Built motion from commit (unavailable).|2.5.20
[motion2.git] / public / app / main / apps / tools / i18n / et.json
1 {
2         "TOOLS": {
3                 "BOT": "Voicebot",
4                 "CLONE_TRUNK": "Clone Trunk",
5                 "DISPOSITIONS": "Dispositions",
6                 "NEW_DISPOSITION": "New Disposition",
7                 "ADD_DISPOSITION": "Add Disposition",
8                 "EDIT_DISPOSITION": "Edit Disposition",
9                 "DELETE_DISPOSITION": "Delete Disposition",
10                 "RUN_SCHEDULE": "Run schedule",
11                 "SENDIFEMPTY": "Send if empty",
12                 "NEXTCONTACT": "Next",
13                 "OUTBOUND_ROUTE": "Outbound Route",
14                 "EDIT_DASHBOARDITEM": "Edit Dashboard Widget",
15                 "FONTSIZE": "Font Size",
16                 "CLONE_CUSTOMDASHBOARD": "Clone Custom Dashboard",
17                 "LINK": "Link [https://]",
18                 "BACKGROUND": "Background",
19                 "FOREGROUND": "Foreground",
20                 "NONE": "None",
21                 "TOTAL": "Total",
22                 "ABANDONED": "Abandoned",
23                 "WAITING": "Waiting",
24                 "TALKING": "Talking",
25                 "ANSWERED": "Answered",
26                 "UNMANAGED": "Unmanaged",
27                 "CUSTOMTYPE": "Custom [path]",
28                 "WEBREPORT": "Web Report",
29                 "PIECHART": "Pie Chart",
30                 "MULTIBARCHART": "Multibar Chart",
31                 "MOVE_WIDGET": "Move Widget",
32                 "USERADD_CUSTOMDASHBOARD": "Add User Permissions",
33                 "GOTODASHBOARD_CUSTOMDASHBOARD": "Go to preview dashboard",
34                 "GOTO_CUSTOMDASHBOARD": "Go to preview dashboard",
35                 "METRIC": "Metric",
36                 "FILTERVOICEQUEUES": "Filter Voice Queues",
37                 "SERIE1": "Serie 1",
38                 "SERIE2": "Serie 2",
39                 "SERIE3": "Serie 3",
40                 "REFRESH": "Refresh [s]",
41                 "FORMAT": "Format",
42                 "PATH": "Absolute Path",
43                 "ALL_USERS": "All Users",
44                 "SELECTED_USERS": "Selected Users",
45                 "ADD_WIDGET": "Add Widget",
46                 "COLOR": "Color",
47                 "FAX": "Fax",
48                 "INTERACTION": "Interaction",
49                 "MESSAGE": "Message",
50                 "T38PT_UDPTL": "T38pt Udptl",
51                 "CALL": "Call",
52                 "NAME": "Name",
53                 "TRUNKS": "Trunks",
54                 "SEARCH_FOR_ANYONE": "Search",
55                 "ERRORS": {
56                         "NAME_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
57                         "TITLE_MAX_LENGTH": "The value must have a maximum length equal to {{max}}",
58                         "REFRESH_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
59                         "REFRESH_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
60                         "FONTSIZE_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be less than or equal to",
61                         "FONTSIZE_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "The value must be greater than or equal to",
62                         "FONTSIZE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
63                         "PATH_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
64                         "FORMAT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
65                         "REPORT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
66                         "TYPE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
67                         "VALUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
68                         "ACCOUNT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
69                         "FIELD_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
70                         "NAME_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
71                         "HOST_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
72                         "DEFAULTUSER_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
73                         "CALLERID_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
74                         "KEY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
75                         "CONFIRM_NOT_MATCH": "The Passwords don't match",
76                         "VALIDITYSTART_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
77                         "VALIDITYEND_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
78                         "MONTHDAY_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
79                         "HOUR_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
80                         "CONTENT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
81                         "URL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
82                         "URL_MUST_VALID_URL": "Wrong format",
83                         "APPLICATION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
84                         "ARGUMENTS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
85                         "NAME_MUST_VALID_PATTERN": "Wrong format",
86                         "POLLING_INTERVAL_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
87                         "TITLE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
88                         "EMAILADDRESS_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
89                         "EVENTVARIABLES_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
90                         "INTEGRATION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
91                         "LIST_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
92                         "TEMPLATE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
93                         "AUTOCREATECONTACT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
94                         "OUTBOUNDROUTE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
95                         "QUEUE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
96                         "TIME_RANGE_TO_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
97                         "WEEK_DAYS_TO_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
98                         "MONTH_DAYS_TO_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
99                         "MONTH_TO_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
100                         "TIME_RANGE_FROM_INVALID": "Wrong Format",
101                         "TIME_RANGE_TO_INVALID": "Wrong Format",
102                         "ACTION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
103                         "CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
104                         "PROJECT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
105                         "LOCATION_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
106                         "OUTPUT_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
107                         "REPORTTYPE_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
108                         "REPORTFOLDER_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
109                         "REPORTSUBFOLDER_REQUIRED": "Mandatory field",
110                         "AGENT_REQUIRED": "Kohustuslik väli",
111                         "INFO_REQUIRED": "Kohustuslik väli",
112                         "SCRIPT_REQUIRED": "Kohustuslik väli",
113                         "TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "Väärtus peab olema suurem või võrdne",
114                         "TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "Väärtus peab olema väiksem või võrdne",
115                         "TIMEOUT_REQUIRED": "Kohustuslik väli",
116                         "AUTOCREATE_FIELD_REQUIRED": "Kohustuslik väli"
117                 },
118                 "HOST": "Host",
119                 "SECRET": "Secret",
120                 "DEFAULTUSER": "Default User",
121                 "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
122                 "ADD_TRUNK": "Add Trunk",
123                 "HELP": {
124                         "T38PT_UDPTL": "Es: yes,redundancy,maxdatagram=400",
125                         "SECRET": "Authentication password",
126                         "HOST": "The domain or host name",
127                         "DEFAULTUSER": "Authentication username",
128                         "CALLERID": "The Caller ID, in the format \"name\" <number>",
129                         "REGISTRY": "The registry string, if required by provider, usually defaultuser:secret@host",
130                         "FROMDOMAIN": "Set default From:domain in SIP messages when acting as a SIP ua (client). Some destinations may require mandatory identity name instead of only the IP address",
131                         "FROMUSER": "How your provider knows you. This is which user to put instead of callerid when placing calls to peer (another SIP proxy). Valid only for type=peer.",
132                         "OUTBOUNDPROXY": "IP_address or DNS SRV name (excluding the _sip._udp prefix): SRV name, hostname, or IP address of the outbound SIP Proxy. Send outbound signaling to this proxy, not directly to the devices. Valid only for type=peer.",
133                         "PORT": "The SIP port number",
134                         "CONTEXT": "The context for the trunk",
135                         "TYPE": "Determine the SIP role within asterisk. User: used to authenticate incoming - Peer: for outgoing calls - Friend: covers both characteristics of the above.",
136                         "DTMFMODE": "How DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) are sent. RFC2833: the default mode, the DTMF are sent with RTP but outside the audio stream. INBAND: The DTMF is sent in audio stream of the current conversation, becoming audible from the speakers. Requires a high CPU load. INFO: Although this method is very reliable, it is not supported by all PBX devices and many SIP Trunks.",
137                         "NAT": "Change the behaviour of Asterisk for clients behind a firewall. If any of the comma-separated options is 'no', Asterisk will ignore any other settings and set nat=no.",
138                         "QUALIFY": "Determine when the SIP is achievable",
139                         "ALLOWCODECS": "Allowed codecs in order of preference",
140                         "INSECURE": "Specify how to handle connections with peer, allowing insecure settings",
141                         "CALL_LIMIT": "The limit number of the inbound and outbound concurrent calls",
142                         "DIRECTMEDIA": "Asterisk by default tries to redirect the RTP media stream to go directly from the caller to the callee. Some devices do not support this (especially if one of them is behind a NAT). The default setting is YES. If you have all clients behind a NAT, or for some other reason want Asterisk to stay in the audio path, you may want to turn this off.",
143                         "CALLCOUNTER": "Enable call counters on devices",
144                         "ADD_PHONE_TO_URI": "Define if the provider requires ';user=phone' on URL",
145                         "TRUST_REMOTE_PARTY_ID": "Define if Remote-Party-ID should be trusted",
146                         "SEND_REMOTE_PARTY_ID_HEADER": "Define if Remote-Party-ID should be sent (defaults is no)",
147                         "ENCRYPTION": "Whether to offer SRTP encrypted media (and only SRTP encrypted media) on outgoing calls to a peer. Calls will fail with HANGUPCAUSE=58 if the peer does not support SRTP. Defaults value is No",
148                         "TRANSPORT": "Set the default transports, in order of preference",
149                         "OTHERFIELDS": "Other fields to add in the trunks conf files. Follow default asterisk format (key=value), each field on a single row",
150                         "EMAILADDRESS": "Add one or multiple addresses separated by commas (e.g. john.doe@xcally.com, jane.miller@xcally.com)",
151                         "EMAILCCADDRESS": "Add one or multiple addresses separated by commas (e.g. john.doe@xcally.com, jane.miller@xcally.com)",
152                         "EMAILBCCADDRESS": "Add one or multiple addresses separated by commas (e.g. john.doe@xcally.com, jane.miller@xcally.com)",
153                         "NAME": "Only numbers, letters and specific characters (._) are supported",
154                         "EVENTVARIABLES": "If enabled, it adds all the event variables to the url (recommended value=No. Set to Yes only for evaluation purposes) ",
155                         "BODY": "If not filled out, the default value will be sent",
156                         "HEADERS": "Märkus. Päiste jaotis peab olema RAW JSON-vormingus {\"võti\": \"väärtus\"}\nMärkus: kui seda ei täideta, saadetakse vaikeväärtus",
157                         "INFO": "Sisestage pealkiri",
158                         "SCRIPT": "Sisestage skript",
159                         "SCRIPT_INFO": "Sisestage skripti kirjeldus",
160                         "SCRIPT_TYPE": "Sisestage skripti tüpoloogia (nt curl, bash ...)",
161                         "TIMEOUT": "Taotle sekundit sekundit. Väärtus peab olema vahemikus 1–10 ja vaikeväärtus 5."
162                 },
163                 "EDIT_TRUNK": "Edit Trunk",
164                 "DELETE_TRUNK": "Delete Trunk",
165                 "CREATED_AT": "Created At",
166                 "SETTINGS": "Settings",
167                 "ADVANCED": "Advanced",
168                 "OTHER": "Other",
169                 "ACTIVE": "Active",
170                 "CONTEXT": "Context",
171                 "CALLERID": "Caller ID",
172                 "TYPE": "Type",
173                 "DTMFMODE": "DTMF Mode",
174                 "NAT": "NAT",
175                 "QUALIFY": "Qualify",
176                 "ALLOWCODECS": "Allowed Codecs",
177                 "INSECURE": "Insecure",
178                 "REGISTRY": "Registry",
179                 "DIRECTMEDIA": "Direct Media",
180                 "CALLCOUNTER": "Call Counter",
181                 "FROMDOMAIN": "From Domain",
182                 "FROMUSER": "From User",
183                 "OUTBOUNDPROXY": "Outbound Proxy",
184                 "ADD_PHONE_TO_URI": "Add Phone to URL",
185                 "TRUST_REMOTE_PARTY_ID": "Trust Remote Party ID",
186                 "SEND_REMOTE_PARTY_ID_HEADER": "Send Remote Party ID Header",
187                 "ENCRYPTION": "Encryption",
188                 "PORT": "Port",
189                 "TRANSPORT": "Transport",
190                 "SAVE": "Save",
191                 "VARIABLES": "Variables",
192                 "ADD_VARIABLE": "Add Variable",
193                 "EDIT_VARIABLE": "Edit Variable",
194                 "DELETE_VARIABLE": "Delete Variable",
195                 "SELECTED": "Selected",
196                 "SELECT_ALL": "Select All",
197                 "SELECT_NONE": "Select None",
198                 "TAGS": "Tags",
199                 "ADD_TAG": "Add Tag",
200                 "EDIT_TAG": "Edit Tag",
201                 "DELETE_TAG": "Delete Tag",
202                 "PAUSES": "Pauses",
203                 "ADD_PAUSE": "Add Pause",
204                 "EDIT_PAUSE": "Edit Pause",
205                 "DELETE_PAUSE": "Delete Pause",
206                 "CANNEDANSWERS": "Canned Answers",
207                 "ADD_CANNEDANSWER": "Add Canned Answer",
208                 "EDIT_CANNEDANSWER": "Edit Canned Answer",
209                 "DELETE_CANNEDANSWER": "Delete Canned Answer",
210                 "KEY": "Key",
211                 "VALUE": "Value",
212                 "SOUNDS": "Sounds",
213                 "EDIT_SOUND": "Edit Sound",
214                 "DELETE_SOUND": "Delete Sound",
215                 "CANCEL": "Cancel",
216                 "FINISH": "Finish",
217                 "DROP_TO_UPLOAD": "Drop To Upload",
218                 "UPLOADING": "Uploading",
219                 "TRIGGERS": "Triggers",
220                 "EDIT_TRIGGER": "Edit Trigger",
221                 "DELETE_TRIGGER": "Delete Trigger",
222                 "ADD_TRIGGER": "Add Trigger",
223                 "DELETE": "Delete",
224                 "AUTOMATIONS": "Automations",
225                 "EDIT_AUTOMATION": "Edit Automation",
226                 "DELETE_AUTOMATION": "Delete Automation",
227                 "ADD_AUTOMATION": "Add Automation",
228                 "INTERVALS": "Intervals",
229                 "EDIT_INTERVAL": "Edit Interval",
230                 "DELETE_INTERVAL": "Delete Interval",
231                 "ADD_INTERVAL": "Add Interval",
232                 "TOOLS": "Tools",
233                 "ID": "Id",
234                 "AUDIO": "Audio",
235                 "DOWNLOAD_SOUND": "Download Sound",
236                 "UPLOAD_SOUND": "Tools",
237                 "CHANNEL": "Channel",
238                 "NEW_TRIGGER": "New Trigger",
239                 "GENERAL": "General",
240                 "STATUS": "Status",
241                 "CONDITIONS&ACTIONS": "Conditions & Actions",
242                 "ALLCONDITIONS": "Meet all these conditions:",
243                 "ANYCONDITIONS": "Meet any of these conditions:",
244                 "ACTIONS": "Actions:",
245                 "NEW_AUTOMATION": "New Automation",
246                 "TIMEOUT": "Timeout",
247                 "PEERSTATUS": "Peer Status",
248                 "CALL_LIMIT": "Calls Limit",
249                 "OTHERFIELDS": "Other Fields",
250                 "NEW_VARIABLE": "New Variable",
251                 "NEW_TAG": "New Tag",
252                 "NEW_PAUSE": "New Pause",
253                 "NEW_CANNEDANSWER": "New Canned Answer",
254                 "CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password",
255                 "NEW_TRUNK": "New Trunk",
256                 "FROM": "From",
257                 "TO": "To",
258                 "WEEKDAY": "Week Day",
259                 "MONTHDAY": "Month Day",
260                 "MONTH": "Month",
261                 "ALWAYS": "Always",
262                 "MON": "Monday",
263                 "TUE": "Tuesday",
264                 "WED": "Wednesday",
265                 "THU": "Thursday",
266                 "FRI": "Friday",
267                 "SAT": "Saturday",
268                 "SUN": "Sunday",
269                 "JAN": "January",
270                 "FEB": "February",
271                 "MAR": "March",
272                 "APR": "April",
273                 "MAY": "May",
274                 "JUN": "June",
275                 "JUL": "July",
276                 "AUG": "August",
277                 "SEP": "September",
278                 "OCT": "October",
279                 "NOV": "November",
280                 "DEC": "December",
281                 "PASSWORD": "Password",
282                 "CUSTOMDASHBOARDS": "Custom Dashboards",
283                 "NEW_CUSTOMDASHBOARD": "New Custom Dashboard",
284                 "ADD_CUSTOMDASHBOARD": "Add Custom Dashboard",
285                 "EDIT_CUSTOMDASHBOARD": "Edit Custom Dashboard",
286                 "DELETE_CUSTOMDASHBOARD": "Delete Custom Dashboard",
287                 "SCHEDULER": "Scheduler",
288                 "NEW_SCHEDULE": "New Schedule",
289                 "ADD_SCHEDULE": "Add Schedule",
290                 "EDIT_SCHEDULE": "Edit Schedule",
291                 "DELETE_SCHEDULE": "Delete Schedule",
292                 "SENDMAIL": "Send Email",
293                 "CONFIGURATION": "Configuration",
294                 "MAIL": "Email",
295                 "REPORTTYPE": "Report Type",
296                 "REPORT": "Report",
297                 "OUTPUT": "Output",
298                 "EXECUTEON": "Execute On",
299                 "REPORTRANGE": "Report Range",
300                 "VALIDITYSTART": "Start Time",
301                 "VALIDITYEND": "End Time",
302                 "EXECUTEEVERY": "Execute every",
303                 "ACCOUNT": "Account",
304                 "EMAILADDRESS": "Email Address",
305                 "EMAILCCADDRESS": "Cc",
306                 "EMAILBCCADDRESS": "Bcc",
307                 "CURRENTDAY": "Current Day",
308                 "DAILY": "Daily",
309                 "WEEKLY": "Weekly",
310                 "MONTHLY": "Monthly",
311                 "PREVIOUS_DAY": "Previous Day",
312                 "LAST_SEVEN_DAYS": "Last Seven Days",
313                 "LAST_THIRTY_DAYS": "Last Thirthy Days",
314                 "LAST_MONTH": "Last Month",
315                 "WEEKDAYS": "Week Days",
316                 "HOUR": "Hour",
317                 "DEFAULT": "Default",
318                 "CSV": "CSV",
319                 "PDF": "PDF",
320                 "15MIN": "15 minutes",
321                 "30MIN": "30 minutes",
322                 "1H": "1 hour",
323                 "VOICE": "Voice",
324                 "CHAT": "Chat",
325                 "SMS": "SMS",
326                 "OPENCHANNEL": "Open Channel",
327                 "TEMPLATES": "Templates",
328                 "EDIT_TEMPLATE": "Edit Template",
329                 "DELETE_TEMPLATE": "Delete Template",
330                 "NEW_TEMPLATE": "New Template",
331                 "ADD_TEMPLATE": "Add Template",
332                 "CONTENT": "Content",
333                 "FIELD": "Field",
334                 "NO_ANYCONDITION_AVAILABLE": "No Conditions available",
335                 "NO_ALLCONDITION_AVAILABLE": "No Conditions available",
336                 "NO_ACTION_AVAILABLE": "No Actions available",
337                 "ACTION": "Action",
338                 "EDIT_ANYCONDITION": "Edit Condition",
339                 "DELETE_ANYCONDITION": "Delete Condition",
340                 "NEW_ANYCONDITION": "New Condition",
341                 "ADD_ANYCONDITION": "Add Condition",
342                 "EDIT_ALLCONDITION": "Edit Condition",
343                 "DELETE_ALLCONDITION": "Delete Condition",
344                 "NEW_ALLCONDITION": "New Condition",
345                 "ADD_ALLCONDITION": "Add Condition",
346                 "EDIT_ACTION": "Edit Action",
347                 "DELETE_ACTION": "Delete Action",
348                 "NEW_ACTION": "New Action",
349                 "ADD_ACTION": "Add Action",
350                 "QUEUE": "Queue",
351                 "CALL_STATUS": "Call Status",
352                 "OUTBOUNDROUTE": "Outbound Route",
353                 "EQUALS": "Equals",
354                 "NOT_EQUALS": "Not Equals",
355                 "CONTACT_MANAGER": "Contacts Manager",
356                 "INTEGRATIONS": "Integrations",
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358                 "JSCRIPTY": "Jscripty",
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362                 "INTEGRATION": "Integration",
363                 "TEMPLATE": "Template",
364                 "URL": "URL",
365                 "APPLICATION": "Application",
366                 "ARGUMENTS": "Arguments",
367                 "NO_APPS_AVAILABLE": "No applications available",
368                 "NEW_INTERVAL": "New Interval",
369                 "OPERATOR": "Operator",
370                 "NO_INTERVALS_AVAILABLE": "No intervals available",
371                 "YES": "Yes",
372                 "NO": "No",
373                 "SUBJECT": "Subject",
374                 "NO_AVAILABLE_INFO": "No available info",
375                 "BROWSER": "Browser",
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377                 "INFO": "Info",
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380                 "MONTH_DAYS": "Month Days",
381                 "MONTHS": "Months",
382                 "DROP_TO_UPLOAD_MESSAGE": "Drop audio files here to upload. Only MP3, WAV, GSM - Max. 15MB",
383                 "POLLING_INTERVAL": "Polling Interval (seconds)",
384                 "DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
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388                 "CLOCK": "Clock",
389                 "ADD_DASHBOARDITEM": "Add Dashboard Widget",
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391                 "DELETE_WIDGET": "Delete Widget",
392                 "FLIP_WIDGET": "Flip Widget",
393                 "TITLE": "Title",
394                 "UPDATE": "Update",
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402                 "TIMEZONE": "TimeZone",
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404                 "TOOLS_QUERY": "Query",
405                 "SELECT": "Select",
406                 "WHERE": "Where",
407                 "BACK": "Back",
408                 "PROJECT": "Project",
409                 "GOTOREALTIME_TRUNK": "Go To Realtime Trunk",
410                 "GOTO_TRUNK": "Go To Trunk",
411                 "CRON": "Cron",
412                 "MINUTES": "Minutes",
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414                 "YEARLY": "Yearly",
415                 "EVERY": "Every",
416                 "MINUTE": "Minute",
417                 "ON_SECOND": "On second",
418                 "HOUR_ON_MINUTE": "Hour on minute",
419                 "AND_SECOND": "And second",
420                 "DAY_AT": "Day at",
421                 "START_TIME": "Start Time",
422                 "ON_THE": "On the",
423                 "OF_EVERY": "Of every",
424                 "MONTH_AT": "Month at",
425                 "AT": "At",
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427                 "LASTUNIT": "Unit",
428                 "MAILACCOUNT": "Email Account",
429                 "OF": "of",
430                 "PAST_THE_HOUR": "Past the hour",
431                 "DAY": "Day",
432                 "WEEK": "Week",
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442                 "NEW_WINDOW": "New Window",
443                 "WINDOWWIDTH": "Window Width(px)",
444                 "WINDOWHEIGHT": "Window Height(px)",
445                 "BODY": "Body",
446                 "REPORTFOLDER": "Report Folder",
447                 "REPORTSUBFOLDER": "Report Subfolder",
448                 "AGENT": "Agent",
449                 "HEADERS": "Päised",
450                 "MOTION_TAB": "Uus esindaja juhtpaneeli vahekaart",
451                 "PREVIOUSCONTACT": "Eelmine",
452                 "SCRIPT": "Skript",
453                 "SCRIPT_INFO": "Info",
454                 "SCRIPT_TYPE": "Tüüp",
455                 "VIDEOSUPPORT": "Video tugi",
456                 "WHATSAPP": "WhatsApp-pistik",
457                 "AUTOCREATE_FIELD": "Automaatne välja loomine",
458                 "GLOBALS": "Globaalid",
459                 "SEARCH_FIELDS": "Otsinguväljad",
460                 "STANDARD": "Standard",
461                 "MOTION_BAR": "Motion Bar",
462                 "ALL": "Kõik",
463                 "ALL_DISPOSITIONS": "Kõik dispositsioonid",
464                 "FIRST_LEVEL_DISPOSITION": "Esimese taseme käsutus",
465                 "LEVEL": "Tase",
466                 "SECOND_LEVEL_DISPOSITION": "Teise taseme korraldus",
467                 "SELECT_LEVEL": "Valige tase",
468                 "TITLEFONTSIZE": "Fondi pealkirja suurus"
469         }
470 }