Built motion from commit 344422e17.|1.0.22
[motion.git] / public / assets / plugins / square / resources / dia.txt
2 # https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmQEO36liL4FdDJLWVNMaVV2UmRKSnpXU09MYkdGbEE
3 aboutDrawio=About draw.io
4 access_denied=Access denied
5 actualSize=Actual Size
6 addToExistingDrawing=Add to existing drawing
7 addWaypoint=Add waypoint
8 update=Update
9 alignment=Alignment
10 allChangesLost=All changes will be lost!
11 alreadyConnected=Nodes already connected
12 apply=Apply
13 arrange=Arrange
14 appNotInstalledAlert=App not installed. Please install draw.io in Chrome Web Store and try again.
15 appNotInstalledStatus=App not installed.
16 arrow=Arrow
17 arrows=Arrows
18 automatic=Automatic
19 autosize=Autosize
20 backgroundColor=Background color
21 basic=Basic
22 blankDrawing=Blank Drawing
23 block=Block
24 bold=Bold
25 borderColor=Border color
26 borderWidth=Borderwidth
27 bottom=Bottom
28 bottomAlign=Bottom Align
29 cancel=Cancel
30 center=Center
31 cannotLoad=Load attempts failed. Please try again later.
32 cannotLogin=Log in attempts failed. Please try again later.
33 changeOrientation=Change Orientation
34 chatJoined={1} has joined
35 chatLeft={1} has left
36 chatWindowTitle=Chat
37 circle=Circle
38 classic=Classic
39 clipart=Clipart
40 close=Close
41 collapse=Collapse
42 collapse-expand=Collapse/Expand
43 connect=Connect
44 connecting=Connecting
45 connectWithDrive=Connect with Google Drive
46 connection=Connection
47 containsValidationErrors=Contains validation errors
48 copy=Copy
49 copyConnect=Copy on connect
50 copyOfDrawing=Copy of Drawing
51 curved=Curved
52 custom=Custom
53 cut=Cut
54 dashed=Dashed
55 delete=Delete
56 diamond=Diamond
57 diamondThin=Diamond (Thin)
58 didYouKnow=Did you know...
59 direction=Direction
60 done=Done
61 doubleClickOrientation=Doubleclick to change orientation
62 drawing=Drawing{1}
63 drawingEmpty=Drawing is empty
64 drawingTooLarge=Drawing is too large
65 duplicate=Duplicate
66 east=East
67 edit=Edit
68 editLink=Edit link
69 embed=Embed
70 embedNotice=Add this once at the end of the page
71 enterGroup=Enter group
72 enterValue=Enter value
73 entityRelation=Entity Relation
74 entry=Entry
75 error=Error
76 errorLoadingFile=Error loading file
77 errorRenamingFile=Error renaming file.
78 errorRenamingFileNotFound=Error renaming file. File was not found.
79 errorRenamingFileForbidden=Error renaming file. Insufficient access rights.
80 errorSavingFile=Error saving file
81 errorSavingFileForbidden=Error saving file. Insufficient access rights.
82 errorSavingFileNotFound=Error saving file. File was not found.
83 exitGroup=Exit Group
84 expand=Expand
85 export=Export
86 failedToSaveTryReconnect=Failed to save, trying to reconnect
87 featureRequest=Feature Request
88 feedback=Feedback
89 file=File
90 filename=Filename
91 fileNotFound=File not found
92 fileNotLoaded=File not loaded
93 fileNotSaved=File not saved
94 fileOpenLocation=How would you like to open these file(s)?
95 fillColor=Fill color
96 fit=Fit
97 fitPage=Fit page
98 fitPageWidth=Fit Page width
99 fitWindow=Fit Window
100 flipH=Flip Horizontal
101 flipV=Flip Vertical
102 fontColor=Font color
103 fontFamily=Font family
104 fontSize=Font size
105 format=Format
106 forum=Discussion/Help Forums
107 fromTemplate=From Template
108 fromText=From Text
109 general=General
110 global=Global
111 gradient=Gradient
112 gradientColor=Color
113 grid=Grid
114 group=Group
115 guides=Guides
116 hateApp=I hate draw.io
117 height=Height
118 help=Help
119 helpTranslate=Help us translate this application
120 hide=Hide
121 home=Home
122 horizontal=Horizontal
123 horizontalFlow=Horizontal Flow
124 horizontalTree=Horizontal tree
125 image=Image
126 images=Images
127 inline=Inline
128 import=Import
129 invalidOrMissingFile=Invalid or missing file
130 italic=Italic
131 landscape=Landscape
132 layout=Layout
133 left=Left
134 leftAlign=Left Align
135 line=Line
136 lineend=Line End
137 linestart=Line Start
138 linewidth=Linewidth
139 loading=Loading
140 loveApp=I love draw.io
141 manual=Manual
142 middle=Middle
143 moreResults=More Results
144 moreShapes=More Shapes
145 move=Move
146 navigation=Navigation
147 new=New
148 noColor=No color
149 noFiles=No files
150 noMoreResults=No More Results
151 none=None
152 noResultsFor=No results for '{1}'
153 north=North
154 notConnected=Not connected
155 ok=OK
156 opacity=Opacity
157 open=Open
158 openArrow=Open Arrow
159 openFile=Open file
160 openLink=Open link
161 openInNewWindow=Open in new window
162 openSupported=Supported format is .XML files saved from this software
163 options=Options
164 organic=Organic
165 orthogonal=Orthogonal
166 oval=Oval
167 pages=Pages
168 pageView=Page View
169 pageSetup=Page Setup
170 pageScale=Page Scale
171 pan=Pan
172 paperSize=Paper Size
173 paste=Paste
174 perimeter=Perimeter
175 plain=Plain
176 position=Position
177 posterPrint=Poster Print
178 preview=Preview
179 print=Print
180 readOnly=Read-only
181 reconnecting=Reconnecting
182 redo=Redo
183 removeFromGroup=Remove from group
184 removeWaypoint=Remove waypoint
185 rename=Rename
186 renamed=Renamed
187 renaming=Renaming
188 replace={1} already exists. Do you want to replace it?
189 replaceExistingDrawing=Replace existing drawing
190 reset=Reset
191 resize=Resize
192 retryingIn=Retrying in {1} second(s)
193 retryingLoad=Load failed. Retrying...
194 retryingLogin=Login time out. Retrying...
195 right=Right
196 rightAlign=Right Align
197 rotate=Rotate
198 rotation=Rotation
199 rounded=Rounded
200 save=Save
201 saveAs=Save As
202 saved=Saved
203 saving=Saving
204 scrollbars=Scrollbars
205 search=Search
206 selectAll=Select All
207 selectEdges=Select Edges
208 selectFont=Select a font
209 selectVertices=Select Vertices
210 sendMessage=Send
211 sessionTimeoutOnSave=Your session has timed out and you have been disconnected from the Google Drive. Press OK to login and save.
212 setAsDefaultEdge=Set as default edge
213 shadow=Shadow
214 shape=Shape
215 share=Share
216 shareLink=Link for shared editing
217 sharingServerNotice=Note: Experimental feature. Use at own risk!
218 sharingServerReady=Sharing server is ready.
219 sharingServerUnavailable=Sharing server is unavailable.
220 signOut=Sign Out
221 size=Size
222 sourceSpacing=Source Spacing
223 south=South
224 spacing=Spacing
225 straight=Straight
226 strokeColor=Line color
227 style=Style
228 support=Support
229 targetSpacing=Target Spacing
230 text=Text
231 textAlignment=Text Alignment
232 textOpacity=Text Opacity
233 tilt=Tilt
234 toBack=To Back
235 toFront=To Front
236 tooltips=Tooltips
237 top=Top
238 topAlign=Top Align
239 transparent=Transparent
240 underline=Underline
241 undo=Undo
242 ungroup=Ungroup
243 updatingDocument=Updating Document. Please wait...
244 updatingSelection=Updating Selection. Please wait...
245 url=URL
246 userLoggedOut=Your session has ended. To save any unsaved work you have to log in to your Google account as
247 vertical=Vertical
248 verticalFlow=Vertical Flow
249 verticalTree=Vertical tree
250 view=View
251 west=West
252 width=Width
253 wordWrap=Word wrap
254 zoom=Zoom
255 zoomIn=Zoom In
256 zoomOut=Zoom Out
259 #Giuseppe Careri
260 label=Label
261 timeout=Timeout (seconds)
262 response=Response Timeout
263 digit=Max Digit
264 escape=Escape Digits
265 retry=Retry
266 #Set
267 name=First Name
268 value=Value
269 #Entry
270 entry=Entry
271 start=Start
272 finally=Finally
273 end=End
274 #Variable
275 variable=Variable
276 set=Set
277 operation=Operation
278 math=Math
279 result=Result
280 #Call Management
281 call_management=Call Management
282 answer=Answer
283 hangup=Hangup
284 dial=Internal Dial
285 ext_dial=External Dial
286 phone=Phone
287 trunk=Trunk
288 identifier=Identifier
289 queue=Queue
290 voicemail=VoiceMail
291 boxnumber=Box Number
292 #Playback
293 playback=Playback
294 background=Background
295 menu=Menu
296 saydigits=SayDigits
297 digits=Digits
298 saynumber=SayNumber
299 number=Number
300 sayphonetic=SayPhonetic
301 text=Text
302 escape_digits=Escape Digits
303 tts=GoogleTTS
304 ispeechtts=iSpeechTTS
305 key=Key
306 getdigits=GetDigits
307 mindigit=Min Digits
308 maxdigit=Max Digits
309 custom_app=Custom App
310 language=Language
311 frequency=Frequency
312 #Integration Server
313 integrationServer=Integration Server
314 database=Database
315 query=Query
316 asr=ASR
317 sendSMS=SendSMS
318 sendOpenchannel=Openchannel
319 account_id=Account
320 template_id=Template
321 to=To
322 sms_text=Text
323 openchannel_text=Text
324 sendMail=SendMail
325 subject=Subject
326 cc=Cc
327 threshold=Threshold
328 maxspeech=Max Speech
329 grammar=Grammar
330 ispeechasr=iSpeechASR
331 model=Model
332 #General
333 general=General
334 noop=NoOp
335 output=Output
336 system=System
337 command=Command
338 application=Application
339 agi=AGI
340 args=Arguments
341 subproject=SubProject
342 goalname=Goal Name
343 #Callflow
344 callflow=Callflow
345 gotoc=Goto
346 context=Context
347 extension=Extension
348 gotoif=GotoIf
349 gotoiftime=GotoIfTime
350 gotoifmultitime=GotoIfMultiTime
351 interval=Time Interval
352 leftOperand=Left Operand
353 condition=Condition
354 rightOperand=Right Operand
355 vswitch=Switch
356 #Recording
357 recording=Recording
358 record=Record
359 #Queue
360 queuename=Queue Name
361 announceoverride=Announce Override
362 #QueueLog
363 callid=CallID
364 agent=Agent
365 queue_event=Event
366 data1=Data1
367 data2=Data2
368 data3=Data3
369 data4=Data4
370 data5=Data5
371 macro=Macro
372 #Stats
373 stats=Stats
374 queuelog=QueueLog
375 goal=Goal
376 #Callback
377 callback=Callback
378 list=List
379 delay=Delay
380 list_id=List
381 #Extra
382 opts=Options
383 queue_id=Queue
384 file_id=File
385 variable_id=Variable
386 gosub=Gosub
387 project_id=Project
388 sip_id=SIP
389 trunk_name=Trunk
390 variable_value=Variable Value
391 database_id=Database
392 interval_id=Interval
393 description_start=Start description
394 publish=Pubblica
395 about=About
396 ispeech_asr_language=Language
397 ispeech_tts_language=Language
398 google_tts_language=Language
399 queue_variable=Queue from Variable
400 odbc_id=ODBC Connection
401 #Messages
402 noVariableSelected=Variable is not specified.
403 noTrunkSelected=The Trunk is not specified.
404 noAudioSelected=Audio file is not specified.
405 noOperandSelected=Left operand is not specified.
406 noDatabaseSelected=Database is not specified.
407 noExtensionSelected=Extension is not specified.
408 noCommandSelected=Command is not specified.
409 noApplicationSelected=Application is not specified.
410 noRightOperandSelected=Right operand is not specified.
411 noDigitsSelected=Digits is not specified.
412 noNumberSelected=Number is not specified.
413 noRecipientSelected=Recipient is not specified.
414 noTextSelected=Text is not specified.
415 noAccountSelected=Account is not specified.
416 noKeySelected=Key is not specified.
417 noIdentifierSelected=Identifier is not specified.
418 noQueueSelected=Queue Name is not specified.
419 noConditionSelected=Condition is not specified.
420 noIntervalSelected=Interval is not specified.
421 noContextSelected=Context is not specified.
422 noBoxNumberSelected=Box Name is not specified.
423 noProjectSelected=SubProject is not specified.
424 noFileSelected=File Name is not specified.
425 numberOrInvalidOrTimeout=Insert number, i or t (verify white spaces).
426 numberOrAll=Insert number or -.
427 numberOrInvalidOrDefault=Insert x, i or -.
428 trueOrFalse=Insert true or false.
429 noGoalSelected=Goal is not specified.
430 noListSelected=List is not specified.
431 musthave= must have
432 outgoingedge= outgoing edge.
433 incomingedge= incoming edge.
434 mailbox=Mailbox
435 intKey=Interrupt Key
436 speed=Speed
437 wrongMinDigit=Min Digit has to be greater than 0
438 wrongMaxDigit=Max Digit has to be greater than 0
439 wrongHiddenDigitsnum=Hidden Digits number has to be greater than or equal to 0
440 hiddendigitsnum=Hidden Digits Number
441 hiddendigitspos=Hidden Digits position
442 getsecretdigits=GetSecretDigits
443 beep=Beep
444 description=Description
445 recordingFormat=Format
446 bcc=Bcc
447 noAttachmentSelected=No attachment selected
448 sendFax=SendFax
449 attachment_name=Selected Attachment
450 choose_attachment=Choose Attachment
451 help_choose_attachment=Format: pdf,tiff or tif
452 help_delay=Time, in minutes, to wait before calling back the contact
453 noFirstNameSelected=First Name is not specified
454 noPhoneSelected=Phone is not specified
455 lastName=Last Name
456 invalidTimeout=Invalid Timeout value
457 invalidRetry=Invalid Retry value
458 invalidSpeed=Invalid Speed value
459 missingQuery=The query string is missing
460 invalidPriority=Invalid Priority value
461 noApplicationSelected=The Application is not specified
462 invalidDelay=Invalid Delay value
463 priority=Priority
464 variable_name=Name
465 awspolly=AWS Polly
466 aws_access_key_id=Access Key ID
467 aws_secret_access_key=Secret Access Key
468 aws_polly_region=Region
469 aws_polly_voice=Voice
470 noAccessKeySelected=The Access Key ID is missing
471 noSecretAccessKeySelected=The Secret Access Key is missing
472 projectname=Project Name