$watchExpr("ngHide", "aria-hidden", [], !1) - }]).directive("ngValue", ["$aria", function(a) { - return a.$$watchExpr("ngValue", "aria-checked", c, !1) - }]).directive("ngChecked", ["$aria", function(a) { - return a.$$watchExpr("ngChecked", - "aria-checked", c, !1) - }]).directive("ngReadonly", ["$aria", function(a) { - return a.$$watchExpr("ngReadonly", "aria-readonly", c, !1) - }]).directive("ngRequired", ["$aria", function(a) { - return a.$$watchExpr("ngRequired", "aria-required", c, !1) - }]).directive("ngModel", ["$aria", function(a) { - function e(e, g, d, f) { - return a.config(g) && !d.attr(e) && (f || !m(d, c)) && ("hidden" !== d.attr("type") || "INPUT" !== d[0].nodeName) - } - - function k(a, e) { - return !e.attr("role") && e.attr("type") === a && !m(e, c) - } - - function h(a, e) { - var d = a.type, - f = a.role; - return "checkbox" === - (d || f) || "menuitemcheckbox" === f ? "checkbox" : "radio" === (d || f) || "menuitemradio" === f ? "radio" : "range" === d || "progressbar" === f || "slider" === f ? "range" : "" - } - return { - restrict: "A", - require: "ngModel", - priority: 200, - compile: function(c, g) { - if (!g.hasOwnProperty("ngAriaDisable")) { - var d = h(g, c); - return { - post: function(f, b, c, g) { - function h() { - return g.$modelValue - } - - function m(a) { - b.attr("aria-checked", c.value == g.$viewValue) - } - - function n() { - b.attr("aria-checked", !g.$isEmpty(g.$viewValue)) - } - var l = e("tabindex", "tabindex", b, !1); - switch (d) { - case "radio": - case "checkbox": - k(d, - b) && b.attr("role", d); - e("aria-checked", "ariaChecked", b, !1) && f.$watch(h, "radio" === d ? m : n); - l && b.attr("tabindex", 0); - break; - case "range": - k(d, b) && b.attr("role", "slider"); - if (a.config("ariaValue")) { - var q = !b.attr("aria-valuemin") && (c.hasOwnProperty("min") || c.hasOwnProperty("ngMin")), - r = !b.attr("aria-valuemax") && (c.hasOwnProperty("max") || c.hasOwnProperty("ngMax")), - s = !b.attr("aria-valuenow"); - q && c.$observe("min", function(a) { - b.attr("aria-valuemin", a) - }); - r && c.$observe("max", function(a) { - b.attr("aria-valuemax", a) - }); - s && f.$watch(h, function(a) { - b.attr("aria-valuenow", a) - }) - } - l && b.attr("tabindex", 0) - }!c.hasOwnProperty("ngRequired") && g.$validators.required && e("aria-required", "ariaRequired", b, !1) && c.$observe("required", function() { - b.attr("aria-required", !!c.required) - }); - e("aria-invalid", "ariaInvalid", b, !0) && f.$watch(function() { - return g.$invalid - }, function(a) { - b.attr("aria-invalid", !!a) - }) - } - } - } - } - } - }]).directive("ngDisabled", ["$aria", function(a) { - return a.$$watchExpr("ngDisabled", "aria-disabled", c, !1) - }]).directive("ngMessages", function() { - return { - restrict: "A", - require: "?ngMessages", - link: function(a, c, k, h) { - k.hasOwnProperty("ngAriaDisable") || c.attr("aria-live") || c.attr("aria-live", "assertive") - } - } - }).directive("ngClick", ["$aria", "$parse", function(a, e) { - return { - restrict: "A", - compile: function(k, h) { - if (!h.hasOwnProperty("ngAriaDisable")) { - var l = e(h.ngClick); - return function(e, d, f) { - if (!m(d, c) && (a.config("bindRoleForClick") && !d.attr("role") && d.attr("role", "button"), a.config("tabindex") && !d.attr("tabindex") && d.attr("tabindex", 0), a.config("bindKeydown") && !f.ngKeydown && !f.ngKeypress && - !f.ngKeyup)) d.on("keydown", function(a) { - function d() { - l(e, { - $event: a - }) - } - var f = a.which || a.keyCode; - if (13 === f || 32 === f) - 1 !== c.indexOf( || || a.preventDefault(), e.$apply(d) - }) - } - } - } - } - }]).directive("ngDblclick", ["$aria", function(a) { - return function(e, k, h) { - h.hasOwnProperty("ngAriaDisable") || !a.config("tabindex") || k.attr("tabindex") || m(k, c) || k.attr("tabindex", 0) - } - }]) -})(window, window.angular); -//# \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-cookies.min.js b/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-cookies.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index bd0c542..0000000 --- a/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-cookies.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -/* - AngularJS v1.8.2 - (c) 2010-2020 Google LLC. - License: MIT -*/ -(function(n, e) { - 'use strict'; - - function m(d, k, l) { - var a = l.baseHref(), - h = d[0]; - return function(f, b, c) { - var d, g; - c = c || {}; - g = c.expires; - d = e.isDefined(c.path) ? c.path : a; - e.isUndefined(b) && (g = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT", b = ""); - e.isString(g) && (g = new Date(g)); - b = encodeURIComponent(f) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b); - b = b + (d ? ";path=" + d : "") + (c.domain ? ";domain=" + c.domain : ""); - b += g ? ";expires=" + g.toUTCString() : ""; - b += ? ";secure" : ""; - b += c.samesite ? ";samesite=" + c.samesite : ""; - c = b.length + 1; - 4096 < c && k.warn("Cookie '" + f + "' possibly not set or overflowed because it was too large (" + - c + " > 4096 bytes)!"); - h.cookie = b - } - } - e.module("ngCookies", ["ng"]).info({ - angularVersion: "1.8.2" - }).provider("$cookies", [function() { - var d = this.defaults = {}; - this.$get = ["$$cookieReader", "$$cookieWriter", function(k, l) { - return { - get: function(a) { - return k()[a] - }, - getObject: function(a) { - return (a = this.get(a)) ? e.fromJson(a) : a - }, - getAll: function() { - return k() - }, - put: function(a, h, f) { - l(a, h, f ? e.extend({}, d, f) : d) - }, - putObject: function(a, d, f) { - this.put(a, e.toJson(d), f) - }, - remove: function(a, h) { - l(a, void 0, h ? e.extend({}, d, h) : d) - } - } - }] - }]); - m.$inject = ["$document", "$log", "$browser"]; - e.module("ngCookies").provider("$$cookieWriter", function() { - this.$get = m - }) -})(window, window.angular); -//# \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-material.min.js b/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-material.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5cf07f8..0000000 --- a/public/snippets/tvox/js/angular-material.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11685 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * AngularJS Material Design - * - * @license MIT - * v1.2.2 - */ -! function(L, be, ge) { - "use strict"; - - function e(e, t) { - if (t.has("$swipe")) { - e.warn("You are using the ngTouch module. \nAngularJS Material already has mobile click, tap, and swipe support... \nngTouch is not supported with AngularJS Material!") - } - } - - function t(e, t) { - e.decorator("$$rAF", ["$delegate", n]), e.decorator("$q", ["$delegate", o]), t.theme("default").primaryPalette("indigo").accentPalette("pink").warnPalette("deep-orange").backgroundPalette("grey") - } - - function n(i) { - return i.throttle = function(e) { - var t, n, o, r; - return function() { - t = arguments, r = this, o = e, n || (n = !0, i(function() { - o.apply(r,, n = !1 - })) - } - }, i - } - - function o(e) { - return e.resolve || (e.resolve = e.when), e - } - - function r(i) { - return { - restrict: "A", - link: { - pre: function(e, t, n) { - var o = n.mdAutoFocus || n.mdAutofocus || n.mdSidenavFocus; - r(i(o)(e)), o && e.$watch(o, r); - - function r(e) { - be.isUndefined(e) && (e = !0), t.toggleClass("md-autofocus", !!e) - } - } - } - } - } - - function i(e, d) { - function s() { - return !0 - } - e && !be.isArray(e) && (e =, d = !!d; - var l = e || []; - return { - items: function() { - return [].concat(l) - }, - count: function() { - return l.length - }, - inRange: c, - contains: t, - indexOf: m, - itemAt: function(e) { - return c(e) ? l[e] : null - }, - findBy: function(t, n) { - return l.filter(function(e) { - return e[t] === n - }) - }, - add: function(e, t) { - if (!e) return -1; - be.isNumber(t) || (t = l.length); - return l.splice(t, 0, e), m(e) - }, - remove: function(e) { - t(e) && l.splice(m(e), 1) - }, - first: u, - last: p, - next: be.bind(null, n, !1), - previous: be.bind(null, n, !0), - hasPrevious: function(e) { - return !!e && c(m(e) - 1) - }, - hasNext: function(e) { - return !!e && c(m(e) + 1) - } - }; - - function c(e) { - return l.length && -1 < e && e < l.length - } - - function m(e) { - return l.indexOf(e) - } - - function t(e) { - return e && -1 < m(e) - } - - function u() { - return l.length ? l[0] : null - } - - function p() { - return l.length ? l[l.length - 1] : null - } - - function n(e, t, n, o) { - n = n || s; - for (var r = m(t);;) { - if (!c(r)) return null; - var i = r + (e ? -1 : 1), - a = null; - if (c(i) ? a = l[i] : d && (i = m(a = e ? p() : u())), null === a || i === o) return null; - if (n(a)) return a; - be.isUndefined(o) && (o = i), r = i - } - } - } - - function a(a, t, o) { - var i = {}, - d = {}, - r = {}, - n = {}; - return e.getResponsiveAttribute = function(e, t) { - for (var n = 0; n < a.MEDIA_PRIORITY.length; n++) { - var o = a.MEDIA_PRIORITY[n]; - if (d[i[o]].matches) { - var r = l(e, t + "-" + o); - if (e[r]) return e[r] - } - } - return e[l(e, t)] - }, e.getQuery = function(e) { - return d[e] - }, e.watchResponsiveAttributes = function(e, o, r) { - var i = []; - return e.forEach(function(e) { - var t = l(o, e); - for (var n in be.isDefined(o[t]) && i.push(o.$observe(t, be.bind(void 0, r, null))), a.MEDIA) t = l(o, e + "-" + n), be.isDefined(o[t]) && i.push(o.$observe(t, be.bind(void 0, r, n))) - }), - function() { - i.forEach(function(e) { - e() - }) - } - }, e; - - function e(e) { - var t = i[e]; - be.isUndefined(t) && (t = i[e] = function(e) { - return a.MEDIA[e] || ("(" !== e.charAt(0) ? "(" + e + ")" : e) - }(e)); - var n = r[t]; - return be.isUndefined(n) && (n = function(e) { - var t = d[e]; - t = t || (d[e] = o.matchMedia(e)); - return t.addListener(s), r[] = !!t.matches - }(t)), n - } - - function s(e) { - t.$evalAsync(function() { - r[] = !!e.matches - }) - } - - function l(e, t) { - return n[t] || (n[t] = e.$normalize(t)) - } - } - - function d(e, t) { - var o = ["data", "x"]; - return e ? t ? n(e) : r(e) : { - buildList: r, - buildSelector: n, - hasAttribute: function(e, t) { - if (!(e = i(e))) return !1; - for (var n = r(t), o = 0; o < n.length; o++) - if (e.hasAttribute(n[o])) return !0; - return !1 - }, - removeAttribute: function(t, e) { - if (!(t = i(t))) return; - r(e).forEach(function(e) { - t.removeAttribute(e) - }) - } - }; - - function r(n) { - return (n = be.isArray(n) ? n : [n]).forEach(function(t) { - o.forEach(function(e) { - n.push(e + "-" + t) - }) - }), n - } - - function n(e) { - return r(e = be.isArray(e) ? e : [e]).map(function(e) { - return "[" + e + "]" - }).join(",") - } - - function i(e) { - if ((e = e[0] || e).nodeType) return e - } - } - - function A(e) { - return e.replace(/-[a-z]/g, function(e) { - return e.charAt(1).toUpperCase() - }) - } - var w, _, k, x, N, s, l, c, m, u, p, h, f, b, g, E, v, $, M, y, C, T; - - function S(o, r, s, i) { - var a = this.showWarnings; - return { - expect: d, - expectAsync: l, - expectWithText: function(e, t) { - var n = c(e) || ""; - 1 < n.indexOf(i.startSymbol()) ? l(e, t, function() { - return c(e) - }) : d(e, t, n) - }, - expectWithoutText: function(e, t) { - var n = c(e); - 1 < n.indexOf(i.startSymbol()) || n || d(e, t, n) - }, - getText: c, - hasAriaLabel: m, - parentHasAriaLabel: function e(t, n) { - n = n || 1; - var o = be.element(t)[0] || t; - if (!o.parentNode) return !1; - if (r(o.parentNode)) return !0; - n--; - if (n) return e(o.parentNode, n); - return !1; - - function r(e) { - if (!m(e)) return !1; - if (e.hasAttribute("role")) switch (e.getAttribute("role").toLowerCase()) { - case "command": - case "definition": - case "directory": - case "grid": - case "list": - case "listitem": - case "log": - case "marquee": - case "menu": - case "menubar": - case "note": - case "presentation": - case "separator": - case "scrollbar": - case "status": - case "tablist": - return !1 - } - switch (e.tagName.toLowerCase()) { - case "abbr": - case "acronym": - case "address": - case "applet": - case "audio": - case "b": - case "bdi": - case "bdo": - case "big": - case "blockquote": - case "br": - case "canvas": - case "caption": - case "center": - case "cite": - case "code": - case "col": - case "data": - case "dd": - case "del": - case "dfn": - case "dir": - case "div": - case "dl": - case "em": - case "embed": - case "fieldset": - case "figcaption": - case "font": - case "h1": - case "h2": - case "h3": - case "h4": - case "h5": - case "h6": - case "hgroup": - case "html": - case "i": - case "ins": - case "isindex": - case "kbd": - case "keygen": - case "label": - case "legend": - case "li": - case "map": - case "mark": - case "menu": - case "object": - case "ol": - case "output": - case "pre": - case "presentation": - case "q": - case "rt": - case "ruby": - case "samp": - case "small": - case "source": - case "span": - case "status": - case "strike": - case "strong": - case "sub": - case "sup": - case "svg": - case "tbody": - case "td": - case "th": - case "thead": - case "time": - case "tr": - case "track": - case "tt": - case "ul": - case "var": - return !1 - } - return !0 - } - } - }; - - function d(e, t, n) { - var o = be.element(e)[0] || e; - !o || o.hasAttribute(t) && 0 !== o.getAttribute(t).length || function(e, t) { - var n = e.hasChildNodes(), - o = !1; - if (n) - for (var r = e.childNodes, i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { - var a = r[i]; - 1 === a.nodeType && a.hasAttribute(t) && "none" !== ((d = a).currentStyle ? d.currentStyle : s.getComputedStyle(d)).display && (o = !0) - } - var d; - return o - }(o, t) || ((n = be.isString(n) ? n.trim() : "").length ? e.attr(t, n) : a && r.warn('ARIA: Attribute "', t, '", required for accessibility, is missing on node:', o)) - } - - function l(e, t, n) { - o(function() { - d(e, t, n()) - }) - } - - function c(t) { - t = t[0] || t; - for (var e, n = document.createTreeWalker(t, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, !1), o = ""; e = n.nextNode();) r(e) || (o += e.textContent); - return o.trim() || ""; - - function r(e) { - for (; e.parentNode && (e = e.parentNode) !== t;) - if (e.getAttribute && "true" === e.getAttribute("aria-hidden")) return !0 - } - } - - function m(e) { - var t = be.element(e)[0] || e; - return !!t.hasAttribute && (t.hasAttribute("aria-label") || t.hasAttribute("aria-labelledby") || t.hasAttribute("aria-describedby")) - } - } - - function D() { - function i(e, t, n, o, r) { - this.$q = e, this.$templateRequest = t, this.$injector = n, this.$compile = o, this.$controller = r - } - this.$get = ["$q", "$templateRequest", "$injector", "$compile", "$controller", function(e, t, n, o, r) { - return new i(e, t, n, o, r) - }], i.prototype.compile = function(e) { - return e.contentElement ? this._prepareContentElement(e) : this._compileTemplate(e) - }, i.prototype._prepareContentElement = function(e) { - var t = this._fetchContentElement(e); - return this.$q.resolve({ - element: t.element, - cleanup: t.restore, - locals: {}, - link: function() { - return t.element - } - }) - }, i.prototype._compileTemplate = function(o) { - var r = this, - e = o.templateUrl, - t = o.template || "", - n = be.extend({}, o.resolve), - i = be.extend({}, o.locals), - a = o.transformTemplate || be.identity; - return be.forEach(n, function(e, t) { - be.isString(e) ? n[t] = r.$injector.get(e) : n[t] = r.$injector.invoke(e) - }), be.extend(n, i), n.$$ngTemplate = e ? this.$templateRequest(e) : this.$q.when(t), this.$q.all(n).then(function(e) { - var t = a(e.$$ngTemplate, o), - n = o.element || be.element("
").html(t.trim()).contents(); - return r._compileElement(e, n, o) - }) - }, i.prototype._compileElement = function(o, r, i) { - var a = this, - d = this.$compile(r), - s = { - element: r, - cleanup: r.remove.bind(r), - locals: o, - link: function(e) { - if (o.$scope = e, i.controller) { - var t = be.extend({}, o, { - $element: r - }), - n = a._createController(i, t, o); - be.isFunction(n.$onDestroy) && e.$on("$destroy", function() { - be.isFunction(n.$onDestroy) && n.$onDestroy() - }),"$ngControllerController", n), r.children().data("$ngControllerController", n), s.controller = n - } - return d(e) - } - }; - return s - }, i.prototype._createController = function(e, t, n) { - var o = this.$controller(e.controller, t); - return e.bindToController && be.extend(o, n), e.controllerAs && (t.$scope[e.controllerAs] = o), be.isFunction(o.$onInit) && o.$onInit(), o - }, i.prototype._fetchContentElement = function(e) { - var t, n = e.contentElement; - return t = be.isString(n) ? o(n = document.querySelector(n)) : (n = n[0] || n, document.contains(n) ? o(n) : function() { - n.parentNode && n.parentNode.removeChild(n) - }), { - element: be.element(n), - restore: t - }; - - function o(e) { - var t = e.parentNode, - n = e.nextElementSibling; - return function() { - n ? t.insertBefore(e, n) : t.appendChild(e) - } - } - } - } - - function H(e, t, n) { - this.$timeout = e, this.$mdUtil = t, this.$rootScope = n, this.pointerEvent = "MSPointerEvent" in L ? "MSPointerDown" : "PointerEvent" in L ? "pointerdown" : null, this.bodyElement = be.element(document.body), this.isBuffering = !1, this.bufferTimeout = null, this.lastInteractionType = null, this.lastInteractionTime = null, this.inputHandler = this.onInputEvent.bind(this), this.bufferedInputHandler = this.onBufferInputEvent.bind(this), this.inputEventMap = { - keydown: "keyboard", - mousedown: "mouse", - mouseenter: "mouse", - touchstart: "touch", - pointerdown: "pointer", - MSPointerDown: "pointer" - }, this.iePointerMap = { - 2: "touch", - 3: "touch", - 4: "mouse" - }, this.initializeEvents(), this.$rootScope.$on("$destroy", this.deregister.bind(this)) - } - - function I(e) { - return e.replace(h, "").replace(f, function(e, t, n, o) { - return o ? n.toUpperCase() : n - }) - } - - function O() { - var e = !!document.querySelector("[md-layouts-disabled]"); - T.enabled = !e - } - - function P() { - return T.enabled = !1, { - restrict: "A", - priority: "900" - } - } - - function R(o) { - return ["$mdUtil", "$interpolate", "$log", function(e, t, n) { - return l = e, c = t, m = n, { - restrict: "A", - compile: function(e, t) { - var n; - return T.enabled && (B(o, z(o, t, ""), U(e, o, t)), r(null, e), n = r), n || be.noop - } - } - }]; - - function r(e, t) { - t.addClass(o) - } - } - - function F(e, t, n, o) { - var r, i = n[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(); - switch (e.replace(E, "")) { - case "flex": - "md-button" !== i && "fieldset" !== i || (r = "<" + i + " " + e + ">", "", "Markup '{0}' may not work as expected in IE Browsers. Consult '{1}' for details.", o.warn(l.supplant("Markup '{0}' may not work as expected in IE Browsers. Consult '{1}' for details.", [r, ""]))) - } - } - - function B(e, t, n) { - var o = t; - if (!j(t)) { - switch (e.replace(E, "")) { - case "layout": - q(t, M) || (t = M[0]); - break; - case "flex": - q(t, $) || isNaN(t) && (t = ""); - break; - case "flex-offset": - case "flex-order": - t && !isNaN(+t) || (t = "0"); - break; - case "layout-align": - var r = function(e) { - var t, n = { - main: "start", - cross: "stretch" - }; - 0 !== (e = e || "").indexOf("-") && 0 !== e.indexOf(" ") || (e = "none" + e); - (t = e.toLowerCase().trim().replace(v, "-").split("-")).length && "space" === t[0] && (t = [t[0] + "-" + t[1], t[2]]); - 0 < t.length && (n.main = t[0] || n.main); - 1 < t.length && (n.cross = t[1] || n.cross); - y.indexOf(n.main) < 0 && (n.main = "start"); - C.indexOf(n.cross) < 0 && (n.cross = "stretch"); - return n - }(t); - t = l.supplant("{main}-{cross}", r); - break; - case "layout-padding": - case "layout-margin": - case "layout-fill": - case "layout-wrap": - case "layout-nowrap": - t = "" - } - t !== o && (n || be.noop)(t) - } - return t ? t.trim() : "" - } - - function U(e, t, n) { - return function(e) { - j(e) || (n[n.$normalize(t)] = e) - } - } - - function j(e) { - return -1 < (e || "").indexOf(c.startSymbol()) - } - - function z(e, t, n) { - var o = t.$normalize(e); - return t[o] ? t[o].trim().replace(v, "-") : n || null - } - - function q(t, e, n) { - t = n && t ? t.replace(v, n) : t; - var o = !1; - return t && e.forEach(function(e) { - e = n ? e.replace(v, n) : e, o = o || e === t - }), o - } - - function V(e) { - this._$timeout = e, this._liveElement = this._createLiveElement(), this._announceTimeout = 100 - } - - function W(n, o) { - var r, i = [], - a = {}; - return r = { - notFoundError: function(e, t) { - n.error((t || "") + "No instance found for handle", e) - }, - getInstances: function() { - return i - }, - get: function(e) { - if (!d(e)) return null; - var t, n, o; - for (t = 0, n = i.length; t < n; t++) - if ((o = i[t]).$$mdHandle === e) return o; - return null - }, - register: function(t, e) { - return e ? (t.$$mdHandle = e, i.push(t), (n = a[e]) && (n.forEach(function(e) { - e.resolve(t) - }), delete a[e]), function() { - var e = i.indexOf(t); - 1 !== e && i.splice(e, 1) - }) : be.noop; - var n - }, - when: function(e) { - if (d(e)) { - var t = o.defer(), - n = r.get(e); - return n ? t.resolve(n) : (a[e] === ge && (a[e] = []), a[e].push(t)), t.promise - } - return o.reject("Invalid `md-component-id` value.") - } - }; - - function d(e) { - return e && "" !== e - } - } - - function Y(o) { - return { - attach: function(e, t, n) { - return n = be.extend(function(e) { - return e.hasClass("md-icon-button") ? { - isMenuItem: e.hasClass("md-menu-item"), - fitRipple: !0, - center: !0 - } : { - isMenuItem: e.hasClass("md-menu-item"), - dimBackground: !0 - } - }(t), n), o.attach(e, t, n) - } - } - } - - function K(o) { - return { - attach: function(e, t, n) { - return o.attach(e, t, be.extend({ - center: !0, - dimBackground: !1, - fitRipple: !0 - }, n)) - } - } - } - - function G(o) { - return { - attach: function(e, t, n) { - return o.attach(e, t, be.extend({ - center: !1, - dimBackground: !0, - outline: !1, - rippleSize: "full" - }, n)) - } - } - } - - function X(o) { - return { - attach: function(e, t, n) { - return o.attach(e, t, be.extend({ - center: !1, - dimBackground: !0, - outline: !1, - rippleSize: "full" - }, n)) - } - } - } - - function Z(l) { - var c = "virtual", - t = ["standard", c]; - - function m(e) { - return e ? (e = e.toLowerCase(), -1 < t.indexOf(e) ? e : c) : c - } - return { - controller: "MdAutocompleteCtrl", - controllerAs: "$mdAutocompleteCtrl", - scope: { - inputName: "@mdInputName", - inputMinlength: "@mdInputMinlength", - inputMaxlength: "@mdInputMaxlength", - searchText: "=?mdSearchText", - selectedItem: "=?mdSelectedItem", - itemsExpr: "@mdItems", - itemText: "&mdItemText", - placeholder: "@placeholder", - inputAriaDescribedBy: "@?inputAriaDescribedby", - inputAriaLabelledBy: "@?inputAriaLabelledby", - inputAriaLabel: "@?inputAriaLabel", - noCache: "=?mdNoCache", - requireMatch: "=?mdRequireMatch", - selectOnMatch: "=?mdSelectOnMatch", - matchInsensitive: "=?mdMatchCaseInsensitive", - itemChange: "&?mdSelectedItemChange", - textChange: "&?mdSearchTextChange", - minLength: "=?mdMinLength", - delay: "=?mdDelay", - autofocus: "=?mdAutofocus", - floatingLabel: "@?mdFloatingLabel", - autoselect: "=?mdAutoselect", - menuClass: "@?mdMenuClass", - menuContainerClass: "@?mdMenuContainerClass", - inputClass: "@?mdInputClass", - inputId: "@?mdInputId", - escapeOptions: "@?mdEscapeOptions", - dropdownItems: "=?mdDropdownItems", - dropdownPosition: "@?mdDropdownPosition", - clearButton: "=?mdClearButton", - selectedMessage: "@?mdSelectedMessage", - noMatchMessage: "@?mdNoMatchMessage", - singleMatchMessage: "@?mdSingleMatchMessage", - multipleMatchStartMessage: "@?mdMultipleMatchStartMessage", - multipleMatchEndMessage: "@?mdMultipleMatchEndMessage", - mdMode: "=?mdMode" - }, - compile: function(e, n) { - var o = e.find("input"); - return ["md-select-on-focus", "md-no-asterisk", "ng-trim", "ng-pattern"].forEach(function(e) { - var t = n[n.$normalize(e)]; - null !== t && o.attr(e, t) - }), - function(e, t, n, o) { - o.hasNotFound = !!t.attr("md-has-not-found"), be.isDefined(n.mdClearButton) || e.floatingLabel || (e.clearButton = !0), e.mdMode = m(n.mdMode), t.on("click touchstart touchend", function(e) { - e.stopPropagation() - }) - } - }, - template: function(n, e) { - var t, o, r = (t = n.find("md-not-found").detach(), (o = t.length ? t.html() : "") ? '
  • ' + o + "
  • " : ""), - i = function() { - var e = n.find("md-item-template").detach(), - t = e.length ? e.html() : n.html(); - e.length || n.empty(); - return "" + t + "" - }(), - a = n.html(), - d = e.tabindex; - return r && n.attr("md-has-not-found", !0), n.attr("tabindex", "-1"), " " + (e.mdFloatingLabel ? '
    ' + a + "
    " : ' ') + ' ' + function(e, t) { - if (e = e ? " " + e : "", s(t)) return '
    " : "") + " "; - - function s(e) { - return m(e) !== c - } - } - } - } - - function Q(e, c) { - return { - restrict: "AE", - compile: function(e, t, l) { - return function(n, t, e) { - var o, r, i = n.$mdAutocompleteCtrl, - a = i.parent.$new(), - d = i.itemName; - - function s(e, t) { - a[t] = n[e], n.$watch(e, function(e) { - c.nextTick(function() { - a[t] = e - }) - }) - } - s("$index", "$index"), s("item", d), r = o = !1, n.$watch(function() { - r || o || (o = !0, n.$$postDigest(function() { - r || a.$digest(), o = r = !1 - })) - }), a.$watch(function() { - r = !0 - }), l(a, function(e) { - t.after(e) - }) - } - }, - terminal: !0, - transclude: "element" - } - } - - function J(e, t, n, o) { - this.$scope = e, this.$element = t, this.$attrs = n, this.$mdUtil = o, this.regex = null - } - - function ee(n, o) { - return { - terminal: !0, - controller: "MdHighlightCtrl", - compile: function(e, t) { - var r = o(t.mdHighlightText), - i = n(e.html()); - return function(e, t, n, o) { - o.init(r, i) - } - } - } - } - - function te(n) { - return { - restrict: "E", - link: function(e, t) { - t.addClass("_md"), e.$on("$destroy", function() { - n.destroy() - }) - } - } - } - - function ne(e) { - t.$inject = ["$animate", "$mdConstant", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$mdBottomSheet", "$rootElement", "$mdGesture", "$log"]; - var u = .5, - p = 80; - return e("$mdBottomSheet").setDefaults({ - methods: ["disableParentScroll", "escapeToClose", "clickOutsideToClose"], - options: t - }); - - function t(o, a, d, r, s, i, l, c) { - var m; - return { - themable: !0, - onShow: function(e, t, n) { - if ((t = d.extractElementByName(t, "md-bottom-sheet")).attr("tabindex", "-1"), t.hasClass("ng-cloak")) { - c.warn("$mdBottomSheet: using `` will affect the bottom-sheet opening animations.", t[0]) - } - n.isLockedOpen ? (n.clickOutsideToClose = !1, n.escapeToClose = !1) : n.cleanupGestures = function(o, e) { - var t = l.register(e, "drag", { - horizontal: !1 - }); - return e.on("$md.dragstart", n).on("$md.drag", r).on("$md.dragend", i), - function() { - t(),"$md.dragstart", n),"$md.drag", r),"$md.dragend", i) - }; - - function n() { - o.css(a.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION, "0ms") - } - - function r(e) { - var t = e.pointer.distanceY; - t < 5 && (t = Math.max(-p, t / 2)), o.css(a.CSS.TRANSFORM, "translate3d(0," + (p + t) + "px,0)") - } - - function i(e) { - if (0 < e.pointer.distanceY && (20 < e.pointer.distanceY || Math.abs(e.pointer.velocityY) > u)) { - var t = o.prop("offsetHeight") - e.pointer.distanceY, - n = Math.min(t / e.pointer.velocityY * .75, 500); - o.css(a.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION, n + "ms"), d.nextTick(s.cancel, !0) - } else o.css(a.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION, ""), o.css(a.CSS.TRANSFORM, "") - } - }(t, n.parent); - n.disableBackdrop || ((m = d.createBackdrop(e, "md-bottom-sheet-backdrop md-opaque"))[0].tabIndex = -1, n.clickOutsideToClose && m.on("click", function() { - d.nextTick(s.cancel, !0) - }), r.inherit(m, n.parent), o.enter(m, n.parent, null)); - r.inherit(t, n.parent), n.disableParentScroll && (n.restoreScroll = d.disableScrollAround(t, n.parent)); - return o.enter(t, n.parent, m).then(function() { - var e = d.findFocusTarget(t) || be.element(t[0].querySelector("button") || t[0].querySelector("a") || t[0].querySelector(d.prefixer("ng-click", !0))) || m; - n.escapeToClose && (n.rootElementKeyupCallback = function(e) { - e.keyCode === a.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE && d.nextTick(s.cancel, !0) - }, i.on("keyup", n.rootElementKeyupCallback), e && e.focus()) - }) - }, - onRemove: function(e, t, n) { - n.disableBackdrop || o.leave(m); - return o.leave(t).then(function() { - n.disableParentScroll && (n.restoreScroll(), delete n.restoreScroll), n.cleanupGestures && n.cleanupGestures() - }) - }, - disableBackdrop: !1, - escapeToClose: !0, - clickOutsideToClose: !0, - disableParentScroll: !0, - isLockedOpen: !1 - } - } - } - - function oe(n) { - return { - restrict: "E", - link: function(e, t) { - n(t) - } - } - } - - function re(o, r, i, a) { - return { - restrict: "EA", - replace: !0, - transclude: !0, - template: function(e, t) { - { - return d(t) ? '' : '' - } - }, - link: function(e, t, n) { - r(t), o.attach(e, t), i.expectWithoutText(t, "aria-label"), d(n) && be.isDefined(n.ngDisabled) && !t.hasClass("_md-nav-button") && e.$watch(n.ngDisabled, function(e) { - t.attr("tabindex", e ? -1 : 0) - }); - t.on("click", function(e) { - !0 === n.disabled && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation()) - }), t.hasClass("md-no-focus") || (t.on("focus", function() { - a.isUserInvoked() && "keyboard" !== a.getLastInteractionType() || t.addClass("md-focused") - }), t.on("blur", function() { - t.removeClass("md-focused") - })) - } - }; - - function d(e) { - return be.isDefined(e.href) || be.isDefined(e.ngHref) || be.isDefined(e.ngLink) || be.isDefined(e.uiSref) - } - } - - function ie(o) { - return { - restrict: "E", - link: function(e, t, n) { - t.addClass("_md"), o(t) - } - } - } - - function ae(h, f, b, g, E, v) { - return h = h[0], { - restrict: "E", - transclude: !0, - require: ["^?mdInputContainer", "?ngModel", "?^form"], - priority: b.BEFORE_NG_ARIA, - template: '
    ', - compile: function(e, t) { - return t.$set("tabindex", t.tabindex || "0"), t.$set("type", "checkbox"), t.$set("role", t.type), e.addClass("md-auto-horizontal-margin"), { - pre: function(e, t) { - t.on("click", function(e) { - this.hasAttribute("disabled") && e.stopImmediatePropagation() - }) - }, - post: function(o, r, i, e) { - var t, n = e[0], - a = e[1] || E.fakeNgModel(), - d = e[2], - s = 0 < r.find("a").length; - if (s) { - var l = "label-" + E.nextUid(); - i.$set("aria-labelledby", l); - var c = r.children()[1]; - be.element(c).remove(), c.removeAttribute("ng-transclude"), c.className = "md-checkbox-link-label", c.setAttribute("id", l), r.after(c),"click", u) - } - if (n) { - var m = n.isErrorGetter || function() { - return a.$invalid && (a.$touched || d && d.$submitted) - }; - n.input = r, o.$watch(m, n.setInvalid) - } - g(r), r.children().on("focus", function() { - r.focus() - }), E.parseAttributeBoolean(i.mdIndeterminate) && (p(), o.$watch(i.mdIndeterminate, p)); - i.ngChecked && o.$watch(o.$eval.bind(o, i.ngChecked), function(e) { - a.$setViewValue(e), a.$render() - }); - (function(e, t, n) { - i[e] && o.$watch(i[e], function(e) { - n[e] && r.attr(t, n[e]) - }) - })("ngDisabled", "tabindex", { - true: "-1", - false: i.tabindex - }), s || f.expectWithText(r, "aria-label"); - - function u(t) { - r[0].hasAttribute("disabled") || o.skipToggle || "A" === || o.$apply(function() { - var e = i.ngChecked && i.ngClick ? i.checked : !a.$viewValue; - a.$setViewValue(e, t && t.type), a.$render() - }) - } - - function p(e) { - (t = !1 !== e) && r.attr("aria-checked", "mixed"), r.toggleClass("md-indeterminate", t), a.$render() - } -, { - on: be.noop, - 0: {} - }, i, [a]), r.on("click", u).on("keypress", function(e) { - var t, n, o = e.which || e.keyCode; - switch (e.preventDefault(), o) { - case b.KEY_CODE.SPACE: - r.addClass("md-focused"), u(e); - break; - case b.KEY_CODE.ENTER: - (n = E.getClosest(, "form")) && (t = n.querySelector('button[type="submit"]:enabled, input[type="submit"]:enabled')) && - } - }).on("focus", function() { - "keyboard" === v.getLastInteractionType() && r.addClass("md-focused") - }).on("blur", function() { - r.removeClass("md-focused") - }), a.$render = function() { - var e = !!a.$viewValue && !t; - r.toggleClass("md-checked", e), t || (e ? r.attr("aria-checked", "true") : r.attr("aria-checked", "false")) - } - } - } - } - } - } - - function de(e, t, n, o, r) { - this.$scope = e, this.$element = t, this.$mdConstant = n, this.$timeout = o, this.$mdUtil = r, this.isEditing = !1, this.parentController = ge, this.enableChipEdit = !1 - } - - function se(d, e, t, s) { - return { - restrict: "E", - require: ["^?mdChips", "mdChip"], - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o.shift(), - i = o.shift(), - a = be.element(t[0].querySelector(".md-chip-content")); - d(t), r && (i.init(r), a.on("blur", function() { - r.resetSelectedChip(), r.$scope.$applyAsync() - })); - s(function() { - r && r.shouldFocusLastChip && r.focusLastChipThenInput() - }) - }, - controller: "MdChipCtrl" - } - } - - function le(r) { - return { - restrict: "A", - require: "^mdChips", - scope: !1, - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - t.on("click", function() { - e.$apply(function() { - o.removeChip(e.$$replacedScope.$index) - }) - }), r(function() { - t.attr({ - tabindex: "-1", - "aria-hidden": "true" - }), t.find("button").attr("tabindex", "-1") - }) - } - } - } - - function ce(a) { - return { - restrict: "EA", - terminal: !0, - link: function(e, t, n) { - var o = e.$parent.$mdChipsCtrl, - r = o.parent.$new(!1, o.parent); - r.$$replacedScope = e, r.$chip = e.$chip, r.$index = e.$index; - var i = (r.$mdChipsCtrl = o).$scope.$eval(n.mdChipTransclude); - t.html(i), a(t.contents())(r) - }, - scope: !1 - } - } - - function me(e, t, n) { - this.$element = t, this.$attrs = e, this.$timeout = n, this.selectedItem = null, this.searchText = "", this.deRegister = [], this.init() - } - - function ue(n) { - return { - restrict: "E", - controller: ["$scope", "$element", function(e, t) { - this.$scope = e, this.$element = t - }], - link: function(e, t) { - t.addClass("_md"), n(t), e.$broadcast("$mdContentLoaded", t), - function(t) { - be.element(t).on("$md.pressdown", function(e) { - "t" === e.pointer.type && (e.$materialScrollFixed || (e.$materialScrollFixed = !0, 0 === t.scrollTop ? t.scrollTop = 1 : t.scrollHeight === t.scrollTop + t.offsetHeight && (t.scrollTop -= 1))) - }) - }(t[0]) - } - } - } - - function pe(e, t) { - var d = e('')({})[0]; - return { - require: ["^^mdCalendar", "^^mdCalendarMonth", "mdCalendarMonthBody"], - scope: { - offset: "=mdMonthOffset" - }, - controller: he, - controllerAs: "mdMonthBodyCtrl", - bindToController: !0, - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o[0], - i = o[1], - a = o[2]; - a.calendarCtrl = r, a.monthCtrl = i, a.arrowIcon = d.cloneNode(!0), e.$watch(function() { - return a.offset - }, function(e) { - be.isNumber(e) && a.generateContent() - }) - } - } - } - - function he(e, t, n) { - this.$element = e, this.dateUtil = t, this.dateLocale = n, this.monthCtrl = null, this.calendarCtrl = null, this.offset = null, this.focusAfterAppend = null - } - - function fe(e, t, n) { - this.$element = e, this.dateUtil = t, this.dateLocale = n, this.calendarCtrl = null, this.yearCtrl = null, this.offset = null, this.focusAfterAppend = null - } - - function Ee(e, t, i) { - return { - restrict: "E", - link: function(o, r) { - r.addClass("_md"), t(r), e(function() { - var e, t = r[0].querySelector("md-dialog-content"); - - function n() { - r.toggleClass("md-content-overflow", t.scrollHeight > t.clientHeight) - } - t && (e = t.getElementsByTagName("img"), n(), be.element(e).on("load", n)), o.$on("$destroy", function() { - i.destroy(r) - }) - }) - } - } - } - - function ve(e) { - var g, E, v; - return n.$inject = ["$mdDialog", "$mdConstant"], o.$inject = ["$mdDialog", "$mdAria", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$animate", "$document", "$window", "$rootElement", "$log", "$injector", "$mdTheming", "$interpolate", "$mdInteraction"], e("$mdDialog").setDefaults({ - methods: ["disableParentScroll", "hasBackdrop", "clickOutsideToClose", "escapeToClose", "targetEvent", "closeTo", "openFrom", "parent", "fullscreen", "multiple"], - options: o - }).addPreset("alert", { - methods: ["title", "htmlContent", "textContent", "ariaLabel", "ok", "theme", "css"], - options: t - }).addPreset("confirm", { - methods: ["title", "htmlContent", "textContent", "ariaLabel", "ok", "cancel", "theme", "css"], - options: t - }).addPreset("prompt", { - methods: ["title", "htmlContent", "textContent", "initialValue", "placeholder", "ariaLabel", "ok", "cancel", "theme", "css", "required"], - options: t - }); - - function t() { - return { - template: ['', ' ', '

    {{ dialog.title }}

    ', '
    ', '
    ', "


    ", "
    ", ' ', ' ', " ", "
    ", " ", ' ', " {{ dialog.cancel }}", " ", ' ', " {{ dialog.ok }}", " ", " ", "
    "].join("").replace(/\s\s+/g, ""), - controller: n, - controllerAs: "dialog", - bindToController: !0 - } - } - - function n(o, r) { - this.$onInit = function() { - var n = "prompt" === this.$type; - n && this.initialValue && (this.result = this.initialValue), this.hide = function() { - o.hide(!n || this.result) - }, this.abort = function() { - o.cancel() - }, this.keypress = function(e) { - var t = n && this.required && !be.isDefined(this.result); - e.keyCode !== r.KEY_CODE.ENTER || t || o.hide(this.result) - } - } - } - - function o(u, d, p, h, r, s, f, i, a, l, t, c, m) { - return { - hasBackdrop: !0, - isolateScope: !0, - onCompiling: function(e) { - e.defaultTheme = t.defaultTheme(), - function(t) { - var e; - t.targetEvent && && (e = be.element(; - var n = e && e.controller("mdTheme"); - if (t.hasTheme = !!n, !t.hasTheme) return; - t.themeWatch = n.$shouldWatch; - var o = t.theme || n.$mdTheme; - o && (t.scope.theme = o); - var r = n.registerChanges(function(e) { - t.scope.theme = e, t.themeWatch || r() - }) - }(e) - }, - onShow: function(e, t, n) { - be.element(s[0].body).addClass("md-dialog-is-showing"); - var o = t.find("md-dialog"); - if (o.hasClass("ng-cloak")) { - a.warn("$mdDialog: using `` will affect the dialog opening animations.", t[0]) - } - return function(e) { - e.origin = be.extend({ - element: null, - bounds: null, - focus: be.noop - }, e.origin || {}), e.parent = n(e.parent, i), e.closeTo = t(n(e.closeTo)), e.openFrom = t(n(e.openFrom)), e.targetEvent && (e.origin = t(, e.origin), e.originInteraction = m.getLastInteractionType()); - - function t(e, t) { - var n = be.element(e || {}); - if (n && n.length) { - var o = be.isFunction(n[0].getBoundingClientRect); - return be.extend(t || {}, { - element: o ? n : ge, - bounds: o ? n[0].getBoundingClientRect() : be.extend({}, { - top: 0, - left: 0, - height: 0, - width: 0 - }, n[0]), - focus: be.bind(n, n.focus) - }) - } - } - - function n(e, t) { - return be.isString(e) && (e = s[0].querySelector(e)), be.element(e || t) - } - }(n), - function(n, t) { - var e = "alert" === t.$type ? "alertdialog" : "dialog", - o = n.find("md-dialog-content"), - r = n.attr("id"), - i = "dialogContent_" + (r || p.nextUid()); - n.attr({ - role: e, - tabIndex: "-1" - }), 0 === o.length && (o = n, r && (i = r)); - o.attr("id", i), n.attr("aria-describedby", i), t.ariaLabel ? d.expect(n, "aria-label", t.ariaLabel) : d.expectAsync(n, "aria-label", function() { - if (t.title) return t.title; - var e = o.text().split(/\s+/); - return 3 < e.length && (e = e.slice(0, 3).concat("...")), e.join(" ") - }); - (g = document.createElement("div")).classList.add("md-dialog-focus-trap"), g.tabIndex = 0, E = g.cloneNode(!1); - - function a(e) { - if ( && && "MD-DIALOG" === { - var t = p.getLastTabbableElement(n[0]); - be.isElement(t) && t.focus() - } else n.focus() - } - g.addEventListener("focus", a), E.addEventListener("focus", a), v = function() { - g.removeEventListener("focus", a), E.removeEventListener("focus", a), g && g.parentNode && g.parentNode.removeChild(g), E && E.parentNode && E.parentNode.removeChild(E) - }, n[0].parentNode.insertBefore(g, n[0]), n.after(E) - }(o, n), - function(e, t, n) { - n.disableParentScroll && (n.restoreScroll = p.disableScrollAround(t, n.parent)); - n.hasBackdrop && (n.backdrop = p.createBackdrop(e, "md-dialog-backdrop md-opaque"), r.enter(n.backdrop, n.parent)); - n.hideBackdrop = function(e) { - n.backdrop && (e ? n.backdrop.remove() : r.leave(n.backdrop)), n.disableParentScroll && (n.restoreScroll && n.restoreScroll(), delete n.restoreScroll), n.hideBackdrop = null - } - }(e, t, n), - function(e, t) { - function n() { - var e = "alert" === t.$type ? u.hide : u.cancel; - p.nextTick(e, !0) - } - var o = be.element(f), - r = p.debounce(function() { - b(e, t) - }, 60), - i = []; - if (t.escapeToClose) { - var a = t.parent, - d = function(e) { - e.keyCode === h.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE && (e.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.preventDefault(), n()) - }; - e.on("keydown", d), a.on("keydown", d), i.push(function() { -"keydown", d),"keydown", d) - }) - } - if (o.on("resize", r), i.push(function() { -"resize", r) - }), t.clickOutsideToClose) { - var s, l = e, - c = function(e) { - s = - }, - m = function(e) { - s === l[0] && === l[0] && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), n()) - }; - l.on("mousedown", c), l.on("mouseup", m), i.push(function() { -"mousedown", c),"mouseup", m) - }) - } - t.deactivateListeners = function() { - i.forEach(function(e) { - e() - }), t.deactivateListeners = null - } - }(t, n), - function(e, t) { - t.parent.append(e), t.reverseContainerStretch = b(e, t); - var n = e.find("md-dialog"), - o = p.dom.animator, - r = o.calculateZoomToOrigin, - i = { - transitionInClass: "md-transition-in", - transitionOutClass: "md-transition-out" - }, - a = o.toTransformCss(r(n, t.openFrom || t.origin)), - d = o.toTransformCss(""); - return n.toggleClass("md-dialog-fullscreen", !!t.fullscreen), o.translate3d(n, a, d, i).then(function(e) { - return t.reverseAnimate = function() { - return delete t.reverseAnimate, t.closeTo ? (i = { - transitionInClass: "md-transition-out", - transitionOutClass: "md-transition-in" - }, a = d, d = o.toTransformCss(r(n, t.closeTo)), o.translate3d(n, a, d, i)) : e(d = o.toTransformCss(r(n, t.origin))) - }, t.clearAnimate = function() { - return delete t.clearAnimate, n.removeClass([i.transitionOutClass, i.transitionInClass].join(" ")), o.translate3d(n, d, o.toTransformCss(""), {}) - }, !0 - }) - }(t, n).then(function() { - ! function(e, t) { - var o = !0; - - function n(e) { - for (var t = function(e) { - for (var t, n = []; e.parentNode;) { - if (e === document.body) return n; - for (var o = e.parentNode.children, r = 0; r < o.length; r++) e === o[r] || (t = o[r], -1 !== ["SCRIPT", "STYLE"].indexOf(t.nodeName)) || o[r].hasAttribute("aria-live") || n.push(o[r]); - e = e.parentNode - } - return n - }(e), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n].setAttribute("aria-hidden", o) - } - n(e[0]), t.unlockScreenReader = function() { - o = !1, n(e[0]), t.unlockScreenReader = null - } - }(t, n), - function() { - if (n.focusOnOpen) { - (p.findFocusTarget(t) || t[0].querySelector(".dialog-close, md-dialog-actions button:last-child") || o).focus() - } - }() - }) - }, - onShowing: function(e, t, n, o) { - if (o) { - var r = o.htmlContent || n.htmlContent || "", - i = o.textContent || n.textContent || ""; - if (r && !l.has("$sanitize")) throw Error("The ngSanitize module must be loaded in order to use htmlContent."); - if (r && i) throw Error("md-dialog cannot have both `htmlContent` and `textContent`"); - o.mdHtmlContent = r, o.mdTextContent = i - } - }, - onRemove: function(e, t, n) { - n.deactivateListeners(), n.unlockScreenReader(), n.hideBackdrop(n.$destroy), v && (v(), v = null); - return n.$destroy ? o() : function(e, t) { - return t.reverseAnimate().then(function() { - t.contentElement && t.clearAnimate() - }) - }(0, n).then(o); - - function o() { - be.element(s[0].body).removeClass("md-dialog-is-showing"), n.contentElement && n.reverseContainerStretch(), n.cleanupElement(), n.$destroy || "keyboard" !== n.originInteraction || n.origin.focus() - } - }, - clickOutsideToClose: !1, - escapeToClose: !0, - targetEvent: null, - closeTo: null, - openFrom: null, - focusOnOpen: !0, - disableParentScroll: !0, - autoWrap: !0, - fullscreen: !1, - transformTemplate: function(e, t) { - var n, o = c.startSymbol(), - r = c.endSymbol(), - i = o + (t.themeWatch ? "" : "::") + "theme" + r; - return '
    " + (n = e, t.autoWrap && !/<\/md-dialog>/g.test(n) ? "" + (n || "") + "" : n || "") + "
    " - } - }; - - function b(e, t) { - var n = "fixed" === f.getComputedStyle(s[0].body).position, - o = t.backdrop ? f.getComputedStyle(t.backdrop[0]) : null, - r = o ? Math.min(s[0].body.clientHeight, Math.ceil(Math.abs(parseInt(o.height, 10)))) : 0, - i = { - top: e.css("top"), - height: e.css("height") - }, - a = Math.abs(t.parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().top); - return e.css({ - top: (n ? a : 0) + "px", - height: r ? r + "px" : "100%" - }), - function() { - e.css(i) - } - } - } - } - - function $e(e) { - return { - restrict: "E", - link: e - } - } - - function Me(i) { - return { - restrict: "E", - require: ["^?mdFabSpeedDial", "^?mdFabToolbar"], - compile: function(e, t) { - var n, o = e.children(), - r = i.prefixer().hasAttribute(o, "ng-repeat"); - n = e.find("md-button"), be.forEach(n, function(e) { - e.setAttribute("tabindex", -1) - }), r ? o.addClass("md-fab-action-item") : o.wrap('
    ') - } - } - } - - function ye(t, i, a, d, r, n) { - var o, s = this, - e = 0; - - function l(e) { - "click" == e.type && function(e) { - var t = ? function(e) { - return d.getClosest(e, "button") || d.getClosest(e, "md-button") - }( : null; - t && !t.disabled && (! function(e) { - return d.getClosest(e, "md-fab-trigger") - }( || s.toggle()); - ! function(e) { - return d.getClosest(e, "md-fab-actions") - }( || s.close() - }(e), "focusout" != e.type || o || (o = n(function() { - s.close() - }, 100, !1)), "focusin" == e.type && o && (n.cancel(o), o = null) - } - - function c() { - s.currentActionIndex = -1 - } - - function m() { - 0 < i[0].scrollHeight ? a.addClass(i, "_md-animations-ready").then(function() { - i.removeClass("md-animations-waiting") - }) : e < 10 && (n(m, 100), e += 1) - } - - function u() { -"keydown", h), be.element(document).off("click touchend", p) - } - - function p(e) { - if ( { - var t = d.getClosest(, "md-fab-trigger"), - n = d.getClosest(, "md-fab-actions"); - t || n || s.close() - } - } - - function h(e) { - switch (e.which) { - case r.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE: - return s.close(), e.preventDefault(), !1; - case r.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW: - return function(e) { - "left" === s.direction ? b(e) : f(e) - }(e), !1; - case r.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW: - return function(e) { - "down" === s.direction ? f(e) : b(e) - }(e), !1; - case r.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW: - return function(e) { - "left" === s.direction ? f(e) : b(e) - }(e), !1; - case r.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW: - return function(e) { - "up" === s.direction ? f(e) : b(e) - }(e), !1; - case r.KEY_CODE.TAB: - return function(e) { - e.shiftKey ? f(e) : b(e) - }(e), !1 - } - } - - function f(e) { - g(e, -1) - } - - function b(e) { - g(e, 1) - } - - function g(e, t) { - var n = E()[0].querySelectorAll(".md-fab-action-item"), - o = s.currentActionIndex; - s.currentActionIndex = s.currentActionIndex + t, s.currentActionIndex = Math.min(n.length - 1, s.currentActionIndex), s.currentActionIndex = Math.max(0, s.currentActionIndex), e.which === r.KEY_CODE.TAB && o === s.currentActionIndex || (be.element(n[s.currentActionIndex]).children()[0].focus(), e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation()) - } - - function E() { - return i.find("md-fab-actions") - } - = function() { - t.$evalAsync("ctrl.isOpen = true") - }, s.close = function() { - t.$evalAsync("ctrl.isOpen = false"), i.find("md-fab-trigger")[0].focus() - }, s.toggle = function() { - t.$evalAsync("ctrl.isOpen = !ctrl.isOpen") - }, s.$onInit = function() { - s.direction = s.direction || "down", s.isOpen = s.isOpen || !1, c(), i.addClass("md-animations-waiting"), - function() { - var e = ["click", "focusin", "focusout"]; - be.forEach(e, function(e) { - i.on(e, l) - }), t.$on("$destroy", function() { - be.forEach(e, function(e) { -, l) - }), u() - }) - }(), - function() { - var o, r; - t.$watch("ctrl.direction", function(e, t) { - a.removeClass(i, "md-" + t), a.addClass(i, "md-" + e), c() - }), t.$watch("ctrl.isOpen", function(e) { - c(), o && r || (o = i.find("md-fab-trigger"), r = E()), e ? (i.on("keydown", h), d.nextTick(function() { - be.element(document).on("click touchend", p) - })) : u(); - var t = e ? "md-is-open" : "", - n = e ? "" : "md-is-open"; - o.attr("aria-haspopup", !0), o.attr("aria-expanded", e), r.attr("aria-hidden", !e), a.setClass(i, t, n) - }) - }(), m() - }, 1 === be.version.major && be.version.minor <= 4 && this.$onInit() - } - - function Ce() { - function o(e, t) { - if (t) { - var n = e[0], - o = e.controller("mdFabToolbar"), - r = n.querySelector(".md-fab-toolbar-background"), - i = n.querySelector("md-fab-trigger button"), - a = n.querySelector("md-toolbar"), - d = n.querySelector("md-fab-trigger button md-icon"), - s = e.find("md-fab-actions").children(); - if (i && r) { - var l = L.getComputedStyle(i).getPropertyValue("background-color"), - c = n.offsetWidth, - m = (n.offsetHeight, c / i.offsetWidth * 2); - = l, = c + "px", o.isOpen ? ( = "inherit", = i.offsetWidth + "px", = i.offsetHeight + "px", = "scale(" + m + ")", = "0ms", d && ( = ".3s"), be.forEach(s, function(e, t) { - = 25 * (s.length - t) + "ms" - })) : ( = "none", = "scale(1)", = "0", e.hasClass("md-right") && ( = "0", = null), e.hasClass("md-left") && ( = "0", = null), = "200ms", d && ( = "0ms"), be.forEach(s, function(e, t) { - = 200 + 25 * t + "ms" - })) - } - } - } - return { - addClass: function(e, t, n) { - o(e, t), n() - }, - removeClass: function(e, t, n) { - o(e, t), n() - } - } - } - - function Te(u, g, E, v, $) { - return { - restrict: "E", - controller: Ae, - scope: { - mdOnLayout: "&" - }, - link: function(n, i, p, t) { - i.addClass("_md"), i.attr("role", "list"), t.layoutDelegate = function(e) { - var o = [], function(e) { - return "MD-GRID-TILE" == e.tagName && !e.$$mdDestroyed - }), - r = { - tileSpans: function(e) { - return [], function(e) { - var t = be.element(e).controller("mdGridTile"); - return { - row: parseInt(v.getResponsiveAttribute(t.$attrs, "md-rowspan"), 10) || 1, - col: parseInt(v.getResponsiveAttribute(t.$attrs, "md-colspan"), 10) || 1 - } - }) - }(o), - colCount: function() { - var e = parseInt(v.getResponsiveAttribute(p, "md-cols"), 10); - if (isNaN(e)) throw "md-grid-list: md-cols attribute was not found, or contained a non-numeric value"; - return e - }(), - rowMode: c(), - rowHeight: function() { - var e = v.getResponsiveAttribute(p, "md-row-height"); - if (!e) throw "md-grid-list: md-row-height attribute was not found"; - switch (c()) { - case "fixed": - return m(e); - case "ratio": - var t = e.split(":"); - return parseFloat(t[0]) / parseFloat(t[1]); - case "fit": - return 0 - } - }(), - gutter: m(v.getResponsiveAttribute(p, "md-gutter") || 1) - }; - if (!e && be.equals(r, a)) return; - var t = E(r.colCount, r.tileSpans, o).map(function(e, n) { - return { - grid: { - element: i, - style: function(e, t, n, o, r) { - var i = {}; - switch (o) { - case "fixed": - i.height = b({ - unit: r, - span: t, - gutter: n - }), i.paddingBottom = ""; - break; - case "ratio": - var a = h({ - share: 1 / r * (1 / e * 100), - gutterShare: 1 === e ? 0 : (e - 1) / e, - gutter: n - }); - i.height = "", i.paddingBottom = b({ - unit: a, - span: t, - gutter: n - }) - } - return i - }(r.colCount, n, r.gutter, r.rowMode, r.rowHeight) - }, - tiles:, t) { - return { - element: be.element(o[t]), - style: function(e, t, n, o, r, i, a) { - var d = 1 / n * 100, - s = (n - 1) / n, - l = h({ - share: d, - gutterShare: s, - gutter: r - }), - c = $.isRtl(p) ? { - right: f({ - unit: l, - offset: e.col, - gutter: r - }), - width: b({ - unit: l, - span: t.col, - gutter: r - }), - paddingTop: "", - marginTop: "", - top: "", - height: "" - } : { - left: f({ - unit: l, - offset: e.col, - gutter: r - }), - width: b({ - unit: l, - span: t.col, - gutter: r - }), - paddingTop: "", - marginTop: "", - top: "", - height: "" - }; - switch (i) { - case "fixed": - = f({ - unit: a, - offset: e.row, - gutter: r - }), c.height = b({ - unit: a, - span: t.row, - gutter: r - }); - break; - case "ratio": - var m = d / a, - u = h({ - share: m, - gutterShare: s, - gutter: r - }); - c.paddingTop = b({ - unit: u, - span: t.row, - gutter: r - }), c.marginTop = f({ - unit: u, - offset: e.row, - gutter: r - }); - break; - case "fit": - u = h({ - share: m = 1 / o * 100, - gutterShare: (o - 1) / o, - gutter: r - }), = f({ - unit: u, - offset: e.row, - gutter: r - }), c.height = b({ - unit: u, - span: t.row, - gutter: r - }) - } - return c - }(e.position, e.spans, r.colCount, n, r.gutter, r.rowMode, r.rowHeight) - } - }) - } - }).reflow().performance(); - n.mdOnLayout({ - $event: { - performance: t - } - }), a = r - }; - var a, o = be.bind(t, t.invalidateLayout), - r = function() { - for (var e in g.MEDIA) v(e), v.getQuery(g.MEDIA[e]).addListener(o); - return v.watchResponsiveAttributes(["md-cols", "md-row-height", "md-gutter"], p, d) - }(); - - function d(e) { - null == e ? t.invalidateLayout() : v(e) && t.invalidateLayout() - } - n.$on("$destroy", function() { - for (var e in t.layoutDelegate = be.noop, r(), g.MEDIA) v.getQuery(g.MEDIA[e]).removeListener(o) - }); - var s = u.startSymbol(), - l = u.endSymbol(); - - function e(e) { - return s + e + l - } - var h = u(e("share") + "% - (" + e("gutter") + " * " + e("gutterShare") + ")"), - f = u("calc((" + e("unit") + " + " + e("gutter") + ") * " + e("offset") + ")"), - b = u("calc((" + e("unit") + ") * " + e("span") + " + (" + e("span") + " - 1) * " + e("gutter") + ")"); - - function c() { - var e = v.getResponsiveAttribute(p, "md-row-height"); - if (!e) throw "md-grid-list: md-row-height attribute was not found"; - return "fit" == e ? "fit" : -1 !== e.indexOf(":") ? "ratio" : "fixed" - } - - function m(e) { - return /\D$/.test(e) ? e : e + "px" - } - } - } - } - - function Ae(e) { - this.layoutInvalidated = !1, this.tilesInvalidated = !1, this.$timeout_ = e.nextTick, this.layoutDelegate = be.noop - } - - function we(s) { - var l = t; - return e.animateWith = function(e) { - l = be.isFunction(e) ? e : t - }, e; - - function e(e, t) { - var n, o, r, i, a, d; - return i = s.time(function() { - o = function(r, e) { - var i = 0, - a = 0, - d = function() { - for (var e = [], t = 0; t < r; t++) e.push(0); - return e - }(); - return { - positioning:, t) { - return { - spans: e, - position: function(e, t) { - if (e.col > r) throw "md-grid-list: Tile at position " + t + " has a colspan (" + e.col + ") that exceeds the column count (" + r + ")"; - var n = 0, - o = 0; - for (; o - n < e.col;) r <= i ? s() : -1 !== (n = d.indexOf(0, i)) && -1 !== (o = c(n + 1)) ? i = o + 1 : (n = o = 0, s()); - return l(n, e.col, e.row), i = n + e.col, { - col: n, - row: a - } - }(e, t) - } - }), - rowCount: a + Math.max.apply(Math, d) - }; - - function s() { - a++, l(i = 0, r, -1) - } - - function l(e, t, n) { - for (var o = e; o < e + t; o++) d[o] = Math.max(d[o] + n, 0) - } - - function c(e) { - var t; - for (t = e; t < d.length; t++) - if (0 !== d[t]) return t; - if (t === d.length) return t - } - }(e, t) - }), n = { - layoutInfo: function() { - return o - }, - map: function(t) { - return a = s.time(function() { - var e = n.layoutInfo(); - r = t(e.positioning, e.rowCount) - }), n - }, - reflow: function(e) { - return d = s.time(function() { - (e || l)(r.grid, r.tiles) - }), n - }, - performance: function() { - return { - tileCount: t.length, - layoutTime: i, - mapTime: a, - reflowTime: d, - totalTime: i + a + d - } - } - } - } - - function t(e, t) { - e.element.css(, t.forEach(function(e) { - e.element.css( - }) - } - } - - function _e(i) { - return { - restrict: "E", - require: "^mdGridList", - template: "
    ", - transclude: !0, - scope: {}, - controller: ["$attrs", function(e) { - this.$attrs = e - }], - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - t.attr("role", "listitem"); - var r = i.watchResponsiveAttributes(["md-colspan", "md-rowspan"], n, be.bind(o, o.invalidateLayout)); - o.invalidateTiles(), e.$on("$destroy", function() { - t[0].$$mdDestroyed = !0, r(), o.invalidateLayout() - }), be.isDefined(e.$parent.$index) && e.$watch(function() { - return e.$parent.$index - }, function(e, t) { - e !== t && o.invalidateTiles() - }) - } - } - } - - function ke() { - return { - template: "
    ", - transclude: !0 - } - } - - function xe(t) { - return { - restrict: "E", - compile: function(e) { - return e[0].setAttribute("role", "list"), t - } - } - } - - function Ne(m, u, p, h) { - var f = ["md-checkbox", "md-switch", "md-menu"]; - return { - restrict: "E", - controller: "MdListController", - compile: function(r, o) { - var e, i, t, n = r[0].querySelectorAll(".md-secondary"), - a = r; - if (r[0].setAttribute("role", "listitem"), o.ngClick || o.ngDblclick || o.ngHref || o.href || o.uiSref || o.ngAttrUiSref) s("button"); - else if (!r.hasClass("md-no-proxy")) { - for (var d = 0; d < f.length; ++d) - if (null !== (i = r[0].querySelector(f[d]))) { - e = !0; - break - } e ? s("div") : r.addClass("md-no-proxy") - } - - function s(e) { - if ("div" === e)(a = be.element('
    ')).append(r.contents()), r.addClass("md-proxy-focus"); - else { - a = be.element('
    '); - var t = be.element(''); - if (l(r[0], t[0]), !t.attr("aria-label")) { - t.attr("aria-label", m.getText(r)); - var n = a[0].querySelector(".md-list-item-inner"); - n && n.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true") - } - r.hasClass("md-no-focus") && t.addClass("md-no-focus"), a.prepend(t), a.children().eq(1).append(r.contents()), r.addClass("_md-button-wrap") - } - r[0].setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), r.append(a) - } - - function l(t, n, e) { - var o = p.prefixer(["ng-if", "ng-click", "ng-dblclick", "aria-label", "ng-disabled", "ui-sref", "href", "ng-href", "rel", "target", "ng-attr-ui-sref", "ui-sref-opts", "download"]); - e && (o = o.concat(p.prefixer(e))), be.forEach(o, function(e) { - t.hasAttribute(e) && (n.setAttribute(e, t.getAttribute(e)), t.removeAttribute(e)) - }) - } - - function c(e) { - for (var t = e.attributes, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) - if ("ngClick" === o.$normalize(t[n].name)) return !0; - return !1 - } - return t = be.element('
    '), be.forEach(n, function(e) { - ! function(e, t) { - if (e && ! function(e) { - var t = e.nodeName.toUpperCase(); - return "MD-BUTTON" === t || "BUTTON" === t - }(e) && e.hasAttribute("ng-click")) { - m.expect(e, "aria-label"); - var n = be.element(''); - l(e, n[0], ["ng-if", "ng-hide", "ng-show"]), e.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), n.append(e), e = n[0] - } - e && (!c(e) || !o.ngClick && function(e) { - return -1 !== f.indexOf(e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) - }(e)) && be.element(e).removeClass("md-secondary"), r.addClass("md-with-secondary"), t.append(e) - }(e, t) - }), a.append(t), - function() { - for (var e, t = ["md-switch", "md-checkbox"], n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) - if ((e = r.find(t[n])[0]) && !e.hasAttribute("aria-label")) { - var o = r.find("p")[0]; - if (!(o = o || r.find("span")[0])) return; - e.setAttribute("aria-label", "Toggle " + o.textContent) - } - }(), e && "MD-MENU" === i.nodeName && function() { - var e = be.element(i), - t = e.parent().hasClass("md-secondary-container") || i.parentNode.firstElementChild !== i, - n = "left"; - t && (n = "right"); - e.attr("md-position-mode") || e.attr("md-position-mode", n + " target"); - var o = e.children().eq(0); - c(o[0]) || o.attr("ng-click", "$$event)"); - o.attr("aria-label") || o.attr("aria-label", "Open List Menu") - }(), - function(e, i, t, n) { - i.addClass("_md"); - var o = [], - r = i[0].firstElementChild, - a = i.hasClass("_md-button-wrap") ? r.firstElementChild : r, - d = a && c(a), - s = i.hasClass("md-no-proxy"); - r && r.children && !d && !s && be.forEach(f, function(e) { - be.forEach(r.querySelectorAll(e + ":not(.md-secondary)"), function(e) { - o.push(e) - }) - }), 1 !== o.length && !d || (i.addClass("md-clickable"), d || n.attachRipple(e, be.element(i[0].querySelector(".md-no-style")))), o.length && be.forEach(o, function(t) { - t = be.element(t), e.mouseActive = !1, t.on("mousedown", function() { - e.mouseActive = !0, h(function() { - e.mouseActive = !1 - }, 100) - }).on("focus", function() { - !1 === e.mouseActive && i.addClass("md-focused"), t.on("blur", function e() { - i.removeClass("md-focused"),"blur", e) - }) - }) - }); - - function l(e) { - "INPUT" === || "TEXTAREA" === || || (e.which || e.keyCode) === u.KEY_CODE.SPACE && a && (, e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()) - } - d || o.length || a && a.addEventListener("keypress", l); -"click"),"keypress"),"keydown"), 1 === o.length && a && i.children().eq(0).on("click", function(t) { - (function(e) { - var t = ["md-slider"], - n = p.getEventPath(e); - if (!n || 0 === n.length) return -1 !== t.indexOf(; - for (var o = n.indexOf(i.children()[0]), r = 0; r < o; r++) - if (-1 !== t.indexOf(n[r].tagName.toLowerCase())) return !0; - return !1 - })(t) || !p.getClosest(, "BUTTON") && a.contains( && be.forEach(o, function(e) { - === e || e.contains( || ("MD-MENU" === e.nodeName && (e = e.children[0]), be.element(e).triggerHandler("click")) - }) - }); - e.$on("$destroy", function() { - a && a.removeEventListener("keypress", l) - }) - } - } - } - } - - function Se(e, t, n) { - this.attachRipple = function(e, t) { - n.attach(e, t, {}) - } - } - - function De(r, t, i, a, d, o, e, n, s) { - var l, c, m = d.prefixer(), - u = this; - this.nestLevel = parseInt(t.mdNestLevel, 10) || 0, this.init = function(e, t) { - t = t || {}, l = e, (c = i[0].querySelector(m.buildSelector(["ng-click", "ng-mouseenter"]))).setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"), this.isInMenuBar = t.isInMenuBar, this.mdMenuBarCtrl = t.mdMenuBarCtrl, this.nestedMenus = d.nodesToArray(l[0].querySelectorAll(".md-nested-menu")), l.on("$mdInterimElementRemove", function() { - u.isOpen = !1, d.nextTick(function() { - u.onIsOpenChanged(u.isOpen) - }) - }), d.nextTick(function() { - u.onIsOpenChanged(u.isOpen) - }); - var n = "menu_container_" + d.nextUid(); - l.attr("id", n), be.element(c).attr({ - "aria-owns": n, - "aria-haspopup": "true" - }), a.$on("$destroy", be.bind(this, function() { - this.disableHoverListener(), r.destroy() - })), l.on("$destroy", function() { - r.destroy() - }) - }; - var p, h, f = []; - this.enableHoverListener = function() { - f.push(e.$on("$mdMenuOpen", function(e, t) { - l[0].contains(t[0]) && (u.currentlyOpenMenu = t.controller("mdMenu"), u.isAlreadyOpening = !1, u.currentlyOpenMenu.registerContainerProxy(u.triggerContainerProxy.bind(u))) - })), f.push(e.$on("$mdMenuClose", function(e, t) { - l[0].contains(t[0]) && (u.currentlyOpenMenu = ge) - })), (h = be.element(d.nodesToArray(l[0].children[0].children))).on("mouseenter", u.handleMenuItemHover), h.on("mouseleave", u.handleMenuItemMouseLeave) - }, this.disableHoverListener = function() { - for (; f.length;) f.shift()(); - h &&"mouseenter", u.handleMenuItemHover), h &&"mouseleave", u.handleMenuItemMouseLeave) - }, this.handleMenuItemHover = function(e) { - if (!u.isAlreadyOpening) { - var t ="md-menu") || d.getClosest(, "MD-MENU"); - p = o(function() { - if (t = t && be.element(t).controller("mdMenu"), u.currentlyOpenMenu && u.currentlyOpenMenu != t) { - var e = u.nestLevel + 1; - u.currentlyOpenMenu.close(!0, { - closeTo: e - }), u.isAlreadyOpening = !!t, t && - } else t && !t.isOpen && && (u.isAlreadyOpening = !!t, t && - }, t ? 100 : 250); - var n = e.currentTarget.querySelector(".md-button:not([disabled])"); - n && n.focus() - } - }, this.handleMenuItemMouseLeave = function() { - p && (o.cancel(p), p = ge) - }, = function(e) { - e && e.stopPropagation(), e && e.preventDefault(), u.isOpen || (u.enableHoverListener(), u.isOpen = !0, d.nextTick(function() { - u.onIsOpenChanged(u.isOpen) - }), (c = c || (e ? : i[0])).setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true"), a.$emit("$mdMenuOpen", i),{ - scope: a, - mdMenuCtrl: u, - nestLevel: u.nestLevel, - element: l, - target: c, - preserveElement: !0, - parent: "body" - }).finally(function() { - c.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"), u.disableHoverListener() - })) - }, this.onIsOpenChanged = function(e) { - e ? (l.attr("aria-hidden", "false"), i[0].classList.add("md-open"), be.forEach(u.nestedMenus, function(e) { - e.classList.remove("md-open") - })) : (l.attr("aria-hidden", "true"), i[0].classList.remove("md-open")), a.$mdMenuIsOpen = u.isOpen - }, this.focusMenuContainer = function() { - var e = l[0].querySelector(m.buildSelector(["md-menu-focus-target", "md-autofocus"])); - (e = e || l[0].querySelector(".md-button:not([disabled])")).focus() - }, this.registerContainerProxy = function(e) { - this.containerProxy = e - }, this.triggerContainerProxy = function(e) { - this.containerProxy && this.containerProxy(e) - }, this.destroy = function() { - return u.isOpen ? r.destroy() : n.when(!1) - }, this.close = function(e, t) { - if (u.isOpen) { - u.isOpen = !1, d.nextTick(function() { - u.onIsOpenChanged(u.isOpen) - }); - var n = be.extend({}, t, { - skipFocus: e - }); - if (a.$emit("$mdMenuClose", i, n), r.hide(null, t), !e) { - var o = u.restoreFocusTo || i.find("button")[0]; - o instanceof be.element && (o = o[0]), o && o.focus() - } - } - }, this.positionMode = function() { - var e = (t.mdPositionMode || "target").split(" "); - return 1 === e.length && e.push(e[0]), { - left: e[0], - top: e[1] - } - }, this.offsets = function() { - var e = (t.mdOffset || "0 0").split(" ").map(parseFloat); - if (2 === e.length) return { - left: e[0], - top: e[1] - }; - if (1 === e.length) return { - top: e[0], - left: e[0] - }; - throw Error("Invalid offsets specified. Please follow format or ") - }, a.$mdMenu = { - open:, - close: this.close - } - } - - function He(a) { - var d = "Invalid HTML for md-menu: "; - return { - restrict: "E", - require: ["mdMenu", "?^mdMenuBar"], - controller: "mdMenuCtrl", - scope: !0, - compile: function(e) { - e.addClass("md-menu"); - var t = e.children()[0], - n = a.prefixer(); - n.hasAttribute(t, "ng-click") || (t = t.querySelector(n.buildSelector(["ng-click", "ng-mouseenter"])) || t); - var o = "MD-BUTTON" === t.nodeName || "BUTTON" === t.nodeName; - t && o && !t.hasAttribute("type") && t.setAttribute("type", "button"); - if (!t) throw Error(d + "Expected the menu to have a trigger element."); - if (2 !== e.children().length) throw Error(d + "Expected two children elements. The second element must have a `md-menu-content` element."); - t && t.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true"); - var r = e[0].querySelectorAll("md-menu"), - i = parseInt(e[0].getAttribute("md-nest-level"), 10) || 0; - r && be.forEach(a.nodesToArray(r), function(e) { - e.hasAttribute("md-position-mode") || e.setAttribute("md-position-mode", "cascade"), e.classList.add("_md-nested-menu"), e.setAttribute("md-nest-level", i + 1) - }); - return s - } - }; - - function s(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o[0], - i = !!o[1], - a = o[1], - d = be.element('
    '), - s = t.children()[1]; - t.addClass("_md"), s.hasAttribute("role") || s.setAttribute("role", "menu"), d.append(s), t.on("$destroy", function() { - d.remove() - }), t.append(d), d[0].style.display = "none", r.init(d, { - isInMenuBar: i, - mdMenuBarCtrl: a - }) - } - } - - function Ie(e) { - t.$inject = ["$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$mdConstant", "$document", "$window", "$q", "$$rAF", "$animateCss", "$animate", "$log"]; - var w = 8; - return e("$mdMenu").setDefaults({ - methods: ["target"], - options: t - }); - - function t(y, e, s, C, T, o, r, i, l, c) { - var A = y.prefixer(), - m = y.dom.animator; - return { - parent: "body", - onShow: function(a, n, d) { - (function() { - if (! throw Error("$ expected a target to animate from in"); - be.extend(d, { - alreadyOpen: !1, - isRemoved: !1, - target: be.element(, - parent: be.element(d.parent), - menuContentEl: be.element(n[0].querySelector("md-menu-content")) - }) - })(), d.menuContentEl[0] ? e.inherit(d.menuContentEl, : c.warn("$mdMenu: Menu elements should always contain a `md-menu-content` element,otherwise interactivity features will not work properly.", n); - return d.cleanupResizing = function() { - var e = function(t, n) { - return r.throttle(function() { - if (!d.isRemoved) { - var e = h(t, n); - t.css(m.toCss(e)) - } - }) - }(n, d); - return T.addEventListener("resize", e), T.addEventListener("orientationchange", e), - function() { - T.removeEventListener("resize", e), T.removeEventListener("orientationchange", e) - } - }(), d.hideBackdrop = function(e, t, n) { - if (n.nestLevel) return be.noop; - n.disableParentScroll && !y.getClosest(, "MD-DIALOG") ? n.restoreScroll = y.disableScrollAround(n.element, n.parent) : n.disableParentScroll = !1; - n.hasBackdrop && (n.backdrop = y.createBackdrop(e, "md-menu-backdrop md-click-catcher"), l.enter(n.backdrop, C[0].body)); - return function() { - n.backdrop && n.backdrop.remove(), n.disableParentScroll && n.restoreScroll() - } - }(a, 0, d), - function() { - return d.parent.append(n), n[0].style.display = "", o(function(e) { - var t = h(n, d); - n.removeClass("md-leave"), i(n, { - addClass: "md-active", - from: m.toCss(t), - to: m.toCss({ - transform: "" - }) - }).start().then(e) - }) - }().then(function(e) { - return d.alreadyOpen = !0, d.cleanupInteraction = function() { - if (!d.menuContentEl[0]) return be.noop; - d.menuContentEl.on("keydown", r), d.menuContentEl[0].addEventListener("click", i, !0); - var e = d.menuContentEl[0].querySelector(A.buildSelector(["md-menu-focus-target", "md-autofocus"])); - if (!e) - for (var t = d.menuContentEl[0].children.length, n = 0; n < t; n++) { - var o = d.menuContentEl[0].children[n]; - if (e = o.querySelector(".md-button:not([disabled])")) break; - if (o.firstElementChild && !o.firstElementChild.disabled && !o.firstElementChild.getAttribute("disabled")) { - e = o.firstElementChild; - break - } - } - return e && e.focus(), - function() { -"keydown", r), d.menuContentEl[0].removeEventListener("click", i, !0) - }; - - function r(e) { - var t; - switch (e.keyCode) { - case s.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE: - d.nestLevel ? d.mdMenuCtrl.close() : d.mdMenuCtrl.close(!1, { - closeAll: !0 - }), t = !0; - break; - case s.KEY_CODE.TAB: - d.mdMenuCtrl.close(!1, { - closeAll: !0 - }), t = !1; - break; - case s.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW: - u(e, d.menuContentEl, d, -1) || d.nestLevel || d.mdMenuCtrl.triggerContainerProxy(e), t = !0; - break; - case s.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW: - u(e, d.menuContentEl, d, 1) || d.nestLevel || d.mdMenuCtrl.triggerContainerProxy(e), t = !0; - break; - case s.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW: - d.nestLevel ? d.mdMenuCtrl.close() : d.mdMenuCtrl.triggerContainerProxy(e), t = !0; - break; - case s.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW: - var n = y.getClosest(, "MD-MENU"); - n && n != d.parent[0] ? : d.mdMenuCtrl.triggerContainerProxy(e), t = !0 - } - t && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation()) - } - - function i(e) { - var t =; - do { - if (t == d.menuContentEl[0]) return; - if ((o(t, ["ng-click", "ng-href", "ui-sref"]) || "BUTTON" == t.nodeName || "MD-BUTTON" == t.nodeName) && !o(t, ["md-prevent-menu-close"])) { - var n = y.getClosest(t, "MD-MENU"); - t.hasAttribute("disabled") || n && n != d.parent[0] || a.$apply(function() { - d.mdMenuCtrl.close(!0, { - closeAll: !0 - }) - }); - break - } - } while (t = t.parentNode); - - function o(e, t) { - if (!e) return !1; - for (var n, o = 0; n = t[o]; ++o) - if (A.hasAttribute(e, n)) return !0; - return !1 - } - } - }(), d.cleanupBackdrop = d.backdrop ? (d.backdrop.on("click", t), function() { -"click", t) - }) : be.noop, n.addClass("md-clickable"), e - }); - - function t(e) { - e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), a.$apply(function() { - d.mdMenuCtrl.close(!0, { - closeAll: !0 - }) - }) - } - }, - onRemove: function(e, t, n) { - return n.cleanupInteraction(), n.cleanupBackdrop(), n.cleanupResizing(), n.hideBackdrop(), t.removeClass("md-clickable"), !0 === n.$destroy ? o() : function() { - return i(t, { - addClass: "md-leave" - }).start() - }().then(o); - - function o() { - t.removeClass("md-active"), - function(e, t) { - t.preserveElement ? a(e).style.display = "none" : a(e).parentNode === a(t.parent) && a(t.parent).removeChild(a(e)) - }(t, n), n.alreadyOpen = !1 - } - }, - hasBackdrop: !0, - disableParentScroll: !0, - skipCompile: !0, - preserveScope: !0, - multiple: !0, - themable: !0 - }; - - function u(e, t, n, o) { - for (var r, i = y.getClosest(, "MD-MENU-ITEM"), a = y.nodesToArray(t[0].children), d = a.indexOf(i) + o; 0 <= d && d < a.length; d += o) { - if (r = p(a[d].querySelector(".md-button"))) break - } - return r - } - - function p(e) { - if (e && -1 != e.getAttribute("tabindex")) return e.focus(), C[0].activeElement == e - } - - function h(e, t) { - var n, o = e[0], - r = e[0].firstElementChild, - i = r.getBoundingClientRect(), - a = C[0].body.getBoundingClientRect(), - d = T.getComputedStyle(r), - s =[0].querySelector(A.buildSelector("md-menu-origin")) ||[0], - l = s.getBoundingClientRect(), - c = { - left: a.left + w, - top: Math.max(, 0) + w, - bottom: Math.max(a.bottom, Math.max(, 0) + a.height) - w, - right: a.right - w - }, - m = { - top: 0, - left: 0, - right: 0, - bottom: 0 - }, - u = { - top: 0, - left: 0, - right: 0, - bottom: 0 - }, - p = t.mdMenuCtrl.positionMode(); - "target" !== && "target" !== p.left && "target-right" !== p.left || (n = function() { - for (var e = 0; e < r.children.length; ++e) - if ("none" != T.getComputedStyle(r.children[e]).display) return r.children[e] - }()) && (m = (n = (n = n.firstElementChild || n).querySelector(A.buildSelector("md-menu-align-target")) || n).getBoundingClientRect(), u = { - top: parseFloat( || 0), - left: parseFloat( || 0) - }); - var h = {}, - f = "top "; - switch ( { - case "target": - = + -; - break; - case "cascade": - = - parseFloat(d.paddingTop) -; - break; - case "bottom": - = + l.height; - break; - default: - throw new Error('Invalid target mode "' + + '" specified for md-menu on Y axis.') - } - var b = y.isRtl(e); - switch (p.left) { - case "target": - h.left = u.left + l.left - m.left, f += b ? "right" : "left"; - break; - case "target-left": - h.left = l.left, f += "left"; - break; - case "target-right": - h.left = l.right - i.width + (i.right - m.right), f += "right"; - break; - case "cascade": - var g = b ? l.left - i.width < c.left : l.right + i.width < c.right; - h.left = g ? l.right - : l.left - - i.width, f += g ? "left" : "right"; - break; - case "right": - b ? (h.left = l.right - l.width, f += "left") : (h.left = l.right - i.width, f += "right"); - break; - case "left": - b ? (h.left = l.right - i.width, f += "right") : (h.left = l.left, f += "left"); - break; - default: - throw new Error('Invalid target mode "' + p.left + '" specified for md-menu on X axis.') - } - var E, v = t.mdMenuCtrl.offsets(); - +=, h.left += v.left, (E = h).top = Math.max(Math.min(, c.bottom - o.offsetHeight),, E.left = Math.max(Math.min(E.left, c.right - o.offsetWidth), c.left); - var $ = Math.round(100 * Math.min(l.width / o.offsetWidth, 1)) / 100, - M = Math.round(100 * Math.min(l.height / o.offsetHeight, 1)) / 100; - return { - top: Math.round(, - left: Math.round(h.left), - transform: t.alreadyOpen ? ge : y.supplant("scale({0},{1})", [$, M]), - transformOrigin: f - } - } - } - - function a(e) { - return e instanceof be.element && (e = e[0]), e - } - } - - function Oe(n, r) { - return { - restrict: "E", - require: "mdMenuBar", - controller: "MenuBarController", - compile: function(e, t) { - return t.ariaRole || e[0].setAttribute("role", "menubar"), be.forEach(e[0].children, function(e) { - if ("MD-MENU" == e.nodeName) { - e.hasAttribute("md-position-mode") || (e.setAttribute("md-position-mode", "left bottom"), e.querySelector("button, a, md-button").setAttribute("role", "menuitem")); - var t = n.nodesToArray(e.querySelectorAll("md-menu-content")); - be.forEach(t, function(e) { - e.classList.add("md-menu-bar-menu"), e.classList.add("md-dense"), e.hasAttribute("width") || e.setAttribute("width", 5) - }) - } - }), e.find("md-menu-item").addClass("md-in-menu-bar"), - function(e, t, n, o) { - t.addClass("_md"), r(e, t), o.init() - } - } - } - } - - function Pe(e, t, n) { - this.$element = t, this.$attrs = n, this.$scope = e - } - - function Le(c, e, m) { - return { - controller: "MenuItemController", - require: ["mdMenuItem", "?ngModel"], - priority: e.BEFORE_NG_ARIA, - compile: function(o, e) { - var t, n, r = e.type, - i = "md-in-menu-bar"; - if ("checkbox" !== r && "radio" !== r || !o.hasClass(i)) l("role", "menuitem", o[0].querySelector("md-button, button, a")); - else { - var a = o[0].textContent, - d = be.element(''), - s = ''; - d.html(a), d.attr("tabindex", "0"), be.isDefined(e.mdPreventMenuClose) && d.attr("md-prevent-menu-close", e.mdPreventMenuClose), o.html(""), o.append(be.element(s)), o.append(d), o.addClass("md-indent").removeClass(i), l("role", "checkbox" === r ? "menuitemcheckbox" : "menuitemradio", d), t = "ng-disabled", n = c.prefixer(t), be.forEach(n, function(e) { - if (o[0].hasAttribute(e)) { - var t = o[0].getAttribute(e); - d[0].setAttribute(e, t), o[0].removeAttribute(e) - } - }) - } - return function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o[0], - i = o[1]; - r.init(i) - }; - - function l(e, t, n) { - (n = n || o) instanceof be.element && (n = n[0]), n.hasAttribute(e) || n.setAttribute(e, t) - } - } - } - } - - function Re(i, a, d, s) { - return { - restrict: "E", - transclude: !0, - controller: Fe, - controllerAs: "ctrl", - bindToController: !0, - scope: { - mdSelectedNavItem: "=?", - mdNoInkBar: "=?", - navBarAriaLabel: "@?" - }, - template: '
    ', - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - function r() { - o.width !== d.innerWidth && (o.updateSelectedTabInkBar(), o.width = d.innerWidth, e.$digest()) - } - o.width = d.innerWidth, be.element(d).on("resize", s.debounce(r, 300)), e.$on("$destroy", function() { - be.element(d).off("resize", r) - }), a(t), o.navBarAriaLabel || i.expectAsync(t, "aria-label", be.noop) - } - } - } - - function Fe(e, t, n, o) { - this._$timeout = n, this._$scope = t, this._$mdConstant = o, this.mdSelectedNavItem, this.navBarAriaLabel, this._navBarEl = e[0], this._inkbar; - var r = this, - i = this._$scope.$watch(function() { - return r._navBarEl.querySelectorAll("._md-nav-button").length - }, function(e) { - 0 < e && (r._initTabs(), i()) - }) - } - - function Be(c, e, m, u) { - return { - restrict: "E", - require: ["mdNavItem", "^mdNavBar"], - controller: Ue, - bindToController: !0, - controllerAs: "ctrl", - replace: !0, - transclude: !0, - template: function(e, t) { - var n, o, r = t.mdNavClick, - i = t.mdNavHref, - a = t.mdNavSref, - d = t.srefOpts; - if (1 < (r ? 1 : 0) + (i ? 1 : 0) + (a ? 1 : 0)) throw Error("Please do not specify more than one of the md-nav-click, md-nav-href, or md-nav-sref attributes per nav-item directive."); - if (r !== ge && null !== r) n = 'ng-click="ctrl.mdNavClick()"'; - else if (i !== ge && null !== i) n = 'ng-href="{{ctrl.mdNavHref}}"'; - else { - if (a === ge || null === a) throw Error("Please specify at least one of the md-nav-click, md-nav-href, or md-nav-sref attributes per nav-item directive."); - n = 'ui-sref="{{ctrl.mdNavSref}}"' - } - return n && (o = ''), '" - }, - scope: { - mdNavClick: "&?", - mdNavHref: "@?", - mdNavSref: "@?", - srefOpts: "=?", - name: "@", - navItemAriaLabel: "@?" - }, - link: function(n, o, r, i) { - var a, d, s, l; - e(function() { - if (d = i[0], s = i[1], l = be.element(o[0].querySelector("._md-nav-button")), || ( = be.element(o[0].querySelector("._md-nav-button-text")).text().trim()), l.on("keydown", function(e) { - s.onKeydown(e) - }), l.on("focus", function() { - d._focused = !0 - }), l.on("click", function() { - s.mdSelectedNavItem =, n.$apply() - }), d.disabled = m.parseAttributeBoolean(r.disabled, !1), "MutationObserver" in u) { - var e = o[0], - t = new MutationObserver(function(e) { - m.nextTick(function() { - d.disabled = m.parseAttributeBoolean(r[e[0].attributeName], !1) - }) - }); - t.observe(e, { - attributes: !0, - attributeFilter: ["disabled"] - }), a = t.disconnect.bind(t) - } else r.$observe("disabled", function(e) { - d.disabled = m.parseAttributeBoolean(e, !1) - }); - d.navItemAriaLabel || c.expectWithText(l, "aria-label") - }), n.$on("destroy", function() { -"keydown"),"focus"),"click"), a() - }) - } - } - } - - function Ue(e) { - this._$element = e, this.mdNavClick, this.mdNavHref, this.mdNavSref, this.srefOpts,, this.navItemAriaLabel, this._selected = !1, this.isFocused = !1 - } - - function je($, M, d, y, p, e) { - var C = $.requestAnimationFrame || $.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || be.noop, - h = $.cancelAnimationFrame || $.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || $.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || be.noop, - f = "determinate", - T = "indeterminate", - A = "_md-progress-circular-disabled", - w = "md-mode-indeterminate"; - return { - restrict: "E", - scope: { - value: "@", - mdDiameter: "@", - mdMode: "@" - }, - template: '', - compile: function(e, t) { - if (e.attr({ - "aria-valuemin": 0, - "aria-valuemax": 100, - role: "progressbar" - }), be.isUndefined(t.mdMode)) { - var n = t.hasOwnProperty("value") ? f : T; - t.$set("mdMode", n) - } else t.$set("mdMode", t.mdMode.trim()); - return o - } - }; - - function o(b, s, l) { - var g, e, t = s[0], - a = be.element(t.querySelector("svg")), - E = be.element(t.querySelector("path")), - n = M.startIndeterminate, - o = M.endIndeterminate, - r = 0, - v = 0; - - function c(n, e, t, o, r, i) { - var a = ++v, - d =, - s = e - n, - l = N(b.mdDiameter), - c = S(l), - m = t || M.easeFn, - u = o || M.duration, - p = -90 * (r || 0), - h = i || 100; - - function f(e) { - E.attr("stroke-dashoffset", k(l, c, e, h)), E.attr("transform", "rotate(" + p + " " + l / 2 + " " + l / 2 + ")") - } - e === n ? f(e) : g = C(function e() { - var t = $.Math.max(0, $.Math.min( - d, u)); - f(m(t, n, s, u)), a === v && t < u && (g = C(e)) - }) - } - - function i() { - c(n, o, M.easeFnIndeterminate, M.durationIndeterminate, r, 75), r = ++r % 4 - } - - function m() { - e || (e = p(i, M.durationIndeterminate, 0, !1), i(), s.addClass(w).removeAttr("aria-valuenow")) - } - - function u() { - e && (p.cancel(e), e = null, s.removeClass(w)) - } - d(s), s.toggleClass(A, l.hasOwnProperty("disabled")), b.mdMode === T && m(), b.$on("$destroy", function() { - u(), g && h(g) - }), b.$watchGroup(["value", "mdMode", function() { - var e = t.disabled; - return !0 === e || !1 === e ? e : be.isDefined(s.attr("disabled")) - }], function(e, t) { - var n = e[1], - o = e[2], - r = 0, - i = 0; - if (o !== t[2] && s.toggleClass(A, !!o), o) u(); - else if (n !== f && n !== T && (n = T, l.$set("mdMode", n)), n === T) t[1] === f && (i = S(r = N(b.mdDiameter)), E.attr("d", _(r, i, !0)), E.attr("stroke-dasharray", D(r, i, 75))), m(); - else { - var a = x(e[0]), - d = x(t[0]); - u(), t[1] === T && (i = S(r = N(b.mdDiameter)), E.attr("d", _(r, i, !1)), E.attr("stroke-dasharray", D(r, i, 100))), s.attr("aria-valuenow", a), c(d, a) - } - }), b.$watch("mdDiameter", function(e) { - var t = N(e), - n = S(t), - o = x(b.value), - r = t / 2 + "px", - i = { - width: t + "px", - height: t + "px" - }; - a[0].setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + t + " " + t), a.css(i).css("transform-origin", r + " " + r + " " + r), s.css(i), E.attr("stroke-width", n), E.attr("stroke-linecap", "square"), b.mdMode == T ? (E.attr("d", _(t, n, !0)), E.attr("stroke-dasharray", D(t, n, 75)), E.attr("stroke-dashoffset", k(t, n, 1, 75))) : (E.attr("d", _(t, n, !1)), E.attr("stroke-dasharray", D(t, n, 100)), E.attr("stroke-dashoffset", k(t, n, 0, 100)), c(o, o)) - }) - } - - function _(e, t, n) { - var o = e / 2, - r = t / 2, - i = o + "," + r, - a = o - r; - return "M" + i + "A" + a + "," + a + " 0 1 1 " + (r + "," + o) + (n ? "" : "A" + a + "," + a + " 0 0 1 " + i) - } - - function k(e, t, n, o) { - return r(e, t) * ((o - n) / 100) - } - - function x(e) { - return $.Math.max(0, $.Math.min(e || 0, 100)) - } - - function N(e) { - var t = M.progressSize; - if (e) { - var n = parseFloat(e); - return e.lastIndexOf("%") === e.length - 1 && (n = n / 100 * t), n - } - return t - } - - function S(e) { - return M.strokeWidth / 100 * e - } - - function D(e, t, n) { - return r(e, t) * (n / 100) - } - - function r(e, t) { - return (e - t) * $.Math.PI - } - } - - function ze(m, u, e) { - var p = "determinate", - h = "indeterminate", - f = "buffer", - b = "query", - g = "_md-progress-linear-disabled"; - return { - restrict: "E", - template: '
    ', - compile: function(e, t, n) { - return e.attr("aria-valuemin", 0), e.attr("aria-valuemax", 100), e.attr("role", "progressbar"), o - } - }; - - function o(e, n, t) { - var o; - m(n); - var r = t.hasOwnProperty("disabled"), - i = u.dom.animator.toCss, - a = be.element(n[0].querySelector(".md-bar1")), - d = be.element(n[0].querySelector(".md-bar2")), - s = be.element(n[0].querySelector(".md-container")); - - function l() { - var e = (t.mdMode || "").trim(); - if (e) switch (e) { - case p: - case h: - case f: - case b: - break; - default: - e = h - } - return e - } - - function c(e, t) { - if (!r && l()) { - var n = u.supplant("translateX({0}%) scale({1},1)", [(t - 100) / 2, t / 100]), - o = i({ - transform: n - }); - be.element(e).css(o) - } - } - n.attr("md-mode", l()).toggleClass(g, r), - function() { - if (be.isUndefined(t.mdMode)) { - var e = be.isDefined(t.value) ? p : h; - n.attr("md-mode", e), t.mdMode = e - } - }(), t.$observe("value", function(e) { - var t = E(e); - n.attr("aria-valuenow", t), l() != b && c(d, t) - }), t.$observe("mdBufferValue", function(e) { - c(a, E(e)) - }), t.$observe("disabled", function(e) { - r = !0 === e || !1 === e ? !!e : be.isDefined(e), n.toggleClass(g, r), s.toggleClass(o, !r) - }), t.$observe("mdMode", function(e) { - switch (o && s.removeClass(o), e) { - case b: - case f: - case p: - case h: - s.addClass(o = "md-mode-" + e); - break; - default: - s.addClass(o = "md-mode-" + h) - } - }) - } - - function E(e) { - return Math.max(0, Math.min(e || 0, 100)) - } - } - - function qe(s, l) { - return ["$mdUtil", "$window", function(a, d) { - return { - restrict: "A", - multiElement: !0, - link: function(o, r, t) { - var i = o.$on("$md-resize-enable", function() { - i(); - var e = r[0], - n = e.nodeType === d.Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? d.getComputedStyle(e) : {}; - o.$watch(t[s], function(e) { - if (!!e === l) { - a.nextTick(function() { - o.$broadcast("$md-resize") - }); - var t = { - cachedTransitionStyles: n - }; - a.dom.animator.waitTransitionEnd(r, t).then(function() { - o.$broadcast("$md-resize") - }) - } - }) - }) - } - } - }] - } - - function Ve(o, r, i, a) { - var d = "SideNav '{0}' is not available! Did you use md-component-id='{0}'?", - s = { - find: function(e, t) { - var n = o.get(e); - return n || t ? n : (a.error(r.supplant(d, [e || ""])), ge) - }, - waitFor: l - }; - return function(e, t) { - if (be.isUndefined(e)) return s; - var n = !0 === t, - o = s.find(e, n); - return !o && n ? s.waitFor(e) : !o && be.isUndefined(t) ? function(e, t) { - function n() { - return !1 - } - - function o() { - return i.when(r.supplant(d, [t || ""])) - } - return be.extend({ - isLockedOpen: n, - isOpen: n, - toggle: o, - open: o, - close: o, - onClose: be.noop, - then: function(e) { - return l(t).then(e || be.noop) - } - }, e) - }(s, e) : o - }; - - function l(e) { - return o.when(e).catch(a.error) - } - } - - function We(o, g, E, v, $, M, e, y, C, T, A, w, _) { - return { - restrict: "E", - scope: { - isOpen: "=?mdIsOpen" - }, - controller: "$mdSidenavController", - compile: function(e) { - return e.addClass("md-closed").attr("tabIndex", "-1"), t - } - }; - - function t(r, i, e, t) { - var a, d, s, l, c, m = null, - u = null, - p = T.when(!0), - n = y(e.mdIsLockedOpen), - h = be.element(w); - - function f(e) { - return e.keyCode === E.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE ? b(e) : T.when(!0) - } - - function b(e) { - return e.preventDefault(), t.close() - } - e.mdDisableScrollTarget && ((m = A[0].querySelector(e.mdDisableScrollTarget)) ? m = be.element(m) : C.warn(g.supplant('mdSidenav: couldn\'t find element matching selector "{selector}". Falling back to parent.', { - selector: e.mdDisableScrollTarget - }))), m = m || i.parent(), e.hasOwnProperty("mdDisableBackdrop") || (d = g.createBackdrop(r, "md-sidenav-backdrop md-opaque ng-enter")), e.hasOwnProperty("mdDisableCloseEvents") && (s = !0), i.addClass("_md"), v(i), d && v.inherit(d, i), i.on("$destroy", function() { - d && d.remove(), t.destroy() - }), r.$on("$destroy", function() { - d && d.remove() - }), r.$watch(function() { - return n(r.$parent, { - $mdMedia: o - }) - }, function(e, t) { - (r.isLockedOpen = e) === t ? i.toggleClass("md-locked-open", !!e) : M[e ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](i, "md-locked-open"); - d && d.toggleClass("md-locked-open", !!e) - }), r.$watch("isOpen", function(e) { - var t, n = g.findFocusTarget(i) || i, - o = i.parent(); - s || (o[e ? "on" : "off"]("keydown", f), d && d[e ? "on" : "off"]("click", b)); - t = function(e, t) { - var n = i[0], - o = e[0].scrollTop; - if (t && o) { - c = { - top:, - bottom:, - height: - }; - var r = { - top: o + "px", - bottom: "auto", - height: e[0].clientHeight + "px" - }; - i.css(r), d.css(r) - } - if (!t && c) return function() { - =, = c.bottom, = c.height, d[0] = null, d[0].style.bottom = null, d[0].style.height = null, c = null - } - }(o, e), e && (u = A[0].activeElement, l = $.getLastInteractionType()); - return function(e) { - e && !a ? (a = m.css("overflow"), m.css("overflow", "hidden")) : be.isDefined(a) && (m.css("overflow", a), a = ge) - }(e), p = T.all([e && d ? M.enter(d, o) : d ? M.leave(d) : T.when(!0), M[e ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](i, "md-closed")]).then(function() { - r.isOpen && (_(function() { - h.triggerHandler("resize") - }), n && n.focus()), t && t() - }) - }), t.$toggleOpen = function(e) { - return r.isOpen === e ? T.when(!0) : (r.isOpen && t.onCloseCb && t.onCloseCb(), T(function(t) { - r.isOpen = e, g.nextTick(function() { - p.then(function(e) { - !r.isOpen && u && "keyboard" === l && (u.focus(), u = null), t(e) - }) - }) - })) - } - } - } - - function Ye(t, e, n, o, r) { - var i = this; - i.isOpen = function() { - return !!t.isOpen - }, i.isLockedOpen = function() { - return !!t.isLockedOpen - }, i.onClose = function(e) { - return i.onCloseCb = e, i - }, = function() { - return i.$toggleOpen(!0) - }, i.close = function() { - return i.$toggleOpen(!1) - }, i.toggle = function() { - return i.$toggleOpen(!t.isOpen) - }, i.$toggleOpen = function(e) { - return o.when(t.isOpen = e) - }; - var a = e.mdComponentId, - d = a && -1 < a.indexOf(r.startSymbol()), - s = d ? r(a)(t.$parent) : a; - i.destroy = n.register(i, s), d && e.$observe("mdComponentId", function(e) { - e && e !== i.$$mdHandle && (i.destroy(), i.destroy = n.register(i, e)) - }) - } - - function Ke(l, c, m, d) { - var s = m.checkStickySupport(); - return function(e, t, n) { - var o = t.controller("mdContent"); - if (o) - if (s) t.css({ - position: s, - top: 0, - "z-index": 2 - }); - else { - var r = o.$"$$sticky"); - r || (r = function(e) { - var o, r = e.$element, - i = c.throttle(t); - return function(e) { - var t, n, o = 200; - - function r() { - - n > o ? (t = !1, e.triggerHandler("$scrollend")) : (e.triggerHandler("$scroll"), c.throttle(r)) - } - e.on("scroll touchmove", function() { - t || (t = !0, c.throttle(r), e.triggerHandler("$scrollstart")), e.triggerHandler("$scroll"), n = - }) - }(r), r.on("$scrollstart", i), r.on("$scroll", function e() { - var t = r.prop("scrollTop"); - var n = (e.prevScrollTop || 0) < t; - e.prevScrollTop = t; - if (0 === t) return void d(null); - if (n) { - if ( && <= t) return void d(; - if (o.current && && - t <= return void s(o.current, t + ( - - t)) - } - if (!n) { - if (o.current && o.prev && t < return void d(o.prev); - if ( && o.current && t >= - o.current.height) return void s(o.current, t + ( - t - o.current.height)) - } - o.current && s(o.current, t) - }), o = { - prev: null, - current: null, - next: null, - items: [], - add: function(n, e) { - e.addClass("md-sticky-clone"); - var t = { - element: n, - clone: e - }; - return o.items.push(t), m.nextTick(function() { - r.prepend(t.clone) - }), i(), - function() { - o.items.forEach(function(e, t) { - e.element[0] === n[0] && (o.items.splice(t, 1), e.clone.remove()) - }), i() - } - }, - refreshElements: t - }; - - function t() { - var e; - o.items.forEach(a), o.items = o.items.sort(function(e, t) { - return < ? -1 : 1 - }); - for (var t = r.prop("scrollTop"), n = o.items.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) - if (t > o.items[n].top) { - e = o.items[n]; - break - } d(e) - } - - function a(e) { - var t = e.element[0]; - for ( = 0, e.left = 0, e.right = 0; t && t !== r[0];) += t.offsetTop, e.left += t.offsetLeft, t.offsetParent && (e.right += t.offsetParent.offsetWidth - t.offsetWidth - t.offsetLeft), t = t.offsetParent; - e.height = e.element.prop("offsetHeight"); - var n = m.floatingScrollbars() ? "0" : ge; - m.bidi(e.clone, "margin-left", e.left, n), m.bidi(e.clone, "margin-right", n, e.right) - } - - function d(e) { - if (o.current !== e) { - o.current && (s(o.current, null), n(o.current, null)), e && n(e, "active"), o.current = e; - var t = o.items.indexOf(e); - = o.items[t + 1], o.prev = o.items[t - 1], n(, "next"), n(o.prev, "prev") - } - } - - function n(e, t) { - e && e.state !== t && (e.state && (e.clone.attr("sticky-prev-state", e.state), e.element.attr("sticky-prev-state", e.state)), e.clone.attr("sticky-state", t), e.element.attr("sticky-state", t), e.state = t) - } - - function s(e, t) { - e && (null === t || t === ge ? e.translateY && (e.translateY = null, e.clone.css(l.CSS.TRANSFORM, "")) : (e.translateY = t, m.bidi(e.clone, l.CSS.TRANSFORM, "translate3d(" + e.left + "px," + t + "px,0)", "translateY(" + t + "px)"))) - } - }(o), o.$"$$sticky", r)); - var i = n || d(t.clone())(e), - a = r.add(t, i); - e.$on("$destroy", a) - } - } - } - - function Ge(d, s, l, c, m) { - return { - restrict: "E", - replace: !0, - transclude: !0, - template: '
    ', - link: function(n, o, e, t, r) { - l(o), o.addClass("_md"), c.prefixer().removeAttribute(o, "ng-repeat"); - var i = o[0].outerHTML; - - function a(e) { - return be.element(e[0].querySelector(".md-subheader-content")) - } - e.$set("role", "heading"), m.expect(o, "aria-level", "2"), r(n, function(e) { - a(o).append(e) - }), o.hasClass("md-no-sticky") || r(n, function(e) { - var t = s('")(n); - c.nextTick(function() { - a(t).append(e) - }), d(n, o, t) - }) - } - } - } - - function Xe(e) { - t.$inject = ["$parse"]; - var i = "md" + e, - a = "$md." + e.toLowerCase(); - return t; - - function t(r) { - return { - restrict: "A", - link: function(n, e, t) { - var o = r(t[i]); - e.on(a, function(e) { - var t = e.currentTarget; - n.$applyAsync(function() { - o(n, { - $event: e, - $target: { - current: t - } - }) - }) - }) - } - } - } - } - - function Ze(e, m, u, p, h, f, b) { - var n = e[0]; - return { - restrict: "E", - priority: u.BEFORE_NG_ARIA, - transclude: !0, - template: '
    ', - require: ["^?mdInputContainer", "?ngModel", "?^form"], - compile: function(e, t) { - var c = n.compile(e, t).post; - return e.addClass("md-dragging"), - function(t, n, e, o) { - o[0]; - var r = o[1] || m.fakeNgModel(), - i = (o[2], null); - null != e.disabled ? i = function() { - return !0 - } : e.ngDisabled && (i = p(e.ngDisabled)); - var a, d = be.element(n[0].querySelector(".md-thumb-container")), - s = be.element(n[0].querySelector(".md-container")), - l = be.element(n[0].querySelector(".md-label")); - h(function() { - n.removeClass("md-dragging") - }), c(t, n, e, o), i && t.$watch(i, function(e) { - n.attr("tabindex", e ? -1 : 0) - }), e.$observe("mdInvert", function(e) { - var t = m.parseAttributeBoolean(e); - t ? n.prepend(l) : n.prepend(s), n.toggleClass("md-inverted", t) - }), f.register(s, "drag"), s.on("$md.dragstart", function(e) { - if (i && i(t)) return; - e.stopPropagation(), n.addClass("md-dragging"), a = { - width: d.prop("offsetWidth") - } - }).on("$md.drag", function(e) { - if (!a) return; - e.stopPropagation(), e.srcEvent && e.srcEvent.preventDefault(); - var t = e.pointer.distanceX / a.width, - n = r.$viewValue ? 1 + t : t; - n = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, n)), d.css(u.CSS.TRANSFORM, "translate3d(" + 100 * n + "%,0,0)"), a.translate = n - }).on("$md.dragend", function(e) { - if (!a) return; - e.stopPropagation(), n.removeClass("md-dragging"), d.css(u.CSS.TRANSFORM, ""), (r.$viewValue ? a.translate < .5 : .5 < a.translate) && function(e) { - t.$apply(function() { - r.$setViewValue(e), r.$render() - }) - }(!r.$viewValue); - a = null, t.skipToggle = !0, b(function() { - t.skipToggle = !1 - }, 1) - }) - } - } - } - } - - function Qe(o) { - return { - restrict: "A", - compile: function(e, t) { - var n = o(t.mdTabScroll, null, !0); - return function(t, e) { - e.on("wheel", function(e) { - t.$apply(function() { - n(t, { - $event: e - }) - }) - }) - } - } - } - } - - function Je(l, c, t, n, r, m, s, i, o, e, a, u, d) { - var p = this, - h = !1, - f = [], - b = !1, - g = !1; - - function E(t, e) { - var n = i.$normalize("md-" + t); - - function o(e) { - p[t] = "false" !== e - } - e && O(t, e, ge), i.hasOwnProperty(n) && o(i[n]), i.$observe(n, o) - } - - function v() { - b = !0, be.element(t).off("resize", x) - } - - function $() { - var e = D(); - be.element(e.wrapper).toggleClass("md-stretch-tabs", function() { - switch (p.stretchTabs) { - case "always": - return !0; - case "never": - return !1; - default: - return !p.shouldPaginate && t.matchMedia("(max-width: 600px)").matches - } - }()), q() - } - - function M() { - p.shouldCenterTabs = H() - } - - function y(t, e) { - if (t !== e) { - var n = D(); - be.forEach(n.tabs, function(e) { - = t + "px" - }), be.forEach(n.dummies, function(e) { - = t + "px" - }), m.nextTick(p.updateInkBarStyles) - } - } - - function C(e, t) { - e !== t && (p.maxTabWidth = R(), p.shouldCenterTabs = H(), m.nextTick(function() { - p.maxTabWidth = R(), U(p.selectedIndex) - })) - } - - function T(e) { - c[e ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("md-no-tab-content") - } - - function A(e) { - var t = (p.shouldCenterTabs || W() ? "" : "-") + e + "px"; - t = t.replace("--", ""), be.element(D().paging).css(n.CSS.TRANSFORM, "translate(" + t + ", 0)"), l.$broadcast("$mdTabsPaginationChanged") - } - - function w(e, t) { - e !== t && D().tabs[e] && (U(), B()) - } - - function _(e, t) { - e !== t && (p.selectedIndex = I(e), p.lastSelectedIndex = t, p.updateInkBarStyles(), z(), U(e), l.$broadcast("$mdTabsChanged"), p.tabs[t] && p.tabs[t].scope.deselect(), p.tabs[e] && p.tabs[e] - } - - function k(e, t) { - h || (p.focusIndex = p.selectedIndex = e), t && p.noSelectClick || m.nextTick(function() { - p.tabs[e].element.triggerHandler("click") - }, !1) - } - - function x() { - p.lastSelectedIndex = p.selectedIndex, p.offsetLeft = V(p.offsetLeft), m.nextTick(function() { - p.updateInkBarStyles(), P() - }) - } - - function N(e) { - be.element(D().inkBar).toggleClass("ng-hide", e) - } - - function S(e) { - c.toggleClass("md-dynamic-height", e) - } - - function D() { - var e = {}, - t = c[0]; - return e.wrapper = t.querySelector("md-tabs-wrapper"), e.canvas = e.wrapper.querySelector("md-tabs-canvas"), e.paging = e.canvas.querySelector("md-pagination-wrapper"), e.inkBar = e.paging.querySelector("md-ink-bar"), e.nextButton = t.querySelector("md-next-button"), e.prevButton = t.querySelector("md-prev-button"), e.contents = t.querySelectorAll("md-tabs-content-wrapper > md-tab-content"), e.tabs = e.paging.querySelectorAll("md-tab-item"), e.dummies = e.canvas.querySelectorAll("md-dummy-tab"), e - } - - function H() { - return p.centerTabs && !p.shouldPaginate - } - - function I(e) { - if (-1 === e) return -1; - var t, n, o = Math.max(p.tabs.length - e, e); - for (t = 0; t <= o; t++) { - if ((n = p.tabs[e + t]) && !0 !== n.scope.disabled) return n.getIndex(); - if ((n = p.tabs[e - t]) && !0 !== n.scope.disabled) return n.getIndex() - } - return e - } - - function O(e, n, o) { - Object.defineProperty(p, e, { - get: function() { - return o - }, - set: function(e) { - var t = o; - o = e, n && n(e, t) - } - }) - } - - function P() { - p.maxTabWidth = R(), p.shouldPaginate = function() { - var e; - if (p.noPagination || !g) return !1; - var t = c.prop("clientWidth"); - return be.forEach(D().tabs, function(e) { - t -= e.offsetWidth - }), e = t < 0, m.msie && (D() = e ? "999999px" : ge), e - }() - } - - function L(e) { - var t = 0; - return be.forEach(e, function(e) { - t += Math.max(e.offsetWidth, e.getBoundingClientRect().width) - }), Math.ceil(t) - } - - function R() { - var e = D().canvas.clientWidth; - return Math.max(0, Math.min(e - 1, 264)) - } - - function F(e, t) { - var n, o = t ? "focusIndex" : "selectedIndex", - r = p[o]; - for (n = r + e; p.tabs[n] && p.tabs[n].scope.disabled; n += e); - n = (r + e + p.tabs.length) % p.tabs.length, p.tabs[n] && (p[o] = n) - } - - function B() { - p.styleTabItemFocus = "keyboard" === a.getLastInteractionType(); - var e = D().tabs[p.focusIndex]; - e && e.focus() - } - - function U(e) { - var t = D(); - if (be.isNumber(e) || (e = p.focusIndex), t.tabs[e] && !p.shouldCenterTabs) { - var n = t.tabs[e], - o = n.offsetLeft, - r = n.offsetWidth + o; - if (0 !== e) - if (W()) { - var i = L(, 0, e)), - a = L(, 0, e + 1)); - p.offsetLeft = Math.min(p.offsetLeft, V(i)), p.offsetLeft = Math.max(p.offsetLeft, V(a - t.canvas.clientWidth)) - } else p.offsetLeft = Math.max(p.offsetLeft, V(r - t.canvas.clientWidth + 32)), p.offsetLeft = Math.min(p.offsetLeft, V(o)); - else p.offsetLeft = 0 - } - } - - function j() { - p.selectedIndex = I(p.selectedIndex), p.focusIndex = I(p.focusIndex) - } - - function z() { - if (!p.dynamicHeight) return c.css("height", ""); - if (!p.tabs.length) return f.push(z); - var e = D(), - t = e.contents[p.selectedIndex], - n = t ? t.offsetHeight : 0, - o = e.wrapper.offsetHeight, - r = n + o, - i = c.prop("clientHeight"); - if (i !== r) { - "bottom" === c.attr("md-align-tabs") && (i -= o, r -= o, c.attr("md-border-bottom") !== ge && ++i), h = !0; - var a = { - height: i + "px" - }, - d = { - height: r + "px" - }; - c.css(a), s(c, { - from: a, - to: d, - easing: "cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)", - duration: .5 - }).start().done(function() { - c.css({ - transition: "none", - height: "" - }), m.nextTick(function() { - c.css("transition", "") - }), h = !1 - }) - } - } - - function q(e, t) { - if (!p.noInkBar) { - var n = D(); - if (n.tabs[p.selectedIndex]) - if (p.tabs.length) - if (c.prop("offsetParent")) { - var o = p.selectedIndex, - r = n.paging.offsetWidth, - i = n.tabs[o], - a = i.offsetLeft, - d = r - a - i.offsetWidth; - if (p.shouldCenterTabs) { - var s = L(n.tabs); - s < r && e !== r && t !== s && u(q, 0, !0, r, s) - }! function() { - var e = D(), - t = p.selectedIndex, - n = p.lastSelectedIndex, - o = be.element(e.inkBar); - if (!be.isNumber(n)) return; - o.toggleClass("md-left", t < n).toggleClass("md-right", n < t) - }(), be.element(n.inkBar).css({ - left: a + "px", - right: d + "px" - }) - } else(function e() { - e.watcher || (e.watcher = l.$watch(function() { - m.nextTick(function() { - e.watcher && c.prop("offsetParent") && (e.watcher(), e.watcher = null, x()) - }, !1) - })) - })(); - else f.push(p.updateInkBarStyles); - else be.element(n.inkBar).css({ - left: "auto", - right: "auto" - }) - } - } - - function V(e) { - var t = D(); - if (!t.tabs.length || !p.shouldPaginate) return 0; - var n = t.tabs[t.tabs.length - 1], - o = n.offsetLeft + n.offsetWidth; - return e = W() ? (e = Math.min(t.paging.offsetWidth - t.canvas.clientWidth, e), Math.max(0, e)) : (e = Math.max(0, e), Math.min(o - t.canvas.clientWidth, e)) - } - - function W() { - return m.isRtl(i) - } - p.$onInit = function() { - (function(t, e) { - var n = i.$normalize("md-" + t); - e && O(t, e); - i.$observe(n, function(e) { - p[t] = e - }) - })("stretchTabs", $), O("focusIndex", w, p.selectedIndex || 0), O("offsetLeft", A, 0), O("hasContent", T, !1), O("maxTabWidth", y, R()), O("shouldPaginate", C, !1), E("noInkBar", N), E("dynamicHeight", S), E("noPagination"), E("swipeContent"), E("autoselect"), E("noSelectClick"), E("centerTabs", M), E("enableDisconnect"), p.scope = l, p.parent = l.$parent, p.tabs = [], p.lastSelectedIndex = null, p.hasFocus = !1, p.styleTabItemFocus = !1, p.shouldCenterTabs = H(), p.tabContentPrefix = "tab-content-", p.navigationHint = "Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate between tabs", p.selectedIndex = p.selectedIndex || 0, - function() { - var e = i.$mdTabsTemplate, - t = be.element(c[0].querySelector("md-tab-data")); - t.html(e), o(t.contents())(p.parent), delete i.$mdTabsTemplate - }(), l.$watch("$mdTabsCtrl.selectedIndex", _), be.element(t).on("resize", x), l.$on("$destroy", v), e(c), m.nextTick(function() { - z(), U(), q(), p.tabs[p.selectedIndex] && p.tabs[p.selectedIndex], g = !0, P() - }) - }, p.updatePagination = m.debounce(P, 100), p.redirectFocus = B, p.attachRipple = function(e, t) { - var n = D(), - o = { - colorElement: be.element(n.inkBar) - }; - r.attach(e, t, o) - }, p.insertTab = function(e, t) { - var n = g, - o = { - getIndex: function() { - return p.tabs.indexOf(r) - }, - isActive: function() { - return this.getIndex() === p.selectedIndex - }, - isLeft: function() { - return this.getIndex() < p.selectedIndex - }, - isRight: function() { - return this.getIndex() > p.selectedIndex - }, - shouldRender: function() { - return p.dynamicHeight || this.isActive() - }, - hasFocus: function() { - return p.styleTabItemFocus && p.hasFocus && this.getIndex() === p.focusIndex - }, - id: m.nextUid(), - hasContent: !(!e.template || !e.template.trim()) - }, - r = be.extend(o, e); - be.isDefined(t) ? p.tabs.splice(t, 0, r) : p.tabs.push(r); - return function() { - f.forEach(function(e) { - m.nextTick(e) - }), f = [] - }(), - function() { - var e, t = !1; - for (e = 0; e < p.tabs.length; e++) - if (p.tabs[e].hasContent) { - t = !0; - break - } p.hasContent = t - }(), m.nextTick(function() { - P(), - function(e) { - if (e.hasContent) { - var t = c[0].querySelectorAll('[md-tab-id="' + + '"]'); - be.element(t).attr("aria-controls", p.tabContentPrefix + - } - }(r), n && p.autoselect && m.nextTick(function() { - m.nextTick(function() { - k(p.tabs.indexOf(r)) - }) - }) - }), r - }, p.removeTab = function(e) { - if (b) return; - var t = p.selectedIndex, - n = p.tabs.splice(e.getIndex(), 1)[0]; - j(), p.selectedIndex === t && (n.scope.deselect(), p.tabs[p.selectedIndex] && p.tabs[p.selectedIndex]; - m.nextTick(function() { - P(), p.offsetLeft = V(p.offsetLeft) - }) - }, = k, p.scroll = function(e) { - if (!p.shouldPaginate) return; - e.preventDefault(), e.deltaY ? p.offsetLeft = V(p.offsetLeft + e.deltaY) : e.deltaX && (p.offsetLeft = V(p.offsetLeft + e.deltaX)) - }, p.nextPage = function() { - if (!p.canPageForward()) return; - var e = d.increasePageOffset(D(), p.offsetLeft); - p.offsetLeft = V(e) - }, p.previousPage = function() { - if (!p.canPageBack()) return; - var e = d.decreasePageOffset(D(), p.offsetLeft); - p.offsetLeft = V(e) - }, p.keydown = function(e) { - switch (e.keyCode) { - case n.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW: - e.preventDefault(), F(-1, !0); - break; - case n.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW: - e.preventDefault(), F(1, !0); - break; - case n.KEY_CODE.SPACE: - case n.KEY_CODE.ENTER: - e.preventDefault(), h || k(p.focusIndex); - break; - case n.KEY_CODE.TAB: - p.focusIndex !== p.selectedIndex && (p.focusIndex = p.selectedIndex) - } - }, p.canPageForward = function() { - var e = D(), - t = e.tabs[e.tabs.length - 1]; - if (W()) return p.offsetLeft < e.paging.offsetWidth - e.canvas.offsetWidth; - return t && t.offsetLeft + t.offsetWidth > e.canvas.clientWidth + p.offsetLeft - }, p.canPageBack = function() { - return 0 < p.offsetLeft - }, p.refreshIndex = j, p.incrementIndex = F, p.getTabElementIndex = function(e) { - var t = c[0].getElementsByTagName("md-tab"); - return, e[0]) - }, p.updateInkBarStyles = m.debounce(q, 100), p.updateTabOrder = m.debounce(function() { - var e = p.tabs[p.selectedIndex], - t = p.tabs[p.focusIndex]; - p.tabs = p.tabs.sort(function(e, t) { - return e.index - t.index - }), p.selectedIndex = p.tabs.indexOf(e), p.focusIndex = p.tabs.indexOf(t) - }, 100), p.getFocusedTabId = function() { - var e = p.tabs[p.focusIndex]; - return e && ? "tab-item-" + : null - }, 1 === be.version.major && be.version.minor <= 4 && this.$onInit() - } - - function et(n) { - return { - scope: { - navigationHint: "@?mdNavigationHint", - selectedIndex: "=?mdSelected" - }, - template: function(e, t) { - return t.$mdTabsTemplate = e.html(), '
    ' - }, - controller: "MdTabsController", - controllerAs: "$mdTabsCtrl", - bindToController: !0 - } - } - - function tt(s, l) { - return { - require: "^?mdTabs", - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - if (o) { - var r, i, a = function() { - o.updatePagination(), o.updateInkBarStyles() - }; - if ("MutationObserver" in l) { - (r = new MutationObserver(a)).observe(t[0], { - childList: !0, - subtree: !0, - characterData: !0 - }), i = r.disconnect.bind(r) - } else { - var d = s.debounce(a, 15, null, !1); - t.on("DOMSubtreeModified", d), i =, "DOMSubtreeModified", d) - } - e.$on("$destroy", function() { - i() - }) - } - } - } - } - - function nt(a, d) { - return { - restrict: "A", - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - if (!o) return; - var r = o.enableDisconnect ? e.compileScope.$new() : e.compileScope; - return t.html(e.template), a(t.contents())(r), d.nextTick(function() { - e.$watch("connected", function(e) { - !1 === e ? o.enableDisconnect && d.disconnectScope(r) : i() - }), e.$on("$destroy", i) - }); - - function i() { - o.enableDisconnect && d.reconnectScope(r) - } - }, - scope: { - template: "=mdTabsTemplate", - connected: "=?mdConnectedIf", - compileScope: "=mdScope" - }, - require: "^?mdTabs" - } - } - - function ot(n) { - return { - restrict: "E", - link: function(e, t) { - t.addClass("_md"), e.$on("$destroy", function() { - n.destroy() - }) - } - } - } - - function rt(e) { - n.$inject = ["$mdToast", "$scope", "$log"], t.$inject = ["$animate", "$mdToast", "$mdUtil", "$mdMedia", "$document", "$q"]; - var u, p = "ok"; - return e("$mdToast").setDefaults({ - methods: ["position", "hideDelay", "capsule", "parent", "position", "toastClass"], - options: t - }).addPreset("simple", { - argOption: "textContent", - methods: ["textContent", "action", "actionKey", "actionHint", "highlightAction", "highlightClass", "theme", "parent", "dismissHint"], - options: ["$mdToast", "$mdTheming", function(e, t) { - return { - template: '
    {{ toast.content }} {{ toast.dismissHint }} {{ toast.actionHint }} {{ toast.action }}
    ', - controller: n, - theme: t.defaultTheme(), - controllerAs: "toast", - bindToController: !0 - } - }] - }).addMethod("updateTextContent", function(e) { - u = e - }); - - function n(t, n, o) { - this.$onInit = function() { - var e = this; - e.highlightAction && (n.highlightClasses = ["md-highlight", e.highlightClass]), e.action && !e.actionKey && o.warn("Toasts with actions should define an actionKey for accessibility.", "Details:$mdToast#mdtoast-simple"), e.actionKey && !e.actionHint && (e.actionHint = 'Press Control-"' + e.actionKey + '" to '), e.dismissHint || (e.dismissHint = "Press Escape to dismiss."), n.$watch(function() { - return u - }, function() { - e.content = u - }), this.resolve = function() { - t.hide(p) - } - } - } - - function t(a, d, s, l, c, o) { - var m = "$md.swipeleft $md.swiperight $md.swipeup $md.swipedown"; - return { - onShow: function(e, o, r) { - u = r.textContent; - var i = !l("gt-sm"); - o = s.extractElementByName(o, "md-toast", !0), r.element = o, r.onSwipe = function(e) { - var t = e.type.replace("$md.", ""), - n = t.replace("swipe", ""); - "down" === n && -1 !== r.position.indexOf("top") && !i || "up" === n && (-1 !== r.position.indexOf("bottom") || i) || ("left" === n || "right" === n) && i || (o.addClass("md-" + t), s.nextTick(d.cancel)) - }, r.openClass = function(e) { - return l("gt-xs") ? "md-toast-open-" + (-1 < e.indexOf("top") ? "top" : "bottom") : "md-toast-open-bottom" - }(r.position), o.addClass(r.toastClass), r.parent.addClass(r.openClass), s.hasComputedStyle(r.parent, "position", "static") && r.parent.css("position", "relative"); - (function(t) { - c.on("keydown", function(e) { - "Escape" === e.key && d.hide(!1), t && e.key === t && e.ctrlKey && d.hide(p) - }) - })(e.toast && e.toast.actionKey ? e.toast.actionKey : ge), o.on(m, r.onSwipe); - var n = !1, - t = r.position.split(" ").map(function(e) { - if (e) { - var t = "md-" + e; - return "md-top" != t && "md-bottom" != t || (n = !0), t - } - return "md-bottom" - }); - n || t.push("md-bottom"); - o.addClass(i ? "md-bottom" : t.join(" ")), r.parent && r.parent.addClass("md-toast-animating"); - return a.enter(o, r.parent).then(function() { - r.parent && r.parent.removeClass("md-toast-animating") - }) - }, - onRemove: function(e, t, n) { - e.toast && e.toast.actionKey &&"keydown"); -, n.onSwipe), n.parent && n.parent.addClass("md-toast-animating"); - n.openClass && n.parent.removeClass(n.openClass); - return (!0 === n.$destroy ? o.when(t.remove()) : a.leave(t)).then(function() { - n.parent && n.parent.removeClass("md-toast-animating"), s.hasComputedStyle(n.parent, "position", "static") && n.parent.css("position", "") - }) - }, - toastClass: "", - position: "bottom left", - themable: !0, - hideDelay: 3e3, - autoWrap: !0, - transformTemplate: function(e, t) { - if (t.autoWrap && e && !/md-toast-content/g.test(e)) { - var n = document.createElement("md-template"); - n.innerHTML = e; - for (var o = 0; o < n.children.length; o++) - if ("MD-TOAST" === n.children[o].nodeName) { - var r = be.element('
    '); - r.append(be.element(n.children[o].childNodes)), n.children[o].appendChild(r[0]) - } return n.innerHTML - } - return e || "" - } - } - } - } - - function it(f, b, g, e, E, v) { - var $ = be.bind(null, g.supplant, "translate3d(0,{0}px,0)"); - return { - template: "", - restrict: "E", - link: function(u, p, h) { - p.addClass("_md"), e(p), g.nextTick(function() { - p.addClass("_md-toolbar-transitions") - }, !1), be.isDefined(h.mdScrollShrink) && function() { - var n, o, r = be.noop, - i = 0, - a = 0, - d = h.mdShrinkSpeedFactor || .5, - s = f.throttle(t), - l = g.debounce(e, 5e3); - u.$on("$mdContentLoaded", c), h.$observe("mdScrollShrink", function(e) { - var t = g.getSiblings(p, "md-content"); - !o && t.length && c(null, t[0]); - !1 === (e = u.$eval(e)) ? r() : r = m() - }), h.ngShow && u.$watch(h.ngShow, e); - h.ngHide && u.$watch(h.ngHide, e); - - function c(e, t) { - t && p.parent()[0] === t.parent()[0] && (o &&"scroll", s), o = t, r = m()) - } - - function t(e) { - var t = e ? : a; - l(), i = Math.min(n / d, Math.max(0, i + t - a)), p.css(b.CSS.TRANSFORM, $([-i * d])), o.css(b.CSS.TRANSFORM, $([(n - i) * d])), a = t, g.nextTick(function() { - var e = p.hasClass("md-whiteframe-z1"); - e && !i ? E.removeClass(p, "md-whiteframe-z1") : !e && i && E.addClass(p, "md-whiteframe-z1") - }) - } - - function m() { - return o ? (o.on("scroll", s), o.attr("scroll-shrink", "true"), v(e), function() { -"scroll", s), o.attr("scroll-shrink", "false"), e() - }) : be.noop - } - - function e() { - var e = -(n = p.prop("offsetHeight")) * d + "px"; - o.css({ - "margin-top": e, - "margin-bottom": e - }), t() - } - u.$on("$destroy", r) - }() - } - } - } - - function at(E, v, $, M, y, C, T, A) { - var w = "focus touchstart mouseenter", - _ = "blur touchcancel mouseleave", - k = { - top: { - x: T.xPosition.CENTER, - y: T.yPosition.ABOVE - }, - right: { - x: T.xPosition.OFFSET_END, - y: T.yPosition.CENTER - }, - bottom: { - x: T.xPosition.CENTER, - y: T.yPosition.BELOW - }, - left: { - x: T.xPosition.OFFSET_START, - y: T.yPosition.CENTER - } - }; - return { - restrict: "E", - priority: 210, - scope: { - mdZIndex: "=?mdZIndex", - mdDelay: "=?mdDelay", - mdVisible: "=?mdVisible", - mdAutohide: "=?mdAutohide", - mdDirection: "@?mdDirection" - }, - link: function(a, o, d) { - var r, e, i, s, l, c = "md-tooltip-" + C.nextUid(), - m = C.getParentWithPointerEvents(o), - u = $.throttle(f), - p = !1, - h = null; - - function t() { - a.mdZIndex = a.mdZIndex || 100, a.mdDelay = a.mdDelay || 0, k[a.mdDirection] || (a.mdDirection = "bottom") - } - - function n(e) { - var t = e || y(o.text().trim())(a.$parent); - (m.attr("aria-label") || m.attr("aria-labelledby")) && !m.attr("md-labeled-by-tooltip") || (m.attr("aria-label", t), m.attr("md-labeled-by-tooltip") || m.attr("md-labeled-by-tooltip", c)) - } - - function f() { - t(), s && s.panelEl && s.panelEl.removeClass(r), r = "md-origin-" + a.mdDirection, e = k[a.mdDirection], i = T.newPanelPosition().relativeTo(m).addPanelPosition(e.x, e.y), s && s.panelEl && (s.panelEl.addClass(r), s.updatePosition(i)) - } - - function b(e) { - b.queued && b.value === !!e || !b.queued && a.mdVisible === !!e || (b.value = !!e, b.queued || (e ? (b.queued = !0, l = E(function() { - a.mdVisible = b.value, b.queued = !1, l = null, a.visibleWatcher || g(a.mdVisible) - }, a.mdDelay)) : C.nextTick(function() { - a.mdVisible = !1, a.visibleWatcher || g(!1) - }))) - } - - function g(e) { - e ? function() { - if (!o[0].textContent.trim()) throw new Error("Text for the tooltip has not been provided. Please include text within the mdTooltip element."); - if (!s) { - var e = be.element(document.body), - t = T.newPanelAnimation().openFrom(m).closeTo(m).withAnimation({ - open: "md-show", - close: "md-hide" - }), - n = { - id: c, - attachTo: e, - contentElement: o, - propagateContainerEvents: !0, - panelClass: "md-tooltip", - animation: t, - position: i, - zIndex: a.mdZIndex, - focusOnOpen: !1, - onDomAdded: function() { - s.panelEl.addClass(r) - } - }; - s = T.create(n) - } - { - s.panelEl.attr("role", "tooltip") - }) - }() : s && s.close() - } - t(), n(), o.detach(), f(), - function() { - if (m[0] && "MutationObserver" in v) { - var e = new MutationObserver(function(e) { - ! function(e) { - return e.some(function(e) { - return "disabled" === e.attributeName && m[0].disabled - }), !1 - }(e) || C.nextTick(function() { - b(!1) - }) - }); - e.observe(m[0], { - attributes: !0 - }) - } - - function t() { - b(!1) - } - - function n() { - h = document.activeElement === m[0] - } - - function o(e) { - "focus" === e.type && h ? h = !1 : a.mdVisible || (m.on(_, r), b(!0), "touchstart" === e.type &&"touchend", function() { - C.nextTick(function() { -"touchend", r) - }, !1) - })) - } - - function r() { - ((a.hasOwnProperty("mdAutohide") ? a.mdAutohide : d.hasOwnProperty("mdAutohide")) || p || M[0].activeElement !== m[0]) && (l && (E.cancel(l), b.queued = !1, l = null),, r), m.triggerHandler("blur"), b(!1)), p = !1 - } - - function i() { - p = !0 - } - h = !1, A.register("scroll", t, !0), A.register("blur", n), A.register("resize", u), a.$on("$destroy", function() { - A.deregister("scroll", t, !0), A.deregister("blur", n), A.deregister("resize", u),, o).off(_, r).off("mousedown", i), r(), e && e.disconnect() - }), m.on("mousedown", i), m.on(w, o) - }(), - function() { - if (o[0] && "MutationObserver" in v) { - var e = new MutationObserver(function(e) { - e.forEach(function(e) { - "md-visible" !== e.attributeName || a.visibleWatcher || (a.visibleWatcher = a.$watch("mdVisible", g)) - }) - }); - e.observe(o[0], { - attributes: !0 - }), d.hasOwnProperty("mdVisible") && (a.visibleWatcher = a.$watch("mdVisible", g)) - } else a.visibleWatcher = a.$watch("mdVisible", g); - - function t() { - a.$destroy() - } - a.$watch("mdDirection", f),"$destroy", t),"$destroy", t), a.$on("$destroy", function() { - b(!1), s && s.destroy(), e && e.disconnect(), o.remove() - }), -1 < o.text().indexOf(y.startSymbol()) && a.$watch(function() { - return o.text().trim() - }, n) - }() - } - } - } - - function dt(e) { - e.addClass("md-truncate") - } - - function st(i) { - return { - link: function(e, n, o) { - var r = ""; - o.$observe("mdWhiteframe", function(e) { - -1 != (e = parseInt(e, 10) || 4) && (24 < e || e < 1) && (i.warn("md-whiteframe attribute value is invalid. It should be a number between 1 and 24", n[0]), e = 4); - var t = -1 == e ? "" : "md-whiteframe-" + e + "dp"; - o.$updateClass(t, r), r = t - }) - } - } - } - be.module("ngMaterial", ["ng", "ngAnimate", "ngAria", "material.core", "material.core.animate", "material.core.gestures", "material.core.interaction", "material.core.layout", "material.core.meta", "material.core.theming.palette", "material.core.theming", "material.components.autocomplete", "material.components.backdrop", "material.components.bottomSheet", "material.components.button", "material.components.card", "material.components.checkbox", "material.components.chips", "material.components.colors", "material.components.content", "material.components.datepicker", "material.components.dialog", "material.components.divider", "material.components.fabActions", "material.components.fabShared", "material.components.fabSpeedDial", "material.components.fabToolbar", "material.components.gridList", "material.components.icon", "material.components.input", "material.components.list", "", "material.components.menuBar", "material.components.navBar", "material.components.panel", "material.components.progressCircular", "material.components.progressLinear", "material.components.radioButton", "", "material.components.showHide", "material.components.sidenav", "material.components.slider", "material.components.sticky", "material.components.subheader", "material.components.swipe", "material.components.switch", "material.components.tabs", "material.components.toast", "material.components.toolbar", "material.components.tooltip", "material.components.truncate", "material.components.virtualRepeat", "material.components.whiteframe"]), e.$inject = ["$log", "$injector"], t.$inject = ["$provide", "$mdThemingProvider"], n.$inject = ["$delegate"], o.$inject = ["$delegate"], be.module("material.core", ["ngAnimate", "material.core.animate", "material.core.layout", "material.core.interaction", "material.core.gestures", "material.core.theming"]).config(t).run(e), r.$inject = ["$parse"], be.module("material.core").directive("mdAutofocus", r), be.module("material.core").factory("$mdColorUtil", function() { - return { - rgbaToHex: function(e) { - return ((e = e.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i)) && 4 === e.length ? "#" + ("0" + parseInt(e[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(e[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(e[3], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) : "").toUpperCase() - }, - hexToRgba: function(e) { - var t = "#" === e[0] ? e.substr(1) : e, - n = t.length / 3, - o = t.substr(0, n), - r = t.substr(n, n), - i = t.substr(2 * n); - return 1 == n && (o += o, r += r, i += i), "rgba(" + parseInt(o, 16) + "," + parseInt(r, 16) + "," + parseInt(i, 16) + ",0.1)" - }, - rgbToRgba: function(e) { - return e.replace(")", ", 0.1)").replace("(", "a(") - }, - rgbaToRgb: function(e) { - return e ? e.replace("rgba", "rgb").replace(/,[^),]+\)/, ")") : "rgb(0,0,0)" - } - } - }), be.module("material.core").factory("$mdConstant", function() { - var o = document.createElement("div"), - r = function(e) { - var t, n, o = /^(Moz|webkit|ms)(?=[A-Z])/; - for (t in - if (n = o.exec(t)) return n[0] - }(o), - e = /webkit/i.test(r), - i = /([:\-_]+(.))/g; - - function t(e) { - var t = function(e) { - return e.replace(i, function(e, t, n, o) { - return o ? n.toUpperCase() : n - }) - }(r + "-" + e), - n = t.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.substring(1); - return a(o, e) ? e : a(o, t) ? t : a(o, n) ? n : e - } - - function a(e, t) { - return be.isDefined([t]) - } - var n = { - isInputKey: function(e) { - return 31 <= e.keyCode && e.keyCode <= 90 - }, - isNumPadKey: function(e) { - return 3 === e.location && 97 <= e.keyCode && e.keyCode <= 105 - }, - isMetaKey: function(e) { - return 91 <= e.keyCode && e.keyCode <= 93 - }, - isFnLockKey: function(e) { - return 112 <= e.keyCode && e.keyCode <= 145 - }, - isNavigationKey: function(e) { - var t = n.KEY_CODE; - return -1 != [t.SPACE, t.ENTER, t.UP_ARROW, t.DOWN_ARROW].indexOf(e.keyCode) - }, - hasModifierKey: function(e) { - return e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey - }, - ELEMENT_MAX_PIXELS: 1533917, - BEFORE_NG_ARIA: 210, - KEY_CODE: { - COMMA: 188, - SEMICOLON: 186, - ENTER: 13, - ESCAPE: 27, - SPACE: 32, - PAGE_UP: 33, - PAGE_DOWN: 34, - END: 35, - HOME: 36, - LEFT_ARROW: 37, - UP_ARROW: 38, - RIGHT_ARROW: 39, - DOWN_ARROW: 40, - TAB: 9, - BACKSPACE: 8, - DELETE: 46 - }, - CSS: { - TRANSITIONEND: "transitionend" + (e ? " webkitTransitionEnd" : ""), - ANIMATIONEND: "animationend" + (e ? " webkitAnimationEnd" : ""), - TRANSFORM: t("transform"), - TRANSFORM_ORIGIN: t("transformOrigin"), - TRANSITION: t("transition"), - TRANSITION_DURATION: t("transitionDuration"), - ANIMATION_PLAY_STATE: t("animationPlayState"), - ANIMATION_DURATION: t("animationDuration"), - ANIMATION_NAME: t("animationName"), - ANIMATION_TIMING: t("animationTimingFunction"), - ANIMATION_DIRECTION: t("animationDirection") - }, - MEDIA: { - xs: "(max-width: 599px)", - "gt-xs": "(min-width: 600px)", - sm: "(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px)", - "gt-sm": "(min-width: 960px)", - md: "(min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px)", - "gt-md": "(min-width: 1280px)", - lg: "(min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919px)", - "gt-lg": "(min-width: 1920px)", - xl: "(min-width: 1920px)", - landscape: "(orientation: landscape)", - portrait: "(orientation: portrait)", - print: "print" - }, - MEDIA_PRIORITY: ["xl", "gt-lg", "lg", "gt-md", "md", "gt-sm", "sm", "gt-xs", "xs", "landscape", "portrait", "print"] - }; - return n - }), be.module("material.core").config(["$provide", function(e) { - e.decorator("$mdUtil", ["$delegate", function(e) { - return e.iterator = i, e - }]) - }]), a.$inject = ["$mdConstant", "$rootScope", "$window"], be.module("material.core").factory("$mdMedia", a), be.module("material.core").config(["$provide", function(e) { - e.decorator("$mdUtil", ["$delegate", function(e) { - return e.prefixer = d, e - }]) - }]), - function() { - t.$inject = ["$document", "$timeout", "$compile", "$rootScope", "$$mdAnimate", "$interpolate", "$log", "$rootElement", "$window", "$$rAF"]; - var g, E, v, $ = 0; - if (L.navigator) { - var e = L.navigator.userAgent || L.navigator.vendor || L.opera; - g = e.match(/ipad|iphone|ipod/i), E = e.match(/android/i), v = e.match(/(firefox|minefield)/i) - } - - function t(s, d, n, a, e, t, i, o, l, m) { - var r = t.startSymbol(), - c = t.endSymbol(), - u = "{{" === r && "}}" === c; - document.contains || (document.contains = function(e) { - return document.body.contains(e) - }); - - function p(e, t, n) { - var o = !1; - if (e && e.length) { - var r = l.getComputedStyle(e[0]); - o = be.isDefined(r[t]) && (!n || r[t] == n) - } - return o - } - - function h(e) { - return e ? function(e) { - return -1 < String(e).indexOf("px") - }(e) || function(e) { - return -1 < String(e).indexOf("%") - }(e) ? e : e + "px" : "0" - } - var f = { - dom: {}, - isIos: g, - isAndroid: E, - now: L.performance && ? be.bind(L.performance, : || function() { - return (new Date).getTime() - }, - getModelOption: function(e, t) { - if (e.$options) { - var n = e.$options; - return n.getOption ? n.getOption(t) : n[t] - } - }, - isRtl: function(e) { - switch (be.isDefined(e) && e.hasOwnProperty("dir") && e.dir) { - case "ltr": - return !1; - case "rtl": - return !0 - } - return "rtl" === s[0].dir || "rtl" === s[0].body.dir - }, - bidi: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = !this.isRtl(); - if (0 == arguments.length) return r ? "ltr" : "rtl"; - var i = be.element(e); - r && be.isDefined(n) ? i.css(t, h(n)) : !r && be.isDefined(o) && i.css(t, h(o)) - }, - bidiProperty: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = !this.isRtl(), - i = be.element(e); - r && be.isDefined(t) ? (i.css(t, h(o)), i.css(n, "")) : !r && be.isDefined(n) && (i.css(n, h(o)), i.css(t, "")) - }, - clientRect: function(e, t, n) { - var o = b(e); - t = b(t || o.offsetParent || document.body); - var r = o.getBoundingClientRect(), - i = n ? t.getBoundingClientRect() : { - left: 0, - top: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0 - }; - return { - left: r.left - i.left, - top: -, - width: r.width, - height: r.height - } - }, - offsetRect: function(e, t) { - return f.clientRect(e, t, !0) - }, - nodesToArray: function(e) { - var t, n = []; - for (e = e || [], t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) n.push(e.item(t)); - return n - }, - getViewportTop: function() { - return f.disableScrollAround._count && f.disableScrollAround._viewPortTop ? f.disableScrollAround._viewPortTop : l.scrollY || l.pageYOffset || 0 - }, - findFocusTarget: function(e, t) { - var n = this.prefixer("md-autofocus", !0); - return o(e, t || n) || o(e, n); - - function o(e, t) { - var n, o = e[0].querySelectorAll(t); - return o && o.length && o.length && be.forEach(o, function(e) { - (e = be.element(e)).hasClass("md-autofocus") && (n = e) - }), n - } - }, - disableScrollAround: function(e, t, n) { - if (n = n || {}, f.disableScrollAround._count = Math.max(0, f.disableScrollAround._count || 0), f.disableScrollAround._count++, f.disableScrollAround._restoreScroll) return f.disableScrollAround._restoreScroll; - var d = s[0].body, - o = function() { - var e = s[0].documentElement, - t = || "", - n = || "", - o = f.getViewportTop(); - f.disableScrollAround._viewPortTop = o; - var r = d.clientWidth, - i = d.scrollHeight > d.clientHeight + 1, - a = 0 < e.scrollTop ? e : d; - i && be.element(d).css({ - position: "fixed", - width: "100%", - top: -o + "px" - }); - d.clientWidth < r && ( = "hidden"); - return function() { - = n, = t, a.scrollTop = o - } - }(), - r = function(e, t) { - var n, o = be.element(e || d); - t.disableScrollMask ? n = o : (n = be.element('
    '), o.append(n)); - - function r(e) { - e.preventDefault() - } - return n.on("wheel touchmove", r), - function() { -"wheel touchmove", r), !t.disableScrollMask && n[0].parentNode && n[0].parentNode.removeChild(n[0]) - } - }(t, n); - return f.disableScrollAround._restoreScroll = function() { - --f.disableScrollAround._count <= 0 && (delete f.disableScrollAround._viewPortTop, o(), r(), delete f.disableScrollAround._restoreScroll) - } - }, - enableScrolling: function() { - var e = this.disableScrollAround._restoreScroll; - e && e() - }, - floatingScrollbars: function() { - if (this.floatingScrollbars.cached === ge) { - var e = be.element("
    ").css({ - width: "100%", - "z-index": -1, - position: "absolute", - height: "35px", - "overflow-y": "scroll" - }); - e.children().css("height", "60px"), s[0].body.appendChild(e[0]), this.floatingScrollbars.cached = e[0].offsetWidth === e[0].childNodes[0].offsetWidth, e.remove() - } - return this.floatingScrollbars.cached - }, - forceFocus: function(e) { - var n = e[0] || e; - document.addEventListener("click", function e(t) { - === n && t.$focus && (n.focus(), t.stopImmediatePropagation(), t.preventDefault(), n.removeEventListener("click", e)) - }, !0); - var t = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); - t.initMouseEvent("click", !1, !0, L, {}, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null), t.$material = !0, t.$focus = !0, n.dispatchEvent(t) - }, - createBackdrop: function(e, t) { - return n(f.supplant('', [t]))(e) - }, - supplant: function(e, i, t) { - return t = t || /\{([^{}]*)\}/g, e.replace(t, function(t, e) { - var n = e.split("."), - o = i; - try { - for (var r in n) n.hasOwnProperty(r) && (o = o[n[r]]) - } catch (e) { - o = t - } - return "string" == typeof o || "number" == typeof o ? o : t - }) - }, - fakeNgModel: function() { - return { - $fake: !0, - $setTouched: be.noop, - $setViewValue: function(e) { - this.$viewValue = e, this.$render(e), this.$viewChangeListeners.forEach(function(e) { - e() - }) - }, - $isEmpty: function(e) { - return 0 === ("" + e).length - }, - $parsers: [], - $formatters: [], - $viewChangeListeners: [], - $render: be.noop - } - }, - debounce: function(n, o, r, i) { - var a; - return function() { - var e = r, - t =; - d.cancel(a), a = d(function() { - a = ge, n.apply(e, t) - }, o || 10, i) - } - }, - throttle: function(n, o) { - var r; - return function() { - var e = arguments, - t =; - (!r || o < t - r) && (n.apply(this, e), r = t) - } - }, - time: function(e) { - var t =; - return e(), - t - }, - valueOnUse: function(e, t, n) { - var o = null, - r =, - i = 3 < r.length ? r.slice(3) : []; - Object.defineProperty(e, t, { - get: function() { - return null === o && (o = n.apply(e, i)), o - } - }) - }, - nextUid: function() { - return "" + $++ - }, - disconnectScope: function(e) { - if (e && e.$root !== e && !e.$$destroyed) { - var t = e.$parent; - e.$$disconnected = !0, t.$$childHead === e && (t.$$childHead = e.$$nextSibling), t.$$childTail === e && (t.$$childTail = e.$$prevSibling), e.$$prevSibling && (e.$$prevSibling.$$nextSibling = e.$$nextSibling), e.$$nextSibling && (e.$$nextSibling.$$prevSibling = e.$$prevSibling), e.$$nextSibling = e.$$prevSibling = null - } - }, - reconnectScope: function(e) { - if (e && e.$root !== e && e.$$disconnected) { - var t = e, - n = t.$parent; - t.$$disconnected = !1, t.$$prevSibling = n.$$childTail, n.$$childHead ? (n.$$childTail.$$nextSibling = t, n.$$childTail = t) : n.$$childHead = n.$$childTail = t - } - }, - getSiblings: function(t, e) { - var n = e.toUpperCase(); - return t instanceof be.element && (t = t[0]),, function(e) { - return t !== e && e.tagName.toUpperCase() === n - }).map(function(e) { - return be.element(e) - }) - }, - getClosest: function(e, t, n) { - if (be.isString(t)) { - var o = t.toUpperCase(); - t = function(e) { - return e.nodeName.toUpperCase() === o - } - } - if (e instanceof be.element && (e = e[0]), n && (e = e.parentNode), !e) return null; - do { - if (t(e)) return e - } while (e = e.parentNode); - return null - }, - elementContains: function(t, n) { - return (L.Node && L.Node.prototype && Node.prototype.contains ? be.bind(t, t.contains) : be.bind(t, function(e) { - return t === n || !!(16 & this.compareDocumentPosition(e)) - }))(n) - }, - extractElementByName: function(e, o, t, n) { - var r = d(e); - return !r && n && i.warn(f.supplant("Unable to find node '{0}' in element '{1}'.", [o, e[0].outerHTML])), be.element(r || e); - - function d(e) { - return function(e) { - if (e) - for (var t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; t++) - if (e[t].nodeName.toLowerCase() === o) return e[t]; - return null - }(e) || (t ? function(e) { - var t; - if (e) - for (var n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) { - var r = e[n]; - if (!t) - for (var i = 0, a = r.childNodes.length; i < a; i++) t = t || d([r.childNodes[i]]) - } - return t - }(e) : null) - } - }, - initOptionalProperties: function(o, r, i) { - i = i || {}, be.forEach(o.$$isolateBindings, function(e, t) { - if (e.optional && be.isUndefined(o[t])) { - var n = be.isDefined(r[e.attrName]); - o[t] = be.isDefined(i[t]) ? i[t] : n - } - }) - }, - nextTick: function(e, t, n) { - var o = f.nextTick, - r = o.timeout, - i = o.queue || []; - return i.push({ - scope: n, - callback: e - }), null == t && (t = !0), o.digest = o.digest || t, o.queue = i, r || (o.timeout = d(function() { - var e = o.queue, - t = o.digest; - o.queue = [], o.timeout = null, o.digest = !1, e.forEach(function(e) { - e.scope && e.scope.$$destroyed || e.callback() - }), t && a.$digest() - }, 0, !1)) - }, - processTemplate: function(e) { - return u ? e : e && be.isString(e) ? e.replace(/\{\{/g, r).replace(/}}/g, c) : e - }, - getParentWithPointerEvents: function(e) { - for (var t = e.parent(); p(t, "pointer-events", "none");) t = t.parent(); - return t - }, - getNearestContentElement: function(e) { - for (var t = e.parent()[0]; t && t !== o[0] && t !== document.body && "MD-CONTENT" !== t.nodeName.toUpperCase();) t = t.parentNode; - return t - }, - checkStickySupport: function() { - var e, t = be.element("
    "); - s[0].body.appendChild(t[0]); - for (var n = ["sticky", "-webkit-sticky"], o = 0; o < n.length; ++o) - if (t.css({ - position: n[o], - top: 0, - "z-index": 2 - }), t.css("position") == n[o]) { - e = n[o]; - break - } return t.remove(), e - }, - parseAttributeBoolean: function(e, t) { - return "" === e || !!e && (!1 === t || "false" !== e && "0" !== e) - }, - hasComputedStyle: p, - isParentFormSubmitted: function(e) { - var t = f.getClosest(e, "form"), - n = t ? be.element(t).controller("form") : null; - return !!n && n.$submitted - }, - animateScrollTo: function(r, i, a) { - var d = r.scrollTop, - s = i - d, - l = d < i, - c =; - m(function e() { - var t = (n = a || 1e3, o = - c, function(e, t, n, o) { - if (o < e) return t + n; - var r = (e /= o) * e; - return t + n * (r * e * -2 + 3 * r) - }(o, d, s, n)); - var n, o; - r.scrollTop = t; - (l ? t < i : i < t) && m(e) - }) - }, - uniq: function(e) { - if (e) return e.filter(function(e, t, n) { - return n.indexOf(e) === t - }) - }, - getInnerHTML: function(e) { - var t = new XMLSerializer; - return, function(e) { - return t.serializeToString(e) - }).join("") - }, - getOuterHTML: function(e) { - return (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(e) - }, - msie: L.document.documentMode, - getTouchAction: function() { - for (var e = document.createElement("div"), t = ["", "webkit", "Moz", "MS", "ms", "o"], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { - var o = t[n], - r = o ? o + "TouchAction" : "touchAction"; - if (be.isDefined([r])) return r - } - }, - getEventPath: function(e) { - for (var t = [], n =; n;) t.push(n), n = n.parentElement; - return -1 === t.indexOf(L) && -1 === t.indexOf(document) && t.push(document), -1 === t.indexOf(L) && t.push(L), t - }, - sanitize: function(e) { - return e ? e.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|{}[]/g, "\\$&") : e - }, - isDisabled: function(e) { - return e.hasAttribute("disabled") - }, - isVisible: function(e) { - return f.hasGeometry(e) && "visible" === getComputedStyle(e).visibility - }, - isTabbable: function(e) { - var t = f.getFrameElement(f.getWindow(e)); - if (t) { - if (-1 === f.getTabIndexValue(t)) return !1; - if (!f.isVisible(t)) return !1 - } - var n = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(), - o = f.getTabIndexValue(e); - return e.hasAttribute("contenteditable") ? -1 !== o : "iframe" !== n && "object" !== n && (!(g && !f.isPotentiallyTabbableIOS(e)) && ("audio" === n ? !!e.hasAttribute("controls") && -1 !== o : "video" === n ? -1 !== o && (null !== o || (v || e.hasAttribute("controls"))) : 0 <= e.tabIndex)) - }, - isFocusable: function(e) { - return f.isPotentiallyFocusable(e) && !f.isDisabled(e) && f.isVisible(e) - }, - isPotentiallyFocusable: function(e) { - return !f.isHiddenInput(e) && (f.isNativeFormElement(e) || f.isAnchorWithHref(e) || e.hasAttribute("contenteditable") || f.hasValidTabIndex(e)) - }, - isPotentiallyTabbableIOS: function(e) { - var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(), - n = "input" === t && e.type; - return "text" === n || "password" === n || "select" === t || "textarea" === t - }, - getTabIndexValue: function(e) { - if (!f.hasValidTabIndex(e)) return null; - var t = parseInt(e.getAttribute("tabindex") || "", 10); - return isNaN(t) ? -1 : t - }, - hasValidTabIndex: function(e) { - if (!e.hasAttribute("tabindex") || e.tabIndex === ge) return !1; - var t = e.getAttribute("tabindex"); - return "-32768" != t && !(!t || isNaN(parseInt(t, 10))) - }, - hasGeometry: function(e) { - return !!(e.offsetWidth || e.offsetHeight || "function" == typeof e.getClientRects && e.getClientRects().length) - }, - getFrameElement: function(e) { - try { - return e.frameElement - } catch (e) { - return null - } - }, - getWindow: function(e) { - return e.ownerDocument && e.ownerDocument.defaultView || L - }, - isNativeFormElement: function(e) { - var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - return "input" === t || "select" === t || "button" === t || "textarea" === t - }, - isHiddenInput: function(e) { - return f.isInputElement(e) && "hidden" == e.type - }, - isAnchorWithHref: function(e) { - return f.isAnchorElement(e) && e.hasAttribute("href") - }, - isInputElement: function(e) { - return "input" == e.nodeName.toLowerCase() - }, - isAnchorElement: function(e) { - return "a" == e.nodeName.toLowerCase() - }, - getFirstTabbableElement: function(e) { - if (f.isFocusable(e) && f.isTabbable(e)) return e; - for (var t = e.children || e.childNodes, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { - var o = t[n].nodeType === s[0].ELEMENT_NODE ? f.getFirstTabbableElement(t[n]) : null; - if (o) return o - } - return null - }, - getLastTabbableElement: function(e) { - if (f.isFocusable(e) && f.isTabbable(e)) return e; - for (var t = e.children || e.childNodes, n = t.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) { - var o = t[n].nodeType === s[0].ELEMENT_NODE ? f.getLastTabbableElement(t[n]) : null; - if (o) return o - } - return null - } - }; - return f.dom.animator = e(f), f; - - function b(e) { - return e[0] || e - } - } - be.module("material.core").factory("$mdUtil", t), be.element.prototype.focus = be.element.prototype.focus || function() { - return this.length && this[0].focus(), this - }, be.element.prototype.blur = be.element.prototype.blur || function() { - return this.length && this[0].blur(), this - } - }(), be.module("material.core").factory("$$mdAnimate", ["$q", "$timeout", "$mdConstant", "$animateCss", function(t, n, o, r) { - return function(e) { - return function(n, e, s, l, i) { - var c; - return c = { - translate3d: function(t, n, e, o) { - return i(t, { - from: n, - to: e, - addClass: o.transitionInClass, - removeClass: o.transitionOutClass, - duration: o.duration - }).start().then(function() { - return r - }); - - function r(e) { - return i(t, { - to: e || n, - addClass: o.transitionOutClass, - removeClass: o.transitionInClass, - duration: o.duration - }).start() - } - }, - waitTransitionEnd: function(i, a) { - var d = 3e3; - return e(function(t, e) { - var n; - "0s" !== (n = (n = (a = a || {}).cachedTransitionStyles) || L.getComputedStyle(i[0])).transitionDuration && (n.transition || n.transitionProperty) || (d = 0); - var o = s(r, a.timeout || d); - - function r(e) { - e && !== i[0] || (e && s.cancel(o),, r), t()) - } - i.on(l.CSS.TRANSITIONEND, r) - }) - }, - calculateTransformValues: function(e, t) { - var n, o, r = t.element, - i = t.bounds; - if (r || i) { - var a = r ? c.clientRect(r) || (n = e ? e.parent() : null, (o = n ? n.parent() : null) ? c.clientRect(o) : null) : c.copyRect(i), - d = c.copyRect(e[0].getBoundingClientRect()), - s = c.centerPointFor(d), - l = c.centerPointFor(a); - return { - centerX: l.x - s.x, - centerY: l.y - s.y, - scaleX: Math.round(100 * Math.min(.5, a.width / d.width)) / 100, - scaleY: Math.round(100 * Math.min(.5, a.height / d.height)) / 100 - } - } - return { - centerX: 0, - centerY: 0, - scaleX: .5, - scaleY: .5 - } - }, - calculateZoomToOrigin: function(e, t) { - return be.bind(null, n.supplant, "translate3d( {centerX}px, {centerY}px, 0 ) scale( {scaleX}, {scaleY} )")(c.calculateTransformValues(e, t)) - }, - calculateSlideToOrigin: function(e, t) { - return be.bind(null, n.supplant, "translate3d( {centerX}px, {centerY}px, 0 )")(c.calculateTransformValues(e, t)) - }, - toCss: function(e) { - var o = {}; - return be.forEach(e, function(e, t) { - if (!be.isUndefined(e)) - if (0 <= "left top right bottom width height x y min-width min-height max-width max-height".indexOf(t)) o[t] = e + "px"; - else switch (t) { - case "transition": - n(0, l.CSS.TRANSITION, e); - break; - case "transform": - n(0, l.CSS.TRANSFORM, e); - break; - case "transformOrigin": - n(0, l.CSS.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN, e); - break; - case "font-size": - o["font-size"] = e - } - }), o; - - function n(e, t, n) { - be.forEach(t.split(" "), function(e) { - o[e] = n - }) - } - }, - toTransformCss: function(t, e, n) { - var o = {}; - return be.forEach(l.CSS.TRANSFORM.split(" "), function(e) { - o[e] = t - }), e && (n = n || "all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1) !important", o.transition = n), o - }, - copyRect: function(t, n) { - return t ? (n = n || {}, be.forEach("left top right bottom width height".split(" "), function(e) { - n[e] = Math.round(t[e]) - }), n.width = n.width || n.right - n.left, n.height = n.height || n.bottom -, n) : null - }, - clientRect: function(e) { - var t, n = be.element(e)[0].getBoundingClientRect(); - return (t = n) && 0 < t.width && 0 < t.height ? c.copyRect(n) : null - }, - centerPointFor: function(e) { - return e ? { - x: Math.round(e.left + e.width / 2), - y: Math.round( + e.height / 2) - } : { - x: 0, - y: 0 - } - } - } - }(e, t, n, o, r) - } - }]), 4 <= be.version.minor ? be.module("material.core.animate", []) : (w = be.forEach, _ = be.isDefined(, k = _ ? "-webkit-" : "", x = (_ ? "webkitTransitionEnd " : "") + "transitionend", N = (_ ? "webkitAnimationEnd " : "") + "animationend", s = ["$q", "$$rAFMutex", function(t, n) { - function e(e) { - this.setHost(e), this._doneCallbacks = [], this._runInAnimationFrame = n(), this._state = 0 - } - return e.prototype = { - setHost: function(e) { - = e || {} - }, - done: function(e) { - 2 === this._state ? e() : this._doneCallbacks.push(e) - }, - progress: be.noop, - getPromise: function() { - if (!this.promise) { - var e = this; - this.promise = t(function(t, n) { - e.done(function(e) { - !1 === e ? n() : t() - }) - }) - } - return this.promise - }, - then: function(e, t) { - return this.getPromise().then(e, t) - }, - catch: function(e) { - return this.getPromise().catch(e) - }, - finally: function(e) { - return this.getPromise().finally(e) - }, - pause: function() { - && - }, - resume: function() { - && - }, - end: function() { - &&, this._resolve(!0) - }, - cancel: function() { - &&, this._resolve(!1) - }, - complete: function(e) { - var t = this; - 0 === t._state && (t._state = 1, t._runInAnimationFrame(function() { - t._resolve(e) - })) - }, - _resolve: function(t) { - 2 !== this._state && (w(this._doneCallbacks, function(e) { - e(t) - }), this._doneCallbacks.length = 0, this._state = 2) - } - }, e.all = function(t, n) { - var o = 0, - r = !0; - - function i(e) { - r = r && e, ++o === t.length && n(r) - } - w(t, function(e) { - e.done(i) - }) - }, e - }], be.module("material.core.animate", []).factory("$$forceReflow", ["$document", function(e) { - return function() { - return e[0].body.clientWidth + 1 - } - }]).factory("$$AnimateRunner", s).factory("$$rAFMutex", ["$$rAF", function(n) { - return function() { - var t = !1; - return n(function() { - t = !0 - }), - function(e) { - t ? e() : n(e) - } - } - }]).factory("$animateCss", ["$window", "$$rAF", "$$AnimateRunner", "$$forceReflow", "$$jqLite", "$timeout", "$animate", function(h, i, a, f, n, b, d) { - function g(e, t) { - t.addClass && (n.addClass(e, t.addClass), t.addClass = null), t.removeClass && (n.removeClass(e, t.removeClass), t.removeClass = null) - } - - function E(e) { - var t = 0, - n = (e || "").split(/\s*,\s*/); - return w(n, function(e) { - "s" == e.charAt(e.length - 1) && (e = e.substring(0, e.length - 1)), e = parseFloat(e) || 0, t = t ? Math.max(e, t) : e - }), t - } - var v, $ = []; - - function M(e, t) { - t.from && (e.css(t.from), t.from = null) - } - - function y(e, t) { - && (e.css(, = null) - } - - function C(e) { - for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) - if (1 === e[t].nodeType) return e[t] - } - - function T(e, t) { - var n = C(e), - o = A(k + "transition-delay"); -[o] = t ? "-9999s" : "" - } - return function(o, s) { - var l = [], - c = C(o), - e = c && d.enabled(), - t = !1, - n = !1; - e && (s.transitionStyle && l.push([k + "transition", s.transitionStyle]), s.keyframeStyle && l.push([k + "animation", s.keyframeStyle]), s.delay && l.push([k + "transition-delay", s.delay + "s"]), s.duration && l.push([k + "transition-duration", s.duration + "s"]), t = s.keyframeStyle || && (0 < s.duration || s.transitionStyle), n = !!s.addClass || !!s.removeClass, T(o, !0)); - var m = e && (t || n); - M(o, s); - var u, p, r = !1; - return { - close: h.close, - start: function() { - var e = new a; - return function(e) { - v && v(), $.push(e), v = i(function() { - v = null; - for (var e = f(), t = 0; t < $.length; t++) $[t](e); - $.length = 0 - }) - }(function() { - if (T(o, !1), !m) return d(); - w(l, function(e) { - var t = e[0], - n = e[1]; -[A(t)] = n - }), g(o, s); - var e = function(e) { - var t = C(e), - n = h.getComputedStyle(t), - o = E(n[l("transitionDuration")]), - r = E(n[l("animationDuration")]), - i = E(n[l("transitionDelay")]), - a = E(n[l("animationDelay")]); - r *= parseInt(n[l("animationIterationCount")], 10) || 1; - var d = Math.max(r, o), - s = Math.max(a, i); - return { - duration: d, - delay: s, - animationDuration: r, - transitionDuration: o, - animationDelay: a, - transitionDelay: i - }; - - function l(e) { - return _ ? "Webkit" + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1) : e - } - }(o); - if (0 === e.duration) return d(); - var t = []; - s.easing && (e.transitionDuration && t.push([k + "transition-timing-function", s.easing]), e.animationDuration && t.push([k + "animation-timing-function", s.easing])), s.delay && e.animationDelay && t.push([k + "animation-delay", s.delay + "s"]), s.duration && e.animationDuration && t.push([k + "animation-duration", s.duration + "s"]), w(t, function(e) { - var t = e[0], - n = e[1]; -[A(t)] = n, l.push(e) - }); - var r = 1e3 * e.delay, - i = e.duration, - n = 1e3 * i, - a =; - u = [], e.transitionDuration && u.push(x), e.animationDuration && u.push(N), u = u.join(" "), p = function(e) { - e.stopPropagation(); - var t = e.originalEvent || e, - n = t.timeStamp ||, - o = parseFloat(t.elapsedTime.toFixed(3)); - Math.max(n - a, 0) >= r && i <= o && d() - }, o.on(u, p), y(o, s), b(d, r + 1.5 * n, !1) - }), e; - - function d() { - if (!r) return r = !0, u && p &&, p), g(o, s), - function(e, t) { - M(e, t), y(e, t) - }(o, s), w(l, function(e) { -[A(e[0])] = "" - }), e.complete(!0), e - } - } - } - } - }])), S.$inject = ["$$rAF", "$log", "$window", "$interpolate"], be.module("material.core").provider("$mdAria", function() { - var r = { - showWarnings: !0 - }; - return { - disableWarnings: function() { - r.showWarnings = !1 - }, - $get: ["$$rAF", "$log", "$window", "$interpolate", function(e, t, n, o) { - return S.apply(r, arguments) - }] - } - }), be.module("material.core").provider("$mdCompiler", D), D.$inject = ["$compileProvider"], - function() { - r.$inject = ["$$MdGestureHandler", "$$rAF", "$timeout", "$mdUtil"]; - var i, a, s = {}, - l = 6, - c = !(n.$inject = ["$mdGesture", "$$MdGestureHandler", "$mdUtil"]), - d = !1, - m = null, - u = !1; - - function e() {} - - function r(o, e, n, t) { - var r = t.getTouchAction(), - i = void 0 !== L.jQuery && be.element === L.jQuery, - a = { - handler: function(e, t) { - var n = new o(e); - return be.extend(n, t), s[e] = n, a - }, - register: function(e, t, n) { - var o = s[t.replace(/^\$md./, "")]; - if (o) return o.registerElement(e, n); - throw new Error("Failed to register element with handler " + t + ". Available handlers: " + Object.keys(s).join(", ")) - }, - isAndroid: t.isAndroid, - isIos: t.isIos, - isHijackingClicks: (t.isIos || t.isAndroid) && !i && !c - }; - - function d(n) { - return function(e, t) { - t.distance < this.state.options.maxDistance && this.dispatchEvent(e, n, t) - } - } - return a.isHijackingClicks && (a.handler("click", { - options: { - maxDistance: l - }, - onEnd: d("click") - }), a.handler("focus", { - options: { - maxDistance: l - }, - onEnd: function(e, t) { - t.distance < this.state.options.maxDistance && E( && (this.dispatchEvent(e, "focus", t), - } - }), a.handler("mouseup", { - options: { - maxDistance: l - }, - onEnd: d("mouseup") - }), a.handler("mousedown", { - onStart: function(e) { - this.dispatchEvent(e, "mousedown") - } - })), a.handler("press", { - onStart: function(e, t) { - this.dispatchEvent(e, "$md.pressdown") - }, - onEnd: function(e, t) { - this.dispatchEvent(e, "$md.pressup") - } - }).handler("hold", { - options: { - maxDistance: 6, - delay: 500 - }, - onCancel: function() { - n.cancel(this.state.timeout) - }, - onStart: function(e, t) { - if (!this.state.registeredParent) return this.cancel(); - this.state.pos = { - x: t.x, - y: t.y - }, this.state.timeout = n(be.bind(this, function() { - this.dispatchEvent(e, "$md.hold"), this.cancel() - }), this.state.options.delay, !1) - }, - onMove: function(e, t) { - r || "touchmove" !== e.type || e.preventDefault(); - var n = this.state.pos.x - t.x, - o = this.state.pos.y - t.y; - Math.sqrt(n * n + o * o) > this.options.maxDistance && this.cancel() - }, - onEnd: function() { - this.onCancel() - } - }).handler("drag", { - options: { - minDistance: 6, - horizontal: !0, - cancelMultiplier: 1.5 - }, - onSetup: function(e, t) { - r && (this.oldTouchAction = e[0].style[r], e[0].style[r] = t.horizontal ? "pan-y" : "pan-x") - }, - onCleanup: function(e) { - this.oldTouchAction ? e[0].style[r] = this.oldTouchAction : e[0].style[r] = null - }, - onStart: function(e) { - this.state.registeredParent || this.cancel() - }, - onMove: function(e, t) { - var n, o; - r || "touchmove" !== e.type || e.preventDefault(), this.state.dragPointer ? this.dispatchDragMove(e) : (o = this.state.options.horizontal ? (n = Math.abs(t.distanceX) > this.state.options.minDistance, Math.abs(t.distanceY) > this.state.options.minDistance * this.state.options.cancelMultiplier) : (n = Math.abs(t.distanceY) > this.state.options.minDistance, Math.abs(t.distanceX) > this.state.options.minDistance * this.state.options.cancelMultiplier), n ? (this.state.dragPointer = p(e), b(e, this.state.dragPointer), this.dispatchEvent(e, "$md.dragstart", this.state.dragPointer)) : o && this.cancel()) - }, - dispatchDragMove: e.throttle(function(e) { - this.state.isRunning && (b(e, this.state.dragPointer), this.dispatchEvent(e, "$md.drag", this.state.dragPointer)) - }), - onEnd: function(e, t) { - this.state.dragPointer && (b(e, this.state.dragPointer), this.dispatchEvent(e, "$md.dragend", this.state.dragPointer)) - } - }).handler("swipe", { - options: { - minVelocity: .65, - minDistance: 10 - }, - onEnd: function(e, t) { - var n; - Math.abs(t.velocityX) > this.state.options.minVelocity && Math.abs(t.distanceX) > this.state.options.minDistance ? (n = "left" == t.directionX ? "$md.swipeleft" : "$md.swiperight", this.dispatchEvent(e, n)) : Math.abs(t.velocityY) > this.state.options.minVelocity && Math.abs(t.distanceY) > this.state.options.minDistance && (n = "up" == t.directionY ? "$md.swipeup" : "$md.swipedown", this.dispatchEvent(e, n)) - } - }) - } - - function t(e) { - = e, this.state = {} - } - - function n(e, r, n) { - if (!d) { - !u && e.isHijackingClicks && (document.addEventListener("click", function(e) { - var t; - t = n.isIos ? be.isDefined(e.webkitForce) && 0 === e.webkitForce : 0 === e.clientX && 0 === e.clientY; - t || e.$material || e.isIonicTap || f(e) ? (m = null, "label" === && (m = { - x: e.x, - y: e.y - })) : (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), m = null) - }, !0), document.addEventListener("mouseup", t, !0), document.addEventListener("mousedown", t, !0), document.addEventListener("focus", t, !0), u = !0); - be.element(document).on("mousedown touchstart pointerdown", function(e) { - if (i) return; - var t =; - if (a && !h(e, a) && t - a.endTime < 1500) return; - i = p(e), o("start", e) - }).on("mousemove touchmove pointermove", function(e) { - if (!i || !h(e, i)) return; - b(e, i), o("move", e) - }).on("mouseup mouseleave touchend touchcancel pointerup pointercancel", function(e) { - if (!i || !h(e, i)) return; - b(e, i), i.endTime =, "pointercancel" !== e.type && o("end", e); - a = i, i = null - }).on("$$mdGestureReset", function() { - a = i = null - }) - } - - function t(e) { - !e.clientX && !e.clientY || e.$material || e.isIonicTap || f(e) || "mousedown" === e.type && (E( || E(document.activeElement)) || (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()) - } - - function o(e, t) { - var n; - for (var o in s)(n = s[o]) instanceof r && ("start" === e && n.cancel(), n[e](t, i)) - } - } - - function p(e) { - var t = g(e), - n = { - startTime:, - target:, - type: e.type.charAt(0) - }; - return n.startX = n.x = t.pageX, n.startY = n.y = t.pageY, n - } - - function h(e, t) { - return e && t && e.type.charAt(0) === t.type - } - - function f(e) { - return m && m.x === e.x && m.y === e.y - } - - function b(e, t) { - var n = g(e), - o = t.x = n.pageX, - r = t.y = n.pageY; - t.distanceX = o - t.startX, t.distanceY = r - t.startY, t.distance = Math.sqrt(t.distanceX * t.distanceX + t.distanceY * t.distanceY), t.directionX = 0 < t.distanceX ? "right" : t.distanceX < 0 ? "left" : "", t.directionY = 0 < t.distanceY ? "down" : t.distanceY < 0 ? "up" : "", t.duration = - t.startTime, t.velocityX = t.distanceX / t.duration, t.velocityY = t.distanceY / t.duration - } - - function g(e) { - return (e = e.originalEvent || e).touches && e.touches[0] || e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches[0] || e - } - - function E(e) { - return !!e && "-1" !== e.getAttribute("tabindex") && !e.hasAttribute("disabled") && (e.hasAttribute("tabindex") || e.hasAttribute("href") || e.isContentEditable || -1 !== ["INPUT", "SELECT", "BUTTON", "TEXTAREA", "VIDEO", "AUDIO"].indexOf(e.nodeName)) - } - be.module("material.core.gestures", []).provider("$mdGesture", e).factory("$$MdGestureHandler", function() { - var e = void 0 !== L.jQuery && be.element === L.jQuery; - return t.prototype = { - options: {}, - dispatchEvent: e ? function(e, t, n) { - n = n || i; - var o = new be.element.Event(t); - o.$material = !0, o.pointer = n, o.srcEvent = e, be.extend(o, { - clientX: n.x, - clientY: n.y, - screenX: n.x, - screenY: n.y, - pageX: n.x, - pageY: n.y, - ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey, - altKey: e.altKey, - shiftKey: e.shiftKey, - metaKey: e.metaKey - }), be.element( - } : function(e, t, n) { - var o; - n = n || i, "click" === t || "mouseup" === t || "mousedown" === t ? "function" == typeof L.MouseEvent ? o = new MouseEvent(t, { - bubbles: !0, - cancelable: !0, - screenX: Number(e.screenX), - screenY: Number(e.screenY), - clientX: Number(n.x), - clientY: Number(n.y), - ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey, - altKey: e.altKey, - shiftKey: e.shiftKey, - metaKey: e.metaKey, - button: e.button, - buttons: e.buttons, - relatedTarget: e.relatedTarget || null - }) : (o = document.createEvent("MouseEvents")).initMouseEvent(t, !0, !0, L, e.detail, n.x, n.y, n.x, n.y, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, e.button, e.relatedTarget || null) : "function" == typeof L.CustomEvent ? o = new CustomEvent(t, { - bubbles: !0, - cancelable: !0, - detail: {} - }) : (o = document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(t, !0, !0, {}); - o.$material = !0, o.pointer = n, o.srcEvent = e, - }, - onSetup: be.noop, - onCleanup: be.noop, - onStart: be.noop, - onMove: be.noop, - onEnd: be.noop, - onCancel: be.noop, - start: function(e, t) { - if (!this.state.isRunning) { - var n = this.getNearestParent(, - o = n && n.$mdGesture[] || {}; - this.state = { - isRunning: !0, - options: be.extend({}, this.options, o), - registeredParent: n - }, this.onStart(e, t) - } - }, - move: function(e, t) { - this.state.isRunning && this.onMove(e, t) - }, - end: function(e, t) { - this.state.isRunning && (this.state.isRunning = !1, this.onEnd(e, t)) - }, - cancel: function(e, t) { - this.onCancel(e, t), this.state = {} - }, - getNearestParent: function(e) { - for (var t = e; t;) { - if ((t.$mdGesture || {})[]) return t; - t = t.parentNode - } - return null - }, - registerElement: function(e, t) { - var n = this; - return e[0].$mdGesture = e[0].$mdGesture || {}, e[0].$mdGesture[] = t || {}, e.on("$destroy", o), n.onSetup(e, t || {}), o; - - function o() { - delete e[0].$mdGesture[],"$destroy", o), n.onCleanup(e, t || {}) - } - } - }, t - }).run(n), e.prototype = { - disableAll: function() { - d = !0 - }, - skipClickHijack: function() { - return c = !0 - }, - setMaxClickDistance: function(e) { - l = parseInt(e) - }, - $get: ["$$MdGestureHandler", "$$rAF", "$timeout", "$mdUtil", function(e, t, n, o) { - return new r(e, t, n, o) - }] - } - }(), H.$inject = ["$timeout", "$mdUtil", "$rootScope"], be.module("material.core.interaction", []).service("$mdInteraction", H), H.prototype.deregister = function() { -"keydown mousedown", this.inputHandler), "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement &&"touchstart", this.bufferedInputHandler), this.pointerEvent &&, this.inputHandler) - }, H.prototype.initializeEvents = function() { - this.bodyElement.on("keydown mousedown", this.inputHandler), "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && this.bodyElement.on("touchstart", this.bufferedInputHandler), this.pointerEvent && this.bodyElement.on(this.pointerEvent, this.inputHandler) - }, H.prototype.onInputEvent = function(e) { - if (!this.isBuffering) { - var t = this.inputEventMap[e.type]; - "pointer" === t && (t = this.iePointerMap[e.pointerType] || e.pointerType), this.lastInteractionType = t, this.lastInteractionTime = this.$ - } - }, H.prototype.onBufferInputEvent = function(e) { - this.$timeout.cancel(this.bufferTimeout), this.onInputEvent(e), this.isBuffering = !0, this.bufferTimeout = this.$timeout(function() { - this.isBuffering = !1 - }.bind(this), 650, !1) - }, H.prototype.getLastInteractionType = function() { - return this.lastInteractionType - }, H.prototype.isUserInvoked = function(e) { - var t = be.isNumber(e) ? e : 15; - return this.lastInteractionTime >= this.$ - t - }, be.module("material.core").provider("$$interimElement", function() { - return t.$inject = ["$document", "$q", "$rootScope", "$timeout", "$rootElement", "$animate", "$mdUtil", "$mdCompiler", "$mdTheming", "$injector", "$exceptionHandler"], e.$get = t, e; - - function e(r) { - e.$inject = ["$$interimElement", "$injector"]; - var n = ["onHide", "onShow", "onRemove"], - i = {}, - l = { - presets: {} - }, - o = { - setDefaults: function(e) { - return l.optionsFactory = e.options, l.methods = (e.methods || []).concat(n), o - }, - addPreset: function(e, t) { - if ((t = t || {}).methods = t.methods || [], t.options = t.options || function() { - return {} - }, /^cancel|hide|show$/.test(e)) throw new Error("Preset '" + e + "' in " + r + " is reserved!"); - if (-1 < t.methods.indexOf("_options")) throw new Error("Method '_options' in " + r + " is reserved!"); - return l.presets[e] = { - methods: t.methods.concat(n), - optionsFactory: t.options, - argOption: t.argOption - }, o - }, - addMethod: function(e, t) { - return i[e] = t, o - }, - $get: e - }; - return o.addPreset("build", { - methods: ["controller", "controllerAs", "resolve", "multiple", "template", "templateUrl", "themable", "transformTemplate", "parent", "contentElement"] - }), o; - - function e(e, o) { - var a, t, n = e(), - d = { - hide: n.hide, - cancel: n.cancel, - show: function(e) { - return (e = e || {})._options && (e = e._options),{}, t, e)) - }, - destroy: function(e) { - return n.destroy(e) - } - }; - return a = l.methods || [], t = s(l.optionsFactory, {}), be.forEach(i, function(e, t) { - d[t] = e - }), be.forEach(l.presets, function(t, n) { - var o = s(t.optionsFactory, {}), - e = (t.methods || []).concat(a); - - function r(e) { - this._options = be.extend({}, o, e) - } - if (be.extend(o, { - $type: n - }), be.forEach(e, function(t) { - r.prototype[t] = function(e) { - return this._options[t] = e, this - } - }), t.argOption) { - var i = "show" + n.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n.slice(1); - d[i] = function(e) { - var t = d[n](e); - return - } - } - d[n] = function(e) { - return arguments.length && t.argOption && !be.isObject(e) && !be.isArray(e) ? (new r)[t.argOption](e) : new r(e) - } - }), d; - - function s(e, t) { - var n = {}; - return n[r] = d, o.invoke(e || function() { - return t - }, {}, n) - } - } - } - - function t(m, u, t, p, h, o, n, f, b, s, l) { - return function() { - var c, r = [], - i = [], - a = []; - return c = { - show: function(e) { - var t = new d((e = e || {}) || {}), - n = e.multiple ? u.resolve() : u.all(r); - e.multiple || (n = n.then(function() { - var e = i.concat(; - return u.all(e) - })); - var o = n.then(function() { - return { - a.push(t) - }).catch(function(e) { - return e - }).finally(function() { - r.splice(r.indexOf(o), 1) - }) - }); - return r.push(o), t.deferred.promise.catch(function(e) { - return e instanceof Error && l(e), e - }), t.deferred.promise - }, - hide: e(function(n, o) { - return (o = o || {}).closeAll ? u.all(a.slice().reverse().map(e)) : o.closeTo !== ge ? u.all(a.slice(o.closeTo).map(e)) : e(a[a.length - 1]); - - function e(e) { - if (!e) return u.when(n); - var t = e.remove(n, !1, o || {}).catch(function(e) { - return e - }).finally(function() { - i.splice(i.indexOf(t), 1) - }); - return a.splice(a.indexOf(e), 1), i.push(t), e.deferred.promise - } - }), - cancel: e(function(e, t) { - var n = a.pop(); - if (!n) return u.when(e); - var o = n.remove(e, !0, t || {}).catch(function(e) { - return e - }).finally(function() { - i.splice(i.indexOf(o), 1) - }); - return i.push(o), n.deferred.promise.catch(be.noop) - }), - destroy: function(e) { - var t = e ? null : a.shift(), - n = be.element(e).length && be.element(e)[0].parentNode; - if (n) { - var o = a.filter(function(e) { - return e.options.element[0] === n - }); - o.length && (t = o[0], a.splice(a.indexOf(t), 1)) - } - return t ? t.remove(!1, !1, { - $destroy: !0 - }) : u.when(!1) - }, - $injector_: s - }; - - function e(t) { - return function() { - var e = arguments; - return a.length ? t.apply(c, e) : r.length ? r[0].finally(function() { - return t.apply(c, e) - }) : u.when("No interim elements currently showing up.") - } - } - - function d(i) { - var a, d, s = u.when(!0); - return i = function(e) { - return (e = e || {}).template && (e.template = n.processTemplate(e.template)), be.extend({ - preserveScope: !1, - cancelAutoHide: be.noop, - scope: e.scope || t.$new(e.isolateScope), - onShow: function(e, t, n) { - return o.enter(t, n.parent) - }, - onRemove: function(e, t) { - return t && o.leave(t) || u.when() - } - }, e) - }(i), a = { - options: i, - deferred: u.defer(), - show: function() { - return u(function(t, n) { - function o(e) { - a.deferred.reject(e), n(e) - } - i.onCompiling && i.onCompiling(i), - function(t) { - return (t.skipCompile ? null : f.compile(t)) || u(function(e) { - e({ - locals: {}, - link: function() { - return t.element - } - }) - }) - }(i).then(function(e) { - d = function(e, t) { - be.extend(e.locals, t); - var n =; - return t.element = n, t.parent = function(e, t) { - var n, o = t.parent; - return ((o = be.isFunction(o) ? o(t.scope, e, t) : be.isString(o) ? be.element(m[0].querySelector(o)) : be.element(o)) || {}).length ? o : (h[0] && h[0].querySelector && (n = h[0].querySelector(":not(svg) > body")), "#comment" === (n = n || h[0]).nodeName && (n = m[0].body), be.element(n)) - }(n, t), t.themable && b(n), n - }(e, i), i.cleanupElement = e.cleanup, s = function(n, o, e) { - var t = o.onShowing || be.noop, - r = o.onComplete || be.noop; - try { - t(o.scope, n, o, e) - } catch (e) { - return u.reject(e) - } - return u(function(e, t) { - try { - u.when(o.onShow(o.scope, n, o)).then(function() { - r(o.scope, n, o), - function() { - var e, t = be.noop; - i.hideDelay && (e = p(c.hide, i.hideDelay), t = function() { - p.cancel(e) - }), i.cancelAutoHide = function() { - t(), i.cancelAutoHide = ge - } - }(), e(n) - }, t) - } catch (e) { - t(e.message) - } - }) - }(d, i, e.controller).then(t, o) - }).catch(o) - }) - }, - remove: function(e, t, n) { - return d ? ((i = be.extend(i || {}, n || {})).cancelAutoHide && i.cancelAutoHide(), i.element.triggerHandler("$mdInterimElementRemove"), !0 === i.$destroy ? l(i.element, i).then(function() { - t && r(e) || o(e) - }) : (u.when(s).finally(function() { - l(i.element, i).then(function() { - t ? r(e) : o(e) - }, r) - }), a.deferred.promise)) : u.when(!1); - - function o(e) { - a.deferred.resolve(e) - } - - function r(e) { - a.deferred.reject(e) - } - } - }; - - function l(o, r) { - var i = r.onRemoving || be.noop; - return u(function(e, t) { - try { - var n = u.when(r.onRemove(r.scope, o, r) || !0); - i(o, n), r.$destroy ? (e(o), !r.preserveScope && r.scope && n.then(function() { - r.scope.$destroy() - })) : n.then(function() { - !r.preserveScope && r.scope && r.scope.$destroy(), e(o) - }, t) - } catch (e) { - t(e.message) - } - }) - } - } - } - } - }), E = /(-gt)?-(sm|md|lg|print)/g, v = /\s+/g, $ = ["grow", "initial", "auto", "none", "noshrink", "nogrow"], M = ["row", "column"], y = ["", "start", "center", "end", "stretch", "space-around", "space-between"], C = ["", "start", "center", "end", "stretch"], T = { - enabled: !0, - breakpoints: [] - }, p = be.module("material.core.layout", ["ng"]), h = /^((?:x|data)[:\-_])/i, f = /([:\-_]+(.))/g, b = ["layout", "flex", "flex-order", "flex-offset", "layout-align"], g = ["show", "hide", "layout-padding", "layout-margin"], be.forEach(["", "xs", "gt-xs", "sm", "gt-sm", "md", "gt-md", "lg", "gt-lg", "xl", "print"], function(n) { - be.forEach(b, function(e) { - var t = n ? e + "-" + n : e; - p.directive(I(t), function(i) { - return ["$mdUtil", "$interpolate", "$log", function(e, t, n) { - return l = e, c = t, m = n, { - restrict: "A", - compile: function(e, t) { - var n; - return T.enabled && (F(i, 0, e, m), B(i, z(i, t, ""), U(0, i, t)), n = o), n || be.noop - } - } - }]; - - function o(e, t, n) { - var o = function(n, o) { - var r; - return function(e) { - var t = B(o, e || ""); - be.isDefined(t) && (r && n.removeClass(r), r = t ? o + "-" + t.trim().replace(v, "-") : o, n.addClass(r)) - } - }(t, i), - r = n.$observe(n.$normalize(i), o); - o(z(i, n, "")), e.$on("$destroy", function() { - r() - }) - } - }(t)) - }), be.forEach(g, function(e) { - var t = n ? e + "-" + n : e; - p.directive(I(t), R(t)) - }) - }), p.provider("$$mdLayout", function() { - return { - $get: be.noop, - validateAttributeValue: B, - validateAttributeUsage: F, - disableLayouts: function(e) { - T.enabled = !0 !== e - } - } - }).directive("mdLayoutCss", P).directive("ngCloak", (u = "ng-cloak", ["$timeout", function(n) { - return { - restrict: "A", - priority: -10, - compile: function(e) { - return T.enabled ? (e.addClass(u), function(e, t) { - n(function() { - t.removeClass(u) - }, 10, !1) - }) : be.noop - } - } - }])).directive("layoutWrap", R("layout-wrap")).directive("layoutNowrap", R("layout-nowrap")).directive("layoutNoWrap", R("layout-no-wrap")).directive("layoutFill", R("layout-fill")).config(O), V.$inject = ["$timeout"], be.module("material.core").service("$mdLiveAnnouncer", V), V.prototype.announce = function(e, t) { - t = t || "polite"; - var n = this; - n._liveElement.textContent = "", n._liveElement.setAttribute("aria-live", t), n._$timeout(function() { - n._liveElement.textContent = e - }, n._announceTimeout, !1) - }, V.prototype._createLiveElement = function() { - var e = document.createElement("div"); - return e.classList.add("md-visually-hidden"), e.setAttribute("role", "status"), e.setAttribute("aria-atomic", "true"), e.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"), document.body.appendChild(e), e - }, be.module("material.core.meta", []).provider("$$mdMeta", function() { - var o = be.element(document.head), - r = {}; - - function i(e) { - if (r[e]) return !0; - var t = document.getElementsByName(e)[0]; - return !!t && (r[e] = be.element(t), !0) - } - var e = { - setMeta: function(e, t) { - if (i(e), r[e]) r[e].attr("content", t); - else { - var n = be.element(''); - o.append(n), r[e] = n - } - return function() { - r[e].attr("content", ""), r[e].remove(), delete r[e] - } - }, - getMeta: function(e) { - if (!i(e)) throw Error("$$mdMeta: could not find a meta tag with the name '" + e + "'"); - return r[e].attr("content") - } - }; - return be.extend({}, e, { - $get: function() { - return e - } - }) - }), W.$inject = ["$log", "$q"], be.module("material.core").factory("$mdComponentRegistry", W), Y.$inject = ["$mdInkRipple"], be.module("material.core").factory("$mdButtonInkRipple", Y), K.$inject = ["$mdInkRipple"], be.module("material.core").factory("$mdCheckboxInkRipple", K), G.$inject = ["$mdInkRipple"], be.module("material.core").factory("$mdListInkRipple", G), - function() { - i.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "rippleOptions", "$window", "$timeout", "$mdUtil", "$mdColorUtil"], e.$inject = ["$mdButtonInkRipple", "$mdCheckboxInkRipple"], be.module("material.core").provider("$mdInkRipple", function() { - var r = !1; - return { - disableInkRipple: function() { - r = !0 - }, - $get: ["$injector", function(o) { - return { - attach: function(e, t, n) { - return r || t.controller("mdNoInk") ? be.noop : o.instantiate(i, { - $scope: e, - $element: t, - rippleOptions: n - }) - } - } - }] - } - }).directive("mdInkRipple", e).directive("mdNoInk", n).directive("mdNoBar", n).directive("mdNoStretch", n); - - function e(o, r) { - return { - controller: be.noop, - link: function(e, t, n) { - n.hasOwnProperty("mdInkRippleCheckbox") ? r.attach(e, t) : o.attach(e, t) - } - } - } - - function i(e, t, n, o, r, i, a) { - this.$window = o, this.$timeout = r, this.$mdUtil = i, this.$mdColorUtil = a, this.$scope = e, this.$element = t, this.options = n, this.mousedown = !1, this.ripples = [], this.timeout = null, this.lastRipple = null, i.valueOnUse(this, "container", this.createContainer), this.$element.addClass("md-ink-ripple"), (t.controller("mdInkRipple") || {}).createRipple = be.bind(this, this.createRipple), (t.controller("mdInkRipple") || {}).setColor = be.bind(this, this.color), this.bindEvents() - } - - function t(e, t) { - (e.mousedown || e.lastRipple) && (e.mousedown = !1, e.$mdUtil.nextTick(be.bind(e, t), !1)) - } - - function n() { - return { - controller: be.noop - } - } - i.prototype.color = function(e) { - var t, n, o = this; - return be.isDefined(e) && (o._color = o._parseColor(e)), o._color || o._parseColor(o.inkRipple()) || o._parseColor((t = o.options && o.options.colorElement ? o.options.colorElement : [], (n = t.length ? t[0] : o.$element[0]) ? o.$window.getComputedStyle(n).color : "rgb(0,0,0)")) - }, i.prototype.calculateColor = function() { - return this.color() - }, i.prototype._parseColor = function(e, t) { - t = t || 1; - var n = this.$mdColorUtil; - if (e) return 0 === e.indexOf("rgba") ? e.replace(/\d?\.?\d*\s*\)\s*$/, (.1 * t).toString() + ")") : 0 === e.indexOf("rgb") ? n.rgbToRgba(e) : 0 === e.indexOf("#") ? n.hexToRgba(e) : void 0 - }, i.prototype.bindEvents = function() { - this.$element.on("mousedown", be.bind(this, this.handleMousedown)), this.$element.on("mouseup touchend", be.bind(this, this.handleMouseup)), this.$element.on("mouseleave", be.bind(this, this.handleMouseup)), this.$element.on("touchmove", be.bind(this, this.handleTouchmove)) - }, i.prototype.handleMousedown = function(e) { - if (!this.mousedown) - if (e.hasOwnProperty("originalEvent") && (e = e.originalEvent), this.mousedown = !0, this.createRipple(this.container.prop("clientWidth") / 2, this.container.prop("clientWidth") / 2); - else if (e.srcElement !== this.$element[0]) { - var t = this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect(), - n = e.clientX - t.left, - o = e.clientY -; - this.createRipple(n, o) - } else this.createRipple(e.offsetX, e.offsetY) - }, i.prototype.handleMouseup = function() { - this.$timeout(function() { - t(this, this.clearRipples) - }.bind(this)) - }, i.prototype.handleTouchmove = function() { - t(this, this.deleteRipples) - }, i.prototype.deleteRipples = function() { - for (var e = 0; e < this.ripples.length; e++) this.ripples[e].remove() - }, i.prototype.clearRipples = function() { - for (var e = 0; e < this.ripples.length; e++) this.fadeInComplete(this.ripples[e]) - }, i.prototype.createContainer = function() { - var e = be.element('
    '); - return this.$element.append(e), e - }, i.prototype.clearTimeout = function() { - this.timeout && (this.$timeout.cancel(this.timeout), this.timeout = null) - }, i.prototype.isRippleAllowed = function() { - var e = this.$element[0]; - do { - if (!e.tagName || "BODY" === e.tagName) break; - if (e && be.isFunction(e.hasAttribute)) { - if (e.hasAttribute("disabled")) return !1; - if ("false" === this.inkRipple() || "0" === this.inkRipple()) return !1 - } - } while (e = e.parentNode); - return !0 - }, i.prototype.inkRipple = function() { - return this.$element.attr("md-ink-ripple") - }, i.prototype.createRipple = function(e, t) { - if (this.isRippleAllowed()) { - var n, o, r, i = this, - a = i.$mdColorUtil, - d = be.element('
    '), - s = this.$element.prop("clientWidth"), - l = this.$element.prop("clientHeight"), - c = 2 * Math.max(Math.abs(s - e), e), - m = 2 * Math.max(Math.abs(l - t), t), - u = (n = this.options.fitRipple, o = c, r = m, n ? Math.max(o, r) : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(o, 2) + Math.pow(r, 2))), - p = this.calculateColor(); - d.css({ - left: e + "px", - top: t + "px", - background: "black", - width: u + "px", - height: u + "px", - backgroundColor: a.rgbaToRgb(p), - borderColor: a.rgbaToRgb(p) - }), this.lastRipple = d, this.clearTimeout(), this.timeout = this.$timeout(function() { - i.clearTimeout(), i.mousedown || i.fadeInComplete(d) - }, 157.5, !1), this.options.dimBackground && this.container.css({ - backgroundColor: p - }), this.container.append(d), this.ripples.push(d), d.addClass("md-ripple-placed"), this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - d.addClass("md-ripple-scaled md-ripple-active"), i.$timeout(function() { - i.clearRipples() - }, 450, !1) - }, !1) - } - }, i.prototype.fadeInComplete = function(e) { - this.lastRipple === e && (this.timeout || this.mousedown) || this.removeRipple(e) - }, i.prototype.removeRipple = function(e) { - var t = this; - this.ripples.indexOf(e) < 0 || (this.ripples.splice(this.ripples.indexOf(e), 1), e.removeClass("md-ripple-active"), e.addClass("md-ripple-remove"), 0 === this.ripples.length && this.container.css({ - backgroundColor: "" - }), this.$timeout(function() { - t.fadeOutComplete(e) - }, 450, !1)) - }, i.prototype.fadeOutComplete = function(e) { - e.remove(), this.lastRipple = null - } - }(), X.$inject = ["$mdInkRipple"], be.module("material.core").factory("$mdTabInkRipple", X), be.module("material.core.theming.palette", []).constant("$mdColorPalette", { - red: { - 50: "#ffebee", - 100: "#ffcdd2", - 200: "#ef9a9a", - 300: "#e57373", - 400: "#ef5350", - 500: "#f44336", - 600: "#e53935", - 700: "#d32f2f", - 800: "#c62828", - 900: "#b71c1c", - A100: "#ff8a80", - A200: "#ff5252", - A400: "#ff1744", - A700: "#d50000", - contrastDefaultColor: "light", - contrastDarkColors: "50 100 200 300 400 500 600 A100 A200 A400", - contrastStrongLightColors: "700 800 900 A700" - }, - pink: { - 50: "#fce4ec", - 100: "#f8bbd0", - 200: "#f48fb1", - 300: "#f06292", - 400: "#ec407a", - 500: "#e91e63", - 600: "#d81b60", - 700: "#c2185b", - 800: "#ad1457", - 900: "#880e4f", - A100: "#ff80ab", - A200: "#ff4081", - A400: "#f50057", - A700: "#c51162", - contrastDefaultColor: "light", - contrastDarkColors: "50 100 200 300 400 A100 A200 A400", - contrastStrongLightColors: "500 600 700 800 900 A700" - }, - purple: { - 50: "#f3e5f5", - 100: "#e1bee7", - 200: "#ce93d8", - 300: "#ba68c8", - 400: "#ab47bc", - 500: "#9c27b0", - 600: "#8e24aa", - 700: "#7b1fa2", - 800: "#6a1b9a", - 900: "#4a148c", - A100: "#ea80fc", - A200: "#e040fb", - A400: "#d500f9", - A700: "#aa00ff", - contrastDefaultColor: "light", - contrastDarkColors: "50 100 200 300 A100 A200 A400", - contrastStrongLightColors: "400 500 600 700 800 900 A700" - }, - "deep-purple": { - 50: "#ede7f6", - 100: "#d1c4e9", - 200: "#b39ddb", - 300: "#9575cd", - 400: "#7e57c2", - 500: "#673ab7", - 600: "#5e35b1", - 700: "#512da8", - 800: "#4527a0", - 900: "#311b92", - A100: "#b388ff", - A200: "#7c4dff", - A400: "#651fff", - A700: "#6200ea", - contrastDefaultColor: "light", - contrastDarkColors: "50 100 200 300 A100", - contrastStrongLightColors: "400 500 600 700 800 900 A200 A400 A700" - }, - indigo: { - 50: "#e8eaf6", - 100: "#c5cae9", - 200: "#9fa8da", - 300: "#7986cb", - 400: "#5c6bc0", - 500: "#3f51b5", - 600: "#3949ab", - 700: "#303f9f", - 800: "#283593", - 900: "#1a237e", - A100: "#8c9eff", - A200: "#536dfe", - A400: "#3d5afe", - A700: "#304ffe", - contrastDefaultColor: "light", - contrastDarkColors: "50 100 200 300 A100 A200", - contrastStrongLightColors: "400 500 600 700 800 900 A400 A700" - }, - blue: { - 50: "#e3f2fd", - 100: "#bbdefb", - 200: "#90caf9", - 300: "#64b5f6", - 400: "#42a5f5", - 500: "#2196f3", - 600: "#1e88e5", - 700: "#1976d2", - 800: "#1565c0", - 900: "#0d47a1", - A100: "#82b1ff", - A200: "#448aff", - A400: "#2979ff", - A700: "#2962ff", - contrastDefaultColor: "light", - contrastDarkColors: "50 100 200 300 400 500 600 A100 A200", - contrastStrongLightColors: "700 800 900 A400 A700" - }, - "light-blue": { - 50: "#e1f5fe", - 100: "#b3e5fc", - 200: "#81d4fa", - 300: "#4fc3f7", - 400: "#29b6f6", - 500: "#03a9f4", - 600: "#039be5", - 700: "#0288d1", - 800: "#0277bd", - 900: "#01579b", - A100: "#80d8ff", - A200: "#40c4ff", - A400: "#00b0ff", - A700: "#0091ea", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastStrongLightColors: "800 900 A700" - }, - cyan: { - 50: "#e0f7fa", - 100: "#b2ebf2", - 200: "#80deea", - 300: "#4dd0e1", - 400: "#26c6da", - 500: "#00bcd4", - 600: "#00acc1", - 700: "#0097a7", - 800: "#00838f", - 900: "#006064", - A100: "#84ffff", - A200: "#18ffff", - A400: "#00e5ff", - A700: "#00b8d4", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastStrongLightColors: "800 900" - }, - teal: { - 50: "#e0f2f1", - 100: "#b2dfdb", - 200: "#80cbc4", - 300: "#4db6ac", - 400: "#26a69a", - 500: "#009688", - 600: "#00897b", - 700: "#00796b", - 800: "#00695c", - 900: "#004d40", - A100: "#a7ffeb", - A200: "#64ffda", - A400: "#1de9b6", - A700: "#00bfa5", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastStrongLightColors: "600 700 800 900" - }, - green: { - 50: "#e8f5e9", - 100: "#c8e6c9", - 200: "#a5d6a7", - 300: "#81c784", - 400: "#66bb6a", - 500: "#4caf50", - 600: "#43a047", - 700: "#388e3c", - 800: "#2e7d32", - 900: "#1b5e20", - A100: "#b9f6ca", - A200: "#69f0ae", - A400: "#00e676", - A700: "#00c853", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastStrongLightColors: "700 800 900" - }, - "light-green": { - 50: "#f1f8e9", - 100: "#dcedc8", - 200: "#c5e1a5", - 300: "#aed581", - 400: "#9ccc65", - 500: "#8bc34a", - 600: "#7cb342", - 700: "#689f38", - 800: "#558b2f", - 900: "#33691e", - A100: "#ccff90", - A200: "#b2ff59", - A400: "#76ff03", - A700: "#64dd17", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastStrongLightColors: "800 900" - }, - lime: { - 50: "#f9fbe7", - 100: "#f0f4c3", - 200: "#e6ee9c", - 300: "#dce775", - 400: "#d4e157", - 500: "#cddc39", - 600: "#c0ca33", - 700: "#afb42b", - 800: "#9e9d24", - 900: "#827717", - A100: "#f4ff81", - A200: "#eeff41", - A400: "#c6ff00", - A700: "#aeea00", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastStrongLightColors: "900" - }, - yellow: { - 50: "#fffde7", - 100: "#fff9c4", - 200: "#fff59d", - 300: "#fff176", - 400: "#ffee58", - 500: "#ffeb3b", - 600: "#fdd835", - 700: "#fbc02d", - 800: "#f9a825", - 900: "#f57f17", - A100: "#ffff8d", - A200: "#ffff00", - A400: "#ffea00", - A700: "#ffd600", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark" - }, - amber: { - 50: "#fff8e1", - 100: "#ffecb3", - 200: "#ffe082", - 300: "#ffd54f", - 400: "#ffca28", - 500: "#ffc107", - 600: "#ffb300", - 700: "#ffa000", - 800: "#ff8f00", - 900: "#ff6f00", - A100: "#ffe57f", - A200: "#ffd740", - A400: "#ffc400", - A700: "#ffab00", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark" - }, - orange: { - 50: "#fff3e0", - 100: "#ffe0b2", - 200: "#ffcc80", - 300: "#ffb74d", - 400: "#ffa726", - 500: "#ff9800", - 600: "#fb8c00", - 700: "#f57c00", - 800: "#ef6c00", - 900: "#e65100", - A100: "#ffd180", - A200: "#ffab40", - A400: "#ff9100", - A700: "#ff6d00", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastStrongLightColors: "900" - }, - "deep-orange": { - 50: "#fbe9e7", - 100: "#ffccbc", - 200: "#ffab91", - 300: "#ff8a65", - 400: "#ff7043", - 500: "#ff5722", - 600: "#f4511e", - 700: "#e64a19", - 800: "#d84315", - 900: "#bf360c", - A100: "#ff9e80", - A200: "#ff6e40", - A400: "#ff3d00", - A700: "#dd2c00", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastStrongLightColors: "800 900 A400 A700" - }, - brown: { - 50: "#efebe9", - 100: "#d7ccc8", - 200: "#bcaaa4", - 300: "#a1887f", - 400: "#8d6e63", - 500: "#795548", - 600: "#6d4c41", - 700: "#5d4037", - 800: "#4e342e", - 900: "#3e2723", - A100: "#d7ccc8", - A200: "#bcaaa4", - A400: "#8d6e63", - A700: "#5d4037", - contrastDefaultColor: "light", - contrastDarkColors: "50 100 200 300 A100 A200", - contrastStrongLightColors: "400 500 600 700 800 900 A400 A700" - }, - grey: { - 50: "#fafafa", - 100: "#f5f5f5", - 200: "#eeeeee", - 300: "#e0e0e0", - 400: "#bdbdbd", - 500: "#9e9e9e", - 600: "#757575", - 700: "#616161", - 800: "#424242", - 900: "#212121", - A100: "#ffffff", - A200: "#000000", - A400: "#303030", - A700: "#616161", - contrastDefaultColor: "dark", - contrastLightColors: "700 800 900 A200 A400 A700", - contrastStrongLightColors: "600" - }, - "blue-grey": { - 50: "#eceff1", - 100: "#cfd8dc", - 200: "#b0bec5", - 300: "#90a4ae", - 400: "#78909c", - 500: "#607d8b", - 600: "#546e7a", - 700: "#455a64", - 800: "#37474f", - 900: "#263238", - A100: "#cfd8dc", - A200: "#b0bec5", - A400: "#78909c", - A700: "#455a64", - contrastDefaultColor: "light", - contrastDarkColors: "50 100 200 300 400 A100 A200 A400", - contrastStrongLightColors: "500 600 700 800 900 A700" - } - }), - function(v) { - function e(e) { - var t = !!document.querySelector("[md-themes-disabled]"); - e.disableTheming(t) - } - e.$inject = ["$mdThemingProvider"], n.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$interpolate", "$parse", "$mdUtil", "$q", "$log"], o.$inject = ["$mdTheming"], t.$inject = ["$mdColorPalette", "$$mdMetaProvider"], r.$inject = ["$injector", "$mdTheming"], v.module("material.core.theming", ["material.core.theming.palette", "material.core.meta"]).directive("mdTheme", n).directive("mdThemable", o).directive("mdThemesDisabled", function() { - return A.disableTheming = !0, { - restrict: "A", - priority: "900" - } - }).provider("$mdTheming", t).config(e).run(r); - var p, s = {}, - l = { - name: "dark" - }, - c = { - name: "light" - }, - h = "1px 1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.4), -1px -1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)", - f = "", - m = x("rgba(0,0,0,0.87)"), - u = x("rgba(255,255,255,0.87)"), - b = x("rgb(255,255,255)"), - g = ["primary", "accent", "warn", "background"], - a = "primary", - E = { - accent: { - default: "A200", - "hue-1": "A100", - "hue-2": "A400", - "hue-3": "A700" - }, - background: { - default: "50", - "hue-1": "A100", - "hue-2": "100", - "hue-3": "300" - } - }, - $ = { - background: { - default: "A400", - "hue-1": "800", - "hue-2": "900", - "hue-3": "A200" - } - }, - M = { - icon: .54, - secondary: .54, - disabled: .38, - hint: .38, - divider: .12 - }, - y = { - icon: .87, - secondary: .7, - disabled: .5, - hint: .5, - divider: .12 - }, - C = { - icon: 1, - secondary: .7, - disabled: .5, - hint: .5, - divider: .12 - }; - g.forEach(function(e) { - var t = { - default: "500", - "hue-1": "300", - "hue-2": "800", - "hue-3": "A100" - }; - E[e] || (E[e] = t), $[e] || ($[e] = t) - }); - var T = ["50", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900", "A100", "A200", "A400", "A700"], - A = { - disableTheming: !1, - generateOnDemand: !1, - registeredStyles: [], - nonce: null - }; - - function t(e, i) { - s.$inject = ["$rootScope", "$mdUtil", "$q", "$log"]; - var n, a = {}, - m = !(p = {}), - u = "default"; - v.extend(p, e); - var t = function(e) { - var t = (e = v.isObject(e) ? e : {}).theme || "default", - n = e.hue || "800", - o = p[e.palette] || p[a[t].colors[e.palette || "primary"].name], - r = v.isObject(o[n]) ? o[n].hex : o[n]; - return "#" !== r.substr(0, 1) && (r = "#" + r), - function(e) { - var t = i.setMeta("theme-color", e), - n = i.setMeta("msapplication-navbutton-color", e); - return function() { - t(), n() - } - }(r) - }; - return n = { - definePalette: function(e, t) { - return t = t || {}, p[e] = o(e, t), n - }, - extendPalette: function(e, t) { - return o(e, v.extend({}, p[e] || {}, t)) - }, - theme: d, - configuration: function() { - return v.extend({}, A, { - defaultTheme: u, - alwaysWatchTheme: m, - registeredStyles: [].concat(A.registeredStyles) - }) - }, - disableTheming: function(e) { - A.disableTheming = v.isUndefined(e) || !!e - }, - registerStyles: function(e) { - A.registeredStyles.push(e) - }, - setNonce: function(e) { - A.nonce = e - }, - generateThemesOnDemand: function(e) { - A.generateOnDemand = e - }, - setDefaultTheme: function(e) { - u = e - }, - alwaysWatchTheme: function(e) { - m = e - }, - enableBrowserColor: t, - $get: s, - _LIGHT_DEFAULT_HUES: E, - _DARK_DEFAULT_HUES: $, - _PALETTES: p, - _THEMES: a, - _parseRules: w, - _rgba: N - }; - - function o(e, t) { - var n = T.filter(function(e) { - return !t[e] - }); - if (n.length) throw new Error("Missing colors %1 in palette %2!".replace("%1", n.join(", ")).replace("%2", e)); - return t - } - - function d(e, t) { - if (a[e]) return a[e]; - var n = "string" == typeof(t = t || "default") ? a[t] : t, - o = new r(e); - return n && v.forEach(n.colors, function(e, t) { - o.colors[t] = { - name:, - hues: v.extend({}, e.hues) - } - }), a[e] = o - } - - function r(e) { - var a = this; - - function t(e) { - if ((e = 0 === arguments.length || !!e) !== a.isDark) { - a.isDark = e, a.foregroundPalette = a.isDark ? c : l, a.foregroundShadow = a.isDark ? h : f; - var t = a.isDark ? $ : E, - i = a.isDark ? E : $; - return v.forEach(t, function(e, t) { - var n = a.colors[t], - o = i[t]; - if (n) - for (var r in n.hues) n.hues[r] === o[r] && (n.hues[r] = e[r]) - }), a - } - } - = e, a.colors = {}, (a.dark = t)(!1), g.forEach(function(o) { - var r = (a.isDark ? $ : E)[o]; - a[o + "Palette"] = function(t, e) { - var n = a.colors[o] = { - name: t, - hues: v.extend({}, r, e) - }; - return Object.keys(n.hues).forEach(function(e) { - if (!r[e]) throw new Error("Invalid hue name '%1' in theme %2's %3 color %4. Available hue names: %4".replace("%1", e).replace("%2","%3", t).replace("%4", Object.keys(r).join(", "))) - }), Object.keys(n.hues).map(function(e) { - return n.hues[e] - }).forEach(function(e) { - if (-1 === T.indexOf(e)) throw new Error("Invalid hue value '%1' in theme %2's %3 color %4. Available hue values: %5".replace("%1", e).replace("%2","%3", o).replace("%4", t).replace("%5", T.join(", "))) - }), a - } - }) - } - - function s(n, s, o, l) { - var r = function(e, t) { - t === ge && (t = e, e = ge), e === ge && (e = n), r.inherit(t, t) - }; - return Object.defineProperty(r, "THEMES", { - get: function() { - return v.extend({}, a) - } - }), Object.defineProperty(r, "PALETTES", { - get: function() { - return v.extend({}, p) - } - }), Object.defineProperty(r, "ALWAYS_WATCH", { - get: function() { - return m - } - }), r.inherit = function(n, e) { - var o = e.controller("mdTheme") ||"$mdThemeController"), - t = n.scope(); - if (d(o && o.$mdTheme || ("default" === u ? "" : u)), o) { - var r = m || o.$shouldWatch || s.parseAttributeBoolean(n.attr("md-theme-watch")); - if (r || o.isAsyncTheme) { - var i = function() { - a && (a(), a = ge) - }, - a = o.registerChanges(function(e) { - d(e), r || i() - }); - t ? t.$on("$destroy", i) : n.on("$destroy", i) - } - } - - function d(e) { - if (e) { - c(e) || l.warn("Attempted to use unregistered theme '" + e + "'. Register it with $mdThemingProvider.theme()."); - var t ="$mdThemeName"); - t && n.removeClass("md-" + t + "-theme"), n.addClass("md-" + e + "-theme"),"$mdThemeName", e), o &&"$mdThemeController", o) - } - } - }, r.registered = c, r.defaultTheme = function() { - return u - }, r.generateTheme = function(e) { - k(a[e], e, A.nonce) - }, r.defineTheme = function(e, t) { - t = t || {}; - var n = d(e); - return t.primary && n.primaryPalette(t.primary, t.primaryHues), t.accent && n.accentPalette(t.accent, t.accentHues), t.warn && n.warnPalette(t.warn, t.warnHues), t.background && n.backgroundPalette(t.background, t.backgroundHues), t.dark && n.dark(), this.generateTheme(e), o.resolve(e) - }, r.setBrowserColor = t, r; - - function c(e) { - return e === ge || "" === e || r.THEMES[e] !== ge - } - } - } - - function n(p, h, f, b, g, E) { - return { - priority: 101, - link: { - pre: function(t, e, n) { - function o() { - var e = h(n.mdTheme)(t); - return f(e)(t) || e - } - var r = [], - i = h.startSymbol(), - a = h.endSymbol(), - d = n.mdTheme.trim(), - s = d.substr(0, i.length) === i && d.lastIndexOf(a) === d.length - a.length, - l = "::" === n.mdTheme.split(i).join("").split(a).join("").trim().substr(0, "::".length), - c = { - isAsyncTheme: v.isFunction(o()) || v.isFunction(o().then), - registerChanges: function(t, e) { - return e && (t = v.bind(e, t)), r.push(t), - function() { - var e = r.indexOf(t); - 1 < e && r.splice(e, 1) - } - }, - $setTheme: function(e) { - p.registered(e) || E.warn("attempted to use unregistered theme '" + e + "'"), c.$mdTheme = e; - for (var t = r.length; t--;) r[t](e) - }, - $shouldWatch: b.parseAttributeBoolean(e.attr("md-theme-watch")) || p.ALWAYS_WATCH || s && !l - }; - - function m(e) { - if ("string" == typeof e) return c.$setTheme(e); - g.when(v.isFunction(e) ? e() : e).then(function(e) { - c.$setTheme(e) - }) - } -"$mdThemeController", c), m(o()); - var u = t.$watch(o, function(e) { - e && (m(e), c.$shouldWatch || u()) - }) - } - } - } - } - - function o(e) { - return e - } - - function w(c, e, t) { - ! function(e, t) { - if (!p[(e.colors[t] || {}).name]) throw new Error("You supplied an invalid color palette for theme %1's %2 palette. Available palettes: %3".replace("%1","%2", t).replace("%3", Object.keys(p).join(", "))) - }(c, e), t = t.replace(/THEME_NAME/g,; - var n = new RegExp("\\.md-" + + "-theme", "g"), - o = new RegExp("(['\"])?{{\\s*([a-zA-Z]+)-?(color|default)?-?(contrast)?-?((?:\\d\\.?\\d*)|(?:[a-zA-Z]+))?\\s*}}([\"'])?", "g"), - r = c.colors.background.hues.default, - d = p[][r].contrastType; - t = t.replace(/'?"?{{\s*([a-zA-Z]+)-(A?\d+|hue-[0-3]|shadow|default)-?(contrast)?-?((?:\d\.?\d*)|(?:[a-zA-Z]+))?\s*}}'?"?/g, function(e, t, n, o, r) { - var i = t; - if ("foreground" === t) { - if ("shadow" === n) return c.foregroundShadow; - if (c.foregroundPalette[n]) return N(x(c.foregroundPalette[n])); - if (c.foregroundPalette[1]) return N(x(c.foregroundPalette[1])); - if (t = "background", o = "contrast", !r && n) switch (n) { - case "2": - r = "secondary"; - break; - case "3": - r = "disabled"; - break; - case "4": - r = "divider" - } - n = "default" - } - 0 !== n.indexOf("hue") && "default" !== n || (n = c.colors[t].hues[n]); - var a = p[c.colors[t].name][n] || ""; - if ("background" === t && o && "foreground" !== i && a.contrastType === d) switch (r) { - case "secondary": - case "icon": - if (c.foregroundPalette[2]) return N(x(c.foregroundPalette[2])); - break; - case "disabled": - case "hint": - if (c.foregroundPalette[3]) return N(x(c.foregroundPalette[3])); - break; - case "divider": - if (c.foregroundPalette[4]) return N(x(c.foregroundPalette[4])); - break; - default: - if (c.foregroundPalette[1]) return N(x(c.foregroundPalette[1])) - } - return o && r && (r = a.opacity[r] || r), N(a[o ? "contrast" : "value"], r) - }); - var i = []; - return v.forEach(["default", "hue-1", "hue-2", "hue-3"], function(l) { - var e = t.replace(o, function(e, t, n, o, r, i) { - var a = c.colors[n], - d = p[], - s = a.hues[l]; - return r && i && (i = d[s].opacity[i] || i), N(d[s]["color" === o ? "value" : "contrast"], i) - }); - "default" !== l && (e = e.replace(n, ".md-" + + "" + l)), "default" === && (e = e.replace(/((?:\s|>|\.|\w|-|:|\(|\)|\[|]|"|'|=)*)\.md-default-theme((?:\s|>|\.|\w|-|:|\(|\)|\[|]|"|'|=)*)/g, function(e, t, n) { - return e + ", " + t + n - })), i.push(e) - }), i - } - var _ = {}; - - function r(e, t) { - var n = document.head, - o = n ? n.firstElementChild : null, - r = !A.disableTheming && e.has("$MD_THEME_CSS") ? e.get("$MD_THEME_CSS") : ""; - if (r += A.registeredStyles.join(""), o && 0 !== r.length) { - v.forEach(p, function(r) { - var i = r.contrastDefaultColor, - a = r.contrastLightColors || [], - d = r.contrastStrongLightColors || [], - s = r.contrastDarkColors || []; - "string" == typeof a && (a = a.split(" ")), "string" == typeof d && (d = d.split(" ")), "string" == typeof s && (s = s.split(" ")), delete r.contrastDefaultColor, delete r.contrastLightColors, delete r.contrastStrongLightColors, delete r.contrastDarkColors, v.forEach(r, function(e, t) { - if (!v.isObject(e)) { - var n = x(e); - if (!n) throw new Error("Color %1, in palette %2's hue %3, is invalid. Hex or rgb(a) color expected.".replace("%1", e).replace("%2","%3", t)); - var o = function(e) { - return ("light" === i ? -1 !== s.indexOf(e) : -1 === a.indexOf(e) && -1 === d.indexOf(e)) ? "dark" : -1 !== d.indexOf(e) ? "strongLight" : "light" - }(t); - r[t] = { - hex: r[t], - value: n, - contrastType: o, - contrast: function(e) { - switch (e) { - default: - case "strongLight": - return b; - case "light": - return u; - case "dark": - return m - } - }(o), - opacity: function(e) { - switch (e) { - default: - case "strongLight": - return C; - case "light": - return y; - case "dark": - return M - } - }(o) - } - } - }) - }); - var i = function(e) { - for (var t = [], n = "", o = 0, r = 0, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { - var a = e.charAt(i); - if ("'" === a || '"' === a) { - var d = e.substring(i, e.indexOf(a, i + 1)); - n += d, i += d.length - } else n += a, "}" === a ? ++r === o && (o = r = 0, t.push(n), n = "") : "{" === a && o++ - } - return "" !== n && t.push(n), t - }(r).map(function(e) { - return e.trim() - }); - g.forEach(function(e) { - _[e] = "" - }), i.forEach(function(e) { - for (var t, n = 0; t = g[n]; n++) - if (-1 < e.indexOf(".md-" + t)) return _[t] += e; - for (n = 0; t = g[n]; n++) - if (-1 < e.indexOf(t)) return _[t] += e; - return _[a] += e - }), A.generateOnDemand || v.forEach(t.THEMES, function(e) { - s[] || "default" !== t.defaultTheme() && "default" === || k(e,, A.nonce) - }) - } - } - - function k(r, e, i) { - var a = document.head, - d = a ? a.firstElementChild : null; - s[e] || (g.forEach(function(e) { - for (var t = w(r, e, _[e]); t.length;) { - var n = t.shift(); - if (n) { - var o = document.createElement("style"); - o.setAttribute("md-theme-style", ""), i && o.setAttribute("nonce", i), o.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)), a.insertBefore(o, d) - } - } - }), s[] = !0) - } - - function x(e) { - if (v.isArray(e) && 3 === e.length) return e; - if (/^rgb/.test(e)) return e.replace(/(^\s*rgba?\(|\)\s*$)/g, "").split(",").map(function(e, t) { - return 3 === t ? parseFloat(e) : parseInt(e, 10) - }); - if ("#" === e.charAt(0) && (e = e.substring(1)), /^([a-fA-F0-9]{3}){1,2}$/g.test(e)) { - var t = e.length / 3, - n = e.substr(0, t), - o = e.substr(t, t), - r = e.substr(2 * t); - return 1 == t && (n += n, o += o, r += r), [parseInt(n, 16), parseInt(o, 16), parseInt(r, 16)] - } - } - - function N(e, t) { - return e ? (4 === e.length && (e = v.copy(e), t ? e.pop() : t = e.pop()), t && ("number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t && t.length) ? "rgba(" + e.join(",") + "," + t + ")" : "rgb(" + e.join(",") + ")") : "rgb('0,0,0')" - } - }(L.angular), be.module("material.components.autocomplete", ["material.core", "material.components.icon", "material.components.virtualRepeat"]), - function() { - e.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$window", "$animate", "$rootElement", "$attrs", "$q", "$log", "$mdLiveAnnouncer"], be.module("material.components.autocomplete").controller("MdAutocompleteCtrl", e); - var ce = 48, - me = 5, - ue = 8, - pe = 2, - he = "standard", - fe = "virtual"; - - function e(p, h, f, t, e, n, o, r, b, a, i, d) { - var s, l, c, m = this, - u = p.itemsExpr.split(/ in /i), - g = u[1], - E = null, - v = {}, - $ = !1, - M = [], - y = !1, - C = 0, - T = null, - A = null, - w = f.debounce(function() { - m.hidden || S() - }), - _ = fe; - m.documentElement = be.element(document.documentElement), s = "hidden", l = function(e, t) { - var n; - E && (n = be.element(E.scrollContainer)); - !e && t ? (S(), oe(!0, x.Count | x.Selected), E && (f.disableScrollAround(E.scrollContainer), T = function(e) { - var t = be.element(e); - return t.on("wheel touchmove", O), - function() { -"wheel touchmove", O) - } - }(E.wrap), f.isIos && (m.documentElement.on("touchend", L), n && n.on("touchstart touchmove touchend", P)), m.index = V(), f.nextTick(function() { - H(), re() - }))) : e && !t && (f.isIos && ("touchend", L), n &&"touchstart touchmove touchend", P)), f.enableScrolling(), T && (T(), T = null)) - }, c = !0, Object.defineProperty(m, s, { - get: function() { - return c - }, - set: function(e) { - var t = c; - l(c = e, t) - } - }), m.scope = p, m.parent = p.$parent, m.itemName = u[0], m.matches = [], m.loading = !1, m.hidden = !0, m.index = -1, m.activeOption = null, = f.nextUid(), m.isDisabled = null, m.isRequired = null, m.isReadonly = null, m.hasNotFound = !1, m.selectedMessage = p.selectedMessage || "selected", m.noMatchMessage = p.noMatchMessage || "There are no matches available.", m.singleMatchMessage = p.singleMatchMessage || "There is 1 match available.", m.multipleMatchStartMessage = p.multipleMatchStartMessage || "There are ", m.multipleMatchEndMessage = p.multipleMatchEndMessage || " matches available.", m.defaultEscapeOptions = "clear", m.keydown = function(e) { - switch (e.keyCode) { - case t.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW: - if (m.loading || Z()) return; - e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), m.index = m.index + 1 > m.matches.length - 1 ? 0 : Math.min(m.index + 1, m.matches.length - 1), f.nextTick(H), re(); - break; - case t.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW: - if (m.loading || Z()) return; - e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), m.index = m.index - 1 < 0 ? m.matches.length - 1 : Math.max(0, m.index - 1), f.nextTick(H), re(); - break; - case t.KEY_CODE.TAB: - if (R(), m.hidden || m.loading || m.index < 0 || m.matches.length < 1) return; - ee(m.index); - break; - case t.KEY_CODE.ENTER: - if (m.hidden || m.loading || m.index < 0 || m.matches.length < 1) return; - if (Z()) return; - e.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.preventDefault(), ee(m.index); - break; - case t.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE: - if (e.preventDefault(), !(G("blur") || !m.hidden || m.loading || G("clear") && p.searchText)) return; - e.stopPropagation(), te(), p.searchText && G("clear") && ne(), m.hidden = !0, G("blur") && U(!0) - } - }, m.blur = function(e) { - y = !1, $ ? be.isObject(e) && e.stopImmediatePropagation() : (m.hidden = Y(), le("ngBlur", { - $event: e - })) - }, m.focus = function(e) { - y = !0, K() && J() && de(); - m.hidden = Y(), le("ngFocus", { - $event: e - }) - }, m.clear = function(e) { - e && e.stopPropagation(); - te(), ne() - }, = ee, m.listEnter = function() { - $ = !0 - }, m.listLeave = R, m.focusInput = D, m.getCurrentDisplayValue = Q, m.registerSelectedItemWatcher = function(e) { - -1 === M.indexOf(e) && M.push(e) - }, m.unregisterSelectedItemWatcher = function(e) { - var t = M.indexOf(e); - 1 !== t && M.splice(t, 1) - }, m.notFoundVisible = ae, m.loadingIsVisible = function() { - return m.loading && !Z() - }, m.positionDropdown = S; - var k, x = { - Count: 1, - Selected: 2 - }; - return f.initOptionalProperties(p, b, { - searchText: "", - selectedItem: null, - clearButton: !1, - disableVirtualRepeat: !1 - }), e(h), k = parseInt(p.delay, 10) || 0, b.$observe("disabled", function(e) { - m.isDisabled = f.parseAttributeBoolean(e, !1) - }), b.$observe("required", function(e) { - m.isRequired = f.parseAttributeBoolean(e, !1) - }), b.$observe("readonly", function(e) { - m.isReadonly = f.parseAttributeBoolean(e, !1) - }), p.$watch("searchText", k ? f.debounce(B, k) : B), p.$watch("selectedItem", F), be.element(n).on("resize", w), void p.$on("$destroy", I), void f.nextTick(function() { - ! function() { - var e = function() { - var e, t; - for (e = h; e.length && (t = e.attr("md-autocomplete-snap"), !be.isDefined(t)); e = e.parent()); - if (e.length) return { - snap: e[0], - wrap: "width" === t.toLowerCase() ? e[0] : h.find("md-autocomplete-wrap")[0] - }; - var n = h.find("md-autocomplete-wrap")[0]; - return { - snap: n, - wrap: n - } - }(); - (E = { - main: h[0], - scrollContainer: h[0].querySelector(".md-virtual-repeat-container, .md-standard-list-container"), - scroller: h[0].querySelector(".md-virtual-repeat-scroller, .md-standard-list-scroller"), - ul: h.find("ul")[0], - input: h.find("input")[0], - wrap: e.wrap, - snap: e.snap, - root: document.body - }).li = E.ul.getElementsByTagName("li"), E.$ = function(e) { - var t = {}; - for (var n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t[n] = be.element(e[n])); - return t - }(E), _ = E.scrollContainer.classList.contains("md-standard-list-container") ? he : fe, A = E.$.input.controller("ngModel") - }(), E.$.root.length && (e(E.$.scrollContainer), E.$.scrollContainer.detach(), E.$.root.append(E.$.scrollContainer), &&$.scrollContainer, r)), h.on("touchstart", D), p.autofocus && h.on("focus", D), p.inputAriaDescribedBy && E.input.setAttribute("aria-describedby", p.inputAriaDescribedBy), p.floatingLabel || (p.inputAriaLabel ? E.input.setAttribute("aria-label", p.inputAriaLabel) : p.inputAriaLabelledBy ? E.input.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", p.inputAriaLabelledBy) : p.placeholder && E.input.setAttribute("aria-label", p.placeholder)) - }); - - function N() { - p.requireMatch && A && A.$setValidity("md-require-match", !!p.selectedItem || !p.searchText) - } - - function S() { - if (!E) return f.nextTick(S, !1, p); - var e, t = (p.dropdownItems || me) * ce, - n = E.wrap.getBoundingClientRect(), - o = E.snap.getBoundingClientRect(), - r = E.root.getBoundingClientRect(), - i = o.bottom -, - a = r.bottom -, - d = n.left - r.left, - s = n.width, - l = function() { - var e = 0, - t = h.find("md-input-container"); - if (t.length) { - var n = t.find("input"); - e = t.prop("offsetHeight"), e -= n.prop("offsetTop"), e -= n.prop("offsetHeight"), e += t.prop("offsetTop") - } - return e - }(), - c = p.dropdownPosition, - m = r.bottom - o.bottom - ue + f.getViewportTop(), - u = - ue; - c = c || (t < m ? "bottom" : t < u ? "top" : m < u ? "top" : "bottom"), b.mdFloatingLabel && (d += pe, s -= 2 * pe), e = { - left: d + "px", - minWidth: s + "px", - maxWidth: Math.max(n.right - r.left, r.right - n.left) - ue + "px" - }, "top" === c ? ( = "auto", e.bottom = a + "px", e.maxHeight = Math.min(t, u) + "px") : (m = r.bottom - n.bottom - ue + f.getViewportTop(), = i - l + "px", e.bottom = "auto", e.maxHeight = Math.min(t, m) + "px"), E.$.scrollContainer.css(e), f.nextTick(function() { - var e = E.scrollContainer.getBoundingClientRect(), - t = {}; - e.right > r.right && (t.left = n.right - e.width + "px"); - E.$.scrollContainer.css(t) - }, !1, p) - } - - function D() { - E.input.focus() - } - - function H() { - var e = E.scroller.querySelector(".selected"); - m.activeOption = e ? : null - } - - function I() { - if (m.hidden || f.enableScrolling(), be.element(n).off("resize", w), E) { - be.forEach(["ul", "scroller", "scrollContainer", "input"], function(e) { - E.$[e].remove() - }) - } - } - - function O(e) { - e.preventDefault() - } - - function P(e) { - e.stopPropagation() - } - - function L(e) { - U(m.hidden = !0) - } - - function R() { - y || m.hidden || E.input.focus(), $ = !1, m.hidden = Y() - } - - function F(t, n) { - N(), t ? z(t).then(function(e) { - p.searchText = e, - function(t, n) { - M.forEach(function(e) { - e(t, n) - }) - }(t, n) - }) : n && p.searchText && z(n).then(function(e) { - be.isString(p.searchText) && e.toString().toLowerCase() === p.searchText.toLowerCase() && (p.searchText = "") - }), t !== n && be.isFunction(p.itemChange) && p.itemChange(q(p.selectedItem)) - } - - function B(t, n) { - m.index = V(), t !== n && (N(), z(p.selectedItem).then(function(e) { - t !== e && (p.selectedItem = null, t !== n && be.isFunction(p.textChange) && p.textChange(), J() ? de() : (W(!(m.matches = [])), oe(!0, x.Count))) - })) - } - - function U(e) { - e && (y = $ = !1), E.input.blur() - } - - function j() { - return be.isNumber(p.minLength) ? p.minLength : 1 - } - - function z(e) { - return a.when(((t = e) && p.itemText ? p.itemText(q(t)) : null) || e).then(function(e) { - return e && !be.isString(e) && i.warn("md-autocomplete: Could not resolve display value to a string. Please check the `md-item-text` attribute."), e - }); - var t - } - - function q(e) { - if (!e) return ge; - var t = {}; - return m.itemName && (t[m.itemName] = e), t - } - - function V() { - return p.autoselect ? 0 : -1 - } - - function W(e) { - m.loading !== e && (m.loading = e), m.hidden = Y() - } - - function Y() { - return ! function() { - { - if (m.isReadonly) return !1; - if (!K()) return !1 - } - return J() && X() || ae() - }() - } - - function K() { - return !(m.loading && !X()) && (!Z() && !!y) - } - - function G(e) { - return be.isString(p.escapeOptions) ? -1 !== p.escapeOptions.toLowerCase().indexOf(e) : -1 !== m.defaultEscapeOptions.indexOf(e) - } - - function X() { - return !!m.matches.length - } - - function Z() { - return !!m.scope.selectedItem - } - - function Q() { - return z(m.matches[m.index]) - } - - function J() { - return (p.searchText || "").length >= j() - } - - function ee(e) { - f.nextTick(function() { - z(m.matches[e]).then(function(e) { - var t = E.$.input.controller("ngModel"); - d.announce(e + " " + m.selectedMessage, "assertive"), t.$setViewValue(e), t.$render() - }).finally(function() { - p.selectedItem = m.matches[e], W(!1) - }) - }, !1) - } - - function te() { - m.index = -1, f.nextTick(H), m.matches = [] - } - - function ne() { - W(!0), p.searchText = ""; - var e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); - e.initCustomEvent("change", !0, !0, { - value: "" - }), E.input.dispatchEvent(e), E.input.blur(), p.searchText = "", E.input.focus() - } - - function oe(e, t) { - var n = e ? "polite" : "assertive", - o = []; - t & x.Selected && -1 !== m.index && o.push(Q()), t & x.Count && o.push(a.resolve(function() { - switch (m.matches.length) { - case 0: - return m.noMatchMessage; - case 1: - return m.singleMatchMessage; - default: - return m.multipleMatchStartMessage + m.matches.length + m.multipleMatchEndMessage - } - }())), a.all(o).then(function(e) { - d.announce(e.join(" "), n) - }) - } - - function re() { -[0] && (_ === he ? function() { - var e =[Math.max(0, m.index)], - t = E.scrollContainer.offsetHeight, - n = e && e.offsetTop || 0, - o = n + e.clientHeight, - r = E.scrollContainer.scrollTop; - n < r ? ie(n) : r + t < o && ie(o - t) - }() : function() { - var e =[0].offsetHeight, - t = e * Math.max(0, m.index), - n = t + e, - o = E.scroller.clientHeight, - r = E.scroller.scrollTop; - t < r ? ie(t) : r + o < n && ie(n - o) - }()) - } - - function ie(e) { - _ === he ? E.scrollContainer.scrollTop = e : E.$.scrollContainer.controller("mdVirtualRepeatContainer").scrollTo(e) - } - - function ae() { - var e = (m.scope.searchText || "").length; - return m.hasNotFound && !X() && (!m.loading || 0 !== C) && e >= j() && (y || $) && !Z() - } - - function de() { - var e = p.searchText || "", - t = e.toLowerCase(); - !p.noCache && v[t] ? se(v[t]) : function(t) { - var e = p.$parent.$eval(g), - n = t.toLowerCase(), - o = be.isArray(e), - r = !!e.then; - - function i(e) { - v[n] = e, (t || "") === (p.searchText || "") && se(e) - } - o ? i(e) : r && function(e) { - if (!e) return; - e = a.when(e), C++, W(!0), f.nextTick(function() { - e.then(i).finally(function() { - 0 == --C && W(!1) - }) - }, !0, p) - }(e) - }(e), m.hidden = Y() - } - - function se(e) { - m.matches = e, m.hidden = Y(), m.loading && W(!1), p.selectOnMatch && function() { - var n = p.searchText, - e = m.matches, - t = e[0]; - 1 === e.length && z(t).then(function(e) { - var t = n === e; - p.matchInsensitive && !t && (t = n.toLowerCase() === e.toLowerCase()), t && ee(0) - }) - }(), S(), oe(!0, x.Count) - } - - function le(e, t) { - b[e] && p.$parent.$eval(b[e], t || {}) - } - } - }(), Z.$inject = ["$$mdSvgRegistry"], be.module("material.components.autocomplete").directive("mdAutocomplete", Z), Q.$inject = ["$compile", "$mdUtil"], be.module("material.components.autocomplete").directive("mdAutocompleteParentScope", Q), J.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$mdUtil"], be.module("material.components.autocomplete").controller("MdHighlightCtrl", J), J.prototype.init = function(t, n) { - this.flags = this.$attrs.mdHighlightFlags || "", this.unregisterFn = this.$scope.$watch(function(e) { - return { - term: t(e), - contentText: n(e) - } - }.bind(this), this.onRender.bind(this), !0), this.$element.on("$destroy", this.unregisterFn) - }, J.prototype.onRender = function(e, t) { - var n = e.contentText; - null !== this.regex && e.term === t.term || (this.regex = this.createRegex(e.term, this.flags)), e.term ? this.applyRegex(n) : this.$element.text(n) - }, J.prototype.applyRegex = function(e) { - var t = this.resolveTokens(e); - this.$element.empty(), t.forEach(function(e) { - if (e.isMatch) { - var t = be.element('').text(e.text); - this.$element.append(t) - } else this.$element.append(document.createTextNode(e)) - }.bind(this)) - }, J.prototype.resolveTokens = function(o) { - var r = [], - n = 0; - return o.replace(this.regex, function(e, t) { - i(n, t), r.push({ - text: e, - isMatch: !0 - }), n = t + e.length - }), i(n), r; - - function i(e, t) { - var n = o.slice(e, t); - n && r.push(n) - } - }, J.prototype.createRegex = function(e, t) { - var n = "", - o = "", - r = this.$mdUtil.sanitize(e); - return 0 <= t.indexOf("^") && (n = "^"), 0 <= t.indexOf("$") && (o = "$"), new RegExp(n + r + o, t.replace(/[$^]/g, "")) - }, ee.$inject = ["$interpolate", "$parse"], be.module("material.components.autocomplete").directive("mdHighlightText", ee), be.module("material.components.backdrop", ["material.core"]).directive("mdBackdrop", ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$animate", "$rootElement", "$window", "$log", "$$rAF", "$document", function(a, d, t, s, l, c, m, u) { - return { - restrict: "E", - link: function(n, o, e) { - var r; - - function i() { - var e = parseInt(r.height, 10) + Math.abs(parseInt(, 10)); - o.css("height", e + "px") - } - &&, s), m(function() { - if ("fixed" === (r = l.getComputedStyle(u[0].body)).position) { - var e = d.debounce(function() { - r = l.getComputedStyle(u[0].body), i() - }, 60, null, !1); - i(), be.element(l).on("resize", e), n.$on("$destroy", function() { - be.element(l).off("resize", e) - }) - } - var t = o.parent(); - t.length && ("BODY" === t[0].nodeName && o.css("position", "fixed"), "static" === l.getComputedStyle(t[0]).position && c.warn(" may not work properly in a scrolled, static-positioned parent container."), a.inherit(o, t)) - }) - } - } - }]), te.$inject = ["$mdBottomSheet"], ne.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"], be.module("material.components.bottomSheet", ["material.core", "material.components.backdrop"]).directive("mdBottomSheet", te).provider("$mdBottomSheet", ne), re.$inject = ["$mdButtonInkRipple", "$mdTheming", "$mdAria", "$mdInteraction"], oe.$inject = ["$mdTheming"], be.module("material.components.button", ["material.core"]).directive("mdButton", re).directive("a", oe), ie.$inject = ["$mdTheming"], be.module("material.components.card", ["material.core"]).directive("mdCard", ie), ae.$inject = ["inputDirective", "$mdAria", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$mdInteraction"], be.module("material.components.checkbox", ["material.core"]).directive("mdCheckbox", ae), be.module("material.components.chips", ["material.core", "material.components.autocomplete"]), de.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$mdConstant", "$timeout", "$mdUtil"], be.module("material.components.chips").controller("MdChipCtrl", de), de.prototype.init = function(e) { - this.parentController = e, this.enableChipEdit = this.parentController.enableChipEdit, this.enableChipEdit && (this.$element.on("keydown", this.chipKeyDown.bind(this)), this.$element.on("dblclick", this.chipMouseDoubleClick.bind(this)), this.getChipContent().addClass("_md-chip-content-edit-is-enabled")) - }, de.prototype.getChipContent = function() { - var e = this.$element[0].getElementsByClassName("md-chip-content"); - return be.element(e[0]) - }, de.prototype.getContentElement = function() { - var e = be.element(this.getChipContent().children()[0]); - return e && 0 !== e.length || (e = be.element(this.getChipContent().contents()[0])), e - }, de.prototype.getChipIndex = function() { - return parseInt(this.$element.attr("index")) - }, de.prototype.goOutOfEditMode = function() { - if (this.isEditing) { - this.isEditing = !1, this.$element.removeClass("_md-chip-editing"), this.getChipContent()[0].contentEditable = "false"; - var e = this.getChipIndex(), - t = this.getContentElement().text(); - t ? (this.parentController.updateChipContents(e, t), this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - this.parentController.selectedChip === e && this.parentController.focusChip(e) - }.bind(this))) : this.parentController.removeChipAndFocusInput(e) - } - }, de.prototype.selectNodeContents = function(e) { - var t, n; - document.body.createTextRange ? ((t = document.body.createTextRange()).moveToElementText(e), : L.getSelection && (n = L.getSelection(), (t = document.createRange()).selectNodeContents(e), n.removeAllRanges(), n.addRange(t)) - }, de.prototype.goInEditMode = function() { - this.isEditing = !0, this.$element.addClass("_md-chip-editing"), this.getChipContent()[0].contentEditable = "true", this.getChipContent().on("blur", function() { - this.goOutOfEditMode() - }.bind(this)), this.selectNodeContents(this.getChipContent()[0]) - }, de.prototype.chipKeyDown = function(e) { - this.isEditing || e.keyCode !== this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER && e.keyCode !== this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.SPACE ? this.isEditing && e.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER && (e.preventDefault(), this.goOutOfEditMode()) : (e.preventDefault(), this.goInEditMode()) - }, de.prototype.chipMouseDoubleClick = function() { - this.enableChipEdit && !this.isEditing && this.goInEditMode() - }, se.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$compile", "$timeout"], be.module("material.components.chips").directive("mdChip", se), le.$inject = ["$timeout"], be.module("material.components.chips").directive("mdChipRemove", le), ce.$inject = ["$compile"], be.module("material.components.chips").directive("mdChipTransclude", ce), - function() { - e.$inject = ["$scope", "$attrs", "$mdConstant", "$log", "$element", "$timeout", "$mdUtil", "$mdLiveAnnouncer", "$exceptionHandler"]; - var l = 300; - - function e(e, t, n, o, r, i, a, d, s) { - this.$timeout = i, this.$mdConstant = n, this.$scope = e, this.parent = e.$parent, this.$mdUtil = a, this.$log = o, this.$mdLiveAnnouncer = d, this.$exceptionHandler = s, this.$element = r, this.$attrs = t, this.ngModelCtrl = null, this.userInputNgModelCtrl = null, this.autocompleteCtrl = null, this.userInputElement = null, this.items = [], this.selectedChip = -1, this.enableChipEdit = a.parseAttributeBoolean(t.mdEnableChipEdit), this.addOnBlur = a.parseAttributeBoolean(t.mdAddOnBlur), this.inputClass = "", this.inputAriaLabel = "Chips input.", this.containerHint = "Chips container. Use arrow keys to select chips.", this.containerEmptyHint = "Chips container. Enter the text area, then type text, and press enter to add a chip.", this.deleteHint = "Press delete to remove this chip.", this.deleteButtonLabel = "Remove", this.chipBuffer = "", this.useTransformChip = !1, this.useOnAdd = !1, this.useOnRemove = !1, this.wrapperId = "", this.contentIds = [], this.ariaTabIndex = null, this.chipAppendDelay = l, this.deRegister = [], this.addedMessage = "added", this.removedMessage = "removed", this.init() - } - be.module("material.components.chips").controller("MdChipsCtrl", e), e.prototype.init = function() { - var t = this; - this.wrapperId = "_md-chips-wrapper-" + this.$mdUtil.nextUid(), this.$element.attr("ng-model") || this.setupStaticChips(), this.deRegister.push(this.$scope.$watchCollection("$mdChipsCtrl.items", function() { - t.setupInputAria(), t.setupWrapperAria() - })), this.deRegister.push(this.$attrs.$observe("mdChipAppendDelay", function(e) { - t.chipAppendDelay = parseInt(e) || l - })) - }, e.prototype.$onDestroy = function() { - for (var e; e = this.deRegister.pop();) - }, e.prototype.setupInputAria = function() { - var e = this.$element.find("input"); - e && (e.attr("role", "textbox"), e.attr("aria-multiline", !0), this.inputAriaDescribedBy && e.attr("aria-describedby", this.inputAriaDescribedBy), this.inputAriaLabelledBy ? (e.attr("aria-labelledby", this.inputAriaLabelledBy), e.removeAttr("aria-label")) : e.attr("aria-label", this.inputAriaLabel)) - }, e.prototype.setupWrapperAria = function() { - var e = this, - t = this.$element.find("md-chips-wrap"); - this.items && this.items.length ? (t.attr("role", "listbox"), this.contentIds = { - return e.wrapperId + "-chip-" + e.$mdUtil.nextUid() - }), t.attr("aria-owns", this.contentIds.join(" ")), t.attr("aria-label", this.containerHint)) : (t.removeAttr("role"), t.removeAttr("aria-owns"), t.attr("aria-label", this.containerEmptyHint)) - }, e.prototype.setupStaticChips = function() { - var e, t, n = this, - o = this.$element.find("md-chips-wrap"); - this.$timeout(function() { - for (o.attr("role", "list"), t = o[0].children, e = 0; e < t.length; e++) t[e].setAttribute("role", "listitem"), t[e].setAttribute("aria-setsize", t.length); - n.inputAriaDescribedBy && o.attr("aria-describedby", n.inputAriaDescribedBy), n.inputAriaLabelledBy ? (o.attr("aria-labelledby", n.inputAriaLabelledBy), o.removeAttr("aria-label")) : o.attr("aria-label", n.inputAriaLabel) - }, 10) - }, e.prototype.inputKeydown = function(e) { - var t = this.getChipBuffer(); - if (!(this.autocompleteCtrl && e.isDefaultPrevented && e.isDefaultPrevented())) { - if (e.keyCode === this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.BACKSPACE) { - if (0 !== this.getCursorPosition( return; - return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), void(this.items.length && this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.items.length - 1)) - } - if ((!this.separatorKeys || this.separatorKeys.length < 1) && (this.separatorKeys = [this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ENTER]), -1 !== this.separatorKeys.indexOf(e.keyCode)) { - if (this.autocompleteCtrl && this.requireMatch || !t) return; - if (e.preventDefault(), this.hasMaxChipsReached()) return; - return this.appendChip(t.trim()), this.resetChipBuffer(), !1 - } - } - }, e.prototype.getCursorPosition = function(t) { - try { - if (t.selectionStart === t.selectionEnd) return t.selectionStart - } catch (e) { - if (!t.value) return 0 - } - }, e.prototype.updateChipContents = function(e, t) { - 0 <= e && e < this.items.length && (this.items[e] = t, this.updateNgModel(!0)) - }, e.prototype.isEditingChip = function() { - return !!this.$element[0].querySelector("._md-chip-editing") - }, e.prototype._isChipObject = function(e) { - return be.isObject(e) - }, e.prototype.isRemovable = function() { - return !!this.ngModelCtrl && (this.readonly ? this.removable : !be.isDefined(this.removable) || this.removable) - }, e.prototype.chipKeydown = function(e) { - if (!this.getChipBuffer() && !this.isEditingChip()) switch (e.keyCode) { - case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.BACKSPACE: - case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.DELETE: - if (this.selectedChip < 0) return; - if (e.preventDefault(), !this.isRemovable()) return; - this.removeAndSelectAdjacentChip(this.selectedChip, e); - break; - case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW: - e.preventDefault(), (this.selectedChip < 0 || this.readonly && 0 === this.selectedChip) && (this.selectedChip = this.items.length), this.items.length && this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.selectedChip - 1); - break; - case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW: - e.preventDefault(), this.selectAndFocusChipSafe(this.selectedChip + 1); - break; - case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE: - case this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.TAB: - if (this.selectedChip < 0) return; - e.preventDefault(), this.onFocus() - } - }, e.prototype.getPlaceholder = function() { - return this.items && this.items.length && ("" === this.secondaryPlaceholder || this.secondaryPlaceholder) ? this.secondaryPlaceholder : this.placeholder - }, e.prototype.removeAndSelectAdjacentChip = function(e, t) { - var n = this, - o = n.getAdjacentChipIndex(e); - this.$element[0].querySelector("md-chips-wrap"), this.$element[0].querySelector('md-chip[index="' + e + '"]'); - n.removeChip(e, t), n.$timeout(function() { - n.$timeout(function() { - n.selectAndFocusChipSafe(o) - }) - }) - }, e.prototype.resetSelectedChip = function() { - this.selectedChip = -1, this.ariaTabIndex = null - }, e.prototype.getAdjacentChipIndex = function(e) { - var t = this.items.length - 1; - return 0 == t ? -1 : e === t ? e - 1 : e - }, e.prototype.appendChip = function(t) { - if (this.shouldFocusLastChip = !this.addOnBlur, this.useTransformChip && this.transformChip) { - var e = this.transformChip({ - $chip: t - }); - be.isDefined(e) && (t = e) - } - if (be.isObject(t) && this.items.some(function(e) { - return be.equals(t, e) - })) return; - if (!(null == t || this.items.indexOf(t) + 1)) { - var n = this.items.push(t) - 1; - this.updateNgModel(); - var o = be.isObject(t) ? "" : t; - this.$mdLiveAnnouncer.announce(o + " " + this.addedMessage, "assertive"), this.useOnAdd && this.onAdd && this.onAdd({ - $chip: t, - $index: n - }) - } - }, e.prototype.useTransformChipExpression = function() { - this.useTransformChip = !0 - }, e.prototype.useOnAddExpression = function() { - this.useOnAdd = !0 - }, e.prototype.useOnRemoveExpression = function() { - this.useOnRemove = !0 - }, e.prototype.useOnSelectExpression = function() { - this.useOnSelect = !0 - }, e.prototype.getChipBuffer = function() { - var e = this.userInputElement ? this.userInputNgModelCtrl ? this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$viewValue : this.userInputElement[0].value : this.chipBuffer; - return be.isString(e) ? e : "" - }, e.prototype.resetChipBuffer = function() { - this.userInputElement ? this.userInputNgModelCtrl ? (this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$setViewValue(""), this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$render()) : this.userInputElement[0].value = "" : this.chipBuffer = "" - }, e.prototype.hasMaxChipsReached = function() { - return be.isString(this.maxChips) && (this.maxChips = parseInt(this.maxChips, 10) || 0), 0 < this.maxChips && this.items.length >= this.maxChips - }, e.prototype.validateModel = function() { - this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("md-max-chips", !this.hasMaxChipsReached()), this.ngModelCtrl.$validate() - }, e.prototype.updateNgModel = function(e) { - e || this.validateModel(), be.forEach(this.ngModelCtrl.$viewChangeListeners, function(e) { - try { - e() - } catch (e) { - this.$exceptionHandler(e) - } - }) - }, e.prototype.removeChip = function(e, t) { - var n = this.items.splice(e, 1); - this.updateNgModel(), this.ngModelCtrl.$setDirty(); - var o = be.isObject(n[0]) ? "" : n[0]; - this.$mdLiveAnnouncer.announce(o + " " + this.removedMessage, "assertive"), n && n.length && this.useOnRemove && this.onRemove && this.onRemove({ - $chip: n[0], - $index: e, - $event: t - }) - }, e.prototype.removeChipAndFocusInput = function(e, t) { - this.removeChip(e, t), this.autocompleteCtrl ? (this.autocompleteCtrl.hidden = !0, this.$mdUtil.nextTick(this.onFocus.bind(this))) : this.onFocus() - }, e.prototype.selectAndFocusChipSafe = function(e) { - if (!this.items.length || -1 === e) return this.focusInput(); - if (e >= this.items.length) { - if (!this.readonly) return this.onFocus(); - e = 0 - } - e = Math.max(e, 0), e = Math.min(e, this.items.length - 1), this.selectChip(e), this.focusChip(e) - }, e.prototype.focusLastChipThenInput = function() { - var e = this; - e.shouldFocusLastChip = !1, e.focusChip(this.items.length - 1), e.$timeout(function() { - e.focusInput() - }, e.chipAppendDelay) - }, e.prototype.focusInput = function() { - this.selectChip(-1), this.onFocus() - }, e.prototype.selectChip = function(e) { - -1 <= e && e <= this.items.length ? (this.selectedChip = e, this.useOnSelect && this.onSelect && this.onSelect({ - $chip: this.items[e] - })) : this.$log.warn("Selected Chip index out of bounds; ignoring.") - }, e.prototype.focusChip = function(e) { - var t = this.$element[0].querySelector('md-chip[index="' + e + '"] .md-chip-content'); - this.ariaTabIndex = e, t.focus() - }, e.prototype.configureNgModel = function(e) { - this.ngModelCtrl = e; - var t = this; - e.$isEmpty = function(e) { - return !e || 0 === e.length - }, e.$render = function() { - t.items = t.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue - } - }, e.prototype.onFocus = function() { - var e = this.$element[0].querySelector("input"); - e && e.focus(), this.resetSelectedChip() - }, e.prototype.onInputFocus = function() { - this.inputHasFocus = !0, this.setupInputAria(), this.resetSelectedChip() - }, e.prototype.onInputBlur = function() { - this.inputHasFocus = !1, this.shouldAddOnBlur() && (this.appendChip(this.getChipBuffer().trim()), this.resetChipBuffer()) - }, e.prototype.configureInput = function(e) { - var t = e.controller("ngModel"), - n = this; - t && (this.deRegister.push(this.$scope.$watch(function() { - return t.$touched - }, function(e) { - e && n.ngModelCtrl.$setTouched() - })), this.deRegister.push(this.$scope.$watch(function() { - return t.$dirty - }, function(e) { - e && n.ngModelCtrl.$setDirty() - }))) - }, e.prototype.configureUserInput = function(e) { - var t = (this.userInputElement = e).controller("ngModel"); - t !== this.ngModelCtrl && (this.userInputNgModelCtrl = t); - - function n(e, t) { - o.$evalAsync(be.bind(r, t, e)) - } - var o = this.$scope, - r = this; - e.attr({ - tabindex: 0 - }).on("keydown", function(e) { - n(e, r.inputKeydown) - }).on("focus", function(e) { - n(e, r.onInputFocus) - }).on("blur", function(e) { - n(e, r.onInputBlur) - }) - }, e.prototype.configureAutocomplete = function(e) { - e && (this.autocompleteCtrl = e, this.$element.attr("container-empty-hint") || (this.containerEmptyHint = "Chips container with autocompletion. Enter the text area, type text to search, and then use the up and down arrow keys to select an option. Press enter to add the selected option as a chip.", this.setupWrapperAria()), e.registerSelectedItemWatcher(be.bind(this, function(e) { - if (e) { - if (this.hasMaxChipsReached()) return; - this.appendChip(e), this.resetChipBuffer() - } - })), this.$element.find("input").on("focus", be.bind(this, this.onInputFocus)).on("blur", be.bind(this, this.onInputBlur))) - }, e.prototype.shouldAddOnBlur = function() { - this.validateModel(); - var e = this.getChipBuffer().trim(), - t = this.ngModelCtrl.$isEmpty(this.ngModelCtrl.$modelValue) || this.ngModelCtrl.$valid, - n = this.autocompleteCtrl && !this.autocompleteCtrl.hidden; - return this.userInputNgModelCtrl && (t = t && this.userInputNgModelCtrl.$valid), this.addOnBlur && !this.requireMatch && e && t && !n - }, e.prototype.hasFocus = function() { - return this.inputHasFocus || 0 <= this.selectedChip - }, e.prototype.contentIdFor = function(e) { - return this.contentIds[e] - } - }(), - function() { - o.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$compile", "$log", "$timeout", "$$mdSvgRegistry"], be.module("material.components.chips").directive("mdChips", o); - var e = '
    ', - t = ' ', - n = " {{$chip}}", - r = ' '; - - function o(u, p, h, o, f, b) { - var g = { - chips: p.processTemplate(e), - input: p.processTemplate(t), - default: p.processTemplate(n), - remove: p.processTemplate(r) - }; - return { - template: function(e, t) { - return t.$mdUserTemplate = e.clone(), g.chips - }, - require: ["mdChips"], - restrict: "E", - controller: "MdChipsCtrl", - controllerAs: "$mdChipsCtrl", - bindToController: !0, - compile: function(e, a) { - var n = a.$mdUserTemplate; - a.$mdUserTemplate = null; - var d = t("md-chips>md-chip-template"), - s = t(p.prefixer().buildList("md-chip-remove").map(function(e) { - return "md-chips>*[" + e + "]" - }).join(",")) || g.remove, - l = d || g.default, - c = t("md-chips>md-autocomplete") || t("md-chips>input") || g.input, - m = n.find("md-chip"); - n[0].querySelector("md-chip-template>*[md-chip-remove]") && o.warn("invalid placement of md-chip-remove within md-chip-template."); - - function t(e) { - if (a.ngModel) { - var t = n[0].querySelector(e); - return t && t.outerHTML - } - } - return function(e, t, n, o) { - p.initOptionalProperties(e, a), u(t); - var r = o[0]; - if (d && (r.enableChipEdit = !1), r.chipContentsTemplate = l, r.chipRemoveTemplate = s, r.chipInputTemplate = c, r.mdCloseIcon = b.mdCancel, t.attr({ - tabindex: -1 - }).on("focus", function() { - r.onFocus() - }).on("click", function() { - r.readonly || -1 !== r.selectedChip || r.onFocus() - }), a.ngModel && (r.configureNgModel(t.controller("ngModel")), n.mdTransformChip && r.useTransformChipExpression(), n.mdOnAdd && r.useOnAddExpression(), n.mdOnRemove && r.useOnRemoveExpression(), n.mdOnSelect && r.useOnSelectExpression(), c !== g.input && e.$watch("$mdChipsCtrl.readonly", function(e) { - e || p.nextTick(function() { - if (0 === c.indexOf("
    ' - }, - scope: { - minDate: "=mdMinDate", - maxDate: "=mdMaxDate", - dateFilter: "=mdDateFilter", - monthFilter: "=mdMonthFilter", - _mode: "@mdMode", - _currentView: "@mdCurrentView" - }, - require: ["ngModel", "mdCalendar"], - controller: n, - controllerAs: "calendarCtrl", - bindToController: !0, - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o[0]; - o[1].configureNgModel(r, i) - } - } - } - n.$inject = ["$element", "$scope", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$$rAF", "$attrs", "$mdDateLocale", "$filter", "$document"], e.$inject = ["inputDirective"], be.module("material.components.datepicker").directive("mdCalendar", e); - var p = 0, - t = { - day: "month", - month: "year" - }; - - function n(e, t, n, o, r, i, a, d, s, l, c) { - i(e), this.$element = e, this.$scope = t, this.$attrs = d, this.dateUtil = n, this.$mdUtil = o, this.keyCode = r.KEY_CODE, this.$$rAF = a, this.$mdDateLocale = s, this.ngDateFilter = l("date"), = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(), this.ngModelCtrl = ge, this.SELECTED_DATE_CLASS = "md-calendar-selected-date", this.TODAY_CLASS = "md-calendar-date-today", this.FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS = "md-focus", = p++, this.displayDate = null, this.mode = null, this.selectedDate = null, this.firstRenderableDate = null, this.lastRenderableDate = null, this.isInitialized = !1, this.width = 0, this.scrollbarWidth = 0, this.standaloneMode = !1, d.tabindex || e.attr("tabindex", "-1"); - var m, u = be.bind(this, this.handleKeyEvent); - (m = e.parent().hasClass("md-datepicker-calendar") ? be.element(c[0].body) : (this.standaloneMode = !0, e)).on("keydown", u), t.$on("$destroy", function() { -"keydown", u) - }), 1 === be.version.major && be.version.minor <= 4 && this.$onInit() - } - n.prototype.$onInit = function() { - this._mode && t.hasOwnProperty(this._mode) ? (this.currentView = t[this._mode], this.mode = this._mode) : (this.currentView = this._currentView || "month", this.mode = null), this.minDate && this.minDate > this.$mdDateLocale.firstRenderableDate ? this.firstRenderableDate = this.minDate : this.firstRenderableDate = this.$mdDateLocale.firstRenderableDate, this.maxDate && this.maxDate < this.$mdDateLocale.lastRenderableDate ? this.lastRenderableDate = this.maxDate : this.lastRenderableDate = this.$mdDateLocale.lastRenderableDate - }, n.prototype.configureNgModel = function(e, t) { - var n = this; - n.ngModelCtrl = e, this.$attrs.$set("type", "date"), t[0].link.pre(this.$scope, { - on: be.noop, - val: be.noop, - 0: {} - }, this.$attrs, [e]), e.$render = function() { - var e, t = this.$viewValue; - n.dateUtil.isValidDate(t) || (e = n.dateUtil.removeLocalTzAndReparseDate(new Date(t)), n.dateUtil.isValidDate(e) && (t = e)), n.$scope.$broadcast("md-calendar-parent-changed", t), n.selectedDate || (n.selectedDate = t), n.displayDate || (n.displayDate = n.selectedDate || - }, n.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - n.isInitialized = !0 - }) - }, n.prototype.setNgModelValue = function(e) { - var t = this.$mdUtil.getModelOption(this.ngModelCtrl, "timezone"), - n = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(e); - return this.focusDate(n), this.$scope.$emit("md-calendar-change", n), null == t || n.getTimezoneOffset() < 0 ? this.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(this.ngDateFilter(n, "yyyy-MM-dd"), "default") : this.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(this.ngDateFilter(n, "yyyy-MM-dd", t), "default"), this.ngModelCtrl.$render(), n - }, n.prototype.setCurrentView = function(e, t) { - var n = this; - n.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - n.currentView = e, t && (n.displayDate = be.isDate(t) ? t : new Date(t)) - }) - }, n.prototype.focusDate = function(e) { - if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(e)) { - var t = this.$element[0].querySelector("." + this.FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS); - t && t.classList.remove(this.FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS); - var n = this.getDateId(e, this.currentView), - o = document.getElementById(n); - o && (o.classList.add(this.FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS), o.focus(), this.displayDate = e) - } else { - var r = this.$element[0].querySelector("[ng-switch]"); - r && r.focus() - } - }, n.prototype.changeSelectedDate = function(e) { - var t = this.SELECTED_DATE_CLASS, - n = this.$element[0].querySelector("." + t); - if (n && (n.classList.remove(t), n.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false")), e) { - var o = document.getElementById(this.getDateId(e, this.currentView)); - o && (o.classList.add(t), o.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true")) - } - this.selectedDate = e - }, n.prototype.getActionFromKeyEvent = function(e) { - var t = this.keyCode; - switch (e.which) { - case t.ENTER: - return "select"; - case t.RIGHT_ARROW: - return "move-right"; - case t.LEFT_ARROW: - return "move-left"; - case t.DOWN_ARROW: - return e.metaKey ? "move-page-down" : "move-row-down"; - case t.UP_ARROW: - return e.metaKey ? "move-page-up" : "move-row-up"; - case t.PAGE_DOWN: - return "move-page-down"; - case t.PAGE_UP: - return "move-page-up"; - case t.HOME: - return "start"; - case t.END: - return "end"; - default: - return null - } - }, n.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(t) { - var n = this; - this.$scope.$apply(function() { - if (t.which === n.keyCode.ESCAPE || t.which === n.keyCode.TAB && !n.standaloneMode) return n.$scope.$emit("md-calendar-close"), void(t.which === n.keyCode.TAB && t.preventDefault()); - if (t.which !== n.keyCode.TAB || !n.standaloneMode) { - var e = n.getActionFromKeyEvent(t); - e && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), n.$scope.$broadcast("md-calendar-parent-action", e)) - } - }) - }, n.prototype.hideVerticalScrollbar = function(o) { - var r = this, - t = o.$element[0], - i = t.querySelector(".md-calendar-scroll-mask"); - - function n() { - var e = r.width || 340, - t = r.scrollbarWidth, - n = o.calendarScroller; - = e + "px", = e + t + "px", = t + "px" - } - 0 < r.width ? n() : r.$$rAF(function() { - var e = o.calendarScroller; - r.scrollbarWidth = e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth, r.width = t.querySelector("table").offsetWidth, n() - }) - }, n.prototype.getDateId = function(e, t) { - if (!t) throw new Error("A namespace for the date id has to be specified."); - return ["md",, t, e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate()].join("-") - }, n.prototype.updateVirtualRepeat = function() { - var e = this.$scope, - t = e.$on("$md-resize-enable", function() { - e.$$phase || e.$apply(), t() - }) - } - }(), - function() { - t.$inject = ["$element", "$scope", "$animate", "$q", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdDateLocale"], be.module("material.components.datepicker").directive("mdCalendarMonth", function() { - return { - template: '
    ", - require: ["^^mdCalendar", "mdCalendarMonth"], - controller: t, - controllerAs: "monthCtrl", - bindToController: !0, - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o[0]; - o[1].initialize(r) - } - } - }); - var n = 265, - e = 45; - - function t(e, t, n, o, r, i) { - this.$element = e, this.$scope = t, this.$animate = n, this.$q = o, this.dateUtil = r, this.dateLocale = i, this.calendarScroller = e[0].querySelector(".md-virtual-repeat-scroller"), this.isInitialized = !1, this.isMonthTransitionInProgress = !1; - var a = this; - this.cellClickHandler = function() { - var e = r.getTimestampFromNode(this); - a.$scope.$apply(function() { - a.calendarCtrl.setNgModelValue(new Date(e)) - }) - }, this.headerClickHandler = function() { - a.calendarCtrl.setCurrentView("year", r.getTimestampFromNode(this)) - } - } - t.prototype.initialize = function(e) { - this.items = { - length: this.dateUtil.getMonthDistance(e.firstRenderableDate, e.lastRenderableDate) + 2 - }, this.calendarCtrl = e, this.attachScopeListeners(), e.updateVirtualRepeat(), e.ngModelCtrl && e.ngModelCtrl.$render() - }, t.prototype.getSelectedMonthIndex = function() { - var e = this.calendarCtrl; - return this.dateUtil.getMonthDistance(e.firstRenderableDate, e.displayDate || e.selectedDate || - }, t.prototype.changeDisplayDate = function(e) { - if (!this.isInitialized) return this.buildWeekHeader(), this.calendarCtrl.hideVerticalScrollbar(this), this.isInitialized = !0, this.$q.when(); - if (!this.dateUtil.isValidDate(e) || this.isMonthTransitionInProgress) return this.$q.when(); - this.isMonthTransitionInProgress = !0; - var t = this.animateDateChange(e); - this.calendarCtrl.displayDate = e; - var n = this; - return t.then(function() { - n.isMonthTransitionInProgress = !1 - }), t - }, t.prototype.animateDateChange = function(e) { - if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(e)) { - var t = this.dateUtil.getMonthDistance(this.calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, e); - this.calendarScroller.scrollTop = t * n - } - return this.$q.when() - }, t.prototype.buildWeekHeader = function() { - for (var e = this.dateLocale.firstDayOfWeek, t = this.dateLocale.shortDays, n = document.createElement("tr"), o = 0; o < 7; o++) { - var r = document.createElement("th"); - r.textContent = t[(o + e) % 7], n.appendChild(r) - } - this.$element.find("thead").append(n) - }, t.prototype.attachScopeListeners = function() { - var n = this; - n.$scope.$on("md-calendar-parent-changed", function(e, t) { - n.calendarCtrl.changeSelectedDate(t), n.changeDisplayDate(t) - }), n.$scope.$on("md-calendar-parent-action", be.bind(this, this.handleKeyEvent)) - }, t.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(e, t) { - var n = this.calendarCtrl, - o = n.displayDate; - if ("select" === t) n.setNgModelValue(o); - else { - var r = null, - i = this.dateUtil; - switch (t) { - case "move-right": - r = i.incrementDays(o, 1); - break; - case "move-left": - r = i.incrementDays(o, -1); - break; - case "move-page-down": - r = i.incrementMonths(o, 1); - break; - case "move-page-up": - r = i.incrementMonths(o, -1); - break; - case "move-row-down": - r = i.incrementDays(o, 7); - break; - case "move-row-up": - r = i.incrementDays(o, -7); - break; - case "start": - r = i.getFirstDateOfMonth(o); - break; - case "end": - r = i.getLastDateOfMonth(o) - } - r && (r = this.dateUtil.clampDate(r, n.minDate, n.maxDate), this.changeDisplayDate(r).then(function() { - n.focusDate(r) - })) - } - } - }(), pe.$inject = ["$compile", "$$mdSvgRegistry"], he.$inject = ["$element", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdDateLocale"], be.module("material.components.datepicker").directive("mdCalendarMonthBody", pe), he.prototype.generateContent = function() { - var e = this.dateUtil.incrementMonths(this.calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, this.offset); - this.$element.empty().append(this.buildCalendarForMonth(e)), this.focusAfterAppend && (this.focusAfterAppend.classList.add(this.calendarCtrl.FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS), this.focusAfterAppend = null) - }, he.prototype.buildDateCell = function(e) { - var t = this.monthCtrl, - n = this.calendarCtrl, - o = document.createElement("td"); - if (o.tabIndex = -1, o.classList.add("md-calendar-date"), o.setAttribute("role", "gridcell"), e) { - o.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), o.setAttribute("aria-label", this.dateLocale.longDateFormatter(e)), = n.getDateId(e, "month"), o.setAttribute("data-timestamp", e.getTime()), this.dateUtil.isSameDay(e, && o.classList.add(n.TODAY_CLASS), this.dateUtil.isValidDate(n.selectedDate) && this.dateUtil.isSameDay(e, n.selectedDate) && (o.classList.add(n.SELECTED_DATE_CLASS), o.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true")); - var r = this.dateLocale.dates[e.getDate()]; - if (this.isDateEnabled(e)) { - var i = document.createElement("span"); - i.classList.add("md-calendar-date-selection-indicator"), i.textContent = r, o.appendChild(i), o.addEventListener("click", t.cellClickHandler), n.displayDate && this.dateUtil.isSameDay(e, n.displayDate) && (this.focusAfterAppend = o) - } else o.classList.add("md-calendar-date-disabled"), o.textContent = r - } - return o - }, he.prototype.isDateEnabled = function(e) { - return this.dateUtil.isDateWithinRange(e, this.calendarCtrl.minDate, this.calendarCtrl.maxDate) && (!be.isFunction(this.calendarCtrl.dateFilter) || this.calendarCtrl.dateFilter(e)) - }, he.prototype.buildDateRow = function(e) { - var t = document.createElement("tr"); - return t.setAttribute("role", "row"), t.setAttribute("aria-label", this.dateLocale.weekNumberFormatter(e)), t - }, he.prototype.buildCalendarForMonth = function(e) { - var t = this.dateUtil.isValidDate(e) ? e : new Date, - n = this.dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(t), - o = this.getLocaleDay_(n), - r = this.dateUtil.getNumberOfDaysInMonth(t), - i = document.createDocumentFragment(), - a = 1, - d = this.buildDateRow(a); - i.appendChild(d); - var s = this.offset === this.monthCtrl.items.length - 1, - l = 0, - c = document.createElement("td"), - m = document.createElement("span"), - u = this.calendarCtrl; - if (m.textContent = this.dateLocale.monthHeaderFormatter(t), c.appendChild(m), c.classList.add("md-calendar-month-label"), u.maxDate && n > u.maxDate ? c.classList.add("md-calendar-month-label-disabled") : u.mode || (c.addEventListener("click", this.monthCtrl.headerClickHandler), c.setAttribute("data-timestamp", n.getTime()), c.setAttribute("aria-label", this.dateLocale.monthFormatter(t)), c.classList.add("md-calendar-label-clickable"), c.appendChild(this.arrowIcon.cloneNode(!0))), o <= 2) { - c.setAttribute("colspan", "7"); - var p = this.buildDateRow(); - if (p.appendChild(c), i.insertBefore(p, d), s) return i - } else l = 3, c.setAttribute("colspan", "3"), d.appendChild(c); - for (var h = l; h < o; h++) d.appendChild(this.buildDateCell()); - for (var f = o, b = n, g = 1; g <= r; g++) { - if (7 === f) { - if (s) return i; - f = 0, a++, d = this.buildDateRow(a), i.appendChild(d) - } - b.setDate(g); - var E = this.buildDateCell(b); - d.appendChild(E), f++ - } - for (; d.childNodes.length < 7;) d.appendChild(this.buildDateCell()); - for (; i.childNodes.length < 6;) { - for (var v = this.buildDateRow(), $ = 0; $ < 7; $++) v.appendChild(this.buildDateCell()); - i.appendChild(v) - } - return i - }, he.prototype.getLocaleDay_ = function(e) { - return (e.getDay() + (7 - this.dateLocale.firstDayOfWeek)) % 7 - }, - function() { - e.$inject = ["$element", "$scope", "$animate", "$q", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdUtil"], be.module("material.components.datepicker").directive("mdCalendarYear", function() { - return { - template: '
    ", - require: ["^^mdCalendar", "mdCalendarYear"], - controller: e, - controllerAs: "yearCtrl", - bindToController: !0, - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o[0]; - o[1].initialize(r) - } - } - }); - var n = 88; - - function e(e, t, n, o, r, i) { - this.$element = e, this.$scope = t, this.$animate = n, this.$q = o, this.dateUtil = r, this.calendarScroller = e[0].querySelector(".md-virtual-repeat-scroller"), this.isInitialized = !1, this.isMonthTransitionInProgress = !1, this.$mdUtil = i; - var a = this; - this.cellClickHandler = function() { - a.onTimestampSelected(r.getTimestampFromNode(this)) - } - } - e.prototype.initialize = function(e) { - this.items = { - length: this.dateUtil.getYearDistance(e.firstRenderableDate, e.lastRenderableDate) + 1 - }, this.calendarCtrl = e, this.attachScopeListeners(), e.updateVirtualRepeat(), e.ngModelCtrl && e.ngModelCtrl.$render() - }, e.prototype.getFocusedYearIndex = function() { - var e = this.calendarCtrl; - return this.dateUtil.getYearDistance(e.firstRenderableDate, e.displayDate || e.selectedDate || - }, e.prototype.changeDate = function(e) { - if (!this.isInitialized) return this.calendarCtrl.hideVerticalScrollbar(this), this.isInitialized = !0, this.$q.when(); - if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(e) && !this.isMonthTransitionInProgress) { - var t = this, - n = this.animateDateChange(e); - return t.isMonthTransitionInProgress = !0, t.calendarCtrl.displayDate = e, n.then(function() { - t.isMonthTransitionInProgress = !1 - }) - } - }, e.prototype.animateDateChange = function(e) { - if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(e)) { - var t = this.dateUtil.getYearDistance(this.calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, e); - this.calendarScroller.scrollTop = t * n - } - return this.$q.when() - }, e.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(e, t) { - var n = this, - o = n.calendarCtrl, - r = o.displayDate; - if ("select" === t) n.changeDate(r).then(function() { - n.onTimestampSelected(r) - }); - else { - var i = null, - a = n.dateUtil; - switch (t) { - case "move-right": - i = a.incrementMonths(r, 1); - break; - case "move-left": - i = a.incrementMonths(r, -1); - break; - case "move-row-down": - i = a.incrementMonths(r, 6); - break; - case "move-row-up": - i = a.incrementMonths(r, -6) - } - if (i) { - var d = o.minDate ? a.getFirstDateOfMonth(o.minDate) : null, - s = o.maxDate ? a.getFirstDateOfMonth(o.maxDate) : null; - i = a.getFirstDateOfMonth(n.dateUtil.clampDate(i, d, s)), n.changeDate(i).then(function() { - o.focusDate(i) - }) - } - } - }, e.prototype.attachScopeListeners = function() { - var n = this; - n.$scope.$on("md-calendar-parent-changed", function(e, t) { - n.calendarCtrl.changeSelectedDate(t ? n.dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(t) : t), n.changeDate(t) - }), n.$scope.$on("md-calendar-parent-action", be.bind(n, n.handleKeyEvent)) - }, e.prototype.onTimestampSelected = function(e) { - var t = this.calendarCtrl; - t.mode ? this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - t.setNgModelValue(new Date(e)) - }) : t.setCurrentView("month", e) - } - }(), fe.$inject = ["$element", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdDateLocale"], be.module("material.components.datepicker").directive("mdCalendarYearBody", function() { - return { - require: ["^^mdCalendar", "^^mdCalendarYear", "mdCalendarYearBody"], - scope: { - offset: "=mdYearOffset" - }, - controller: fe, - controllerAs: "mdYearBodyCtrl", - bindToController: !0, - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o[0], - i = o[1], - a = o[2]; - a.calendarCtrl = r, a.yearCtrl = i, e.$watch(function() { - return a.offset - }, function(e) { - be.isNumber(e) && a.generateContent() - }) - } - } - }), fe.prototype.generateContent = function() { - var e = this.dateUtil.incrementYears(this.calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, this.offset); - this.$element.empty().append(this.buildCalendarForYear(e)), this.focusAfterAppend && (this.focusAfterAppend.classList.add(this.calendarCtrl.FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS), this.focusAfterAppend = null) - }, fe.prototype.buildMonthCell = function(e, t) { - var n = this.calendarCtrl, - o = this.yearCtrl, - r = this.buildBlankCell(), - i = new Date(e, t, 1); - r.setAttribute("aria-label", this.dateLocale.monthFormatter(i)), = n.getDateId(i, "year"), r.setAttribute("data-timestamp", String(i.getTime())), this.dateUtil.isSameMonthAndYear(i, && r.classList.add(n.TODAY_CLASS), this.dateUtil.isValidDate(n.selectedDate) && this.dateUtil.isSameMonthAndYear(i, n.selectedDate) && (r.classList.add(n.SELECTED_DATE_CLASS), r.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true")); - var a = this.dateLocale.shortMonths[t]; - if (!this.dateUtil.isMonthWithinRange(i, n.minDate, n.maxDate) || be.isFunction(n.monthFilter) && !n.monthFilter(i)) r.classList.add("md-calendar-date-disabled"), r.textContent = a; - else { - var d = document.createElement("span"); - d.classList.add("md-calendar-date-selection-indicator"), d.textContent = a, r.appendChild(d), r.addEventListener("click", o.cellClickHandler), n.displayDate && this.dateUtil.isSameMonthAndYear(i, n.displayDate) && (this.focusAfterAppend = r) - } - return r - }, fe.prototype.buildBlankCell = function() { - var e = document.createElement("td"); - return e.tabIndex = -1, e.classList.add("md-calendar-date"), e.setAttribute("role", "gridcell"), e.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), e - }, fe.prototype.buildCalendarForYear = function(e) { - var t, n = e.getFullYear(), - o = document.createDocumentFragment(), - r = document.createElement("tr"), - i = document.createElement("td"); - for (i.className = "md-calendar-month-label", i.textContent = String(n), r.appendChild(i), t = 0; t < 6; t++) r.appendChild(this.buildMonthCell(n, t)); - o.appendChild(r); - var a = document.createElement("tr"); - for (a.appendChild(this.buildBlankCell()), t = 6; t < 12; t++) a.appendChild(this.buildMonthCell(n, t)); - return o.appendChild(a), o - }, be.module("material.components.datepicker").config(["$provide", function(e) { - function t() { - this.months = null, this.shortMonths = null, this.days = null, this.shortDays = null, this.dates = null, this.firstDayOfWeek = 0, this.formatDate = null, this.parseDate = null, this.monthHeaderFormatter = null, this.weekNumberFormatter = null, this.longDateFormatter = null, this.isDateComplete = null, this.msgCalendar = "", this.msgOpenCalendar = "" - }(t.prototype.$get = function(e, r) { - for (var t = { - return e.substring(0, 1) - }), n = Array(32), o = 1; o <= 31; o++) n[o] = o; - var i = new Date(1880, 0, 1), - a = new Date(i.getFullYear() + 250, 0, 1), - d = { - months: this.months || e.DATETIME_FORMATS.MONTH, - shortMonths: this.shortMonths || e.DATETIME_FORMATS.SHORTMONTH, - days: this.days || e.DATETIME_FORMATS.DAY, - shortDays: this.shortDays || t, - dates: this.dates || n, - firstDayOfWeek: this.firstDayOfWeek || 0, - formatDate: this.formatDate || function(e, t) { - if (!e) return ""; - var n = e.toLocaleTimeString(), - o = e; - return 0 !== e.getHours() || -1 === n.indexOf("11:") && -1 === n.indexOf("23:") || (o = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate(), 1, 0, 0)), r("date")(o, "M/d/yyyy", t) - }, - parseDate: this.parseDate || function(e) { - return new Date(e) - }, - isDateComplete: this.isDateComplete || function(e) { - return e = e.trim(), /^(([a-zA-Z]{3,}|[0-9]{1,4})([ .,]+|[/-])){2}([a-zA-Z]{3,}|[0-9]{1,4})$/.test(e) - }, - monthHeaderFormatter: this.monthHeaderFormatter || function(e) { - return d.shortMonths[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getFullYear() - }, - monthFormatter: this.monthFormatter || function(e) { - return d.months[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getFullYear() - }, - weekNumberFormatter: this.weekNumberFormatter || function(e) { - return "Week " + e - }, - longDateFormatter: this.longDateFormatter || function(e) { - return [d.days[e.getDay()], d.months[e.getMonth()], d.dates[e.getDate()], e.getFullYear()].join(" ") - }, - msgCalendar: this.msgCalendar || "Calendar", - msgOpenCalendar: this.msgOpenCalendar || "Open calendar", - firstRenderableDate: this.firstRenderableDate || i, - lastRenderableDate: this.lastRenderableDate || a - }; - return d - }).$inject = ["$locale", "$filter"], e.provider("$mdDateLocale", new t) - }]), be.module("material.components.datepicker").factory("$$mdDateUtil", ["$mdDateLocale", function(o) { - return { - getFirstDateOfMonth: n, - getNumberOfDaysInMonth: r, - getDateInNextMonth: i, - getDateInPreviousMonth: a, - isInNextMonth: function(e, t) { - return d(i(e), t) - }, - isInPreviousMonth: function(e, t) { - var n = a(e); - return d(t, n) - }, - getDateMidpoint: function(e, t) { - return m((e.getTime() + t.getTime()) / 2) - }, - isSameMonthAndYear: d, - getWeekOfMonth: function(e) { - var t = n(e); - return Math.floor((t.getDay() + e.getDate() - 1) / 7) - }, - incrementDays: function(e, t) { - return new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate() + t) - }, - incrementMonths: s, - getLastDateOfMonth: function(e) { - return new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), r(e)) - }, - isSameDay: function(e, t) { - return e.getDate() == t.getDate() && d(e, t) - }, - getMonthDistance: function(e, t) { - return 12 * (t.getFullYear() - e.getFullYear()) + (t.getMonth() - e.getMonth()) - }, - isValidDate: l, - setDateTimeToMidnight: c, - createDateAtMidnight: m, - isDateWithinRange: function(e, t, n) { - var o = m(e), - r = l(t) ? m(t) : null, - i = l(n) ? m(n) : null; - return (!r || r <= o) && (!i || o <= i) - }, - incrementYears: function(e, t) { - return s(e, 12 * t) - }, - getYearDistance: function(e, t) { - return t.getFullYear() - e.getFullYear() - }, - clampDate: function(e, t, n) { - var o = e; - return t && e < t && (o = new Date(t.getTime())), n && n < e && (o = new Date(n.getTime())), o - }, - getTimestampFromNode: function(e) { - if (e && e.hasAttribute("data-timestamp")) return Number(e.getAttribute("data-timestamp")) - }, - isMonthWithinRange: function(e, t, n) { - var o = e.getMonth(), - r = e.getFullYear(); - return (!t || t.getFullYear() < r || t.getMonth() <= o) && (!n || n.getFullYear() > r || n.getMonth() >= o) - }, - removeLocalTzAndReparseDate: function(e) { - var t, n; - return t = new Date(e.getTime() + 6e4 * e.getTimezoneOffset()), n = o.formatDate(t), o.parseDate(n) - } - }; - - function n(e) { - return new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), 1) - } - - function r(e) { - return new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate() - } - - function i(e) { - return new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() + 1, 1) - } - - function a(e) { - return new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() - 1, 1) - } - - function d(e, t) { - return e.getFullYear() === t.getFullYear() && e.getMonth() === t.getMonth() - } - - function s(e, t) { - var n = new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth() + t, 1), - o = r(n); - return o < e.getDate() ? n.setDate(o) : n.setDate(e.getDate()), n - } - - function l(e) { - return e && e.getTime && !isNaN(e.getTime()) - } - - function c(e) { - l(e) && e.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) - } - - function m(e) { - var t; - return c(t = be.isDate(e) ? e : be.isNumber(e) ? new Date(e) : new Date), t - } - }]), - function() { - function e(l, m, u, p) { - return { - template: function(e, t) { - var n = t.mdHideIcons, - o = t.inputAriaDescribedby, - r = t.inputAriaLabelledby, - i = t.ariaLabel || t.mdPlaceholder, - a = t.ngModelOptions, - d = "all" === n || "calendar" === n ? "" : '', - s = ""; - return "all" !== n && "triangle" !== n && (s = '
    ', e.addClass(c)), d + '
    ' + s + '
    ' - }, - require: ["ngModel", "mdDatepicker", "?^mdInputContainer", "?^form"], - scope: { - minDate: "=mdMinDate", - maxDate: "=mdMaxDate", - placeholder: "@mdPlaceholder", - currentView: "@mdCurrentView", - mode: "@mdMode", - dateFilter: "=mdDateFilter", - monthFilter: "=mdMonthFilter", - isOpen: "=?mdIsOpen", - debounceInterval: "=mdDebounceInterval", - dateLocale: "=mdDateLocale" - }, - controller: t, - controllerAs: "ctrl", - bindToController: !0, - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - var r = o[0], - i = o[1], - a = o[2], - d = o[3], - s = m.parseAttributeBoolean(n.mdNoAsterisk); - if (i.configureNgModel(r, a, p), a) { - var l = t[0].querySelector(".md-errors-spacer"); - l && t.after(be.element("
    ").append(l)), a.setHasPlaceholder(n.mdPlaceholder), a.input = t, a.element.addClass(h).toggleClass(f, "calendar" !== n.mdHideIcons && "all" !== n.mdHideIcons), a.label ? s || n.$observe("required", function(e) { - a.label.toggleClass("md-required", !!e) - }) : u.expect(t, "aria-label", n.mdPlaceholder), e.$watch(a.isErrorGetter || function() { - return r.$invalid && (r.$touched || d && d.$submitted) - }, a.setInvalid) - } else if (d) var c = e.$watch(function() { - return d.$submitted - }, function(e) { - e && (i.updateErrorState(), c()) - }) - } - } - } - t.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$window", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$mdDateLocale", "$$mdDateUtil", "$$rAF", "$filter", "$timeout"], e.$inject = ["$$mdSvgRegistry", "$mdUtil", "$mdAria", "inputDirective"], be.module("material.components.datepicker").directive("mdDatepicker", e); - var a = "md-datepicker-invalid", - m = "md-datepicker-open", - h = "_md-datepicker-floating-label", - f = "_md-datepicker-has-calendar-icon", - c = "_md-datepicker-has-triangle-icon", - p = /ipad|iphone|ipod|android/i; - - function t(e, t, n, o, r, i, a, d, s, l, c, m) { - this.$window = o, this.dateUtil = s, this.$mdConstant = r, this.$mdUtil = a, this.$$rAF = l, this.$mdDateLocale = d, this.$timeout = m, this.documentElement = be.element(document.documentElement), this.ngModelCtrl = null, this.inputElement = t[0].querySelector("input"), this.ngInputElement = be.element(this.inputElement), this.inputContainer = t[0].querySelector(".md-datepicker-input-container"), this.calendarPane = t[0].querySelector(".md-datepicker-calendar-pane"), this.calendarButton = t[0].querySelector(".md-datepicker-button"), this.inputMask = be.element(t[0].querySelector(".md-datepicker-input-mask-opaque")), this.$element = t, this.$attrs = n, this.$scope = e, = null, this.isFocused = !1, this.isDisabled = ge, this.setDisabled(t[0].disabled || be.isString(n.disabled)), this.isCalendarOpen = !1, this.openOnFocus = n.hasOwnProperty("mdOpenOnFocus"), this.mdInputContainer = null, this.calendarPaneOpenedFrom = null, this.calendarPaneId = "md-date-pane-" + a.nextUid(), this.bodyClickHandler = be.bind(this, this.handleBodyClick), this.windowEventName = p.test(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || L.opera) ? "orientationchange" : "resize", this.windowEventHandler = a.debounce(be.bind(this, this.closeCalendarPane), 100), this.windowBlurHandler = be.bind(this, this.handleWindowBlur), this.ngDateFilter = c("date"), this.leftMargin = 20, this.topMargin = null, n.tabindex ? (this.ngInputElement.attr("tabindex", n.tabindex), n.$set("tabindex", null)) : n.$set("tabindex", "-1"), n.$set("aria-owns", this.calendarPaneId), i(t), i(be.element(this.calendarPane)); - var u = this; - e.$on("$destroy", function() { - u.detachCalendarPane() - }), n.mdIsOpen && e.$watch("ctrl.isOpen", function(e) { - e ? u.openCalendarPane({ - target: u.inputElement - }) : u.closeCalendarPane() - }), 1 === be.version.major && be.version.minor <= 4 && this.$onInit() - } - t.prototype.$onInit = function() { - this.locale = this.dateLocale ? be.extend({}, this.$mdDateLocale, this.dateLocale) : this.$mdDateLocale, this.installPropertyInterceptors(), this.attachChangeListeners(), this.attachInteractionListeners() - }, t.prototype.configureNgModel = function(e, t, n) { - this.ngModelCtrl = e, this.mdInputContainer = t, this.$attrs.$set("type", "date"), n[0].link.pre(this.$scope, { - on: be.noop, - val: be.noop, - 0: {} - }, this.$attrs, [e]); - var o = this; - o.ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(e) { - var t = be.isDefined(e) ? e : null; - if (!(e instanceof Date) && (t = Date.parse(e), !isNaN(t) && be.isNumber(t) && (e = new Date(t)), e && !(e instanceof Date))) throw Error("The ng-model for md-datepicker must be a Date instance or a value that can be parsed into a date. Currently the model is of type: " + typeof e); - return o.onExternalChange(e), e - }), e.$viewChangeListeners.unshift(be.bind(this, this.updateErrorState)); - var r = o.$mdUtil.getModelOption(e, "updateOn"); - r && this.ngInputElement.on(r, be.bind(this.$element, this.$element.triggerHandler, r)) - }, t.prototype.attachChangeListeners = function() { - var n = this; - n.$scope.$on("md-calendar-change", function(e, t) { - n.setModelValue(t), n.onExternalChange(t), n.closeCalendarPane() - }), n.ngInputElement.on("input", be.bind(n, n.resizeInputElement)); - var e = be.isDefined(this.debounceInterval) ? this.debounceInterval : 500; - n.ngInputElement.on("input", n.$mdUtil.debounce(n.handleInputEvent, e, n)) - }, t.prototype.attachInteractionListeners = function() { - var t = this, - n = this.$scope, - o = this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE; - t.ngInputElement.on("keydown", function(e) { - e.altKey && e.keyCode === o.DOWN_ARROW && (t.openCalendarPane(e), n.$digest()) - }), t.openOnFocus && (t.ngInputElement.on("focus", be.bind(t, t.openCalendarPane)), t.ngInputElement.on("click", function(e) { - e.stopPropagation() - }), t.ngInputElement.on("pointerdown", function(e) { - && && - }), be.element(t.$window).on("blur", t.windowBlurHandler), n.$on("$destroy", function() { - be.element(t.$window).off("blur", t.windowBlurHandler) - })), n.$on("md-calendar-close", function() { - t.closeCalendarPane() - }) - }, t.prototype.installPropertyInterceptors = function() { - var t = this; - if (this.$attrs.ngDisabled) { - var e = this.$scope.$parent; - e && e.$watch(this.$attrs.ngDisabled, function(e) { - t.setDisabled(e) - }) - } - Object.defineProperty(this, "placeholder", { - get: function() { - return t.inputElement.placeholder - }, - set: function(e) { - t.inputElement.placeholder = e || "" - } - }) - }, t.prototype.setDisabled = function(e) { - this.isDisabled = e, this.inputElement.disabled = e, this.calendarButton && (this.calendarButton.disabled = e) - }, t.prototype.updateErrorState = function(e) { - var t; - if (t = e ? new Date(e.valueOf()) : be.copy(this.ngModelCtrl.$modelValue), this.clearErrorState(), this.dateUtil.isValidDate(t)) { - if (t = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(t), this.dateUtil.isValidDate(this.minDate)) { - var n = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(this.minDate); - this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("mindate", n <= t) - } - if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(this.maxDate)) { - var o = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(this.maxDate); - this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("maxdate", t <= o) - } - be.isFunction(this.dateFilter) && this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("filtered", this.dateFilter(t)), be.isFunction(this.monthFilter) && this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("filtered", this.monthFilter(t)) - } else this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("valid", null == t); - var r = this.inputElement.value, - i = this.locale.parseDate(r); - !this.isInputValid(r, i) && this.ngModelCtrl.$valid && this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("valid", null == t), be.element(this.inputContainer).toggleClass(a, this.ngModelCtrl.$invalid && (this.ngModelCtrl.$touched || this.ngModelCtrl.$submitted)) - }, t.prototype.isInputValid = function(e, t) { - return "" === e || this.dateUtil.isValidDate(t) && this.locale.isDateComplete(e) && this.isDateEnabled(t) - }, t.prototype.clearErrorState = function() { - this.inputContainer.classList.remove(a), ["mindate", "maxdate", "filtered", "valid"].forEach(function(e) { - this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity(e, !0) - }, this) - }, t.prototype.resizeInputElement = function() { - this.inputElement.size = this.inputElement.value.length + 3 - }, t.prototype.handleInputEvent = function() { - var e = this.inputElement.value, - t = e ? this.locale.parseDate(e) : null; - this.dateUtil.setDateTimeToMidnight(t), this.isInputValid(e, t) && (this.setModelValue(t), = t), this.updateErrorState(t) - }, t.prototype.isDateEnabled = function(e) { - return this.dateUtil.isDateWithinRange(e, this.minDate, this.maxDate) && (!be.isFunction(this.dateFilter) || this.dateFilter(e)) && (!be.isFunction(this.monthFilter) || this.monthFilter(e)) - }, t.prototype.attachCalendarPane = function() { - var e = this.calendarPane, - t = document.body; - = "", this.$element.addClass(m), this.mdInputContainer && this.mdInputContainer.element.addClass(m), be.element(t).addClass("md-datepicker-is-showing"); - var n = this.inputContainer.getBoundingClientRect(), - o = t.getBoundingClientRect(); - (!this.topMargin || this.topMargin < 0) && (this.topMargin = (this.inputMask.parent().prop("clientHeight") - this.ngInputElement.prop("clientHeight")) / 2); - var r = - - this.topMargin, - i = n.left - o.left - this.leftMargin, - a = < 0 && 0 === document.body.scrollTop ? : document.body.scrollTop, - d = o.left < 0 && 0 === document.body.scrollLeft ? -o.left : document.body.scrollLeft, - s = a + this.$window.innerHeight, - l = d + this.$window.innerWidth; - if (this.inputMask.css({ - position: "absolute", - left: this.leftMargin + "px", - top: this.topMargin + "px", - width: n.width - 1 + "px", - height: n.height - 2 + "px" - }), l < i + 360) { - if (0 < l - 360) i = l - 360; - else { - i = d; - var c = this.$window.innerWidth / 360; - = "scale(" + c + ")" - } - e.classList.add("md-datepicker-pos-adjusted") - } - s < r + 368 && a < s - 368 && (r = s - 368, e.classList.add("md-datepicker-pos-adjusted")), = i + "px", = r + "px", document.body.appendChild(e), this.$$rAF(function() { - e.classList.add("md-pane-open") - }) - }, t.prototype.detachCalendarPane = function() { - this.$element.removeClass(m), this.mdInputContainer && this.mdInputContainer.element.removeClass(m), be.element(document.body).removeClass("md-datepicker-is-showing"), this.calendarPane.classList.remove("md-pane-open"), this.calendarPane.classList.remove("md-datepicker-pos-adjusted"), this.isCalendarOpen && this.$mdUtil.enableScrolling(), this.calendarPane.parentNode && this.calendarPane.parentNode.removeChild(this.calendarPane) - }, t.prototype.openCalendarPane = function(e) { - if (this.isCalendarOpen || this.isDisabled || this.inputFocusedOnWindowBlur) this.inputFocusedOnWindowBlur && this.resetInputFocused(); - else { - this.isCalendarOpen = this.isOpen = !0, this.calendarPaneOpenedFrom =, this.$mdUtil.disableScrollAround(this.calendarPane), this.attachCalendarPane(), this.focusCalendar(), this.evalAttr("ngFocus"); - var t = this; - this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - t.documentElement.on("click touchstart", t.bodyClickHandler) - }, !1), L.addEventListener(this.windowEventName, this.windowEventHandler) - } - }, t.prototype.closeCalendarPane = function() { - if (this.isCalendarOpen) { - var e = this; - e.detachCalendarPane(), e.ngModelCtrl.$setTouched(), e.evalAttr("ngBlur"),"click touchstart", e.bodyClickHandler), L.removeEventListener(e.windowEventName, e.windowEventHandler), e.calendarPaneOpenedFrom.focus(), e.calendarPaneOpenedFrom = null, e.openOnFocus ? e.$timeout(t) : t() - } - - function t() { - e.isCalendarOpen = e.isOpen = !1 - } - }, t.prototype.getCalendarCtrl = function() { - return be.element(this.calendarPane.querySelector("md-calendar")).controller("mdCalendar") - }, t.prototype.focusCalendar = function() { - var e = this; - this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - e.getCalendarCtrl().focusDate( - }, !1) - }, t.prototype.setFocused = function(e) { - e || this.ngModelCtrl.$setTouched(), this.openOnFocus || this.evalAttr(e ? "ngFocus" : "ngBlur"), this.isFocused = e - }, t.prototype.handleBodyClick = function(e) { - this.isCalendarOpen && (this.$mdUtil.getClosest(, "md-calendar") || this.closeCalendarPane(), this.$scope.$digest()) - }, t.prototype.handleWindowBlur = function() { - this.inputFocusedOnWindowBlur = document.activeElement === this.inputElement - }, t.prototype.resetInputFocused = function() { - this.inputFocusedOnWindowBlur = !1 - }, t.prototype.evalAttr = function(e) { - this.$attrs[e] && this.$scope.$parent.$eval(this.$attrs[e]) - }, t.prototype.setModelValue = function(e) { - var t = this.$mdUtil.getModelOption(this.ngModelCtrl, "timezone"); - null == t || null == e || e.getTimezoneOffset() < 0 ? this.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(this.ngDateFilter(e, "yyyy-MM-dd"), "default") : this.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(this.ngDateFilter(e, "yyyy-MM-dd", t), "default") - }, t.prototype.onExternalChange = function(e) { - var t = this, - n = this.$mdUtil.getModelOption(this.ngModelCtrl, "timezone"); - this.dateUtil.isValidDate(e) && null != n && 0 <= e.getTimezoneOffset() ? = this.dateUtil.removeLocalTzAndReparseDate(e) : = e, null == n || null == e || e.getTimezoneOffset() < 0 ? this.inputElement.value = this.locale.formatDate(e) : this.inputElement.value = this.locale.formatDate(e, n), this.mdInputContainer && this.mdInputContainer.setHasValue(!!e), this.resizeInputElement(), this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - t.updateErrorState() - }, !1, t.$scope) - } - }(), Ee.$inject = ["$$rAF", "$mdTheming", "$mdDialog"], ve.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"], be.module("material.components.dialog", ["material.core", "material.components.backdrop"]).directive("mdDialog", Ee).provider("$mdDialog", ve), $e.$inject = ["$mdTheming"], be.module("material.components.divider", ["material.core"]).directive("mdDivider", $e), Me.$inject = ["$mdUtil"], be.module("material.components.fabActions", ["material.core"]).directive("mdFabActions", Me), ye.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$animate", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$timeout"], be.module("material.components.fabShared", ["material.core"]).controller("MdFabController", ye), - function() { - e.$inject = ["$timeout"], t.$inject = ["$timeout"]; - var n = 300; - - function e(t) { - function o(e) { - t(e, n, !1) - } - - function r(e) { - if (!e.hasClass("md-animations-waiting") || e.hasClass("_md-animations-ready")) { - var t = e[0], - s = e.controller("mdFabSpeedDial"), - o = t.querySelectorAll(".md-fab-action-item"), - l = t.querySelector("md-fab-trigger"), - n = t.querySelector("._md-css-variables"), - r = parseInt(L.getComputedStyle(n).zIndex); - be.forEach(o, function(e, t) { - var n =; - n.transform = n.webkitTransform = "", n.transitionDelay = "", n.opacity = s.isOpen ? 1 : 0, n.zIndex = o.length - t + r - }), = r + o.length + 1, s.isOpen || be.forEach(o, function(e, t) { - var n, o, r =, - i = (l.clientHeight - e.clientHeight) / 2, - a = (l.clientWidth - e.clientWidth) / 2; - switch (s.direction) { - case "up": - n = e.scrollHeight * (t + 1) + i, o = "Y"; - break; - case "down": - n = -(e.scrollHeight * (t + 1) + i), o = "Y"; - break; - case "left": - n = e.scrollWidth * (t + 1) + a, o = "X"; - break; - case "right": - n = -(e.scrollWidth * (t + 1) + a), o = "X" - } - var d = "translate" + o + "(" + n + "px)"; - r.transform = r.webkitTransform = d - }) - } - } - return { - addClass: function(e, t, n) { - e.hasClass("md-fling") ? (r(e), o(n)) : n() - }, - removeClass: function(e, t, n) { - r(e), o(n) - } - } - } - - function t(t) { - function o(e) { - t(e, n, !1) - } - - function r(e) { - var t = e[0], - r = e.controller("mdFabSpeedDial"), - i = t.querySelectorAll(".md-fab-action-item"), - n = t.querySelector("._md-css-variables"), - a = parseInt(L.getComputedStyle(n).zIndex); - be.forEach(i, function(e, t) { - var n =, - o = 65 * t; - n.opacity = r.isOpen ? 1 : 0, n.transform = n.webkitTransform = r.isOpen ? "scale(1)" : "scale(0)", n.transitionDelay = (r.isOpen ? o : i.length - o) + "ms", n.zIndex = i.length - t + a - }) - } - return { - addClass: function(e, t, n) { - r(e), o(n) - }, - removeClass: function(e, t, n) { - r(e), o(n) - } - } - } - be.module("material.components.fabSpeedDial", ["material.core", "material.components.fabShared", "material.components.fabActions"]).directive("mdFabSpeedDial", function() { - return { - restrict: "E", - scope: { - direction: "@?mdDirection", - isOpen: "=?mdOpen" - }, - bindToController: !0, - controller: "MdFabController", - controllerAs: "ctrl", - link: function(e, t) { - t.prepend('
    ') - } - } - }).animation(".md-fling", e).animation(".md-scale", t).service("mdFabSpeedDialFlingAnimation", e).service("mdFabSpeedDialScaleAnimation", t) - }(), be.module("material.components.fabToolbar", ["material.core", "material.components.fabShared", "material.components.fabActions"]).directive("mdFabToolbar", function() { - return { - restrict: "E", - transclude: !0, - template: '
    ', - scope: { - direction: "@?mdDirection", - isOpen: "=?mdOpen" - }, - bindToController: !0, - controller: "MdFabController", - controllerAs: "ctrl", - link: function(e, t, n) { - t.addClass("md-fab-toolbar"), t.find("md-fab-trigger").find("button").prepend('
    ') - } - } - }).animation(".md-fab-toolbar", Ce).service("mdFabToolbarAnimation", Ce), Ae.$inject = ["$mdUtil"], we.$inject = ["$mdUtil"], Te.$inject = ["$interpolate", "$mdConstant", "$mdGridLayout", "$mdMedia", "$mdUtil"], _e.$inject = ["$mdMedia"], be.module("material.components.gridList", ["material.core"]).directive("mdGridList", Te).directive("mdGridTile", _e).directive("mdGridTileFooter", ke).directive("mdGridTileHeader", ke).factory("$mdGridLayout", we), Ae.prototype = { - invalidateTiles: function() { - this.tilesInvalidated = !0, this.invalidateLayout() - }, - invalidateLayout: function() { - this.layoutInvalidated || (this.layoutInvalidated = !0, this.$timeout_(be.bind(this, this.layout))) - }, - layout: function() { - try { - this.layoutDelegate(this.tilesInvalidated) - } finally { - this.layoutInvalidated = !1, this.tilesInvalidated = !1 - } - } - }, be.module("material.components.icon", ["material.core"]), be.module("material.components.icon").directive("mdIcon", ["$mdIcon", "$mdTheming", "$mdAria", "$sce", function(d, s, l, e) { - return { - restrict: "E", - link: function(e, t, n) { - s(t); - var o = n.mdFontIcon, - r = d.fontSet(n.mdFontSet); - n.mdSvgIcon || n.mdSvgSrc || (n.mdFontIcon && t.addClass("md-font " + n.mdFontIcon), t.addClass(r)), n.$observe("mdFontIcon", a), n.$observe("mdFontSet", a), n.role || (l.expect(t, "role", "img"), n.role = "img"), t[0].hasAttribute("aria-label") && "" === n.ariaLabel && t.attr("aria-hidden", !0), "img" !== n.role || n.ariaHidden || l.hasAriaLabel(t) || (t[0].hasAttribute("alt") && "" === n.alt ? t.attr("aria-hidden", !0) : n.alt ? l.expect(t, "aria-label", n.alt) : l.parentHasAriaLabel(t, 2) ? l.expect(t, "aria-hidden", "true") : n.mdFontIcon || n.mdSvgIcon || t.text() ? l.expect(t, "aria-label", n.mdFontIcon || n.mdSvgIcon || t.text()) : l.expect(t, "aria-hidden", "true")); - var i = n.$normalize(n.$attr.mdSvgIcon || n.$attr.mdSvgSrc || ""); - - function a() { - if (!n.mdSvgIcon && !n.mdSvgSrc) { - n.mdFontIcon && (t.removeClass(o), t.addClass(n.mdFontIcon), o = n.mdFontIcon); - var e = d.fontSet(n.mdFontSet); - r !== e && (t.removeClass(r), t.addClass(e), r = e) - } - } - i && n.$observe(i, function(e) { - t.empty(), e && d(e).then(function(e) { - t.empty(), t.append(e) - }) - }) - } - } - }]), - function() { - a.$inject = ["config", "$templateRequest", "$q", "$log", "$mdUtil", "$sce"], be.module("material.components.icon").constant("$$mdSvgRegistry", { - mdTabsArrow: "", - mdClose: "", - mdCancel: "", - mdMenu: "", - mdToggleArrow: "", - mdCalendar: "", - mdChecked: "" - }).provider("$mdIcon", e); - var i = { - defaultViewBoxSize: 24, - defaultFontSet: "material-icons", - fontSets: [] - }; - - function e() {} - - function o(e, t) { - this.url = e, this.viewBoxSize = t || i.defaultViewBoxSize - } - - function a(a, i, d, s, c, t) { - var n = {}, - l = {}, - o = /[-\w@:%+.~#?&//=]{2,}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-\w@:%+.~#?&//=]*)?/i, - m = /^data:image\/svg\+xml[\s*;\w\-=]*?(base64)?,(.*)$/i; - return g.prototype = { - clone: function() { - return this.element.cloneNode(!0) - }, - prepare: function() { - var e = this.config ? this.config.viewBoxSize : a.defaultViewBoxSize; - be.forEach({ - fit: "", - height: "100%", - width: "100%", - preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet", - viewBox: this.element.getAttribute("viewBox") || "0 0 " + e + " " + e, - focusable: !1 - }, function(e, t) { - this.element.setAttribute(t, e) - }, this) - } - }, e.fontSet = function(t) { - if (be.isUndefined(t) || !t || !t.length) return a.defaultFontSet; - var n = t; - return be.forEach(a.fontSets, function(e) { - e.alias === t && (n = e.fontSet || n) - }), n - }, e; - - function e(e) { - return e = e || "", be.isString(e) || (e = t.getTrustedUrl(e)), n[e] ? d.when(r(n[e])) : o.test(e) || m.test(e) ? b(e).then(p(e)) : (-1 === e.indexOf(":") && (e = "$default:" + e), (a[e] ? h : f)(e).then(p(e))) - } - - function r(e) { - var n, o, r, i, a = e.clone(), - d = c.nextUid(), - s = ["clip-path", "color-profile", "cursor", "fill", "filter", "href", "marker-start", "marker-mid", "marker-end", "mask", "stroke", "style", "vector-effect"], - l = a.innerHTML === ge; - if (!isFinite(Number(d))) throw new Error("Unsafe and unexpected non-number result from $mdUtil.nextUid()."); - return n = "_cache" + d, && ( += n), be.forEach(a.querySelectorAll("[id]"), function(t) { - for (o = "", r = 0; r < s.length; r++) o += "[" + s[r] + '="url(#' + + ')"]', r + 1 < s.length && (o += ", "); - be.forEach(a.querySelectorAll(o), function(e) { - u(t, e, l, d) - }), be.forEach(a.querySelectorAll("style"), function(e) { - u(t, e, l, d) - }), be.forEach(a.querySelectorAll("[*|href]:not([href])"), function(e) { - (i = e.getAttribute("xlink:href")) && (i = i.replace("#" +, "#" + + n), e.setAttribute("xlink:href", i)) - }), += n - }), a - } - - function u(e, t, n, o) { - var r, i; - if (!isFinite(Number(o))) throw new Error("Unsafe and unexpected non-number result for newUid."); - i = "_cache" + o, n ? (r = (r = c.getOuterHTML(t)).replace("url(#" + + ")", "url(#" + + i + ")"), t.textContent = be.element(r)[0].innerHTML) : t.outerHTML = t.outerHTML.replace("url(#" + + ")", "url(#" + + i + ")") - } - - function p(t) { - return function(e) { - return n[t] = function(e) { - return be.isDefined(e.element) && be.isDefined(e.config) - }(e) ? e : new g(e, a[t]), r(n[t]) - } - } - - function h(e) { - var t = a[e]; - return b(t.url).then(function(e) { - return new g(e, t) - }) - } - - function f(o) { - var e = o.substring(0, o.lastIndexOf(":")) || "$default", - r = a[e]; - return r ? b(r.url).then(function(e) { - var t = o.slice(o.lastIndexOf(":") + 1), - n = e.querySelector("#" + t); - return n ? new g(n, r) : i(o) - }) : i(o); - - function i(e) { - var t = "icon " + e + " not found"; - return s.warn(t), d.reject(t || e) - } - } - - function b(e) { - return m.test(e) ? (t = e, n = m.exec(t), r = /base64/i.test(t) ? L.atob(n[2]) : n[2], d.when(be.element(r)[0])) : (o = e, d(function(t, n) { - i(o, !0).then(function(e) { - l[o] || (l[o] = be.element("
    ").append(e)[0].querySelector("svg")), t(l[o]) - }, function(e) { - var t = be.isString(e) ? e : e.message || || e.statusText; - s.warn(t), n(e) - }) - })); - var o, t, n, r - } - - function g(e, t) { - if (e && "symbol" === e.tagName.toLowerCase()) { - var n = e.getAttribute("viewBox"); - e = e.innerHTML ? be.element('').html(e.innerHTML)[0] : be.element('').append(c.getInnerHTML(e))[0], n && e.setAttribute("viewBox", n) - } - e && "svg" !== e.tagName.toLowerCase() && (e = be.element('').append(e.cloneNode(!0))[0]), e.getAttribute("xmlns") || e.setAttribute("xmlns", ""), this.element = e, this.config = t, this.prepare() - } - } - e.prototype = { - icon: function(e, t, n) { - return -1 == e.indexOf(":") && (e = "$default:" + e), i[e] = new o(t, n), this - }, - iconSet: function(e, t, n) { - return i[e] = new o(t, n), this - }, - defaultIconSet: function(e, t) { - var n = "$default"; - return i[n] || (i[n] = new o(e, t)), i[n].viewBoxSize = t || i.defaultViewBoxSize, this - }, - defaultViewBoxSize: function(e) { - return i.defaultViewBoxSize = e, this - }, - fontSet: function(e, t) { - return i.fontSets.push({ - alias: e, - fontSet: t || e - }), this - }, - defaultFontSet: function(e) { - return i.defaultFontSet = e || "", this - }, - defaultIconSize: function(e) { - return i.defaultIconSize = e, this - }, - $get: ["$templateRequest", "$q", "$log", "$mdUtil", "$sce", function(e, t, n, o, r) { - return a(i, e, t, n, o, r) - }] - } - }(), - function() { - t.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$parse", "$$rAF"], n.$inject = ["$mdUtil", "$window", "$mdAria", "$timeout", "$mdGesture"], o.$inject = ["$animate", "$mdUtil"], r.$inject = ["$compile"], c.$inject = ["$mdUtil"], i.$inject = ["$document", "$timeout"], m.$inject = ["$$AnimateRunner", "$animateCss", "$mdUtil"], u.$inject = ["$$AnimateRunner", "$animateCss", "$mdUtil"], p.$inject = ["$$AnimateRunner", "$animateCss", "$mdUtil", "$log"]; - var e = be.module("material.components.input", ["material.core"]).directive("mdInputContainer", t).directive("label", function() { - return { - restrict: "E", - require: "^?mdInputContainer", - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - !o || n.mdNoFloat || t.hasClass("md-container-ignore") || (o.label = t, e.$on("$destroy", function() { - o.label = null - })) - } - } - }).directive("input", n).directive("textarea", n).directive("mdMaxlength", o).directive("placeholder", r).directive("ngMessages", function() { - return { - restrict: "EA", - link: function(e, t, n, o) { - if (!o) return; - t.toggleClass("md-input-messages-animation", !0), t.toggleClass("md-auto-hide", !0), "false" != n.mdAutoHide && ! function(t) { - return l.some(function(e) { - return t[e] - }) - }(n) || t.toggleClass("md-auto-hide", !1) - }, - require: "^^?mdInputContainer" - } - }).directive("ngMessage", c).directive("ngMessageExp", c).directive("mdSelectOnFocus", i).animation(".md-input-invalid", m).animation(".md-input-messages-animation", u).animation(".md-input-message-animation", p); - - function t(r, i, a) { - n.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$animate"]; - var e = ["INPUT", "TEXTAREA", "SELECT", "MD-SELECT"], - t = e.reduce(function(e, t) { - return e.concat(["md-icon ~ " + t, ".md-icon ~ " + t]) - }, []).join(","), - d = e.reduce(function(e, t) { - return e.concat([t + " ~ md-icon", t + " ~ .md-icon"]) - }, []).join(","); - return { - restrict: "E", - compile: function(e) { - var n = e[0].querySelector(t), - o = e[0].querySelector(d); - return function(e, t) { - r(t), (n || o) && a(function() { - var e = t[0].querySelector("md-icon") || t[0].querySelector(".md-icon"); - n && e && t.addClass("md-icon-left"), o && e && t.addClass("md-icon-right") - }) - } - }, - controller: n - }; - - function n(e, t, n, o) { - var r = this; - t.addClass("md-auto-horizontal-margin"), r.isErrorGetter = n.mdIsError && i(n.mdIsError), r.delegateClick = function() { - r.input.focus() - }, r.element = t, r.setFocused = function(e) { - t.toggleClass("md-input-focused", !!e) - }, r.setHasValue = function(e) { - t.toggleClass("md-input-has-value", !!e) - }, r.setHasPlaceholder = function(e) { - t.toggleClass("md-input-has-placeholder", !!e) - }, r.setInvalid = function(e) { - e ? o.addClass(t, "md-input-invalid") : o.removeClass(t, "md-input-invalid") - }, e.$watch(function() { - return r.label && r.input - }, function(e) { - e && !r.label.attr("for") && r.label.attr("for", r.input.attr("id")) - }) - } - } - - function n(b, g, E, v, $) { - return { - restrict: "E", - require: ["^?mdInputContainer", "?ngModel", "?^form"], - link: function(c, m, u, e) { - var p = e[0], - h = !!e[1], - f = e[1] || b.fakeNgModel(), - t = e[2], - n = be.isDefined(u.readonly), - o = b.parseAttributeBoolean(u.mdNoAsterisk), - r = m[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); - if (!p) return; { - if ("hidden" === u.type) return void m.attr("aria-hidden", "true"); - if (p.input) { - if (p.input[0].contains(m[0])) return; - throw new Error(" can only have *one*
    '); - m.after(i); - var a = be.isString(u.placeholder) ? u.placeholder.trim() : ""; - p.label || a.length || E.expect(m, "aria-label"); - m.addClass("md-input"), m.attr("id") || m.attr("id", "input_" + b.nextUid()); - "input" === r && "number" === u.type && u.min && u.max && !u.step ? m.attr("step", "any") : "textarea" === r && function() { - var t = !u.hasOwnProperty("mdNoAutogrow"); - if (function() { - if (u.hasOwnProperty("mdNoResize")) return; - var e = be.element('
    '), - t = !1, - n = 0, - o = p.element, - r = $.register(e, "drag", { - horizontal: !1 - }); - - function i(e) { - e.preventDefault(), t = !0, e.clientY, n = parseFloat(m.css("height")) || m.prop("offsetHeight") - } - - function a(e) { - t && (e.preventDefault(), l(), o.addClass("md-input-resized")) - } - - function d(e) { - t && m.css("height", n + e.pointer.distanceY + "px") - } - - function s(e) { - t && (t = !1, o.removeClass("md-input-resized")) - } - m.wrap('
    ').after(e), e.on("mousedown", i), o.on("$md.dragstart", a).on("$md.drag", d).on("$md.dragend", s), c.$on("$destroy", function() { -"mousedown", i).remove(),"$md.dragstart", a).off("$md.drag", d).off("$md.dragend", s), r(), r = o = e = null - }) - }(), !t) return; - var o = u.hasOwnProperty("rows") ? parseInt(u.rows) : NaN, - r = u.hasOwnProperty("maxRows") ? parseInt(u.maxRows) : NaN, - n = c.$on("md-resize-textarea", d), - i = null, - a = m[0]; - v(function() { - b.nextTick(d) - }, 10, !1), m.on("input", d), h && f.$formatters.push(s); - o || m.attr("rows", 1); - - function d() { - m.attr("rows", 1).css("height", "auto").addClass("md-no-flex"); - var e = function() { - var e = a.offsetHeight, - t = a.scrollHeight - e; - return e + Math.max(t, 0) - }(); - if (!i) { - var t = m[0].style.padding || ""; - i = m.css("padding", 0).prop("offsetHeight"), m[0].style.padding = t - } - if (o && i && (e = Math.max(e, i * o)), r && i) { - var n = i * r; - n < e ? (m.attr("md-no-autogrow", ""), e = n) : m.removeAttr("md-no-autogrow") - } - i && m.attr("rows", Math.round(e / i)), m.css("height", e + "px").removeClass("md-no-flex") - } - - function s(e) { - return b.nextTick(d), e - } - - function l() { - if (t && (t = !1, be.element(g).off("resize", d), n && n(), m.attr("md-no-autogrow", "").off("input", d), h)) { - var e = f.$formatters.indexOf(s); - 1 < e && f.$formatters.splice(e, 1) - } - } - if (be.element(g).on("resize", d), c.$on("$destroy", l), u.hasOwnProperty("mdDetectHidden")) { - var e = function() { - var t = !1; - return function() { - var e = 0 === a.offsetHeight; - !1 == e && !0 === t && d(), t = e - } - }(); - c.$watch(function() { - return b.nextTick(e, !1), !0 - }) - } - }(); - h || l(); - var d = p.isErrorGetter || function() { - return f.$invalid && (f.$touched || t && t.$submitted) - }; - c.$watch(d, p.setInvalid), u.ngValue && u.$observe("value", l); - f.$parsers.push(s), f.$formatters.push(s), m.on("input", l), n || m.on("focus", function(e) { - b.nextTick(function() { - p.setFocused(!0) - }) - }).on("blur", function(e) { - b.nextTick(function() { - p.setFocused(!1), l() - }) - }); - - function s(e) { - return p.setHasValue(!f.$isEmpty(e)), e - } - - function l() { - p.setHasValue(0 < m.val().length || (m[0].validity || {}).badInput) - } - c.$on("$destroy", function() { - p.setFocused(!1), p.setHasValue(!1), p.input = null - }) - } - } - } - - function o(p, h) { - return { - restrict: "A", - require: ["ngModel", "^mdInputContainer"], - link: function(e, o, t, n) { - var r = parseInt(t.mdMaxlength); - isNaN(r) && (r = -1); - var i, a, d = n[0], - s = n[1], - l = !be.isDefined(t.ngTrim) || h.parseAttributeBoolean(t.ngTrim), - c = "password" === t.type; - - function m(e) { - return (e = l && !c && be.isString(e) ? e.trim() : e) !== ge && null !== e || (e = ""), String(e).length - } - - function u() { - i && i.parent() && i.text(m(o.val()) + " / " + r) - } - e.$watch(t.mdMaxlength, function(e) { - r = e - }), d.$validators["md-maxlength"] = function(e, t) { - if (!be.isNumber(r) || r < 0) return !0; - u(); - var n = o.val() || t; - return n !== ge && null !== n || (n = ""), n = l && !c && be.isString(n) ? n.trim() : n, String(n).length <= r - }, d.$isEmpty = function(e) { - return 0 === m(e) - }, h.nextTick(function() { - a = be.element(s.element[0].querySelector(".md-errors-spacer")), i = be.element('
    '), a.append(i), t.$observe("ngTrim", function(e) { - l = !be.isDefined(e) || h.parseAttributeBoolean(e) - }), e.$watch(t.mdMaxlength, function(e) { - be.isNumber(e) && 0 < e ? (i.parent().length || p.enter(i, a), u()) : p.leave(i) - }) - }) - } - } - } - - function r(d) { - return { - restrict: "A", - require: "^^?mdInputContainer", - priority: 200, - link: { - pre: function(e, t, n, o) { - if (!o) return; - var r = o.element.find("label"), - i = o.element.attr("md-no-float"); - if (r && r.length || "" === i || e.$eval(i)) return void o.setHasPlaceholder(!0); - if ("MD-SELECT" !== t[0].nodeName) { - var a = be.element('"); - n.$set("placeholder", null), o.element.addClass("md-icon-float").prepend(a), d(a)(e) - } - } - } - } - } - - function i(a, d) { - return { - restrict: "A", - link: function(e, t, n) { - if ("INPUT" !== t[0].nodeName && "TEXTAREA" !== t[0].nodeName) return; - var o = !1; - - function r() { - d(function() { - a[0].activeElement === t[0] && t[0].select(), o = !1 - }, 1, !(o = !0)) - } - - function i(e) { - o && e.preventDefault() - } - t.on("focus", r).on("mouseup", i), e.$on("$destroy", function() { -"focus", r).off("mouseup", i) - }) - } - } - } - L._mdMocksIncluded && e.service("$$mdInput", function() { - return { - messages: { - getElement: E - } - } - }).service("mdInputInvalidAnimation", m).service("mdInputMessagesAnimation", u).service("mdInputMessageAnimation", p); - var a, d, s, l = ["ngIf", "ngShow", "ngHide", "ngSwitchWhen", "ngSwitchDefault"]; - - function c(t) { - return { - restrict: "EA", - compile: function(n) { - if (o(n)) r(n); - else if (function() { - var e = n[0]; - for (; e = e.parentNode;) - if (e.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) return !0; - return !1 - }()) return function(e, t) { - o(t) && r(n) - }; - - function o(e) { - return !!t.getClosest(e, "md-input-container") - } - - function r(e) { - e.toggleClass("md-input-message-animation", !0) - } - }, - priority: 100 - } - } - - function m(e, t, n) { - return v(e, t, n), { - addClass: function(e, t, n) { - h(e, n) - } - } - } - - function u(e, t, n) { - return v(e, t, n), { - enter: function(e, t) { - h(e, t) - }, - leave: function(e, t) { - f(e, t) - }, - addClass: function(e, t, n) { - "ng-hide" == t ? f(e, n) : n() - }, - removeClass: function(e, t, n) { - "ng-hide" == t ? h(e, n) : n() - } - } - } - - function p(e, t, n, o) { - return v(e, t, n), { - enter: function(e, t) { - b(e).start().done(t) - }, - leave: function(e, t) { - g(e).start().done(t) - } - } - } - - function h(e, t) { - var n, o = [], - r = E(e), - i = r.children(); - 0 != r.length && 0 != i.length ? (be.forEach(i, function(e) { - n = b(be.element(e)), o.push(n.start()) - }), a.all(o, t)) : t() - } - - function f(e, t) { - var n, o = [], - r = E(e), - i = r.children(); - 0 != r.length && 0 != i.length ? (be.forEach(i, function(e) { - n = g(be.element(e)), o.push(n.start()) - }), a.all(o, t)) : t() - } - - function b(e) { - var t = parseInt(L.getComputedStyle(e[0]).height), - n = parseInt(L.getComputedStyle(e[0]).marginTop), - o = E(e), - r = function(e) { - return e.controller("mdInputContainer").element - }(e); - return -t < n || o.hasClass("md-auto-hide") && !r.hasClass("md-input-invalid") ? d(e, {}) : d(e, { - event: "enter", - structural: !0, - from: { - opacity: 0, - "margin-top": -t + "px" - }, - to: { - opacity: 1, - "margin-top": "0" - }, - duration: .3 - }) - } - - function g(e) { - var t = e[0].offsetHeight, - n = L.getComputedStyle(e[0]); - return 0 === parseInt(n.opacity) ? d(e, {}) : d(e, { - event: "leave", - structural: !0, - from: { - opacity: 1, - "margin-top": 0 - }, - to: { - opacity: 0, - "margin-top": -t + "px" - }, - duration: .3 - }) - } - - function E(e) { - return e.hasClass("md-input-messages-animation") ? e : e.hasClass("md-input-message-animation") ? be.element(s.getClosest(e, function(e) { - return e.classList.contains("md-input-messages-animation") - })) : be.element(e[0].querySelector(".md-input-messages-animation")) - } - - function v(e, t, n) { - a = e, d = t, s = n - } - }(), Se.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$mdListInkRipple"], xe.$inject = ["$mdTheming"], Ne.$inject = ["$mdAria", "$mdConstant", "$mdUtil", "$timeout"], be.module("material.components.list", ["material.core"]).controller("MdListController", Se).directive("mdList", xe).directive("mdListItem", Ne), be.module("", ["material.core", "material.components.backdrop"]), De.$inject = ["$mdMenu", "$attrs", "$element", "$scope", "$mdUtil", "$timeout", "$rootScope", "$q", "$log"], be.module("").controller("mdMenuCtrl", De), He.$inject = ["$mdUtil"], be.module("").directive("mdMenu", He), Ie.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"], be.module("").provider("$mdMenu", Ie), be.module("material.components.menuBar", ["material.core", "material.components.icon", ""]), - function() { - e.$inject = ["$scope", "$rootScope", "$element", "$attrs", "$mdConstant", "$document", "$mdUtil", "$timeout"], be.module("material.components.menuBar").controller("MenuBarController", e); - var l = ["handleKeyDown", "handleMenuHover", "scheduleOpenHoveredMenu", "cancelScheduledOpen"]; - - function e(e, t, n, o, r, i, a, d) { - this.$element = n, this.$attrs = o, this.$mdConstant = r, this.$mdUtil = a, this.$document = i, this.$scope = e, this.$rootScope = t, this.$timeout = d; - var s = this; - be.forEach(l, function(e) { - s[e] = be.bind(s, s[e]) - }) - } - e.prototype.init = function() { - var a = this.$element, - d = this.$mdUtil, - e = this.$scope, - s = this, - t = []; - a.on("keydown", this.handleKeyDown), this.parentToolbar = d.getClosest(a, "MD-TOOLBAR"), t.push(this.$rootScope.$on("$mdMenuOpen", function(e, t) { - -1 != s.getMenus().indexOf(t[0]) && (a[0].classList.add("md-open"), t[0].classList.add("md-open"), s.currentlyOpenMenu = t.controller("mdMenu"), s.currentlyOpenMenu.registerContainerProxy(s.handleKeyDown), s.enableOpenOnHover()) - })), t.push(this.$rootScope.$on("$mdMenuClose", function(e, t, n) { - var o = s.getMenus(); - 1 != o.indexOf(t[0]) && (a[0].classList.remove("md-open"), t[0].classList.remove("md-open")); - var r = be.element(t[0]).controller("mdMenu"); - if (r.isInMenuBar && r.mdMenuBarCtrl === s) { - for (var i = t[0]; i && -1 == o.indexOf(i);) i = d.getClosest(i, "MD-MENU", !0); - i && (n.skipFocus || i.querySelector("button:not([disabled])").focus(), s.currentlyOpenMenu = ge), s.disableOpenOnHover(), s.setKeyboardMode(!0) - } - })), e.$on("$destroy", function() { - for (s.disableOpenOnHover(); t.length;) t.shift()() - }), this.setKeyboardMode(!0) - }, e.prototype.setKeyboardMode = function(e) { - e ? this.$element[0].classList.add("md-keyboard-mode") : this.$element[0].classList.remove("md-keyboard-mode") - }, e.prototype.enableOpenOnHover = function() { - if (!this.openOnHoverEnabled) { - var e = this; - e.openOnHoverEnabled = !0, e.parentToolbar && (e.parentToolbar.classList.add("md-has-open-menu"), e.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { - be.element(e.parentToolbar).on("click", e.handleParentClick) - }, !1)), be.element(e.getMenus()).on("mouseenter", e.handleMenuHover) - } - }, e.prototype.handleMenuHover = function(e) { - this.setKeyboardMode(!1), this.openOnHoverEnabled && this.scheduleOpenHoveredMenu(e) - }, e.prototype.disableOpenOnHover = function() { - this.openOnHoverEnabled && (this.openOnHoverEnabled = !1, this.parentToolbar && (this.parentToolbar.classList.remove("md-has-open-menu"), be.element(this.parentToolbar).off("click", this.handleParentClick)), be.element(this.getMenus()).off("mouseenter", this.handleMenuHover)) - }, e.prototype.scheduleOpenHoveredMenu = function(e) { - var t = be.element(e.currentTarget).controller("mdMenu"); - this.setKeyboardMode(!1), this.scheduleOpenMenu(t) - }, e.prototype.scheduleOpenMenu = function(e) { - var t = this, - n = this.$timeout; - e != t.currentlyOpenMenu && (n.cancel(t.pendingMenuOpen), t.pendingMenuOpen = n(function() { - t.pendingMenuOpen = ge, t.currentlyOpenMenu && t.currentlyOpenMenu.close(!0, { - closeAll: !0 - }), - }, 200, !1)) - }, e.prototype.handleKeyDown = function(e) { - var t, n, o, r = this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE, - i = this.currentlyOpenMenu, - a = i && i.isOpen; - switch (this.setKeyboardMode(!0), e.keyCode) { - case r.DOWN_ARROW: - i ? i.focusMenuContainer() : this.openFocusedMenu(), t = !0; - break; - case r.UP_ARROW: - i && i.close(), t = !0; - break; - case r.LEFT_ARROW: - n = this.focusMenu(-1), a && (o = be.element(n).controller("mdMenu"), this.scheduleOpenMenu(o)), t = !0; - break; - case r.RIGHT_ARROW: - n = this.focusMenu(1), a && (o = be.element(n).controller("mdMenu"), this.scheduleOpenMenu(o)), t = !0 - } - t && (e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(), e && e.stopImmediatePropagation && e.stopImmediatePropagation()) - }, e.prototype.focusMenu = function(e) { - var t = this.getMenus(), - n = this.getFocusedMenuIndex(); - 1 == n && (n = this.getOpenMenuIndex()); - var o = !1; - if (-1 == n ? o = !(n = 0) : (e < 0 && 0 < n || 0 < e && n < t.length - e) && (n += e, o = !0), o) return t[n].querySelector("button").focus(), t[n] - }, e.prototype.openFocusedMenu = function() { - var e = this.getFocusedMenu(); - e && be.element(e).controller("mdMenu").open() - }, e.prototype.getMenus = function() { - var e = this.$element; - return this.$mdUtil.nodesToArray(e[0].children).filter(function(e) { - return "MD-MENU" == e.nodeName - }) - }, e.prototype.getFocusedMenu = function() { - return this.getMenus()[this.getFocusedMenuIndex()] - }, e.prototype.getFocusedMenuIndex = function() { - var e = this.$mdUtil.getClosest(this.$document[0].activeElement, "MD-MENU"); - return e ? this.getMenus().indexOf(e) : -1 - }, e.prototype.getOpenMenuIndex = function() { - for (var e = this.getMenus(), t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) - if (e[t].classList.contains("md-open")) return t; - return -1 - }, e.prototype.handleParentClick = function(e) { - var t = this.querySelector(""); - t && !t.contains( && be.element(t).controller("mdMenu").close(!0, { - closeAll: !0 - }) - } - }(), Oe.$inject = ["$mdUtil", "$mdTheming"], be.module("material.components.menuBar").directive("mdMenuBar", Oe), be.module("material.components.menuBar").directive("mdMenuDivider", function() { - return { - restrict: "E", - compile: function(e, t) { - t.role || e[0].setAttribute("role", "separator") - } - } - }), Pe.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs"], be.module("material.components.menuBar").controller("MenuItemController", Pe), Pe.prototype.init = function(e) { - var t = this.$element, - n = this.$attrs; - this.ngModel = e, "checkbox" != n.type && "radio" != n.type || (this.mode = n.type, this.iconEl = t[0].children[0], this.buttonEl = t[0].children[1], e && this.initClickListeners()) - }, Pe.prototype.clearNgAria = function() { - var t = this.$element[0]; - be.forEach(["role", "tabindex", "aria-invalid", "aria-checked"], function(e) { - t.removeAttribute(e) - }) - }, Pe.prototype.initClickListeners = function() { - var e = this, - t = this.ngModel, - n = this.$scope, - o = this.$attrs, - r = (this.$element, this.mode); - this.handleClick = be.bind(this, this.handleClick); - var i = this.iconEl, - a = be.element(this.buttonEl), - d = this.handleClick; - - function s(e) { - e ?"click", d) : a.on("click", d) - } - o.$observe("disabled", s), s(o.disabled), t.$render = function() { - e.clearNgAria(), - function() { - if ("radio" != r) return t.$modelValue; - var e = o.ngValue ? n.$eval(o.ngValue) : o.value; - return t.$modelValue == e - }() ? ( = "", a.attr("aria-checked", "true")) : ( = "none", a.attr("aria-checked", "false")) - }, n.$$postDigest(t.$render) - }, Pe.prototype.handleClick = function(e) { - var t, n = this.mode, - o = this.ngModel, - r = this.$attrs; - "checkbox" == n ? t = !o.$modelValue : "radio" == n && (t = r.ngValue ? this.$scope.$eval(r.ngValue) : r.value), o.$setViewValue(t), o.$render() - }, Le.$inject = ["$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$$mdSvgRegistry"], be.module("material.components.menuBar").directive("mdMenuItem", Le), Re.$inject = ["$mdAria", "$mdTheming", "$window", "$mdUtil"], Fe.$inject = ["$element", "$scope", "$timeout", "$mdConstant"], Be.$inject = ["$mdAria", "$$rAF", "$mdUtil", "$window"], Ue.$inject = ["$element"], be.module("material.components.navBar", ["material.core"]).controller("MdNavBarController", Fe).directive("mdNavBar", Re).controller("MdNavItemController", Ue).directive("mdNavItem", Be), Fe.prototype._initTabs = function() { - this._inkbar = be.element(this._navBarEl.querySelector("md-nav-ink-bar")); - var n = this; - this._$timeout(function() { - n._updateTabs(n.mdSelectedNavItem, null) - }), this._$scope.$watch("ctrl.mdSelectedNavItem", function(e, t) { - n._$timeout(function() { - n._updateTabs(e, t) - }) - }) - }, Fe.prototype._updateTabs = function(e, t) { - var n = this, - o = this._getTabs(), - r = e === t; - if (o) { - var i = -1, - a = this._getTabByName(e), - d = this._getTabByName(t); - d && d.setSelected(!1), a && (a.setSelected(!0), i = o.indexOf(a)), this._$timeout(function() { - n._updateInkBarStyles(a, i), a && d && !r && n._moveFocus(d, a) - }) - } - }, Fe.prototype._updateInkBarStyles = function(e, t) { - if (this._inkbar.css({ - display: t < 0 ? "none" : "" - }), e) { - var n = e.getButtonEl(), - o = n.offsetLeft, - r = n.offsetWidth, - i = this._navBarEl.getBoundingClientRect().width, - a = r / i, - d = o / i * 100; - this._inkbar.css({ - transform: "translateX(" + d + "%) scaleX(" + a + ")" - }) - } - }, Fe.prototype.updateSelectedTabInkBar = function() { - this._updateInkBarStyles(this._getSelectedTab()) - }, Fe.prototype._getTabs = function() { - var e =".md-nav-item")).map(function(e) { - return be.element(e).controller("mdNavItem") - }); - return e.indexOf(ge) ? e : [] - }, Fe.prototype._getTabByName = function(t) { - return this._findTab(function(e) { - return e.getName() === t - }) - }, Fe.prototype._getSelectedTab = function() { - return this._findTab(function(e) { - return e.isSelected() - }) - }, Fe.prototype.getFocusedTab = function() { - return this._findTab(function(e) { - return e.hasFocus() - }) - }, Fe.prototype._findTab = function(e, t) { - var n, o = this._getTabs(); - for (null == t && (t = 0), n = t; n < o.length; n++) - if (e(o[n])) return o[n]; - return null - }, Fe.prototype._findTabReverse = function(e, t) { - var n = this._getTabs(); - t !== ge && null !== t || (t = n.length - 1); - for (var o = t; 0 <= o; o--) - if (e(n[o])) return n[o]; - return null - }, Fe.prototype.onFocus = function() { - var e = this._getSelectedTab(); - e && !e.isFocused && e.setFocused(!0) - }, Fe.prototype._moveFocus = function(e, t) { - e.setFocused(!1), t.setFocused(!0) - }, Fe.prototype._focusFirstTab = function() { - if (this._getTabs()) { - var e = this._findTab(function(e) { - return e._isEnabled() - }); - e && this._moveFocus(this.getFocusedTab(), e) - } - }, Fe.prototype._focusLastTab = function() { - if (this._getTabs()) { - var e = this._findTabReverse(function(e) { - return e._isEnabled() - }); - e && this._moveFocus(this.getFocusedTab(), e) - } - }, Fe.prototype._focusNextTab = function(e) { - if (this._getTabs()) { - var t = this._findTab(function(e) { - return e._isEnabled() - }, e + 1); - t ? this._moveFocus(this.getFocusedTab(), t) : this._focusFirstTab() - } - }, Fe.prototype._focusPreviousTab = function(e) { - if (this._getTabs()) { - var t = this._findTabReverse(function(e) { - return e._isEnabled() - }, e - 1); - t ? this._moveFocus(this.getFocusedTab(), t) : this._focusLastTab() - } - }, Fe.prototype.onKeydown = function(e) { - var t = this._$mdConstant.KEY_CODE, - n = this._getTabs(), - o = this.getFocusedTab(); - if (o && n) { - var r = n.indexOf(o); - switch (e.keyCode) { - case t.UP_ARROW: - case t.LEFT_ARROW: - e.preventDefault(), this._focusPreviousTab(r); - break; - case t.DOWN_ARROW: - case t.RIGHT_ARROW: - e.preventDefault(), this._focusNextTab(r); - break; - case t.SPACE: - case t.ENTER: - this._$timeout(function() { - o.getButtonEl().click() - }); - break; - case t.HOME: - e.preventDefault(), this._focusFirstTab(); - break; - case t.END: - e.preventDefault(), this._focusLastTab() - } - } - }, Ue.prototype.getNgClassMap = function() { - return { - "md-active": this._selected, - "md-primary": this._selected, - "md-unselected": !this._selected, - "md-focused": this.isFocused - } - }, Ue.prototype.getName = function() { - return - }, Ue.prototype.getButtonEl = function() { - return this._$element[0].querySelector("._md-nav-button") - }, Ue.prototype.setSelected = function(e) { - (this._selected = e) ? this.getButtonEl().setAttribute("tabindex", "0"): this.getButtonEl().setAttribute("tabindex", "-1") - }, Ue.prototype.isSelected = function() { - return this._selected - }, Ue.prototype.setFocused = function(e) { - (this.isFocused = e) && this.getButtonEl().focus() - }, Ue.prototype.hasFocus = function() { - return this.isFocused - }, Ue.prototype._isEnabled = function() { - return !this._$element.attr("disabled") - }, - function() { - s.$inject = ["presets", "$rootElement", "$rootScope", "$injector", "$window"], be.module("material.components.panel", ["material.core", "material.components.backdrop"]).provider("$mdPanel", function() { - return { - definePreset: e, - getAllPresets: t, - clearPresets: o, - $get: ["$rootElement", "$rootScope", "$injector", "$window", function(e, t, n, o) { - return new s(r, e, t, n, o) - }] - } - }); - var i = 80, - a = "_md-panel-hidden", - n = be.element('
    '), - r = {}; - - function e(e, t) { - if (!e || !t) throw new Error("mdPanelProvider: The panel preset definition is malformed. The name and preset object are required."); - if (r.hasOwnProperty(e)) throw new Error("mdPanelProvider: The panel preset you have requested has already been defined."); - delete, delete t.position, delete t.animation, r[e] = t - } - - function t() { - return be.copy(r) - } - - function o() { - r = {} - } - - function d(e) { - return be.isString(e) && (e = [e]), e - } - - function s(e, t, n, o, r) { - this._defaultConfigOptions = { - bindToController: !0, - clickOutsideToClose: !1, - disableParentScroll: !1, - escapeToClose: !1, - focusOnOpen: !0, - fullscreen: !1, - hasBackdrop: !1, - propagateContainerEvents: !1, - transformTemplate: be.bind(this, this._wrapTemplate), - trapFocus: !1, - zIndex: i - }, this._config = {}, this._presets = e, this._$rootElement = t, this._$rootScope = n, this._$injector = o, this._$window = r, this._$mdUtil = this._$injector.get("$mdUtil"), this._trackedPanels = {}, this._groups = Object.create(null), this.animation = c.animation, this.xPosition = h.xPosition, this.yPosition = h.yPosition, this.interceptorTypes = l.interceptorTypes, this.closeReasons = l.closeReasons, this.absPosition = h.absPosition - } - - function l(e, t) { - this._$q = t.get("$q"), this._$mdCompiler = t.get("$mdCompiler"), this._$mdConstant = t.get("$mdConstant"), this._$mdUtil = t.get("$mdUtil"), this._$mdTheming = t.get("$mdTheming"), this._$rootScope = t.get("$rootScope"), this._$animate = t.get("$animate"), this._$mdPanel = t.get("$mdPanel"), this._$log = t.get("$log"), this._$window = t.get("$window"), this._$$rAF = t.get("$$rAF"), =, this.config = e, this.panelContainer = ge, this.panelEl = ge, this.innerWrapper = ge, this.isAttached = !1, this._removeListeners = [], this._topFocusTrap = ge, this._bottomFocusTrap = ge, this._backdropRef = ge, this._restoreScroll = null, this._interceptors = Object.create(null), this._compilerCleanup = null, this._restoreCache = { - styles: "", - classes: "" - } - } - - function h(e) { - this._$window = e.get("$window"), this._isRTL = e.get("$mdUtil").isRtl(), this._$mdConstant = e.get("$mdConstant"), this._absolute = !1, this._relativeToEl = ge, this._top = "", this._bottom = "", this._left = "", this._right = "", this._translateX = [], this._translateY = [], this._positions = [], this._actualPosition = ge - } - - function c(e) { - this._$mdUtil = e.get("$mdUtil"), this._openFrom, this._closeTo, this._animationClass = "", this._openDuration, this._closeDuration, this._rawDuration - } - - function m(e) { - var t = be.isString(e) ? document.querySelector(e) : e; - return be.element(t) - } - - function u(e, t) { - if (null !== t && !be.isUndefined(t)) { - for (var n, o = Object.keys(e), r = [], i = 0; n = o[i]; i++) { - var a = e[n]; - if (r.push(a), a === t) return - } - throw new Error("Panel position only accepts the following values:\n" + r.join(" | ")) - } - } - - function p(e) { - return be.isNumber(e) ? e + "px" : e - } - s.prototype.create = function(e, t) { - if ("string" == typeof e ? e = this._getPresetByName(e) : "object" != typeof e || !be.isUndefined(t) && t || (t = e, e = {}), e = e || {}, t = t || {}, be.isDefined( && this._trackedPanels[]) { - var n = this._trackedPanels[]; - return be.extend(n.config, t), n - } - this._config = be.extend({ - id: || "panel_" + this._$mdUtil.nextUid(), - scope: this._$rootScope.$new(!0), - attachTo: this._$rootElement - }, this._defaultConfigOptions, t, e); - var o = new l(this._config, this._$injector); - return this._trackedPanels[] = o, this._config.groupName && (this._config.groupName = d(this._config.groupName), be.forEach(this._config.groupName, function(e) { - o.addToGroup(e) - })), this._config.scope.$on("$destroy", be.bind(o, o.detach)), o - }, = function(e, t) { - var n = this.create(e, t); - return { - return n - }) - }, s.prototype._getPresetByName = function(e) { - if (!this._presets[e]) throw new Error("mdPanel: The panel preset configuration that you requested does not exist. Use the $mdPanelProvider to create a preset before requesting one."); - return this._presets[e] - }, s.prototype.newPanelPosition = function() { - return new h(this._$injector) - }, s.prototype.newPanelAnimation = function() { - return new c(this._$injector) - }, s.prototype.newPanelGroup = function(e, t) { - return this._groups[e] || (t = t || {}, this._groups[e] = { - panels: [], - openPanels: [], - maxOpen: 0 < t.maxOpen ? t.maxOpen : 1 / 0 - }), this._groups[e] - }, s.prototype.setGroupMaxOpen = function(e, t) { - if (!this._groups[e]) throw new Error("mdPanel: Group does not exist yet. Call newPanelGroup()."); - this._groups[e].maxOpen = t - }, s.prototype._openCountExceedsMaxOpen = function(e) { - if (this._groups[e]) { - var t = this._groups[e]; - return 0 < t.maxOpen && t.openPanels.length > t.maxOpen - } - return !1 - }, s.prototype._closeFirstOpenedPanel = function(e) { - var t = this._groups[e]; - t && t.openPanels.length && t.openPanels[0].close() - }, s.prototype._wrapTemplate = function(e) { - return '
    ' + (e || "") + "
    " - }, s.prototype._wrapContentElement = function(e) { - var t = be.element('
    '); - return e.addClass("md-panel _md-panel-offscreen"), t.children().eq(0).append(e), t - }, l.interceptorTypes = { - CLOSE: "onClose" - }, = function() { - var r = this; - return this._$q(function(e, t) { - var n = r._done(e, r), - o = r._simpleBind(, r); - r.attach().then(o).then(function() { - r.config.groupName && (r.config.groupName = d(r.config.groupName), be.forEach(r.config.groupName, function(e) { - r._$mdPanel._openCountExceedsMaxOpen(e) && r._$mdPanel._closeFirstOpenedPanel(e) - })) - }).then(n).catch(t) - }) - }, l.prototype.close = function(i) { - var a = this; - return this._$q(function(o, r) { - a._callInterceptors(l.interceptorTypes.CLOSE).then(function() { - var e = a._done(o, a), - t = a._simpleBind(a.detach, a), - n = a.config.onCloseSuccess || be.noop; - n = be.bind(a, n, a, i), a.hide().then(t).then(e).then(n).catch(r) - }, r) - }) - }, l.prototype.attach = function() { - if (this.isAttached && this.panelEl) return this._$q.when(this); - var r = this; - return this._$q(function(e, t) { - var n = r._done(e, r), - o = r.config.onDomAdded || be.noop; - r._$q.all([r._createBackdrop(), r._createPanel().then(function(e) { - return r.isAttached = !0, r._addEventListeners(), e - }).catch(t)]).then(o).then(n).catch(t) - }) - }, l.prototype.detach = function() { - if (!this.isAttached) return this._$q.when(this); - var o = this, - r = o.config.onDomRemoved || be.noop; - return this._restoreScroll && (this._restoreScroll(), this._restoreScroll = null), this._$q(function(e, t) { - var n = o._done(e, o); - o._$q.all([(o._removeEventListeners(), o._topFocusTrap && o._topFocusTrap.parentNode && o._topFocusTrap.parentNode.removeChild(o._topFocusTrap), o._bottomFocusTrap && o._bottomFocusTrap.parentNode && o._bottomFocusTrap.parentNode.removeChild(o._bottomFocusTrap), o._restoreCache.classes && (o.panelEl[0].className = o._restoreCache.classes), o.panelEl[0].style.cssText = o._restoreCache.styles || "", o._compilerCleanup(), o.panelContainer.remove(), o.isAttached = !1, o._$q.when(o)), !o._backdropRef || o._backdropRef.detach()]).then(r).then(n).catch(t) - }) - }, l.prototype.destroy = function() { - var t = this; - this.config.groupName && (this.config.groupName = d(this.config.groupName), be.forEach(this.config.groupName, function(e) { - t.removeFromGroup(e) - })), this.config.scope.$destroy(), this.config.locals = null, this.config.onDomAdded = null, this.config.onDomRemoved = null, this.config.onRemoving = null, this.config.onOpenComplete = null, this._interceptors = ge - }, = function() { - if (!this.panelContainer) return this._$q(function(e, t) { - t("mdPanel: Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().") - }); - if (!this.panelContainer.hasClass(a)) return this._$q.when(this); - var r = this; - return this._$q(function(e, t) { - var n = r._done(e, r), - o = r.config.onOpenComplete || be.noop; - r._$q.all([r._backdropRef ? : r, (r.panelContainer.removeClass(a), r._animateOpen()).then(function() { - r._focusOnOpen() - }, t)]).then(o).then(function() { - r.config.groupName && (r.config.groupName = d(r.config.groupName), be.forEach(r.config.groupName, function(e) { - (e = r._$mdPanel._groups[e]) && e.openPanels.push(r) - })) - }).then(n).catch(t) - }) - }, l.prototype.hide = function() { - if (!this.panelContainer) return this._$q(function(e, t) { - t("mdPanel: Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().") - }); - if (this.panelContainer.hasClass(a)) return this._$q.when(this); - var r = this; - return this._$q(function(e, t) { - var n = r._done(e, r), - o = r.config.onRemoving || be.noop; - r._$q.all([r._backdropRef ? r._backdropRef.hide() : r, r._animateClose().then(o).then(function() { - r.panelContainer.addClass(a) - }).then(function() { - var t; - r.config.groupName && (r.config.groupName = d(r.config.groupName), be.forEach(r.config.groupName, function(e) { - e = r._$mdPanel._groups[e], -1 < (t = e.openPanels.indexOf(r)) && e.openPanels.splice(t, 1) - })) - }).then(function() { - var e = r.config.origin; - e && m(e).focus() - }).catch(t)]).then(n, t) - }) - }, l.prototype._compile = function() { - var o = this; - return o._$mdCompiler.compile(o.config).then(function(e) { - var t = o.config; - if (t.contentElement) { - var n = e.element; - o._restoreCache.styles = n[0].style.cssText, o._restoreCache.classes = n[0].className, o.panelContainer = o._$mdPanel._wrapContentElement(n), o.panelEl = n - } else o.panelContainer =, o.panelEl = be.element(o.panelContainer[0].querySelector(".md-panel")); - return o.innerWrapper = be.element(o.panelContainer[0].querySelector(".md-panel-inner-wrapper")), o._compilerCleanup = e.cleanup, m(o.config.attachTo).append(o.panelContainer), o - }) - }, l.prototype._createPanel = function() { - var n = this; - return this._$q(function(e, t) { - n.config.locals || (n.config.locals = {}), (n.config.locals.mdPanelRef = n)._compile().then(function() { - n.config.disableParentScroll && (n._restoreScroll = n._$mdUtil.disableScrollAround(null, n.panelContainer, { - disableScrollMask: !0 - })), n.config.panelClass && n.panelEl.addClass(n.config.panelClass), n.config.propagateContainerEvents && (n.panelContainer.css("pointer-events", "none"), n.panelEl.css("pointer-events", "all")), n._$ && n._$, m(n.config.attachTo)), n._configureTrapFocus(), n._addStyles().then(function() { - e(n) - }, t) - }, t) - }) - }, l.prototype._addStyles = function() { - var n = this; - return this._$q(function(e) { - n.panelContainer.css("z-index", n.config.zIndex), n.innerWrapper.css("z-index", n.config.zIndex + 1); - - function t() { - n._setTheming(), n.panelEl.removeClass("_md-panel-offscreen"), n.innerWrapper.removeClass("_md-panel-offscreen"), n.panelContainer.addClass(a), e(n) - } - if (n.config.fullscreen) return n.panelEl.addClass("_md-panel-fullscreen"), void t(); - n.config.position ? n._$rootScope.$$postDigest(function() { - n._updatePosition(!0), n._setTheming(), e(n) - }) : t() - }) - }, l.prototype._setTheming = function() { - this._$mdTheming(this.panelEl), this._$mdTheming(this.panelContainer) - }, l.prototype.updatePosition = function(e) { - if (!this.panelContainer) throw new Error("mdPanel: Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach()."); - this.config.position = e, this._updatePosition() - }, l.prototype._updatePosition = function(e) { - var t = this.config.position; - t && (t._setPanelPosition(this.innerWrapper), e && (this.panelEl.removeClass("_md-panel-offscreen"), this.innerWrapper.removeClass("_md-panel-offscreen"), this.panelContainer.addClass(a)), this.innerWrapper.css(h.absPosition.TOP, t.getTop()), this.innerWrapper.css(h.absPosition.BOTTOM, t.getBottom()), this.innerWrapper.css(h.absPosition.LEFT, t.getLeft()), this.innerWrapper.css(h.absPosition.RIGHT, t.getRight())) - }, l.prototype._focusOnOpen = function() { - if (this.config.focusOnOpen) { - var e = this; - this._$rootScope.$$postDigest(function() { - (e._$mdUtil.findFocusTarget(e.panelEl) || e.panelEl).focus() - }) - } - }, l.prototype._createBackdrop = function() { - if (this.config.hasBackdrop) { - if (!this._backdropRef) { - var e = this._$mdPanel.newPanelAnimation().openFrom(this.config.attachTo).withAnimation({ - open: "_md-opaque-enter", - close: "_md-opaque-leave" - }); - this.config.animation && e.duration(this.config.animation._rawDuration); - var t = { - animation: e, - attachTo: this.config.attachTo, - focusOnOpen: !1, - panelClass: "_md-panel-backdrop", - zIndex: this.config.zIndex - 1 - }; - this._backdropRef = this._$mdPanel.create(t) - } - if (!this._backdropRef.isAttached) return this._backdropRef.attach() - } - }, l.prototype._addEventListeners = function() { - this._configureEscapeToClose(), this._configureClickOutsideToClose(), this._configureScrollListener() - }, l.prototype._removeEventListeners = function() { - this._removeListeners && this._removeListeners.forEach(function(e) { - e() - }), this._removeListeners = [] - }, l.prototype._configureEscapeToClose = function() { - if (this.config.escapeToClose) { - var e = m(this.config.attachTo), - t = this, - n = function(e) { - e.keyCode === t._$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), t.close(l.closeReasons.ESCAPE)) - }; - this.panelContainer.on("keydown", n), e.on("keydown", n), this._removeListeners.push(function() { -"keydown", n),"keydown", n) - }) - } - }, l.prototype._configureClickOutsideToClose = function() { - if (this.config.clickOutsideToClose) { - var t, n = this.config.propagateContainerEvents ? be.element(document.body) : this.panelContainer, - e = function(e) { - t = - }, - o = this, - r = function(e) { - o.config.propagateContainerEvents ? t === o.panelEl[0] || o.panelEl[0].contains(t) || o.close() : t === n[0] && === n[0] && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), o.close(l.closeReasons.CLICK_OUTSIDE)) - }; - n.on("mousedown", e), n.on("mouseup", r), this._removeListeners.push(function() { -"mousedown", e),"mouseup", r) - }) - } - }, l.prototype._configureScrollListener = function() { - if (!this.config.disableParentScroll) { - var e = be.bind(this, this._updatePosition), - t = this._$$rAF.throttle(e), - n = this, - o = function() { - t() - }; - this._$window.addEventListener("scroll", o, !0), this._removeListeners.push(function() { - n._$window.removeEventListener("scroll", o, !0) - }) - } - }, l.prototype._configureTrapFocus = function() { - if (this.panelEl.attr("tabIndex", "-1"), this.config.trapFocus) { - var e = this.panelEl; - this._topFocusTrap = n.clone()[0], this._bottomFocusTrap = n.clone()[0]; - var t = function() { - e.focus() - }; - this._topFocusTrap.addEventListener("focus", t), this._bottomFocusTrap.addEventListener("focus", t), this._removeListeners.push(this._simpleBind(function() { - this._topFocusTrap.removeEventListener("focus", t), this._bottomFocusTrap.removeEventListener("focus", t) - }, this)), e[0].parentNode.insertBefore(this._topFocusTrap, e[0]), e.after(this._bottomFocusTrap) - } - }, l.prototype.updateAnimation = function(e) { - this.config.animation = e, this._backdropRef && this._backdropRef.config.animation.duration(e._rawDuration) - }, l.prototype._animateOpen = function() { - this.panelContainer.addClass("md-panel-is-showing"); - var n = this.config.animation; - if (!n) return this.panelContainer.addClass("_md-panel-shown"), this._$q.when(this); - var o = this; - return this._$q(function(e) { - var t = o._done(e, o); - n.animateOpen(o.panelEl).then(t, function() { - o._$log.warn("mdPanel: MdPanel Animations failed. Showing panel without animating."), t() - }) - }) - }, l.prototype._animateClose = function() { - var n = this, - o = this.config.animation; - return o ? this._$q(function(e) { - function t() { - n.panelContainer.removeClass("md-panel-is-showing"), n.panelEl.css("transform", ""), e(n) - } - o.animateClose(n.panelEl).then(t, function() { - n._$log.warn("mdPanel: MdPanel Animations failed. Hiding panel without animating."), t() - }) - }) : (this.panelContainer.removeClass("md-panel-is-showing"), this.panelContainer.removeClass("_md-panel-shown"), this._$q.when(this)) - }, l.prototype.registerInterceptor = function(e, t) { - var n = null; - if (be.isString(e) ? be.isFunction(t) || (n = "Interceptor callback must be a function, instead got " + typeof t) : n = "Interceptor type must be a string, instead got " + typeof e, n) throw new Error("MdPanel: " + n); - var o = this._interceptors[e] = this._interceptors[e] || []; - return -1 === o.indexOf(t) && o.push(t), this - }, l.prototype.removeInterceptor = function(e, t) { - var n = this._interceptors[e] ? this._interceptors[e].indexOf(t) : -1; - return -1 < n && this._interceptors[e].splice(n, 1), this - }, l.prototype.removeAllInterceptors = function(e) { - return e ? this._interceptors[e] = [] : this._interceptors = Object.create(null), this - }, l.prototype._callInterceptors = function(e) { - var o = this, - r = o._$q; - return (o._interceptors && o._interceptors[e] || []).reduceRight(function(e, t) { - var n = t && be.isFunction(t.then) ? t : null; - return e.then(function() { - if (!n) try { - n = t(o) - } catch (e) { - n = r.reject(e) - } - return n - }) - }, r.resolve(o)) - }, l.prototype._simpleBind = function(t, n) { - return function(e) { - return t.apply(n, e) - } - }, l.prototype._done = function(e, t) { - return function() { - e(t) - } - }, l.prototype.addToGroup = function(e) { - this._$mdPanel._groups[e] || this._$mdPanel.newPanelGroup(e); - var t = this._$mdPanel._groups[e]; - t.panels.indexOf(this) < 0 && t.panels.push(this) - }, l.prototype.removeFromGroup = function(e) { - if (!this._$mdPanel._groups[e]) throw new Error("mdPanel: The group " + e + " does not exist."); - var t = this._$mdPanel._groups[e], - n = t.panels.indexOf(this); - 1 < n && t.panels.splice(n, 1) - }, l.closeReasons = { - CLICK_OUTSIDE: "clickOutsideToClose", - ESCAPE: "escapeToClose" - }, h.xPosition = { - CENTER: "center", - ALIGN_START: "align-start", - ALIGN_END: "align-end", - OFFSET_START: "offset-start", - OFFSET_END: "offset-end" - }, h.yPosition = { - CENTER: "center", - ALIGN_TOPS: "align-tops", - ALIGN_BOTTOMS: "align-bottoms", - ABOVE: "above", - BELOW: "below" - }, h.absPosition = { - TOP: "top", - RIGHT: "right", - BOTTOM: "bottom", - LEFT: "left" - }, h.viewportMargin = 8, h.prototype.absolute = function() { - return this._absolute = !0, this - }, h.prototype._setPosition = function(e, t) { - if (e === h.absPosition.RIGHT || e === h.absPosition.LEFT) this._left = this._right = ""; - else { - if (e !== h.absPosition.BOTTOM && e !== h.absPosition.TOP) { - var n = Object.keys(h.absPosition).join().toLowerCase(); - throw new Error("mdPanel: Position must be one of " + n + ".") - } - this._top = this._bottom = "" - } - return this["_" + e] = be.isString(t) ? t : "0", this - }, = function(e) { - return this._setPosition(h.absPosition.TOP, e) - }, h.prototype.bottom = function(e) { - return this._setPosition(h.absPosition.BOTTOM, e) - }, h.prototype.start = function(e) { - var t = this._isRTL ? h.absPosition.RIGHT : h.absPosition.LEFT; - return this._setPosition(t, e) - }, h.prototype.end = function(e) { - var t = this._isRTL ? h.absPosition.LEFT : h.absPosition.RIGHT; - return this._setPosition(t, e) - }, h.prototype.left = function(e) { - return this._setPosition(h.absPosition.LEFT, e) - }, h.prototype.right = function(e) { - return this._setPosition(h.absPosition.RIGHT, e) - }, h.prototype.centerHorizontally = function() { - return this._left = "50%", this._right = "", this._translateX = ["-50%"], this - }, h.prototype.centerVertically = function() { - return this._top = "50%", this._bottom = "", this._translateY = ["-50%"], this - }, = function() { - return this.centerHorizontally().centerVertically() - }, h.prototype.relativeTo = function(e) { - return this._absolute = !1, this._relativeToEl = m(e), this - }, h.prototype.addPanelPosition = function(e, t) { - if (!this._relativeToEl) throw new Error("mdPanel: addPanelPosition can only be used with relative positioning. Set relativeTo first."); - return u(h.xPosition, e), u(h.yPosition, t), this._positions.push({ - x: e, - y: t - }), this - }, h.prototype.withOffsetX = function(e) { - return this._translateX.push(p(e)), this - }, h.prototype.withOffsetY = function(e) { - return this._translateY.push(p(e)), this - }, h.prototype.getTop = function() { - return this._top - }, h.prototype.getBottom = function() { - return this._bottom - }, h.prototype.getLeft = function() { - return this._left - }, h.prototype.getRight = function() { - return this._right - }, h.prototype.getTransform = function() { - return (this._reduceTranslateValues("translateX", this._translateX) + " " + this._reduceTranslateValues("translateY", this._translateY)).trim() - }, h.prototype._setTransform = function(e) { - return e.css(this._$mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM, this.getTransform()) - }, h.prototype._isOnscreen = function(e) { - var t = parseInt(this.getLeft()), - n = parseInt(this.getTop()); - if (this._translateX.length || this._translateY.length) { - var o = function(e, t) { - var n = getComputedStyle(e[0] || e)[t], - o = n.indexOf("("), - r = n.lastIndexOf(")"), - i = { - x: 0, - y: 0 - }; - if (-1 < o && -1 < r) { - var a = n.substring(o + 1, r).split(", ").slice(-2); - i.x = parseInt(a[0]), i.y = parseInt(a[1]) - } - return i - }(e, this._$mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM); - t += o.x, n += o.y - } - var r = t + e[0].offsetWidth, - i = n + e[0].offsetHeight; - return 0 <= t && 0 <= n && i <= this._$window.innerHeight && r <= this._$window.innerWidth - }, h.prototype.getActualPosition = function() { - return this._actualPosition - }, h.prototype._reduceTranslateValues = function(n, e) { - return { - var t = be.isFunction(e) ? p(e(this)) : e; - return n + "(" + t + ")" - }, this).join(" ") - }, h.prototype._setPanelPosition = function(e) { - if (e.removeClass("_md-panel-position-adjusted"), this._absolute) this._setTransform(e); - else { - if (this._actualPosition) return this._calculatePanelPosition(e, this._actualPosition), this._setTransform(e), void this._constrainToViewport(e); - for (var t = 0; t < this._positions.length; t++) - if (this._actualPosition = this._positions[t], this._calculatePanelPosition(e, this._actualPosition), this._setTransform(e), this._isOnscreen(e)) return; - this._constrainToViewport(e) - } - }, h.prototype._constrainToViewport = function(e) { - var t = h.viewportMargin, - n = this._top, - o = this._left; - if (this.getTop()) { - var r = parseInt(this.getTop()), - i = e[0].offsetHeight + r, - a = this._$window.innerHeight; - r < t ? this._top = t + "px" : a < i && (this._top = r - (i - a + t) + "px") - } - if (this.getLeft()) { - var d = parseInt(this.getLeft()), - s = e[0].offsetWidth + d, - l = this._$window.innerWidth; - d < t ? this._left = t + "px" : l < s && (this._left = d - (s - l + t) + "px") - } - e.toggleClass("_md-panel-position-adjusted", this._top !== n || this._left !== o) - }, h.prototype._reverseXPosition = function(e) { - if (e === h.xPosition.CENTER) return e; - return -1 < e.indexOf("start") ? e.replace("start", "end") : e.replace("end", "start") - }, h.prototype._bidi = function(e) { - return this._isRTL ? this._reverseXPosition(e) : e - }, h.prototype._calculatePanelPosition = function(e, t) { - var n = e[0].getBoundingClientRect(), - o = Math.max(n.width, e[0].clientWidth), - r = Math.max(n.height, e[0].clientHeight), - i = this._relativeToEl[0].getBoundingClientRect(), - a = i.left, - d = i.right, - s = i.width; - switch (this._bidi(t.x)) { - case h.xPosition.OFFSET_START: - this._left = a - o + "px"; - break; - case h.xPosition.ALIGN_END: - this._left = d - o + "px"; - break; - case h.xPosition.CENTER: - var l = a + .5 * s - .5 * o; - this._left = l + "px"; - break; - case h.xPosition.ALIGN_START: - this._left = a + "px"; - break; - case h.xPosition.OFFSET_END: - this._left = d + "px" - } - var c =, - m = i.bottom, - u = i.height; - switch (t.y) { - case h.yPosition.ABOVE: - this._top = c - r + "px"; - break; - case h.yPosition.ALIGN_BOTTOMS: - this._top = m - r + "px"; - break; - case h.yPosition.CENTER: - var p = c + .5 * u - .5 * r; - this._top = p + "px"; - break; - case h.yPosition.ALIGN_TOPS: - this._top = c + "px"; - break; - case h.yPosition.BELOW: - this._top = m + "px" - } - }, c.animation = { - SLIDE: "md-panel-animate-slide", - SCALE: "md-panel-animate-scale", - FADE: "md-panel-animate-fade" - }, c.prototype.openFrom = function(e) { - return e = ? : e, this._openFrom = this._getPanelAnimationTarget(e), this._closeTo || (this._closeTo = this._openFrom), this - }, c.prototype.closeTo = function(e) { - return this._closeTo = this._getPanelAnimationTarget(e), this - }, c.prototype.duration = function(e) { - return e && (be.isNumber(e) ? this._openDuration = this._closeDuration = t(e) : be.isObject(e) && (this._openDuration = t(, this._closeDuration = t(e.close))), this._rawDuration = e, this; - - function t(e) { - if (be.isNumber(e)) return e / 1e3 - } - }, c.prototype._getPanelAnimationTarget = function(e) { - return be.isDefined( || be.isDefined(e.left) ? { - element: ge, - bounds: { - top: || 0, - left: e.left || 0 - } - } : this._getBoundingClientRect(m(e)) - }, c.prototype.withAnimation = function(e) { - return this._animationClass = e, this - }, c.prototype.animateOpen = function(e) { - var t = this._$mdUtil.dom.animator; - this._fixBounds(e); - var n = {}, - o = e[0].style.transform || "", - r = t.toTransformCss(o), - i = t.toTransformCss(o); - switch (this._animationClass) { - case c.animation.SLIDE: - e.css("opacity", "1"), n = { - transitionInClass: "_md-panel-animate-enter", - transitionOutClass: "_md-panel-animate-leave" - }; - var a = t.calculateSlideToOrigin(e, this._openFrom) || ""; - r = t.toTransformCss(a + " " + o); - break; - case c.animation.SCALE: - n = { - transitionInClass: "_md-panel-animate-enter" - }; - var d = t.calculateZoomToOrigin(e, this._openFrom) || ""; - r = t.toTransformCss(o + " " + d); - break; - case c.animation.FADE: - n = { - transitionInClass: "_md-panel-animate-enter" - }; - break; - default: - n = be.isString(this._animationClass) ? { - transitionInClass: this._animationClass - } : { - transitionInClass:, - transitionOutClass: this._animationClass.close - } - } - return n.duration = this._openDuration, t.translate3d(e, r, i, n) - }, c.prototype.animateClose = function(e) { - var t = this._$mdUtil.dom.animator, - n = {}, - o = e[0].style.transform || "", - r = t.toTransformCss(o), - i = t.toTransformCss(o); - switch (this._animationClass) { - case c.animation.SLIDE: - e.css("opacity", "1"), n = { - transitionInClass: "_md-panel-animate-leave", - transitionOutClass: "_md-panel-animate-enter _md-panel-animate-leave" - }; - var a = t.calculateSlideToOrigin(e, this._closeTo) || ""; - i = t.toTransformCss(a + " " + o); - break; - case c.animation.SCALE: - n = { - transitionInClass: "_md-panel-animate-scale-out _md-panel-animate-leave", - transitionOutClass: "_md-panel-animate-scale-out _md-panel-animate-enter _md-panel-animate-leave" - }; - var d = t.calculateZoomToOrigin(e, this._closeTo) || ""; - i = t.toTransformCss(o + " " + d); - break; - case c.animation.FADE: - n = { - transitionInClass: "_md-panel-animate-fade-out _md-panel-animate-leave", - transitionOutClass: "_md-panel-animate-fade-out _md-panel-animate-enter _md-panel-animate-leave" - }; - break; - default: - n = be.isString(this._animationClass) ? { - transitionOutClass: this._animationClass - } : { - transitionInClass: this._animationClass.close, - transitionOutClass: - } - } - return n.duration = this._closeDuration, t.translate3d(e, r, i, n) - }, c.prototype._fixBounds = function(e) { - var t = e[0].offsetWidth, - n = e[0].offsetHeight; - this._openFrom && null == this._openFrom.bounds.height && (this._openFrom.bounds.height = n), this._openFrom && null == this._openFrom.bounds.width && (this._openFrom.bounds.width = t), this._closeTo && null == this._closeTo.bounds.height && (this._closeTo.bounds.height = n), this._closeTo && null == this._closeTo.bounds.width && (this._closeTo.bounds.width = t) - }, c.prototype._getBoundingClientRect = function(e) { - if (e instanceof be.element) return { - element: e, - bounds: e[0].getBoundingClientRect() - } - } - }(), be.module("material.components.progressCircular", ["material.core"]), je.$inject = ["$window", "$mdProgressCircular", "$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$interval", "$log"], be.module("material.components.progressCircular").directive("mdProgressCircular", je), be.module("material.components.progressCircular").provider("$mdProgressCircular", function() { - var t = { - progressSize: 50, - strokeWidth: 10, - duration: 100, - easeFn: e, - durationIndeterminate: 1333, - startIndeterminate: 1, - endIndeterminate: 149, - easeFnIndeterminate: n, - easingPresets: { - linearEase: e, - materialEase: n - } - }; - return { - configure: function(e) { - return t = be.extend(t, e || {}) - }, - $get: function() { - return t - } - }; - - function e(e, t, n, o) { - return n * e / o + t - } - - function n(e, t, n, o) { - var r = (e /= o) * e, - i = r * e; - return t + n * (6 * i * r + -15 * r * r + 10 * i) - } - }), ze.$inject = ["$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$log"], be.module("material.components.progressLinear", ["material.core"]).directive("mdProgressLinear", ze), - function() { - e.$inject = ["$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$timeout"], t.$inject = ["$mdAria", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming"], be.module("material.components.radioButton", ["material.core"]).directive("mdRadioGroup", e).directive("mdRadioButton", t); - var i = Object.freeze({ - PREVIOUS: -1, - CURRENT: 0, - NEXT: 1 - }); - - function e(d, s, l, c) { - return e.prototype = { - init: function(e) { - this._ngModelCtrl = e, this._ngModelCtrl.$render = be.bind(this, this.render) - }, - add: function(e) { - this._radioButtonRenderFns.push(e) - }, - remove: function(e) { - var t = this._radioButtonRenderFns.indexOf(e); - 1 !== t && this._radioButtonRenderFns.splice(t, 1) - }, - render: function() { - this._radioButtonRenderFns.forEach(function(e) { - e() - }) - }, - setViewValue: function(e, t) { - this._ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(e, t), this.render() - }, - getViewValue: function() { - return this._ngModelCtrl.$viewValue - }, - selectCurrent: function() { - return t(this.$element, i.CURRENT) - }, - selectNext: function() { - return t(this.$element, i.NEXT) - }, - selectPrevious: function() { - return t(this.$element, i.PREVIOUS) - }, - setActiveDescendant: function(e) { - this.$element.attr("aria-activedescendant", e) - }, - isDisabled: function() { - return this.$element[0].hasAttribute("disabled") - } - }, { - restrict: "E", - controller: ["$element", e], - require: ["mdRadioGroup", "?ngModel"], - link: { - pre: function(e, o, t, n) { - o.addClass("_md"), l(o); - var r = n[0], - i = n[1] || d.fakeNgModel(); - - function a() { - o.hasClass("md-focused") || o.addClass("md-focused") - } - r.init(i), e.mouseActive = !1, o.attr({ - role: "radiogroup", - tabIndex: o.attr("tabindex") || "0" - }).on("keydown", function(e) { - var t = e.which || e.keyCode; - if (t === s.KEY_CODE.ENTER || e.currentTarget === switch (t) { - case s.KEY_CODE.LEFT_ARROW: - case s.KEY_CODE.UP_ARROW: - e.preventDefault(), r.selectPrevious(), a(); - break; - case s.KEY_CODE.RIGHT_ARROW: - case s.KEY_CODE.DOWN_ARROW: - e.preventDefault(), r.selectNext(), a(); - break; - case s.KEY_CODE.SPACE: - e.preventDefault(), r.selectCurrent(); - break; - case s.KEY_CODE.ENTER: - var n = be.element(d.getClosest(o[0], "form")); - 0 < n.length && n.triggerHandler("submit") - } - }).on("mousedown", function() { - e.mouseActive = !0, c(function() { - e.mouseActive = !1 - }, 100) - }).on("focus", function() { - !1 === e.mouseActive && r.$element.addClass("md-focused") - }).on("blur", function() { - r.$element.removeClass("md-focused") - }), d.nextTick(function() { - var e = m(r.$element); - e.count() && !r.$element[0].hasAttribute("aria-activedescendant") && r.setActiveDescendant(e.first().id) - }) - } - } - }; - - function e(e) { - this._radioButtonRenderFns = [], this.$element = e - } - - function m(e) { - return d.iterator(e[0].querySelectorAll("md-radio-button"), !0) - } - - function t(e, t) { - var n, o = m(e); - if (o.count()) { - var r = e[0].querySelector(""); - r ? t !== i.PREVIOUS && t !== i.NEXT || (n = o[t === i.PREVIOUS ? "previous" : "next"](r, function(e) { - return !be.element(e).attr("disabled") - })) : n = o.first(), n && be.element(n).triggerHandler("click") - } - } - } - - function t(s, l, c) { - var m = "md-checked"; - return { - restrict: "E", - require: "^mdRadioGroup", - transclude: !0, - template: '
    ', - link: function(t, n, o, r) { - var i; - c(n), - function(e) { - e.attr({ - id: || "radio_" + l.nextUid(), - role: "radio", - "aria-checked": "false" - }), s.expectWithText(e, "aria-label") - }(n), n.addClass("md-auto-horizontal-margin"), o.ngValue ? l.nextTick(e, !1) : e(); - - function e() { - if (!r) throw "RadioButton: No RadioGroupController could be found."; - r.add(d), o.$observe("value", d), n.on("click", a).on("$destroy", function() { - r.remove(d) - }) - } - - function a(e) { - n[0].hasAttribute("disabled") || r.isDisabled() || t.$apply(function() { - r.setViewValue(o.value, e && e.type) - }) - } - - function d() { - var e = r.getViewValue() == o.value; - e !== i && (n[0] && n[0].parentNode && "md-radio-group" !== n[0].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() && n.parent().toggleClass(m, e), e && r.setActiveDescendant(n.attr("id")), i = e, n.attr("aria-checked", e).toggleClass(m, e)) - } - } - } - } - }(), - function() { - e.$inject = ["$mdSelect", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdAria", "$parse", "$sce"], t.$inject = ["$parse", "$mdUtil", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming"], o.$inject = ["$mdButtonInkRipple", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming"], r.$inject = ["$$interimElementProvider"], i.$inject = ["$element"]; - var P = 8, - n = 0, - c = be.element('
    '); - - function e(L, R, F, B, U, j, z) { - return { - restrict: "E", - require: ["^?mdInputContainer", "mdSelect", "ngModel", "?^form"], - compile: function(e, t) { - var n = R.parseAttributeBoolean(t.multiple); - e.addClass("md-auto-horizontal-margin"); - var o = be.element(""); - o.append(''), o.addClass("md-select-value"), o[0].hasAttribute("id") || o.attr("id", "select_value_label_" + R.nextUid()); - var r = e.find("md-content"); - r.length || (e.append(be.element("").append(e.contents())), r = e.find("md-content")); - r.attr("role", "listbox"), r.attr("tabindex", "-1"), n ? r.attr("aria-multiselectable", "true") : r.attr("aria-multiselectable", "false"); - t.mdOnOpen && (e.find("md-content").prepend(be.element('
    ')), e.find("md-option").attr("ng-show", "$$loadingAsyncDone")); - if ( { - var i = be.element(''); - i.attr({ - name:, - "aria-hidden": "true", - tabindex: "-1" - }); - var a = e.find("md-option"); - be.forEach(a, function(e) { - var t = be.element(""); - e.hasAttribute("ng-value") ? t.attr("ng-value", e.getAttribute("ng-value")) : e.hasAttribute("value") && t.attr("value", e.getAttribute("value")), i.append(t) - }), i.append(''), e.parent().append(i) - } - var d = n ? "multiple" : "", - s = t.ngModelOptions ? R.supplant('ng-model-options="{0}"', [t.ngModelOptions]) : "", - l = ''; - l = R.supplant(l, [d, s, e.html()]), e.empty().append(o), e.append(l), t.tabindex || t.$set("tabindex", 0); - return function(r, i, a, e) { - var t, n, d, o, s, l, c = !0, - m = e[0], - u = e[1], - p = e[2], - h = e[3], - f = i.find("md-select-value"), - b = be.isDefined(a.readonly), - g = R.parseAttributeBoolean(a.mdNoAsterisk), - E = be.isDefined(a.ariaLabelledby), - v = i.find("md-content"), - $ = i.attr("placeholder"); - if (g && i.addClass("md-no-asterisk"), m) { - var M = m.isErrorGetter || function() { - return p.$invalid && (p.$touched || h && h.$submitted) - }; - if (m.input && i.find("md-select-header").find("input")[0] !== m.input[0]) throw new Error(" can only have *one* child ,