Built motion from commit 1fa89557.|2.6.10
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / jscripty / i18n / bs.json
1 {
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4     "NAME": "Name",
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7     "SELECTED": "Selected",
8     "SELECT_ALL": "Select All",
9     "SELECT_NONE": "Select None",
10     "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
11     "ERRORS": {
12       "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
13       "PROJECT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
14       "FIELD_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
15       "NAME_MUST_VALID_PATTERN": "Wrong format"
16     },
17     "SAVE": "Save",
18     "PROJECTS": "Projects",
19     "ADD_PROJECT": "Add Project",
20     "EDIT_PROJECT": "Edit Project",
21     "DELETE_PROJECT": "Delete Project",
22     "JSCRIPTY": "Jscripty",
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24     "PROJECT": "Project",
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27     "EDIT": "Edit",
28     "SETTINGS": "Settings",
29     "GENERAL": "General",
30     "BUILDER": "Builder",
31     "PREVIEW": "Preview",
32     "OPEN_CONTACT": "Open Contact",
33     "SENDUNPAUSEONSUBMIT": "Unpause agent on Submit",
34     "HELP": {
35       "NAME": "Only numbers, letters and specific characters (._) are supported",
36       "ENABLEUNCOMPLETESAVE": "Allow to save the agent session even if the survey is not complete",
37       "SENDUNPAUSEONSUBMIT": "At the end of the survey, automatically stop the agent's pause"
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48     "NO_SESSION_AVAILABLE": "No Sessions available",
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50     "SHOW_QUESTIONS_SESSION": "Show Session Results",
51     "ANSWERS": "Answers",
52     "NO_RESULTS_AVAILABLE": "No results available",
53     "TOTAL": "Total",
54     "ANSWER": "Answer",
55     "EXPORT_TO_CSV": "Export to CSV",
56     "NO_ANSWERS_AVAILABLE": "No answers available",
57     "DELETE_SESSION": "Delete Session",
58     "RESET_SESSION": "Reset Session",
59     "YES": "Yes",
60     "NO": "No",
61     "DO_YOU_WANT_TO_RESET_SESSION": "Do you want to reset the session?",
62     "ALL_SURVEY_DATA_WILL_BE_LOST": "All survey answers will be lost!",
63     "ENABLEUNCOMPLETESAVE": "Enable incomplete save",
64     "SUBMIT": "Submit",
65     "PROJECT_NOT_AVAILABLE": "Project is not available. Please contact the administrator",
66     "COMPLETE": "Complete",
67     "SESSIONS_PROJECT": "Go to Sessions"
68   },
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143         },
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158         },
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170       },
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200       },
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204       },
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226     }
227   }
228 }